(edited by Krash.9486)
I understand , it is the internet, and thinking you could have a mature intelligent and honest exchange about the state of the game and it’s current scoring flaws without some 12 year old troll showing up spouting nonsensical trash talk is just hoping for too much.
Why didn’t your 9 man super group just wipe that zerg like you had been doing all night then? 40+ LOL not even close.. XD
They were probably wiping 20 mans, but then succumbed to 30+. That happens quite frequently on our side of the fight. Especially now that we’ve lost all of our fairweather players while you have gained a lot of your fairweather players.
This reduces the number of “hotspots” which increases your numbers since people are obviously going to go to places where there is a fight. You really have no idea what we are dealing with unless you walk in our shoes. You should probably be thanking us for coming out to fight regardless of the score or the culling and numbers disadvantage we face at times.
We can handle twice our numbers quite well, three times our numbers gets pretty kitten rough.
You honestly don’t think SBI has walked in those shoes x20 already? Try being in T1 with less than the numbers we have now…and T2,T3,T4—-
Been there, done that!
And I wasn’t complaining about the attack. I have said over and over that it is not fun when we own everything and I prefer the small battles too.
It was the poster that I was replying to who making claims that once again paint SBI as a lot of no skill zergers. I was hoping we were past that crap.
That same grp 9v1 me (and I did not go down very fast)….why would they take advantage of their numbers that way I wonder?
BTW…if it were even 20 total that showed eventually I would be surprised. And it was no where near that many that engaged and took out the grp and the siege before the rest trickled in.
(edited by Krash.9486)
I understand , it is the internet, and thinking you could have a mature intelligent and honest exchange about the state of the game and it’s current scoring flaws without some 12 year old troll showing up spouting nonsensical trash talk is just hoping for too much.
Why didn’t your 9 man super group just wipe that zerg like you had been doing all night then? 40+ LOL not even close.. XD
I want to apologize to IOJ and DR for SBI running the table and getting everything. Apparently the server has forgotten what the feels like, I sincerely hope we get bumped up somehow 2 or 3 tiers and zerged 24-7 for about 3 weeks. Maybe that will weed out more fair weather players and cause the server to realize it isn’t smart to stack 500+ points for 3 weeks straight.
We do have everything in the mornings.. I was worried the first morning I saw this, however, by evening it is split fairly evenly. I would say if anything it gives the other teams lots to take over in the afternoon.. that is what I see these past few days anyway.
I got on this morning to drink coffee all green, back from school, red has their bl back and there are multiple colors all around.
So I would not see it as a bad thing. They get to get it back and get karma, xp, loot all that stuff in taking it back.
I think you are right. But I can see how it can be frustrating, For example. We had all of our BL keeps t3 last night and very few of us defending. A Btsy (is that right?) and NoQQ group took SW camp set up trebs and started hitting bay. There were maybe 4-5 of us on map total. Some focus 4 limited the damage and the fortified walls held up very well and gave time to call in reinforcements that then wiped the camp.
Now that is exactly what we should do…but I could not help but feel the frustration from the other servers not having the coverage to keep their stuff upgraded to do the same. Always having to start from scratch everyday.
Well, until Anet restructures WvW points system in some way it will continue to be this way. Middle to end of the week blow outs will keep happening too as the fair weather stop playing when the score is to lopsided to come back from.
And you would think the brackets would eventually balance themselves. But once again with most matches determined way before the end of the week players stop playing and the scores don’t really reflect true server strength IMO. Oh well =/
There were about 9 of us [BSty] and [NoQQ] roaming around. Upon wipin your Zerg a few times things got kind of quiet so we decided to hit the hornets nest! Built that one Treb and a couple of balistas in the camp not for the intention of taking bay, but to draw you guys back to your map! Sure enough, you call reinforcements. It was kind of silly how 40+ showed up to kill 9 of us! But kudos for you guys, for replying to the SOS call of a small roaming group! Talk about calling for back up!
As Vexiq stated we do not tolerate any cheating of any kind. If we find out whoever is behind this we will terminate their membership with the guild and they will be reported as hacking. This has been brought to our attention that a few were doing such a thing and they were dealt with in this manner. I would like to extend our apologies for these incidents and I will personally handle it.
Illusionary Ally, Co-Leader of [RED]
Thank you. I don’t think anyone expects any guild or server to be able to control the actions of all it’s members. These guys were pretty blatant and were doing this in front of many SBI and RED players just south of the SW tower on the road to your spawn point. I am sure other RED players had to have seen it too. So finding them should just be a matter of asking around.
I understand now why some of the sub 80 RED grps we encountered were very squishy. If they were PvEers looking for xp in WvW their gear and level would have been the reason.
I meant no disrespect towards RED in general when I said they were not a WvW grp and melted like butter.
I apologize if it was taken that way.
I want to apologize to IOJ and DR for SBI running the table and getting everything. Apparently the server has forgotten what the feels like, I sincerely hope we get bumped up somehow 2 or 3 tiers and zerged 24-7 for about 3 weeks. Maybe that will weed out more fair weather players and cause the server to realize it isn’t smart to stack 500+ points for 3 weeks straight.
We do have everything in the mornings.. I was worried the first morning I saw this, however, by evening it is split fairly evenly. I would say if anything it gives the other teams lots to take over in the afternoon.. that is what I see these past few days anyway.
I got on this morning to drink coffee all green, back from school, red has their bl back and there are multiple colors all around.
So I would not see it as a bad thing. They get to get it back and get karma, xp, loot all that stuff in taking it back.
I think you are right. But I can see how it can be frustrating, For example. We had all of our BL keeps t3 last night and very few of us defending. A Btsy (is that right?) and NoQQ group took SW camp set up trebs and started hitting bay. There were maybe 4-5 of us on map total. Some focus 4 limited the damage and the fortified walls held up very well and gave time to call in reinforcements that then wiped the camp.
