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Do Charr Study Astronomy?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Probably not. Astronomy doesn’t seem to be a big thing in Tyria, and the Charr seem to be a more practical, down-to-earth kind of race. With Asura? Maybe. Humans? Maybe. But those are the only two aces who might use Astronomy as something other than looking at the stars and going “Ooh, pretty stars”.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Choosing your Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


While all classes fit into all legions, most legions have certain classes that are more common, while others are almost impossible to find.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Warband support skill

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Battle roar’s an okay racial. Except when my Ash thief starts shouting about Blood and Iron. No, stick with “Ash is Death!”. And I want Charrzooka. You’re not taking that away. And how’s WvWvW boring? I find it fun, and something’s always happening. I find sPvP boring though.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Here’s my Sylvari, Autumnbright. And her Fern Hound, Blossomhowl. Blossomhowl kept getting in the way.


I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Sicaea no longer wears her mask in cutscenes

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Anet. We need to talk. I want the red dye! And pink hair.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Choosing your Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Ash heavies? No wonder they don’t appear often. Their warbands would be like “What are you doing in Ash?” That’s what I said to Maverick and Dinky.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

I think Charr need more head options

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Oh that’s so creepy.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr thoughts on other Races?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


So, basically, Charr’s thought on races are just how tasty they are. I feel proud to be a FemCharr.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Sicaea no longer wears her mask in cutscenes

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I want her hair. I only just completed my 1-10 personal story, so I never saw her without the mask. She looks weird. How’d she get pink hair? NPCs shouldn’t have awesome hair. They make me jealous.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr Sexuality/Customs

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Only time Charr use the word mate for friend is ‘bandmate. I’ve heard that NPC dialogue, but never heard it used in a non-sexual-partner kind of way.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


All my toons are female Charr, they are such fun to play, I love to storm into human taverns and pounce all over the tables shouting ’for Iron legion and Meaty Chunks!".

Now I want to storm into different race areas and shout versions of this.

Sylvari: “Guess what? I’m a vegetarian, and I’m hungry!”

Asura: " I don’t mind small sausage-rolls!"

Norn: " I know fatty foods are bad for me, but I’m still want to eat them!"

Human: “For Ash Legion and edible humans!”

I love this thread. It’s become some many different things, and really funny.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Me and Asuran friend

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yep, taste nice.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Sicaea no longer wears her mask in cutscenes

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


How id you get pink hair?

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Give me some pants!

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yeah. I have to take my chest armor off on a few armor sets to see my pants.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I only play female characters, so of course my one charr is female.

Me too. I’m a girl, and no offence males, but I just don’t want to play as one of you.

Agreed. Boys are icky and have cooties.

And they smell funny.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Guild Wars 2 Story Research

in Personal Story

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946



1) What is your age? Gender?

2) How important is a game’s story to you? Why?

3) Within a game’s story, are you more interested in individual characters, or in bigger events and groups?

4) In regards to your own character, do you identify with them? In other words, do you view your character as yourself? Or do you view your character as a separate entity which you created?

5) Do you view your character’s progression as something you create/determine, or something the game itself creates/determines?

6) What do you view as your character’s ultimate goal? Is it different from the goal of defeating the final dungeon or raid boss?

7) How effective do you find personal story in MMORPGs (usually done through personal instances/quests)? Do you find it disjointed from the rest of the game, or do you feel it fits well with the rest of the game?

8) How do you view the idea that many other players are also playing through the same personal story?

9) How do you view your character’s personal story in relation to the larger stories in the game, or the lore of the game? Do you see a difference between individual story and group story in the game?

1) Female, 13-15
2) I find it important, because I love stories, and because I want to be able to create my own story with writing it.
3) Both. It depends on what they’re like.
4) I view my character as someone who is like me, but better. She’s who I would be if I lived in that world. And besides, my Charr can’t be me, as I’m not a giant horned cat (as much as I want to be).
5) I view it as I’m the one deciding what happens, not the game.
6) My character doesn’t have an ultimate goal. She just wants to survive to the next day.
7) In Gw2, it’s good, but in other ones, it sucks.
8) I completely ignore it. It’s my story, not theirs, so theirs don’t matter as much to me. To them it might, but not to me.
9) I view it all the same way. Their are many stories, and none of them can be the same.

Hope this helps your research. Post the results on the forums when you get them. Please?

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Me and Asuran friend

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yup. Keep a Quaggan around too, they taste even better. The ones from the north taste fantastic.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Choosing your Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yeah. There are a lot of necros in Ash. I think these classes go in these legions.




