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sPvP Dueling Centre; tourney this weekend!

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Always down to do some 1-1s when I’m around. Nero Vitus (US). Randomish play times but if I am on it’s probably a weekday evening.

Down state concept needs revision

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


If by “game design flaws” you mean stops put in place that allow coordination between multiple people working to win a team fight sure.

Downed state is fine. Only thing that should even potentially be glanced at is ele’s health going back to full (as in 75%) after using their #2.

Sad state of NA PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I think matching two teams together for a best of 3 is a great idea. Queues would be MUCH faster, everyone would get more playtime out of their tickets, and people would have a more equal distribution of practice across the maps.

I feel like if an MMR system was put in place it should still be across an individual level. Gain points for winning lose points for losing. In terms of matching maybe the system can average the people on a team’s MMR and attempt to prioritize them to match with another team with a similar average MMR. Obviously there should be time stops put in place so you can get matched with teams with lower/higher MMR than yours if there is no one else in queue.

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Streaming paids with my team JBUO tonight— tune in and check it out =)

Stop everything else: fix this.

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Yeah I reported him— if you look to see he is pvp level 5. I’m guessing this is a hack and is probably detectable somehow, as this person probably bought a new account just to do this. So ridiculous.

Stop everything else: fix this.

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Thief was perma invis all game. Never saw him once. Just used my footage from the very end to show. Even comes up as “unknown” in combat tab. Was invis for everyone on my team.

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


So because so much emphasis is put on team fights this somehow takes the skill out of team fights? You people aren’t making any sense with your arguments.

I don't really get the point of the scepter

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


If you don’t understand the point of scepter or how it fits into Mesmer then that is a sign that you are starting to get at least a decent understanding of the class (not being sarcastic at all here, scepter just doesn’t fit in its current state).

Mesmer or Necro ? -> Want long range nuker.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Go watch gameplay videos on YouTube. But in short— Necro.

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


So your logic is that if you win the big team fight in mid you shouldn’t be rewarded? How exactly is that logical?

And yes, paying attention to the game clock when stomping was literally so stupidly easy— calling it a skill is a joke. If by skill you mean shifting your gaze to the top of your screen briefly to check the game clock you have a bad definition of it. Conversely, winning a team fight takes skill and should be rewarded.

New rez timers, opinion from top tier player

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Team fights matter. Stomps are necessary in team fights, rezzes are necessary in team fights. If you go for a stomp and it goes off at :59 they instantly get back up and sprint to the fight. Whereas if you had to go for a stomp and it happens to go off at :58 they’re down for 20 seconds. Let’s say you’re getting a stomp to get your teammate up in this situation.

Sorry Power, but playing 3 guard zerging mid until you chance into a favorable engagement isn’t the way to play the game.

If you want to succeed, you have to coordinate— even if that means waiting an extra 10 seconds after you spawn to get your teammates together.

The previous system was skill-less as it gave you a handicap of spawning with your teammates, now you have to coordinate actually grouping up.

New timers= bad

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I have to agree with Liewec, these changes are nothing but detrimental. The 20 second timer will cause teams to run much tankier specs overall, which means we will most likely see many prolonged engagements, with team fights lasting into the minutes rather then into the seconds. Mercy sets + revive skills will also become mandatory because players are now too valuable to lose.

Overall i think this will breed a much slower paced and boring meta, which i thought Arena Net was trying to move away from.

I can’t believe you came to this conclusion after saying all of the previous statements. Why a game could possibly want to have engaging fights that are actually important to the outcome of the match where everyone is utilizing all available skills is completely ridiculous though, you’re right.


Explain Mantras to me

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


To sum them up in one word: clunky.

5,754steal 2,826cloak-dagger 11,267backstab

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


As of today I have 87 qualifying points. I definitely fight the best thieves GW2 has to offer. One of them is on my team. I practice against him a lot.

Essentially the whole backstab combo is a skill check. If they do it to you and you do nothing to defuse it that thief will be at your home point instagibbing you all game. Where as if you see the swords go up on your point(assuming you didnt see the thief before hand) you equip your sword offhand, open portal, hit block go through portal, block steal, block venom, pop distortion to avoid the backstab damage, and see the thief run away only to return to make you pop you portal.

