Good Fights tonight, Kaineg really showed that we dominate in prime-time!
I leave you with the epic usage of a flame ram by KWBH.
I agree with the fact that DR has come together much more so in the last week, but(and it could just be because of the lead) on the majority of maps ive been on throught the week, when i log on we’re outnumbered by DR until we start taking keeps and towers and they leave the map for another. You simply can’t get a +605 lead by good strategy on equal numbers, that requires a large force on the majority of the battlegrounds.
Looking forward to this week, as there truly is no more halloween events.. we’ll see how it turns out.
Oh and Props to RUNN and AP as well as Cindros and his guild for dominating out there as well.
WvWvW seems to get the most competitive 8est-11est, then DR seems to start to get so many more people… Hopefully some West Coast players and Daytime players can start showing upon Kaineg and Ferg to keep DR from brining it back to the old days of 1 team controlling the entire map, wish i could play all day <.<
Good Job Tonight Kaineg, took our borderlands back from being all blue.
—Lets try to get a daytime presence the next few days to see if we can catch this lead.
Shanaigans… i am a [PRO] member. i agree [GASM] [WvW]and [Red] should have their praise’s sung about. And i understand your thinking about [PRO] given the misunderstandings, accuations, and heated exchanges that have occured. But the guild is full of many great ppl. And given the chance to know us, im sure you would not condem us all.
i can tell you for a fact, i would not follow someone that i felt was Cheating/Hacking ect… i can tell you from my experience, that Phizyn has been a Good leader… that trys to keep everyone inline. As for Dred leaving the DR server to head for Kain’s.. i can tell you that most of us in TS were angry that he left and went there of all places… while we were in the middle of a WWW.. i can tell Shanagians, that i told anyone that Killed him and sent a Screen Shot to me.. id mail them a Bounty for Killing Dred.. I can tell you that many ppl sought out Dred just to Kill him for Transfering… i can tell you that if i were Phizyn… i would not have been so quick to forgive Dred and let him return.. but to me this is an example of Phizyn’s leadership skills that he forgave Dred…
Phizyn cant control every random Donkey and what they post in Fourm… as i am an example… and again.. a Commander Icon can be any fool w/ 100gold… We at [PRO] follow Phizyn because he has demonstrated he is a good leader.. he was Man enough to apologize when he realized he was wrong for accusing your team of Hacking… credit him for that… Credit him for being a worthy opponent.. he has earned that… as have many [PRO] members… just my 2 cents
Darwin Ism
The whole situation was a mess, i’ve dropped it, because there is bound to be some drama between some of the more prominent forces on such close matches. The fuse was quick to light after i recived some wipsers, and i responded in kind. You guys are a formidable foe (those DB take’s were insane) and we should all be proud of the fights we’ve had, (some of the best i’ve ever had). I’ve played mmo’s for a while and i won’t hold any grudges over some things said heat of the moment, and i’ll apolagize if anyone from <WAR> has done anything out of line. Lets put it behind us and show everyone why the lowest bracket has the best fights. You too Ferg
-Commander Shananigans
– Notice how i didnt mention anything in the forums? I had no intentions of making any comments but you felt the need to bring it up so lets talk. Bay was held by DR, Im at the citidel and watch Shananigans run from the citidel to the north outer gate of DR, through the gate to the north inner gate, through that gate, to the champs room. He ran from the citidel to the Bay orb in about 25-30s tops. Orb was moving then stopped moving, then bout 10s later the Bay was ours. And as i finally arrive at the Bay i dont see this “zerg” of which some folks were stating in mapchat when i questioned it, but i did see a team building a ram on the OUTSIDE of the inner gate, AFTER the Bay already belonged to Kaineng. Now could be those were just a bit slow at how the game works….dunno. All I did was whisper Shani that if he was going to do things some might find questionable, he should turn his commander icon off so it’s not so obvious on the map.