Now that is exactly what we should do…but I could not help but feel the frustration from the other servers not having the coverage to keep their stuff upgraded to do the same. Always having to start from scratch everyday.
Well, until Anet restructures WvW points system in some way it will continue to be this way. Middle to end of the week blow outs will keep happening too as the fair weather stop playing when the score is to lopsided to come back from.
And you would think the brackets would eventually balance themselves. But once again with most matches determined way before the end of the week players stop playing and the scores don’t really reflect true server strength IMO. Oh well =/
I want to apologize to IOJ and DR for SBI running the table and getting everything. Apparently the server has forgotten what the feels like, I sincerely hope we get bumped up somehow 2 or 3 tiers and zerged 24-7 for about 3 weeks. Maybe that will weed out more fair weather players and cause the server to realize it isn’t smart to stack 500+ points for 3 weeks straight.
It is never fun for me to be on either side of a blow out. That said, with the current system this will ALWAYS happen. You can not control all players. When the maps start turning green and the other servers give up for the night or just go to bed players who are looking for map completion or just want to flip stuff for points are going to do it. On ALL servers no matter the history.
I stop having fun when it becomes PvDoor and log off or go …uugh…PvE =(…myself. But if others enjoy it I have no problem with them…it is in the game as it is atm.
The one thing that does kinda bother me is spawn camping….why kick a server when they are down?…….I have seen both sides of that too.. =/
Here are a couple of fights against [SBI].
These are the types of fights that I love, where you have downed people on both sides. Smaller scale fights mean that the choices you make have more impact. Things are more meaningful since the clutch moves you make or the mistakes you make (I point out a mistake I make in the second fight – a pretty bad one that almost costs us the fight) will have a direct impact on the outcome on the fight.
When I complain about zergs, people don’t understand that I’m not complaining because I die to them. I do, of course, die to zergs but we also kill zergs quite frequently. What I don’t like about them is that they are often boring and repetitive to fight.
They force us to run with 10-15 which is not really the playstyle I personally prefer. However, you need 10-15 people to give you a decent chance against 20-30.
LOL..yeah pretty sure that is my little Asura ele you had targeted a few times. (edit: yeah that was me the Asura ele with the floppy black ears you had targeted when you went down) And you met the pink afro mesmer army of Jic and his crew too..lol. I also have some fraps of some fights that night, I will try to edit and post them. We were in the field fighting pretty much the whole night with the most 10-15 or smaller up to…maybe 20 at one point. These are the kind of fights I find the most fun too!
At one point we held the rock in front of SW tower in IoJ BL for a very long time vs much higher numbers. Too bad the rock don’t give any points..lol…gave some bags…but most of all lots of fun! =)
(edited by Krash.9486)
My apologies if my comment earlier sounded like I didn’t believe it, the screenshot just wasn’t very clear, and not due to anyone’s fault who are posting here. I hate screenshots for that reason, as it’s easy to misunderstand what is going on, it has nothing to do with the subject matter at all. The second screenshot however, sums it up pretty well.
Yes, that is the correct guild name/tag, and Moozilla is the guild leader. He can often be found in Lion’s Arch recruiting. Seems to be a pretty cool guy the few times I’ve chatted with him in Lion’s Arch, and although they are mainly a PvE guild, they do PvP and WvW as well. Most are Karma trains, but there are a few in RED that are into WvW and are pretty good and competitive as well.
As others have pointed out, apologies from DR for this, and hopefully it will be dealt with abruptly and appropriately. I can’t stand hackers/exploiters, and hope that it’s dealt with.
Not sure if there is any point in posting it here. But these players were back tonight and I was frapping and have them speed hacking and flying.
We did report them as “botting” for what good that will do. If you can pass this on to their guild leader I am sure they would want to stop this before it hurts the guild anymore then it has.
We were top server just a few weeks ago, now we can barely hold a handful of towers. Are we destined for T8? If that’s the case, I’ll probably just transfer. I play this game for WvW and running around with groups about half the size of the others servers isn’t fun, unless repair bills are considered fun.
Speaking from the perspective of the SBI fall out of T1 I can say it depends on how people react. There can be a snowball effect that your statement that you will just transfer demonstrates. The more people that feel like you do and can’t/won’t hang on and stick with the server as it falls, the further you will fall.
We had enough good core players and a strong community and the foresight to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And seem to have stopped our slide at T5. With a very good chance of going to T4 we think. (probably not much higher than that)
So it is up to the players that remain if that light at the end of the tunnel is your new home in a middle tier….or if it is a train coming head on and a fall all the way to the cellar..
I think what happens to SoR in the following weeks will be very interesting. The way things stand now it seems likely that there will be a merger of SoR and Kain (with Kain getting the transfers) in order for there to be 3 evenly balanced “stacked” servers in T1. I hope for SoR’s sake I am wrong..but seems to be lining up that way.
Until Anet finds a new way to score these match ups, 24/7 coverage will be king….and it seems to get that you must stack. It’s a shame in one way. And good in another as it gives the GvG experience many players seem to want.
Y’all can have your T1….I like my fights on a smaller scale with a little breathing room in between myself. =)
(edited by Krash.9486)
3 RED Players were using hacks to fly/speed around the south island of SBI BL, this distracted from a northern assault by the same guild at Bay with golems. We don’t know if any hacks were involved with the northern assault.
Not saying they weren’t flying or hacking, but this is why I think screenshot’s are useless, and that videos would tell a much better picture. To me, that picture looks like he’s standing on the rubble, which would then imply he’s not flying, rather he jumped up there. So hard to tell from just that screenshot alone, IMO.
Hopefully, if they are hacking, Anet will sort it out, and ban them.
Here’s another screenshot to satisfy the skeptics. We also had a RED ranger get into Redlake tower long before the gate was down.
Thank you for reporting this.
Lets hope Anet bans them from our server. We don’t need this kind of people on DR.
