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The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Exactly what would you lose if you did not do the daily achievement period? It takes much less time to get 10 AP than it did before the update. AP is the only reward now for doing the 3 dailies as the laurels and random gem store items got moved to the daily login reward system. If you did not go out of your way before to get all of the AP prior to the update, it’s reasonable safe to assume that AP is not really that important to you. Especially that it seems a lot of people liked to casually play the game doing their own thing and get the AP as they played rather than do tasks that directly rewarded the AP.

If don’t care about the AP you get from doing the daily, why are you doing it? If you do care about the AP from the daily, why didn’t you farm them all before the update?

Doing the daily before the update would reward 5 AP as you did 5 achievements that awarded 1 AP each. Now, you can do 3 achievements and get 10 AP. You do a fraction of the achievements that you had to do before and quite a number of those achievements are actually easier and quicker to do than they were before.

Deleted the previous quotes before this one for space.

Going to try to make this clear, as it seems you are getting closer to hitting that cow with the barn, but somehow still missing it.

I never said I didn’t care about APs, I just don’t have an issue not earning 10 every day like some. It just means they can get more stuff than I can quicker, which I am fine with. That is the whole point for it, that is why they are called ACHIEVEMENT POINTS. It means you achieved something worthy of getting that point or points.

By them making it all or nothing, and such a hassle to get the requirements, it means that less people who would have earned those 1-10 points before are less likely to do so now.

Them making less choices than before is my main complaint. In addition to that, putting the ridiculous location specifics on them as well is just adding salt to the wound, imo. And before you try to pull out “well you only have to do 3 now instead of 5” argument again, you have to do a higher percentage of the available selection than ever before. If people like me are just into PvE, and have a new character, only a new character, they have limited availability in fractals, especially 11-20 (presuming they start at 1, IDK don’t play them) and they sure as hell have no chance in hell of getting that char to level 80 to do Silverwastes.

My issue is with the lack of choice on them, with Anet trying to force people into other areas of the game they have no interest in trying, with them constantly adding new bells and whistles instead of fixing known bug issues, and stupid mistakes like your character being so stupid that they forget they are attacking if a mob walks behind them. Stuff like that needs to be fixed at least at the same pace as the alleged improvements are being added.

What I would lose by not doing them is ALL of the APs that I would have earned from the system before, I could care less if I earned 10 a day, to be honest I really could care less if I earned 5 a day some days. I know that people who do more can get more stuff than those that don’t. That is the purpose of it, to reward those that put in that extra effort.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Keep in mind everyone, that one of the WvW dailies doesn’t require you to fight players at all. Most achievement hunters have some badges of honor hanging around.

Go into WvW, you’re perfectly safe in your base, and spend a few laurels. Takes a minutes. Then you only need 2 dailies.

Except those people who (for whatever reason) choose to not do WvW, and are not less of a person or player than anybody else for not wanting to.

All except newer players should have some Badges of Honor unless you spent them all. The AP chests have Badges of Honor in them.

Doesn’t require any real playing of WvW to do so.

Not talking about any real playing, talking about not even going there at all, which even if they did get some WvW badges from PvE rewards still negates having to go to WvW to spend them, unless there is another way I am not aware of.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I did the dailies today and i think they are better than the previous ones. Sure I have to do a couple odd things I normally would never do, but it beats the heck out of doing the 10 that would be required for the 10ap before. It only took me like 20 mins to get more ap and rewards for the same amount of time it would have taken me previously.
If you’re into collecting ap, this is hardly a mark on the time it takes to do most other achievements in the game.

I play a lot of WoW and this is nothing compared to the things I have to do daily/weekly(like ashran conquest).

You were only required to do the 10 to get the 10 AP points if you were hunting APs before, and the AP is still not the issue with it as much as the total lack of choice Anet is trying to force on their customers (us, the people who play this game).

(edited by Lyssan.3768)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I personally was using the dailies for my alts exp.

Assuming you did all 8 non-WvW/PvP dailies on your alt you’d have gotten 40% of a level (5% of a level per daily completion). Over 28 days that would be 11.2 levels with you doing every single PvE daily.

Now logging in every day for 28 days gets you 10 levels worth of tomes. I suspect you can pick even more tomes with the 28th day bonus.

I have my issues with this change, but experience for your alts should be the least of your worries.

And you also lose the laurels you would have otherwise earned by choosing to get those tomes, if I remember the article correctly, it is one or the other at that 28th day mark. So, once again, less is more how exactly? You get the added experience of doing events in the area while working on those dailies, gathering (which gets you a little bit of exp ea one, plus money by selling them if you are so inclined), and yet somehow we are supposed to feel that getting less choices is somehow better than more choices, and how we want to play is perfectly fine, if it is how someone else thinks we should.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


The doing of the dailies would also give additional experience. And a little bit each day would likely add up. Especially if they felt like playing the character for longer than it took to get the daily done.

Ah, I’ve never felt like dailies contributed much to my progress.

At this point a lot of the objections to the new system seem unreasonable and whiny, like a person who won a prize and is annoyed that they have to leave home to collect it.

Hard to tell if I’m White-Knighting or ANet really did good with this update. I’m a bit sorry that so many people are bummed about something I think is awesome.

At this point then, it is my guess, that you are either missing the actual complaint about the new system, or else you are one of those “you don’t see things how I do so you are just whining” types.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.

I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.

I think some of you are missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. At worst, if one absolutely does not want to complete the dailies, they’ll lose out on 10 AP. Not a big whoop either way.

On the other hand, we’re getting loads of amazing stuff just for showing up!

Seriously, you just log in and collect stuff. How are you guys not psyched about this?

I guess you missed where I posted that I was doing the dailies for the exp on my alts, you know, not level 80 yet. Due to the NPE grind. And that I absolutely detest PvP. And prior to this fiasco, it didn’t matter what level you character was at, you could complete the PvE dailies.

