Showing Posts For ReinoudM.5931:
I, as a bow user, would really like to see a quiver for bow users. Without a quiver a bow user just looks like he/she is naked, not finished and unreal. How can you shoot when you have no ammunition?! How do you come up with the idea of characters using a bow, but not adding a quiver? Don’t the developpers themselves see it?
What do you all think about this?
I, as a bow user, would really like to see a quiver for bow users. Without a quiver a bow user just looks like he/she is naked, not finished and unreal. How can you shoot when you have no ammunition?! How do you come up with the idea of characters using a bow, but not adding a quiver? Don’t the developpers themselves see it?
What do you all think about this?
For looks it almost seems needed because invisible arrow grabs are just odd and lackluster. I would say making them “equipped” for bonus stats but bows are strong as is, so that would make the balance all outa wack.(except thief shortbow… give us options for our basic attack!)
To make it easier for them. Just add the quiver as a visual and if they want to make it some item just half the stats and dmg of the bows and smack them on the quiver.
My other suggestion is to do away with the whole arrow drawing animation, if they’re “magic” arrows why the hell do i need to take em out of my magic invisible quiver?
Makes no sense.
visually this aesthetic would complete a ranger outfit.
Prefer the quiver ofc. And a quiver would finish the Ranger outfit. The way you usually look now is like a pirate. When you have that quiver you are less of a pirate-ish magician who can shoot with magical invisible arrows from an invisible source….
Thanks to this letdown the game as a whole doesnt make me as excited anymore. The game is good up to Claw Island and you meet the walking Broccoli. Then the game just plummets and becomes really, really… REALLY bad…
So you guys want quivers- that’s 2 spots (1 each gender) x 5 spots (one of each) x the unholy amount of armours types we have for all the bow users since it’ll do horrible clipping. Yeah.
If clipping bugs you a lot they should just give us the option to hide it. There is no good argument to tell us that a Quiver isnt going to be implemented.
Just add it to the game and give us the ability to have one! It is also good for customization.
If the xpqnssion is soon. I would like this to be in a patch though:)
I would prefer that it will be patched in soon. Actually it is silly that it wasnt in the game in the first place…
i support the idea for a visible quiver on character’s back!
1. no change to long / short bow stats, add visible quiver at back on long bow equip
2. divide long / short bow into 2 items becoming long / short bow + quiverboth works for me. though the first one would be much easier for anet to implement i guess.
I prefer the first one aswell. Because I think when it is harder for them they will just ignore it. That is my assumption tho (ANet, prove me wrong! :P)
The amount of gold sinks are too high…
Add RP servers.
cool idea, just dont add the crappy shortbow with it (omg im kidding u know i love u)
Who? :o
They could give these arrows in the utility slot, so we can pick one as a skill. I think that is the easiest way for them to apply this.
On another note. Give us our quiver!!
Add the quiver for Bow users!
Yeah can be a back slot item with show/hide function oh and whilst we are on about back slots get cloaks/backpacks and other back slot items in game also, cant believe their not in game already. we want to show our guild emblem off
Indeed. Would be nice to show your guild emblem via your Guild Emblem on your quiver.
As much as i would like to see it…. i don’t think this is a good idea.
for one simple reason. clipping issues.
If the quiver clips you should have the option to hide it so it wont bother the player so much, if it bothers him.
Atleast give us the option to show us the quiver.
Quiver should be added as offhand weapon that provides you bonuses and ALLOW to use bow (but with no amunition limit) or atleast should be thrown into “back” slot instead of Guild Backpack.
This would be an awesome idea. It adds another cool item to craft. And you can put another set of improvable stats on it. It is simply like a second pistol. All bows are 2 handed weapons anyway so its not hurting anything.
I prefer it that the quiver will be off-hand so you only see it when you are using your bow. Because you dont want to see that quiver when you are using a Greatsword, because it´ll pierce the quiver.
Altough. As a back item I wouldn´t mind it aswell.
I just want to see that quiver!
Anet said a long time ago they were looking at it.
Still no upadate about it
I prefer a clear ‘no’ to being left without an answer.
I prefer a “hell yeah!” instead, because: how hard can it be?
The sillyness of the bow-users is too high!