RED is a PvE guild that we see often jump into WvW for a bit, and they have some nice WvW players too. But they are a very big pve guild, so it seems they got some bad apples. Apologies from DR.
On a brighter note, had some fun in IoJ bl last night just roaming and trying to poke at you from different sides. AD , did you guys take bay? We weren’t sure if it was you guys or someone else.
Lion of the Wind
It is a shame that a few people can sometimes tarnish the reputation of a whole guild and/or server. I didn’t see this myself and personally haven’t seen any exploits or hacks from either server so far.
There have been a very few times we had players use exploits too. They were called out and reported by our own players. We don’t roll that way on SBI.
Thank you for doing the same and not trying to defend or deny these actions. Much respect for that.
I don’t normally trash talk a player or guild individually. But I can tell RED is not a WvW guild in any case. They seem to run in groups of 20 or more and when we first encountered them we thought we were in for a fight which is the case most times with organized guild groups. But they melted like butter. Many weren’t 80 too..so that was part of it I am sure. We concluded they must have been PvEers doing map completion. We keep seeing them though. We have wiped their 20+ groups with 5-10 man havocs however.
With those numbers they could be a force for you with some training——-and some purging of the few hacker/exploiters they have.
We had some good fights and lots of fun last night BTW.
(edited by Krash.9486)
As much as this server stacking thing just doesn’t feel right to me…won’t SoR and Kain basically HAVE TO merge now in order for T1 to have 3 fairly balanced servers?
And IF they do, does that mean T1 is pretty much locked down forever with those 3?
Seems there should be a better way/method
(edited by Krash.9486)
edit * LOL…NOW I see why the word “kitten” is used so much on this forum…I thought it was the latest buzz word or something….it’s the cursing filter…lol…anyway to turn that off?
It can’t be turned off. The best you can do is learn to read “kitten” in a whole new light when on these forums
Well…What the kitten! If I want to yell kitten or call people a kitten or have them yell kitten at me..well kitten! That should kitten be my kitten choice. This is kitten censorship!
And I wrote “kitten” each time =/
WvW players need love too =(
Or other color. Apologies if this has already been discussed but its hard to see if you are standing between 30 dead or alive enemies sometimes.
Or have the name tags go away completely once the player is dead.
I know how he feels. I was in this EXACT situation on Tuesday I think it was at around 7:00 EST. There was a golem and 3 rams and 20+ DR beating down the door…and just me defending…I sent out the call and a few brave souls showed up but too little to late to save our fully upgraded Bay…..these kitten keeps are just money pits…not a very good ROI really….
edit * LOL…NOW I see why the word “kitten” is used so much on this forum…I thought it was the latest buzz word or something….it’s the cursing filter…lol…anyway to turn that off?
(edited by Krash.9486)
This thread was taking a positive direction and then this clown decides to snidely derail it again with claims of massive 40 man zergs and PvD as our only merits!
Calling him a clown isn’t helping either.
I’m very passionate about my server, and have been with it forever. That said, some of our best representatives don’t post on the forums because they’re only interested in the fights and that’s their forte. It isn’t helping anything by retaliating to a nasty comment any more than it is to make the nasty comment in the first place. I’ve seen solid strategy from DR and IoJ in this match-up, and I know that I can continue to expect more down the road. I know that we also employ excellent strategy as well. Coverage plays an immense role in the success of a server as far as points and ppt go, and while I know I strive to maintain as many holdings as possible, I’m not playing for the ppt, I’m playing for the thrill of the combat and the strategies and counter-strategies that get used to take and defend a holding, or in the tactics necessary to come out on top in a massive ground battle. I have seen those tactics, and I have employed those tactics, and it is good. That’s all need be said.
Yes, and I have complemented DR and IoJ MANY times in this thread and said 99.9% are a pleasure to interact with on the forums and on the battle field. In fact I had a great time at fight night and partied with this guys guild mates I believe. (Who knows..maybe him?)
But you need to go back through the posts to understand that a couple here have over and over baited with thinly veiled insults. I should not have taken that bait and will not again. =)
Is there going to be another attempt at another fight night? I think we should try to make it a regular thing. Is fun and I think it will help ppl learn to counter other classes in open world PvP better than sPvP or even group fights in WvW
I think people are just tired of complaining about numbers or coverage tilted one way or the other. DR has done a bit of complaining bout that and we have complained bout their complaining while LOJ just seems to enjoy a good fight and putting up some great Keep defense in EB
People who love to game, get passionate at times. Happens to many of us and has happened to me. SBI has been stomped repeatedly before this match by large zergs and we never really bothered to complain about literally having days of not reaching 100 points. Many of us that were around for our tier one days and then continued to fight our way down to tier five, took our lumps but continued to show up and took more lumps, so when we see DR complaining about numbers it sets us a bit off.
Gravy speaks the truth!
When someone is constantly giving credit for our success to numbers and numbers only not skill or strategy it gets to be (and is intended to be) insulting.
And when it comes from someone who tried to prove we spawn camp by posting pictures of a few of our players at NW Cit gate….and then trying to say that was the fastest route to garrison…lmao…there is no credibility in the statements at all and I should not even take my time and will not take my time to respond anymore.
This thread was taking a positive direction and then this clown decides to snidely derail it again with claims of massive 40 man zergs and PvD as our only merits!
blah, blah, blah,
not gong to engage in this nonsense…anymore
Most of our forces now are always in our BL, except when the whole thing is green and we station only a small group there to alert us if we’re about to lose something major. .
This is not the case anymore. In fact just last night (possibly the night before) Someone came into EB chat and said we needed help in SBI borderlands. They were told to let them take it- we could get it back easy later. So yeah that is the case these days. We don’t really care if it gets taken because we will get it back.