You now receive tome of knowledge for simply logging in. Far better than trying to level up using dailies. Just saying.

Really, really …./sigh. You know what I got for logging in today?
Two coins, because I was playing after 4pm yesterday doing my dailies, crafting, and various other things.

Sure, but by the end of the 28 day period, you will have 16 tomes of knowledge (if you decide to take the tome chest at the end) otherwise it’s 10 tomes. Still, 10 tomes you invested zero time into.

So as payment for that choice of getting the experience we would have gotten from the old system to get those levels already, we have the choice of basically paying for it with laurels we would have gotten otherwise from the monthlies.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I guess you missed where I posted that I was doing the dailies for the exp on my alts, you know, not level 80 yet. Due to the NPE grind. And that I absolutely detest PvP. And prior to this fiasco, it didn’t matter what level you character was at, you could complete the PvE dailies.

Isn’t the exp gained from dailies more or less negligible? Login rewards give 10 free levels via Tomes of Knowledge on the 27th login. Not a bad trade-off, imo.

Which I could have gotten more than that before from doing dailies, and exploring in the area if I didn’t have it yet and the daily called for it, and events, and running around with guildies who were also working on a new char, and didn’t have all the areas yet. So yea, getting less instead of more IS a bad trade off.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I love the changes to the dailies. My whole reason for doing them up until this point was to get laurels to make ascended armor. I have 7 characters now in ascended armor/weapons and 2 legendary weapons. I’ll be the first to admit that I work a well paying job and can afford to buy/sell gems in game to pay for the crafting mats so up until now the only thing dictating when and where I HAD to play was the old daily in order to earn laurels.

The AP system in GW2 pales in comparison to almost every other game out there and it boils down to basically a couple gold, a couple free gems and some armor skins (some players seem to think it establishes some form of elitist rank). I see my fellow guildies out there with 20k+ AP and I have to wonder when they have had time to actually go out and enjoy the game.

Good call Anet, the ones who want to earn AP can do so in the manner they wish now and those of us who could care less still get the laurels for just logging in each day.

There are even LESS choices on how to do things now than before, and yet “the ones who want to earn AP can do so in the manner they wish now” how exactly? I must be missing something you are seeing here then, because as I see see it, now there are less ways to earn AP “in the manner they wish”, not more.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.

I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.

I think some of you are missing the forest for the trees, so to speak. At worst, if one absolutely does not want to complete the dailies, they’ll lose out on 10 AP. Not a big whoop either way.

On the other hand, we’re getting loads of amazing stuff just for showing up!

Seriously, you just log in and collect stuff. How are you guys not psyched about this?

Uhm, because it devalues the actually earned items that people actually did work to earn? It is like you scrimping and saving and spending your hard earned money on a kick kitten one of a kind car you special ordered, then 2 days later, your next door neighbor has the exact same car and they only paid like $100 for it.

At worst before, if people actively tried to achieve the dailies before or not, they earned probably 1-2 to maybe as many as enough for the daily achievement by doing nothing other than what they were going to do anyway. Where as now, they would be missing out, as you said, on the entire 10 AP. IDK about you, but me personally, I am perfectly fine with getting 1-2 achievement points over none at all.

To me, more options in this game is a better idea than less, and I for one do not appreciate the efforts Anet has made to try to force me and others into other parts of the game, starting with, I believe, requiring the WvW maps to be done for 100% map completion.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Wow people are really defending this change… I didn’t realize the game had sunk so low that something like this is actually defensible….

Same could be said about those against the change.

Yea, except I think the common sense view says that taking away options (which Anet has now done twice to the daily achievements) is usually less desirable than adding more options, or in some cases leaving the available options alone. So the “same thing could be said about those against the change” part really doesn’t hold up.

Oh, that and the fact that people are in here spending so much time complaining about the kittenup Anet did to the dailies instead of working on those dailies, because they now suck, should tell you something. And yes I did try the new dailies system.

The only part about the opposition to the new system that I agree with is that it took away options. However, I believe that the 10 AP by doing just 3 achievements, and that they’re quicker to do, more than make up for it.

People complain for various reasons. Many people have complained without even trying it. Other people complain just to complain. Just because people complain doesn’t mean that it’s inherently a bad update. People are more likely to complain than praise.

Quicker to do, like getting to level 80 to get to be able to survive Silverwastes? That’s quicker how again?

I am not complaining just to complain, I am complaining with specific points listed, and just because some people are defending this doesn’t automatically make it a good update either.

Also, as far as the less likely to praise, as I posted elsewhere, if you see something wrong and don’t say anything, that mus mean that you are OK with it. If I see something worthy of praise, I will do so, and have done here and in map chat. Some of the improvements they have done were actual improvements. Wardrobe skins and acct wide dyes are a portion, though even things with that need to still be fixed.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.

You can go to the bank and ask for more money just because you feel like it. Are they likely to just give it to you? If they do and I had an account with that bank, I would close it as soon as I found out about them doing stuff like this. There are sometimes that change just because someone asks for it is NOT a good thing. IDK about you, but I certainly didn’t ask for less choices on the dailies.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I reckon the change is awesome, boggles my mind (okay not really) that people are actually complaining about a system that requires less work and more rewards. Then again some people just like to complain.

People are complaining about the lack of choices, not so much the system part. And I, to some extent, and also complaining about the less work and more rewards part as it devalues previously earned awards.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I’m neutral on the change to dailies. That said if you don’t like them vote with your actions. Just don’t do them. Anet collects data on what players are doing or are not doing. If you don’t agree with the change to dailies don’t do the daily activities. If you disagree with the change even more stop logging in. That’s the best way to vote regarding this change as opposed to posting here.

