Yeah most likely your mailbox was just full.
If it is possible only a support ticket will help you
Please stand by if you want an more official or more correct answer since I havent heard about that yet
Just FYI: this is the part of the forum that handles account problems, not bug problems. Your problem might not be seen by the right people here.
It might be that after certain patches the saved networks get reset so you have to add them to the list again.
I think that might be the case since I remember to had to add my usual network as well 2 days ago or sth like that.
Dont feel stupid .. .that happens to a loooooot of people ^^
Its just something you dont think about at that moment!
I dont think this is an account issue but a bug?
You should click “remember thsi network”.
It happens because your ISP isnt carrying the same information at all times like the location.
Please make sure you are certain its you who is trying to login. DOnt allow logins from a different country for example.
Also make sure to use Headlines for threats that tell what they are about. For example “Why do I suddenly have to authorize every of my logins?” or similar would be helpfull here ^^
Ahhhh sorry i didnt see its your dads mail address …
Good there is Gaile whatching
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Hey Alex!
If your ticket isnt answerd after three days post it in the specific threat for that issue. Otherwise make sure to update your tiket with every information. Serial number, where you purchased, when, how and so on …
Well its very complicated to sort out what exatly happend. They need to find the “bad boy” make sure you are not one of them, verify your identity and so on. Considering there are bugs with lost shore, problems with the new refer a friend system and also lots of others tickets I understand that complicated issues take longer to solve.
Lets see how long it takes
You cant do so on your own.
Fille a support ticket asking for a mail change. Make sure you include the serial number of your game, where you purchased it, a transaction ID if you got one, the last 4 digits of your credit card if you purchased with that.
They need that info to make sure it really is your account.
Maybe your malilbox is full? 10 items? That it might just havent got through to you.
If you did not get an answer to your ticket post to the “older than 3 days threat” make sure to include your TicketNumber
Make sure your ticket includes your Serialnumber, where you bought the game, when you bought the game, what you paid with (transaction numbers, last 4 digets of credit cards).
Also dont count on it being solved very fast. Its a complicated situation. Im waiting for 21 days now to have mine solved.
Maybe you switched your keyboard to a different language, had capslock activated, mistyped the PWd various times … any such thing is possible.
“121028-001758 Under review; I specificially asked for another review”
Thank you Gaile and sorry for the trouble. Just want to know if my acc will be reinstatet or not and if, i asked them to make my able to apply another serial. If not if i can keep my mail and such and have my acc deleted (basically).
I also added english text to my ticket.
(edited by Leira.9702)
The time it takes to solve a ticket dpends a lot on what it is about. For example: My waiting time is 18 days by now because it is related to a credit-card-fraud. This is way more complicated that a false ban for goldselling or similar.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Funny news from a blocked player to anyone interested in this threat.
It is now concidered “not constributing any new information” if you post your waiting time here.
Or i it just mine that is too high and therefore wont be shown?
Anyway: Make sure to post meaningful information only. BEcasue everything has to be meaningful, right? right?!
Ahhhhwww 2 Hours?
Sorry if im sarcastic but: It takes up to 24-48 hours to solve a ticket at the moment. It might be faster. Still some people wait longer
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
I feel you Im at day 18 with the same thing right now.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Day 18 of waiting my ticket to be cleared to a final (hopefully positive) reply.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Hey Gaile!
We certainly dont see you as evil. We just question the way things are handled, because we try our best to help and as a result tickets are not read but replyed by copy/pasting which delays clearing up things even more. I wouldnt be quiete as unsatisfied with a message showing a human person looked at my problem, telling me he/she is sorry but that they cant reinstate my account after 4 days of checking.
Please understand im unhappy because its 17 days now and i had to reply to questions whose answers where already in the ticket before they even where asked.
I never had the feeling to communicate with a human besides you. This is a bad feeling because i dont feel treated in fair human way. I think this is what good support is all about. Even if Im not on the same side with some argueing than i would still think a lot better about the support system if there would be a sign of actual human interaction.
(edited by Leira.9702)
Still no final answer if my account will be reinstated. Ive provided all the info i can. Even my ID and so on.
Its 17 days now (i think)
Thanks Gaile. I already asked for this and hope for a positive reply.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
If i recall correctly there is a paragraph basically saying “We can suspent any account at any time without any reason or any explanation”. Ive seen paragraphs like that since there are MMORPGs.