LOL, i ran my group to bluelake to cap the towers and supply camps infront of your spawn to distract DR then ran the group across the lake and to DB, which we had already burned both the inner and outer gates. So yes while i did go through the gates fast (they were both open) i didn’t come from citadel, and when I did the exact same thing today on Ferg’s Map, white swords were showing up on the keep, so your point is still invalid, which your guild leader had already stated. So thank you for congradulating me on my superior strategy in which i took a keep without any Devonas or even our own server knowing, pretty sneaky.. after all i am a thief. Oh and you generally kill the orb statue thing before you kill the lord.. just fyi.
And also 10-15DR, thats crap.
Looking forward to fighting the rest of DR, props to ya’ll on stepping it up <RED> <WvW> <GASM>
Being on Kaineg, it would be of my best intrest to encourage you to come here, but i won’t.
Go Ferg, they’ve lost some guilds and are starting to lean twords the 3rd place position, it would be great if each of the servers were almost tied each week as they have been in weeks past.
Due to the Code of Conduct i won’t post pics or name names, but its a bit fishy that a commander of a certain big guild on a certain server switched to a certain server right after i receieved several “REPORTED” tells from a certain guilds leader on that certain server, and that certain commander who was very vocal in map chat over a legitmate take of a certain keep that a certain guild held, and a certain guild leader vowing to take the keep back while the commander parked himself in a certain keep.
Certainly this isn’t true
GJ everyone in Kaineg BL tonight, took a completley Blue Map and 2 hours later it’s completley red w/ most of it being slightly outgunned by Dev.
The Pic was taken slightly before we finished mopping up the supply camps.
Not to worry, Kaineg… Incredible planning goes into our Keep takes
Thought i’d post some pics of last night: Thats alot of Dr.. Props to the quick take
Good Fights all tonight, Props to pro for taking DB keep at one point.. Kaineg is really starting to push for the prime-time wins, Good Luck and looking forward to seeing everyone out there.
-Commander Shananiganx
We didn’t get any new transfers, Evermoor Alliance is back out in force + im sure alot of people
Didn’t get any good pic of the sm take but:
Good Job to Kaineg for our consistant lead in prime time. also props to devonas for taking our Bl later.
-Commander Shananigansx
I don’t know about you guys, but regardless of how the score turns out this was a fun week in wvvwvw. This’ll most likley be the 2nd closest score in a wvwvw match this week, and it’ll be intresting to see how things turn out as many guilds on all server will be back from the halloween candy corn farm-fest!
See you all out there
-Commander Shananigansx
Prime time tonight, iSpy and a few from the evermoor alliance strike again hahahahahaha
Also can you actually sneak around them? Ive tried the diffrent routes but cant seem to find a way,
Yeah, 1 person seems to get a mob respawn
— With a teamspeak group this takes 30-45 minutes to set up and complete, (just the torches) and i have no idea how pugs could ever do this
Am i just missing an easier way to do this than having each person killing the mobs then lighting timed correctly? Because this run is super annoying but im trying to work for the gear. Help would be greatly appreciated as well as Arenanet concidering changing it
It wont be easy, we’ll have to fight just as well as we did this week to win or more, im looking forward to the increased competition and hope our scores are as close as they were this week. And both servers should and will be gunning for us
(edited by Shananigans.8412)
We arn’t changing brackets, and the closest match of the week, they were “WORTHY” opponents, these kinds of posts are why people are so kitten of at the Kaineg massive forum ego.
Will Kaineng finish 1st for the first time in their servers history?
in WvW
Posted by: Shananigans.8412
Congrats on the good fights to all, there may have been some bad blood over some over-excited players that Kaineg actually had a chance to win, but as we get to fight eachother again, everyone can see how it ends up during festival week, which could change the dynamics too.. See you all out there
Kaine is not a spokesperson for our server, nor is he a representative of the majority of opinion. <WAR> and the evermoor alliance (Ispy, Jawa, and now SoS) has had a great time with challenging fights with every server, the closest match-up of the week belongs to all of us, we all fought hard and i hope everyone had fun
Props to all the fights out there, glad to hear <WAR> is making a bit of a diffrence
We saw a chance to get some points, and we took it… for me its nothing personal, just buisness. I look forward to fighting you all in the next few weeks