I do but that only works against some thief players and warriors/guards the rest just go pew pew from range =(
so I do no damage and can barely hit people with grenades. I really don’t know what im doing wrong
even if someone is face rubbing against me they will always kill me before my grenades can do anything usually combined with a barrage of immob stun cc spam but when I watch more experienced engies they seem to never get hit even with 2+ people attacking them
they are not just dodging every attack worth dodging, if you can keep track of 3 people at once hats off to you, also their damage seems to be way more then what I can dish out
keep in mind im talking about builds that ignore turret reliance, I hate builds that rely on ai and wish anet would delete them from all classes I played minion master once and got so bored I nearly fell asleep too easy =|
like the title says, is minion master holding back the necro? is this one build that can do ok in a 1v1 against inexperienced players with hardly any effort (its all the passive damage from the ai and you know it) the reason we get nothing?
every time I think of something that would help necro actually matter I think oh… but then people would cry more if it was used on a mm -.-’
I for one would love to see this build destroyed and the minions gone for things like wells that pulsate from the necro instead of being stagnant causing them to be pointless against ranged or smart people….
blocks or way faster cast times…………………………. a decent heal that doesn’t shout out to the world here get me im healing here I will give you some time to stop me!!!
not to mention stability! or lower cooldowns on things like blinds.
vent over/ (i really need to start playing my other classes more and forget necro)
good… that is all
wish I had the ability to force my opponent to press tab every 3 seconds to even try get a single hit,
if you get off of making people miserable and mad then its the class for you
I would be all for having stability on spectral skills if that’s what you want =p, you know utilities that actually increase out survivability and dps output instead of on a signet that literally adds nothing to that actually making a necro weaker
wow someone is watching this thread like a hawk… I was just venting I know how to kill guardians easily just not on this build =p
I wouldn’t mind if fig had a stunbreak added to it then it might be useful but it still removes any defence necro has if you want to try do anything useful, also it is not useful for many builds because of the extreme cost
the discussion of the locust signet is valid it is literally a pointless signet.. necro has so many other ways to gain swiftness that also add another benefit to them, also necro is heavily reliant on its utilities to actually kill anything taking it would make you weaker for no reason
(edited by Ozzy Toxin.3074)
^ someone finally gets it
been having trouble with guards lately every time I get some distance they just go NOPE and pull me back in or chuck me around with hammer but when I try to fear them off I get told NOPE!!! he has stability ha ha ha corrupt it.. he just blocks the snot out of me gaining more damage from the corrupt then pops it back on again =|…..
(edited by Ozzy Toxin.3074)
or we can just get rid of all passive healing that has no input from the user and cant be interrupted…. that’s how you balance a game -.-
regen is fine you gain that by using skills
I have the solution! get rid of all forms of passive uninterruptable healing that does not require the activation of a skill to start… problem solved
now its all down to skill and timing
simple… its a warrior and anet love warrior they do so many things passively that every other class needs a utility for -.-
the problem with the stunbreaks necro has now is they are tied to utilities that usually need to be used when we are not being held down by stuns, not to mention they only negate one blast of cc and don’t get the necro out of point blank range…
i would love it if they gave necro teleports and leaps but they already said they wouldn’t so why argue for it? at least it has a chance for stability
infact i would take at least one stealth over stability… then a necro can actually disengage target and reset somewhere else
(edited by Ozzy Toxin.3074)
my problem is your healing…. I cant say much because I have not played ele much (planning to) but I can get you almost dead on my necro then you just pop an invulnerability and suddenly back at full health………………. that’s my experience anyway -.- usually on dd ele
I actually changed this as soon as I wrote it… have no idea why it was put back kitten …………………….
(edited by Ozzy Toxin.3074)
the point of the game mode is to capture points and hold them/contest them for as long as possible… so yes standing beyond 600 range going pew pew pew with staff does make you useless for your team..
I find other necros the easiest class to kill while im on my necro =|…………………………
they need to speed up out cast times.. the way it is now almost everything is easy to interrupt, or impossible to use defensively at point blank range to try get someone off you because other classes cc is quicker
That is somewhat debatable since you can argue both ways. They are targeted because they are a threat. If they weren’t it would not happen. I agree that they go up in priority because they are easy to chase down but that most cetainly isn’t the sole reason to target them in the first place.
