Showing Posts For Nat.4029:

What Would Mounts do for this Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


If they added mounts that you acquired through going out and playing the game that would be a nice change.

Add a small chance for gaining a rare mount from clearing a dungeon, more common mounts that can be acquired through completing a quest chain from start to finish, let people craft motorcycle type mounts and sell them (gives an actual benefit for maxing out crafting, but doesn’t force those of us that hate crafting to grind for it).

Give titles for obtaining a bunch of mounts, mini games for mounts, cosmetic effects like a pony trailing rainbows, rocket pack trailing fire, etc.

Anything that adds more fun and flavor to the game is a good thing, and honestly something this game desperately needs.

+1. This is what I was talking about.

Valar Morghulis

What Would Mounts do for this Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


OK so it’s an overwhelming “no” so far. I’ll pose this question.

Taking my mini game ideas, what if there was just a mount specific arena for this? They could leave mounts out of the main game, but people could use them for the mini games and be able to show off mounts there.

Valar Morghulis

What Would Mounts do for this Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


if anet did incorporate mounts, I very much doubt that they would circumvent wp fees, or go any faster than players with a speed buff.

I don’t particularly find the idea of mounts attractive, and frankly don’t understand the obsession some people have with them. in this game, I think they’d be an eyesore, but that is just my opinion.

saying that, I do like your idea of mini-games using them.

Yeah I’m not really suggesting that they circumvent WP fees. I’m just saying I’d rather use a mount to go across a map than to just teleport. As I’m riding across a map, I might come across an event or a champion that I wouldn’t have seen if I had teleported, and then I’d dismount and have some fun.

I get the “eye sore” complaint. People don’t want to see a jumbled mess of mounts. Especially in cities and big events like Marionette.

Valar Morghulis

What Would Mounts do for this Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


This game doesnt need mounts.

Because…. ? And don’t say “because it would be like WoW”

Valar Morghulis

What Would Mounts do for this Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I tried to search for mount discussions…I know there had to have been more than a few, but searching “mounts” brought nothing. So I thought I would strike up a discussion.

Would mounts add a lot of much needed variety to the game? In my opinion, they would. Adding a large variety of ground mounts (as suggested by others, Asuran Hoverboards, Charr Choppers, etc.) would not only give us something else to work towards in the end game, but it could also have a lot of other potential as well. There could be mini-games designed for mounts. (Something along the lines of the Rollerbeetle races from GW1) You could have monthly race tournaments where players compete against eachother to win special rare mounts. You could also have a PvP mount arena, where each mount type has a specific skill set, and there could be monthly tournaments there as well.

Sadly, flying mounts will probably never work since it isn’t a seamless world, and you can’t just fly from zone to zone. Ground mounts would be a welcome addition in my mind though. I’ve always loved mounts and collecting them, and I’d much rather use a mount to cross a map than using WPs and using money. I know the crowd is mixed on this subject. Some hate the idea of mounts and others love them. I’d like to hear what you all have to say about it.

Valar Morghulis

Expansion Ideas!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


If they put mounts in the game I say remove all wp. They would be annoying to see in game. I for one don’t want a mount but if they opt to turn this game into WoW I want shatterer as my mount then I will delete this game. I tried wow I hated it, I don’t want to see a reskin of that game here.

I love mounts, but ground mounts would be the only mount that would work in GW2 since the world isn’t seamless. You can’t just fly from zone to zone. Although I wish you could because I’ve always loved flying somewhere over just using a WP and spending money. Mounts are good fun though and it gives more for people to work toward, which would be a nice alternative to the gear grind that is GW2 end-game.

Valar Morghulis

The Rest of Tyria?!!

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


The Ring of Fire Island Chain lies across the ocean – which we know to be infested with a dragon and it’s minions.

We may have taken care of Zhaitain and hopefully cleared the sea of dead ships, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a greater threat lurking below.

If we could visit the Ring of Fire then people would be asking why we can’t sail to Cantha or the Battle Isles. (Yes we have airships but I have no idea how far they can travel and they seem to be limited to the use of the Pact and the Aetherblades – and the pact isn’t going to loan you an airship just to go visit an island for nostalgia’s sake unless there is a legitimate reason for them to need to go there.