Here is another one. With adjustable gear (and kitty) ;P
Still the same question: How do I edit my pics? :o
Here is my awesome Ranger. It is the coolest ranger ever btw :p
How can I edit the picture btw? I dont know anything about stuff like this :p
I think one of the reasons of adding a quiver, even if it is only cosmetic, will probably clip with the character’s armor, especially in later levels as it becomes more exotic looking.
Heck my warrior’s shield clips through his back and pauldrons, and it just looks odd.
The clipping is no excuse. If it would clip I would still wear my quiver. It could be different for others, but not for me. Then give us a hide/unhide button to hide or unhide our quiver. Atleast give us the ability to see that smexy quiver!
And dont do it WoW-style quiver (altough is there gone now) that only the quiver-user could see the quiver and not the rest of the world.
Its all too silly!
I think every race shoud have they own quiver.(like Engineer back kits).
That would be nice. Then you can really portrait the differences between the races with something small like that.
Human will get a more ordinary Quiver.
Charr a bit more mechanic (Iron legion-ish) Quiver.
Sylvari a leaf-like Quiver.
Asura with inventive taste to it which that race has and maybe some lights :p
Norn a more barbaric Quiver.
I wonder how many people of ArenaNet are looking at the forums so small things like this can be picked up and can be looked at…
Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:
Posted by: ReinoudM.5931
If you want to play a mmorpg which makes you the hero. Go play SW:TOR
I think it should just be a back slot item you can wear or transmute onto your guild backpack. If you want it, fine, if you don’t, that is fine as well.
That is also a nice option. But I prefer it to have the Quiver at the very beginning when you start using a bow. Just make it part of the bow or else when you equip something else, like a Greatsword, you get an awkward situation that your sword pierces your quiver and I think ANet wanted to avoid that. Making it so that you only see it when you got your bow out is the only logical and easy way to do it, I think.
Would read again. +1. Take note developers, this man is after your jobs.
While you’re giving me my quiver, annihilate at least half of the “pirate” looking gear in the game please. I thought it was awesome when I got my first hat and chest, then i realized from level 20-80, it all looked the same.
Besides… isn’t pirate outfits made of cloth?
I’m playing a ranger and rarely look like a pirate (except my boots, which are pirate boots) you should try leatherworking. The level 40 leather armor has a cool, cobbled-together look and the rare recipes you get from vendors make you look like nobility.
I am not happy about all the level 40 leather armor either. That nobility look is cool if you are an engineer or something but not a Battle-hardened ranger who fights and lives in the forests. He needs to able to blend in with his surroundings. Not stand out like a nobleman. Make that gear for when people want to look “flashy” inside a capital city, not when fighting.
The one thing that thoroughly annoys me is when you get at the end of a dungeon and you get that silly pirate hat. You get that one at every dungeon!
Tybalt was by far the best character. After that you get that broccoli stick Trahearne who should be inspirational and all that, but he just isnt. A flat character who cant replace any of the mentors. Tybalt was awesome.
PS: change the title of the thread
Quiver should be added as offhand weapon that provides you bonuses and ALLOW to use bow (but with no amunition limit) or atleast should be thrown into “back” slot instead of Guild Backpack.
I think that is the best solution. Half the stats and dmg of bows and add quivers.
Having it as a back is also fine.
But the Quiver is needed!
(edited by ReinoudM.5931)
Guild Wars 2 reminds me of Divinity 2 from Larian Studios where the player character can simply draw arrows to load bows out of no where. I admit I don’t have a better reference for this.
They could remove the “grab” animation … and let Rangers, Warriors and Thieves “create arrows” on their bow string. Though in end, I would still prefer the above professions draw their arrows from a visible container.
Dont give them the option to do it the easy way and just remove the “grabbing” animation. They should just add the Quiver since the “grabbing” animation already is in the game. When they do that I think it is a bit more forgiveable that they want us all to look like freaking pirates (kitten that pirate hat you get at the end of every dungeon!).
Hey everyone!
I already made a topic about this at the player helping player and ranger forum, but since this is the Suggestion Forum I thought it would also be appropriate here!
As a Ranger I think my character isnt complete without the Quiver:
Since the characters already make the movement of grabbing an arrow I think it isnt very hard for ArenaNet to add them to the game. Just like Engineers, with their backpacks, we can see where the arrows come from.
Since I already dislike the medium gear a lot (soo many pirate stuff, it isnt even funny anymore) I would like to have atleast the Quiver to ease the pain of the medium gear and also that immersiveness is also applied for other professions that are using a bow.