Problem with that idea is I don’t think it will be enough of a voice to the issues we have with it, and by the time the “vote with the wallet” option is excercised and seen by the powers that made this kittened up decision, it will be too late, imo. I don’t think it was just the people not using it issue that made them sit up and take notice about the gem exchange kitten up, but the forums as well. Anet will either change or not as they feel are necessary, and the more voices that are heard through more methods, the more chance we have to get their attention, and let them know this is one change they need to change back.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I definitely agree that the choices feel restrictive, hopefully they tweak them a bit for future dailies. Overall I think players will be satisfied, as this change is exactly what a lot of us asked for.

I sure as kitten didn’t ask for this change. And I was too busy playing the game to lurk on the forums everyday to even see if they asked us. Because I would have been thoroughly against this change.

+1 Halthur, if anything I asked for MORE choices, not less. Ironically, I have spent more time on the forums lately over this latest kittenup than I have playing.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


It’s not about the time.

It’s not about the rewards.

It’s about choice.

This is understandable, but we do have a choice between a number of activities that are inherently fun and/or rewarding. So far, the benefits of this change far outweigh the inconvenience caused.

Uhm, no. You do have a very limited choice when before you had more choices. I forget the exact percentages, but at first you had to do a smaller percentage of the total dailies available to achieve the “daily achievement”. With the update before this, the percentage needed to get the daily achievement went up. You had to do the same total quantity, but the total number of choices was less. Now with this latest kitten up, you have even less choice now, and have to do a larger percentage to get the daily. Yes you have to complete less now, 3 instead of 5, but the percentage is much much higher. And don’t pull out the bullkitten argument for people who don’t want to do PvP or WvW should just shut up and do it. It is bullkitten coming from Anet, and it is bullkitten coming from you.

Somehow you still miss the point that it is about less and less choice every time they kitten with the dailies.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.

Have you actually tried the new daily system? You can do it in 10-15 minutes easy.
Claiming that it takes 3 hours to complete is an utter fabrication.

Try it before just making stuff up about it.

You better believe I’ve done them, and I hated every minute of it. With 8 toons, and 7 of them sitting at 90+% map completion (lacking WvW mostly), the last thing I want to do is run around and look at Vista’s I’ve already seen.

And as far as taking 3 hours, I could care less what YOU think, I know how much time it takes me to run one of those PITA Fractals. With a family, job, and kids, you better BELIEVE I know EXACTLY how long it takes. One of the reasons I’ve only run the frickn’ things under a dozen times.

You do realize you only have to do 3 of the options to get the Daily? And there were 4 PvE options including the Fractals one?

Or do you not want to gather wood in Kryta, do events in Silverwastes, and view an Ascalonian Vista?

And if one of those is not your cup of tea, how many Badges of Honor do you have from WvW? A WvW Daily is to spend Badges. Don’t even have to fight anyone.

Edit to fix Daily option for today.

Do you realise that the issue is the lack of choice more than the availability of the actual dailies’ areas? But while we’re on that point, new players, which I presume all these improvements are supposed to draw, would not have all of the areas yet necessarily, might not be interested in certain parts of the game, maybe later after they get more experience, like say to level 80 so they can actually survive in Silverwastes, and so on and so on. The fix is to have MORE options, not less. The fix is to NOT drive more people crazy with the bullkitten, and have them complaining about the kitten up in map chat by, and here’s a wild idea, NOT DOING kitten LIKE THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Less options in a game like this NOT better than more options.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


This thread is so full of fail. So many people not reading or attempting to understand the actual issue.

It’s not about the time.

It’s not about the rewards.

It’s about choice.

It’s not that hard to understand…. nor is it not that hard to not be a toxic kitten because someone has a different opinion than you.

They don’t see it apparently, and since they have no actual valid comeback to it, they go to the old standby of “well just try this or this,” or “shut up I don’t have an issue with this so why should you.”

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.

Have you actually tried the new daily system? You can do it in 10-15 minutes easy.
Claiming that it takes 3 hours to complete is an utter fabrication.

Try it before just making stuff up about it.

You better kitten belive I’ve done them. Hated every kitten minute of it. And as far as taking 3 hours, I could care less what YOU think, I know how much time it takes me to run one of those PITA Fractals. With a family, job, and kids, you better BELIEVE I know EXACTLY how long it takes.

I can only hope you’re trolling.

Why use the fractal achievement as an example when you can avoid it entirely? Go chop some lumber, trade in 25 badges for some siege weapon(s)…And finally, take a sentry or view a vista. 5-10minutes you’re done. Stop with the fabrications, please.

PS you sound kittened using caps to stress certain words.

Less kittened up than you do having an issue with someone who doesn’t choose to play the game or see things exactly the way you do.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.

I am hopeful too Silt, but not holding my breath.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


New new Dailys suck. Completely and utterly. I’m not going to waste 3 hours of my time on a kitten Fractal for a ONE PART of a frickn’ Daily achievement. I have a life, and 1-1 1/2 hours a day is should be MORE THAN ENOUGH time to get a frickn’ daily achievement.
Lets hope someone at ANet realizes what a kitten colossal screwup this is, and fixes it post-haste.

Have you actually tried the new daily system? You can do it in 10-15 minutes easy.
Claiming that it takes 3 hours to complete is an utter fabrication.

Try it before just making stuff up about it.

You better kitten belive I’ve done them. Hated every kitten minute of it. And as far as taking 3 hours, I could care less what YOU think, I know how much time it takes me to run one of those PITA Fractals. With a family, job, and kids, you better BELIEVE I know EXACTLY how long it takes.

I have a job and family, too…..and with limited time to play, why the heck are you doing fractals to complete the daily???? You could spend a fraction, a fraction of that time and get the daily, THEN go do fractals.

I just did the daily tonight, taking my kitten ed sweet time, and it took all of 24 minutes. I could have easily done it in 10, had I been in a hurry.

I am not sure what your point is, except to rage and express anger at some change that screws with a whopping 10 minutes of your time.

Are some of you truly that inflexible?

