Showing Posts For Rodarin.6058:

Ok HoD Night Crew.

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If there was a pop cap SBI would win. But this little bit of success we have had tonight will be ending about 3 hours when everyone logs off and there are many 40 people from SBI on every map combined. The when everyone looks at the score tomorrow at 3PM server time it will be a joke.

We have a better PvP precense we just dont have gusys on 24/7. we have shown it for the past two weeks, we beat anyone during primetime when we have the numbers, but once that ends we get buried. Then when prime time comes again we gain a little. Problem is there are 24 hours in a day not just 6.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I was looking at peak hours, the whole ‘work week’ argument doesnt fly. Peak hours happen after people get home from work. So there should be a steady ‘mountain peak’ effect each day. Look at Crystal desert for an example.

Every server had those peaks, but as the week went on the peaks got smaller and smaller and in some cases completely disappeared. Weekend should actually be a plateauing effect where it stays pretty flat since most people arent working and are trying to play. So the mt peaks are a little less dramatic.

World vs World Player limits are needed

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


All the people complaning about queues should go look at how small most servers queues are already. The dynamic cap is only going to effect off peak hours, which if you look at most charts that have been provided would effect maybe 3 servers out of the 24 NA servers. Now that isnt to say that if a dynamic cap were in place it wouldnt cause a few of the higher pop servers to start having off peak queues, but I doubt it would be significant enough to cause any major issues.

Feel free to look at the charts, you know what they tell ME? That people arent queueing for WvW nearly as much as they were last week, they all saw massive decreases (other than Crystal Desert) in terms of the amount of people looking to play.

People can jump to their own conclusions but I have my reasons.

Queue size data from 9-14 to 9-18 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


You know what ALL those charts have in common? The queues got smaller and smaller, to non existent on most servers. Even on HOD the queues seemed to be about half what they were at the start of the match up midway through it . SBI went from having massive queues a week ago to having none at all. I didnt need a chart to tell me that though. I expect once the ones for the 19th onward come out they will dip down again. I am sure if there are major match up differences there might be a spike but I would bet money that if people are facing the same opponents this week they faced last week the downward spiral will continue. The only server that remained fairly constant was Chrystal Desert. All other saw a major dip as the week progressed.

So one could conclude that people have left the game or they just arent bothering to queue up for WvW, or maybe a little bit of both.

But the obvious is still obvious, looking at server match ups and overlapping the queues and the ties and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

But to me the most telling sign is that WvW ‘popularity’ spiraled downward Since Last Saturday. Like I said will be very interesting to see what the 19,20, and 21 numbers are.

In four hours...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If ET has 24/7 guilds on they couldbeat them.

The ONLY reason HOD is dominant is because for more than 12 hours a day they have more people in there than the other servers they face combined. Thats why looking at scores as some sort of barometer is misleading. Which basically shows the WvW concept this game employs is a complete frigging joke.

Trying to overclock my old computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


well its an Intel 2007 and they do have updates for it but Vista is the latest OS that is supported.

My BIOS menu doesnt have any options to configure the CPU or FSB. I was able to get it overclocked to 3.33 back when I first got it, but I cant remember how I did it but I am almost positive the options to configure the CPU and FSB were there.

I have seen a dozen videos and guides about it since I got stuck, and they all look different than my BIOS menu does.

Not super imperative but I doubt the thing will run that game very well at 2.13.

Trying to overclock my old computer

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


My wife inherited my older computer but I got a second copy of GW2 and want to install it on that one.

Its an old duo core with an E6420 CPU in it.

Problem ( I think) is that she put Windows 7 on it, and I can’t find a BIOS update that will work, and without the update I can’t find the options to disable what I need to to get the CPU back to what I had it overclocked at before.

So a couple questions, anyway to update a 2007 that has Windows 7 on it? I looked on the Intel site but the ones that were for the board were ‘incompatible’. Which I assumes means because it had Win 7.

Or if it isnt possible to upgrade it any other ways to overclock it without the typical BIOS changes?

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


HoD has been humbled this week, I hope they realize that during primetime when the bulk of SBI is on they have more than their hands full. of course there will be many (most) who say ‘look at the score’ I just hope the guys who know better…know better.

But I think they do since there have been a lot of posts like you say commenting on it. I have an idea many of them are coming from transfers who realized they might have taken the scores of match ups too much for granted when going to the ‘best’ server in NA.

World vs World Player limits are needed

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Players or servers should never be rewarded for not participating – it’s really that simple. We have servers with 40,000 people on, even if only 10% of them are logged on at any time you should be able to get 400-500 of those to participate.

A server willing to W3 should not be penalised because another servers players would rather PvE, idle in Lions Arch, Craft etc to the extent that they cannot get 400 people to W3 – if that is your server… well lets be honest it shouldn’t be a problem for you as it’s obviously a server not interested in W3 – if you find yourself on such a server then move to one that is.

If your suggesting this as a solution to rolling time zones – then it’s still a lousy solution.

If you do not have enough people in W3 then you will be matched with servers with similar problems. In time the servers will balance out – we are still only a month into the game.

What if a server has 40K people on it but during prime time 20K of them are online and 5000 of them that want to WvW but only a few hundred spots? But during off peak and work hours there are only 5000 people online and maybe 100 of them want to WvW.

How do you solve that? Recruit more people to a server with already 40K people on it? While it might ‘work’ during the week, on the weekends there would be a queue just to log in to play at all.

These are obviously made up numbers but so are yours, or at least your argument is so I guess that makes them both equal in terms of ‘validity’.

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Yes, because SBI which is getting DESTROYED by HoD overal in points by about 60K, leads them during prime time hours and has since the weekly match started friday. JQQ has even taken a lead on them a couple nights and for quite a few hours during priometime HoD is in third place. They have been a distant rhird the past couple nights.

