Showing Posts For Laii.2780:

Ratings reset - big mistake

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


I like how right when the servers start to settle and be mostly ‘even’, they’re all nopnopnop reset T.T. Heres to atleast two more weeks kitten matchups~

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!


in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


Score update sadness.

Us and DB had a 5k point lead when I went to sleep ZzzzZzzzz .(_ _ ).
No more sleeping~!wwww

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


Thought I’d share my Screens of tonight’s nightly FA spawn rush~
1. I"m rooting for the dolyak ;3
2. and the winner is!

Got much further tonight thanks to a good MI^^


[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


Had fun camping FA with random DB friends in the EB JP~ No free siege for you ;3
2nd one is for cuteness and random floating quaggy * o *


[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


Ty for the laugh in EB, FA, this was amazing and hilarious^ ^~


[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laii.2780


Jonez probably still only has 2 HP too, and insta dies if anyone pulls Grenth within 1200 of him .(_ _ ).

Fighting Grenth, fun! Dealing with Jonez handicap is not ; ;.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Magoonba/Fort JANTHIR/Dragonbrand 25/01/2013

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


A match without at least 2 thread closings is considered a dull affair.

Took me like 10min to get this^^
This has been a super fun match sos farr, I think we’re also the most balanced tier atm on Millenium~

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Request Action: Abuse of Report Function.

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


SO how does the commander of WM get banned for botting. Is there like a software for leading?

Get enough people to make a ‘convincing’ report.

I want to clear something up here, we do not auto-ban people without investigating the account first. Our CS staff reviews reports that come in and if they find questionable activity, they take whatever action they deem appropriate.

You may receive an automated response if you appeal actions taken against your account, but any action we take is reviewed and enacted by human beings.

It is true that we have reinstated folks that were banned erroneously for questionable activity, but we don’t take action against an account unless a very solid reason presents itself upon review.

Please note that I’m not commenting specifically on the actions take against those accounts mentioned in the OP and I have no information on why any action was taken in the cases mentioned. I just want everyone to understand that we don’t ban people just because they get a lot of reports against them, our CS folks have to find and confirm actual infractions before we take any action.

Thank you very much for the reply, but please understand the system is beeing abused with regard to WvWvW and people ARE getting wrongfully banned without reason or compensation. More and more people are learning they can get away with abusing the report feature and more incidents like this are just going to happen.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Inviting Enemies to your Group

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


I killed someone, got a random party invite, thought it was a friendly. They joined, yelled at me in french a bunch, then posted my name all over gw2LFG saying I was paying people to complete fractals .(_ _ ). It was really just obnoxious

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Request Action: Abuse of Report Function.

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


Noone is banned for a report, or even 100 reports. Anet investigates every claim, and other than them using the system in place to fight such a ban, posting here is really pointless. Let the system work.

I think Anet says they do not have an “Auto-ban” feature, and that an actual person has to click the ban button, buuht enough reports and it will happen. I’ve had a guild member banned from ganking too many people in WvW right outside one of the other teams spawn/invulnerable location. It took Anet a week to undo his ban an say it was “in error” <.<.

No compensation, no reason =/. The report feature is easily abused.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Arah P4 - Giganticus Lupicus not hostile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


Oki, got into Path 4 today and lupi aggroed. I’m not sure exactly what was different, buuht I can say Randall Greyston(the NPC) did not die in the room before like he normally does.

The only other thing our group did different, is we killed the priestess of lyssa the “right” way.^^;;. IF you attack her right when she appears, and don’t stop. she’ll never fight back, just stanign there trying ot /bow or somthing the entire fight.

I think its one of these two things that have to do with Lupi, snese only thing I did different/made sure of these runs as oppose to others ; ;. Hope it helps~

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Arah P4 - Giganticus Lupicus not hostile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


I tried path again today when my group wanted to against my will, still had bug^^;;. Still have no idea what is causing it ; ;.


[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Arah P4 - Giganticus Lupicus not hostile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


Also jus gona point out there are two other threads with this problem with path four. As if people needed more reason not to do path four, it already is the the most difficult and time consuming, its also very likly to be bugged > <.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Arah P4 - Giganticus Lupicus not hostile [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


First time running P4 today with a group full of people who’ve also never done it before, was really fun^^, buuht came to lupi and he was just sitting there. Nothing ever happened, and there was no way to reset him =/.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

possible new WvW maps?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Laii.2780


“Bla”! IT would be really nice if they created a new EB or new Borderlands, and just alternated them every week to change things up abit. Playing on the same map every time is getting abit old for me ; ;.

The Urban Battleground in Fractals would be really fun if they made it into a full WvW. hum, probly gona have to wait for an expansion for anything big like that tho ; ;.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Final Rest, how do you get it?

in Crafting

Posted by: Laii.2780


Did the DE for the fist time today, was kinda annoying with only 3 ppl, last boss was super easy atleast, compared to the ooze and vets. No one got anything worth mentioning ; ;.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Flesh Golem...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Laii.2780


loooooool! w/e that thing on the left is looks really fun^^. Scept for the shade, all these necro pets jus look like random body parts kit bashed together, don’t even look undead =/.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Being Yanked off walls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Laii.2780


Most of the walls have a lip, which you should stand behind, and not on^ ^;. If you do this you’ll never get yanked off, and get affected by less abilities because most of the attackers well get “Obstructed”. You can still hit them, just not the ones right under you~

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Please bring back Tribal armor!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Laii.2780


its very pretty and unique would love to see it ingame^^

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

WvW Pet/Clone teleport queston>

in Necromancer

Posted by: Laii.2780


Hum, this might not bee the best place to ask this, but. . Why can Ranger Pets an Mesmer Clones teleport up onto walls and not necro pets? =/.

(Not that you’d want necro pets anywhere near WvW enyways, or anything ftm<.<, sense they all get one-shotted by random aoe’s enyways. . cept for the flesh golem~! He gets 2shoted like a champ.(_ _ ). )
Is it an Ai thing, or do both those classes have sometype of teleport ablity I don’t know about specifically for their pets/clones? (not portal) Thanks for any infos^^

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Who says my Ranger Pet isn't useful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laii.2780


Cute Kit :D

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


I’ve had this bug off an on sense I started playing at the Lost Shores event, its really obnoxious, an I often crash 5-30min after it starts ; ;. Please fix this, I think its been 2 months sense the last dev reply. (Hope you had a happy wintersday by the time you get back to working on this atleast~ .(_ _ ).)

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Laii.2780


I’ve been having a similar issue that I never had before. While i’m playing all sound just stops, and it plays a humming/beep slowly until eventually the game crashes. ; ;. Sometimes it never happens, other times it can happen 3 times in an hour > <.

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!