Showing Posts For Phoenix.1370:
Yea, would prefer to remain in EU servers :/
I noticed your thread and requirments, I’m afraid 100% rep won’t be possible.
I happen to enjoy the guild I am in, it just doesn’t offer all that I want, so a secondary guild I need for those times.
None suitable for me?
I’m looking for a guild to start trying to get into raids. Only did one attempt so far which the group didn’t do very well and a buggy start prevented progress and I just never went back. I’ve mostly been sticking to PvP and a tiny bit of PvE since then. I also want to try to get into fractals. I kinda missed the boat on both of these and..well better late than never.
My server is Far Shiverpeaks(EU) and I am on UK time. I am already part of another guild but does not do raids. However will represent during raids/when actively participating in events and whenever I can etc. I am mainly looking for raids but any PvP (not WvW) activities would be a bonus.
So if any guild out there friendly to newcomers to raids/fractals preferably send me a message or letter if I am not online ingame.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Thanks for the details. I did actually find a relatively easy place to go, after having the hassle of dealing with all the mordrem I did end up killing one solo in Treacherous Paths, being on a revenant doesn’t make things easier, they are strong but seems to lack too much aoe for dealing with large amounts of mobs, but I just about pulled it off. I also went to the one in Tangled Depths, near the stronghold. That one was easier with only a couple chak to deal with and got the daredevil mushroom as well as the herald mushrooms I was after luckily one after the other.
I am now 13/14 for the bo staff, I will end up looking for the one/s in Dragons Stand soon and take advantage while I farm for the final mastery I need for this staff. In all honesty I usually just leave the moment the Meta is done in that map. Cheers.
Is there an easy place to kill this thing? I just got stealth detection and tried couple locations but every time I find it, it just runs into a pack of mobs and I get swamped solo, and with every map I try it’s pretty much empty and dead so no assistance from anyone else.
Bumping. Will look more actively on the forums incase I happen to not be online ingame
I’m looking for a preferably UK based guild, decently active for both PvE and PvP. I work quite a bit but I try to be on when I can. Hoping to do some raids/dungeons ect. If need to know anything else about me or potential invite preferably send a message ingame or reply here.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
insert relevant Fry meme here
Uk here, I’m fine with the early release, I have work 2 hours after launch haha then home and another shift later on in the day, I’d rather play couple hours right on launch and some after work than go to work all day anxious to play and have to wait ages after I get home to launch.
I’m not complaining, least I’ll get to try out revenant before work and just be thinking of stuff and new builds to try and make at work lol
Meanwhile Dragon Hunters get a glove.
Not gloves. Glove. A single glove on one hand.
Yet another reason why Dragon Hunters suck.
Not seen the glove you speak of, but assuming I am correct chances are it will be a brace/armguard, and by your mockery of it, I assume you have never done archery irl, more often than not a brace is only used on 1 arm/wrist when used with a bow.
Some people use 2, but I use 1, it depends on the person. I quite like the idea, would suit both my guardian and my ranger.
Make sure when you do your archery that you always have a pet nearby too. You can’t do the archeries without a pet.
Of course, it is mandatory to have a pet nearby, lucky I go accompanied by my pet turtle.
On a side note, I have found the “glove” I think, and it does look like just an elaborate armguard, Id probably still use it, looks quite nice.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Meanwhile Dragon Hunters get a glove.
Not gloves. Glove. A single glove on one hand.
Yet another reason why Dragon Hunters suck.
Not seen the glove you speak of, but assuming I am correct chances are it will be a brace/armguard, and by your mockery of it, I assume you have never done archery irl, more often than not a brace is only used on 1 arm/wrist when used with a bow.
Some people use 2, but I use 1, it depends on the person. I quite like the idea, would suit both my guardian and my ranger.
I played EVE for a while, was fun but too expensive for my tastes for a long term mmo, I always lag on any game at really annoying times, rarely do i have perfect connection, why I don’t like taking risks in games that there is consequences for.
Yea… As I said, terrible drops, not had a pre, ever, and rarely any exotics outside of pvp, I seem to be rather lucky with ascended, got quite a few rings and armour peices/weapon box drops while on my route to rank 80, more than I’d have ever gotten from pve and saving for materials, my bank is essentially full of ascended things I’ve reserved for my future revenant to inherit.
Oh well, if I can make my character look epic on a budget I will, I am not a huge fan of fused weapons, I dislike the “chains” that seem to decorate it, I’d prefer using a more “natural” fire/lava weapon but that is just personal ascetic choice :P
I’ve played Eve Online for 10 years and was thrilled about the ‘risk vs reward’ aspect of the game. Though, I was more into the social interaction and working together as a team part. But then things changed, you get married, you get a kid and all that jazz and suddenly the time you’re able to devote to game(s)/hobby(s)/friend(s) rapidly changes.