However, that is not what I was referring to. My point was that Stability won’t help them when being targeted. More ways to apply Chill, Weakness or Dazes would be a lot more sufficient.
We are targeted because we are a threat, no argument there. If we are left alone w can completly change a fight,
But we are completly shut down because lack of counter cc and little.to none mobility. On my warrior in a team fight I usualy call necro, 2 reasons, I play necro a lot and.know how they play, and I.can.completly shut.one down making them useless. Until my team clear every one else.
I can do this with most all classes, you can kite them or control them verry easly.
^ this… it doesn’t take much to make necro pointless in pvp
I nuch prefer active gameplay over.passive anyday, but sadly necros have neither and for.uss to get stability we have to take foot in the grave,forcing us to trait towards it which is what you said you dont like being forced.to take traits.
And ya 8s is a bit to high thinking about it, but 5s is another storyYou are right about the active access and that is why I’m not against adding Stability in general. But 8s with 40s cooldown (untraited) or 5s with 30s cooldown has a quite high uptime just through picking the utility. I’m aware that the numbers were derived from other classes but this takes their values out of the context. When introducing something new to a class other classes might be a benchmark but ultimatively you have to look at the class itself and not at other professions.
As I said earlier, I’m not against Stability in general. But a 15-25% uptime without any restrictions feels over the top. Because most situations in which a Necromancer is not massively outnumbered a high Stability uptime would be way too powerful because it covers the classes weakness a bit too well. Unless you run a lot of boon removal you would not have any chance to bring down the Necro.
Since Necromancers are designed not to be very mobile it is a bit difficult do think of active and skillful solutions against CC because it cancels out many possiblities (e.g. teleports). But I’d rather see improvements which are more in line with an attrition class instead of turning them into bulldozers with Stability. If you are looking for something (re)active against CC, what about a trait similar to Rousing Resilience (Warriors)? For example, cause pbae Weakness or Daze when successfully using a Stunbreaker? Such a trait can be used in different builds and with different utility set ups and plays into the Necromancers nature of corrupting things for his own benefit. Necromancers also lack traits for Signets which could provide effects on activation for indirect CC mitigation by prolonging cooldowns (e.g. Chill). Additionally, I can imagine a trait which grants -x% CC duration while under the effect of Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk which would still enable enemies to interrupt you when not playing thoughtfully. I also think that Necromancers can benefit from traits like Stabilized Armor (Engineers) although it doesn’t necessarily promote skillful gameplay.
There are so many ways you could provide Necromancers with options to counter CC directly or indirectly without making CC useless against them. Adding Stability is just the easiest way out. But from my point of view not the most appropriate nor sensible one.
well I have been playing spvp for 3 weeks now 450 games so far, it doesn’t matter what build I use it always ends up the same hammer warrior almost complete shutdown if I evade some attacks it still ends up in an eventual shutdown due to low cooldowns and his immunities -.-…….. or friends come because it has taken so long
[…your experience against the other classes…]
So basically you are having issues with Hammer Warriors while other classes are quite all right to fight against. Outside of Hammer Warriors and maybe Engineers, you don’t really describe anything which could be solved with Stability. Elementalists don’t have excessive CC options. Mesmers do have some but most have short durations. Rangers mainly use Cripple and Immobilizes which makes Stability less effective. Thieves are good at spamming CC but they won’t do it often because it leaves them too vulnerable. Guardians lack CC in general.
From my experience, you don’t need a lot of Stability against most classes. It is very helpful against Engineers and it is most certainly the only reasonable way to counter Hammer Warriors. However, this is more due to the balance issues related to CC (more specifically: lack of diminishing returns when spamming CC). It is not related to Necromancers not having enough access to Stability.
