Where did Ruin go???
I am seriously disappointed in this community of minority naysayers. There’s hardly anything to do at 80 more than a few times before the boredom kicks in. Yet, when Anet tries to address this issue people freak. The game will have no depth and no longevity outside of log in here or there for special events. The majority that doesn’t post wants MORE depth.
The few thousand posters claiming to be the majority are what is going to make the game stale, boring and too easy. Legendary weapons are already easier to get with obsidians becoming easier to get along with other requirements. Go ahead and pound the table for a GW1 clone. It wasn’t that good. Otherwise, how did Wow get so big during that time? GW2 can be MORE than a niche game and I hope Anet wants someting more from GW2 then a GW1 clone.
Most of the naysayers to more progression are casuals correct? Also, if a few million bought this game and only a few thousand are upset then very well could be most of you are in the minority.
This game will lose concurrent players without more progression. You literally have to play an hour a week at best and still hit 80 in a month with full exotics. WvW is stale in current form, Spvp is near dead and the current dungeons are boring zergfests with no reward drops. There is hardly anything to do.
They want more then a niche like GW1 was, but I bet it’s gonna be just that without making more things to do that take time to,get. This isn’y Bf3 or CoD, it’s an MMO…make it one.
More gear progression is the only way this game will last.
Please give us more progression and continue tiers. We also need more competitive pvp.
I am real happy they are putting what makes MMOs great into this game.
This isn’t a grind. This is the risk/reward this game is missing. Bring us more depth. I know some of you enjoy standing around in LA with you entitlement exotic gear though.
Leave then. This game will not last without progression. I love new tiers.
I love vertical progression. This game had no depth. They are moving in right direction.
They need to change how buffs work. The outmanned shouldn’t give the team with less points or numbers karma boosts lol…
There are bugs in Wow 7 years later.
Half of you are the typical 2012 MMO players that whine when it’s too hard like this should be a sideways console game that gives you everything. The other half is like hell ya bring on real progression. Either way the devs can’t win.
Personally, put more true vertical progression in the game and give it more depth. More depth= good game. more casual=more console/cash shop genre.
Most of all, focus more on PvP because that’s what will get noticed in the esports world if that is truly what Anet claimed they want for the game. PvP has been largely ignored since launch.
(edited by Natural.7013)
Agreed, but bring legendaries inline.
I put it here because anything WvW oriented in suggestions forum quickly drops off the page. We need WvW addressed ASAP imo.
Why not use karma only to buy siege? It gives it more use and maybe those turned off by the money sink will join in more often. Also, upgrades.
Can only hope Anet starts to deliver real soon. Pvp in all forms is near dead.
Their manifesto sounded great and all. The problem they are finding is that it doesn’t work in practice in its current form. The content update is more silly pve casual stuff. Put in better, more competitive pvp, fix WvW and create ranked ladders, fix exploits, bugs and continue to balance and you have a game with a chance to really keep people going for years. Do it not and you have SWTOr 2.0. Simple.
Whole,thing will be Meh. They need to get WvW and Spvp rolling harder or this game will continue to leak players. A little zone isn’t going to do much for some of the dead areas including the mists sorry to say.
GW2 WvW scoring and overall system is just fat out flawed. Need some key changes or the population is gonna continue to shrink…
We need more maps/game modes that are truly addictively competitive. Not sure that can happen with this game.
I was in the Mists last night. 8 people total standing in there. At launch it was packed…I sure hope it doesn’t turn into a ghost town game like Swtor.
Since SBI got an influx of guilds from ET and BG are they now the bandwagon server or?
Any word on further game modes/changes? Anet should be really focused n rolling out fixes/updates/game modes. Mists is all but dead already and WvW has a host of competition issues by nature of what it is….New pve content coming in Nov. is great and all, but the calling for this game is its artwork and its pvp more than anything. If GW2 is to truly become an esport, then it’s time to get rolling.
Currently, I forsee a potential Warhammer or a potential new game with pvp that draws players in and creates a new era of gaming. Which it ends up being depends on the devs approach to the esport scene and the game modes. I can play Other pvp oriented games off and on year round without getting bored. Just not the case with GW2 right now. I want GW2 to become one of the “IT” games with regards to pvp and team oriented pvp on both small and large scale modes.
Yes, another gamer who embarks on the path of intellect by posting something they learned in a college class.
The only question that this thread truly poses about a legendary is does it:
Appeal to MMO gamers
Quoting Ancient Greek logic evolved into a mind map does little with regards to the original post.
I have an issue with how we must acquire large amounts of gold to achieve a skin. It shows nothing of challenge or skill along the way.