Well I had a Dusk drop on me once before I took a break from GW2. Sold it, bought a fused GS and some account upgrades (char and bank slots mostly). But other than that. I can count on two hands how much exotic/ascended drops I had. Maybe it’s because I don’t grind as often? I don’t lay enough DPS? I’m not the one to get something ‘good’ in the rotation at that given time? Who knows? Essentially I’m in the game for being able to chillax on comms with people I know and have something to do when my wife and daughter are sleeping.
Yea I’m a budget guy myself, always looking into that cheap alternative to find something that’ll make my toons like good and be geared up for either WvW or dungeons. The fused weapons I’m working towards will take ages, more than likely I will not even get to that point, lol. But it gives something to work towards, you know?
I try to save for gear or upgrades or something, and I tend to give up and sell the materials because I need the money, tried countless times now to save for a legendary, and I make no progress, least enough gems for an outfit is reachable, being under 100g, pvp earns a decent income as well, will probably do it more when the outfit comes out and show it off :P
And with HoT coming out and giving extra ways to work towards a pre, it might give me more incentive to work on a legendary…who knows…maybe juggernaut will look good on balth set
You should see it on asura…little blue alien….every time i see it I chuckle and the song from Eiffel 65 plays in my head, “I’m blue”
I am not the richest player, and I mainly do pvp now, I’ve never done wvw, my luck is terrible when it comes to drops :S, think I might just settle for volcanus for a long term goal….464 gold….yeah…I’ve not had more than 100g at any one point lol, primordus will do as a poor mans balthazar weapons :P
I had a necro…I deleted so I could actually make this character in preperation, no idea if hot will give us a free character slot as per tradition, so better safe than sorry, and I’d rather reserve the name beforehand.
I do a lot of pvp so skins of armour and weapons are a priority to me, i love making my characters really stand out, or mimic themes, like my war is modeled after achilles, and I spend tons of different skins that I like
LOL! Just for a laugh imma check that Asura out when I get home.
Yea PvP is currently where it’s at the moment for me too. WvW it’s lag on T1 has proven to be terribad when it comes down to huge brawls. It wasn’t this bad a few weeks ago, there was some but it was OK. Now? Eh … Meh … Skills don’t respond on crucial moments and you’ll simply die in a glorious fire and you can’t do much about it. It’s not as bad as TIDI in Eve Online but eh … Just enough to set it aside for a while. So I’m hoping this will be resolved as WvW is my number 1 gamemode.
Yea, you and me both. Being rich in this game requires you to grind a lot or play the market like crazy. I’m not into that nor will I ever be. So settling with a longterm goal is good enough as it gives you something to look forward to. Volcanus is a good choice, it really is, just wish they had a complete weaponset that matches it. I’d be saving for that instead of the fused weaponset …
I played EVE for a while, was fun but too expensive for my tastes for a long term mmo, I always lag on any game at really annoying times, rarely do i have perfect connection, why I don’t like taking risks in games that there is consequences for.
Yea… As I said, terrible drops, not had a pre, ever, and rarely any exotics outside of pvp, I seem to be rather lucky with ascended, got quite a few rings and armour peices/weapon box drops while on my route to rank 80, more than I’d have ever gotten from pve and saving for materials, my bank is essentially full of ascended things I’ve reserved for my future revenant to inherit.
Oh well, if I can make my character look epic on a budget I will, I am not a huge fan of fused weapons, I dislike the “chains” that seem to decorate it, I’d prefer using a more “natural” fire/lava weapon but that is just personal ascetic choice :P
I am strongly against meta that currently plagues pvp, infecting players and killing of diversity , sick and tired of seeing the same old same old from people it’s like fighting tedious and boring clones.
Personally I make my own builds and use rarely used weapons in order to take people by surprise.
My war tinkered with a range only build of longbow/rifle, had insane damage and worked quite well, right now he uses sword/shield and hammer sometimes dual axes, and focuses on physical skills, works amazingly well.
My mesmer ran a confuse build, such sweet delicious tears and joy when I see confuse damage of 2k hit them every time they use a skill, it used a scepter and very enjoyable if not a bit squishy.
my necro used axe for its rapid hits and high damage, along with retaliation, it is very powerful when used right.
my current ele is little more than a glass cannon, she switches between staff and scepter…while scepter is really lacking in damage, it makes up for it with versatility and useful skills along with a focus.
