(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
Showing Posts For Lord of Madness.2603:
So you expect the entire map to see chat bubbles?
You Expect every player in the game even the new ones to have TS? I mean 10 or so in a zerg or so is the average in some worlds. 50+ around the map seems a bit to very unlikely in a lot of worlds/shards.
And to the 40-50 other people in our zerg that don’t know that and can’t see us tell them that because of the emote spam?
if our commander gets suppressed how do we hear them than? /me thats how. and i cant see that with emotes blocked.
Yes im talking about custom arenas. if you put it as at least 6v6 and no password its not locked to other players. but you can kick as many as you want so that it can just be you and another person.
Also even if they can only get an XXX amount in a day, it could take a normal player hours but it takes them basically seconds. AND even then its still match manipulation.
I have Created a List of things that need looking into.
- There are Players currently in Ranked and Unranked Pvp that the second they Score a point they run to the enemy base and die as many times as possible, Or jump off a cliff and die until they have given the enemy team enough points to win leaving their own team to fight a 4v5 with him feeding the enemies. They even state that they are trying to farm rank points and rewards and this is a fast way for them to do it. This directly Breaks The Rules of Conduct of GW2
We need a system or option to report players for Feeding as to Quickly stop this from happening in the near future given we have no option at all to report or stop this.
Rule 22 States- While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
- There are players with their own rooms (Custom Arenas) that kick anyone and everyone that joins except one other person that agreed to farm with, so that its a forced 1v1 and because of this they can still gain pvp ranks. Doing this they can Manipulate the match so it only lasts for example 3 minutes and gain 500 rank points. There are players basically gaining 30k rank points per hour compared to the regular players 2.5k per hour.
And yes even if the math is off the point still stands. If you can manipulate a Match and gain from it the max amount every single time that is in fact match manipulation and breaks Rule 22 in the code of conduct.
Long story short we need a quick and efficient way to individually report players that are Breaking this very specific rule in the code of conduct.
Rule 22 States- While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
- A long time going issue are PvP Runners. If you don’t know a “PvP Runner” is an individual that avoids the Dishonorable Debuff for AFKing by running around the map or dancing around inside of the Home Base. This usually occurs the second they are “Done” with the match or feel like the match is a lost cause within the first 30 seconds of the match. This results in a 4v5 and almost no chance of a comeback. Given Dishonorable cannot accurately detect this I feel we need an option in the report menu to report actions like this so these players can start avoiding this kind of negative behavior such as this in order to further clean and help the legitimate pvp players experience and to cut down on unfair matches.
Rule 22 States- While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
The amount of Emote Spamming in WvW is getting redicioulus, enemies are spamming 300 emotes per minute completely blocking chat and forcing us to turn off our emotes. In some cases commanders get suppressed and we use emotes to communicate with them. This directly Breaks Code of Conduct for the reasons stated of Spamming. Remember that this is less about being annoying and more about us needing a way to right click on these individuals emotes in chat to be able to report them for what they are doing “Spamming” for the purpose of annoying and harassing others. because they are in the middle of a zerg or hiding so we can’t right click directly on them.
We need a way to report by right clicking on emotes in chat because These actions Breaks code of Conduct Rules
1. you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. – The players doing this are harassing and causing distress.
4. When communicating in Guild Wars 2 using global chat (including, without limitation, server wide chat and use of the whisper command), you may not spam, or flood.
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
its not a bug. they are repeatable achievements, I don’t know if repeating them gives you credit to the Very Merry Wintersday though so you are likely going to have to do others. BUT doing them the first time gave at least 1 point of credit to that achievement.
at the bottom of the mail IT LITERALLY SAYS this is from ANOTHER PLAYER not Anet Staff! does no one read that!? which would mean your account is 100% safe unless you share anything with them.
Map and Location: Dry Top, between Flatland Wastes [&BHIHAAA=] and Prosperity Waypoint.
Date and time of day: very random.
Usually it is rangers with autohealing. Their pets autodefend their owners. Very annoying to watch.
Anywhere from 4-30 bots
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
According to a tumblr post somewhere around like 14K people cannot play because it keeps getting stuck at 0/kbs when its nearly done downloading. apparently they are all getting into a group to all make a mass spam of 14k bug reports and forum posts. I hope they don’t do that. It seems they are only hours away from doing it.
an extremely popular bot spot is in Cursed Shore around Craven Blight, they roam around a very large area (likely trying to look like unsuspicious) they VERY OFTEN glitch out near water sources and stand there until they die in a large group. I reported i believe about 11 or so around a month ago and they are still there, so i thought this forum thread might be a faster solution, also 3 of them appear to be using speed injections to move their characters faster.
To make a long story short, if you stand in place and use the skill your character spins in a 360 and three fire daggers shoot out and hit enemies. if your MOVING AT ALL your characters legs stay in place and your ENTIRE UPPER BODY 360’s breaking every bone in your spine and 3 daggers fly out.