Charged lodestones nearing 4 gold each now…
Yes. I miss the challenges that came with legendary hunting. Maybe connect it with grouping or needing a guild. It should test your abilities as a player not your patience as a gold farmer.
I can argue that this model is more costly for min/max players then subbed games.
Yes, each time someone buys $500 worth of gems it is a huge success for Anet…I agree.
Exactly. I have no problem if it’s a legendary journey with a good payoff, but it’s mostly a gold sink. This coupled with DR and limited charged lodestone drops, it’s ridiculous.
People that I know that have them right now bought gold from either Anet or gold sellers. I feel a legendary should be a difficult journey not a grind for gold with the enticement of buying gold through gems because the 1k gold needed on top of the DR put in by Anet. I am seriously thinking about going back to my mmo of years. At least that grind has a powerful payoff that doesn’t entice me to spend real world money.
Just hope all our expectations and hopes are not too high. Otherwise, we may find the November stuff is kinda meh. Compared to expectations.
With the bulk of the legendary grind being the gold sink, is this truly a legendary weapon or just a grind for a skin that forces min/max players to fork over cash if they have any kinda life? With lodestones going for as much as 3 gold a piece times 100, 100 gold for iceyrunes plus all the various mats, ecto potential gold sinks. What is the true end game here for such a “skin”?
Nope. We don’t have to do it, but many longtime gamers remember truly epic achievements like the snakehead staff for enchanters in EQ1. Am I the only one that feels let down by GW2 version of a “legendary”? It was actually rewarding to attain them in other games. This one it feels more like another way for people to spend gold to go with DR restrictions Anet has in place for even making gold.
Hopefully, I won’t get infracted for this post, but after spending hours on getting this skin only to find that I still need 400 more gold I am tossing in the towel. Risk/reward/time spent is no where near rewarding on payoff.
I only started it because I got lucky on Dawn from the forge. I thought it would be an adventure to attain and difficult based on past experiences. I’ve found that it’s nothing but a boring gold grind with a DR world.
(edited by Natural.7013)
Ooo a thread where someone paints a picture of how they are cornered and have no choice but indulge in a darker path. They are someone forced into a life of crime.
If TOS=Law buying from a GS would be breaking that law.
We need help quick this guy is on the verge of being a GW2 criminal. Him having alot of gold will totally ruin my experience in GW2 because he will haz more stuff than me. I will be jealous because he haz it first.
Oops I sound spoiled and so do you. No one is forcing you to do anything go ahead buy it from the GS run around with twilight it doesnt make or break me or anyone else. Eventually you will get banned and we can all move on. Also you don’t have to have alot of gold alot people want something you want somthing. You think the you need it. Your impatient.
Saying that anything currently in the game is forcing you to contemplate buying from a 3rd party makes you sound like a weak individual. No one is forcing you to do anything. Unless some is there threatening your life while you punch credit card numbers in. You aren’t required by any mission or quest what so ever in game to have alot of gold and or a legendary or whatever. Stop trying to keep up with the joneses or you can try and risk getting banned or your account hacked.
There is no “Law” for buying in game virtual currency. Good luck finding a prosecutor willing to take that on. What it is against is the rules of the developer. That’s it.
They restrict our ability to make gold via DR and other methods plus gold sinks such as WPs etc…go figure.
It doesn’t stop at those sinks. On top of it if you want a legendary the precuror prices are out of control, add in 100 gold for iceyrunes at the vendor plus all the other gold sinks and now you have the skyrocketing prices of lodestones at 3 gold per when you need 100 to make Sunrise. It’s a SKIN. “You don’t have to get it to play” Yea, you’re right. No reason for me to play then. The rest of the game is stale right now. WvW is PvDoor, Spvp is boring at best. Minmaxing in this game??? That involves skins, but really that involves gold.
Does this mean I am running out to buy gold from a farmer? Nope, just means my time in this game is drawing nigh with the release of other games. This could be the most expensive MMO of all time to play if you want to play it to the fullest and minmax everything. Way more costly then a $15 a month game. Way more time spent “Grinding” then doing dailies in another game.
(edited by Natural.7013)
Over 3gold per lodestone and 1 per core. Time to walk away… Hours upon hours of farming them and 1 lodestone to show for it. Basically it will cost you 250-300 gold just for the lodestones now for a Sunrise legendary. Yada yada supply and demand. Not worth it. Quite literally a precursor is now cheaper then lodestones. Let alone the gold sink elsewhere. Toss in DR, Toss in Bots, Toss in everything else in this game that limits gold making at any pace for the average player and the game is not for me if I want to get the best of something, which for this game is a skin.
