Showing Posts For Stogzlol.4795:

Skyhammer Love

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Skyhammer is a skilled map. That’s why I pull the skilled players to their death from stealth.

I'm back!

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Don’t remove skyhammer. I would have no more use for my thief where I intentionally avoid killing people so I can rip them to their death from my kitten nal of stealth to make dodging futile. Eventually I’ll have 150 games won on a profession I barely know how to play averaging a score of 250+ per game.

The only part of this post that I’m trolling on is the first sentence.

healing signet (venting thread)

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Condi removal is only an issue for condi builds. Healing signet is an issue for all builds.

I don’t play a condi class as main so Healing signet is on my priority list to complain about until something drastic changes.

Except with builds that actually has dps.

I have no idea what you’re trying to say? Builds without condi aren’t dps?

healing signet (venting thread)

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Condi removal is only an issue for condi builds. Healing signet is an issue for all builds.

I don’t play a condi class as main so Healing signet is on my priority list to complain about until something drastic changes.

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

"never had a game with eles that went well"

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


As an ele myself, I really hope anet has more up their sleeve than a minor healing buff next patch. :/

Are Warriors Op?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Warrior is op because it lacks weakness. Period.

Warriors running healing surge are reasonably where warriors should be.

[Spvp] Thief - Shadow Refuge Cooldown.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Mesmers similar ability has half the stealth duration and it’s their elite. It also doesn’t keep you in stealth for ~20 seconds.

[sPvP]Thieves: gameplay, concerns, possible solutions [merged]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


This is purely about damage builds (glass) not bunker necro. You’re not on the same page as the rest of the topic. Representing the validity of this argument is the abundance of thief in spvp.

Thief: "The Black Sheep" (5/8)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Looks like you haven’t gotten any smarter.

Guild Wars 2 was a game with combat designed around the player anticipating an opponent’s moves and appearance by reading the opponent’s actions and gear,

No it wasn’t, otherwise there would be visible casting bars.

then either preparing a plan of attack or actively counter-playing properly after the opponent had engaged.

Then there’s the Thief.

Is that supposed to imply that thieves can’t be actively played against? That certainly seems to be what you’re saying, though in the context of your next statement

The Thief is a profession so innately crippled; with such a one-dimensional and predictable play-style that it requires evasion tanking, blind spamming, direct-to-target teleports and super-high damage on every attack in order to compete with any other class in the game in its only function: kill the selected target. In order to be remotely functional in GW2 combat, the Thief has to break every single rule in the “How to balance combat in GW2” book. This isn’t to say that other classes don’t break these rules in their own ways, but the Thief is founded on breaking those rules, making the entire class a mess that goes against the fundamental conventions that govern balanced GW2 combat.

You seem to be contradicting yourself (not to mention you have no evidence to back up your claims about how the game was designed).

Furthermore, Thief attacks, thanks to their universally high base damage

Empirically incorrect. First of all, thieves have no additional base damage stats; as a matter of fact, all classes have the same base offensive stats. As a result, what we really have to look at are damage coefficients. Let’s use one of the highest weapon coefficients that thief has- 1.5 on LS (we could compare with BS, but there are a ton of attacks that do lots of damage just barely wouldn’t make the list). So let’s see what skills have Standardized Weapon Coefficients greater than 1.35 (90% of LS’ damage)(including multi-hit attacks):


  • Fire Grab
  • Churning Earth
  • Dragon Tooth
  • Phoenix (Explosion)
  • Drake’s Breath
  • Burning Speed
  • Meteor Shower
  • Ice Spike
  • Lightning Surge
  • Eruption


  • Jump Shot
  • Blunderbuss
  • BoB
  • Grenade Barrage
  • Flame Jet
  • Detonate Flame Blast


  • Whirling Wrath
  • Faithful Strike
  • Mighty Blow
  • Smite (at least 5 strikes)
  • Zealot’s Defense
  • Sword Wave
  • SoWrath (explosion)


  • Phantasmal Berkserker
  • Illusionary Warlock
  • Confusing Images
  • Blurred Frenzy
  • Phantasmal Duelist
  • Illusionary Riposte
  • Phantasmal Swordsman
  • Phantasmal Warden
  • Mind Wrack (three clones)