There are so many things you can do to prevent this. If you don’t react properly you will die. If you don’t react properly you deserve to die.

5,754steal 2,826cloak-dagger 11,267backstab

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


It should read like this:

5,754steal 2,826cloak-dagger DISTORTION

New timers= bad

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Encourages people to run more team-fight centric builds. Encourages survivability. Encourages good team play as opposed to zerging points. Great change.

Just got Svanir down to 1%...

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I just got outplayed too please nerf everything about everything

Players still spawn during spawn waves

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Players still spawn at :59 : 39 :19. There are no individual timers for tournaments.

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Hey guys— doing a bit of streaming— come see how little the LOS bug actually effects mesmer in paid tournaments

Winds of Chaos - discuss

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Phase retreat is crap now. Keep whatever is in place to keep you out of obstacles but put movement back to based on the angle your character is facing.

Greatsword sigil?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Every weapon set you have as a Mesmer should have at least 1 sigil of energy. Therefore, for GS you want to use energy.

Especially as a shatter build.

Essentially this is how the elements intertwine and promote synergy:

1st strain:
-More clones for Mesmer more utility in terms of shatters
-More utility better survivability more damage
-Better overall in fights
2nd strain:
-Dodge rolling generates clones
-More dodges more clones
-More clones= better overall in fights

As a side note being able to dodge roll more is awesome not to mention the other ways it factors into your build.

tPvP Balanced Teams

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


While I do definitely agree with these changes you have to consider the differences in que times that would result. If there were some system set in place to allow said teams to be “mismatched” in order to help que times I would get behind this 100%.

Then again, this may promote more people to play in tournaments in general so there may not be as many problems with population in terms of tournament players.

Dancing dagger

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I don’t feel like the actual damage on this skill should be nerfed considering its initiative cost. I do however feel like once a target is hit by dancing dagger that it shouldn’t be able to be hit again with the same dagger (aka if you use it once you have the potential to hit 4 different targets— but not the same two targets twice).

This ability simply gets way too strong when say a person is getting rezed or there are two people standing anywhere in proximity to each other.

Fix treb on blue side of Khylo

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


The wall is literally in the place where you need to aim to hit the point directly.

Additionally in terms of soloing chieftan/svarnir— both are really easy and every class can do both. Also— soloing these on your lonesome can often times be a detriment to your team as inevitably you have to use cooldowns— and if you get jumped, die, and the other team gets the kill on the boss and you then your team could be in trouble. I have no problem with the way the current boss system works.

Not to be that guy— but time your dodges. If you don’t dodge chiefs axe going out and coming in you’re doing it wrong. If you don’t dodge svarnirs charge, again, you’re doing it wrong.

Rune of AIR on glascannons shatter mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Hitting thieves with air runes can conversely hit for 7-8k consistently. A nerf all around would be a very good thing. Smashing your shatters into multiple people could wind up with you being dead because of air runes alone. This would be a very good change.

I am mesmer, fix Phantasmal Berserker

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


I am a Mesmer please completely nerf my class to oblivion.


Fix treb on blue side of Khylo

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


There is an invisible wall that prevents treb from hitting windmill (enemies home point) on kyhlo from blue side. Please fix this immediately.

It has been like this for at least a week or so.

Rune of AIR on glascannons shatter mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Nice ninja edit Rich— but considering you get hit more than 5 times every fight you have a really good chance.

Rune of AIR on glascannons shatter mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


It’s not 5% chance. You should read about the runes before you attempt to say you know what they do.

Rune of air= 20% chance to proc on getting hit.

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Sure am

Love that shatter build. Can’t be a good asset to your team otherwise.

Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to follow =)

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Doing some paid tournaments tonight— currently 1 for 1— about to do third round of second tournament!

Tune in and check it out =)

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Hey guys— doing some streaming today. Hoping paid tournaments will start popping soon.

GW2League - now with sPvP Rankings, Need Info

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623



Nero 8623
IGN: Nero Vitus
Class: Mesmer

[List] Mesmer Video Compendium

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


I’d definitely classify my videos as more of sPvP than a guide

Nov 15 is make or break time

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I’m a pvper— I don’t feel like I got ripped off by Anet. Then again I play the game and adapt to what it currently is as opposed to complaining about how I feel it should be.