I believe that was in response for help keeping an non-upgraded south tower. I have never seen a time that a call for help defending an upgraded keep was ignored. There have been times help arrived too late or in too few numbers however. Of course I am not always on so there may have been times I am not aware of…
Every time I have gone to SBI BL there hasn’t been a queue. The one time I know there were like 40 of us there last night was after we saved Bay (and my squad was pulled from EB to do that). Afterwards we ran through the map to make sure that we had control before heading back to our regularly scheduled plan. I don’t really want to argue numbers because that isn’t a fun use of my time, but I will say this: I know we have outnumbered the other servers many times in this match-up, and sometimes that causes us to paint our numbers low and those we outnumber to paint our numbers high.
Just FYI in case you haven’t been watching what is happening in T1….SoS is on the way down here as BG has lured their more fair-weather guilds like other servers did to us…I have heard they even paid some of them in gems to transfer……mercenaries can not be trusted to be loyal in the long run though I am thinking….and so the server-go-round continues…lol
Yeah, I’ve been watching, and hope they find the tier that most suits what they are capable of soon and without weeks of slaughter.
Of course there won’t be a queue on SBI BL. It is really quite interesting. On both reset nights we have taken pretty much half your BL, you seem to completely ignore it. Then when DR goes to bed you PvD it back and upgrade it fully for the next prime time. Once that happens, well, it’s no point going back there since you can just look for contested WP’s and defend the fully upgraded / sieged up keeps with ~10 people should the need arise.
And 5-10 people during the off hours? No.
You pretty much always have 25-35 people in EB during ~04:00-18:00 server time, at least during the weekends. Once you push us out of there, you move on to DRBL. During this time DR cannot even field half of that, and usually our entire EB corner and BL is flipped. The fact that it seems blue to you when you log on is because we PvD it back once your zerg leaves.
OK, you got us…we really DO have massive numbers on all maps at all times. The reason they don’t always respond in time to your golem rushes is that they are busy camping the NW exit of Citadel as this is a prime spot for kills and badges and as everyone knows the “fastest” route to garrison. o.O
we have invaluable experience in T1 against the likes of JQ, SoR, SoS, and so forth.
Just FYI in case you haven’t been watching what is happening in T1….SoS is on the way down here as BG has lured their more fair-weather guilds like other servers did to us…I have heard they even paid some of them in gems to transfer……mercenaries can not be trusted to be loyal in the long run though I am thinking….and so the server-go-round continues…lol
I am sure Anet has smarter people than me coming up with this stuff.
I’m pretty sure they don’t.
I am pretty sure that is meant as insult to Anet’s intelligence….but I choose to take it as a complement to mine! =)
Honestly I think we would have done fine in tier 4 against yb and cd if all these people showed up! We may have lost.. but it would not have been as bad as it was.
Seriously there have been people on every map this week.. every map! That was nonexistent in T4. Everyone was just pouting how we would just drop to T8 and be the worst server. Well there were those of us that kept fighting against the odds.. and low and behold we get some points and are winning and out of nowhere we have a queue on EB and people actually playing on all the borderlands.
I understand there are fair weather players but this is ridiculous. We should have had all these people in T4 instead of them crying about how we lost like 3 guilds.
Don’t get me wrong I really like all the people but I sincerely hope that all these players continue when we get outmanned or a harder match or (gasp) are in last place score wise because if we go back and forth from ghost town to steamroll it is going to suck.
Just an example of the difference.. In the YB CD fight I went to EB no one there. I decide to kill the veteran guards for the dailies and take some supply camps. I run into 1 other player and talk them into running back and forth with me to take a tower.. We take it- Then 1 other person shows up we take 2 more towers with 3 people lol. This was the EB population during that match up lol. It is by far much larger now- Not a bad thing I just want them to stay when it is harder!
We do have more players showing up then before because they see that we are winning in points.
But it is a gross exaggeration to say we have numbers on all maps at all times. That save at Bay mentioned above came because reinforcements were called for from other maps for example.
There have been quit a few occasions that I and maybe 3-4 others were the ONLY players in SBI BL (And this WAS prime time) and had to put out a call for help to save a keep being PvDoored. Many times they get there in time, but sometimes they don’t.
So response time and scouting should not be confused with having enough numbers for total BL/EB coverage. We aren’t there yet. And if we move up it tier to soon we will find that out the hard way!
Fight night was fun, I think we need to schedule more of these and see if we can work out a time that fits for all three servers. Had some quite good fights even though I lost them all, just showed me I have a weak spot in solo play for ele. Though being as I started ele for 5man tourneys doesn’t quite surprise me since I was running more team oriented builds or bunker and my current build is a split between both of them XD
Will have to work on fighting against mesmers and figuring out how to work with pistol thiefs, that range makes it so much harder, plus you guys run away less so it isn’t about catching up and killing you at that point. Though I was already noticing that before this. I will give mad props to that Ranger with the Ascendant title, I went in to that expecting a much easier fight and got caught way off gaurd!
So hopefully I will be around for next one and won’t be interupted with food half-way through. XD
Yes, this was fun even though I got there late and couldn’t stay but for a couple of fights. Hope we can do this some more. And get the word out so random roaming groups don’t disrupt the action.
I was in the middle of a fight with a mesmer that already felt like I was fighting a whole party when another party showed up and finished me off…lol…no worries, they didn’t know what was going on.
Anet really should introduce open world dueling into the game. sPvP is not the same as WvW and it does not really help hone WvW skills IMO.
And my skills need honing… =/
Just logged on and the map is sad. I really wish all these SBI people had come out when we were against CD and YB. The maps where ghost towns on our side during that time and if the numbers we have now would have just shown up we would not be against people that are clearly out numbered.. and it almost seems have given up
SBI did not have these numbers on the maps 2-3 weeks ago and no queue… in fact you were hard pressed to find a commander outside of Kiwi and KT and it was usually only on 1 map.
I hope we move up soon so we can play a bit bigger servers.. and I hope that everyone that has shown up lately keeps showing up – even if it is hard fighting- so we do not end up like this again.
It is not fun to lose but it is not fun to just roll the other teams either!