BUT, every early morning between 4-6 server time they have between 400-500 PPT going off because there simply are no SBI or JQQ players around. So for a 4 to 6 hour window they are getitng beat now on a nightly basis, but for 18-20 hours they get these dominating point ticks that go one for hours on end. You CANNOT take scores seriously that have that sort of bias in them.

But since no one wants to do anything to change it thats what you have to deal with.

Badge Drop Rate

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


before you hit the diminishing returns it should be between 30-35% I would guess. That also includes the times where you get 2 to drop off someone. If you kill a lot of supply depot commanders you will see a better return, they always drop one.

The drop rate should start going up because I think there is something in place where if you kill some low level that is way below you you dont have a chance at one. So as more people level up the drop rate (hopefully) increases. That is speculation but I dont ever remember getting a badge off anyone with a green arrow next to their name. Usually I get spikes or some other grey trash off them.

World vs World Player limits are needed

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I always love these ‘youre forcing people out’ arguments. THEY ALREADY DO, its called the existing Queue. I know a lot of guys who cant get in during primetime because of the queue, the queues are that long. So what is the difference there? One is limited there just like they would be if there was a dynamic cap in place. had there ALWAYS been one people wouldnt even have noticed. They would just figure there was a queue because every wannabe moved to their server for free when the scores were posted.

So there will be NO, NADA, NOTHING different if they put in a dynamic queue than is already in place. Some servers will be S.O.L. during the ‘off times’ but will still have the same chance as they do now during peak times.

If people dont like queues move (back) to the server you left and not worry about it.

This whole argument that it forces people to not be able to play is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Guys who are in a queue right now on the east coast right now could claim they are also being punished and not allowed to play because the cap isnt big enough in prime time to get everyone in who wants to play.

So stop the stupid inane argument that having a dynamic cap would do something that isnt already being done with the cap limit that is already in place. You just look dumb when you keep chanting the same mantra.

Badge of honor items.....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I am taking a day off as my drop rate has been garbage the past ocuple days. Prety sure they have a diminishing returns system in place. I got around 320 or so for 1K player kills (and I missed a lot of bags) since I got 1K I have 387 or something like that PK and less than 50, and I havent missed many bags since then.

Dear HoD, SBI, JQ

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If there were equal number of people in the maps SBI would be there with anyone. We had HoD pushed out of two maps last night with our ‘primetime’ crew on and when numbers were close to equal. But as usual this morning when there were about 20 SBI and 5 JQQ people online the score was something like 500 to 100 to 50.

You’ll NEVER ever know which server is good until they figure out a way to do the scoring so it take population into account. Or have some sort of population control in place.

Game totally unplayable now with black screen crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


And if it isnt the black screen it a the
‘unable to connect to server’ bullkitten.

had about 10 crashes in the past 30 minutes 6 blackscreens and 3 or 4 connection failures.

Game totally unplayable now with black screen crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I have tried everything imaginable to get this game to NOT crash. I even went as far as to clean install Windows s that my computer has nothing on it but GW2 and the AMD updates. I have underclocked, over clocked, default setting, you name it.

Still it crashes to a black screen with no rhyme or reason.

Is this ever going to be fixed or is it just one of those things we are going to have to keep dealing with?

What happened to orichalcum ore and ancient wood logs?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


the spawn points dont change without an update therefore the bots and players know exactly where to go on the weekends so they just load up on them.

But dont feel bad Ori was 18 S per ingot 9 days ago.

Gem prices total free fall

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I thought at first they would stabilize but they continue to sink lower and lower. Last check a minute ago was 1G for 261 gems, highest it has been was 1G for 411 gems on the 8th of Sept. So in 11 days the price has decreased 37%. It was 322 for 1G Just on Monday.

Is this based on in game actions or has Anet purposely collapsed the gem market so that trading in game gold for them isnt ‘worth’ it? I find it hard to believe that no one at all is buying Gems now and selling them, especially since every day they reach an all time high in trade value for in game gold.

I know gold is easier to make than most thought, but still there are new players coming into the game daily it seems and I would suspect some of them would spend 10 or 20 bucks to raise 4 or 5 gold real quick.

I know it is probably killing the gold spammers, which is a decent side effect but it sure makes it less then worthwhile to spend more than 2G on something that used to cost a G and 30 silver.

The solution is simple...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


you cant debate with these people because theyre on servers that dominate AND they get in whenever they want they have the best of both worlds.

But they fail to realize there is a system that stops a lot of people from being able to play, its called a queue. If 100 people have the hours of 4PM and 7 PM only to play and they queue up and never get in what is that? That is not allowing them to play. Safe difference just semantics. A queue based on a solution to the problem would be no different at all. But they dont want it because they already have the best of it.

I am pretty much done with this topic and WvW, and I am not alone, this game wont ever really ‘die’ because it is free to play and come back to at any time, but to think it will maintain any hype or future it could have had is getting laughable at this stage.

I said it before, if it were a subscription game it would be a huge failure and it would already be losing players and once the ‘free’ month period was over it would be just like every other game that failed to deliver on what it said it would let alone what people expected from it.

I mean seriously the WvW is SO bad that people arent even complaining about XXX class being OP or YYY class being under powered. You know a game has issues when you dont see a single thread about classes being imbalanced. Proof by inspection. 25 pages of WvW topics less than a dozen are positive. While there will be negativity it isnt generally so widespread.

Dynamic population limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


In addition to the points YPC brings up, also you have this glaring problem:

Say one server is getting trounced. They lose morale, and stop playing. This now punishes the other two servers (who are now forbidden from entering the zone) for simply winning the game.