People can be so boring using the same build/same weapon sets as EVERYONE else, it does make me hate pvp sometimes, I love seeing people using different/rarely seen weapons, it’s actually fun
to respond to Akikaze,
My ranger used to use torches all the time till they nerfed traps into the ground, if I am not mistaken that has been reverted now, it was insanely deadly and was my best build, traps and conditions, Entangle+Bonfire=dead enemy in a lot of cases.
That build allowed me to carry my entire team at times, even in 4v5 we won due to me holding points, in a lot of cases I ended up with double or more of the score of my entire team, it surprises me that so few use a torch when it is ridiculously effective.
As for dual engineer pistols, I use that on my turret build, the glue shot is handy to keep them in range of my turrets and seems to be the bane of thieves.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
A friend who mains a ranger uses the body and legs, and uses different gloves, boots and helmet along with that scarf, to me a blue body with a normal head doesn’t look good….
I’ve seen others just use the body as well…
I have a feeling I will only use it on my future rev(who will quickly become my main proffesion based on what I have seen) and potentially my mesmer, just no helmet so I can still see her epicly cute face
, since there isn’t many armour sets that look good on a charr I actually like how the “cape” is animated to move with the tail and not just clipped through like every other outfit my charr has.
Even so, I may use on others but I do really want it….I just need some weapons to go with it, shame the volcanus costs so much!!, since staff is pretty much confirmed on a revenant as a melee weapon, maybe my primordus staff will suit it, along with some more primordus weapons to fill the others slots….kinda want a norn for their height might look more “god of war” type feel but humans have the cultural skill to summon his hounds for more roleplaying purposes
Lol, confirming using parts of the Zodiac set makes your toon look like a smurf hybrid :P.
Yea, the outfit looks pretty neat on almost every class/race/gender. Totally fits on a warr, guard and a rev. Looks a little ‘thin’ on a female but it doesn’t change the fact the outfit is just awesome sauce …
Yea, I think the rev will quickly become one of my main toons for WvW. Right now my main for PvE is my warr and my necro/guard are for WvW. Though … I do have a soft spot for my mesmer, thief and ele.
As for weapons. I can see the fused weaponset working with it but costs like an arm and a leg to get a hold of. Volcanus however is not too expensive but still a lot of gold for a casual player. However, there is no other weapon that matches the look of the Volcanus to complete a weaponset. So I am kinda leaning towards the fused weaponset … Might take me a couple of years to grind the 3 weapons I want, as I already have the GS, but oh well … It’s another goal on my ‘to-do’ list
You should see it on asura…little blue alien….every time i see it I chuckle and the song from Eiffel 65 plays in my head, “I’m blue”
I am not the richest player, and I mainly do pvp now, I’ve never done wvw, my luck is terrible when it comes to drops :S, think I might just settle for volcanus for a long term goal….464 gold….yeah…I’ve not had more than 100g at any one point lol, primordus will do as a poor mans balthazar weapons :P
I had a necro…I deleted so I could actually make this character in preperation, no idea if hot will give us a free character slot as per tradition, so better safe than sorry, and I’d rather reserve the name beforehand.
I do a lot of pvp so skins of armour and weapons are a priority to me, i love making my characters really stand out, or mimic themes, like my war is modeled after achilles, and I spend tons of different skins that I like
Based on the previous armour releases, they come out on tuesdays.
Let’s take a look shall we?
“Shadow Dye Kit, Raiment of the Lich, Crystal Nomad Outfit, and Mini Golden Pig in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 17, 2015” a tuesday.“Limited-Time Special Items in the Gem Store This Week!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 3, 2015
Check in each day this week for a brand new item!” Oh look a tuesday."
New Weapons, Outfit, and Mail Carrier in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on February 10, 2015" What a surprise….tuesday.My guess? Today is release date, a tuesday, considering it’s been stuck with other outfits/finisher and the weapons ect ect, worst case? little delayed with it being max next tuesday, already got my gems ready.
Been very excited to get my hands on it for a while!
Hopefully our dev overlords have been lurking topics in regards to the outfit and will release it later today!So do I, even got a character ready :P my future rev, but for now will be either a guardian or warrior, just had to reserve the name though, “Bálthazàr”
Would have preferred no accented letters but the chances of me getting that name that hadn’t been taken within like the first 12 seconds of launch…..well put it this way, i’d be more likely to have won the lottery 12 times in 1 day and struck by lightning 72 times on the same day, it works though and I can tolerate the accented letters
Well I didn’t go as far as reserving the Balth name, but accented letters or not … Still a good shout on your end! I had to put an accented letter on my toon ‘Annatar’ hence it was already taken about 2 years ago
. But oh well … At least I have the name I desire!