Thats what I’ve seen.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

why do Charr swim like a human?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I’d get motion sick on a swing but even I can roll forward/back underwater with no issues. Maybe you’re just weird.

Your the weird one if you get motion sick on a swing. And I am aware of the fact I’m weird.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Give me some pants!

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Medium armor has a lot of pants. Only problem is the kitten trench coats. I like trench coats, but there are far too many.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr thoughts on other Races?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


What does YMMV mean for orges? And I have more to add..

Sylvari= Don’t like salad
Human= Tasty
Norn= Fatty and tasty
Asura= Tasty but too small

And Northen Quaggan taste so yummy!

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Jumping on Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I find jumping easy on my Charr thief. Then again, all the platformers I used to play involved a four-legged character.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr, the second smartest race?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I second that. Charr first, Asura second, Sylvari third (until they learn eveything and transfere it to the Pale Tree), Human fourth, and who would have guessed? Norn last. I’m sorry Norn, but you guys are idiots of the first (last?) class.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I only play female characters, so of course my one charr is female.

Me too. I’m a girl, and no offence males, but I just don’t want to play as one of you.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

More of your warband

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I didn’t think you would like it, and Clawspur, Yuhuk and Samoana would be more helpful anyways. Anet, fix this now!

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

New Charr Phrases?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yeah I get ‘I make a pretty good team’ often though I do pull off combos with others too.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

More of your warband

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


So instead of my actual warband, I get some Ash spies? Big whoop. That was sarcasm, for people who couldn’t tell.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

why do Charr swim like a human?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yes, but I get dizzy afterwards. How come they don’t? They continue to float around like nothing ever happened.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

New Charr Phrases?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I never hear that, and I’m constantly pulling off combos.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

The Women of Flame Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I did find it amusing that the other guy knew instantly. Either you flash him or something, or those flame legion guys have been lurking in that cave waaay too long.

I think the former. Though it could be the latter, but I killed their Shaman before, so maybe they’re just really bad at remembering? And yeah it was pretty funny, how he’s like “You’re a female?!”

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Me and Asuran friend

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I wish that the Asuran GS where the same size as all the other ones. But I suppose that wouldn’t be possible. It is very funny.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

I think Charr need more head options

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I don’t know why ANet didn’t include more head/face/horns options. And we should be able to choose different kinds of ears. Maybe a torn ear? And I was disappointed by the lack of horn options. Even eyes that go with all faces. and the fur patterns would be welcome too. What if we could have fur patterns over one another?

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Which legion did you pick for your main ?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Lamefox well good for you. But you’ll find that most people do have mains. And not everybody knows what a main is either. And next time you imply something like that, say it so everyone knows that that is what you’re implying. Not all of us are ultra-smart people who can read minds and know what everyone means immediately.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Which server has a large number of Charr players?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I’ve seen quite a few Charr players on Dragonbrand. But only in the starting zones, PvP and WvWvW. Mostly male too.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

War Paint?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


In Skyrim they let you put war paint on both the Khajiit (cats) and Argorians (lizards). Maybe the war dye is applied when young, when the warband graduates?

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Which legion did you pick for your main ?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


A main is the character you play/like the most. It’s the one you would pick as your favorite character every time.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

*alert* to the EDM Dance Charr Players

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


/\ That is something that ANet should really put in an update. I think the Charr need a better dance. And from an earlier post, /sleep and /sit are good too.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr's attitude towards magic

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


It’s okay to play a as Charr ranger. I was new to Gw2, but I spent ages poring over wiki (none of the spoilers, mind you) entries so I would know at least something about the game. The Charr have no qualms against either rangers or any of the magic classes for that matter. What server are you on? Because I see a lot of Charr rangers in the first part of the starting zone. No doubt you will too.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Choosing your Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Rangers are good in Blood Legion. Their pets and traps are very useful. And Rangers can just blitz everything too, cause they don’t just use arrows.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Which legion did you pick for your main ?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Shazyx Shadowdawn, Ash thief. Kinda typical, but when there is a whole legion devoted to my favorite class type, well I’m just gonna pick it.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr Cycle/Lifespan?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I saw him and thought, “Wow dude, you must be good”. Cause no way in hell would a bad soldier make it past 10 years old.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

The Women of Flame Legion

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


In ‘Spy for a Spy’ I was a FemCharr. I had to dress up as a guy! Though the costume looked pretty good. The sentry at the front, when I talked to him during the cutscene, my voice sounded a little deeper, but he asked me if I had a cold. Then I just reverted back to my normal voice. All I can say is, not only are the Flame Legion troops sexist losers, they also can't tell the voice difference between males and females. The mission just made me hate the Flame Legion even more.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I’ll give you a 10/10 for name and backstory. You do know that there’s a map in the bottom right hand corner of your bag?