Thanks for reading!
Add quivers to the game for Bow users!
Aha, I finally got my GM tag added, so this should up as an official post. Anyway, we’re currently looking at the issue, it’s definitely not intentional. Thanks!
What can the current level 80’s expect that finished the story? Do they still get a reward?
At first I reported this same quiver issue as a bug, because I was sure that the animation shows that you grab an arrow from your quiver.
Was utterly disappointed when I found out they were too lazy to fit working quivers in the game
Also, I agree that they couldve done a lot beter on the medium armor side of things.
You look like garbage, straight from the slums from 1 to 79, until you hit level 80 and with a little bit of farming become a god.
being forced to buy cultural armor is always a bit… meh.
True. The gear was just utter disappointment. Altough I do actually look like a Ranger right now. The only thing that is missing is my Quiver. Without it my Ranger just doesnt look finished and that breaks the immersiveness that a game like this could bring to the player. Atleast when you are playing a char which uses a bow frequently.
I’m assuming they will add items for the back slot that include quivers (much like how engineers get that backpack).
I hope it comes soon. The Quiver would make the medium gear in the game a bit less crap (soo much Pirate Gear!)
The ending was just a major letdown. Please fix this!
And remove that Veggy-Marshal.
Trahearne: I personally find him to be probably worst character. :SPOILERS:
Posted by: ReinoudM.5931
Trahearne isnt even worth speaking of. We should just facepalm and point your finger with an angry face towards the person who made the Veggy-that-should-command-them-all and Trahearne is just plain flat. They should just added a Tiger as commander and call it Taslan and it wouldve been better than Trahearne.
I have the exact same thoughts, but the thing what really bugged me was the ending mission. THE. BIGGEST. LETDOWN. EVER. The whole time they were saying that Zhaitan was freaking dangerous and all and we kill it with some stupid cannons while pressing 2 the whole time. I was very, very disappointed. I hope they will fix this, because I wasnt amused at all. It was a bit of ME3. The starting was cool and the middle was cool to ok and then the ending was just worth vomiting over. What the hell?!
Btw. Trahearne was also a major letdown. His character was just a bad joke that started flat and ended very flat.
The ending was bad and they should feel bad..
(edited by ReinoudM.5931)
The quiver suggestion has been ongoing since GW1 beta-weekends, *cough* and i have a suspicion that somebody in the ANet office is actively and successfully campaining against them *cough* the likely reason that GW doesn’t have them though is that they can cause clipping issues with various armors, perhaps not the armors that are in the game now, but perhaps some armor that is yet to be made…
And it’s not that the technology hasn’t been available to make them, in GW1 there were actually NPC’s that had a quiver. And we can all pretty much see how the engineer backpack could be remoddeled into a quiver, or for that matter any back item …
So taking this all in, i think the quiver won’t come to guildwars up untill some ranger loving modeler takes up his/her free time to make a quiverdesign that goes well with almost all armors, it will likely be a back item, so that the ‘choice’ to have one can be weight against the amount of clipping this quiver causes with the desired armor the person wants to wear, in which the profession of the player will also play it’s part (mainly some of the warrior armors)
I hope that day will come, rather sooner than later, not because i use a bow myself (as i don’t) but to satisfy the needs of those that do…
I dont really care if it clips into my armor and if it does bother to some people they should give it the option to be able to hide the quiver. Then you wont have that problem, but you do solve the problem of the no-quiver-adventures which the quiver-lovers now have to endure.
It does pain to my eyes when I see my poor ranger grabbing for an arrow altough there is none. The only reason why the enemies fall is just because they feel sorry for him and they want to save him the embarrassing feeling he would get if he wouldnt succeed in his adventures and see his sad face filled with tears. It just pains them and me!
So please support us in our struggle to unite all of Tyria to get the bow-users a Quiver… FOR THE QUIVERS!!! (I just saw an epic movie so I am feeling it :P)
Yes! Lets add something as minor as this instead of fixing all the issues that actually matter!
I know it is minor but it does bug a lot of people (including me) and the hard part of adding a quiver, an animation of grabbing an arrow, is already present in the game. So how hard can it be?
and may i add that ranger has the ugliest armor skins… or maybe its just me
Double agreed!