I just really, really, really hope our dev overlords will release the outfit today. Regardless of it being an armor skin or outfit, it still is an awesome one to have! Surely they WILL bank on it as everyone and their mother will buy it! So they really should not ignore these posts nor postpone the release of it any further. Make it happen ANet!
I’d bank on it being today, but never know any delays, while I do wish they released individual pieces, I am not bothered, I’d more than likely just use the set anyway.
I bought the zodiac set a while back as well, and that adds individual pieces, and I have seen people use just pieces and it does not look good at all IMO, I prefer the entire set or nothing at all on some sets, but the majority of my characters use mix/match armour sets
As for the person who commented about everyone using it, people made that argument about the black wings, and while on the first day or 2 EVERYONE used it, it died down and rarely see anyone use it now.
I want it for it’s looks and the nostalgia of gw1, my dervish used that form a lot.
I truly hope you’re right and there will be no delays. Been refreshing the main page of the website for days! ><!
Really? People have been using parts of the zodiac armor individually? I cannot see that working, then again, whatever floats their boat I guess …
I missed out on the black wings. I would have bought it but I got lazy and didn’t log in the day it was released
. Oh well …
It would be awesome if we could mix and match the Balth outfit. However I am not bothered if we could not. Perhaps in the future but it would still not change my mind. I like the outfit the way it is!
But you’re right, in a few the hype of this outfit is over and people will barely use it. Though … I for one would welcome the outfit and will continue to use it on my warr and rev!
A friend who mains a ranger uses the body and legs, and uses different gloves, boots and helmet along with that scarf, to me a blue body with a normal head doesn’t look good….
I’ve seen others just use the body as well…
I have a feeling I will only use it on my future rev(who will quickly become my main proffesion based on what I have seen) and potentially my mesmer, just no helmet so I can still see her epicly cute face, since there isn’t many armour sets that look good on a charr I actually like how the “cape” is animated to move with the tail and not just clipped through like every other outfit my charr has.
Even so, I may use on others but I do really want it….I just need some weapons to go with it, shame the volcanus costs so much!!, since staff is pretty much confirmed on a revenant as a melee weapon, maybe my primordus staff will suit it, along with some more primordus weapons to fill the others slots….kinda want a norn for their height might look more “god of war” type feel but humans have the cultural skill to summon his hounds for more roleplaying purposes
Based on the previous armour releases, they come out on tuesdays.
Let’s take a look shall we?
“Shadow Dye Kit, Raiment of the Lich, Crystal Nomad Outfit, and Mini Golden Pig in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 17, 2015” a tuesday.“Limited-Time Special Items in the Gem Store This Week!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 3, 2015
Check in each day this week for a brand new item!” Oh look a tuesday."
New Weapons, Outfit, and Mail Carrier in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on February 10, 2015" What a surprise….tuesday.My guess? Today is release date, a tuesday, considering it’s been stuck with other outfits/finisher and the weapons ect ect, worst case? little delayed with it being max next tuesday, already got my gems ready.
Been very excited to get my hands on it for a while!
Hopefully our dev overlords have been lurking topics in regards to the outfit and will release it later today!So do I, even got a character ready :P my future rev, but for now will be either a guardian or warrior, just had to reserve the name though, “Bálthazàr”
Would have preferred no accented letters but the chances of me getting that name that hadn’t been taken within like the first 12 seconds of launch…..well put it this way, i’d be more likely to have won the lottery 12 times in 1 day and struck by lightning 72 times on the same day, it works though and I can tolerate the accented letters
Well I didn’t go as far as reserving the Balth name, but accented letters or not … Still a good shout on your end! I had to put an accented letter on my toon ‘Annatar’ hence it was already taken about 2 years ago
. But oh well … At least I have the name I desire!
I just really, really, really hope our dev overlords will release the outfit today. Regardless of it being an armor skin or outfit, it still is an awesome one to have! Surely they WILL bank on it as everyone and their mother will buy it! So they really should not ignore these posts nor postpone the release of it any further. Make it happen ANet!
I’d bank on it being today, but never know any delays, while I do wish they released individual pieces, I am not bothered, I’d more than likely just use the set anyway.
I bought the zodiac set a while back as well, and that adds individual pieces, and I have seen people use just pieces and it does not look good at all IMO, I prefer the entire set or nothing at all on some sets, but the majority of my characters use mix/match armour sets
As for the person who commented about everyone using it, people made that argument about the black wings, and while on the first day or 2 EVERYONE used it, it died down and rarely see anyone use it now.