In my opinion this is another aspect of the game that doesn’t fit Anet’s manifesto. Huge grind, Huge sink towards gold making, Huge nerf to our ability to make this kinda gold.
(edited by Natural.7013)
O look yet another MMO with this thread two months into the game.
Any chance we will see an app that allows us to communicate in game to our guild or buy/sell on the TP like many MMOs?
Charged cores are now 1gold 18 silver. Someone is buying all the lodestones and cores then putting only some of the supply back up at double prices. Good luck with that. Glad I have my hundred, just think making it so this could cost over 200gold for someone is a microcosm of what is wrong with this game.
Gold sink, Limit Gold farming, those without 10 hours a day to farm Plinx the only viable method to getting gold along with TP transactions which takes money to make money. Outside of that buy gems and convert to gold or go Chinese. I know many who bought from the gold farmers because of this setup. I myself will not as I feel I will support the exploitation of children if I do.
1. Fix crafting to where it’s even worth being 400 and you could make some money from it.
2. Make it so people can actually make some money in the world without having to grind plinx 24/7
3. Make it so drops like lodestone varieties are even across the board.
Did you not understand the part about increase their drop rate? Did you not see the part about how it the drop rate from sparks is super rare or from CoE because no one wants to go there. Compared to other legendary lodestones that cost silver due to they are easier to get, these are at a ridiculous level. This wasn’t a post saying please make them cheaper even though the supply was lower then the others. THAT is the problem.
TL/DR the price will never go down because people hardly run COE and they have the lowest of the drop rates of any lodestones when it comes to farming mobs(Which gets the nice DR on top of everything else btw). The game is one big gold sink while simultaneously limiting people from farming. That really helps the gold farmers in and of itself in the end.
The prices on these are spiraling out of control. It went up over 50 silver per today alone. Just ridiculous imo. There has to be an increase in the drop rate or a place outside of CoE where people hardly ever run. Also, the rarity in which they drop from sparks is ridiculous. 100 of these are required for sunrise. At the current drop rate many would have to buy them, but that would cost over 200 gold.
That other game uses the warden system. Wonder if Anet has it within themselves to come up with such a system for this game? Will help go a long way towards longevity and health of GW2 imo.
There is definately some hyperbole in this article. HOWEVER, I can’t argue with the premise of it at all. The bot situation will drive many away including myself. Every game has them, but NCSOFT titles are notorious for being the worst at getting a handle of large populations of bots. Do something soon, or do not—that will determine how long I play this game along with content updates that are worth my time.
Don’t care game won’t keep me that long.
Unfortunately, I already have one foot out the door, but this will most likely put both feet out. I will not buy gems from a game that is this compromised. Yes, other games have this but they have one flat monthly fee and I can progress without spending over that 15 a month. That just isn’t the case here. It’s a huge old gold sink game that serves one purpose only. I’ve been working hard on my legendary, but I may just stop now. Why bother? Someone can hack there way to it or buy gold to get it fast. I want an Epic MMO. Is GW2 truly epic?
I am also getting crashes in cursed shore all night every 20 minutes or so since the patch. No matter what I am doing I crash with a client crash. Nvidia GTX 670 GPU, 2600k CPU.
This is unplayable and very frustrating atm.
Does the GW2 engine have the ability to render on such a large field of battle like WvW? Even with the patch large scale battles still involve cloaked armies of death. Is this a limitation of the engine or just something that needs tweaking in the coming patches until it’s fully fixed?
A decent portion of my guild stopped playing in WvW. Without a good RvR sysytem, I fear it could lead us to other games soon.
Can we get an idea how long these will last? The bandwagon server jumping is getting out of hand. JQ has really done an admirable job, but there have been tons transfering there now just as HoD previously.
If we truely want balanced gameplay in WvW, shouldn’t we address the issue of transfers and the impact it’s having on a key system of gameplay that many actually view as their end game.
I tried WvW again tonight, and I just can’t play this game anymore until things are fixed. Even NPCs in PVE world are invisible. In LA, it appears empty for the first minute or so and people slowly fade in as you move around. All I see is the commander icon on the tops of heads sometimes. I really hope there’s a fix to this issue very soon.
Until then, I will be taking a break from GW2 until I can enjoy playing a game where I can see the enemy coming and not full army stealthing on top of me. It’s like 40 man armies are able to use a Klingon cloaking device. My team literally dropped without even seeing who killed us while we were sieging a door. I assume it was a force that came in from behind and right on top of us.
Where did the threads ago about rendering? We need a sticky because it is worse now then ever. Fighting invisible enemies is going to quickly destroy this game. There is literally no point for many of us to even play it right now. I’m even getting clipping of NPCs in the PVE world now via NPCs.