Basically we have to wait and see what happens

We’ll use our new flying mounts to get there. #wishfulthinking

Valar Morghulis

The Rest of Tyria?!!

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Just remember that the central plot of GW2 is the dragons. They have to space them out in time otherwise in retrospect it would seem to be a very underwhelming process.

Also take note that most of the GW1 locations you listed relate to where the Dragons are.

Kralk was last seen in the Crystal Desert, Jormag is in the Northern Shiverpeaks, Mordremoth is in the Maguuma Wastes. As to the Ring of Fire Island Chain – what reason do we have to go there? Most people think it’s unlikely that Primordius is there, and the door of komalie has been closed. So technically the only things you’re likely to find are some Behemoths, Dryders, Riders and Drakes. Oh and a blood stone, but that doesn’t guarantee importance.

These zones will be opened up when we have a reason to go to them – aka dragons. But I for one hope they do take their time and pace this well.

They can always add something “non-dragon” related to the Ring of Fire so that we can visit it. I’d love to see it in the new engine.

Valar Morghulis

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


LFM healer
LFM healer
LFM healer…..

(Healer found, tank got impatient and left…)

LFM tank
LFM tank
LFM tank

I’m leveling a monk in WoW as we speak and queuing for dungeons as they open up. I have never once spammed chat for healers or tanks. I use the excellent LFG tool and it does all the work. It takes far less time to put a group together under the trinity than it does in GW2. I’m averaging 3 minute queues as DPS. This is a marketing BS to sell a system other than the trinity and it simply isn’t true.

I love WoW’s dungeon finder. I don’t have to sit in town spamming. I can just queue up and go play while it finds a party for me.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


One thing that hasn’t really been brought up is the fact that Southsun was released in October of 2012 if I’m not mistaken. It was about 2 months after launch that we got our first little chunk of content. When this happened, I along with many others thought, “Wow! Anet is going to really pump out the content.”

Now, over a year later, how many new zones are opened up? That was where they failed IMO. I really was thinking they’d be releasing new zones every couple months, but I was sadly disappointed. Before you say “Labyrinthe Cliffs!!!”. I don’t count that because it’s only accessible periodically. Probably one month out of the year. This Living Story content is fine and dandy for a lot of people, but to me I compare it to the holiday events and I don’t consider it content. Content in my eyes is permanent. I know a lot disagree, but it’s just the way I feel.

Oh yeah, lets pump out more maps like Southsun, because its not the least played map in game…

I said nothing about adding zones like Southsun….I agree, it sucks. That’s why I stopped playing after that update. But you’re telling me you don’t want more zones added to the game?

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


lets start off by saying there will not be a monthy “elite status” that is for china alone . due to how games work in china and korea and such. i would not worry that na or eu.

as far as the whole expansion is needed rar rar rar stuff. living story is our expansion in so many ways. expansion you wait for years to come to give you added content. with guild wars 2 we get it every 2 weeks. they are adding edge of mists next week which is a huge map. we have news of larger areas being added aka elonia and so on through the living story. out of all the interviews done anet only clue is they are sticking with living story and that the living story will have "expansion like " things added with it. open your mind living story is the best thing to happen to a game it gives us new things to do all the time.

as far as new races and class goes, races id like to see and they have hinted they are working on it. as far as new classes goes , what ruined gw1 was new classes every 6 months which ruined balance in the game it was why they canceled utophia it was going to add two new classes. and they started to see how unbalanced the game was becoming and would become from it. sure new classes are needed but we need them to take time and only add 2 more over all to the game to make it work. and im sure 2 would be over doing it 1 new class for better buffing and healing for party things something like paragon/rit combo.

i love guildwars over all both games has their flaws but least anet trys to makes the means happy.

I have no problem whatsoever with them adding “expansion-like” content through the Living Story. I’ve even enjoyed the Marionette fight (which I didn’t think I would). What I want is for that content to STAY in the game. If they open up new zones, I want them to stay open. They shouldn’t open them up and then close them in 2 weeks. Southsun Cove has been the only zone added to the game since launch….and they added Southsun 2 months after the game launched. Most people wanting expansions are wanting them to add a huge chunk of content in one shot, which we may never see.