I want it for it’s looks and the nostalgia of gw1, my dervish used that form a lot.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Based on the previous armour releases, they come out on tuesdays.
Let’s take a look shall we?
“Shadow Dye Kit, Raiment of the Lich, Crystal Nomad Outfit, and Mini Golden Pig in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 17, 2015” a tuesday.“Limited-Time Special Items in the Gem Store This Week!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 3, 2015
Check in each day this week for a brand new item!” Oh look a tuesday."
New Weapons, Outfit, and Mail Carrier in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on February 10, 2015" What a surprise….tuesday.My guess? Today is release date, a tuesday, considering it’s been stuck with other outfits/finisher and the weapons ect ect, worst case? little delayed with it being max next tuesday, already got my gems ready.
Been very excited to get my hands on it for a while!
Hopefully our dev overlords have been lurking topics in regards to the outfit and will release it later today!
So do I, even got a character ready :P my future rev, but for now will be either a guardian or warrior, just had to reserve the name though, “Bálthazàr”
Would have preferred no accented letters but the chances of me getting that name that hadn’t been taken within like the first 12 seconds of launch…..well put it this way, i’d be more likely to have won the lottery 12 times in 1 day and struck by lightning 72 times on the same day, it works though and I can tolerate the accented letters
Based on the previous armour releases, they come out on tuesdays.
Let’s take a look shall we?
“Shadow Dye Kit, Raiment of the Lich, Crystal Nomad Outfit, and Mini Golden Pig in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 17, 2015” a tuesday.
“Limited-Time Special Items in the Gem Store This Week!
by Evon Gnashblade on March 3, 2015
Check in each day this week for a brand new item!” Oh look a tuesday.
New Weapons, Outfit, and Mail Carrier in the Gem Store!
by Evon Gnashblade on February 10, 2015" What a surprise….tuesday.
My guess? Today is release date, a tuesday, considering it’s been stuck with other outfits/finisher and the weapons ect ect, worst case? little delayed with it being max next tuesday, already got my gems ready.
The single word names are harder but not impossible. I was making an Asura less than a year ago (well, some time after the feature patch last April), tried “Blekk,” taken, tossed on a syllable, and “Froblekk” is his name. With the same intonation as “Froderick” as spoken by Eye-gor in Young Frankenstein.
Phoenix, for future reference (eg HoT Revenants), make an entirely random character, just skip to end and take the name, hit Create. You can then delete them any time you want and when you do you have 24 hours to re-use the name. I did that at head start, got all five names I wanted including two single-name ones. Also pay heed to the forums and other news sources the day of launch. The base game told us midday they’d try to release 3 hours early — and they did! So it was midnight my time, not 3 am, when I got to spring into action.
If that happens again, be ready so you don’t saunter in three hours after a million names are taken
I know this :P I spent every moment on launch waiting for it to play i logged in the moment everyone else was allowed to, made the mistake of spending too much time in customization instead of rushing for the name first as i should have, it cost me, I’ve moved on now, I still want it but oh well.
I have the same issue sometimes, while most of mine have surnames or titles, I feel I got lucky with some, my ranger for instance I am shocked I got, “Tiyaira” which suits her as I read the name means earth, and she is Sylvari.
A way around it I find is accented letters, while it isn’t perfect, it allows me to have short names that look close enough to enjoy them.
I am disappointed that I didn’t get the name I wanted on the headstart, think I spent too long trying to make my character decent instead of rushing to reserve the name.
I also managed to get “Bálthazàr” which is perfect for the upcoming outfit :P and will remake that character for revenant to use that name.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Personally, I’d rather not see another form, especially for a Mesmer, although, a new elite would be something good….right now I feel a Mesmers elites are rather lackluster.
I never use Mass Invisibility, or Time Warp, and even Moa Form that I use in pvp seems extremely fragile to use, able to be blocked/evaded and have to suffer the cooldown regardless.
I had an idea for an “illusion of death” something like when if you were to take fatal damage during its duration you shatter yourself and teleport to a nearby location and heal for 50% health or similar and gain distortion for a couple seconds, long cooldown to prevent spamming, would be handy in a pinch.
I do enjoy playing as a Mesmer….but I have deleted and remade and deleted and remade SO MANY Mesmers because I just get bored eventually, this is the longest I’ve kept my current one lol, wish there was more variety in the elites usefulness.
They have gone out? Then no, I didn’t, kinda disappointing .