On a different note: No class survives being ganked or outnumbered unless they can stealth or rush away. Necromancers are just easier to catch than, for example, Mesmers or Thieves. But Guardians got the same fate. It is annoying to be focussed but Stability would not do you any good in this situation. Just avoid those fights if you can. They are pointless.
my problem is not with individuals.. its when you add group play to the equation no other class must have a personal guardian with them the entire time hindering the performance of your team.
the duration of the stability needs to be somewhat decent or what is the point? you block one attack and that’s it in all honesty I would rather knockbacks and teleports over stability but that is never going to happen so in order for necro to actually be competitive in a team environment it needs something to do that,
well I have been playing spvp for 3 weeks now 450 games so far, it doesn’t matter what build I use it always ends up the same hammer warrior almost complete shutdown if I evade some attacks it still ends up in an eventual shutdown due to low cooldowns and his immunities -.-…….. or friends come because it has taken so long
ele already mentioned earlier.. 1 on 1 they will shut me down and there is nothing I can do about it coupled with fast attacks and crazy healing not to mention the boons and dodging it is a very hard fight to win and usually ends up with the ele full hp and me being stomped or buddies coming to the rescue its only a lucky shot if they don’t dodge my corrupt boon and if I go for it too early it just gets cleansed
engie…. exploding turrets crazy speed I can kill these but its not easy and they need to stuff up, in a group situation tho… good luck
Mesmer.. has its annoying builds for everyone I guess not much you can do against stealth and a wall of meat infront of them
guardian… cant say I have a problem with these guys strangely it may be because they don’t walk around with their hammer like warrior and don’t seem to combo as much cc together I don’t mind getting killed by them even if I cant seem to get them off me >.<
thief well they are annoying (did someone say pistol blind spam) but I can deal with their cc if I get hit its my fault at least I can defend myself as they cant spam it. its always a tough fight 1 on 1 and I enjoy it even if I lose when im on the build I use now, group play vs a thief is another problem tho-.-……(free kills to them)
ranger… im usually dead before I can get to them and when I do get close they just stick me to the spot with their pet or blast me back with their bow…… but that is my build and it isn’t spammy so I don’t care so much.
now this is all 1 on 1 I know necro can win in some situations until the cc becomes too prevalent soon as you break up into 2v2 or 3v3 and especially 5v5 its (target appears) GET THE NECRO!!!! bam cc constant I have taken every stun breaker we have and been instantly re cc’d the second I use it effectively making me useless. now I will admit this doesn’t happen every fight, but the moment it is an obviously experienced group/guild that’s it .. I may as well just sit at home point and try to fight people solo because that’s all I can do.
decided to add this final bit. there are other classes that don’t have good access to stability but they do have a way of getting out of the fight and resetting it to a point they can handle. necro is not designed like this it CANT get away necro is designed to fight to the death and for this to be possible it needs a way to do that (using elites is not a reason as stability to a signet doesn’t alter them in any way and you don’t even get to keep the boons if you leave it… not to mention our actual health pool is vulnerable during these)
(edited by Ozzy Toxin.3074)
I hate this trait…
It is the reason necros will probably never get okish stability without investing in a trait tree only power necros want to go deep into.So while it is not a bad trait, i wish we would get something else and stability on a utility skill…
:-C I would love to see it deleted and made into a fairly large knockback when we go into ds… get them pesky warriors off us -.-
if they got rid of the icd in vamp sig it would work… its not like necro wouldn’t die and it doesn’t heal outside of combat ;\…. maby lower the amount healed a bit tho
and I will keep asking till the people against this give a valid reason… it kind of proves my point in this thread
i ask again can someone tell me why 8 seconds of stability on a 40 second cooldown is overpowered please?
skyhammer just promotes cheap gameplay… if you play engineer it is probably your favourite map seeing as you can just shoot people off the edge or pull them into the stupid portals -.-. the map is entirely class dependant…
you can say its a l2p issue all you want but every time I engage a thief no matter what I do to try keep them targeted half my attacks will miss combine that with the amount of damage they can put out I may aswell have 5 hp
its only sheer luck if my fear hits or I manage to freez them with focus because they made a mistake or blew their cooldowns too quickly and didn’t leave time to escape
you missed the point dude… to use half of that I need a target in the first place something that vanishes every time they flash stealth and then they need to run into my staff marks to activate them because dodging into them negates them
I still don’t understand.
“No” stability becomes “little” stability.And that having to build for it becomes an issue.