Valar Morghulis

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Although I do miss being able to play a healing class for pure support, I don’t mind so much that everything revolves around DPS. What I get tired of is having to use the same weapon skills ALL THE TIME. I would love for them to do a complete overhaul of the skill system one day, and make it more like it was with GW1. Adding several more weapon skills for each weapon and allowing us to interchange the first 5 skill slots the way we want to. I think that would make a world of difference to this game.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Kill Kraggy=Elona expansion
Kill Bubbles = Cantha expansion

Just hold your horse for the lore to fallow through and Asian Servers to open up. An Anet to get right to display architecture.

What…? Are those some kind of leaked titles from Anet?

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I recently returned back to GW2 and I’m enjoying myself for the most part, until I do something in the Personal Story that is. My character is so bland it makes me want to strangle them. Show some LIFE! Get angry, sad, anything! Who was directing these voice actors?

“Ok, I want you to deliver these next lines with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. YES! That’s perfect!” -Voice Director

The world is beautiful and the exploration and gameplay have always been fun to me, but DANG that story stuff stinks. The human actors are especially cringeworthy. The only reason I find myself playing the story is for the XP only. And you have to play through your personal story to do anything (story-wise) later in the game. Correct? It’s been a while.

You playing a Norn Female by any chance?

I have before, yes. The majority of my experience comes from the female human story though.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


One thing that hasn’t really been brought up is the fact that Southsun was released in October of 2012 if I’m not mistaken. It was about 2 months after launch that we got our first little chunk of content. When this happened, I along with many others thought, “Wow! Anet is going to really pump out the content.”

Now, over a year later, how many new zones are opened up? That was where they failed IMO. I really was thinking they’d be releasing new zones every couple months, but I was sadly disappointed. Before you say “Labyrinthe Cliffs!!!”. I don’t count that because it’s only accessible periodically. Probably one month out of the year. This Living Story content is fine and dandy for a lot of people, but to me I compare it to the holiday events and I don’t consider it content. Content in my eyes is permanent. I know a lot disagree, but it’s just the way I feel.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


The only way ArenaNet will ever get another penny from me is to release an expansion pack. I will NEVER spend any real cash in the gem store. I am against cash shops.

And how would you suggest them getting the money to develop said expansion without the cash shop?

Uhm… the same way they developed Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North, and Guild Wars 2?

Well of those you mentioned only EOTN was a true expansion, the rest are also games on their own.

I love how the Living Story defenders use this argument.

“EOTN was the only expansion. Factions and Nightfall were ENTIRE GAMES! With a ridiculous amount of content!!! kitten ! I got you….”

Uhhh…no. No you didn’t. You got yourself there, champ.

Valar Morghulis

Just give us raids.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Raids are cool, but I rarely ever had time for them. Back when I was single…sure. But I can’t sit down and do a raid for 4-6 hours anymore. What I miss most are the GW-style missions and FUN dungeons (with the Trinity).

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


There is Season 2 of LS comming, they will be able to finally adress all the feedback in there (keep in mind that the LS patch you are currently playing was worked on 4 months ago, since that´s how their teams are working)
VIP membership was confirmed as a thing they are testing for China, which will be a separate region (there is beta in China right now)
Expansion would be good, I can´t disagree, but for the love of god, stop it already…all I see is whining about no expansion. You don´t like LS, don´t play it. Because GW1 had expansion every 6 months doesn´t mean GW2 will. If you take for example WoW (that is so dear to most of the people and there is always “WoW this, WoW that” arguments), it took 2 years for Blizzard to release Burning Crusade and it was 2 years between other expansions too. We are a year in GW2 lifespan and even though LS has it´s limitations it´s getting better. I´d just wait and see for the conclusion and the new plot. If that´s not good, we can slowly start to panic.
Also, I know this is internet and kitten and it´s expected to people rage over here, but I just had enough of this already. And if you want a response from the devs – be polite, provide constructive feedback and don´t demand.?

Just calm down and enjoy the game. If you don´t enjoy it, stop playing. Easy as that.

Dear lord finally another player who actually thinks about things

I agree 100%
It’s what I’ve been saying all along… people love to compare to this other games whos 5+ years old compare it to this and that and don’t think for a moment what happened to those games originally.

