Because people forget that armies win wars. Obviously more organized groups are better than unorganized zergs, but an organized zerg will wipe out any “Super awesome 5-man party.”
It’s not a numbers thing, it’s an organization thing. Also, hating Zerging is the new cool thing. I’m sure those super awesome 5 man teams can’t hold an entire map by themselves. People think zerg = “Lol auto attack. Lol mindless. Lol bad.” But there’s PUG players that are just as good, if not better, than someone who thinks they’re awesome just cause they’re in a guild/party.
There’s lone players who’ve taken on these organized groups of people by themselves, and still kill a few. People just use backwards kitten logic and think of zergs as nothing but mindless. Enjoy pretending your navy seal team can win the war by themselves. Strike Teams are good for objectives, high priority targets, and more, but they won’t win a war.
I promise you, and I know this for a 100% fact. All these people who are trying to, lol, “Remove zergs” don’t even fully understand the negative impact it’ll have on World vs World.
Yes, let’s do anything we can to remove Zerging, and then two weeks later kitten, piss, whine, and moan about how the population of WvW is so ridiculously low. All these people who are trying to turn WvW into a super-hardcore-epic-uber-leet-organized-battlefield don’t even realize that the massive appeal of World vs World is the pick-up-and-playability of it that appeals to multiple audiences.
“Let’s extend World vs World’s lifespan by severing half of the audience!” LOL.
Yes, let’s remove the Orange Swords, let’s make it so people have to sit around crying and asking “Where’s the battle at.” Let’s make it so people have to sit there and “Scout” (Read: Wait for 30 minutes, an hour at a time.) Let’s make it so Pugs and Lone players don’t want to play, despite the fact that they’re useful for both sides, run supplies, provide healing, AOE damage, and additional targets.
Yes, let’s just take the armies out of World Vs World.
“omg zerg y u so bad. :[[[[[[[ " Translation? “Wow we just got owned by a group larger than ours.” Of course the massive 100 player organized guilds that all run as a group….yeah….,THOSE aren’t Zergs at all, right? Right.
It’s so amusing how people want to make it all hardcore to make it “Better,” without even stopping to think about how casual players outnumber “Hardcore” people in almost every tier.
Tl;DR: People think all Zerging is bad, stupid strategy. But what do these same people call it when their guild all runs at once as a group and rolls keeps. Definitely not Zerging, right?
(edited by Sokina.8041)
Crossed Sword should go. This is WvWvW = Word versus World versus World not PvE
If you make all things Easy people will not get any better. Old games showed that difficult content keeps people playing it. And under difficult content i mean that A-net should not hold the hands of new players in every aspekt of the game.
Just let them go in and have to ask where the action is. Befor they know it they are the one helping the new players.I played MMORPGs for the past 12 years and 10 years of them in GvG, RvR.
All games that made things easy Died quickly because Hardcore Guild will leave and when they leave, the normal once will follow. This is how games died the last 10 years.And why do normal/Casual players follow the Hardcore? Simple because they want Action and action is where hardcore Player are.
Removing the crossed swords will be the first step to get the Hardcore Guilds back that allready left the game.
Hardcore guilds aren’t the majority of the WvWers, or the population of the game. Go ahead and make WvW hardcore, and you’ll soon realize that each server will have so much less players, and it’ll ultimately be ridiculously boring and rather hard for anything to actually get done.
Everyone’s all like “Oh my god, we don’t need newbs, we don’t need zergs, we don’t need pugs.” Guess what? You kind of do. WvW isn’t meant to be a hardcore thing. It’s meant to be easily accessible to everyone. I hate the people on my server that ask “omg wheres da action at?” And they stand around spamming it for like 5-10 minutes, and everyone tells them something different, and they’re not useful at all.
I think Anet should remove the crossed swords for a week, just because I want to see all the threads talking about how it needs to be put back, because the REAL majority of WvWers left. All of the “Wanna-be hardcore purists” think it sounds like an absolutely amazing idea, but they’re not realizing how actually important PUGs, lone players, and non-hardcore players are. Plus everyone mistakenly thinks crossed swords are zerg-beacons, and they’re not. Armies win wars.
Having crossed swords shouldn’t bother “Hardcore guilds” anyway.
I’m hopping on the “It’s not the system, it’s the people” bandwagon.
Multiple guilds are a good thing. Why? I have a guild of friends who I trust with my guild bank, and like to talk about personal and relevant things between us, like inside jokes, real lives, and the like.
Then I have a WvW guild, with whom are like minded, strategical players who have a very strong desire to win and play competitively. I like WvW, and I like my friends. My friends like me, but they don’t like WvW. This WvW guild likes me, but doesn’t like people who don’t represent or participate in WvW.
