Because just because you can toggle it on or off does not mean abusing language in a hurtfull or mean way to or in fornt of others is automatically allowed in the game.
Also you only toggle a filter that might prevent you to see something that are not for your eyes, for example if you are easiely hurt by others sweraing at you or sth like that.
zbrkesbr.4173 is most likely correct. Static IPs are kind of rare.
It wont influence the communication much because the friendlists are update as well I think .. at least it seems to be so with my account.
AN cant influence the username and yes it changes with everybody who changes their serial in some way.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
A response to minor issues usually takes 24-48 hours. So it might at least give you a day or two if you submit a ticket. In the forum no one will be able to solve your problem. Posting various times on different threats also wont help.
I agree that its not the best way possible but sadly the Support Team cant work any harder or faster than their ressources allow them to. Since the game is F2P (basically) the support team has not the biggest size ever (I assume).
Have a great night and good luck getting back to owning pvp as fast as possible.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
It might also be your account was closed in error. If you wrote a ticket and got no response after 3 days just post your ticket numebr in the “older than 3 days” thingiethreat.
Gaile will than make some people work harder to get your problem sorted out.
In my experience just give them all the info you have and youll be good after 3 days in case its just a common problem and none of the big ones.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Think again. From your behaviour so far I could imagine a ban for bad language, bad charakter names or anything like this?
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
Xou need to write a ticket to get help lick on “support” on top of this page, than on “ask a question”. Dont forget to add all account details to your ticket that you have. Name of charakter, serial number, where and when you purchased, your accounts name (Ninja.4018) and such.
Good luck!
Why did you even delete a character if you want it back later on?
There are no undeletions possible right now. It might become available later.
If you dont get an answer within 3 days to your ticket than you should post your incidense number in the threat for tickets older than 3 days.
Your account was closed because of a payment error. AN never got paid for your account. YOur accound has to be released so your new serial works. This is to make sure you are not involved in any kind of fraud.
I think you’re aware, but this is finally resolved, and I am very, very sorry for the delay. Add a new code and you’re good to go!
I already am back in game, have my new code for a week already.
Ill keep looking around here … so I wont miss you so much ^^.
Thanky for your continuing help. The delay is not your fault.
@Gaile: I just had been able to log in first time since our “romance” started. Thanks for all those matches and candles you used to get those guy and girls working.
I think im finally donw now. 1 Month exactly
Oh! Is see. This is new Thanks for that info ^^
Full inbox in the mail 10/10 letters already there? Delte those – bam you get your items
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
I wonder why some things are solved so fast and others have to wait a week for another reply. I know some things just take longer. But adding a serial to an account? Or changing the region of an account? How difficult can this be? It doesnt need any investigation as far as i can tell.
Im just waiting to long maybe.
Patience please? Anyone got some for me?
Having the exact same problem as ADIos
never did dublicates yet. Still had t owait many days since i first contacted support.
1 month soon!
IMHO upragde still also means going from one product I already own to a higher valued one without payiing extra.
It does not here apparently.
Its a marketing thingie.
They mean: If you purchase a copy you can get the Deluxe for the exact same price … so basically you have a free upgrade.
It does not mean you get a free upgrade when you already pruchased in the past.
Baaaaad marketing in my opinion.
Thanks Gaile. Sadly I dont know how to get a north american code. I only received an european one. Hopefully this still works. Or ill have to sell it again and try to get a north american one.
Why is this so complicated hehe ^^-
Hey Gaile Just for the fun :P 121028-001758 is still not done. You know im going for a record, no?
But dont worry. Now i just need a european key put on my northamerican version. Or my north american version put into a european one so i can apply it myself :P
I wrote the support again to apply my shining new serial code to my existing account ^^.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
So I got a brand new box from the store.
But now it says “Serial not valid for your region”.
Well … Aaaand another update of my support ticket
Account issue is in most cases quiete difficult to solve.
Most the time it means AN has not been paid for the game. It might be credit-card-fraud or an error with the payment method of your choice.
Either way you will have to write a ticket to support. “As a question” here:
So I can buy a box at my local shop and I will keep my progress even though my former account was north america?
Yes i did get back my money. Paypal had awesome support that gave me back everything without any questions asked!
Its german so i dont think that would help a lot
It basically said: We decided to make your account accessable to you again. You need to purchase a new serial …
I am from Europe. SO I dont know what to do now to keep my progress
Thanks to Gaile I was informed that my Account will be reinstated. Sadly it also mentioned that my Account was a North-American one and therefore I might need to register a new one.
Since I want to keep progress – Can anyone tell me what to do so it works?
I can purchase the serial with every way of payment.
WHAT DID YOU DO? You are amazing ^^
Sorry for capslock. I just got the message my account will be reinstatet BUT that its northamerican account and that i might need to open a new account.
Do you have the time to explain to mewhat to do now to keep progress?
You just made my day just by your message aahahahhaha thank you so much!
Even if i dont hear back anything today … it was totally worth it only by this image in my brain!
Yo uare awesome ^^
Good luck Poohy!!!
Did you get the world vs world ones?
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
You will have to write in the ticket that you still need help.
On the forum there i s no one able to help you with that
Would be nice to play with someone from the forums Or at least chat every now and than or sth ^^.
Im now at day 23 … i think .. i los ttrack a litte 28th was my first support ticket.
Im not sure i will get my Account / Progress back. But I will wait with any purchase until i know.
I dont want the quick and easy way although i miss playing a looot
I started my ticked 23 days ago with the question if my account will be reinstatet or not. I wont give up on something i started so easily.
Tomorow Ill get 2 NERF Guns. I guess me, my GF and the cat will have some serious fun and my waiting time will be sweet than
Thank you for that information Breeze!
I simply dont want to play all over again. I dont have much of value but the progress though.
Crossing my fingers so your voice is heard
I dont think anyone form up the cahi nwill read the forums ever. Just my guessing though.
Im still here yes But hey … Im entertaining everybody :P tchkatschkatschka Party!!
Oh well
I hope everything sorts out well for you and you dont get too annoyed ^^
Actually here you dont need a ticket since no one can actually solve this but the support. The moderators are not the ones who solve the support tickets, although they sometimes try to get things done faster.
Good luck to you!
I hope to get good news for my account. They are deciding for 23 days nwo if it will be released or not. I jus twant to know where I am. The waiting is the worst
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Leira.9702
oh .. im sorry if i scared you
I am waiting 23 days now to have a ticket solved concerning credit fraud.
I am getting a little upset
anyone knows a nice game r sth. I can use to waste some time?
Get my blood presure down please :P
hat love notes dont mean you have done bad otr that they now wont let you post anymore or similar.
Its just that you get a message that somethings has been deleted. Sometimes its because the whole topic is not needed anymore or such
Write a ticket! (ask a question)
include everything you know about your acc. Serial number, where you urchased, when, how, name of accout, charater name and so on.
Thesyll be able to help you
I also recommend changing your mail password and scan your computer in case there is a keylogger or sth.
There is no phone support.
Fill a support ticket immedeatly with all the info you got.
CLick on “Support” on the very top of this page.
Thats a common glitch as far as I read on this forum. Please notice im not a 100% sure on this information but only 95%.
Sometimes the stone bugges out.
To correct that you have to contact support in a support ticket.
Aaaand another 3 days without any signs. Sorry for troubeling you Gaile. Its day 22 now. Whootwhoot. Anniversary soon.