If people stopped and actually thought about things first instead of moaning like a spoiled child we’d have some awesome threads

I think what most people are wanting is just some kind of content announcement that’s not Living Story. I don’t really want to hear that new events will be added to an existing zone. I want to hear about how new zones will open up. It doesn’t have to be a true expansion announcement. I know they’ve said that stuff is being worked on “behind the scenes” but you can’t be any more vague than that. That could be anything. I’m just holding on to hopes that they’ll have a meaningful announcement soon. I blame NCSoft mostly…

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


Trahearne is an entitled user.

The reason you don’t see him in the Zhaitan step is because by that point, Trahearne got what he wanted out of you (help doing his personal quest) and doesn’t feel the need to help you at all. “Got my green star cleared, thanks so much good luck with yours.”

I STILL think Zhaitan should have choked on him.

PS: 2 good reasons to do personal stories: one of the best way to level quickly (especially if you have someone help you when stories are red.) And two: getting rid of the annoying green text on your screen.

The personal stories will actually guide you through different zones.

And pffft on the buffoon named Tybalt. Forgal (Vigil) has some incredible one liners, especially going through Fields of Ruin.

That was the Vigil guy’s name. I couldn’t think of it. He was about the only memorable character throughout my entire playthrough with my Guardian.

I see Anet was having a livestream featuring voiceover work today. I guess I should check it out and see how they actually do things.

Valar Morghulis

use alts as ai party members

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


Ahhh this brought back some GW nostalgia.

“kitten it, Alesia!!!”

Orion casts Fire Storm after every fight is over.

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


Just do what most of us (?) do and skip the cut scenes all together. They’re completely terrible and not necessary to do the actual questing. Sorry ANet, I love 99% of GW2, but the cut scenes are a no for me.

Yeah I know that’s been beaten to death, but the cutscenes are just as bad as the acting. Who thought that was a good idea? The cutscenes from GW1 could be funny at times, but they were still in-game cutscenes, which makes them 10x better than the ones we get in GW2.

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I miss SWTOR story quests. I would like to know what happens to Vette, but the free to play mode from swtor is unplayable :/

Yeah their version of F2P is VERY misleading. Sure it’s F2P, but with only half the content that is available to Subs.

The SWTOR storylines/acting are VERY good.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


My money is on EQN, it’s going to be F2P as well so i’ll buy it and try it, if nothing else i can just alternate between it and GW2 since neither of them require a subscription.

The end game content for GW2 is rather stale, some new dungeons or dungeon paths would be a good start or a new land to explore, even new professions, skills and weapons would be nice. Any of these things or all of them which is what you find in a new campaign or expansion.

When you compare what GW1 had after a year, an additional Campaign (or expansion) compared to now what GW2 has a year later it does leave something to be desired. I agree that they probably had factions and Nightfall partially completed when Prophecies launched, and they also probably had a lot of the content we see now worked out as well… or they had something entirely different planned and NCSoft or something else made them reconsider. So they started rushing out entirely different content. Which may explain why a lot of it has turned out the way it has.

I wish they could find a way to get out from under NCSoft’s skirt, and start doing things exactly the way they WANT to do them.

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I guess playing through the storylines in SWTOR during my off-time from GW2 didn’t help either. The story and voice acting in it are not even comparable. Anet hired really talented voice actors (Jennifer Hale, Troy Baker), I guess it really is all in the direction though. If they are just handed a script and told to read, GW2’s story is what you get.

Valar Morghulis

Mike Z Interview - All Can Be Destroyed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


Instead of changing existing maps, the LS needs to open new ones.

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


You can completely ignore the Personal Story if you want, you won’t miss out on anything. You’ll just have to deal with the green reminder in the top-right of your screen about where your next story step is.

All the game’s dungeon content and the Living Story developments can be played without touching the Personal Story at all, if you are so inclined.

Well that’s good to know. Like I said, the only reason I’ve been doing them so far is for the nice chunks of XP you get.

Valar Morghulis

Suffering Through The Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I recently returned back to GW2 and I’m enjoying myself for the most part, until I do something in the Personal Story that is. My character is so bland it makes me want to strangle them. Show some LIFE! Get angry, sad, anything! Who was directing these voice actors?