Let’s see, play a game because we enjoy it, and for some reason we have the nerve to take an issue with a change that negatively affects that enjoyment, but we are supposed to just accept it, or be made to feel like kitten because we choose to not see things exactly as you do. We want a system that unlike the way you seem to want it, actually benefits more people, not less, but we are the inflexible ones.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


wow , many of you don’t realize how easy doing 3 of these achievements are. (take no more than 5 mins to do!!!!) NO LAURELS???? omg ! You get laurels by logging in now.

It is clear that those who are whining don’t have all the facts or didn’t even make an effort to get all of the facts.

You don’t get laurels immediately, as it looks like they’re now on a 7 click sort of thing. Login 7 times(consecutive or not, doesn’t matter) after the reset, and you get a nice bag of 7 laurels. Plus all the better rewards you now get for doing the dailies.

I completely agree with your above post. It is is simple as heck to get the dailies, and those that are gritching about it must either be completely inflexible, not willing to adapt…..or haven’t come anywhere close to actually trying it.

Or are new players, or don’t have a level 80 char, or have any clue where the Silverwastes are, or have issue with having less choices now than before, or don’t want to play WvW or PvP or PvE or any other part of the game they didn’t want to play before. Not everyone is like you, not everyone should be belittled for not being like you or wanting to do things exactly how you do, yet we are the ones who are supposedly the ones with issues.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


People really will complain about anything.

The achievements are vastly easier to complete post-patch. I did mine in 5 minutes! What a grind!!
Also, I got 10AP compared to 3AP and I also got better rewards. Problem where?

Really? Were you on a new character that doesn’t go to WvW or PvP at all? (Some people don’t like it and no amount of Anet forcing is going to make that happen) How did your new PvE only char survive getting to the Silverwastes, or fractals about which not everyone has a decent idea of how to do level 1, nevermind 11-20?

Once again, the issue is with the lack of choices, with Anet trying to force people into other parts of the game. You don’t see it, fine. Them not doing that wouldn’t adversely affect you, and yet somehow the people who ARE being adversely affected are supposed to feel like kitten for taking issue with it?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


wow , many of you don’t realize how easy doing 3 of these achievements are. (take no more than 5 mins to do!!!!) NO LAURELS???? omg ! You get laurels by logging in now.

It is clear that those who are whining don’t have all the facts or didn’t even make an effort to get all of the facts.

You don’t get laurels immediately, as it looks like they’re now on a 7 click sort of thing. Login 7 times(consecutive or not, doesn’t matter) after the reset, and you get a nice bag of 7 laurels. Plus all the better rewards you now get for doing the dailies.

I completely agree with your above post. It is is simple as heck to get the dailies, and those that are gritching about it must either be completely inflexible, not willing to adapt…..or haven’t come anywhere close to actually trying it.

That method was bullkitten when they did it with the skill points earned at one per level before and in chunks now, and it is the same bullkitten with them doing that with the laurels here.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


So I logged in for the first time post patch, and decided to go do the daily. First off, got several small rewards just for logging in, and my first click of 7 logins until I get the bag of laurels. Ok, that’s better than before, since I never got anything on login before.

So went to do my daily, and purposefully took my time doing it. Harvested some Kryta timber, went to an Ascalonian viewpoint, and then purposefully went into wvw, as I knew that might take some time.

Please realize….I took my sweet time doing these things…..under no hurry and just kind of casually looking at where to go next…..

So went out to wvw……got in a couple fights, took a couple minor borderland points, and then finally did my daily of taking down a sentry and capturing the point.

Mind you, I wandered and purposefully took my time with it all.

It took me 24 minutes. Could easily be done in half that time. The rewards I got weren’t incredible, but they were good…..some xp scrit, some christmas goodies, some coin, and 10 AP…..the rewards were much better than the old system…..for doing next to nothing. And you don’t have to go to wvw…..I just did that as I knew it would take some time, as I went into more difficult areas.

Those people that are complaining about this must only have around 15 minutes a night to play.

It is easy as pie to do, and the rewards are much better than before.

Seriously, quit whining, suck it up, go commit a huge 15 minute chunk of time, and do the daily. It is not rocket science.

And if you don’t want to do the daily, that is fine, too. With the older system, the daily took much longer to complete, with far less rewards, even when I was specifically doing the daily.

Seriously, quit thinking that everyone else plays like you and/or has every bit of every map you have done also done to that level, and stop trying to make the people that DO have only a limited amount of time to play feel like they should be less of a player of the game (from them being a customer of Anet as well) as you are.

Not everybody wants to play other parts of the game, and repeated attempts by Anet to force them into those areas is NOT helping. The old way benefited a wider range of players, and actually tied achievements to the points that were earned. The people who took the effort to go out and farm the points, if they chose to do so, were rewarded with more points than those that didn’t. And yet, there are still people who take issue with other people wanting MORE options and not less. It boggles the mind, it really does.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


“Condition Remover.” “Gatherer.” “Reviver.” Dailies that you could do at any level, anywhere on the map, during your……well, daily play.

Today’s dailies include going to a specific map, clicking on a vista that I already clicked on in Ascalon (a level 1 area), going to another specific map, cutting four trees down in Queensdale (a level 1 area)…and then going to another specific map and completing four events in Silverwastes (a level 80 area), or going to another specific map and doing a fractal run (a level 80 area).

So, you can’t do PvE dailies without a level 80. Either bring your 80 and be bored out of your skull in Ascalon, or bring your <80 and die instantly in Silverwastes.

Interestingly, I asked in map chat, “Seriously? I need a level 80 to finish the PvE dailies?” and was told “yeah, but it doesn’t take that long to get 80.”

We just keep drinking the koolaid…

“yeah, but it doesn’t take that long to get 80.” was obviously said by someone who (like me at the present unfortunately) has no life outside of GW2 and/or is a hardcore gamer, not someone who only plays an average of a couple of hours here and there every week or so.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Keep in mind everyone, that one of the WvW dailies doesn’t require you to fight players at all. Most achievement hunters have some badges of honor hanging around.