  • Ghastly Claws
  • Life Siphon
  • Life Transfer


  • Maul
  • Counterattack
  • Rapid Fire
  • Barrage
  • Hunter’s Call


  • Backstab (back side)
  • Heartseeker (< 50%)
  • Unload
  • Pistol Whip
  • Cluster Bomb


  • Hundred Blades
  • Rush
  • Arcing Slice
  • Fierce Blow
  • Backbreaker
  • Earthshaker
  • Arcing Arrow
  • Volley
  • Kill Shot
  • Triple Chop
  • Eviscerate (any)
  • Pulverize
  • Counterblow
  • Skull Crack
  • Final Thrust (either)
  • Whirling Axe

And that’s not including AoE pulses or conditions, neither of which thieves have in abundance. Of course, not all of these skills are very good, or hit often enough to always do more damage than LS, but many, many of them deal more damage than LS does anyways (100b only needs to hit a few times to do more damage, for instance), and to act like all of these skills are worse than thief’s skills is, quite frankly, absurd and ignorant. Thieves quite definitively do not have more damage “universally” than other classes do.

All I have to say to this, you made no point comparing thief to other professions with HIGHLY TELEGRAPHED, CASTED and/or CHANNELED, COOL DOWNED abilities to a thief whom is under telegraphed few cast times, few channels and no cool downs.

How to balance classes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


If I may, the balance issue in GW2 is a design issue. It was built too sloppy to even become balanced properly. Couple examples:
- Some classes are built to sustain a fight, others are build to out last and dwindle down. This can never be balanced. Each class needs to be built similarly with an equal chance to survive burst and survive in a long fight. This difference is okay between ROLES (support versus glass versus soldiers) but not class designs.
- there are too many passive benefits that aren’t controlled. Traits that give random procs on “events” make the game unpredictable.
- Similarly there are too many internal cool downs across the board. There is too much to try to remember before it turns to mush and becomes “random events” within a fight.
- there are too many instant attacks. Instant attacks should be brought back a bit in the first place, and additionally there should be a global cool down of at least .5 seconds to prevent unexpected unavoidable and unpredictable bursts or chains of events.
- the game is too evade heavy and prominent. Classes with the best access to avoid damage entirely innately do better than those that simply try to reduce damage taken or out heal it. Weapon evades need to go away, vigor needs to be a 50% increase versus 100%. Of course this would require some rebalancing, I’m just saying why it can’t currently balanced.
- there’s too much clutter.
- burst is too high and glass dies too fast. Bunkers do no damage and can survive practically forever. The defenses and damage output should be closER together, so no fights last forever, and fights never end in under 4 seconds.
- there’s too much AI spawning.
- too much damage on many weapons are placed on the auto attack versus the abilities (Ie warriors axe/axe. There’s no reason axe 2 shouldn’t be hitting substantially harder than auto attacks.)
- resource systems aren’t consistent. You can’t balance thieves with other classes because 7 classes are cool down based, 1 class is entirely resource based. You can get close but these will never feel balanced to anyone.

Stuff like that. Too many inconsistencies, too sloppy. This game will never be balanced, though they may get an"good enough" pseudo balance.

Very accurate post.

The only thing I feel like you are wrong is, “Classes with the best access to avoid damage entirely innately do better than those that simply try to reduce damage taken or out heal it.”

I know what you are getting at with classes running high evasion (thief/ranger), high damage immunity/blocks (engi in particular). However, Warriors being one of the biggest ones, manage to survive through almost sheer healing. Dodging is almost not a necessity for warriors.

Either way, I agree. A lot of variables weren’t taken into consideration when class design first took place in GW2. The unpredictable nature traits, sigils and runes were also a poor choice. One of the biggest issues I’m seeing is a failure to apply strengths with weakness. High damage should be high risk. But its not the case. Conditions shouldn’t be as bursty as raw damage, that is why Necromancer has a high health pool. To survive the slow sustained damage that conditions should be. Condition removal to an excess or not at all.

I feel like the complaining went so far, intended weakness was removed or even intended strengths have been removed. A good example, Ele stripped of its mobility. Vigor up time on crit or on channel isn’t enough to survive. An example of stripped weakness is warrior going from little condi removal to near best.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Thank you for taking that entire post, fixating on one thing, and completely ignoring the rest.