If anyone actually believes that one patch will make them a lot better at the game (as this seems to be what a lot of people believe aka by changing the classes and fixing theirs they will finally be amazing) they couldn’t be further from the truth. There will always be something you want to have changed. There will always be something you don’t agree with.

sPvP: Where is the structure?

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


8-8s can be fun for warm ups or trying crazy builds. They’re not supposed to be super competitive.

As for free tournies I will frequently join them by myself or with 1-2 friends and can at LEAST get to the third round (usually if I have a friend or two with me we can secure a win).

The problem with frees is that people join in and just stare blankly at their computer screen for 2 minutes then just go do whatever they feel like. If you just briefly coordinate with the people in the beginning it makes a world of difference. So many people complain about getting stomped by pre-mades but they don’t even TRY to talk to their teammates in the beginning or during the round.

Rank 24 US Mesmer stream

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Fair enough— thanks for watching though!

Streaming a bit tonight stop by and check it out— don’t forget to follow if you like what you see =)

Rank 24 US Mesmer stream

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Doing some frees right now but once my whole team gets on will be switching over to paids.

Tune in and check it out! I’m hanging out in chat. Enjoy!

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Thanks man— doing a bit of streaming now— will do some paids tonight once my whole team is on =D

3 Clones plus Phantasm?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


The second you hit your shatter you can start summoning more without burning your initial clones. I’ve had 6+ clones chasing a single person around on occasion

Retaliation for mesmers? Really? For mesmers?

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


How certain classes have buffs that can be traited for equates to:
“Message to pvp devs-L2P noobs before you start developing pvp for a game like GW2.”
Is beyond me

This really only reads to me like
“Message to pvp devs- balance the game from the perspective of people like me who have no clue what they’re talking about”
You are a moron.Good day.
AKA, take your own advice. L2P. Trait properly and adapt. Get off the forums and go learn how to play the game. More pew pew less qq.

You replied to me in your own quote then swooped in with a ninja edit. Don’t get too embarrassed. Computers are hard. On that note glad to see you’re making progress.

Mesmer Speed Buff Skill?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Number 1 way to get constant swiftness as a Mesmer— make good friends with an ele and a thief.

Things you'll never hear about mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


“Guard/Engie coming to my point. Don’t worry guys not a chance it will go neutral.”

Retaliation for mesmers? Really? For mesmers?

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


How certain classes have buffs that can be traited for equates to:
“Message to pvp devs-L2P noobs before you start developing pvp for a game like GW2.”
Is beyond me

This really only reads to me like
“Message to pvp devs- balance the game from the perspective of people like me who have no clue what they’re talking about”

AKA, take your own advice. L2P. Trait properly and adapt. Get off the forums and go learn how to play the game. More pew pew less qq.

Legion Mesmer S/S viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Multi target daze only if they neatly line up for you. Not even remotely close to pistol CC.

Legion Mesmer S/S viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Sacrificing a a stun (1st target)→ daze (2nd bounce) → blind (3rd) for a single block and a phantasm with slightly higher DPS that stacks less bleeds? Not worth it. Not even CLOSE to worth it.

Then again I wouldn’t really ever advocate using a build reliant on phantasms for dps.

So, is the scepter viable to you now?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Scepter is honestly complete garbage. Hate to say it but it definitely needs a complete rework if it’s going to be decent. The block is a cute idea but in terms of deterring actual damage in an ACTUAL fight its a joke. Even running two blocks with Scepter/Sword you run into the same thing.

The scepter is just so slow and clunky and sacrificing any main hand for it is a waste. Do yourself a favor and don’t use it until it’s significantly changed.

Some thoughts on sPvP Mesmer before patch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


I was about to type out a response to you for every point…. But it’s really obvious that you don’t understand the Mesmer class.

Dedicate some more time to it before asking for nerfs.

Its fairly obvious mesmer isnt your main and you clearly play sword/sword staff and probably some phantasms build. You’re doing it wrong.

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


Just took out PZ with our current team— tune in and check it out =)

Streaming high level Mes tPvP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nero.8623


I do record— you can check out all my past stream sessions =D