ANET needs to look at how match ups go when all 3 servers are relatively close in numbers. I imagine they would find there is a back and forth and all servers are doing something positive. Therefore all these arguments that servers will get demoralized are hogwash. They get demoralized already because the score is out of hand within 10 hours of reset. Because it reset when they were all sleeping and the dominant server went in and took everything while the maps were empty.

I think people would find more people would actually log in and build the caps right up to max once they saw they could actually compete.

No one is going to go into WvW and spend what little bit of money they can scrape together in a completely futile effort. Beyond repair costs you have updates and buying siege weapons and various other things to spend coin on. If you know that once you go to sleep or leave it will be ‘wasted’ money why bother? But if you server at least held its own stuff for the vast majority of the time and the original ‘conflicted’ areas were actually in conflict the attitude might change. If one server takes everything and then holds Stonemist for 160 of the 168 hours of the weekly match up what is the point? especially if your server cant come close to even threatening it let alone taking it?

The irony is what everyone describes as what ‘could’ happen is already happening, and then some.

The solution is simple...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I don’t like this idea at all.

Here is quick example of why.

At the start of a match up you might get 160 people on each side.

Then after Team A lose a few towers players start leaving, now you have 130×160×160.

So now with an extra 30 people Team B and C take more of Team As stuff causing more of Team A to leave. Now you’re down to 90×160×160

Maybe some of Team B and C get disconnected or crash and can’t get back in so you’re at 103×150×134.

Team B is well organized and on Vent and they’re able to hold off Team A causing more to leave, and taking some of Team C. So now Team A and C have a bunch of people leave, Team B has a few more crashes and you’re down to 50×134×92.

Team A gives up and most of them go to bed and there’s only 24 people around. So now instead of being able to let 160 people from each server in, you can only have 24 from each server. Queue times would go from maybe an hour or two up to maybe 6+ hours.

Then what if a server has an Australian population? Are they not allowed to WvW because the other two servers are asleep and only have a few people?

Once again this is a failed argument. It takes way too many assumptions into play. Like a team with equal numbers would lose badly enough to get demoralized. That is ust not going to happen, but even if a few did leave and the numbers were skewed slightly it still wouldnt be like it is now, because those players leaving wouldnt allow more players from the other servers to enter like it does now, thos other servers would be capped until the number were equal (or close to it) as possible.

The game as it works now works just like you describe only worse. Is the teams are say 150-80-110 and the cap isnt reached the team with 150 can still move players into WvW and onto a map. I have seen it. I ahve seen HoD blow JQQ right out of a map, so that all that was left was us and them. If I hadnt had seen a few JQQ players out in the middle of no where I would have thought there were ZERO on the map, but there were at least six. We had maybe 30-40 spread around. HoD had probably 150.

They came to the garison with at least 45 and banged on the gate for 10-15 minutes, then when they werent getting anywhere ANOTHER zerg of at least 50 came and attacked the other gate. Then once they got in another fairly large group came in as well. So there were at least 120 HoD at our garrison when JQQ and SBI had maybe 50 people total combined on the map. That also doesnt count the other zerg of HoD that was taking down Dawns Eire and the few at the supply, so 150 is maybe even a low estimate.

I have seen that on several occasions maybe not quite to that extreme but a severely huge zerg effort from out of no where on a particular map, ALWAYS during off peak hours and always when JQQ or SBI didnt have many players in there.

So dont sit there and say some population cap would cause this because it already happens now. if the cap were in place they wouldnt be able to port zergs in on a map like that. While they may hold an advatantage for a short time until the numbers balance out they certainly wouldnt be able to come in like locusts.

The solution is simple...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Population imbalance is the NUMBER ONE reason why servers are getting destroyed. Regardless of the particulars of it. Either so called ‘night capping’, not enough people playing in WvW (for various reasons), or just not many people on the server anyway.

So the ‘easiest’ way to ‘fix’ it is to put in some sort of population control system. if not then the trends will continue regardless of what people think of it ‘working itself out’.

because some sevrers are EXTREMELY good WHEN THEY HAVE PEOPLE, but when they dont they get ran off the map, as logic would dictate.

Stonebluff Isles is a perfect example, in the 4 to 6 hours we can actually field a decent amount of players we more than hold our own. Then around midnight 1 Am server time the people log off the other servers have players stay ad we are outnumbered and double teamed and it gets embarrassingly bad in terms of score.

So how do you rank that? If Stombluff Isle is potentially or theoretically the best server there is all things being equal putting them up against servers that arent as goo isnt going to work. We saw that in the other match ups.

SBI can outscore both JQQ and HoD for 5 or 6 hours a night with a full team on. But the other 18-19 hours when our numbers are less than half that of either we cant possibly compete. Again how do you rank that?

It is and will continue to be all about numbers the way it is set up now. "Better’ servers with the same numbers will do well. But only as long as they maintain those numbers. Right now it looks like only one server can field full maps 24/7, so how do you rank them?

The answer to all those questions is you can’t because the equation is skewed. Until all things are basically balanced and evened out as best they can there will always be discrepancies and problems in the system.

There are how many matches going on right now? 8 NA and 9 Euro, so 17 matches. How many of them are even close to being competitive? We are losing to HoD by 50K or so points, I believe we are the closest second place server in any match up. If we werent so good for 4 to 6 hours a night we would be losing by 150K. But for 18 hours a day we arent even competitive in WvW, not because we arent good enough, but people have lives and jobs and arent playing a video game 24/7 or havent ‘recruited’ players who can play those times. Thats a joke BTW one of the top populated servers ‘recruiting’ (requesting) even more people to come to their server to make it even more populated.

