Showing Posts For Noctis Assassin.4035:

Balance: Let's Finish what We've Started!

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

ah i see it, nvm

Balance: Let's Finish what We've Started!

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

They didn’t even say they fixed the tornado bug >.> so 5 ele v 5 ele=unbalanced

Poll : Are you happy with the Haste nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Yes, but I do think there needs to be additional changes to compensate what are effectively nerfs.


/15asurasagainst asuras

asura* is singular and plural. :P

Frenzy Nerf: Any reason to bring a Warrior?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

You guys are nuts.
Bannerway is here.
Only defense against turretway.

Banner will avenge you, for I’m here all alone. my team has fallen but I am still here. I cannot avenge you for I am too weak, but my banner will be there by my side until I die.

Say NO to the Haste nerf...

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I play PW thief.
People need to get real. Quickness itself needed a nerf, it was outrageous.
It was a bandaid fix to relatively poor weaponsets and the fact we even accepted this speaks poorly on ourselves. From day flippin 1, Quickness should have been nerfed and the sets that rely on it should’ve been adjusted to compensate instead having this bandaid effect to make up for things.

Anet certainly has the ability to naturally
a) increase the speed of certain skills.
b) increase their damage
c) give them additional effects.
I see no reason why they should leave a broken mechanic from now until-the-end-of-time.

Instead of asking for the bandaid, should tell them to heal the wound.

The warrior with quickness certainly wasn’t overbearing in the slight (I didn’t have an issue with it, nor did basically everyone past rank 20) but if we’re being serious here, Quickness could not remain in it’s previous state.

If Anet really cares they have some quick buff hot-fixes they can do within the next week or two, to quick fix some sets. They can revert some Tactical Strike & PW nerfs and we can all be happy.

What i recommend is they simply MUST reduce the negative effects of the debuff. ADjust frenzy damage debuff to 25%. Adjust thief haste to only take off 50% of endurance and stop regenation for 2 seconds.
Adjust no healing to 50% healing debuff.

Agree with day on this, generally.

i’ll be content and happy if they do this but i’m bleeding out without my bandaid.

Poll : Are you happy with the Haste nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Just wait for the “hidden” patch notes where warriors get a decent damage buff.


Poll : Are you happy with the Haste nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

NO, It is a change too small to affect attack that take 3/4 of a sec much but it affects sustained burst from people that rely on quickness procs and long attacks like hundred blade more. I can only assume this is aimed at the haste, basa venom, back stab combo which can be dodged with twitch( You should always be twitching if you know a thief is around.) This simply hurts weaker builds a loooot more then this one.
EDIT: IF YOU THOUGHT HUNDRED BLADES NEEDED A NERF THEN…I’m not gonna comment. guess i’ll play moar smite then >.>

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

Say NO to the Haste nerf...

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

no to haste nerf.

So..what's the beef here?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

PvE is more competitive then sPvP apparently. Achievement point leaderboards ftw.

TBH Thief had and have it still coming

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I don’t understand how people think this nerf will severely affect thieves… all it does is stop trolls with cloak and dagger.

S/P viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Honestly,i can’t make a burst build without 25 points in either power or trickery for the extra damage and 30 in critical strikes for the obvious. But with sword/pistol, i feel 20 points is trickery is a must to strip stability so you can prevent enemy heals and disable targets. I build 10/30/0/0/30 with traits and gear similar to the one above and with bountiful theft with sleight of hand ( I know it seems redundant but its instant daze and more cc is always good :P) I only play thief in spvp though so idk anything about wvw or pve.

edit: It does not do mediocre damage and it hard-counters necros and rangers in teamfights. With 2 quickness procs from sigil and trait, you have a 21% chance of gaining quickess on crit with your 1 hit from infi strike,9 hits from pistol whip. Also sword cleaves so pistol whip them downed bodies like a mad man XD or quickness stomp with pistol 5.

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

Patch notes? C'mon, at least the day before

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

try smite instead

Haha…. Kinda funny to see if ppl switch from GW2 to Smite, just because GW2 is missing so many features… Because at it’s core, GW2 is so much better than Smite.