And that using DS to stay alive while CC’ed is not the same as blowing utilities to stay alive and blow dodges to prevent the damage to prevent dying (rather than just facetanking the damage).
And that signet of the Locust is not a good signet because it’s not worth activating… except this applies to a ton of other signets across every class.
And that necromancer’s weakness is mobility when they have such high access to mobility via a signet like other classes (dependent on a waste of a skill slot like everyone else) or still having access to it via DS through traits.
And that Necros deserve mitigation + stability + tanking options + the ability to run a MM build for DPS and control.These demands are absolutely outrageous. If you want to frontline in a zerg, you’re going to have to build for it. Otherwise, do what everyone else has to do and avoid the stunlock through dodges and blind applications.
You’re not getting any sympathy from me as on my eight characters, I do not have stability, teleports, blindspam, or durability on any of them, and I do not get chain-CC’ed because I can use my dodges well and simply avoid getting hit through proper positioning.
It’s the fact of only having one real pathway for active defence while every other class has options open to them. Yeah sure these options may not be lengthy in nature, but neither is Death shroud. In the end this post is starting to go off topic from the stability idea.
Not really, though. Proper positioning and predicting player movement and attack patterns, subsequently making one never get hit to begin with is the ultimate form of active defense and CC negation.
That’s why I don’t even bother with anything for it on my characters. It’s actually not necessary whatsoever, and frankly, I find it more of a crutch for people more than anything.
The only time it’s arguably necessary is when you’re zerging in WvW. In which case, why are you front-lining a necro? Where is your guard’s stability? Those are the results of not actually being part of a group but just thinking you are by being alongside them.
It’s even been admitted to that necros are fine if not one of the best classes for WvW earlier in this thread, with even supporters claiming it wouldn’t be necessary for it.
OP never specified WvW or sPvP. PvP generally speaking refers to both. And because it would be so absurd in WvW, this is not the kind of change that needs to be made to the necromancer. A stun break + 1 sec stability for a reposition? Sure. They have the HP to take the initial hit, and with proper timing and reflexes, could simply get out of that kind of situation. Long-duration stability is not the answer, though, especially when gameplay-wise currently, it is one of the best ways/fewest ways to kill a necro.
CC hits everyone like a train when it hits. That’s why necros have that nice health pool + death shroud. My characters get CC’ed, and I die. I main:
A max-burst D/D signet thief (so I enter a fight revealed with all of my utilities blown and no active defense in my build or on my weapons), and have no issues with getting CC’ed. Not because I live through it, or because of any traits or skills, but because of dodging, with no endurance modifiers or anything, just as every other class.
A longbow/longbow bird/bird 6/6/2/0/0 full berserker weapon swap burst ranger. Again, I run just a single stunbreak here, effectively placing me in the realm of “don’t get hit or die.”
And I run into no issues on either of these classes, despite the low health pools and almost no ways to deal with it. Giving the necro the capacity to even further facetank counterplay in WvW just makes no sense when other players (or simply, everyone, including necromancers) have the capacity to do so on builds which have no access to any forms of negation and strictly less survivability, and do so by individual player skill.
blowing all your cooldowns before you run away is your fault on the thief .. ranger has plenty of cc and constantly does damage while cc’d with your pet to keep the enemy at bay till it wears off not to mention by the time someone reaches you they are usually low hp from all the damage you have done from range
I did specify pvp?………….. and wow@@ you can negate up to 4 cc blasts from some professions on low cooldowns with 2 dodges? amazing…
proper positioning? so I am forced to be pointless and stand beyond 600 range and just go pew pew pew with my staff ?
Usually pressing tab works for me to re-target a thief after he leaves stealth.
really? and what about if someone else is around or they have ogre runes on so you target the stupid rock dog constantly…… thief might not be a problem for warrior or guardian who have high hitting weapons that cleave! but play anything else and the loss of target becomes a big problem especially when they can do it so often not to mention all the evades and weapon abilities that are also counted as an evade
Judging from most of your comments you seem to just want an easy mode on thieves. A thief will never use rock dog unless they are bad because rock dog follows them around when they are stealthed giving away their position. Plus if I recall you play a necro. That rock dog is free LF for you, and with all your aoes that rock dog will be dead in a heartbeat without you even meaning to aim for it.