Shazyx Shadowdawn. I’m the legionnaire of the Shadow warband. The dawn part of my name comes from my reputation as a thief who strikes at dawn, an the first battle of my warband took place at dawn, in which I played a crucial part. I’ve rebuilt my warband after all but my sparring partner Clawspur still alive. But now, with a full warband (it has 4 Charr in it, which is apparently full?), I have learnt that my sire has stolen an artifact of great importance and has become a gladium. I will hunt him down and discover the truth, whatever the cost.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

The nature of Charr names

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I have a thief called Shazyx Shadowdawn of the Shadow warband. Here is something I’ve posted before on different legion naming conventions.

Ash names
Use softer sounds for the first name, S, A, Th, Y/I, IA, Sh. Last names will sound mysterious, examples Haunt, Ghost, -tail, -fang, Mist, Soul, -shroud, Coal.
Blood names
Harsh sounds with few vowel sounds, R, T, Ch, Ck. Last names have warlike meanings, examples Sword, Fire, -claw, Skull, -smash, Lion, -strike, -claw.
Iron names
First names usually have these letters and sounds in them, M, E, Ee, L, Oa, Mor. Last names have machine like things in them examples, Gadget, -bomb, Tool, -tinker, Steel, -bolt, -scrap.
Hope these help anyone who needs naming help for the Charr.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

New Charr Phrases?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Mine said “Looks like new territory to explore/conquer” I can’t remember which one it was.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

why do Charr swim like a human?

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


What I want to know, is how they do fancy rolls underwater and not get dizzy. I keep rolling around and expecting my Charr to get dizzy and float around weirdly.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Charr names

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I’ve got Shazyx Shadowdawn. No-one seems to have a Shadow warband, so I took that. Heres some tips on how to name your Charr. This is for anyone who needs it, not just OP.

Ash names

Use softer sounds for the first name, S, A, Th, Y/I, IA, Sh. Last names will have something to do with your warband, examples Haunt, Ghost, -tail, -fang, Mist, Soul, -shroud, Coal.

Blood names

Harsh sounds with few vowel sounds, R, T, Ch, Ck. Last names are again related to your warband, names have are warlike meanings, examples Sword, Fire, -claw, Skull, -smash, Lion, -strike, -claw.

Iron names

First names usually have these letters and sounds in them, M, E, Ee, L, Oa, Mor. Last names have machine like things in them examples, Gadget, -bomb, Tool, -tinker, Steel, -bolt, -scrap.

Hope these help anyone who needs naming help for the Charr.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

More of your warband

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Yeah. I want to see my warband more than just on story missions. And I thought that the elite skill did summon your actual warband. And going on missions with them would be good too.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

Why more people don't play Charr - The Simple Answer.

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


I play Charr for several reasons.

1. I love cats, and the only games that let me be a cat are, The Elders Scrolls and Gw2. I’m one of those people who imagines themselves as their game/story character. Most people would choose something like themselves, but honestly I really don’t like the human race, and we just look so stupid. I play video games to be someone else, like me but better. And no games will let me be a dragon.

2. The running animation is really cool, and I feel so much faster than the other races, except Asura. Maybe I’m the only person who can jump and land easily as a Charr, but I’ve never had problems with that.

3. The females look awesome, and they have fluffy tails! I can easily tell, just be looking at their face or tail, if they’re male or female. It’s near-nigh impossible to tell Asura apart. And the FemCharr don’t have breasts, and I don’t feel embarrassed about running around in my under-wear, like I do in other games. They weren’t made to look sexy, which is another thing I have a problem with.

The only thing I don’t like about the Charr is that they are a very military based race. That’s just not my thing. And they are very advanced and don’t like magic, which I love, but still, their lore is fantastic, they look and sound awesome, what more can I want from a fantasy race? And their armor looks pretty good, but could be better if it was designed for them and the Black Citadel is a great capital.

I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!

(edited by Shadowdawn.7946)

Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: Shadowdawn.7946


Shazyx Shadowdawn, of the Shadow warband.


I love all things Charr. They’re badkitten!