“Ok, I want you to deliver these next lines with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. YES! That’s perfect!” -Voice Director

The world is beautiful and the exploration and gameplay have always been fun to me, but DANG that story stuff stinks. The human actors are especially cringeworthy. The only reason I find myself playing the story is for the XP only. And you have to play through your personal story to do anything (story-wise) later in the game. Correct? It’s been a while.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Wildstar though it is published by NCSoft and EQN is scheduled to release in 2014 unless that’s changed recently. There’s also ESO, it is subscription based but it’s still another MMO in the pool. I agree that GW2 needs some healthy competition.

I played the ESO beta a few weekends ago and just wasn’t impressed at all. It has “bust” written all over it and IMO will be F2P in a year. I hear Wildstar also has a subscription. I would buy and play ESO if it didn’t have a sub, but it just didn’t pull me in enough to pay $15 to play. The only game that’s done that is WoW.

What this guy said is what I meant about no MMOs challenging GW2 in 2014..although it is my personal opinion, it seems to be a rather popular opinion as well.

People WILL buy ESO and pay the sub, but with no real end-game to speak of, the subs will drop substantially in the months to follow. I would’ve gladly paid a sub for GW2 if it meant we would get WoW/GW1-sized expansions/campaigns every couple of years.

I’m not saying they won’t, but I stick by my opinon that singleplayer series should stay singleplayer series. They’ll buy and pay the sub, but most of the purchases will be because it’s got Elder Scrolls in the name. There was nothing about the beta noteworthy. I really don’t think the Elder Scrolls kind of combat engine, would work well in the PvP scene, and truthfully, I don’t think it works all too well in MMOs to begin with. The beta felt like I was playing one of the singleplayer games. I saw no real need to interact with anyone else.

I agree. And to add to that, it felt like a step-back from Skyrim. I had just gotten off another Skyrim kick when I played the beta too. I just don’t like the idea of it. I’d much rather have another single-player game. Which I’m sure they are still working on for the future.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Wildstar though it is published by NCSoft and EQN is scheduled to release in 2014 unless that’s changed recently. There’s also ESO, it is subscription based but it’s still another MMO in the pool. I agree that GW2 needs some healthy competition.

I played the ESO beta a few weekends ago and just wasn’t impressed at all. It has “bust” written all over it and IMO will be F2P in a year. I hear Wildstar also has a subscription. I would buy and play ESO if it didn’t have a sub, but it just didn’t pull me in enough to pay $15 to play. The only game that’s done that is WoW.

What this guy said is what I meant about no MMOs challenging GW2 in 2014..although it is my personal opinion, it seems to be a rather popular opinion as well.

People WILL buy ESO and pay the sub, but with no real end-game to speak of, the subs will drop substantially in the months to follow. I would’ve gladly paid a sub for GW2 if it meant we would get WoW/GW1-sized expansions/campaigns every couple of years.

Valar Morghulis

Quantity or Quality?

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I think Anet hears these things and listens. I also think the game will evolve over time, as other MMOs have. I think at some point we may see a complete overhaul of the skill system (high hopes). Dual-classes, as in GW1, would be an amazing way to add an enormous amount of build diversity. Being able to use new skills for weapons, along with being able to customize those skills, would be most welcome. I think people would love to see the Ritualist back and the Dervish as well. They could add both those classes whenever they released content for Cantha and Elona.

If they aren’t planning these types of things for the future then that makes me sad.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Wildstar though it is published by NCSoft and EQN is scheduled to release in 2014 unless that’s changed recently. There’s also ESO, it is subscription based but it’s still another MMO in the pool. I agree that GW2 needs some healthy competition.

I played the ESO beta a few weekends ago and just wasn’t impressed at all. It has “bust” written all over it and IMO will be F2P in a year. I hear Wildstar also has a subscription. I would buy and play ESO if it didn’t have a sub, but it just didn’t pull me in enough to pay $15 to play. The only game that’s done that is WoW.

Valar Morghulis

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


A trinity could work if every class could fill any role they wanted at any time. But oh wait…isn’t that basically what we were supposed to get with GW2?

That’s not what we got though. Trinity gets hated on for pigeon holing, but the game that is really guilty of pigeonholing is GW2.