I can explain in great detail! a Tomb of Knowledge states “CHARACTER LEVEL” which is what level your character is. Which is 1-80. in WvW you have WvW Rank and in PvP you have your PvP Rank which are not levels at all. The reason in WvW your not seeing any difference in anything at all when you use the tomb is because your character is LvL 80 therefore max level. Which in the end means you are only gaining a skill point per book.
Long story short, its working as intended as WvW rank and PvP rank are not character levels and the book only effect character levels.
It’s happening more and more often from what I’m seeing
Im just saying its a bit ridiculous that someone can end up in 15 matches in a row where one team has a disadvantage from the very beginning like that and be penalized fully for the loss every single time.
My Friend just recorded a 15+ win streak. how you ask? he just participated in 15+ matches IN A ROW where the game was 5v4 start to finish.
A [Go Back To Checkpoint] button
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lord of Madness.2603
As of now I have fallen and survived 16 times with no ability to kill myself or escape, gotten trapped in an Ice Wall 4 times without the ability to kill myself or escape and missed a jump 12 times which put me on a platform that I could not escape because when I would try to move to a side to jump to my death I would just survive and end up at the very bottom with no way back up.
I missed the Master of bauble achievement by 2 baubles about 7 times in a row now (about 6 and a half hours of gameplay) Because I always find a glitch by accident or they find me, and without the ability to go back to a checkpoint I am trapped and have to hit the [Travel Back to Hub] button and lose all that progress. After the 5th time it got extremely frustrating. In total I have had to restart and entire level 32 times so far because I somehow keep getting stuck in places without the ability to ever escape. Now normally I would not request things to be added to a game because but given the fact that I have played for almost 6 hours straight for what at this moment seems absolutely no reason at all given the fact I have had to start over multiple times in a row I need to request this or I’m never going to get these achievements done.
And yes it would be perfectly fine if using the button cost 1 or even 2 lives because I’m willing to give those just so that I don’t have to reset an entire level that I have been on for 6 hours all over again.
P.S. when you get trapped in an ice wall you cannot use your Number 5 Skill but you for some reason can use every other skill.
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
Living after falling though Map
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Lord of Madness.2603
I would like to suggest you add a [Go to Last Checkpoint] Button. Do to the fact that I have the extremely odd ability to find bugs. So far while doing Tribulation Mode I have fallen though the map about 28 times (very frustrating.), and had to start all the way over. I have made a report for each of these bugs that caused me to fall though the floor of the map, at this time none of them have been fixed. I have the feeling this is happening to other people to some extent.
Oddly I think the walls should be more punishing if you get pulled though them, or at least a bit more reactive. Sometimes they will pull me right though and I’ll take no damage or very little damage at all.
I love both the seriousness and the humor displayed in the dungeon.
He is a very casual gamer. He plays it about 1-2 hours a day. I don’t think he could get 1K Gold in that time :T
He ran the dungeon about 4 times a day for the first 5 days and got those rare drops.
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
Hes an IRL Friend. I went to his house and he rubbed it in my face. Which only made me sadder to have to run it 115+ times and still find nothing at all. its not fair at all :T how can someone be that lucky?
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
Sorry but thats not the case. In this dungeon seems to have no diminishing returns for chests. and the end exp coins and silver is not deminished. so the chests dont have it. i had a fiend run it 23 times in a row, he got 6 backpacks 4 minies and 2 tonics.
I’m sure I’m around about 120+ runs at this point.
I hate this dungeon. at first I loved it, it was awesome. I loved the art the voice acting the characters and design. After running it 120+ times I can confidently say I hate it. I hate all of it. every single aspect that exists inside it and near it. Every time I run I know I’m going to be met with disappointment and anger while others get the mini and the jet pack on their first two tries and rub it in my face. I can solo the bosses without even trying now. I can predict the entire dungeon just by the first combination of opponents in the digging tunnel. I can tell you every word spoke in the dungeon from memory now. I have been awake for around 48 hours of straight game play. every run someone other than me finds a jet pack and I’m slowly coming to hate myself. for ever wanting this jet pack and even entering this dungeon.
Ill be up for about 20 or so more hours farming this dungeon. Ill ether find the jet pack and stop. the event will end. Or Ill suffer another Micro stroke and have to go to the hospital because of lack of sleep and stress… wish me luck.
I’m wondering if the Molten Weapons Testing Facility has some sort of, The more times you run it the lower your chances becomes of getting a Rare item permanently kind of thing. I have ran the dungeon 110 times in a row and have done nothing else sense the event started. that’s 110+ hours of literally being inside the dungeon because I want just one jet pack for my character I plan on running it the next 24 hours straight in the hope of finding one.
(If I do find one ill update how many total runs it took to find one.)
(edited by Lord of Madness.2603)
I have now ran the dungeon 108 times. I have received None of the rare dungeon specific items. I have ran this dungeon every day for 12-18 hours a day Hoping to get just one jet pack. It seems an impossible task for me.