Played since the 3 day headstart, bought collectors edition (roughly £135) still didn’t get in.
Guess they take other things as well into consideration or I was just unlucky.Oh well, I am sure I will read any new information and get to play when it actually comes out.
I did exactly the same (GW2:CE) but I also played in the BWE’s. I’m just wondering if they base it off hours played or AP’s, or any other factor that isn’t so ‘random’.
I played as many previous betas as I could as well prior to actual release, I don’t have as many hours as people who have had it equally as long I admit, my GW1 time is vastly superior I think, shame I don’t think that counts.
I am around 1,470 hours over 938 days, if they did base it off time only, kinda unfair to those with other priorities but I get it, as I said, I am not hugely disappointed, I can wait, I already know the revenant will be my primary profession, I would have enjoyed getting a play around and feel for it myself instead of watching videos of it, but oh well.
They have gone out? Then no, I didn’t, kinda disappointing .
Played since the 3 day headstart, bought collectors edition (roughly £135) still didn’t get in.
Guess they take other things as well into consideration or I was just unlucky.
Oh well, I am sure I will read any new information and get to play when it actually comes out.
Decided to make a new Mesmer…hopefully I’ll keep this one, and my first Charr!
I love this! :o
Ty don’t like manly female charr, cute little kitten is what I was going for
, undecided on the robe itself, so just went for an outfit for now till i can find a suitable one.
Personally, I hope they only keep with “old” legends, GW1 was fantastic and a profession built around that lore is what I’d love, legends that are only from that time period and not this is what I hope they will get with it.
The only one I really would like to see is Shiro, and from what I have seen many others would like that as well, but
Keep the GW2 stuff now, and give the Revenant to the legends of GW1.
While it would be “interesting” to give some current legends, or recently departed people, I personally would find my interest in this profession diminished if they did.
Not the best picture, but I quite like mine, hopefully enough to actually keep a charr for more than a week
Decided to make a new Mesmer…hopefully I’ll keep this one, and my first Charr!
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
Hope you reinforced your boots around the heel area.
of course, he learned from his ancestor to buy arrow proof heels
I was using VGA, and I tried HDMI aswell and this did not solve the issue, I don’t own a DVI cable, and yes I connected the 6 pin PCIe power, I assume it wouldn’t have even turned on otherwise? and already did that ZenBlade, still this issue.
Already tried that, the nvidia drivers are the same for the 9400gt and 550ti according to nvidia, the manual search on both gives me the EXACT same file, but after the first failure, i did safe mode, uninstalled them all, rebooted which again was low resolution, and reinstalled, and rebooted, which gave same issue.
I did uninstall, and installed from the cd, and installed the utility files from the cd, which had similar issue, only this time it got stuck on the windows logo screen.
At which point, i just removed the card, replaced my 9400gt and rebooted, reinstalled the drivers with the 9400 plugged in, and back to normal…the only issue I can think of is the power supply, as this card is not second hand, I paid £95 for this bugger, from pc world, factory sealed and brand new so I doubt the card is faulty, and when plugged in the fan does spin, and the card does warm up.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
I bought a GTX 550ti today to replace my 9400gt so i could run guild wars a little better, I turned computer off, unplugged it all, took old card out, placed new one in, booted up, it reverted to default windows drivers.
After installing the new drivers for the new card, I rebooted and once it hit the windows logo screen after it loaded past that it went instant black screen then my tv displayed “no signal”
Now I know enough about computers for gaming, but when it comes down to taking it apart and upgrading things, requirements ect, I know very little,.
after asking around I am told the issue SHOULD be my power supply which is lacking 2a on V12
Since power requirements stated on nvidias website and the box my card was in states “A minimum 400w system power supply (with 12v current rating of 24a)” as a requirement, mine seems to be equipped with 12v current rating of 22a…would that really make a difference? the fan itself turns on and when its plugged in, it did attempt and succeed at installing its own default drivers.
if this is not the issue, or if it is, is there anything else that may prevent this card from working properly?
My specs would be:
5GB ram
Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit
Ezcool 500W Power Supply ATX-500
Nvidia nForce 720a Motherboard
AMD Athalon X2 245 processor 2.9Ghz Dual Core
as I don’t wish to purchase a new power supply if this isnt the issue holding me back at the moment.
Another question would be, if I am to buy a new power supply, I have my eye on “Corsair CMPSU-500CXUK 500W ATX PSU” would that be adequate for this card to run on without issue?
link to power supply with specifications is “”
I’ve had this issue i’ve ignored up till now, every so often when entering a new instance/map my game has instant desktop crash, and now I’ve tried starting “breaking the blade” on my thief and it has frozen 4 times so far/desktop crashed once, preventing me from continuing story..why has this suddenly got worse?