The extremely rigid weapon skill system pigeon holes everyone with the default loadout of skills. They try to offset this with traits, but traits are a mess with either very small effects (extra second of something here and there) and there just aren’t enough of them. Most of the traits are junk and tons of players complain about them.

Even the devs complain about it because “there isn’t enough build diversity.” Again, that fault less with the very limited pigeon hole weapon trait system you gave us.

Want more build diversity? Give us more skills, more traits, and the ability to slot in the skills we choose. Watch build diversity sky rocket.

Ahhh yes. I remember build diversity. That was in the original Guild Wars and not it’s successor…. Shame.

And don’t forget all the more possibilities that were presented once you were given a dual class. Experimenting was always fun. And you could find a build you liked to play, no matter how good or crazy/bad it was.

Valar Morghulis

(edited by Nat.4029)

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I think it was actually Windu that used laughable but it’s all good, I had the same sentiment.

I was speaking to Windu about your post. It was confusing.

Oh ok, well that clears the air lol.

I wasn’t aware my post was confusing.
The abridged version: I agreed with Neenja. ^^

No, see now we have more confusion. I didn’t mean your post was confusing. I meant that mine was.

Now we’re confused more. Need expansion…

Valar Morghulis

What would GW2 be like with trinity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I enjoyed playing a Monk in GW and a my Disc Priest in WoW. It was fun for me and fun for a lot of people. I liked finishing a dungeon run and feeling accomplished when someone said “good healz bro”. That’s all I have to say really.

Valar Morghulis

New race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


I’m being hopeful here. When they release Elona content, they can add Djinn as a playable race. I’d love to have a Djinn elementalist.

I think it would be a cool race. Especially since Anet wants to be so different than all other MMOs. This is definitely not a race that you’ll find in any other games.

Valar Morghulis

(edited by Nat.4029)

The Great Library - replay old LW content

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I honestly don’t even know if this is a good solution, although it comes up a lot.

I kind of feel like the story should just be left intact in the game world so that it can be experienced as part of a particular character’s narrative, like how most MMOs do it.

Yes but Anet doesn’t want to DO what other MMOs do. That’s their problem. They feel the need to be gamechangers, but it’s not really working right now.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Factions, Nightfall and Eye of the North says hi.

Anet produces better work when they have had a reasonable amount of time to design and test it.

Factions and Nightfall were not expansions. They were their own games and were being developed even before Prophecies was released as far as I remember.

The only actual expansion GW1 had was Eye of the North. And that didn’t really add much more than the LS have done (and it took much longer time to release that as well.)

According to Wikipedia, Prophecies what people may view as the base game for GW1, Factions, and Nightfall were all campaigns, and EOTN was the only expansion. So points for lordkrall, who is technically correct.

So EOTN is the only expansion? It still has more content that what we have so far with the LW. I’ll argue that all day if you like.

The thing is that exactly one year after Prophecies, Factions came out. What do we have to show a year later after GW2 has come out?

Hmm not quite the same is it?

Fair enough I’ll stop asking for expansions and start asking for Campaigns
As far as LW goes i wish they’d put that on hold and improve the core of the game but then again I also wish I had … ~pinky to corner of mouth~ One million dollars….


Campaign, Chapter, Expansion….it doesn’t really matter what it’s called to me. The fact of the matter is that it “expands” upon the vanilla game. I don’t see why these people think they have an argument because Anet decided to call Factions and Nightfall a campaign. Sure you could buy and play them as separate games, but it’s still Guild Wars and it’s still part of the game world and it still adds an enormous amount of content to the game (expands the game). I think I’ve decided that patience is the best thing right now. In hopes of Anet announcing a huge content patch/expansion/chapter/campaign….

That’s all we can really hope for right now. Living Story is a good way to pass the time before real and substantial content is added in the future.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I think it was actually Windu that used laughable but it’s all good, I had the same sentiment.

I was speaking to Windu about your post. It was confusing.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Even if you try to work into that angle, which I disagree with, because I’d still buy another stand alone game that could be played by itself or linked to GW2 which would expand upon the GW2 universe ergo it is an expansion. Yes that’s right I will pay good money for good content, the stuff they are doing with LW is free content for a reason.