It’s not the system, it’s the people. I understand the importance of representing, but people make it out to be a massive deal, and some people are total kitten about it. I made it clear to my WvW guild that my friends will take priority over them, so if they choose to kick me over it, that’s their kitten problem, not mine. I do my fair share of WvWing, so if I want to represent my guild of friends, earn influence for them, and buy PvE bonuses, I’ll do it.
The problem is people are so worried about “Guild loyalty” and whatever. “Omg I want people entirely dedicated to this guild and nothing else.” I understand that, in a competitive standpoint, but you can’t simply force people to represent. You can kick them if they don’t, but you can’t force them to represent.
The multi-guild system isn’t broken. It’s amazing. It’s people who skim the guild roster and get upset because someone isn’t repping.
Don’t get me started on the people that spam recruiting messages, pick up randoms, and then take up arms because the PERSON YOU JUST MET doesn’t do everything you want them to do. Again, it’s the people, not the system. If it was a one-guild system, there’d be arguments amongst friends. And let’s face it, If I had to choose between my friends and some kid who thinks he owns me because he’s the guild leader, I know who I’m going with.
Altaholic…I didn’t think there was a word for it, but I guess I am one.
However, I have a mad passion for my Guardian. She’s currently playing a support build. Focused on Healing and Toughness. She uses a Staff, and Mace/Shield, for giving protection to mass allies, and Might to mass allies, as well as healing and keeping people alive.
I rolled her with that build as a direct counter to thieves that try to use the same general “Omg glass cannon build” and kill me, or my friends. (Inb4 hate posts directed at me for talking about thieves in a negative light. I want no part of that song and dance.) I don’t think thieves are Imbalanced, since even in my DPS build I’ve never had real trouble with one omgspiking me, but with this build, I can comfortably take on several people.
2 Thieves tried to gank me in the jumping puzzle when I was getting my daily drops from the chest, and they both summoned thief support and did the whole backstab deal, and I still managed to escape them. (Not kill them, I literally don’t do enough damage to kill them, since I run in groups of friends/guildies/ Randoms if necessary)
1: Gold sinks
2: Commander isn’t about the icon, it’s about commanding.
2A: If you’re on another character and can’t stand NOT having the Icon, it’s a bit childish. Oh, my Guardian is a commander, but when I log onto my Ele, people don’t know I have a commander character and they don’t zerg/follow me. First world problems.
2B: If you’re on another character, and are a good commander, people will still listen
and follow even without the icon.
2C: If you are as famous or as good of a commander as you think, people will realize this by your tactics or…speech patterns. Or you can just say “Hey, I’m _________” on my Ele.
3: You don’t need the icon to command
4: If everyone’s commander icon was account bound, there’d probably be 5 or 6 per server, per map. The people that zerg on commander icons would be split, and army effectiveness would essentially decrease. So kitten no. No No No. I know at least 13 people on my server who are commanders, and I don’t need every single one of them having the icon on characters they’re not even that good with.
4B: Just because someone’s a good WvWer on their guardian and is a commander doesn’t mean you’ll be that great as a Thief one. (Or whatever classes you are)
TL;DR: Think about if every single person that had commander status had it on every character they now and forever will have.
Then think about how having 25 commanders would royally kitten up WvW for a team, especially if “Pugs” and “Loners” do nothing but Zerg commander icons. Like I said, they’d be massively split. 2 months later, 50 commander icons. No. No.
If the compulsive need to lead is so strong within you guys, I suggest A) Staying on your character that has it, B ) playing WvW on a character without a silly icon. (Means either issuing verbal commands or, gasp, actually following them instead), or C) Bite the bullet and fork over 100g if it’s so important.
Disagree on removing them. WvW was intended to give players not interested in PvP an alternative entry point into it. WvW was described, before release, as being friendly to the non-PVPer, giving them plenty of PvE options and ways to participate.
In short, It’s not meant to be a super-duper-hardcore-PVP-purist-paradise. It’s not meant to be a place where PUGs are shunned. It’s not meant to be a place where the lone player feels like he can’t do anything. The swords will stay, because they are easy points for the average player to see on the map, and go about aiding one way or another if he/she chooses.
I like all the “Eliminating crossed swords will extend the lifetime of World vs World” implications. Hell, let’s just remove all the PVE elements. That’ll make more players do it. Let’s remove the Jumping Puzzle. That’ll bring more players in. Let’s make it so only players in groups can enter. That’ll bring more players in. Oh, wait, it probably wouldn’t. It’d just take the “E” out of “PvPvE.”
Taking the “E” out of PvPvE would leave more room for PvPers, but even the casual PUG/lone player runs supplies, drops AOEs where needed, and does ample damage to doors and defenders. Making it just another PVP zone, and making it appeal to only PVPers will not, in any way, shape, or form, extend its life.