Go into WvW, you’re perfectly safe in your base, and spend a few laurels. Takes a minutes. Then you only need 2 dailies.

Except those people who (for whatever reason) choose to not do WvW, and are not less of a person or player than anybody else for not wanting to.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Oh. I just did the daily (3 achievements) and finished it in 2.5 minutes. Such a grind and out of my way.

I did:

  • Ascalon Vista
  • Krytan Gatherer
  • Badge of Honor Spender

I’m sure there may have been quicker ones. The PvP point capturer one would probably have been quicker than the lumber/gather one.

Good for you. Some people do not do WvW or PvP, so now they are supposed to feel like less of a player than you because they don’t want to do those areas? New players can get to (and survive) in Silverwastes to get the PvE daily for that to make their 3? No come back? Oh wait, that’s right, they don’t count because they have a different view than you do.

That, and new players might not have all of the areas explored where they can get to all the needed areas or even know how to get to the needed areas for that, while before, just doing the personal story stuff, or exploring the starter map their char is on now, they could have done the 5 dailies before without even knowing about it.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Wow people are really defending this change… I didn’t realize the game had sunk so low that something like this is actually defensible….

You always get this sort of fanboi BS in every game. Personally, I find the new dailies extremely limited, and liked to do the ones we used to have. Adding more options for dailies would have been fine. What really sucks is this edition of Wintersday, as it expands on the “Less is more” BS theme they rolled out. No snowball fighting this year, and the bell controls are screwed up too (used to coincide with my number keys, and now has unusable #1 and #0). – not to mention not getting credit for “participating” in the bell choir at all.

But yeah – Anet does stuff I dont like, then I just wont play. Fanbois are happy, and anet gets less cash. Win-win, right?

I don’t remember the wintersday you are talking about, but last year’s, if I remember right, they had 1-4 and 6-9 inclusive on mine in the bell choir subarea, and they seemed to work ok on mine, so that part is the same as last year, but most of the rest I agree with. It is apparently moreso in their mind that taking away more for the players to choose from and most likely driving more away is to be seen somehow as a good thing.

Somehow, some people are still thinking that less options is to be seen somehow as better than more options.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Also, unless you farmed all of the available AP every day, the loss of monthly AP is moot.

I was consistently getting 8 ap daily, without the need to go out of my way, just playing as i would have been playing if dailies didn’t exist. Sometimes i hit 2 more, if i felt like doing WvW, but we can ignore those for the sake of simplicity. The same with the monthlies. I didn’t farm them. Farming is what the new change tries to make me do.

So if you hit 8 AP daily then that mean that you missed out on 4 AP per day. At 365 days a year that’s 1,460 AP you lost out on whereas monthly AP only rewarded 1,200 per year.

If they didn’t feel like doing them, how is that them “missing out”? All that means is they didn’t feel like putting forth the effort to get them. Doesn’t sound like they missed out on them at all to me.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


While they could really use more options, I think it’s a good change.

Now, you only have to complete your dailies if you want AP. Previously if you didn’t complete them, you’d get no laurel and begrudgingly do the ones to get it. Since AP from dailies is capped, there will reach a point where you don’t need to complete them at all, but you can choose to do whatever dailies you want for a reward, rather than having it count for nothing, or just count for a silly 1 AP.

Also, the rewards from some individual dailies might even be better than the old completion… I got a few omnomnomberries from one of them.

You didn’t “have” to do the dailies before, sometimes you got them anyway was an added bonus just from playing the game. They could have capped AP just as easily as putting this bullkitten system into place, I suspect with less effort on their end. The main issue, as it has always been for me, is give the players MORE choices, let them decide how they want to play, not try to force them into certain things or areas of the game they might not be interested in.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


The only reason people don’t like the new dailies is because you need to do effort on them. Previously no one really cared because dailies didn’t entail anything.

They turned from meaningless activities you would do anyway, to an activity you could choose to do. Which means in the latter there is more "meaning"to do them, and you need to allocate time to do them.

Personally I don’t think it’s such a bad change. Then again I never had a problem with any areas in the game too much, and these dailies are simple enough. Plus we get the rewards from just logging in now anyway.

Thank you for being yet another person that misses the point. The issue is not the effort involved. If we were worried about it alone, there would not be so much kittening. The issue is Anet’s attempt once again to force people into other areas of the game by limiting the choices of how they play. But it is funny that you bring up that particular point, as I personally take issue with the achievement points being devalued by people now doing less effort to get them.

Their solution to make more people want to play is apparently take away more choices on how to do things, and not add more options for people, to let THEM choose how they play.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Let’s see:

4 events in Silverwastes = maybe 8-10 minutes or so, since there’s always an event happening
Vista in Ascalon = Maybe 2 minutes at the most / more likely 30 seconds
Gathering wood = Probably around 5 minutes worst case scenario

Being forced to jump all over the map to get the 3 dailies you have listed, (which is an even better trick if you are a new player just starting and have no clue how to get to Silverwastes never mind the ability to actually survive 4 events there) = Priceless

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


If you’re intent on only doing PvE, then you’ve got a self-imposed restriction that is making it more difficult than it needs to be for you.

I’m not going to speak against this new system until I tried it. However, I never agree with the content cross references.

It’s a bit like telling a MYST player to go play Call of Duty because it builds character.

Not everyone feels like doing competitive things every day. I personally enjoy PvP more when I don’t have to do it.

The thing is though, the entire point of dailies is to incentivize players to participate in different content. They weren’t very good at doing that before, so this change improves their ability to perform their purpose at the cost of removing the ease at which they were formerly completed (the ease which was the main reason they didn’t achieve their purpose).

Sorry but having to go to Queensdale and follow/ protect the pack bull or gathing plants in the jungle(for example)are nothing but forced manipulation by Anet to complete mediocre activites that that take you away from the game you wish to play.
Of course they are optional, but thats not the point.