Eye of the North the only expansion by your definition still provided way more content than LW has. On top of that all of EOTN is permanent repayable content that you can play at your own pace, because it was so robust they didn’t need to gate the content in two week increments to extend the play life. This allowed player to enjoy it at their own pace rather than an outside force dictate it for them.

edited, got my Anet products mixed up. Meant EOTN typed Nightfall by mistake.

I agree 100%.
The fact some people actually believe LS delivered the same content as EOTN (or any of the campaigns) is unfathomable, inconceivable and outright laughable.

It’s just not true in so many ways (most of which are stated above).

I didn’t see Neenja’s post. Spot on and pretty much what I just said. And you used “Laughable”… great minds think alike.

Valar Morghulis

An expansion would be great...

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Oe oh, EOTN brought great new areas, new heroes. Very overpowered pve skills(with their corresponding ranks), Lot’s of great dungeons and lots of good new weapons(ok after the weapon design contest). EOTN was a great expansion for me.

Oh, I have never claimed that EotN was a bad expansion, I am simply stating that the amount of stuff added wasn’t much more than we have seen with the Living Story model, but still took longer time.

That’s laughable. The amount of content in LS doesn’t come close to what EotN had. And guess what… All the content that EotN added can STILL BE ACCESSED. All those zones, dungeons, mini games, GEAR….. They are all still there for us to enjoy each time we log in. I have no problem with them doing this LS content, but the people who keep trying to say it’s added so much “content” to GW2 are just silly. If it added content, it would still be there.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


A lot of good points here. I think one thing I’m guilty of is comparing content to other games. Specifically GW1 and WoW. What I often don’t take into account is the fact that those games are both nearly 10 years old, and GW2 is not even to it’s 2nd year. I think patience is what is needed mostly, by myself and others with this same complaint.

Now if this game turns 2-3 years old and no new permanent content has been added by that time, then I guess I should begin to worry.

Valar Morghulis

Think and read before posting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


My problem with all the GW2 hoopla will be solved on 4/4/14.

I wasn’t impressed at all with ESO. And a sub on top of it? No way… That game has bust written all over it. It will be F2P within a year.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


The results of the Living Story are still out there. The story moves on to the next chapter but it leaves behind things you can still do. We have a new dungeon path and at least one new fractal. Divinity’s Reach got a major face lift in the area of the Great Collapse. This includes a “by invitation only” sort of crafting area that you can buy a pass to get admittance into. We have a new jumping puzzle. Kessex Hills will probably never be the same. Scarlett’s minions continue to wreak havoc all around the world. We have three new event style games. Two that were added to Southsun Cove when it got a face lift that also added a new world boss event. The third was added with a new zone called Labyrinthine Cliffs. The events games are available through the Daily Activities Manager in Lions Arch. Labyrinthine Cliffs is a new zone that was added but it is currently not available because the merchants that work there are currently traveling the world. It will be returning some time in the future. The the results of the latest story still have events popping up in zones all over the world. And we are getting a new world boss in one of the next Living Story chapters.

Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Labyrinthine Cliffs will be returning some time in the future? Then gone again. Most likely when I take my next break from the game. This is what I’m not liking. All the things you mentioned that have stayed around from the Living Story are things I’m not particularly interested in. New content should be new zones, and it should be permanent content. WoW released MoP. Which of course you had to pay for, on top of a subscription…but look at what they’ve done since MoP’s release. They’ve added the Thunder Isles with a decent amount of content, plus an entire new raid with loads of new loot. THEN they added the Timeless Isle, adding more content AND another raid with tons more loot. And these things are permanent…they won’t “come back in the near future”. If a subscription is what it takes to get this kind of lasting content, then I’d gladly pay it.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Sure, they’re leaving some interesting things behind as the living story content disappears, but the unique items you can’t get outside of that now gone content is depressing and stupid.

Why the dev team would think it’s a smart idea to make shinies temporary in a game revolved around getting shinies is beyond my understanding.

See this is my whole thing. MMOs for me are about gear, exploration, and gear. I’ll be hung for saying this…but that’s what I’ve always loved about WoW. I have played it off and on for years. I like to come back to it, knowing that each time there will be a plethora of new areas and shiny new gear to find. I’m not seeing that so much with GW2 and it’s sad. The game will be two years old soon and they have only added one “permanent” zone. That’s a big issue for me. I was really hoping to have seen the Crystal Desert opened up by now, along with other areas.

