Showing Posts For Strikerjolt.5910:

Making free gear. (Heavy classes only!)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


:D. Thanks. I just like helping people out.

Making free gear. (Heavy classes only!)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Hi, I am currently sitting on 386 armorsmithing.
Instead of buying mats until 400 I decided to do something for the community.
I will be making gear for anyone one who can supply with the mats for them, and that’s it. No extra gold, no nothing.

I’m only doing this until level 400 armors mith though.

I will also make bags for anyone who can apply me with the gold to buy the rune, and the ingot/ore amount. No extra cost.

My character name is Valen Moonstriker.
I’m generally on all the time so just whisper me, or if you prefer just mail me the mats with a list of items you want.
It has to be mats, I will not accept Money to pay for the mats.

Whoever order gets me to 400 will get a free exotic piece of their choice.

(edited by Strikerjolt.5910)

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Rustler. If you don’t enjoy melee combat with the warrior try a Rifle for single combat, and long bow for AoE they both excel in the areas. You have range options, and they are great!

I usually long bow the mobs, and if they reach me I switch over to my greatsword, and hundred swords them to death.

Necro or Ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Coffe is right.
o: I wouldn’t mind being your buddy if were on the same server. Who knows maybe you’ll enjoy a support role, and i’m always looking for new friends.

Choosing A Class/Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I played a Guardian up to 80. It was really nice, and fun until the big nerf they made for pvp purposes. (I don’t understand why they can’t separate skills for pve, and pvp they did it in the first one!) So now the Guardian at the moment is all screwed up for me. BUT before the 7th it was fun, and easy. But it’s only one gameplay style… greatsword. That’s really it they’re not as viable as other classes are due to their traits set up. I don’t understand Guardian Traits.. the bonuses are strange.

Warrior. I am correctly playing a warrior, and it’s basically pressing the easy button. Which Is what I look for. I play games to relax, and unwind.. not worry about game life. You know? But the warrior seems great.. It has SO many different play styles. Single target damage range with a rifle, or AOE damage with a long Bow, and they do both in the best ways possible. Hammer is great for crowd control, and knocking down the mobs. Double Axes are also great to wipe out 5 mobs with the 5 skill.
The Warrior has a lot to offer, and should be explored more then just.. 10 levels.
It’s a really deep class, and design well.. I hope they don’t nerf it for pvp, or I am quitting the game.

Thief. Alright I HATE the thief. I played it up until level 57. I was dying left, and right to the point my repair bills were costing me more than I was making. I know everyone says. “Shortbow kite, noob” but.. that’s not how I like to play. Thief is not a class that’s for pve. I’m sure people figured how good build pve, and truthfully I didn’t much research into the class. I do that now. I try to research a class, and build the spec online before trying it out. But even still Thief sounds like it’s not a pve class. (Although someone can prove me wrong probably)

I haven’t played the other classes as much. I hope this helps.

Defektive's tPvP Build - "Avalanche"

in Warrior

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Holy kittens! I love this build.

Ranger Pets - Suggestions and Much Needed Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I always wished that Pets were more then what they made out to be. I would love to see them have their own trait tree, and more skills.

A couple (realistic) suggestions to improve gameplay

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I like how in WoW you could link your profession in the chat bar so people can tell you weren’t scamming them, and it also told you what they had to make, and how much mats is needed. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Please return to Split PVE & PVP Skill Design

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


This thread needs to be bumped all the time, every minute, of every day. The Devs at Arena Net MUST do this so they don’t ruin the pve side of the game.

I personally only pvp with my clan, or when I get bored of doing pve. So if this game pve side is ruined I will probably quit this game. I LOVE this game. I would buy a second copy of Guild Wars 2 if it came out in single player. That’s how much I love it.

With the new nerf to Guardian I am afraid they will nerf all classes like that so pvp will maintain balance. ( Totally agree with the nerf to Guardian pvp side just not the pve issues)

Arena Net must do this so they don’t ruin my game-play experience during the game. (Or anyone elses who just enjoys the pve side of the game) I find it so unacceptable that they did this in GW1, but not GW2.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Thanks for agreeing.
I totally agree.
Some skill changes can render classes useless in their play style.
I’m re-rolling a Warrior for main class now, because my Guardian isn’t as effective in PVE due to this update. I find it ridiculous that I need to re-roll entire character, because of a nerf.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


I’m not sure if ArenaNet does this, or not.
But I think that skills should be balanced for pvp, and pve separately.

This would fix a lot of problems, and just because they change something for pvp it wouldn’t effect pve status.
Tonight Guardian’s “change” was horrible. Guardian as it stood for a PVE stand point was fine, it was better than fine. It was GOOD.
I don’t want okay, I don’t want fine, I want GOOD builds, skills, and weapon skills for PVE like how the Guardian was.

I honestly worry that Arena Net will nerf classes, skills, weapons skills, and or traits because they are good because of pvp.

But if they balanced things separately they wouldn’t ruin the good builds in PVE.

Bomb dropping bandits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


Yes I dodge the bombs. I only get so many dodges. When you have two bombers, you don’t have enough endurance to dodge two at a time.

And Yes this is from Brisbain wildlands.

This is such a stupid mechanic.

Bomb dropping bandits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strikerjolt.5910


These bandits are way too annoying for me.
I can’t even kill a mob with one of these things following me. Let a lone have TWO have them on you.

They really need to be removed from the game. The’yre not hard, the’yre not fun, and they’re just annoying.

Okay, they don’t have to be removed from the game. But they really should be changed to make it less annoying.

(edited by Strikerjolt.5910)