I forgot to include this. “Picking signets for their passive use means you’re limiting yourself in the number of skills you’re going to use, meaning you have to focus more on the few remaining skill slots you have.” Lol

You’re neglecting the fact using the Signet means you’re foregoing more robust healing skills that can do more than just regen, such as refill adrenaline, purge conditions, or act as a damage inverter. It does affect the rest of your gameplay.

Soooo… You think Mending, 5,915 HP and 3 Condi’s on a 20 Second CD has something on Healing Signet? No. Just no. Healing Surge, gives about 2,000 less healing per 30 seconds. Also, that’s only if you save you’re adrenaline to heal which semi eliminates the usefulness of cleansing ire. Again, no. Defiant Stance, sorry, I’m just going to laugh the fact you said it.

You’re also implying that healing skills in other professions are inherently more difficult to pull off correctly. Do you have quantifiable evidence that this is the case?

Not being able to heal under crowd control, cast times, interruptions, and the practice of avoiding damage since we don’t have a constant heal flowing regardless if we are running away.

You want to claim one or the other is better. I simply say they’re differing methods with each offering its own list of pros and cons.

I’m sorry, are you trying to tell anyone on this forum Healing Signet has a heal that is near competitive to the amount of healing received and how it’s received?

Healing Signet already has a decent counter: Poison. Poison applied by an 800 Condition Damage player drops the Signet to 265 healing while doing 164 damage. That 100 healing every second is minuscule compared to normal incoming damage ( not to mention other conditions like bleeding and especially burning. ) In these situations there’s absolutely NO incentive to trigger the signet for a paltry 3.2K heal ( 2.1K if under poison. )

“800 Condition Damage player” I’m sorry I didn’t realize NPC’s were refereed to as “players.” I also wasn’t aware Anet released data such as this NPC has 800 condition damage, in fact, I’m pretty sure they don’t. So this comment is taken in relation to PvP. Additionally, you stated “Healing signet has a decent counter: Poison” I argued it wasn’t with a trait that is not skipped in any warriors build.

Three things here. One, you’re assuming, or at least inferring, that I am a “bad warrior.”

I haven’t met a good warrior who defends Healing Signet.

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

Is Warrior hard to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Is Warrior hard to play?

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Now, for a bit of a rant, to all the people complaining about “set-it-and-forget-it” signets requiring “no skill,” get over yourselves. Just because someone doesn’t want to hit the 6 key every 20 seconds doesn’t mean they’re idiot players with no skill. You can teach a monkey to punch buttons and go through attack progressions, but that doesn’t make it “skill.” Skill is in the mind, not the fingers. Skill is seeing events and situations and being able to react and respond to it. Picking signets for their passive use means you’re limiting yourself in the number of skills you’re going to use, meaning you have to focus more on the few remaining skill slots you have. And in the case of Warriors, the Deep Strike trait rewards you for not activating signets. Really, this whole argument boils down to, “They’re not playing the game the way that I think it should be played, therefore they’re either cheap or a worse player than I am.” Grow up.

There is a level of skill to use your heal properly in situations that warrior doesn’t have. The only skill to Healing Signet is using your mobility skills to make a run for it when the situation starts to get too hot.

Monkey’s can hit buttons, but they aren’t going to be successful in GW2 pvp hitting buttons.

Poisons are not a counter to HS. GS/LB 20/0/20/0/30 (includes cleansing ire), H/LB 0/20/20/0/30 (includes cleaning ire), S/S/LB 0/25/20/10/15, builds will vary more for condi warrior (includes cleansing ire). I don’t know if you’re catching on here, but all primary warrior builds are running cleaning ire for condi clear. Not to include utilities such as Signet of Stamina (total condi clear), Berserker Stance (8 second condi immune), Shake it off! (removes 1 condi, low cool down, can trait for more), how about running lysaa runes with Signet of Rage to include Tactics VI making it a 48 second CD for another total condi removal. These are all common among most or all warrior builds. Warriors should be the last class to complain about conditions and they are not at all a con for warriors.

Bottom line, I’m tired of bad warriors insulting the community and for some reason thinking warriors are hard. Warrior is the lowest skill capped class in PvP. When I play my warrior, the better portion of them in Solo and Team Q can’t bring my health below 90%. Warrior is inherently appealing and easy to play for new players. There is no problem with that. Healing Signet’s active still needs to be toned down or even a complete over haul of the ability.

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Profession Changes

[… stuff]

Our changes for warrior focus on providing telegraphs to stronger skills and to reduce the passive benefit gained from Healing Signet.