So it really isnt about the population but the population at certain times of the day. At least as it relates to WvW.

The solution is simple...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


I said that before and repeatedly it gets shouted down, most people on here dont have the logic or reasoning capability to understand the concept, or they are on servers that dominate because of numbers and dont want to see it changed.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If they capped the populations and didnt let HoD have massive population advantage I would say any server can compete with them. When its primetime and numbers are sort of close SBI is within shouting distance with the score ticks, usually around 250 to 230 or so and even JQQ is around 200, its just in those hours where no one is one for SBI and JQQ and Hod is walking around empty maps and is ticking 400-440 a tick and we are ticking less than 150 is where it gets out of control and they look ‘dominant’.

Scores are clearly based on player numbers and lack of players on some servers during different times.

I thought for a short while they were just better than us until I realized they could have more people on a map than us and JQQ combined, then it all made sense. Problem s the numbers are only close for 5 or 6 hours out of the day, so considering that getting beat by 40K points in 4 days isnt too horrible. Still doesnt make it ‘good’ PvP, but it puts it in perspective a little bit.

There is a Cap in every map..

Yeah its shared,, so there is no cap PER SERVER that I have seen. If the cap on a map is say 400 people there is nothing that says one server can’t have all 400 from what I can tell.

I play from 5 AM to 12 AM west coast time. Not straight through but those are the times I am in there. So I see the massive switches in populations and when the core goes from being fairly even to completely lopsided. If one map has a very balanced number then the fighting is relatively decent and probably close to what anet envisioned. Right now for example 5 AM west coast 8 Am east coast SBI (technically a west coast server) doesnt have that many people in there. Thats why the score is now 445, 135, 130. Maps are swarming with HoD and SBI and JQQ presence are next to nothing.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If they capped the populations and didnt let HoD have massive population advantage I would say any server can compete with them. When its primetime and numbers are sort of close SBI is within shouting distance with the score ticks, usually around 250 to 230 or so and even JQQ is around 200, its just in those hours where no one is one for SBI and JQQ and Hod is walking around empty maps and is ticking 400-440 a tick and we are ticking less than 150 is where it gets out of control and they look ‘dominant’.

Scores are clearly based on player numbers and lack of players on some servers during different times.

I thought for a short while they were just better than us until I realized they could have more people on a map than us and JQQ combined, then it all made sense. Problem s the numbers are only close for 5 or 6 hours out of the day, so considering that getting beat by 40K points in 4 days isnt too horrible. Still doesnt make it ‘good’ PvP, but it puts it in perspective a little bit.

Our wVwVw is like 300k vs. 50k vs. 50k

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


scoring system is broken

Scoring system is fine. What’s broken is the world. Why do people exist outside America, it’s not fair!

So owning something for 14 minutes and 30 seconds of a 15 minute timer and losing it with 10 seconds to go and getting nothing for it means scoring isnt stupidly implemented? Where servers can time their zergs to take out every camp around the map simply because that have enough people to do it? Thats if the other servers even bother taking them back.

Give us the badges without looting...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Or maybe make it to where they aren’t so rare, instead of getting absolutely nothing per pvp kill, one badge per kill at the very least would be a lot better.

It would just be the base thing you get for loot from a kill on a pvp player. So if you were to get other things you would always get atleast one badge, with the loot roll.

The looting is fine I guess, how often you get loot, even though I have no idea how that really works seems like you got to be the one to do the finisher.

I dont think so. like I said I miss a lot of bags, I have just under 1200 player kills in WvW and I think i have just over 380 badges. How many would I have if my loot rate was 100%? I dont know. 440 maybe? I know I get a lot of bags that dont have anything and I get a lot of kills with no bags.

I dont think anyone knows, but I know I dont get the finishing shot on that many players in there.

Why is WvW so bad?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


guerilla tactics dont make the server better or effect the score. I go and kill cows and guard points all day somewhere. It MIGHT help if the supplies are actually needed but not when the map is all one color and everyone has left it. You can have a small group go take every supply camp on the map but rest assured the populated server with 3 times as many people as the other two servers combined take them right back before the timer for score keeping goes off.

So I stopped taking supply depots and just farm karma and event points by killing cows and taking control points. You dont get noticed especially if youre deep in enemy territory.

So it basically makes the PvP map a PvE endeavor. You might possibly see a person on a run to grab some supplies but if you kill him and stick around you usually end up seeing 20 people looking for you, a lone guy.

thats what happens when one server can put a lot more players in WvW than the other servers, and this is the top tier, I have a hard tme thinking that Jade Quarry and Stormbluff Isle are hurting for players on their servers, yet they are constantly outnumbered by Henge of Denravi.

WvW Rankings website

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


If you go back and look at scores from previous match ups it is pretty telling.

Prime example, On sept 9 Dragonbrand completely demolishes their 2 opponents. gate of Madness gets thoroughly trounced by their 2. Then on Sept 10 Dragonbrand and GoM are pitted against each other and GoM destroys them basically doubles them up n score.

So is that server transfers? Bad queues keeping the guys who did well out?

Hard to explain, but when you look at that, and other match ups and scores it is plain to see it is way too early to be setting up tiers right now and pitting certain servers against each other for a week at a time.

If that isnt enough look at Crystal desert and Maguuma head to head back to back nights On Sept 8 Crystal desert crushes them, then on Sept 9 maguuma crushes them. How do you explain that one? And how can you seed/tier/rank them off those kind of results?

Give us the badges without looting...

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


well bags do drop at your feet but in a mobile fight you might not notice them. But just another thing ‘wrong’ with the WvW aspect of the game. Badges should be auto if you get salvage loot keep that in a bag I guess, but I have lost so many bags by dying and not looting them or running past them as they spawn it is ridiculous, I would say i havent got close to 40% of them.

