Showing Posts For MrHaze.3690:

Feb 1st: NSP/BP/AR

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Good fights with the WAR Warrior outside BP spawn on ARBL.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Necromancer, Where are my undead soldiers?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Guild Wars Necromancers don’t reanimate the dead, they use often long-dead “materials” to create constructs to serve as their cannon fodder.

That’s why we don’t have human skeletons or zombies and such wandering around hitting things for us.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Sickening market manipulators

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


I wonder why some people have such a hard time grasping that player-driven economies are a pvp environment.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Question to everyone reguarding supply Yaks

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


It only takes seconds to kill a yak and ages to escort it.

This is my issue with Yaks tbh. I’m not terribly fussed over the fiscal rewards.

Even if a Yak has defenders it’s not terribly difficult to snipe it, even if you die you’ve potentially done serious damage to it’s server.

I think Yaks could probably use a health and armour boost*, I’m not implying they should be unkillable, I just don’t think they should be exploding that easily.

*Or potentially give them a flat increase for each nearby allied player.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

01/02 Borlis vs Anvil vs N.Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


CONGRATS to the BP [War] team taking every camp in ARBL and starving us for your constant attacks. This proves beyond doubt now to me and my other defenders at Stargrove how important supply camp & yak DEFENSE is.

It took a lot of work, we were definitely trying to make you guys move everywhere at once, you had good coverage of key areas, the first hour or so for us was rough times. Had a couple real ugly battles from our point of view, you guys got the drop on us a few times. It wasn’t until NSP showed up in the zone that we could really capitalize on your guild’s mobile force being distracted for longer periods of time by somebody other than us. Later on we got to actually surprise you guys a few times, took us a while at least! :P
Bedtime now though, fight ya tomorrow

You really have no idea how frustrating it was for the 4 of us at Stargrove to be holding that camp for so long (2+ hours before we finally lost it to you guys I think) for only 1 in 10 of our yaks to get through to Hills/Garri.

Not much we could do against yak sniping zergs, and everyone else was spread too thin to guard them.

Well played.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


That’s the first time I’ve heard a pistol thief being called amazing haha. I love his guild name though, best actor of our time!

I was the kittenty Sylvari Guardian you were fighting, watched your fight with him and then fought him myself.

Guy is an kitten.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1/25 BP-AR-NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Holy mother of god the BP Thief from CAGE is amazing.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Trahearne: Necromancer with a GS

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Nonetheless, I would like to see necros have at least one other choice in the two-handed weapon department. The staff is virtually all AOE and condition damage, which is fine for condition builds. I am thinking more of a direct damage weapon (like the necro axe). The two handed battle axe was a great suggestion and very necro-like.

Ectoplasm Rifle.

You know you want it.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


@ Maxime P.

You need to train your troops have this following Priority.

Defend your BLs first.
Go into EB second.

Your commanders and troops are dead set on holding SM.

Guess what we do the minute we see you take SM?

Head for your borderlands.

SM =35 points.

Lower half of your map, 35 points without Bay or Hills. That makes Bay or hills bonus after we lower cap you and guess where your commanders are when we do this? Defending SM.

Retrain your entire server to think home borderland take priority over SM and you will have greater success on the scoreboard.



Not to mention the past 2 days we’ve had to go to NSP’s BL just to stop BP from owning it.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


My sincerest thanks to our dear colleagues in NSP, who never once attacked our Borderlands during this matchup.

I guess those Sekz (amongst others) groups were just my imagination.

Really, Plok, how heavily have NSP hit your Borderlands?

With the exception of a breakout tower NSP did jack kitten in your BL this week.

They were in our BL on reset and everytime they had some numbers they were there.

Seks doesnt do anything but gank and look for quick tower takes. Did they attack any of your fully upgraded shiz? NO.

I’ve woken up to them sieging one of our keeps (usually Bay) more than once this week.

Stop being a sore loser before you’ve even lost Plok.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


My sincerest thanks to our dear colleagues in NSP, who never once attacked our Borderlands during this matchup.

I guess those Sekz (amongst others) groups were just my imagination.

Really, Plok, how heavily have NSP hit your Borderlands?