Well im Not THAT patient but thank you (just got a comment deleted where i stated that the customer service is the slowest/worst i encountered ever).
I just try to clear things up. I just try to keep my progress. I just ry to keep my faith up that the customer support is able to do the right thing
Hey Zaken!
Yes i got it from a wrong vendor. Sadly.
I got my money back from paypal days ago. They have got fast and clean customer service.
I did get a message from sales dept of ArenaNet stating what i already know. They said i should aquiere a legal copy. No word on if i can continue my charakters. Sent a question again (even if that clearly was the intention of my ticket 15 days ago). Now awaiting reply.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Dont expect to get anything back. At least I think thats what they are telling me after waiting 15 days on a support ticket.
Yes. After 15 days of waiting they still only told me what I already know. No sign of getting my progress back. Not to speak of the gold friends lend me.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Most likely it disappeared because yo keep writing in caps only which is unnessesary.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Its just so sad.
The game is so good and the service the worst i ever experienced.
Im not talking about Gaile or the moderators, but the general way users are treated.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Did anyone
a) Bought at ebay or similar, got suspended
b) Got back there account AND progress?
please let me know so i know if there is any hope
I absolutely understand how this can happen.
If you got the time read the “blocked player comments” threat. There are many people claiming they bought themselfs, never charged back, not purchasing from someone else. They claim the money simply has not been withdrawn. Although everything else went as it should.
Good luck to you!
Hey Gaile! Sorry for offtopic, but if you look in the other threats you will see that many complain they bought on the official site themselves(!) and got banned because of fraudlent code. There seems to be an error in the charging system maybe(?).
Feel free to delete this post after reading ^^
Goforce: To clear those problem s might take a while. I am waiting for 14 days now. Im not saying this is the usual waiting time, just so you know it might not b as fast as you expect so you dont get too mad on waiting a little.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
What everybody should do: Tell your friends. Let everybody know who is interesed to not buy the game or any future ArenaNet game. Keep doing so until the support changes drastically.
I definatly will. 600+ gamer friends of mine wont be uninformed about how my issue was handled and what the support situation looks like here.
Since there seems to be no offical reaction I personally think that is the only possibility at the moment to take any action myself.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Just provide me the tools, a medium payment and id work from home 18 hours a day in english and german support … bet i can solve more tickets in a day than they do in 3 right now
But seriously: Its just so bad whats going on here. Very sad.
What the .. dont post your serial here deete that fast buddy!
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Day 14 and counting.
Whats the record so far. To see if i can break it
Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
@Renegadeimp: nobody blames ArenaNet for the problem itself. But for taking so long to solve the tickets since the problem is known and a procedure should be developed by know about how to handle this fast – with a customor in mind that still wants to play and pay!
Account issue most likely means that Arenanet was not paid for that account. A wrong charge, a chargeback or a purchase witth a fraudlent credit card are common reasons for that to occur.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Its happening since quiete a while. Just this time it hit many people. Before just some every now and than.
Its a serious issue – and sorry if im loosing my temper – but ArenaNets Support is the worst one i ever experienced anywhere.
At my job id be fired at once offering such support. They wont even let me take my belongings, thats how bad it is.
Game bought from the online store is "fraudulent"
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Hey you still are lucky. 13 days and counting Keep calm. Maybe it helps. At least your heart it will help.
I will have to think hard now to ever buy a key for this game since my first one was a credit-fraud one. Buying it officialy seems to not help at all.
My ticket was “redericted to the correct appartment” now.
After 13 days at least they know where my ticket has to go to be solved
Thanks to Gaile who sped up the progres!
Fil la support ticket. There is no other way to do so. CLick on the support button on top of this page. Good luck.
Besides doing so i still think there is a need of making this issue public so people know they are not alone. Also it needs an official statement on how this can happen.
I have never seen or heard a problem with “fake” keys or “fraudlent” codes when purchasing over paypal from the official website. That is something that should never happen!
To solve any personal problem with a suspension of course you need to fill a ticket. That does not mean the issue cant be discussed publicly.
I still think this is a relevant topic since I might need to purchase another code to have a legal one. Where to do so if not at the official site?! This issue has to be addressed!
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
13 days. And counting.
try to copy / paste the information instead of typing. It worked for one other forum member also we still dont know what exactly was causing this.