Showing Posts For Spider.5347:

Monthly XP achievement frozen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


People of a high level might find it easy but for those of us who haven’t got that far yet it’s a real pain not to be able to get the monthly achievement. Very annoying there is still no eta on this.

Report Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.5347


If i see someone spamming gold or get an email I report them either for spamming or botting – never sure which is actually the right one to use, dunno if adding ‘gold selling’ to the list of reportable options would help?

How to deal with the botters.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.5347


But if it removes them from the general game and increases enjoyability for the rest of us, wouldn’t it be worth it? Interesting suggestion!

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.5347


A lot of good suggestions there – in particular increasing the number of charmable animals in the world and also having different skills you can give your pet.

BUG: Mobs and players suddenly "appearing" (pop-in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


I encountered this issue a lot last night playing WvWvW – was my first time back to PvP since the last Beta weekend (PvE has been keeping me far too busy). At first it was amusing but after not long the play just got impossible with invisible mobs! I was hoping to get into PvP more, as it was something I never quite got a handle on in GW1, but if this problem is going to continue I can’t see me wanting to do much WvWvW.

Has there been any official word on this?

Helms/Masks on log in screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.5347


I agree with this! I’d prefer my character to look as I’ve got it set-up in game (as it was in GW1). This is obviously a minor issue compared to some major things that need fixed, but as already pointed out – given that this forums is for Suggestions (not bug fixes) then it’’s a perfectly valid suggestion given that it irks some people!

Warping *TO* Lion's Arch should be free.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spider.5347


Agree! Good idea!

Ranger's Pets lose names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


I agree it’s probably not really a bug, but it is a bit annoying. Quite surprised this wasn’t something already in (being able to have separate names for ALL pets – if you can do it for 2…why not many!). Hopefully something that will get addressed in the future.

Chinese Character Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


I got something strange like that today with some iron ore – seemed to be after I’d salvaged some equipment, not sure if that had anything to do with it or not.

Saw at least one other person in the map chat (Divinitys reach, desolation server) with the same issue.

Survivor tittle?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Monthly one is bugged yes…unless it’s a design feature for ‘logging out’ to be considered dying :S. It’s a bit annoying there not yet any word on when this might be addressed. Hopefully if it’s not sorted out by the end of this month they’ll at least pick a different achievement for the Oct monthly one – otherwise it’s just plain annoying!

Lifetime Survivor title bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Lifetime and monthly survivor still appear to be bugged. Still no word yet on when this might be fixed

something wrong with the Colors !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


well in the first shot the character is in shadow and the second is in the light so very hard to tell anything. you might need to take the 2nd shot again in shadow to properly compare. Also is one in game and the other on the character screen? that may make a difference?

survivor achievement still bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


bumping this to try and help make them take notice. Obviously there are a lot of things to sort out in the game and hopefully this is somewhere on the list, but lack of acknowledgement is becoming an issue i think…

Monthly Survivor Achievement Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Bump. This is getting beyond a joke. Seriously Anet, please can you just acknowledge you are looking into this! We know it will take time to fix and we’ll deal with that i’m sure. But just have the decency to acknowledge the issue and tell us you’re working on it!

In the meantime…its got to the point that i really don’t want to play any of my chars too much as i feel my achievements aren’t being rewarded. Some people have managed to get the monthly award – good for them. but a lot of us don’t have the time to grind that out…and i thought one of the huge points about this game was to try and remove the grind….on this…so far. fail.

survivor achievement still bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Yup. still bugged and still (as far as i can tell) nothing from anet to say if they are aware and/or fixing it is spoiling the game for me now – feel like i don’t want to go and do stuff.

Lifetime Survivor title bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Yup. Same issue, most annoying thing is the seeming lack of info if this is being worked on or not – same with the monthly achievement

Hide helm option in character selection screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Agree! Is a bit daft this isn’t already done…especially since its exactly how GW1 worked was it not?

Experience Survivor Monthly Achievement Resets Unexpectedly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Spider.5347


Yes, this seemed to have been bugged for quite some time – there have been other threads about it but it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in any of the ‘being worked on’ bugs. I got to 50k the other night then had to log off (to go to bed in order to get up for work in the morning). Log on next time and…zero gets added to the progress. It’s very frustrating. It’s got to the point where it’s stopping me enjoying the game somewhat – I feel i don’t want to go and complete things and make it potentially harder to get the achievement in the future.

The biggest kick in the teeth is that it’s part of the monthly achievement (which I gather are not necessarily always going to be the same every month). In which case, knowing or suspecting the thing was bugged WHY include it! (ok maybe it wasn’t realised how big an issue it was).

I know maybe this doesn’t bother some people but a big part of what I get out of the game is the achievements. Not being able to progress the monthly one is just incredibly irritating, it not seeming to be acknowledged that its an issue that is being worked on is also irritating. I don’t WANT to be irritated at this game! I want to just go play…but this bug is making it harder.