One of the problems with getting people to turn out is the scoring system. If one server has a clear advantage in coverage, population or even just skill/tactics/strategy that gives them a lead in points that the other servers see can not be overturned many players just give up on trying. I don’t, because the score is pretty meaningless to me…but that’s me. It’s human nature to stop investing time in a hopeless cause.
I had an idea on how they could change how points are earned but I have not really taken the time to nor do I have the knowledge to consider all the variables or consequences. I am sure Anet has smarter people than me coming up with this stuff. But for the sake of argument here is a very rough summary of what I was thinking might work.
Instead of earning points only on captured assets. Players would also earn points for contribution that would add to the total score. Things like kills, keep/tower/camp captures, siege placement, upgrades, yaks escorted, npc nodes captured, repairs etc.
Then you change the out-manned buff to effect the amount of points players get based on a parentage of the population difference. And have rewards for those players buffed as well. This would give small groups a chance to make a difference and encourage them to keep trying even when overwhelmed by numbers.
I am sure there are all kinds of problems with that idea that I have not considered. And getting Anet to implement it would likely be impossible anyway. Just some random thoughts for what it’s worth.
(edited by Krash.9486)
And the cannibals get cannibalized….
So if the bandwagon jump to BG is successful and JQ is knocked out of 1st place or even T1…..where are those guilds that just have to be number one going to go next?
Kaineng ?
just wondering.. =/
Even If JQ were to lose a match, rating would keep JQ #1 for the following week. JQ also had a large stable WvW player core before the transfer lockdown. So it wouldn’t lose more than a few fair weather guilds in the worst case.
The other thing is to also take into account that T1 will be competitive with 3 heavily active servers kicking each other as much as possible in the jollies. So if there is an exchange of crowns it will be hard fought and won by sub 30k leads.
For your sake I hope you are right. But take out “JQ” and insert HoD, IoJ SBI, SoS..etc and most of the above statement applied then too.
I am glad SBI finally found a tier/s that suits it’s servers player base.
Thanks! =)
The most fun I have had in WvW in a long time! I am running your build on my ele BTW…works great!
. ……resign yourself to the fact that a good portion of the WvW crowd are nothing more than frontrunners who lose interest the moment the outcome isn’t certainly in their favor…
And those are the ones that will transfer again and again and again….
And the cannibals get cannibalized….
So if the bandwagon jump to BG is successful and JQ is knocked out of 1st place or even T1…..where are those guilds that just have to be number one going to go next?
Kaineng ?
just wondering.. =/
From what I’ve seen of the guilds we have on JQ I’d be honestly surprised if people jumped ship simply because of being knocked down. Cats, it happened before and we help together nicely and came back stronger than ever. (Avoided the “kitten” filter!)
I am sorry, of course you are right. I can think of no guild on JQ that would jump ship simply because the server is not doing as well as it once had.
My apologizes sir!
And the cannibals get cannibalized….
So if the bandwagon jump to BG is successful and JQ is knocked out of 1st place or even T1…..where are those guilds that just have to be number one going to go next?
Kaineng ?
just wondering.. =/
And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.
….. I feel WvW has lot’s of room for lot’s of play styles; Small Man, Zerg, Solo Roam, or whatever your flavor.
Of course, you are correct and I did not mean to suggest that ONLY defending from within a keep/tower with siege is good strategy. But it is a viable and necessary one that some in this thread have suggested indicates unskilled players unable to compete in the field.
Jumping out of your keep into the middle of the attacking forces does not prove skill or courage regardless of the result. It just proves you don’t understand how the game works.
There is a need for every type of play style you mentioned and maybe a few more, and that includes the much denounced zerg.
(edited by Krash.9486)
Just had a crazy idea that I am sure someone will be able to shot full of holes, but thought I would float it out there anyway.
Everyone knows the current ’out-manned” buff is worthless as far as helping the out-manned in anyway defend their stuff or get points in anyway for their server. I have seen it proposed to make the buff a stat buff which might make it easier for smaller numbers to prevail over larger. One problem with that would be making 1v1 fights way unbalanced.
Well how about if points were awarded to an individual players contribution that would add to the over all server score. Kills, building siege, repairing, upgrading, escorting yaks, successful assaults, successful defenses, etc. Would all earn points for each player that would count to the servers total. And then the out manned could buff the points by a percentage of the population unbalance. Rewards would also be buffed to encourage players to participate even when out-manned.
I also think players who set siege should get a small amount of credit for each kill that siege does if they are using it or someone else is. Which gives incentive to set siege.
Kind of off the subject. But upgrades should also be able to be purchased by contributing to a pool. That way players could contribute a small amount for the upgrade spreading the cost around and not putting it all on one player or counting on a guild leader to be on who has guild funds to draw from.
(edited by Krash.9486)
I know things looked bleak for DR last night. But I wanted to complement their defense of the DR BL Garrison. They were getting hit from both sides with Trebs, Golems, Rams and massive numbers. Both SBI and IoJ made it into the lords rooms several times and I believe the Lord was even downed at least once. But DR held and wiped our forces with good positioning, good siege placement and flanking moves. As well as placing forces in key points on the map to block our reinforcements and choke off supply to the assault force! I had to log off after a few attempts so I don’t know if it eventually fell or not.
Good Job guys. It was little victories like these that kept our morale up and kept it fun when we were in similar circumstances facing superior forces but still holding on to our little piece.
Don’t get me wrong..you well get no mercy from SBI, just as we got none. But prevailing in these battles will just make you better.
And this should also show the wisdom in upgrading, placing siege and then manning that siege and fighting from inside the keep/tower. That is a GOOD strategy and was intended to be part of this game style. And anyone that criticizes players for doing it or calls them cowards for doing it are just not very good strategist , or more likely just trolls.
In any case once again, GG DR!
(edited by Krash.9486)
Just wanted to say thanks to DR and IoJ for all the good fights and good fun again.