Then don’t do them? All you’re losing out on is AP and if AP mattered to you then I’d be surprised that you wouldn’t jump at the fact you get 10 AP for much less work than what was required before.

Let’s see. Doing dailies as an added benefit of doing the game how we wanted to, and now have to go through all this hassle to do them, and because you have no valid refute to it, you pull out the AP argument as if that were the only issue. Once again you miss the point, and I am tempted to think you couldn’t hit a cow with a barn.

The issue is that Anet is taking away choices in an attempt to force people into other things. The same method is used all the time other places, make one thing such a hassle or so expensive (as the case may be) that people who previously would have done that thing will either go do another option that you are trying to force them into, or stop doing anything whatsoever related.

Simple solution that, even though you might refuse to see it, is restore the options and let the players decide what they want to do. If Anet feels the need to cap the awarded achievement points for dailies and monthlies, they can do so. This solution not only doesn’t hurt you, but can benefit even you as well.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


It takes about 10-15 minutes to get the three achievements needed for the daily, and it gives a free 10 AP, instead of grinding 10 achievements to get the 10 daily AP. Are we seriously kittening about simplified dailies that take less time?

They don’t take less time. That’s the point. Every minute of doing them is a minute playing content i wouldn’t have been doing otherwise, while the previous dailies (excluding WvW/PvP specific) all could have been done doing things that I wanted. And i still got more AP on monthly basis than i will get now.

So you’re saying it takes more time to do 3 achievements compared to 5? You’re also saying it takes more time to do achievement that now require you to do less than they used to such as gathered?

The time that it takes out of your personal time is a matter of personal preference and does not dispute that doing the daily now takes less time and even less time to get 10 AP than before.

In some cases yes it actually does take more time, depending on the specifics of the item. Like say, doing the fire elemental event in PvE. Plus having to jump all over the map, instead of being able to do almost every single daily item you feel like doing on one map as you work on your own thing.

As far as getting the 10 AP, that presumes that everybody was trying to always get to the 10 point daily cap every time. I never worried about that part, so while that part may be true, it has no value either for or against.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Really. They’ve been out for a DAY. Less, actually. How can you have formed an opinion on this day-by-day feature when it hasn’t even existed for a day? After completing my Maguuma Forager daily, I got a bag of cooking goodies. I killed the Caledon Wurm as usual and got even more loot.

The dailies now reward you even if you don’t meet the Daily meta-achievement. The only reason you’d need to complete 3 is to get the 10 achievement points. If you’re an AP grinder, you were doing way more than this in the old Daily system for less rewards.

As for negative aspects, the biggest one I can see from my single day of experiencing the new system is that it’s made all the whiny, self-entitled people rear back up after they were ignored in the April update. The Queensdale events daily brought back traumatic memories of level 80s dominating the starting zones in the days before the train was put down.

Overall, this is a positive change, on day 1, at least. Once all the grouches “give up on GW2” again, the rest of us can enjoy our new dailies and be rewarded more for doing much less grinding.

Actually, I formed my opinion based on the screen shot they posted with the news previously, and had that opinion confirmed by the actual working of it, and my issues with it has not changed, and in fact has grown more valid.

Less options is the issue, and of the less options, more specific ones. So once again, we see the attitude that “well you don’t see things how I do so you are (in this case) whiny and self-entitled” even though many prefer doing the work to achieve an actually earned award for our efforts, and have an issue with some of those choices being taken away in an attempt to force others into another area of the game. So while we are the ones who want more options to help more people, we are apparently “whiny and self-entitled”, and somehow the people who want to do less effort are not.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


It takes about 10-15 minutes to get the three achievements needed for the daily, and it gives a free 10 AP, instead of grinding 10 achievements to get the 10 daily AP. Are we seriously kittening about simplified dailies that take less time?

No, as for me personally, I am kittening about the fact that there are less choices for the players, in yet another attempt by Anet to force players into other parts of the game. Oh, that and the devaluing of actually earned rewards by this bullkitten “here’s a trophy for showing up” reward. And by the way, no one forced people to grind all the way to get 10 APs, that was the player’s choice to do so or not. And they were earned if they did it, you still earn them you just have to do a lot less to get the same.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I liking it so far but in saying so this is coming from a player who does most if not ALL of the daily achievements (the only ones I don’t do is the dungeons related dailies).

To those who don’t like the new update, try doing the PVP AND the WvWvW dailies on a daily basis (getting the daily defenders is the worse as it depend if the commander is good and if the zerg is large enough) as it’s pretty much end up being a chores especially when I aim to fill 2 ranks bars per day (well it’s varies depending if I got alot of free times or now). Doing all three game modes takes hours when I have other stuff to do.

This new update saved alot of time from my end and it making it less of a burden for the better.

Lastly yes I fully aware they are not making up do the daily as it’s up to me if I want to do it or not.

Uhm, how about no. I had no interest before in doing PvP and WvW, and have, if anything, LESS interest in doing so now that Anet is once again trying to force people into it. I am not against people doing them if they choose to, but that is exactly my point, LET THE PLAYERS CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES, not restrict the available choices to a ridiculous amount and drive people away, and on top of that make the choices so specific so as the people have to jump all over the map to do their chosen area of the game. Making more choices actually helps more people, not hurts more like this new setup does, and does not adversely affect the people who like this new setup, but the people it does hurt are supposed to feel like less of a GW2 player because they see it differently? Not cool.

To clarify, Renkencen didn’t say this, but this seems to be the attitude from many who do not see an issue with this update.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


We need to wait to see what the daily rewards are just for logging in. We never got rewards like this. For the achievement point hunters, let them play to get their achievement points. It took me the same amount of time to do the daily today as it usually does. 20 minutes.

At reset you’ll get a reward just for logging into the game, which will progress as each day of the month goes on.

From what I can see so far (and it’s still early days) I really like this change.