Keep match length to 1 week

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


72 hours is enough, if they want to make the reward bigger just double up how fast they are gained.

Our wVwVw is like 300k vs. 50k vs. 50k

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


scoring system is broken and when servers can have players on 24/7 it will just get more laughable.

Having one week match ups before they even had the system working properly is unbelievable to me. I know they lost a lot of good people there but I didnt think they hired people without a clue to replace them.

This company isnt even a shadow of what they were in 2005….

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


An unwillingness to play or disinterest in playing WvWvW on a server (hence, you being massively outnumbered) is not a game mechanic problem.

you just dont get it so this is my last comment to you…

when the other server has so many people on and the other servers start to get people ready to join they cant because there is a queue. That one populated server who can have a queue 24/7 will ALWAYS have more people online…ALWAYS. So if HOD has a full team plus in WvW, and SBI and JQ start all trying to log in at around 4PM server time, they find queues. HoD will as well, but they have probably had them all day. BUT with the change that just happened, the only thing determining who gets in is time queued, so if there have been 50 guys in queue at HOD since 2PM they take precedent over guys on JQ or SBI that queued at 4PM. With no server cap then it is first come first server.

You all want to work it backwards with my suggestion, but you fail to understand or just choice to ignore that it is like that already, actually worse. Without any form of balancing formulas in the way WvW allows people in then the full servers will always have more people. SBI isnt exactly hurting for people, we are full most of the time, they just dont all PvP or bother with WvW. A lot of them have actually stopped going in because it isnt worth it. Which I think is going to be a more common theme going forward.

Why is WvW so bad?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


It sucks because nobody wants to defend. Supply camps are the life blood of game. Without it you can’t upgrade, build siege, or Win. Fact is nobody wants to stand post and protect them. “Why should I waste my gaming time getting no badges while everyone else fights for glory on the front lines?”

Sure- if that’s how you feel and nobody bothers to defend the Supply camp; you have only yourself to blame for consistently losing.

Same goes for those you take supply from a tower/keep that is being upgraded- slowing down the process because they were too lazy to go by the supply depot or somewhere else that wasn’t being upgraded to get it.

It’s not just overwhelming odds; but overwhelming stupidity of a huge chunk of the players that is demoralizing.

taking the rewards away for protecting the guys signaled the end of that. But I still dokitten when I can, but in most cases when a side is making a move they send a lot of people to kill them, so you need to put a lot of people on them, thats where population advantages really start to show. if one side has enough to do everything…scout, kill cows, take supply depots outright, build siege, run supplies, protect their own cows, AND have a zerg force out causing enough mayhem to starve what few supplies the other server(s) can run then that is the main problem.

You can run a ‘perfect’ battle plan, but when you dont have the manpower it doesn’t matter.

The list of reasons why WvW is bad is long and not too hard to figure out. But the ‘winners’ come on here and say all is well ‘learn to play’ the losers just dont care anymore, and the ones trying to have a decent experience dont get any credit.

maybe when the Panda comes out and Rift expansion and Rohan comes out the population will collapse enough to see it change, but I doubt it. If it does it will just be a short hiatus for sure. Anet has to make the changes, some wont be popular but if they want the game to be close to what they envisioned it being they have to happen.

Why night capping is fair and why you shouldn't complain about it.

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


this thread fails and show people trying to dictate policy who dont know nay better should be perma banned from PvP altogether.

There are 3 servers per battle group, so if only A and B are even relevant then the system is already failing.

It also has to do with score and time dominating. Scores can look relatively close. but when theyre tabulated every 15 minutes and a lot of servers take point gains right before the timer goes off it isnt in the spirit of how the game is set up it just walks a fine line. If a server holds a spot for 14 minutes and some other server zergs it and turns it with 5 seconds to go THAT server gets the points, so they basically had it for 3 seconds, out of 15 minutes, and they got the points. Epically bad system. Do that every score tally and you skew the points massively over a period of hours.

The whole place is an epic failure and the only people who think it is OK or good or decent are failures at actual PvP on any level.

The rewards in their are garbage, the enjoyment factor is next to nothing, and even though it is basically the only thing people can do once theyre 80 to pass the time besides run alts, I suspect within a couple more weeks it will see a drastic down turn. I suspect it already has on some levels, but so many transfers happened they might be the blame for now. But as it becomes more and more obvious fewer people are bothering to go in there (only Anet wil have those numbers) things will change. Not ot mention the sheer costs. Upgrades are outrageous, and repair bills are insane. I know a lot of people dont bother with upgrades or buying anything they just look for other people to do it, but once those people get tired of doing it then everyone gets hurt, and the cheap skates sure as hell wont spend any money.

The hype factor has already crashed and burned already as people have become disillusioned with the so called vision these guys described the WvW experience as being.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


no, actually when they are NOT dominant in numbers JQ and SBI at least hold their own if not gain a little bit. But that is a few and far between occurrence. But since HoD never has the fewest amount of people online they have a distinct advantage.

I think you would see a lot of difference in servers if the numbers were even all the time.

Coordination and tactics mean absolutely nothing when youre massively outnumbered. When 30 people cant defend a garrison because it is getting zerged by nearly 100 players there is a fundamental flaw in the game design. The fact that 100 players are allowed onto a map where the most one server can muster in their defense is maybe 45 is also a major flaw, but even if all 45 people who were on the map for SBI had come to the garrison it had zero chance of survival, no matter what sort of smartkitten comments people want to make.