  • Healing Signet: Reduced the passive heal by 8%.
    • We’re looking for ways to incentivize using Healing Signet’s active without increasing overall sustain. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
  • Pin Down: Added a telegraph animation to the skill. Increased the cast time from 1/4 second to 3/4 second.

I have an idea for healing signet that harkens back to the GW1 roots:

Passive: heal x HP per second (whatever it is currently healing for), but take double damage from physical attacks (reduce toughness/ armor by x% or x magnitude).

Active: Heal (x * 16) over the next 8 seconds (should be about 6000, so about 1.2k a second), but turns off the double damage. (the reason for x* 16 over 8 seconds is if they take 20% off signets will increase the efficacy of the active).

In this setup the warriors gain no more sustainability, but turns off a negative of the passive. There is also 2 reasons to use the active since it gets rid of double damage and does not give less healing. This should also make some of the other warrior healing skills more appealing by giving healing signet a downside.

I’m not a warrior so keep that in mind as I say this. But the double damage idea is too much. As much as I would like to see healing signet useless, this would be absolute over kill. I don’t think added a debuff to a heal is ideal for any professions heal. Essentially, so proactive play needs to be added to the heal. As I’ve read countless times, HS is rewarding warriors without any skill or effort. Add that skill and effort by making it on hit instead of a steady per second. I am not familiar with every single professions healing options, however, I don’t know of any profession aside from warrior that is gaining hp/s without any proactive effort.

When I wrote double damage that was a reference to the warriors in GW1, a % of toughness reduction or just a flat toughness reduction (say -500 toughness) would work. The Devs could do the math to figure out the best approach. The thing that matters is that having a relatively serious drawback to Healing signet, with an active to get rid of it would turn a passive ability into an active.

Now instead of never hitting that button the warrior would have to choose… hmm now that I have taken 10k damage should I use the active heal to keep me going or just duck and cover to wait things out. Now hitting the button is now an active choice, because hitting the button gives them the same healing power and faster, but with the knowledge that there is going to be some downtime of no heals.

I think Anets goal is to still make the heal desirable, but not OP. What you want would just make warriors use anything but Healing Signet. If they entirely remove the desire to use Healing Signet, warriors will just have one viable heal left; Healing Surge. So again, changing it so it’s not granting HP/s regardless of what the warrior is doing. No other class is granted this luxury. By making it heal on hit, warriors have the potential to still maintain the same level of healing they are currently getting if they can maintain attacks. Stuns, knock downs, knock backs, fears, kiting would effectively stop the warrior attacking for a duration in which the warrior wouldn’t be PASSIVELY receiving heals. In which case, the warrior would possibly be forced into using the active during a situation where the warrior isn’t able to maintain attacks to their target.

Sustained with a downside.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Profession Changes

[… stuff]

Our changes for warrior focus on providing telegraphs to stronger skills and to reduce the passive benefit gained from Healing Signet.

  • Healing Signet: Reduced the passive heal by 8%.
    • We’re looking for ways to incentivize using Healing Signet’s active without increasing overall sustain. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
  • Pin Down: Added a telegraph animation to the skill. Increased the cast time from 1/4 second to 3/4 second.

I have an idea for healing signet that harkens back to the GW1 roots:

Passive: heal x HP per second (whatever it is currently healing for), but take double damage from physical attacks (reduce toughness/ armor by x% or x magnitude).

Active: Heal (x * 16) over the next 8 seconds (should be about 6000, so about 1.2k a second), but turns off the double damage. (the reason for x* 16 over 8 seconds is if they take 20% off signets will increase the efficacy of the active).

In this setup the warriors gain no more sustainability, but turns off a negative of the passive. There is also 2 reasons to use the active since it gets rid of double damage and does not give less healing. This should also make some of the other warrior healing skills more appealing by giving healing signet a downside.

I’m not a warrior so keep that in mind as I say this. But the double damage idea is too much. As much as I would like to see healing signet useless, this would be absolute over kill. I don’t think added a debuff to a heal is ideal for any professions heal. Essentially, so proactive play needs to be added to the heal. As I’ve read countless times, HS is rewarding warriors without any skill or effort. Add that skill and effort by making it on hit instead of a steady per second. I am not familiar with every single professions healing options, however, I don’t know of any profession aside from warrior that is gaining hp/s without any proactive effort.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Healing Signet active won’t be useful until it’s necessary to use it. So if the passive heal remains predominately better than the active, no warrior will use the active.