There’s no need to defend it because a lot of people seem to like it.

The problem is that some people are OK with one part, and wondering why others are taking issues with the other side of things. This has a 2 part problem/benefit.

On one side, you have people getting a bullkitten “here’s a trophy just for showing up” award which devalues the actually earned awards that others get. Not that people shouldn’t get something for logging in, but don’t tie it to something already awarded and having a somewhat actually earned value.

And on the other side you have the attempt by Anet to force people into other parts of the game by further removing choices in their chosen areas of play.

IMO, both of which are issues that need to be resolved, but both are separate issues that are only tied together because they were implemented at the same time.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I dont get it. It seems like dailies are EASIER than before. Log in for 5 seconds, get a laurel, and log out. I doubt anyone got their dailies done in less time than that with the old system.

The new “dailies” is a completely different system with new rewards people weren’t getting before, so why should you be entitled to get more stuff with 0 effort?

I guess the new stuff being called dailies while the old dailies are now called log in rewards was too confusing to some people. This game really must have been too confusing before the NPE after all.

They really ought to explain it better in the patch notes if its so confusing, but i guess it will just take a few days for some people to get it.

I get it already, it sucks. You can explain as much as you want, but sometimes if something sucks, it just sucks. Less options with Anet trying to force people into other areas of the game. No matter how much you try, some people just do not want to try PvP or WvW or PvE. Make it more enticing for those that might be interested in ways like adding MORE choices, not taking choices away in the area they might like.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I like the fact that the laurel is tied to log in, I like that each daily has its own rewards, what I don’t like is how specific each daily is.

If they are going to limit the dailies to 4 PvE options and then limit them to specific zones, I can see the high level areas becoming quieter than ever as all the dailies will have to be aimed at the lower level zones to give the lower level characters a chance. Instead of Queensdale events, Kryta events would be better, instead of the Caladon jungle wurm any world boss would do. Out of today’s 4, 2 of them are in level 1 -15 areas and one is in Lions Arch, only Maguma forager can be done in a high level zone.

The act itself of tying one of the dailies to a specific area, in and of itself is not an issue except when it is only 1 or 2 of the very limited options available, where if it were 1 choice from say 10-12, then it would not be such an issue.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Thank you. That’s what I had read in the blog post and seen.

So the only incentive to do the daily is for the 10 AP. You only have to do 3 daily achievements now to get 10 AP compared to before where you had to do 10. I can tell you from experience that getting all of the daily achievements before the update took between 30-60 minutes depending on your luck with a few.

It seems like all players benefit from this. If they want AP, they can do the daily achievements and get 10 AP from doing only 3 of the daily achievements across the three format types. Seems like a pretty great deal. You also get various rewards specifically for doing each daily achievement which we didn’t get before. On top of this, many of the existing daily achievements were shortened such as gatherer allowing for them to be completed quicker than before.

Laurels are now rewards through the login reward system by simply logging in. Unlike before where you had to do 5 achievements, you can simply spend under a minute of your day just logging in just to get credit. If you don’t care for AP, you no longer have to bother doing the daily achievements. Over the course of the month, you get 29 laurels and various other rewards. At the end of the month, you get a choice of rewards where laurels is an option. Very nice! If you can’t login at all for a period? No worries! Your progress is saved.

Again….agreed. Scratching my head over why some players are howling about this.

And I in turn am scratching my head how benefiting more people with more choices instead of less can be seen as a bad thing, and somehow that Anet trying to force people into other parts of the game against their will by removing choices is seen as the thing to be ok with.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Thank you. That’s what I had read in the blog post and seen.

So the only incentive to do the daily is for the 10 AP. You only have to do 3 daily achievements now to get 10 AP compared to before where you had to do 10. I can tell you from experience that getting all of the daily achievements before the update took between 30-60 minutes depending on your luck with a few.

It seems like all players benefit from this. If they want AP, they can do the daily achievements and get 10 AP from doing only 3 of the daily achievements across the three format types. Seems like a pretty great deal. You also get various rewards specifically for doing each daily achievement which we didn’t get before. On top of this, many of the existing daily achievements were shortened such as gatherer allowing for them to be completed quicker than before.

Laurels are now rewards through the login reward system by simply logging in. Unlike before where you had to do 5 achievements, you can simply spend under a minute of your day just logging in just to get credit. If you don’t care for AP, you no longer have to bother doing the daily achievements. Over the course of the month, you get 29 laurels and various other rewards. At the end of the month, you get a choice of rewards where laurels is an option. Very nice! If you can’t login at all for a period? No worries! Your progress is saved.

Dailies before this latest kittenup, more of an issue from the options choices before. Now, too specific. You want Anet to devalue the achievements so much, how about they just reward the full flame or glowing armor set from the first achievement point you get? People could actually earn the achievement points and the laurels for doing something. So somehow having less options to choose from is supposed to be seen as a better thing by more people? Obviously it isn’t. Here is a wild idea that actually benefits more people, including the people who seem to take offense with those of us who have an issue with this kittened up adjustment. Let the players choose what they want to do instead of trying to force them into other parts of the game. It doesn’t hurt those that for some unknown reason like this new system, and doesn’t kitten off as many people as it obviously has. Cap the points they can achieve from a certain area if you want to encourage them to other areas of the game, instead of beating them over the head with limited choices.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


The new Daily system which hand-holds clueless and aimless players is, accidentally, once again leading to additional limits and constraints for loyal veteran players, which will turn dailies for casual players into even more of a chore and annoyance – just like the Traits (67 pages) and NPE (17 pages) changes did.

So maybe, this time it’s better to listen to players before making this change? It will save so much time for everyone. Thank you.

Lishten, going to paraphrase, tried quoting yours again because so many specific good points were made as well, but it is just too large, so just doing top and bottom.