Is there a limit number on players for each server put in the map?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


there is no such limit from what I can tell. There were maybe 20 JQ people on our map this morning, SBI had maybe 35 or 40 and we had held our lands and owned the top portion as well as our garrison. Then as we were building up supplies two massive zergs of HoD at least 40-50 each came in and zerged the whole map green within 15 minutes. We had 30 people in our garrison and they had two forces on either side that more than doubled ours and the garrison was taken in about 2 minutes. Then one zerg left assuming it went and did the same thing on another half empty map and the other 50 people (still more than SBI and JQ combined by my estimates) stayed and made sure they had the key spots every time the score tally timer went to 0.

We spent probably 3 or 4G in upgrades and siege weaponry and it was all gone in as much time as it took a zerg (two) to come wipe it off the map.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Please choose: Either you’re losing due to a massive enemy zerg due to population imbalance, or the population difference is only 25-50. You can’t argue the former, and then attempt to counter those who think it’s a bad idea by asserting the latter.

there isnt a massive imbalance all the time, but I would say more than 12 hours a day, and that is in the top tier NA map with HoD, SBI and JQ servers. When you have one server, HoD with more people in there than the other two combined it is definitely an unfair advantage. If people don’t think otherwise theyre deluded.

So if the top 3 servers are seeing this issue I can only imagine what some of the mid and lower range ones are seeing. We already see complaints from the Euro servers about them getting trounced when their server is not populated.

The things that people have described here as issues that would arise already arise. If HoD has an advantage during ‘off peak’ hours then how can they not have one when the peak hours come around? Especially if they have people queued up all day waiting. SBI has no queues in the mornings and early afternoon west coast time. We get right in. But eventually a queue does arise and it isnt because it is full of SBI players, but because HoD or maybe JQ players are now also waiting. So if SBI and JQ are still nder manned but they start having a queue and HoD also has players in the queue people are (supposedly) let in in order. So if more HoD players are in the queue in front of JQ or SBI theywill get in. Doing exactly what people say my suggestion would do, make a bad balance already more imbalanced.

But as long as there is always a cap and always a set amount the servers can be apart and queues are handled per server then there wont ever be a massive imbalance nor will there be one, even if a lot of people suddenly log off.

The only time there might be an ‘extreme’ difference is if for some reason a guild or massive group all logs off simultaneously and there are no people trying to get into WvW, then there might be an imbalance for awhile, but only until that world starts getting players to join the fight again. It wouldnt be a perpetual thing like it is now.

If anyone thinks there arent major imbalances in population in WvW then they arent paying attention or dont play enough to see them. But I suspect the people that dont want to see it are on the worlds that are dominating solely due to their massive population advantage. SBI did it, they became the second ranked server in NA because they were fighting empty maps for the first couple weeks while the rankings were being tabulated. While some people thought it was awesome, I knew it was going to be a problem.

I just want something close to a balanced system and right now what we have isnt even close.

I would rather see a total RNG system and just have 48 hour match up based on whatever 3 numbers an RNG spits out than what we have now. Because there are no actual rankings or even reasons behind the way it is set up now. Even if it was originally so many transfers and moves have been made that things arent close to being what they were when the rankings were made in the first place.

Even with the change to now 7 days instead of 14, it is still going to be a massive difference in points, it surely wont take 7 days to figure it out. But as it stands there isnt anyway certain servers arent going to dominate solely due to population, basically HoD could be put anywhere and they will always win because they always have dominating numbers. Not because they are better, but because they can throw people on the map 24/7.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


The specific system you mention is a decaying system :IE that it can only get fewer and fewer players into WVW. even in general, you are saying that any work that large organized alliances to organize a 24/7 presence should be negated. Why?

Probably because nobody wants to get steamrolled by an enormous zerg constantly.

Players shouldn’t get removed from the battlegrounds, but there definitely should be a player cap based on the lowest server’s population. They don’t have to be exactly even, but another server shouldn’t be able to field more than 10-25% more players than others.

Ok, let’s explore this idea:

Servers A and B each have 100 people in WvWvW.

Over the span of an hour, 50 people in server A leave WvWvW (let’s say it’s a US server on the east coast). In the meantime, everyone on B (let’s say it’s a west coast server) stays in.

Now you’ve got 50 vs 100. Since you’ve put this system in place, B knows they now outnumber A, and nobody in B is going to leave; they want to hold that advantage. They spend the evening taking 90%+ of the maps.

Now, folks on A start to wake up. They log in, get into WvWvW, see it’s hopeless, and leave. Some of the 50 in A also see it’s pointless, and leave as well. Now it’s more like 30-100.

The only thing you’re doing is making it THAT MUCH MORE IMPORTANT that the server with the higher number of players do everything they can to stay in WvWvW as long as possible to exploit the number advantage. They know if they log, the cap gets lowered.

You’re taking a situation that occurs sometimes and pretty much guaranteeing it’ll always happen. People will go out of their way to protect that advantage and keep the cap high, rather than log out and hope they’re still in the lead when they come back, like they do now.

In other words, this amplifies the very situation you’re complaining about.

bad logic, you assume no one logs in to replace those 50 or that 50 people are going to randomly leave. But even if they do the caps should be high enough to insure even a decent amount leaving isnt going to sway it that much.

I think I figured 900 on the border maps and 250 or so in EB. So to get a full 900 people in the borderlands everyone would need 300. If the lowest server had 250 then the population would be 750. it doesnt have to be exact but close.

The point is the higher pops can never increase, if the lower one does then they can always fill back up, there are THREE sides in there afterall. It isnt like everyone knows Side A and B are maxed and side C might be a little undermanned.

But like I have said repeatedly servers with that much of a discrepancy shouldnt be matched up anyway. And they wouldnt be after they got a decent ranking system in place.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


just look at the map….

everyday at peak time we own them..just look how much gap we close,everyday same.
but we all know at night when we will all go to sleep the world will return to green.

then that is probably a sign that you take it back when they’re ‘asleep’.