Score means nothing in this set up due to uneven coverages. SBI has been at the bottom of the score board for many weeks until this match up and we still had fun, we still had victories, we still had tons of pride in the skill and strategy of our players and commanders even in a “points” losing cause. And so should DR and IoJ!!
In our last match up Yak’s Bend and Crystal Desert showed us nothing but respect and goodwill on the forums as have 99% of DR and IoJ. The two exceptions have shown themselves to be irrelevant have made ridiculous accusations (SBI spawn camping a side exit of citadel for one…LMAO!!) which lost them all credibility and exposed them for the trolls they are. I won’t mention names because they know who they are and I won’t acknowledge them or their posts here again.
Lets just have some fun in the BLs! I mean that is what games are for…right!!
I agree with you. We on DR realize we are a T5 server, and that we will most likely be stuck here for a long, long time. This means we (at least I, and many of my friends) value the combative aspects of WvW far more than the race for points. It’s nice to win, but after having lost for ~2months straight, any people who only cared for winning are long gone.
The problem is that it seems SBI does not share this mentality. For example, instead of defending our BL after you night cap it, you choose to leave it and let us PvD for 30min every day. When we were fighting Maguuma, they always captured our bay, upgraded it fully, and defended it ferociously throughout the week, recapturing it should it fall. Should a sizeable DR force appear in DRBL while you are PvDooring it, you are often quick to leave it for another zone where points may more easily be obtained too. And instead of defending a tower in EB, you choose to treb it from your keep after we take it and move on. We used to have epic 2-3 hour battles over single towers when fighting Ehmry Bay.
Also, both EB and DR have competent small groups that used to go around zerg-busting. When these groups met by coincidence, epicness ensued. I have never had encounters like these with SBI.
You are right though, I shouldn’t generalize. Me complaining about SBI playing for points might seem weird, but it is taking away from the fun that I could be having (probably a month from now, too), and that makes me a little frustrated.
Why won’t you believe that we DO NOT have the population to cap your BL and then assign people to upgrade and defend it? Most of our WvW guilds left before the free server transfers stopped. In fact it feels like to me that DR has more numbers.
So why don’t you stay and upgrad and defend keeps in our BL you just flipped? I run most of the time in small guild grps of 5 to 10 and we have had many good fights. But we have also seen LARGE zergs of 20-30 (probably pugs) die or run before us. So stop dissing us. The people that stayed on SBI are competent experienced PvPers and I am getting really tired of you calling us out on our skill and play style. We have much less WvW population then EB had and yet we win many battles both undermanned and at times over. Many of us have given you guys complements but it seems all we get from you are insults. Good Sportsmanship is a winners trait!
Well – at first I checked the guild tags – seen some that would never do camp spawn in their lives – KT, AB, Heet etc.
Then I realized:
- The fight was at a side exit from the citadel…hardly a camp spawn point
- The groups was heading to Spirit- SBI was attacking the Garrison and this group was probably heading there
So – try harder. Also I find it impolite to post a pic where your party uses an F word against SBI (not that we don’t – we don’t show it) Could’ve erased that part.
You sure are quite amusing. I am confident that running through our Citadel is not the way to Spiritholme (I mean, you can clearly see multiple people running TOWARDS the portal). And that side exit IS the fastest way to Garrison, believe it or not. You know, the place we were trying to defend?
I do recall WM spawn camping a lot too, I think Oozo has a video of it even, so I guess it’s not too shocking that SBI would follow suit.
Regarding the SBI part, I am pretty sure neither you or me have any clue what the context is, and as such it would probably have been better to ignore it.
LOL you use that exit as the fastest route to Garrison…..credibility GONE!
SBI here – it’s not like I prefer running around in a zerg in which my contributions are minimized, but smaller groups rarely form, and I’m a nobody, so people won’t listen to me.
Besides, Grundlebad (a commander) is awesome.
Is he from KT? They have a fairly good commander from my experience. Charr I think.
I find it telling that SBI has had an increase in participation since dropping down to a more ‘livable’ bracket. I would conclude that more people play if they feel they have a chance to win or do something of any meaning.
If ANet just removed the score and allowed the map situation to dictate interest then it could help overall participation.
I don’t think it’s the score that’s brought anyone back. It’s the fact that we’re not being camped at our portals most likely. Very few people want to step out into the WvW zone and instantly be targeted by siege equipment.
I couldn’t agree more on the spawn camping part.
You aren’t trying to say the pic is a spawn camp are you? Cause if you are……o.O
And that is also why you are seeing a high level of frustration among some players from DR. We know that we beat you in terms of organization (coming from DR, that is saying a lot), but still those points on the scoreboard will endlessly keep going up for you guys, because you can constantly field 30+ players in multiple borderlands, while DR has a prime time of about 3-4 hours, and then perhaps ~15 players total in all maps past that.
I understand that things can look very different from different perspectives. And I do not intend to get into a back and forth exchange with anyone on this forum that will just tarnish the good times MOST players on all servers are having in this match up.
Are there times we have more players then you…of course. There are other times that we are massively outnumbered as well! REALLY!! It does not seem to me to be any particular time frame either. It is very inconstant. I am not on at all time however so there may be times everyday that we have players and you don’t IDK.
Admittedly I have personally participated in what turned out to be PvDoor. And this was in prime time. I don’t know what the circumstance were. But we found almost ALL of DR devoid of defenders. I commented several times on TS how disappointing it was and how it was NOT fun. But what do you do when you attack a keep and find no defenders? Leave it alone? That would be bad tactics as well.
I have also been one of those few defenders as I watched a completely upgraded Garrison taken down by a DR zerg of 30+ and 6 golems! I saluted and did not cry out you PvDooring zerggers!!
It is part of the game. I wish they could introduce a mechanic that would ensure balanced coverage and leave the winning to skill alone but I don’t know how that would be done.
I have also been in groups of 10-15 when we wiped groups of 30 or more. AND Vesa Versa!