My suggestion:
Change the passive to healing on hit. Something where players can deprive the warrior to force the use of the active heal.

For example say the 8% reduction beings the heal to 350 hp/s.
The passive would be On hit receive 350 hp at a max rate 350 hp/s.
The the active could then be buffed accordingly and warriors would be achieving the same healing as long as they are able to stay in the fight. An attempt to run would no longer regenerate their hp without being proactive in a fight and the passive being on hit gives classes the chance to force the warrior to use the active be depriving hits while kiting.

A lot of classes are already like this and it would ultimately achieve the desired out come, placing an incentive to use the active.

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


what balance is and every class needs a counter. While warriors have maybe one good counter aside from a better warrior.

Last, stop saying warriors aren’t chosen in teamQ. You are all full of it. Warrior is on nearly every competitive team that has any success in what this game calls e-sports. What kind of warrior?! Hambow! Yes, it’s still that viable in team fights despite all you yoloQ’ers thinking you have experienced all this game has to offer as if you should be hired as a developer.

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


So yes, I just smashed condi warriors like no one’s business. I played it, still do when I get some extremely sub-par solo Q’s who need a heavy to carry some of the dead weight.

Going through some of what I read, in just the first page. Standard warrior vs. mesmer complaints. WHY?! Mesmers will flee with their nuts up to their chest vs a good warrior. Avoid the shatters and find the real mesmer and they stand no chance. See clones making a run for you? Dodge! Want to find the real mesmer, if he isn’t a stealth build. It’s typically very easy, look for the one that’s actually moving. The best mesmers actually move less. Another tip, mitigate their damage with GS (one of the most commonly used mesmer weapons) by getting IN THEIR FACE. Read their weapons tool tip, it’s optimal at distances, not in close combat. Anyone who isn’t playing with other classes to find WEAKNESS is failing themselves because that is simply the nature of excelling in a game. You’re all complaining about telegraphed abilities, kill shot for example. “Whaa, it’s overly telegraphed and easy to dodge.” or “They are cheese mode to kill because they are zerker.” These are two sad defenses for an ability that is a GUARANTEED hit if they don’t dodge. Also, whether a warrior is easy to kill is not determined by their build, it’s determined by skill alone. If you feel like just because your abilities are telegraphed, it’s justifiable, you need to know the feeling of an overly telegraphed ground target ability that does HALF the damage that most people walk out of, they don’t even waste the dodge.

Right now, warriors are in a terrible state of OP. Their strengths in almost complete disregard to weapon choice is effective. Axe/Shield, Axe/Mace, Mace/Shield, Sword/Shield, Sword/Sword, Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow, and Rifle! All very good choices and very effective, the most versatile set of weapons and all effective. If one of you comes at me with a “But Greatsword is…” go look up Anastasis Tactis. Extremely exceptional Greatsword warrior making that weapon effective to its max potential at rank 10 in soloQ. There are great variations of just about every class and weapon set where someone is proving the community wrong with skill and knowledge of the game.

Survivability is absurd at minimum. HS active should be completely reworked to something closer to thief or ele where you have to work for your heals. Not run away to help reset some of your HP passively and so quickly and effectively that 10 seconds of running and you have probably rejuvenated more than the average professions healing ability that would otherwise be on a 30 second CD and not even considering you were receiving those heals during the fight before you took off running so your passive could pick you back up. Effective? Extremely! Fair, not a chance. You should work for your “passive” heal at least.

Do I expect Anet to do anything I say or anything anyone else says to warrior? No. It’s clear Anet is in a spot where they seem to have no idea what balance is or where it is. These minor tweaks will probably continue through future patches until warrior falls down the food chain and someone else becomes the problem. It’s the nature of the beast and it’s all MMO’s.

I would say Anet should be using the point system like the original poster stated. It’s fair, it’s truly

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

Why Warriors Need a Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


First off, I do my best to stay off these forums as much as possible. I don’t like to read the vague misinformed blabbing.

I made it half way through the first page before this topic became difficult to even believe some of these responses are coming from warriors.

I haven’t mained warrior since I was a new born (exaggerating of course). I feel that’s how some warriors act and it makes them feel entitled to this balance disaster because they CHOSE to stand by a profession in poor shape and somehow now Anet is repaying a debt to you for your suffering? What’s the deal?