I have heaps of aoe do I? that would mean I need to be running wells that only stupid people stand in and staff aoe couldn’t kill a fly, they do not help against a thief who would just wait it out then continue to do its thing
I don’t see why running ogre runes is bad thing considering from what I see stealth is not relied on in pvp it is only used to gain immunity from ranged weapons and to constantly get rid of the target. most thieves that I have fought don’t even stay in stealth for the full 3 seconds they just flash stealth and continue attacking to remove the target that’s all
Usually pressing tab works for me to re-target a thief after he leaves stealth.
really? and what about if someone else is around or they have ogre runes on so you target the stupid rock dog constantly…… thief might not be a problem for warrior or guardian who have high hitting weapons that cleave! but play anything else and the loss of target becomes a big problem especially when they can do it so often not to mention all the evades and weapon abilities that are also counted as an evade
Alternate approach: do something about the atrocious cast times the class is saddled with on a lot of its skills.
Then the few reactive defense measures (BLinds, etc) Necros are given actually can be used without being prescient.
maby lowering the cooldowns also but the problem still remains no stability means necro is still way too vulnerable to cc which is mostly on low cooldowns as I have said specific classes/builds can shut down a necro almost permanently so they cant do anything even in 1v1 situations
Yesterday, I watched 14 people try and fail to kill a D/P perplexity Thief. These kinds of Thieves I usually prefer to avoid so instead of being a victim of the troll I decided to observe… This guy, no matter how close to dying he got, would always vanish before he crossed the 10%< mark and reappear a few seconds later with 70%>… He was never killed, just eventually made a run for it.
I crossed him shortly afterwards and wanted to see how I measured up, even if I knew it was completely one sided… So I thought before engaging, let’s make this as in my favor as possible. I equipped as many immobilizes as possible, as well as “Sic’m!” and dropped Spike Trap and Viper’s Nest at my feet. Waiting a few seconds for him to make the first move, I pegged him with a Poison Volley, he moved in, got nuked with my traps, I used Muddy Terrain to pin him down, he ported out as I thought he might, I then used Entangle followed by “Sic’m!” and proceeded to nuke his feet with traps, Bonfire from offhand torch and Throw Torch, got him to 10% of his health and what happens? He vanishes, I again nuke my feet with traps and prepare a Muddy Terrain for his reappearance but instead… I find him with 80% of his health /laughing on a hill behind me…
Now, I can admire talent, I have no problems with a talented Thief. But it’s one thing to be talented, a whole other thing to be talented with a build that doesn’t require any…
On the bright side he never killed me… Just ended up giving me another few hits and running off when I kept stacking bleeds on him. I know that’s a “win” when fighting a Thief, if they run off… But that whole D/P perplexity condition build thing is just stupid beyond words.
For the record, I don’t think stealth is “OP.” I think line of sight abuse and the ability to perpetually reset fights is. No one should have as much control over a fight as a Thief does, not even a Thief. No one should be c__ky enough to engage a dozen + people without hesitation and still have a 60% chance of escaping alive.I’ll give you the thieves perspective on the fight to help give the full picture of what happened. First off if the thief was running d/p perplexity then it was probably a burst build that has low hp. So when you are watching the thief for from 10% -70% hp. It is probably only healing 4-5k health but they already have extremely low health to begin with. It only looks like a lot because you can only see the bar and not actual numbers. But I I think you have the weapon set wrong to begin with. They were probably running p/d perplexity condi build. With this build it’s usually full dire which means they’ll have nearly 20k hp. Now the only way a thief heals from 10% to 70% with that build is to use a shadow refuge and stay in it for almost the complete duration of the stealth. Plus you said he teleported away which means he probably used shadow step since you were playing range by the sound of it and wouldn’t have been able to hit you with the p/d number 3 skill. That means the thief just blew two of his long cd get out of jail free cards to escape your damage. If you continued the fight with him you would have won so the thief made the tactical retreat.