Specs are:
5gb ram
2.9ghz amd athalon x2 245
32bit windows 7 ultimate
(don’t bother saying “upgrade ya card” “YA CARD SUCKS” or other things like that, i already know this, and am upgrading, but i want this issue sorted first.)
Right now I’m settling on buying a gtx 550 and 500w power supply and a Intel Core i3 Processor i3-540 3.06GHz 4MB LGA, how would those specs handle gw2?
Go for it. Lightyears ahead of those parts in Op.
As I said that specs on the original would be little more than a base and only ram remain really, what kind of performance would that get? It would cost me round £140 for all those, which is just over my budget
Right now I’m settling on buying a gtx 550 and 500w power supply and a Intel Core i3 Processor i3-540 3.06GHz 4MB LGA, how would those specs handle gw2?
Near future and superior parts… that doesn’t seem to register with you as it should. And why settle for less when you can “in the near future have superior parts”? The logic still doesn’t make sense. And I’m not basing your 9600 to my 670, I’m basing it based on the cards performance with current games. Your 9600 is literally a waste of money. Most of what you’re looking at is a waste of money.
Here is why I’m still repeating myself… The 9600GT is valued at (By EVGA) $59.99. Lets take this card and put it on a scale of 1-100. This scale of 1-100 is ranging from a GeForce 6xxx series card (1) to a GTX690 (100). The 9600GT falls to about a 5 in comparison to the 690. Now, for just $100 more you can get a GTX560 and this will score you medium quality at decent frames. Yeah, it’s $100 but if you wait just 2-3 more weeks you’ll have a much better time (considering you’ll take lowest settings at 25fps…). This card will then last you at least 4-5 times longer than a 9600 would. Seems to me you’re over eager and not looking for the most practical solution in long term. You are a “I want it now no matter how kitteny it is”. This is a significant issue for another day but I hope you grow out of this mindset.
Right now guild wars 2 is unplayable on my laptop due to heat issues/video tearing…i am getting this computer to bypass that and play to an acceptable level FOR NOW, “THEN” upgrade, this laptop needed to go anyway.
What, do people expect me to sell the laptop/not have a gaming system for a while, while I wait for a “Decent” computer system to come along, then get that? No sorry, in my mind, it seems logical to get something similar/better in points right now even if it is “crappy” even if it runs at the same fps as my laptop I won’t mind it still be playable as long as the video tearing was solved which it will be as I can properly update the drivers of something else instead of my current card, then from there I can be patient and get all the parts I need.
Based on specs and the fact this computer will run better than my current laptop, even if it is a so called “waste of money” it is something to build on, you people fail so much in seeing it the way I see it, right now, if my laptop could solve its own video tearing i would happily keep the laptop and save for a better system, but right now I need to swap out for something similar with upgrade potential in the long run
The original point of this entire post was ideas of a budget processor and graphics card that would run it decently smooth at low/med settings, not get the pretty much bare bones system I was planning on building it on criticised and miss the entire point of the thread to begin with!
I understand upgrades will come quick but to be honest I just need something that will work for now, I already have spoken to a mate who can give me a spare motherboard if I can pay for the shipping costs, which is a ASRock P55 PRO/USB3 LGA 1156 Intel P55 USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard, I am unsure if that will be worse/better than the motherboard on the new computer as I haven’t got my hands on it just yet.
To be honest, new card/processor seems to be all I really need right now, and few weeks and id have a new card and maybe add few more weeks for the processor, it is just finding the right ones, as I said the card I found seems to do the job but I have yet to find a decent processor, I am debating the i3 530 or 540, but with those two combined with its other specs, will it run decently smooth?
What I notice is people compare THEIR computers to others then accept theirs as standards, I do not have those standards, I am sure someone understands the parts I am looking for are significantly lower in standard due to the fact of budget is low and performance doesn’t need to be fantastic, as long as it could run atleast gw2 on lowish settings with 25 MINIMUM fps I can live with that and save for superior parts in the near future.
I can overclock, I just generally avoid it, as I’ve burned out previous cards very rapidly when I wasn’t on such a budget.
And donations? I highly doubt it, I’ve not had much luck previously from anyone anywhere. As I said I think I’ve found a respectable card, It is just the processor I need to find now, and ideas on that, processors i’ve had no experience in firsthand but have a techie mate who can easily fit the parts I lack experience in.