I would love a quiver as a back slot item. That way you could get the visual appeal of it (and admit it, they are smexy), and it would be useful as an item.
You could even do a quiver/cloak combo, with the quiver on the outside, which is a fairly classic look for many rangers.
That would be sweet, yes!
How can we get a moderator or anyone from ArenaNet to see this topic and that he/she will spread the word to his fellow workers so we can get our quiver?!
Or atleast get them thinking, that would be a start
Quiver would be nice as a back slot item. Pirates throughout history have used bows BTW. You are just thinking of pirates from gunpowder + times.
Hehe. That is true. But the medium pirate-like gear you get in the game is more based on the clothing pirates had in the gunpowder times which gave us the iconic pirate.
(edited by ReinoudM.5931)
I remember having read something about one of ANet’s goals being to allow players to play the “iconic” character types. Traditionally (DnD, most fantasy books) rangers have not used rifles. However, there are a few instances that they have picked up greatswords, the first to come to mind being Aragorn wielding Anduril in Tolkein’s books.
I think that the Iconic Rangers has:
- A Quiver
- A Hood
- Long Mantles
What do we have?
- No Quiver!!
- Freaking Pirate gear!
A pirate using a bow.. what the hell?!
I came in this game with this expaction: (Imagine the kickass long mantles with it please :p)
And I came to the painfull conclusion that it is nothing like this. It seems that Rangers are like the most powerfull Magicians in the game. Shooting with magical arrows the whole time that appear from nowhere and looking like a random pirate..
(edited by ReinoudM.5931)
Ha! I’d be even willing to throw a couple of gems at them if that’s what they want for their troubles- on a side note quivers, if implemented, need to be attached to the bow item somehow so that greatsword wielders don’t look too awkward etc..
It could even match the bow’s style, like a krytan or mending shiverpeak.. but as that would require more designing work perhaps just make them dyeable ;D
Just give us a normal Quiver with a few decorations that arent too special or dull and we can make them cool and fitting enough just with the dyes.
Dont make it a Back-item, make it so it is compatible to the bow you acquired.
I wholeheartedly support the idea of having a visible quiver, I think it would be a great flavour addition to the class.
Not just for the Ranger class of course. For eager bow-using Warriors and Thieves it should be available aswell! And if it starts to clip into your gear and you are very annoyed by it they should give us the option to hide it!
Atleast give us the option to see that gorgeous Quiver!! :p
(And the rest of the world must see the Quiver aswell!)
I have only few points in Beast Mastery and to avoid getting my pet killed I use Ranged Pets
Hey everyone!
I already made a topic about this at the player helping player forum, but since this is the Suggestion Forum I thought it would be more appropriate for the players here!
As a Bow-user I think my character isnt complete without the Quiver:
Since the characters already make the movement of grabbing an arrow I think it isnt very hard for ArenaNet to add them to the game. Just like Engineers, with their backpacks, we can see where the arrows come from.
Since I already dislike the medium gear a lot (soo many pirate stuff, it isnt even funny anymore) I would like to have atleast the Quiver to ease the pain of the medium gear and also that immersiveness is also applied for other professions that are using a bow.
Thanks for reading!
(edited by ReinoudM.5931)
People mind about arrows that migically appear, but ignore Huge fireballs comming out of the air and people that become invisible? Im a bit confused about this…
Because that is supposed to happen and that includes magic of course. But the arrows which you use with a bow dont magically appear, they come from a source and that source is your quiver!
i believe this pic pretty much sums it up for you
That just hurts my eyes..
You say quivers, i raise you a scabbard!
“Hey look, i’m a warrior with a giant sword glued to my back.”
Same issue as i see it – though scabbards would make the weapon drawing animation a bit difficult to pull off, it seems just as necessary to me as a quiver.
You are right about that. I would really like to see that aswell!
I mean it was ok when WoW came out in 2004. Graphics and design was less and you could glue the equipment on their backs, but we are 8 years further now! We should be expecting stuff like that. Those little things that make the world you are playing in more immersive and more enjoyable (for some people atleast :p).
Also I would like to see that you also got your second weapon set equiped on you when you are not using it. That, for example, you got your bow and quiver on your back and your sword and horn at your waist. And if some weapons overlap (2h sword and bow and quiver) you should see the one you are using at that moment.
But I doubt we will be seeing that soon, altough how hard is that to accomplish?