You can always find examples of good and bad game play on every server. To point out one and say that is indicative of the whole server all the time is just silly.
I don’t care so much for the PvDoor you guys engage in. When I said PvD I meant the fact that we (DR) have to turn a completely undefended DRBL and then EB corner before any real action can take place. Every day.
And afaik we have only taken garrison once this match up. It was with 5 golems and 2 mesmers, + 2-3 puggies we picked up along the way. No 30+ zerg here.
Ok fine, you NEVER have a zerg and ALL your successful battles have come when you can scrape together a grp of 3-6 pugs so your pro skills can wipe our incompetent 30+ man zergs!
Zergs BTW that ALWAYS hide in fortified Keeps AND ALWAYS are running around the map attacking solo players at the same time.
You are awesome dude…just frigging awesome!!….if you could field 10 man groups we would just not have a chance! o.O
Gotcha…..moving on….
To all SBI ers – they be trolling us. Skillfully, almost funny but still
They belong to a sad group of WvWers – the ones that wanted to have GvG, guild team vs guild team, small numbers with high coordination. Nothing wrong with that – just that ANet seems to avoid providing this. They are the “dedicated” PvPers that enjoy the GW2 PvP mechanics but loathe the WvW structure, that does not really reward the high skilled small groups.
We had people like this on SBI you know them – it’s mostly thanks to them that we got to T1. Also – they were the ones to leave – apparently the current T1 is the place to do this type of competition.
The annoying part is when they start criticizing others for “zerging”, “not roaming in small groups”, or “being low skilled players”. Who cares if it’s right – it is them who are in the wrong place not us.
A good analogy would be a group of high level soccer players that have no dedicated practice or competing context, so they have to share the public court with casuals and kids playing for fun. They will have fun for a while but after that they will not like that the opponents who are 3 times their numbers will defeat them and complain about zerg", unskilled opposition and so on …
Here is to hoping Anet gives them the playing ground they are looking for.
Wow. We are not trolling you. We just were bored last night, so me and 4 others decided to roll GS / Rifle warriors, and run around in a clump spamming auto attack. Someone came up with the brilliant idea of creating a guild called “Warr Machine”, record the whole thing, and then post it on the forums under the title “Are we ready for T1 yet?”. Anyway, we went into EB after a while and people started saying that WM had joined DR etc and it kind of caught on from there.
And your analogy is quite poor. It takes thousands of hours to become a football pro, whereas it takes a few minutes for someone to leave the zerg and start accomplishing things on their own. Seriously, whenever I command EB against you guys I know for a fact that you will have ONE big zerg running around, and hardly anyone doing anything else. That is why you lose when numbers are equal. The only reason we don’t completely stomp SBI during prime time is because we have paper everything while you can hide behind fully upgraded and fully sieged up towers and keeps.
And that is also why you are seeing a high level of frustration among some players from DR. We know that we beat you in terms of organization (coming from DR, that is saying a lot), but still those points on the scoreboard will endlessly keep going up for you guys, because you can constantly field 30+ players in multiple borderlands, while DR has a prime time of about 3-4 hours, and then perhaps ~15 players total in all maps past that.
I understand that things can look very different from different perspectives. And I do not intend to get into a back and forth exchange with anyone on this forum that will just tarnish the good times MOST players on all servers are having in this match up.
Are there times we have more players then you…of course. There are other times that we are massively outnumbered as well! REALLY!! It does not seem to me to be any particular time frame either. It is very inconstant. I am not on at all time however so there may be times everyday that we have players and you don’t IDK.
Admittedly I have personally participated in what turned out to be PvDoor. And this was in prime time. I don’t know what the circumstance were. But we found almost ALL of DR devoid of defenders. I commented several times on TS how disappointing it was and how it was NOT fun. But what do you do when you attack a keep and find no defenders? Leave it alone? That would be bad tactics as well.
I have also been one of those few defenders as I watched a completely upgraded Garrison taken down by a DR zerg of 30+ and 6 golems! I saluted and did not cry out you PvDooring zerggers!!
It is part of the game. I wish they could introduce a mechanic that would ensure balanced coverage and leave the winning to skill alone but I don’t know how that would be done.
I have also been in groups of 10-15 when we wiped groups of 30 or more. AND Vesa Versa!
You can always find examples of good and bad game play on every server. To point out one and say that is indicative of the whole server all the time is just silly.
It is not the same WM look at the spelling. The WM from SBI was spelled “War Machine” that one is spelled “Warr Machine”. It is all a psycological play to try to brek our morale on SBI. Either way no worries no matter what is done to us it just makes us stronger which is why we were in T1 for so long against outnumbering odds until we just finally lost to many players to hold in that teir. We where holding in T1 at 3 to 1 odds and when we hit zergs 5-6 times larger than ours we wtill held. Our problem was map coverage compared to their map coverage. It is all tatics and pride and we have both.
So many things wrong with this post.
You do realize there is more than one WM guild? Warr Machine is a strict, Korean guild that transferred from Kaineng to DR yesterday, and they have been around for a long while. If you truly think that we created a fake WM guild to lower your morale.. Well sir, in all due respect, you are a nutcase.
The fact that you’re boasting about how you’re winning because of tactics instead of numbers is actually laughable. When our numbers were equal just a few days ago on Thursday, IoJ took SM and DR took Lowlands, completely wiping SBI out of EB. Was that all part of your “tactics”?
There is really no need to start flaming and calling people names. If it was intended or not the impression was that it was being said that the War Machine that started on SBI and then moved to Kaing was now moving to DR. Which would make no sense at all. If they wanted to move down in tier again why wouldn’t they just come back to SBI where they have roots?
And I was on all maps at sometime during the above mentioned take over and I was on our team-speak. And I can assure you there were maybe 20 of us TOTAL on on 4 maps and no way we could hold vs massive forces from both IoJ and DR. I was in SM when it was overrun and there were maybe 5-10 of us there. Our BL was getting hit too and the few of us that were on tried to decide where to try to defend.