I said limiting population differentials would be the best way to fix it, people dont like it. So you have to take what you get I suppose. If one servers is always going to dominate in the numbers department they are always going to win, it is that simple, just by the way scoring goes.

Strategy and tactics will work short term (as long as those people are around) but then numbers take over. Strategy and tactics when outnumbered 2 to 1 or more arent going to help either. Not the way the game is now.

So people can use all the rhetoric they want if your vastly outnumbered in WvW you dont have a chance for any long term success.

Organized, unorganized, communicating, not communicating, irrelevant if faced with overwhelming numbers.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Or the other bad side of the coin. The low pop server = Everyone that wants to play WvW can. The high pop server = most people that wanna play WvW can’t.

then people would have to move I guess, most moved to high population servers already just to coat tail them. If all servers ended up with roughly the same number of players this wouldnt be an issue.

besides after awhile and with a scoring system that worked it would all come out in the end.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Instant new strategy: “We’re losing! Quick, about 50 of you quit WvW so we can force their people out of the game!”

…except it wouldn’t work like that. Because they’re not going to randomly kick people from the higher-population side when your numbers drop. And what will happen is that people will just stay in WvW constantly, to prevent the cap from being lowered. Thus, nobody will ever be able to get in, except those who are already in.

You’ve created a situation that replaces long waits with the absolute impossibility of getting into WvWvW.


that is impossible if the sides were even to begin with. If the low side has 4 or 5 people leave then no one from the other servers gets in until the numbers are even again. So if Everyone has 200 people in there, 10 people leave from one server it is then 200-200-190, not ‘balanced’ but certainly not what is going on now. If no one logs in on the low server it stays 190-x-x until someone else logs in. If 50 people log out thats their own stupidity, but its still 200-200-150 or whatever.

If AFKing becomes an major issue then you just put something in that eliminates it it isnt like every other MMO doesnt have something in place that makes sure people are active in there and not just leeching.

Plus if people stay in now no one else gets in either, its called a queue. There is already a max limit on the numbers of players allowed, but it is now shared by all servers. So if the cap is 800 people one server could have 799 one could have 1 and one could have 0. Or one could have all 800 I suppose. The trick is to have a cap and control the server numbers. I know guys who sit in queues dont like it but move I guess.

Some of us started on these servers and the followers who came over to gravy train made it worse anyway. Thats why I said in other thread to put everyone back on their original servers start a 72 hours match up period with a pop cap and go from there.

because right now I would say the percentage of people that actually enjoy WvW is less than 50% probably even less than 25%, and I doubt you would find anyone that doesnt have some sort of complaint about it.

Am I the only person sitting here waiting for reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


if they capped the populations so no server could outnumber any of the others it would do a lot for these issues. It would also help distribute populations better because the high pop servers would then have even longer queues, maybe NEVER getting into WvW would entice some of them to move elsewhere.

They should basically move everyone back to their original servers and start with 72 hour match ups again WITH population controls to truly see what is up. Then they might actually guage what servers are best suited for each other.

What has been done so far by Anet has been a joke. its like they have never done PvP before.

The one thing that would be the easiest 'fix' to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Population caps.

Whatever server has the fewest amount of people on then no other server can exceed it. That would help with a lot of the time differences and ‘night’ capping of things. Scoring in the place is already so screwed up that if one server totally dominates on population they build a huge lead that is basically insurmountable.

It would also maybe entice people to leave the over crowded servers and move to the less populated ones. Because it would make their queues even longer.

Right now SBI has more than a few people on, but HoD still has way more, and JQ has almost none. Results… There are maybe 8 red spots on all 4 maps, 12-15 blue and the rest are green. If people move to another map to help out the HoD masses just go there as well.

While it always isnt about a zerg it is when they outnumber you 2 to 1 or more. And that buff you get is completely useless its a slap in the face to PvP.

But then again the whole WvW concept is, at least the rewards, because nothing you do there gives any benefits in there. It is all PvE buffs.

SBI took back the whole of our defensive map and had it upgraded and supplied and within 20 minutes 2 large HoD zergs came in and turned the map green, people were so disgusted they logged out. I am sure JQ left long before that since they were eliminated earlier.

So if SBI truly is the ‘second best server’ then we might as well not even log into WvW because we are not even close to being competitive with HoD as it stands right now, at least on a 24/7 basis. It isnt because HoD is so much better, it is just they have so many more people. They are better yes, but the numbers just make it exponentially worse.

But at least if the populations were capped and there weren’t hordes of them running around it might actually start to get competitive. If there are 100 JQ in there then there shouldnt be more than 100 SBI or HoD. That’s just the way it should be. Unless some massively meaningful buffs are implemented. But those would be harder than simply putting a counter in place.

W v W Needs TONS of Work....

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


A lot of good points and most I agree with…

—crashes in queue or in the map should give you a grace period, at least 2 minutes preferably up to 5.

—phasing, and rendering, total joke. Complete micky mouse crap and totally server side.

—Queues, sure there are low pop servers, but if they want people to move they should let the guild go with all its influence intact, if youre in a smaller guild who has taken weeks on a server to build influence and perks why leave it because people transferred there and built your queues? The never ever should have posted scores while free transfers were open.

—siege weaponry, said a lot about it, needs to be more durable and maybe cost more supplies to build, also HAS to be mobile. If it were then fewer defenders could hold a point easier. Would also give some positives to attackers as well.

—zergs, theyre going to happen but the only way to stop them is to put things in place that almost penalize them or at least make them less relevant.