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


A Public Relations Manager? Who gave you that title XD Or maybe its because you manage to get on a poor relationship the first time you speak to someone. Intelligent!
Maybe your guild leader should have thought twice before appointing you with it! Or maybe it has self-given

As I recall it was either that or Secretary of Zerging, and there was “no way in hell” he was taking a secretary position.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

I believe this is out of hands...

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


So just so we’re clear, this has nothing to do with getting into the spawn, you just tried to dress up a stealth whine thread as something prettier?

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

I believe this is out of hands...

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


You can actually get into Citadels with any class, it’s extremely easy.

The thing to keep in mind is that they can’t do anything to you, you’re invulnerable in there, all they can do is down your merchants or something (who respawn anyway.)

Remember, if they’re dicking around in your Citadel, they’re not actually helping anywhere else, so why bother chasing them?

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

1:18 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Ah yes, brave Sir Maeva.

Patron saint of retreating.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

(edited by MrHaze.3690)

Garrison trebs

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Wait… The home team’s Garrison gives them an advantage?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

Considering every server has a home field I don’t see the issue.

That seemed to me to be the obvious answer to the OP. I’m just surprised it took five replies before someone offered it.

Pretty much this, but hey, sure, go ahead and “fix” it.

Right after they “fix” trebbing Bay from the southwest supply camp.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Necromancers are Garbage underwater

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


I don’t play a condition build, I play a well bombing, dagger using, DS critting power build. The only utilities I actually use are disabled underwater, basically leaving me with using minions just to fill the slots, add a bit of extra dps and hopefully take some aggro. It is really annoying.

Might I recommend slotting Blood is Power, Spectral Walk and Signet of Spite?

Given that you’re relying on weapon damage, I find it best to play to your strengths

On another note, I empathise with OP about Flesh Golems not working underwater, Lich form doesn’t either for some reason (probably because it uses marks.)

However the Flesh Golem thing could probably be fairly easily fixed. If it’s a problem with the way the minion itself works, why not use that one idea someone had about the Flesh Golem being replaced with an undead Shark or something when underwater, like how Rangers have seperate underwater pets.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

Necromancers are Garbage underwater

in Necromancer

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


I actually find that my Necro performs exceptionally well when I fight underwater on my (power) Necro. The weapon skills (and underwater death shroud) are utterly ridiculous.

Between Deadly Catch, Dark Spear, Sinking Tomb, Frozen Abyss and Wave of Fear, as well as access to a dash and swiftness, you’re kitten near unbeatable even with mediocre utilities underwater.

I make a habit of jumping into water if I’m ever badly outnumbered in WvW just because our weapons are so kitten strong down there.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690




Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

(edited by MrHaze.3690)

11/13 Kaineng vs Shiverpeaks vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Noticed that the guild SOS was in Kain from day 1 when server open….since I saw someone said it is a transfer guild (who know why?)

Which one?

Because maybe it was because I was tired or something last night but I swear to god I think I saw Soul of Sos [SoS], Shield of Sos [SoS], Sword of Sos [SoS] and then there was another one, which seemed completely unrelated to the other 3, but it’s ticker was also [SoS]

I mean we only have Syndicate of Shadows [SOS], we’re totally outnumbered in SOS guilds, and I don’t think our vast reserves of [WAR] guilds can plug the gaps just yet.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


hmm, there is little love for DH in any of these posts.

What, you want love? Well, I know I’m not alone in AR in saying that we thought you had a solid chance of passing NSP throughout the week, unfortunately from what we’ve heard (and obviously we can’t know if this is true or not) several of your larger WvW Guilds are MIA because they want your server to drop all the way to the bottom so that they can rise up again.

Which would be a shame, really, because I’ve thoroughly enjoyed playing against you, you’re tenacious and scrappy and there have been small to mid-scale skirmishes all around the Borderlands this week, which I’ve loved.

I’d like to give a special shoutout to the DH Charr engineer who just showed up a few days ago and chased down an NSP Bunker Ele with my party, guy just ran alongside us firing his rifle and then staked the Ele when we got him. Naturally we did the only sensible thing and invited him to the party, and many laughs were had chasing that Ele around whenever he wanted to kill an AR Yak.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


I will cut out your entrails and use them…

Look, I know you’re a Necro, but considering what all I ate for lunch… reconsider your plan.