We did get more forces after everything had been flipped and started taking it back. But the reality was that you did NOT face larger numbers and defeat us anyway.
I have given props to both servers and still do. That was a great assault on your part. But we were massively undermanned and your two servers seemed to be cooperating as well. Which is fine with me BTW.
I love this match up and think it is one of the most balanced in all tiers right now. We have won at times with better tactics and strategies as have both DR and IoJ.
Trash talking name calling nonsense does not add to the enjoyment however!
Coverage is the real winner. Numbers alone won’t always give you a win. The difference between Ebay and SBI is that Ebay had several groups that would roam with 10 or less. So, even though they were beating DR far worse than SBI on points they were more fun to fight. SBI almost always has 15 or more and often times runs with 30+.
SBI is a zerg-mentality server. There are exceptions to the rule, of course.
Haven’t seen you say a good thing yet about SBI, even though almost every post from SBI players are complimentary and respectful to the other servers in this match up.
I have seen you say that we don’t come out of our keeps to fight, then you say we are a bunch of zergers….can you zerg in a keep?
I have to just assume you have some problem with SBI that will never let you see anything good about how we fight and/or conduct ourselves.
Which for me means you have lost any credibility. Don’t bother flaming me because I have blocked your posts since your opinion is jaded and irrelevant.
To the rest of our DR and IoJ opponents;
Good Job guys…this match up is a lot of fun. Keep it up!
As far a population, I really don’t think SBI has a huge advantage there. I NEVER see queues for BL or EB maps anymore since the max Exodus before free transfers stopped.
I have seen times when we have been massively out-manned by DR and IoJ separately and more recently when their forces were combined we lost almost everything we had as we tried to defend SBI BL and EB with maybe 20 players total vs what had to be 100+ on all maps. Good show on that BTW DR & IoJ. We love the competition.
Balanced coverages are spotty and inconstant however. There are times like yesterday that we found very few defenders in DR BL and we and IoJ took virtually the whole map. That makes me sad because it is not fun to PvDoor. But when you attack an objective and find it undefended what do you do? Leave it alone? DR did show on map soon after and reclaimed the map. GG for that.
I wish there was a way to ensure the number of forces on map are balanced but I don’t know how that would be done. The most fun I have had in this tier is when all three servers have good population and the outcome is uncertain and determined on skill and tactics not being overwhelmed by numbers. We HAVE had a lot of those too this week!
As far as fighting in the field…I think you may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course we defend a Keep or Tower from attackers from inside …that is just good tactics…..but we have commanders that do nothing but take the fight to the enemy in the field and we practice tactics and strategy to do just that. We do much more in the field fighting then in the keep/tower fighting. In fact it is hard to get people to stay in them as scouts and defenders because the most fun is to be had in the toe to toe fights in the field.
SBI may be winning in score but please don’t let that discourage. We play for fun and have not won in points for some time but we have won our battles and keep pushing right up to reset even when there is no possible chance to catch up in score.
DR and IoJ have given us some great fights and dominated us many times this week and the score means nada! Thanks guys for the fun. Hope to see you again next week!
(edited by Krash.9486)
SBI has had a couple of rough months with a loss of a lot of WvW players looking to find their final home before the end of free transfers.
We have a strong, friendly and respectful community and have shown well at times even vs overwhelming numbers. We have been proud of our small victories as underdogs.
Believe me the score is not ALL important to those who stayed. If it had been they likely would not have stayed.
We had specific detailed and practiced strategies going into this reset. Some worked , some didn’t. And verse obviously skilled and practiced PvPers like we saw in DR and IoJ we of course felt some well deserved and long awaited pride in our successes.
Congratulations to DR and IoJ for their excellent play as well, we have nothing but respect for both. And know this match up could go to anyone one of the three. We look forward to many more days and weeks of fun fights with you guys!
Good Luck!
Hi, I have been on SBI since early release and WvWvW is pretty much all I do. I have leveled 3 80s in WvWvW.
SBI WvWvW was always tactics and strategy first. The zerg became a factor too in order to counter high population servers zerg tactics.
After losing a major guild due to issues outside of the SBI community maintaining the counter zerg was hard and resulted in player burn out for many trying to hold on to our #1 status. Some felt it was easier and would be more fun to join the 24/7 zerg then to try to face it anymore.
But the core tactics and strategy players remain. There will be an adjustment period and we will fall out of the top tiers. No matter how good it is, strategy can not over come 10 to 1 odds.
I and many others here welcome this change. Mindless zerging is…well …mindless and NOT fun from either side. Yes we will drop and if you come now TBH you will face overwhelming forces. It may take some weeks before the dust settles and we get to the tier we are looking for. But as things balance out and we settle into a lower tier you will experience the BEST and MOST fun way to WvWvW. Using your skill as a player and your mind to outsmart your opponent not just total overwhelm them with your numbers.
Come join us and stick with us and I promise you will enjoy some epic battles, Some we will and win and some we will lose, But having the chance to lose is what makes it a challenge and fun. Joining a server with long queues just to follow a mindless zerg rolling over everything in your path might equal fun to some, but I can think of nothing more mundane!
Come join the friendliest, smartest, most accomplished PvPers this game has to offer. And YES we are noob and PUG friendly. We will always stop to help you learn the game because that makes it more fun for all of us. And fun is why we play.
Just FYI we have had a few new large guilds relocate here already. They see a chance to make their own mark here and not ride the coat tails of others.
Now is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what will balance out to be the proving ground of what true world PvP is supposed to be.
Come Make your Legacy on SBI
(edited by Krash.9486)
I was having the same problem with the cursor and thought it was lag. I goggled the problem and found some people fixing it by turning off mouse options like Areo, hide cursor when typing and show cursor shadows.
I turned them all off and just tested in game in a large WvW battle and it seems to have fixed it.
I will update after some more testing.