Exactly what would you lose if you did not do the daily achievement period? It takes much less time to get 10 AP than it did before the update. AP is the only reward now for doing the 3 dailies as the laurels and random gem store items got moved to the daily login reward system. If you did not go out of your way before to get all of the AP prior to the update, it’s reasonable safe to assume that AP is not really that important to you. Especially that it seems a lot of people liked to casually play the game doing their own thing and get the AP as they played rather than do tasks that directly rewarded the AP.
If don’t care about the AP you get from doing the daily, why are you doing it? If you do care about the AP from the daily, why didn’t you farm them all before the update?
Doing the daily before the update would reward 5 AP as you did 5 achievements that awarded 1 AP each. Now, you can do 3 achievements and get 10 AP. You do a fraction of the achievements that you had to do before and quite a number of those achievements are actually easier and quicker to do than they were before.
Deleted the previous quotes before this one for space.
Going to try to make this clear, as it seems you are getting closer to hitting that cow with the barn, but somehow still missing it.
I never said I didn’t care about APs, I just don’t have an issue not earning 10 every day like some. It just means they can get more stuff than I can quicker, which I am fine with. That is the whole point for it, that is why they are called ACHIEVEMENT POINTS. It means you achieved something worthy of getting that point or points.
By them making it all or nothing, and such a hassle to get the requirements, it means that less people who would have earned those 1-10 points before are less likely to do so now.
Them making less choices than before is my main complaint. In addition to that, putting the ridiculous location specifics on them as well is just adding salt to the wound, imo. And before you try to pull out “well you only have to do 3 now instead of 5” argument again, you have to do a higher percentage of the available selection than ever before. If people like me are just into PvE, and have a new character, only a new character, they have limited availability in fractals, especially 11-20 (presuming they start at 1, IDK don’t play them) and they sure as hell have no chance in hell of getting that char to level 80 to do Silverwastes.
My issue is with the lack of choice on them, with Anet trying to force people into other areas of the game they have no interest in trying, with them constantly adding new bells and whistles instead of fixing known bug issues, and stupid mistakes like your character being so stupid that they forget they are attacking if a mob walks behind them. Stuff like that needs to be fixed at least at the same pace as the alleged improvements are being added.
What I would lose by not doing them is ALL of the APs that I would have earned from the system before, I could care less if I earned 10 a day, to be honest I really could care less if I earned 5 a day some days. I know that people who do more can get more stuff than those that don’t. That is the purpose of it, to reward those that put in that extra effort.