I couldn’t play Smite for more than an hour: The handling of the Chars is horrible, the MOBA-adaptation into 3D simply doesn’t work on so many Levels and I kept trying to dodge (still THE BEST feature of GW2; Hat’s off to ANet…. I’ll probably never be able to play another game like GW2 that hasn’t got sth. like the Dodge-Mechanic, because it makes everything more exciting and responsive and adds so much depth to the game).

Really, if a game like Smite can get more Viewers on and be a more successful e-Sport (afaik they already had some decent Tournaments at Pax or sth.), then ANet needs to take a hard look at themselves, because on every level besides a few key-features, GW2 is a superior game.

About the Patchnotes: Custom Arenas most likely will not be in it, so I really don’t care.

Lots of teams have already switched to other games like smite, my team is trying it out and its pretty fun, I like it way more then dota 2 as well. Dota2 is pretty close to how LoL works but smite is something new and addicting, and you don’t feel that sense of failure as much from not last hitting every single last mob.
edit: If you can get pass the way smite looks, you’ll probably like it a lot.

The origin of the QQ

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

OP, it seems you really don’t understand how ridicolously broken the ele is currently.

The ele is ruining the whole meta, and no i’m not exaggerating.

I guess call me crazy, but I just can’t see how tomorrow’s patch isn’t a major game changer for the thief. For so long, the thief has basically had only one viable build in tpvp. We all know this to be the burst build. Since you can’t stealth cap a node, your only true option is to take your burst…and hit someone that is already engaged.

Now, in today’s competitive scene, a vast majority of really good players are still not even bothered by this burst. That is due to the fact that many classes have a ton of get out of jail free cards: [mist form, elixir S, endure pain, guardian invul heal, plague form, distortion or blurred frenzy, etc. ect..] I bring this up because in this highly competitive scene, the thief is almost nill. Its one sole purpose is largely mitigated by good players and their knowledge of how to avoid burst.

The good news though, and why I think tomorrow is such a huge win for this game, is that the burst of the thief is likely to get nerfed when they nerf mug damage. This is literally gamechanging stuff. See, with the nerf to mug, you are nerfing the thief’s primary burst option. This is good, because the only reason to bring a thief into the match is for his burst. Now that we nerf the burst, we really don’t need to bring the thief. WIN!

For so long, I am sure ppl knew ppl that played thiefs. You reluctantly gamed with these guys because they did have burst. I mean, maybe they don’t do a ton…but they can, like a warrior, really wtfdestroy someone if they aren’t looking. Now, with tomorrow’s patch, you really don’t have to feel bad about not including the thief. The thief literally does nothing for your team. Not even burst!

I believe this game should be mostly guardians and ele’s with a sprinkle of mesmer, ranger and engineer. Tomorrow’s patch is a huge step in achieving this goal. I ultimately thing Anet would like to get rid of the ranger… as they don’t spend to much time discussing it anyways…but those nerfs will have to wait.

On a side note, this also drastically improves hotjoins. Now instead of seeing thieves and mesmers… It will just be mesmers. And recognizing how to deal with just 1 class is a hell of a lot easier than dealing with 2. So all in all I think anet should be commended for the improvements they are bringing to the game on 3/26. Overall improvement to the core classes of tpvp, the removal of that guilty feeling when you didn’t take your thief friend, and the improvement of the hot-join scene with just 1 class to really have to study.

Kudos Anet! Job well done.

To rub salt in the wound, it’ll sting even more when quickness gets nerfed.

Spirit Watch: Pro PvP tip!

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Thats just people forgetting that this game is still conquest.

why is quickness usable?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Nerfing quicknes? You’re just asking to diminish any last hopes an honorable S/D thief has in pvp because without quickness, you’re basically swinging a pillow (too slow to do any considerable damage).
Yes I seriously think that a quickness nerf would destroy any remaining versatility of a thief and just result in more 1-shot assassins.

And seriously hurt gc warriors whether hack and slash with axe or hundred blading. 50% nerf to quickness would result in hundred blade lasting 2.63 secs instead of 1.75 sec.