Previously (before the dailies adjustment before this kittened up one), you had 3 different piles easily able to tell what was what, because they had subsections, with a reasonably large selection to choose from. Now, technically you only have that clearly visible separation when you get the “here’s a bullkitten trophy just for showing up” reward. If you want to look them up in the hero achievement tab, you can tell by icon, but you have to take more time to do so. Last dailies adjustment for this one, they smushed everything together into one generic pile and removed a lot of choices.

Now, with this latest adjustment to the dailies, you get less choices from your chosen area(s), and by the way math works, you have to do a larger percentage of them to get the achievement.

Problem = less options for players, less incentive to try an area that some might not want to try no matter how much Anet tries to force them to do so
Solution = stop taking away more and more options, give us back the options, let the PLAYERS decide what parts of the game they want to play. If you feel the need to have a daily and/or monthly achievement points that can be earned per calender item, then cap it by not awarding any more points past item X. Let the players do more than that for the experience if they wish. If you want to encourage them to try other parts of the game, let them earn more achievement points past the ones they earned in that first area.
End result = less unneeded Anet caused strife, although there will probably be more players who still kitten about more people having more options.

The kittenup of the leveling and traits issue is a totally different line.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I think this is a great change. Dailies were getting to be too much of a ‘job’ for me….I really didn’t enjoy doing them that much just so I could get my laurel. I had gotten to the point where I just did wvw or explored pve, and if I got the daily, fine…..if not…..well ok.
Now that I get a laurel just for logging in, I can kiss the dailies goodbye…..sweet!!!!

Love the new changes to the system!

I would be willing to bet that my wife will like the changes, too… she was also treating dailies like a necessary job to do in game for the laurel… she will be able to get the laurel for just logging in, and then can spend her time doing other stuff that she enjoys much better than the daily drudgery.

Right, because just showing up totally makes the reward that other people actually earned worth it instead of having to work for it! (heavy sarcasm intended here in case it wasn’t obvious)

This is the same bullkitten that the numbskulls IRL have been trotting out by giving out these trophies for just showing up. Yes self esteem is important, however, so is the drive to do things better. If you end up making the reward for something not worth the effort, how much drive is there to achieve that reward now?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


They’ve since reduced those choices twice in a row, making them more restrictive than they ever were when the game began..

If I am misremembering you have my apologies, but I don’t recall dailies existing when the game began. Weren’t they added after launch as a means of providing incentive to log in and to try a variety of in game activities ?

Don’t remember if there were specific dailies at start but I do know they didn’t have rewards for achievement points out at first, even though you still got the points. Then once they phased them in, if you had enough, you got a chest a day until your chests rewards caught up with your achievement point total to that point.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Wow people are really defending this change… I didn’t realize the game had sunk so low that something like this is actually defensible….

“Obviously if people don’t see things from my perspective they are out of touch.”

And yet it seems like somehow we are supposed to just blindly accept that less options is now more options, and if we have a difference of opinion then we are the ones who are wrong. Guess you will just have to face the fact that sometimes when something is wrong, it is just wrong.

Oh, that, and apparently having less options which benefits less people is somehow a better thing than more options which benefits more people, including those who still benefit and think there should be less.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


im surprised they didnt keep the dailys that we had before and allow us to choose 3 from those that we had.. like, puzzle jumper? leveler? skill point accumulator? where are they now?? how about bring those back ! let US CHOOSE 3 that we want to finish and get our dailys that way!

But this IS play how you want to, as long as you do it in the manner they want you to.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


I don’t condone the insult, either. However, while I remember complaints about too many achievement points, I don’t remember any about too many choices to get daily completion. The two changes are only joined at the hip because they came in the same update. There is nothing to say that the Daily Achievement Point change could not have been implemented separately.

Chopped repeated quotes for clarity as I am only responding to the last part here.

This is something I have been saying they could have done from before they kittened over the dailies the first time. If they felt it was an issue, leave the options there for all of the PvE and WvW and PvP dailies, cap them at say 8 daily items total, but let people still do the items past that for the exp. Same with the monthlies, cap it at 6 maybe, whatever works for them. More options for the players, less valid complaints about how restrictive the choices are.

Anet, for the record, having the “option” of doing some of the dailies from an area we have no interest in doing before is not somehow more options. All you did was remove choices for people and claim it is now more.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Far fewer choices in pve for those who only do pve. This is an amazingly crappy change. I thought we were going to get more options not less. You already did Less and people HATED it. You can’t be that clueless Anet.

Add more options!

‘’You can’t be that clueless Anet’’

Do you really imagine the game to made based on your needs?
It should be the other way around. You play because you like it. You don’t play if you don’t like it. It is good to give feedback but it is annoying to see players insulting the company when they, themselves, have no idea what they want and they keep complaining, not realizing, that 2 months ago, there were complaints about the exact opposite of what they want now.

Sweet so I don’t play, I don’t spend money in their gem store, they don’t make any cash. Great!

I don’t know if you realize it but the world is not about you, you are just a small part of it and sometimes what you want is irrelevant. You may need to grow up a little bit before realizing that instead of threatining people with your money.

Maybe you should learn a little bit about business before condemning this particular method, it is called voting with your wallet, and in many cases is the only way to let a company know how you feel about either their business practices, both positive and negative. And you are right, the world is not just about us, as it is also not just about you. Removing options limits how many people play, maybe not you specifically, but having more options doesn’t limit you, while doing so does limit others.

It seems that you are more about getting things how you want (as in it IS all about you) instead of a way that works for more people.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyssan.3768


Wow people are really defending this change… I didn’t realize the game had sunk so low that something like this is actually defensible….

Same could be said about those against the change.

Yeah… Just no…

This update is highly subjective and depends on the personal preference of the individual player. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others cannot.

That is true, and yet somehow people think that forcing everyone to have less options just because they think it is a good idea is somehow a good thing, while having more options benefits more people, including those that think there should be less options. No one is forcing you to do more. And yet here this is trying to force people to do more with less.

So like was said before, Yeah… Just no…