I started a bunch of characters trying to find a good profession. Coming from more conventional mmo combat systems, getting use to dodging was quite awkward. I ended up choosing warrior after trying virtually every class except ranger. I chose warrior because it was simple, it was good damage and good defense. It was an excellent class to learn the mechanics of the game. It took me time to get into gw2 pvp, especially since I originally had an infatuation with GS despite the fact it wasn’t the best, nor was I. I eventually transitioned to the brain dead M/S and hammer. Quickly getting bored and more veteran players really stomping the inherent predictable nature of the spec. I transitioned to the infamous hambow at its initial up roar of complaints. I once was on the other side of this post defending HS and hambow IGNORANTLY at that. It felt okay and balanced, however, I was a sub-par warrior at the time and no experience in other professions. As dec 10 balance notes were released, my reaction was I better find something else. I went to the even more brain dead condi warrior with exceptionally high healing to damage. The ONLY and I mean only profession that was able to kill me, burst D/P thief because I invested in healing instead of toughness or vitality. I was okay with that because I was and am still able to massacre every other class in the game without any effort; even warriors. Most condi warriors were so bad I would wait for their F1 before I blew mine so I could immediately condi clear and use them as toilet paper. 9/10 warriors are absolute garbage. I am no expert warrior, I simply learned to play an already exceptional build at a higher skill cap than the average warrior. I am not gloating, at this point gloating about a condi warrior is about the same as gloating about killing a up leveled Ele in WvW in a zerg. Not a single class outside of thief can out dps my passive ability to heal.

The point of wasting my time telling you my life story about guildwars is, I was as clueless and frankly indirectly as ignorant about the professions. While I became very efficient at warrior and spent over 1000 hours playing it, I was still ignorant to my own class not knowing what it was like to face a warrior. I actually got sickly bored of slaughtering the map often able to take on 2v1. My condi burst is so insane if I got the average player to blow their condi clears and went for a full reapplication of condi. From there, its a mud slide on the receiving end. My bleed damage ticking for 2k a second not including auto attacks and with imobs coming from traits and abilities, there is really nothing a lot of classes can do to get out. Guardians are seriously my only challenge to keep condi’s on and when its challenging, it means they are hoping back up is coming before I bleed them out slowly because their damage is so pitiful healing signet makes my health seem like he’s tickling me.

Fastest way to 25 skill pts?/Why need to ask?

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


you could buy tomes w/ glory (1 level = 1 skill point)

Let's talk about Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Lol, “Condi Pressure” is listed as longbow only? First and foremost,


Second, are you still stuck on hambow? I’ve seen hambow warriors cut substantially because players are too stupid to realize the build is still viable.

Maybe you’re talking about GS/Longbow? The build that can’t hold down a capture about because about any class out there will put you through a meat grinder if you don’t use the MOBILITY that you are so jealous of.

The last honestly viable spec that isn’t bunker warrior is a Condi warrior which you clearly weren’t talking about since the condi pressure comes from the longbow… Sorry, I’m still laughing.

You obviously don’t play warrior. Thieve’s or should I say good thieves, don’t struggle with warriors. Blinds shut warriors down and our only way to combat blinds effectively is Berserker Stance. Let me guess, you’re the thief that tried to fight through it? Well take notes and press any one of your stealth abilities. Don’t look too hard, you only have 4-5 on any average thief PvP build.

You’ve taken every warrior ability only to pretend every other class is absolutely defenseless. Stability is removed by any half decent mesmer or necro. The 8 second of condi ignore from Berserker stance is enough to keep you alive for 8 seconds before a condi necro, engi or mesmer stack condi’s so fast cleansing ire becomes a joke.

Warriors have more HP because that is pretty much all they have. Healing signet is a sustained heal, it is very susceptible to BURST DMG and any amount of unavoidable pressure. 4 seconds of endure pain if you even run with endure pain, Despite popular belief on this forum 4 seconds is not eternity and if it was so game changing, I’m sorry he pressed it before your burst. Any SKILLED player will avoid your burst damage as YOU should avoid their burst damage. Is perma vigor not enough dodging for you?

Healing signet also does not heal 100% of hp every second. It heals roughly 392 Hp/s which is very sustainable in vs someone who has no dps. Every class in this game “can” potentially make HS worthless since the active use is about as effective as stabbing yourself with a knife after slitting your wrists. Now you actually have to spend time playing the game and less time complaining about a class you don’t play.