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

Thinking of switching to WvW from SPvP.

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Tis a sad, sad day when people come to this realization but have you ever tried using sword in spvp? honestly, I’m waiting with my team for something big to happen (I guess ladder maybe) while we do other stuff. Also, I do not believe condition thief belongs in spvp due to their role being outdone by other classes and the fact that they do not beat rangers 1v1.

why is quickness usable?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

well, if they made sigil of rage 100% quickness and haste/frenzy/quickening zyphr 50% quickness, I would not mind at all but THEY WON’T. that or lower the cd on sigil of rage so its worthwhile.

why is quickness usable?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

conforming is for chums!!!!!!!!

why is quickness usable?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Makes me mad that quickness is getting nerfed too ;_;

why is quickness usable?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I opened a post like this long time ago. I agree that quickness is a broken mechanic because it is too random (with sigils) and create a strange effect on finisher.

The only build that can reliably use sigil of rage is a burst sword thief, no one else should use it as it is on a 45 second cooldown opposed to a sigil of fire which is on a 10 sec cd( or was it 5? idk)

Why doesn't infiltrator's return...

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

If sword 2 gets interrupted, you can not shadow return back, shadow return itself is instant and will always work( unless it bugs out) but if the initial strike does not complete the animation, then it does not turn into shadow return.

So Instead of "Boon Hate"....

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I’m not sure its random. Whenever I use steal on a target with stability, I always strip it.

Devs at disadvantage due to red tag :P

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

wait a minute! That flesh golem doesn’t work for ANet!

Why blurred frenzy have 100% autofacing?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Okay then let’s drop the issue of evading to the side or backwards. Let’s just talk about when you’re out of evades and your only option is to run. When it comes to a warrior a thief doing 100 blades or pistol whipped, I can just run straight through them and be out of their hit box very quickly. But I can’t do this with the Mesmer because he automatically turns around and continues to hit me.

Yes you can run side or backwards, but you don’t move as quickly and also you don’t move out of the hit box as quickly because there is a 130 yard melee frontal cone.

warrior doing hundred blades actually hits behind them, but i heard they’re fixing that and making their cone bigger. no love for pistol whip T.T though.

Smoke Bomb Change

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

That blind isn’t gonna stop someone from stomping you.

tPvP 101? (The Basics)

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

+Heal every downed ally. Besides the obvious, reviving downed allies is more of a priority than finishing an opponent if there are few nearby foes to focus fire you of course. I can’t count how many times I have gone into a skirmish downing 2-3 foes while they are distracted then I go down, and several allies come to my supposed rescue but instead of healing me they go in to make the stomp only to be tossed around by 2-3 downed CC moves. Eventually I die and all three foes Rally back to full health and kill my reinforcements. Obviously this is a situational rule, but I find when in doubt Res your pal. If you take excessive amounts of damage then back off and go on the offensive to push them back before trying again.

+Know what your engaging. Seeing what your headed into can really make the difference in a long game or a easy game. If you see 2 Rangers and a Mesmer headed your way, change your course. You’ll be of more use to your team while your alive… Trust me. Don’t waste your time trying to fight multiple foes that you know will only waste your teams time or get you or your allies killed. Sometimes after spending 2 minutes trying to bring down a D/D Elementalist while we both stay at around 50-60% health I will simply turn and walk away. Sure a victor would have come out eventually but prolonged 1v1 fights do not help your team gain points. Instead lure them away from your point, and into your allies. Or neutralize their point while they dance around you.

There’s are some tricks of the trade I hope you can use to get some more enjoyment out of Your PvP. I hope to see you out there.

Well…you can’t rez everyone as you said especially thieves. If the other team has a necro or a grenade engineer then they’re not gonna bother with stomps and are just gonna throw everything on that downed person in hopes of downing would-be rezzers. If the downed body has poison as well, it’ll be very difficult to rez.

The point of tpvp is pushing fights in your favor by out rotating your enemies and pushing superior numbers into fights. They sent two to your point? send back 3. Theres 4 at mid? Push 5 at mid with mesmer portal on home point. A big part of teamfights lies in the question “Is your bunker there to support the fight?” A team that knows how to rotate a guardian into all the teamfights will generally be victorious.