Tips for fighting a p/d condi thief. Once a thief uses its basilisk venom burst their damage goes way down because pistol aa sucks. . Don’t panic just cleanse and fight. Watch out for the melee range on thief because they will try and cloak and dagger you for a bleed burst, or tele away and kite you plus inflict torment. So if you fight them at range and kite there goes the effective ness of those two skills for them. If you can, stand in aoe fields or blind fields to make their melee set ups more risky. The entire fight will be a game of attrition. Wait for the thief to blow shadow refuge and shadow step and you are pretty much guaranteed the win. Also be weary of wildlife in the open field that a thief can attempt to cloak and dagger off of. Any AI assisted allies like pets, clones, minions, and turrets are easy cloak and dagger targets. If a thief stealth continue attacking, and use channeling skills because they will continue to follow the thief when they stealth.
One last thing for everyone complaining about how hard it is to target a thief. In the options panel there is a way to set up a key to “target nearest enemy”. This is essential for any fight not only just agains thieves and everyone should have it assigned on their keyboards.
mesmers are never the nearest enemy
I know how to fix this !! lower their base hp even more. right now they may have low health but the person they are fighting may as well have 10 health as well with the numbers they can hit many situations in a glass cannon vs glass cannon fight as a necro against a thief they have out damaged my dagger by just spamming auto attack…. usually after I immob them in place so my 20k hp vs their what 12k hp? gets downed faster with auto attacks =|
It’s been most interesting to read up on all the adamant opposition to a reliable source of Stability for the Necromancer. I wonder if most of the complaints would tone down if Runes of Nightmare got deleted?
No, I think It is a “scholar” profession getting stability as a whole. The king of conditions, with the highest health pool, having the ability to eliminate its only true weakness in battle.
You will simply not convince anyone out of the select 12 of you who keep arguing for it.
As a whole, the necromancer has the highest average cool down on stun breakers. Followed by the engineer. I think the best route to go is to change all of the 50s-60 cool down stun breakers to a 40s cool down. Asking for stability is over reaching in the eyes of most players, given their ability to put out so much condition damage, combined with the high natural health pool, as well as the added health pool of death shroud.
since shuumfire necro has become anything but the “king of conditions” the bleeds are weak and slow to apply and are easily cleansed engie is way better at spreading DAMAGING conditions.. you know the useful ones but they also have a hell of a lot of defence abilities
and lets not forget a necro actually needs to wave its very slow sceptre in the first place to apply conditions something that cant be done while stunned
our defence is this keep our 2 precious dodges for the cc bomb and just let someone smack us for constant 1k+ hits in the face or dodge AND TRY TO SOFT CC them that can be easily cleansed and have slow obvious animations not to mentions soft cc doesn’t faze some professions at all… either way necro is dead
so I ask again… why is waiting for 5-8 seconds so op for you ? I can turn around and say just avoid it back to you.. you have cleanses don’t you? you have dodges don’t you? you have invulnerability don’t you? so use them while necro has stability, or better yet… if your professions can strip the stability from the necro its not like it can be covered by any other boons because the ones necro does have are impractical to use and barely last long enough to do anything
see how the arguments work both ways?
the invisible part of stealth is not the problem, its the loss of target that is the issue……. its basically a way to gain almost complete immunity to attacks that require a target even once out of stealth.
think of it this way ,I see the thief I go to attack he vanishes 2 seconds later uses heart seeker I try to click on him (other people around me so tab target does not work neither does auto target) I miss miss again because he is jumping all around finally click him then pop gone again rinse and repeat…. in the meantime my health has droped by at least half
so because somebody doesn’t want to lose dps and take their own source of reliable stability nightmare runes need to be deleted and necro cant have stability?
just as I thought ..
I tried your build and got the exact same outcome as always…. immob knockdown knockback daze daze dead =\……. even better when a warrior pops fear me and you don’t even have the wells to try help you
elementalist can literally shut me down so I do nothing but sit on my face or give them boons/do nothing from their various defence skills combine that with quick castings vs my slow and extremely animated casts… need I say more
By minority, do you mean how out of the millions of players who purchased the game, 17 of them are requesting this?
By agents working the forums to hold off the minorities, do you refer to those who simply disagree with you based on their experience, trying to point out the fact that your the minority?