Mobility, Hambow has ZERO mobility. GS/longbow, extremely mobile and fairly horrible in sPvP with the lacking ability to hold a point down. Skull crack was nerfed with the highly animated skull crack nerf if you weren’t aware. mace over the warriors head + bright glowing effects = move or hundred blades is going to hurt.

And lets break condi warrior next because…. well… it’s still viable and warriors can’t be viable.

P.S. You arent a bias mesmer. You’re inexperienced and clearly haven’t played warrior as much as you’ve wiki’d them or you’d know how to fight them. I can wiki warrior skills and read tool tips too!

Btw. The math on HS is 392 HP/s coming out to 11,760 HP/30s
Healing Surge is stage 3 9,820 HP/30s.

The warrior has to survive the entire 30 seconds to see that return. In a 1 vs 2, the warrior won’t survive 30 seconds “on a point” (not fleeing across the map with a greatsword) if they aren’t bunkered down. And before you start crying saying they would in a 1v1, the reality is you will approach most fights in soloq 1vX because there is no communication in soloq and this game is not balanced to accommodate 1v1, it is balanced around team fighting.

Elementalists really need help.

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Anet has a suggestion form you can fill out. It’s located in the third stall on the right. There are no guide lines. Just fill out your comments and suggestion, place them in the porcelain suggestion box and push the lever to submit.

(edited by Stogzlol.4795)

Condition Warrior for fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Lol! What skill honestly goes into any class, except for maybe like a fresh air ele that gets 1 shot by everything and doesn’t have the evasion of a Thief. I hear thieves crying that it takes skill, but the stupid influx of thieves across WvW and sPvP says otherwise.

Stereotypical meta builds please

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


A lot of posts saying 30/0/0/10/30 for PvE aren’t entirely wrong. The newest build I’ve stumbled upon putting out much higher numbers than the previous is 30/25/0/10/5. It’s a somewhat selfish build, but the numbers are amazing.

PvP wise, Hambow is the current meta running 0/10/30/0/30. It’s not the best roaming build with a bow on, but a lot of players have been swaping bow for more viable roaming weapons. A lot of players run Sword/Warhorn/Hammer or GS/Hammer for WvW roaming. If you’re just zerging, who honestly cares what your build is.

Another amazing PvP build, especially in sPvP are the Sword/Sword/Longbow condi builds. There are so many variations running around at this point. I’ve personally been using 0/25/15/10/15 w/ Melandru runes. A lot of warriors have been leaning to Lyssa runes lately, however, I just purely enjoy the over all condi reduction from a 48 second minimum condi clear w/ 4 secs of buffs.

Some information regarding the PvE build can be found here:

Suggestion for healing signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


As stated, HS alone is not OP. Most classes can cut a dps warrior like butter. A bunker warrior is meant to survive and costs the warrior a significant portion of their DPS. There is nothing wrong with HS, some warriors don’t enjoy the passive nature. Other warrior heals are currently lacking to an extreme is why HS is so prominent.

Is Spvp too damaged to be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


kitten conquest. That is all.

A simple fix for warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


The longbow F1 ability to hit the ground and not a target is essentially the only ability warriors have to try to deter players from standing on a point to get a cap. Other classes like necro have abilities where standing anywhere near them is more threatening then standing in Combustive shot.

Why do warriors care so much about some minor damage nerfs. Anet already said the nerfs aren’t even that bad, just deterring players from using defensive runes while putting out the damage that a dps runes should. If you need defensive runes and all those stuns, you need to figure something out because hammer won’t be it.

Go try a GS/Longbow build and you’ll see longbow doesn’t carry the hammer at all.

Returning to GW2 today

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Go try the awesome new Tequatl Rising event, you’ll quit again in no time.

Who thinks this is impossible?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


This is just stupid. I showed up at Teq and got 1-shotted twice before I could even figure out what was going on.

Good job Anet. Waiting on TESO.

Well, Anet anticipated this so they kindly made revival part of the daily.

Also, Contesting the way point was a fantastic idea. Way to encourage players NOT to run back after dying just to immediately die again. In other words, even the players that weren’t AFK, are now AFK because it’s just a waste of time. 8 more days of this garbage kitten event and I get some nice wings! Yay!