I was also hoping to see a continent added with an expansion one day. I’m still going to hold on to that hope.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I just recently jumped back into the game and was overwhelmed by all the goodies my old characters had jammed in their inventory, so I decided to just create a new character and start leveling again. (Necro)

The last time I played was when Southsun Cove was fairly new. I haven’t really kept up with the game aside from a few Living Story articles. Basically, Anet has been adding content and taking it away. Am I correct? Have any new zones been added besides Southsun? The Living Story sounds like a cool concept, but for someone like myself who doesn’t dedicate playtime to one game for more than a few months at a time, it doesn’t seem very appealing.

I guess what I’m getting at is… Has there/Will there be new content in the future that STAYS in the game. I’d love to explore new zones, like the Crystal Desert, Fire Islands, and other continents(Elona, Cantha). Surely they plan on adding these places eventually over the lifespan of the game, and KEEPING them. Right? That’s my main complaint with the Living Story content, is that if you aren’t online at the time, you totally miss out on it. I can’t log in 2 months later and play that content.

Anyway, I’m just rambling now. I hope to get sucked back into the game like I was when I first played at launch. I do like the game a lot. I just want to see content that STAYS.

Valar Morghulis

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nat.4029


I am using a Radeon 7870, by the way. The huge white artifacts that pop up seem to be worse at times. Other times I won’t see them for nearly an hour. Perhaps it’s only in certain areas. It seemed like I saw more when I was in Ascalon.

Valar Morghulis

strange lines on floors

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nat.4029


I am getting the same problems. Huge white symbols will pop in from time to time for what seems to be one frame. I’ve had lines on the floor doing dungeons too, and fighting the Claw of Jormag the other day, there was a long brown bar going from a player to one of the ice crystals. Very strange.

I tried to roll back to 12.6, but had the same issues. I would like to know if it’s AMD or Anet.

Valar Morghulis

My New Video Card Is Showing No Display

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nat.4029


My old machine couldn’t handle the 7870 so I wasn’t able to test it in another rig. Yeah hopefully it was just DOA, because I would feel like a total idiot if I RMA’d it only to find out it was something simple that I wasn’t doing.

Valar Morghulis

My New Video Card Is Showing No Display

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nat.4029


I just recently built a new PC.

XFX Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16

ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Gaming Motherboard with 3-Way SLI/CrossFireX Support

CORSAIR Enthusiast Series TX750 V2 750W PSU

Western Digital Caviar Green WD5000AZRX 500GB IntelliPower SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 × 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM

AMD FX-8120 Zambezi 3.1GHz Socket AM3+ 125W Eight-Core Desktop Processor

COOLER MASTER CM Storm Series Trooper (SGC-5000-KKN1) Black Steel / Plastic ATX Full Tower Computer Case

Once I got the PC built and went to boot it up, I had no display. I switched the video card around to different slots, and tried to connect the monitor to the other ports, and I even took the PC to my living room to try and connect it to the TV with HDMI and still got nothing. The card was getting power because the fans on the card were working. So I know the card wasn’t completely dead. I took it out and put my old card in, which was a HIS Radeon HD 4670 1GB 128-bit DDR3. As soon as I did that, I got a display. I immediately figured the video card was DOA, so I’ve returned it to Newegg.

What I’m wondering is, do any of you believe it was something much more simple. An option in the BIOS perhaps? I tried a few things, but I don’t claim to be a computer expert at all. I was just fearing that I would get the replacement card and have the same thing happen once again, because of some simple option I’m not changing.

Any thoughts or answers to this?

Valar Morghulis

Could Map Completion Chests Auto-detect?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nat.4029


Could map completion chests auto-detect your class and give you items that your class can use? I have the worst luck with these chests. My guardian gets light/medium armor constantly. I think I’ve cleared about 10 maps so far and gotten maybe 2 items I could actually use. It doesn’t feel as rewarding when I’m just selling or salvaging the items I get.

P.S. I searched for this topic and couldn’t find any so if this topic has been beaten to death already. Sorry about that.

Valar Morghulis