I can wait.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Hey I took my ‘zerg’ (about 10 lowbies) to the jumping puzzle to show them how to get free siege after some of the guys gave up soloing camps as far as I was aware they seemed to enjoy it!

Should have taken them to the Skritt

I will cut out your entrails and use them to decorate the 12 Flame Ram Blueprints I intend to drop on top of the corpse of the next bunker elementalist that I kill.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

4/13 DH/AR/NSP

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


I’m seeing a lot of “This is a worthless server,” and, “No point fighting a worthless fight,” over here in NSP. It’s really sad watching this happen. If you hadn’t guessed already, those quotes came from people in our own borderlands. It would appear that we can’t control our own land while DH and AR are left unscathed, which leads me to my next point. I’ve seen a lot of “DH and AR have an alliance,” which I’m not sure about. It would appear true, but every so often I see some Green pop up in Blue and some Blue pop up in Green. Any confirmations on this would be kind, as I could tell all of those in our BL to stop assuming things if it isn’t true. It’s a shame to see a once cheery server become a monster of it’s own creation that ever so slowly eats away at itself only to make it smaller. More and more I see people saying that they’ll transfer servers just so they don’t have to lose in WvWvW. I want to see them grow-up and realise that losing isn’t always the end, nor is it a reason to give up. Just endure through it whilst doing the best you can. We had a good start; they can use that as hope for the future.

No cross-server alliance, but consider the following:

Your server’s MO is to focus your attention into capturing and controlling Stonemist. Controlling that den of snakes is a massive undertaking in manpower, resources, and time, and the tradeoff you make is that you leave the defense of your Borderlands woefully lacking.

We figured that out after 1 week of playing against you, DR figured that out after a few days of playing against you, DH knows you even better than either of us did, so it would make sense to see them targetting your BL too.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


After flipping Bay and Hills earlier tonight, relieving Devona’s Rest of those pesky waypoints that they didn’t really need, ’twas then decreed by one of my commanders that we should, and would, break a tower wall using only ballistae.

It worked too.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


AR server…can you please find out who is using hacks/exploits to take the keeps on DR BL and report them please. They took a fully upgraded Hills with all walls/gates up. And no, lets not even attempt to claim some mez had been left in there for the last 7-8 hours cuz we all know thats a load. There was a DR member standing on the outer walls, the Hills WP was never contested and then it converts to AR.

We all know a lot of folks on your server knows whose using the exploits/hacks. AR has some fine gamers on it, its a shame the entire server’s rep is being drawn down because of the lameness of a few who have to resort to cheating because they lack skill to actually win the right way.

Yes we know you zerged the Bay with bunch of golems vs 5-6 players to “draw attention” but we also know you didnt ninja the Hills.

You can do something about it yourself, or I’ll move a character onto your server to find out whose doing it, report them via FRAPS to Anet. That will most likely result in a lot of players ‘caught up in the moment of curiosity’ getting hosed.

You know whose doing it, now do something about it.

I was part of the group attacking Bay, simultaniously with 5 Golems, just FYI our group didn’t even know about Hills until after Bay was capped, we just wanted Bay because our Norn commander who everyone seems to be fond of running from gets upset when his Bay is reset.

Our understanding is that another group used us as a distraction (without our knowledge) and rushed Hills with 5 Golems. Are you sure no one slipped up?

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

(edited by MrHaze.3690)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Thats pretty rich coming from AR. Are you unaware that your borderland have been left untouched by DR while we are constantly attacked by both? (Untouched at the time this post was written)

Do you have any idea how many DR Siegerazers we kill a day? They attack us, they just rarely beat out our border patrols.

Also look a few posts up for a screenshot, yes, our borderlands is untouched indeed.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: MrHaze.3690


Scoooooore update

Devona’s Rest- 96k Anvil Rock- 45k Norther Shiverpeaks- 39k

Are AR still acting like Eternal doesn’t exist?
Because they have nearly twice the numbers we have and we are still making a stab in EB and have been all day.

Are NSP still acting like their own Borderlands doesn’t exist?

Path of least resistance.

Godhead Priest Endexa
Anvil’s Last Stand [ALS]