I have yet to see a valid reason this skill needs to be given stability.
I have yet to see a valid reason why this skill should not be given stability… all I see is oh but you have blinds.. so do many other professions that can use it quicker and more often
oh but you have cripples and chills, so do other professions…..
but you can spread conditions!… other classes can do it better now..
you have 2 dodges use them!! guess what so does everyone else but some other professions can go crazy with them
but you can soak that damage up with deathshroud!… at the expense of our heal,utility,skills… and once it is gone then what?. other professions have similar skills in the form of blocks and immunitys that DO NOT LOCK THEM OUT OF HEALING AND SKILLS.
and to top it all off, for a necro to even use every blind, fear, cripple, chill, it has (ignoring the fact you wouldn’t even kill a fly) to survive, it first needs to be able to cast it which is not possible while having chain cc cast on us
so please people that disagree with this suggestion give me a reason why the ability to give ourselves stability at the cost of a utility slot (and by consequence lose out on offence) on a long cooldown is op even tho it is seemingly fine if we have it from other professions sharing it with a necro
They should buff axe 1 :p, i tried it vs war and he regenerated more hp with hs and trait than i dealt dmg just with axe 1 (with soldier amulet) … buff!!! (or nerf war
have you ever tried to kill a regen ranger with axe ? =|……..
Getting focused? Deathshroud, eat some hits then ground target to a safe area via dark path, heal, re-position, rejoin the fight – in gw2 PvP – THAT is the definition of sustain.
The problem with the necro is that you can’t regen your LF/HP when you are out of the fight.
I swear to god that the Necro has a longer than average timer for getting out of combat.
The number of times I saw a war/thief leap away and gain ooc regen before mine kicked while dueling him in WvW is ridiculous.
I literally walked from one side of the map to the other in pvp before it let me out of combat =s
I think the max amount of stealth can be toned down, but I think the thief would need much more active defense outside of stealth. I play classes on both sides of the spectrum and I know that other thiefs know that at least in spvp going into a team fight mid is almlst a death sentence unless youre actively evading. Stealth doesnt really mean anything as mere aoe that every class is spamming would kill you alone.
Thief would need a couple of things. One would be an active way to clear conditions, right now we have signet of agility which cures one measly condi….on something like a 30 second cd. It could probably be buffed to two condis or maybe an extra condi per enemy in the vicinity up to 5.
Idk guys I guess you can say im biased to spvp. I feel like stealth is useless there so all these changes you guys are suggesting just seems outragous in that setting. Someone suggested for condis to break stealth? Several classes AUTO attacks add bleeds or can proc burning and even poison. Which would absolutely need to change. If a thief was given more ways to fight a condi bomb outside of 30 into shadow arts (a trait line only viable in wvw mind you) then I guess I dont see a problem with it. As of right now, you either go lyssa runes or die…
I have never seen a thief have a problem poping out of stealth and stabbing me to death while im in the middle of a team fight. its one of the reasons I have made this post because I cant turn around and focus my attention on the thief because I literally cant target/keep a target on them because of the frequent altho short bursts into stealth and my target wandering off onto someone else
I can pop wells but that forces me to stand within a small area and they don’t have a very long duration most thieves just wait it out or range me to keep up the damage,
if I am actually keeping one at bay they will just run away wait for cooldowns and it starts all over again
I actually had a 4 minute fight with a thief while I was on my wells build because of the lack of targeting and stealth evading attacks forcing anything that could do damage to be wasted as they stealth just as I cast it with the long and obvious animations -.-
Guessing you play a ranger….
nope I play necro
and we are third for a balance thread -.-
does stability block spectral grasp? it seems to always get blocked unless the person has no idea I am there
I don’t think it blocks it; the pull effect will be hit with Immune. I’m also not sure how the Chill works.
cant even pull someone into my well……. its like every cc a necro has is pointless
does stability block spectral grasp? it seems to always get blocked unless the person has no idea I am there
the only decent aoe comes from dd zerker ele and warriors I can literally put down all my damaging wells and my blinding well and still be killed by a thief through that necro is so weak atm
rough translation to the op… my warrior isn’t faceroll enough I want it to be easier and more of a burden to the game