I am debating an i3 or i5 but they are still barely on the knife edge of my price range, and am trying to find something similar in power but less in price.
if you fry stuff your doing it wrong & need to learn how to do it properly. Ample info on the internet & an army of savvy tech heads willing to help out another bro.
Yep donations, put a wanted ad on your local IT trading forum to help a bro setup a budget gaming rig. I see people do this stuff all the time & they end up with some pretty respectable gear (WAAAY better than those parts in Op) for the price of postage.
Hey, got nothing to loose & if your desperate & by the looks of it you are listing those parts give it a shot.
I can give it a shot, but as I keep saying which, people keep missing the point of, which to be honest was expected, THIS ISN’T the end result, this is simply something to build on that’s the entire point of buying this computer, with these so called “horrid and terrible puke enducing parts” which quite frankly doesn’t seem THAT bad, since as I’ve done a quick look and find people running far cry 2/bf 3/skyrim on this card at 30+ fps on medium/max (with a screen recorder going) and the skyrim one with a worse processor and only 2gb ram, when this laptop can’t even run it on my standards on lowest setting.
I can overclock, I just generally avoid it, as I’ve burned out previous cards very rapidly when I wasn’t on such a budget.
And donations? I highly doubt it, I’ve not had much luck previously from anyone anywhere. As I said I think I’ve found a respectable card, It is just the processor I need to find now, and ideas on that, processors i’ve had no experience in firsthand but have a techie mate who can easily fit the parts I lack experience in.
I am debating an i3 or i5 but they are still barely on the knife edge of my price range, and am trying to find something similar in power but less in price.
9400GT is not going to do much if anything at all. There are some good benchmark reviews (Toms hardware) showing what the newer GPUs and some previous generation models thrown down. That 9400 is horrid and I would advise using nothing less than a 460.
Going to agree with this. The 9400 is terrible. But then again, so are all those parts.
Yes, I was just trying to be nice. It’s kind of awkward having people post “Is this good enough?!” when there are reviews out there and not to mention, very affordable and good parts for a PC. You can build a PC for near a grand that can dish 30-50FPS on Crysis with everything capped to highest quality. I don’t get why people spend $400-500 on a mediocre PC (Desktop or laptop-lol) then wonder why they can’t snag some decent frames. Living in such a tech heavy society now, you would think people would be aware…/end PSA
Unlike most though I do not have such money just to spend instantly on a system, as I said previously, this computer will serve as a base so I can buy parts piece by piece, and not all at once.
since laptops generally cannot be upgraded much and since this new one will have better specs than this laptop I thought I’d grab it since its affordable currently and will serve better for future.
I understand there are other threads/posts/websites dedicated to getting good fps, but they always are on a budget I cannot reach, or aim for max/ultra when I do not care for that, and have never needed max settings, most people who cannot get max settings on a game deem it “unplayable/horrid!” but I do not, low settings with smooth fps will be acceptable for me for now, I am just after ideas to get this running acceptable on MY standards so I can at least play it while I wait to upgrade.
But again, this will be better than my current laptop at running any games let alone this game.
And quite a low budget anything respectable but nothing generally more than £100 per part is pushing it, I don’t want or need high graphic settings, low will be fine as long as its smooth to me, 25-30 fps the rest will come in time when my budget increases.
And, I’ve changed my previous cards before I can change parts no problem.
I already have my eyes on one card, but unsure of its performance on such games, I had a look at the
Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 Vapor-X
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
I knew the dual core would be an issue, and do plan on upgrading that first, but in terms of everything else, can those be afforded to put off for the moment and focus on cpu?
I don’t mind the fps drop, and would play gw2 and be happy on lowest settings with minor fps lag if it wasn’t for the immersion ruining video tearing I get on the laptop, which this new card should fix.
(edited by Phoenix.1370)
My current laptop cannot run this game effectivly, I get acceptable FPS on low but I get video tearing, so I am selling my laptop and currently buying a new computer.
My current laptop specs are:
i3 proccessor: 2.13ghz quad
Mobility Radeon Hd 5470 at 512mb
My new computer will be:
2.4ghz dual core
Geforce 9400GT at 1GB memory
I understand these specs are considerably ower than most people who have way to much budget behind them for a super fast gaming computer, but I do not have this kind of budget, and this computer will serve as a project to get a respectable gaming system using this as a base.
I know by basic logic, a desktop will always handle games better and manage its specs better, will I get a noticeable improvement at these current specs? and any recommendations for a cheap upgrade parts to run smooth on atleast medium settings? on a tight budget so cheap, and in £ if at all possible don’t really wish to buy on $ websites
(edited by Phoenix.1370)