—Claiming ANYTHING should require at least a level II upgrade in art of war. We didnt have any upgrades and I was able to claim stuff had I wanted. Doesnt make any sense. It should also probably cost supplies or influence or some currency to claim a point on the map. Not simply talking to a guy and then seeing your banner flying.

—lastly and this is on the players…learn how to play the game. Look at the tutorial if you dont understand. Learn how scoring works, and timers, and how things are tabulated. There is a system in place, and while it isnt being ‘exploited’ it is definitely being played like a fiddle by the people who understand the nuances of it all.

—OK maybe that wasnt lastly, scoring, maybe done ona pro rated scale. Holding points for 12 or 13 minutes of a timer only to see the people who know how scoring works take them back right before the tally to pad their scores and then simply abandon them is dumb. If a server takes a depot and holds it or defends it or it just goes untouched for 12 minutes they should get something. I know some people will say “just defend it”. Well why punish the people who have to sit there who ‘waste’ time when the zerglings can walk in with 3 minutes left on the timer and just take it?

Overall it is a decent concept, but it is clearly flawed and has major issues. Some of them are obvious, some of them are opinion based or preferences. But the system is too narrow to reward everyone equally. It now basically rewards the ones who know every little in and out of the ‘rules’. It also should probably incorporate some PvP rewards and buffs and not just PvE ones. because the irony is the ones gaining the buffs for the server dont play enough PvE to take advantage of them anyway.

mesmer skill: portal has GOT to go for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


they get orbs with it too….

WvW is broken, we have bad guilds like ruin winning

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


LOL at the posts, every server is different, as are the populations. Stormwind Isle got it in their heads they were actually a good server until they faced a server that actually fielded people in WvW. Now they get rolled and schooled 24/7. I should know I am on the server and have been there since day one, and have watched the gameplay get worse and worse. Some due to transfers to be sure. Some due to people not learning how the maps, scoring, strategies et el work in there because they never faced any opposition.

Sure taking a keep with a small group is easy if youre only facing 4 or 6 defenders with no communication or common sense. Put 3 defenders there with brains and the ability to aim siege and you couldnt take a keep with 50.

As it is the PvP in this game is severely lacking. Siege weaponry is too brittle and too easily destroyed by players. It isnt mobile so once you build it it is stuck there. It also does too much damage in some cases and not enough in others. The whole balance is out of whack. No way a trebuchet should be destroyed in 5 or 6 seconds by a zerg of players. If they have to cost more and or cost more supplies then OK, but they should require some sort of anti siege weapon or a very long time to kill with player attacks. Same goes for any siege, they should all have their anti siege counter part. Not just a mass of people running up and smashing it to bits.

As for bad guilds, theyre going to be everywhere its the price you pay for an open system. But theyre probably not as bad as free for allers or world explorers who dont do anything PvP related when theyre in there.

There are also a lot of things small groups can do. Kill dolyaks and guards, even take supply depots if they like, but it is better (other than score) to let the depot stay and just kill the supply caravans. You can win over NPC alliances with small groups too. In 80% of the times I have seen a zerg in WvW, and thats probably a couple hundred hours or more now, theyre in the wrong place. So yeah zergs and big guilds that are clueless hurt you, but only on that particular map, if you can escape go to another one and try to get points there. If that doesnt work then you’ll have to wait it out like the rest of us.

Commander's Compendium - And Why I Think It Should Go

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


It is amazing that a few guys who were willing to spend 500 or more real life dollars to buy gems to trade for gold are suddenly deemed PvP experts because they have a blue triangle over their name. It is frigging ridiculous.

The one thing it does accomplish however is to give the mindless zerg something to rally to. But in a couple months when people have gold coming out of every orifice and even the die hard anti commander types buy one because they dont have anything else to spend money on then what? There will be 50 or 60 commanders to a map. Which one do you follow?

Right now it isnt too bad since there are only a few per server and they arent all on at the same time, but in time there will be many. I would hope an option to turn off your marker would be a priority or making the title worth something. As in giving it some actual perks other than the make believe ones people think it does now.

What's the deal with the gems-gold exchange rate?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


What happened was a lot of people spent a ton of real money to get gems and then simply traded them off for in game gold. Mostly to buy high end items and commander books and what not. I saw as high as 410 per 1G, I stocked up then, that was on 9-8-12. Since then it has been a steady decrease.

It is now in a ‘perfect’ storm situation. The initial people willing to spend boatloads (rumors are some people spent upwards of a thousand dollars) of real money to get gems to trade are not spending anymore money. You have gold sellers selling in game gold for cheaper than what it would cost to trade gems, which compounds the aforementioned issues. Then you have people simply having more in game gold. The initial “OMG I need gold and can’t make it” fears are over and people have figured out how to make money so they dont need to ‘buy’ it. Finally, there just arent many things worth it in the gem store. Beyond an extra character slot, maybe a bank slot or two and on the outside an upgrade, the stuff in the store is overprice fluff. So its demand isnt really that big.

Gold can buy stuff off the TP, gain influence with a guild, buy cosmetic armors and weapons, and just about everything. Gems really aren’t ‘worth’ that much now that the economy has more in game gold in it. I figured prices would be around 300-320 gems per gold, but they might plummet to even less than that. That is the tricky thing about having in game currency traded for ‘real world’ money and/or products. Especially when the exchange rate is so out of whack gold sellers can easily beat prices without even trying.

Anyone have a black screen fix that actually works?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Tired of queuing up for an hour or more to get into WvW and then last maybe 5-10 minutes before I get a blackscreen that makes me hard close and then respawn back in the open world.

Until they get the crashes fixed they should not boot people out of WvW if they can log back in within a short time frame.

Total bullkitten….

For a Radeon not Nvidia.