Not that I’m wholly disagreeing but pushing greater numbers around the map is only advantageous to a certain degree. At some point you begin to give up map control for merely zerging a point. Moving players efficiently around the map and winning evenly matched fights (1v1, 2v2, 3v3) is the ideal. If you can’t win a fight without superior numbers then your team isn’t functioning at it’s most efficient and is subject to being countered by superior mobility.

That’s not to say that an overwhelming force can’t be ideal in certain situations (removing a bunker from your close point quickly for instance) but at some point your team needs to know they can count on you to win that even match up in order to commit the appropriate numbers to take/hold another strategic point.

I didn’t mean to say there shouldn’t be 1v1s (I was assuming equal skill in my above post) like a backpoint holder fighting a roamer where the holder or something but if they send 1 more person to kill him, you will lose that point. If you lose that point, you have to win the fight at mid (or there point, too many variables in game) and NOT zerg back while keeping a mindful watch to the enemies respawn time to your point cause then your bunker could get dropped by the time you are returning to the middle point.

Battle of Khylo - Value of the Trebuchet?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I’ve seen a lot of teams ignoring it. Is it worth using? I know it does kittentons of damage, but seeing as you’re firing almost blindly and can ONLY deal damage, would it be better to have another man there to help out in other ways?

If you leave the usual op trap ranger at it is going to be a huge advantage since they have to send 2 if they want to destroy it..

There is more creative ways to deal with the treb than fighting the ranger face to face, I’ll leave that up for you and others to figure out though

Ah,i miss the good ol’ days when my team’s ranger would just sit on treb all day trebbing along before grenades were concieved.

tPvP 101? (The Basics)

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

+Heal every downed ally. Besides the obvious, reviving downed allies is more of a priority than finishing an opponent if there are few nearby foes to focus fire you of course. I can’t count how many times I have gone into a skirmish downing 2-3 foes while they are distracted then I go down, and several allies come to my supposed rescue but instead of healing me they go in to make the stomp only to be tossed around by 2-3 downed CC moves. Eventually I die and all three foes Rally back to full health and kill my reinforcements. Obviously this is a situational rule, but I find when in doubt Res your pal. If you take excessive amounts of damage then back off and go on the offensive to push them back before trying again.

+Know what your engaging. Seeing what your headed into can really make the difference in a long game or a easy game. If you see 2 Rangers and a Mesmer headed your way, change your course. You’ll be of more use to your team while your alive… Trust me. Don’t waste your time trying to fight multiple foes that you know will only waste your teams time or get you or your allies killed. Sometimes after spending 2 minutes trying to bring down a D/D Elementalist while we both stay at around 50-60% health I will simply turn and walk away. Sure a victor would have come out eventually but prolonged 1v1 fights do not help your team gain points. Instead lure them away from your point, and into your allies. Or neutralize their point while they dance around you.

There’s are some tricks of the trade I hope you can use to get some more enjoyment out of Your PvP. I hope to see you out there.

Well…you can’t rez everyone as you said especially thieves. If the other team has a necro or a grenade engineer then they’re not gonna bother with stomps and are just gonna throw everything on that downed person in hopes of downing would-be rezzers. If the downed body has poison as well, it’ll be very difficult to rez.

The point of tpvp is pushing fights in your favor by out rotating your enemies and pushing superior numbers into fights. They sent two to your point? send back 3. Theres 4 at mid? Push 5 at mid with mesmer portal on home point. A big part of teamfights lies in the question “Is your bunker there to support the fight?” A team that knows how to rotate a guardian into all the teamfights will generally be victorious.

2-Team Tournament Map Rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Lol I was thrown off that the map was Khylo today, and then I had to come here to see.

YESSSS, give me a week of khylo.

So why no Keg Brawl in the mists?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Because I WOULD WIPE THE FLOOR WITH EVERYONE. Yes, I am self proclaiming that I am the one and only KEG MASTER!