World vs World has a cut on its leg. Removing a lot of things that make it easily accessible to new players is like removing the leg and cauterizing the wound. Sure, it’d be in stable condition, but it wouldn’t be what it once was. You can’t completely ostracize and cut out a large majority of people just to make the minority happier, and expect a longer lifespan.
I run my own guild, and it’s definitely not a WvW guild, and I don’t have WvW friends. I’m a lone player, and I like to join (I do almost every single day, for hours and hours at a time) and do things where I’m needed. Instead of sitting around waiting for somebody to tell me where to go, the cross swords are an instant indicator. Does that mean “Lolzergggggg?” No. It means there’s a battle there. I analyze the map, look where the battle is taking place, determine who’s attacking, what their next target will be, judge the progress being made on the target, and act accordingly, all while moving on my way there.
Not standing in the kittening entry portal going “ok guys where am i needed?” and waiting for an answer. PUGS/Lone players =/= idiots. One doesn’t need to be in an organized guild to feel like they’re contributing, and changing it to that way is a stupid step, and one in the wrong direction. I won’t even get started into how being a commander somehow makes their tactics, ability, and leadership any better than someone who doesn’t have 100g.
My “Commander” was screaming in map chat at me because he assumed I was in the jumping puzzle when Stonemist was under attack, but I was in front of the gates destroying the siege that was attacking us, and almost dying repeatedly doing it. Even went as far to spend time insulting me. And my question is, how is he really leading if he’s throwing insults? How is he even contributing? I’m glad he has plenty of time to scream, be an immature idiot, and type insults, but the people defending the castle didn’t.
Which brings me to my final point. Commanders don’t win the war. 2 Man strike teams don’t win the war. Commandos don’t win the war. Armies, whether big or small, win the war. A two-man strike team is great for capturing objectives if they’re extremely coordinated, but they cannot be everywhere, and they can’t win the war. A commander is great for directing armies and expressing leadership, sometimes, but they don’t win the war. Armies they direct do.
People can whine about zerg vs zerg all they want, but armies win the wars. Whether big or small. A small prepared army wipes a larger unorganized army out a lot of the time, but eventually sheer numbers will win. They took 2 of our walls down in Stonemist once, and 10 of us held off 30-40 people from getting in for about an hour, because they stupidly kept sending in 5-10 people at a time. We eventually lost, because we got hit from the other side of the castle. But they sure as hell didn’t come in from the side we were defending.
Moral of the story? The brunt of their army was attacking Northeast, and a much smaller force attacking from Southwest. Crossed swords weren’t gonna say “OMG NOBODY DEFENDING HERE.” So it’s not like Crossed Swords are entirely accurate or super-duper-zerg-beacons either. If you don’t have an army, you don’t win World vs World. Period. I say “Army” because true Armies have organization. Zergs are just a bunch of people following a commander [bold] that have little organization. [/bold] Note the emphasis. True zergs have little organization. If they have organization, they’re an army. I’ve seen zergs split and run off in 5 directions because a much smaller force.
The Crossed Swords will stay.
Face it, most people want names so it’s easy to whine about and call someone out for A) Logging during a fight, Trap camping the jumping puzzle for whatever reason, C) Bitter hate for losing/poor sportsmanship for winning.
Out of everyone who wants names, I’m sure the people who want it to “Meet players that challenge them (In WvW? Lol.)” make up the vast minority.
Every person that’s danced or jumped on my corpse because I gave them a lot of trouble during my life (over 10 today) is somebody that probably would have messaged me going “lolggnub” or harassed me because I tanked him and 2 of his guildies until my guildies could kill them from behind.
It should be an option, at least.
“Do you want to remain anonymous?”
If you choose yes, nobody can see your name (Outside of your server.) and you can’t see anyone else’s name.
If you choose no, you can see other people’s names, only if THEY chose “No” as well. And they can only see you if they chose “No.”
I personally don’t like being known in WvW, and PVP, because I don’t want to get hate for running a build that DPSThiefShadow.9882 doesn’t like and decides to message me being a dick about it. Yeah, that happened (His real name withheld), and I can only see it being worse in WvW if names are shown.
Plus imagine all the threads calling people out and whine-assing. We shouldn’t pretend like there won’t be whine-assing. I don’t like names in WvW, but I think it should be a choice, regardless, so my above “Solution.”
WvW doesn’t need to be made into a pissing contest where people can brag about how they pwned some Top-tier player, and blah blah. Regardless of a lot of people’s arguments, I still feel the general majority would abuse it more than use it for good.
So, I only recently found out there was jumping puzzles IN WvW, and that they rewarded the badges I have been fighting forever to get. But I’m getting fairly mixed info on these chests.
1: Reset time. One question, 4 different answers.
- Resets on Daily Achievements
- Resets 24 hours
- Resets per Bracket/“Match”
- Resets never.
And also, people have told me you could get “Upgraded” Siege from this chest. Yes/No?
3 Borderlands, supposedly a jumping puzzle in each one. The maps are exactly the same, and I expect the jumping puzzle to be the same as well. Is it? Someone told me you can only do “One” of these Borderlands jumping puzzles, and it counts for doing all of them.
Lastly, are the badges you get out of the chest scaled to your character’s base level? Or is it clearing a map that awards badges on base level? I get mixed info on that, as well.
Thank you in advance for enlightening me! I’ve been breaking my back trying to get badges for my legendary (Besides map completion, the only thing I need.) I enjoy WvW and all, but my luck with badges as drops are awful. So if I can figure out this info, It might help speed the process up immensely.
I decided to jump into SPVP after spending most of my time in WvW. I was doing great for a while. Until I also realized the amount of Thieves and Mesmers around. I play every class fairly often, and run multiple builds all the time..But I really think the “Thief and Mesmer mentality”, as I’m choosing to call it. Isn’t “Lol Thief is so powerful, let’s play it.”
It’s people mentality. “Omg it Stealths and uses weapons that assassins use, I’m going to be it. Stealthstealthstealthstealth”
“Oh my god, it can make clones of itself. Clonecloneclone” It’s not that they’re over powered, it’s that their mechanics can get severely annoying if you get more than 2 or 3 of the above described people on one team at one time.
I was running a scepter/focus Guardian build with some condition damage, and doing great because the other team didn’t seem to have great condition removal. But every time I got someone close to being downed, they simply stealthed away never to be seen again. And then their Assassin, err, excuse me, “Thief” friend jumped in and repeated the same stealthy approach.
So it’s not like thieves and mesmers are OP, they just appeal to the people that go “Omg I’m like a ninja” or “Clones are going to confuse people.” But then you get 4 mesmers on a team, and they all have their clones/phantasms out.
I’m not complaining that they’re OP, or whatever, but that’s generally the mentality of the people I’ve seen. The thieves I fought didn’t intelligently use their skills, (Except stealthing to run away, I suppose.) but it just got slightly annoying trying to find out where the stealthed thief went, or which of the 15 mesmers on screen is actually a player. Especially when they have have AOE stealth.
I never had a problem with a lone thief or mesmer against me, one on one, (When I’m any class.) If they beat me, they’re close to death themself a good amount of the time, so I don’t think they’re OP. They’d be just as annoying as 4 guardians with spirit weapons, or 4 charr with Warband support, or 4 greatsword warriors. What they’re doing is unintentionally forming a “Gimmick” team build, because Thieves and Mesmers are just “Cool” and appeal to a lot of people.
I was having fun for a while, but during the 5 hours I played on various servers, I didn’t fight a single engineer, Elementalist, or Guardian. And only 1 Necromancer. And 2 rangers. Literally everything else was Warrior, Thief, and Mesmer. Bad luck? Maybe. Did it kind of ruin my fun? A bit. I like SPVP, the whole pick up and play, hotjoin stuff. But I think I’m going to take a huge break from it, maybe only play with friends or my guild, because playing with tons of thief and mesmer randoms gets boring when they all run super similar builds.
I just hope it doesn’t end up like PVP in tons of other games I’ve played, where it ends up as “Assassins/rogues/stalkers/whatever they’re called” reign.
(edited by Sokina.8041)
Divinion.4327Love how you lock the thread as I was about to call out your Community Team Lead. They need to take some lessons on how to be a PR. They insulted all of the Guild Wars 2 Community by calling us all impatient because we are looking up info on the forums about the update that was supposed to have been released already. It would be a bit more appropriate to use the word “eager”. That Community Team Lead really should be dropped from their current position.
No. Just no. It’s just barely turned evening in PST. Where they’re based. “Supposed to have been released already.” No. The amount of wrong in this post is staggering. People are impatient.
That word doesn’t have an insulting tone attached to it. Go read the posts in that locked thread. Talk to me about “Eager” vs “Impatient.” Also, I’m sure she locked the post juuuuust to upset you.
Inb4 all the self-entitlement, rage at Anet for not knowing the exact time, accurate to a minute, when the update will be pushed out. Inb4 people who get mad cause the times are in Pacific time and can’t be bothered to figure out the GMT. Inb4 how Anet is a bad company for whatever reason. Inb4 people being mad because they might not be able to play it tonight, when there’s a whole 9 days afterwards. Inb4 Anet needs to stop pandering to PST people just because their company is based there.
Looking forward to the event and, believe it or not, waiting patiently. (Waiting patiently? What the heck is that?)