It’s not really players vs. player and is more of just a fun thing to do if you get bored in PvE. Too bad the location sucks and no one ever visits the major cities besides LA.



I bow to rust’s mastery, my god, RUST IS WRACKING UP THE POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why no Keg Brawl in the mists?

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

do this please, running through PvE is enough to deter me from trying to find this mystical land you call “keg-brawl.”

Upcoming changes to stealth (SoTG)

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Why are you guys more worried about the stealth nerf? It’ll barely affect you compared to the nerf to mug they said they’re gonna do? Stop nerfing other weapons in attempt to nerf dagger!! It is the same as cloak and dagger nerf which was designed to stop d/d cnd with mug and backstab.

rank 80

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

N one is rank 80 and no one will be for the next year or two…

1 prof per team

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Somebody posted the EXACT same thing a couple of days ago…then it got moved to the suggestions forum and it was never heard from again. lol :P

Laz PvP VI [ele movie]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

In before haters criticize because enemies dont dodge churning earth:

Why do people assume that you should have a 100 miss rate with churning earth.
I mean is it so hard for the ele to have you in weakness and out of your dodges before casting the kitten thing ?? :P

Nice vid btw and judging from minor air trait and damage numbers its not another vid of copy paste the fotm build.
(Well on the other hand its still cantrips :P)

Dodge/Rupt should be saved for Churning.

thief pistol 4 or pistol whip>churning earth XD

Caed's Thief Walk-through and Guide [Mini]

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035


With the D/P Backstab build, how are you consistently getting into position without any sort of speed boost (Fleet shadow, SoS)? (As a side-note – the spec I run should also have an additional second of stealth thanks to MwS, but according to testing by another player on the boards, MwS is currently bugged and does not affect stealth gained by BP->HS)

I’m currently running D/P (25/15/30/0/0) with Devourers,SoS,Shadowstep and Basilisk. Good players tend to keep moving and dodging whenever I enter stealth; even with SoS, there are times where I have to decide quickly if I want to just let stealth drop or try for a front stab. Basically, what are you doing against players who know what to expect when you enter stealth?

You can try running into the other character’s model and do a backstab, it counts for the sake of determining front and back damage. Or hit them in the temples, same as backstab.

Caed's Thief Walk-through and Guide [Mini]

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I played against caed like sunday I think, I’m pretty sure he plays on and off.

Urgent hotfix required

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

It is as gamebreaking as the svanir rune/block bugs. An ele in tornado is the equivalent of a thief in daggerstorm, punish him for thinking he is doing something beneficial for the team. But because of the bug, its like the ele is in a combination of plague and lich form, you can’t ignore him but you can’t attack him.

P.S: Not saying tornado should be useless (like daggerstorm) but it shouldn’t be gamebreaking.

There is a bug that revives you if you die while in tornado, I think you missed this part.

I know about the bug, thats why I said you can’t attack the ele in tornado.

Urgent hotfix required

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

It is as gamebreaking as the svanir rune/block bugs.If there was no bug, an ele in tornado would be the equivalent of a thief in daggerstorm, punish him for thinking he is doing something beneficial for the team. BUT because of the bug, its like the ele is in a combination of plague and lich form, you can’t ignore him but you can’t attack him.

P.S: Not saying tornado should be useless (like daggerstorm) but it shouldn’t be gamebreaking.

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

Minimal impact incentive strategy

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

If you use this rationale as well then would adding gems to sPvP break the economy?

Maybe not break the economy, but I think anet wants gems to be at the highest possible price so that people will more often decide to spend real world money for something instead of what they consider to be too much in game money.

Well, if anet wants to use that rationale so that they keep profits higher then they can do whatever they want with their game.

Minimal impact incentive strategy

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Why not laurels? You can buy dyes with them. As if it would affect PvE players, and its only the sPvP daily. Takes 20 mi urges to knock over and all you gotta do is run around in a circle in hot join.

it’s not that simple. people want laurels. people can only get 1 per day. large rewards are tied to them. if you offer a laurel for a pvp daily, that is potentially 2 laurels per day. to say nothing of the impact of doubling the laurel rate, it also _forces_ players who don’t want to pvp, but want laurels, to go blindly "farm" pvp. is that really what you want?

Make it so that you can only get a laurel from one of the dailies.
Won’t be implemented because the pvp daily is tragically small and insignificant so why would you do a 10 hour pve daily when you can do a 10 minute pvp daily.

However, this doesn’t address the issue of granting laurels in pvp not making sense. Laurels are a pve reward system for pve rewards with a pve merchant, pve rewards and pve rationale.

If you use this rationale as well then would adding gems to sPvP break the economy? sPvPers would only spend their gems on the gem store because they would have no use for gold. I know that is all I use gems for.
Edit: you want a gold sink? gem store is your gold sink cause gold by itself is useless to exclusive spvpers.

Is Thief the class for me?

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Only if you want to be awesome :p

sPvP: Profession limiting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I’m not saying mesmers are OP’d, I’m saying both thieves and mesmers are plain old irritating to fight. Wading into a sea of illusions and clones is beyond absurd. Fighting an enemy you can’t see is not fun, nor for that matter is playing as a profession that hides most of the time.
As you just said the best teams are balanced, so enforce balance? I’m talking about fun here, sure you may WIN against the team, but it most certainly was not fun (I know I know “winning isn’t everything” lame guy I am.) When I kill a Mesmer/thief it’s a “ugh, finally” moment. When I kill or even lose to a profession other than those that used genuine skill, that’s a “gg” moment.

hmm? does confusion do half damage in WvW like in sPvP?
edit: Nope,full damage. Pry bar some faces :p

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

sPvP: Profession limiting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

only advantage double mesmers bring is double portal and double time warp (idk I’ve seen more and more mesmers bring mass invisibility) and double illusion of life (dem illusions XD) and mesmers have 3 distortions >.> blurred frenzy and 2 distortions cause of shatter recharge at 50% hp. In addition! double thief doesn’t work well since they’re pretty much unrez-able if they die in a team fight. Even if you do rez with signet or illusion (cause you’re not gonna hard rez one if they know where thief is downed lol) one, they’ll go down soon after if you don’t let them stealth and have shadowstep on cd.

edit: didn’t realize he was talking about hotjoins in particular and thinking of extending it to tournies.

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

five sources of health/second

in Guardian

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

strength is numbers doesn’t give a boon, it gives a trait buff (which look wierd) and absolute resolution increases your passive virtue regen by 25% so more hp regen :P

Conj weap, why can't they be like eng kits?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Cause the fiery greatsword hurts like a kitten, I LOVE when my ele teammate gives me one cause i can do 10k with the whirling with creative use of steal (another 4k) to keep within whirling range and manage to pull off 8 hits which an ele could do with lightning flash. The autoattack hits around 1.6-2k with each fireball on squishies. The ice bow is well… if it destroys graveling mounds as fast as it does in ac then with crit damage, I’m sure it would hurt in a teamfight.

Weapon switching should restore initiative.

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

3 initiative every 9 secs isn’t good enough? I’d agree its definitely not worth 30 points in acrobatics but if you can’t manage your init then /shrug. You can put 10 points in shadow arts for infusion of shadows so your shadow refuge fully recharges your init.

HGH question

in Engineer

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

how is it bad? perma 700+ power and condition damage is terrible?

D/P is the new king of SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

sword/pistol is still good for spvp mostly because of sword 2 and the survivability it gives you, but also the stuns, dazes, evades, and blind stomps that it gives. last hit of autoattack does 4.8k~ish with crit on squishy under 50% hp depending on how you trait( i do 10/30/0/0/30, yeah you read that right) pistol whip does around 7-9k on squishies. Rangers and necros have soooo much trouble running away from a sword thief and the fact that they don’t have stunbreakers make pistol whip that much better.

edit: Even if they do have stunbreakers, sword 2 plus another pistol whip and steal,get most of your init back.

(edited by Noctis Assassin.4035)

Targeting another player.

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

I know what you mean, after a match my chat box is filled with the above quote. Its probably cause they’re mashing their mouse to click on the guy to make sure he is targeted.