Showing Posts For Tachenon.5270:

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If you’re arguing against those who hold that anet was wrong to choose to not deliver what they advertised, then you’re arguing in favor of anet not delivering what they advertise. You are, in essence, arguing in favor of anet not delivering what YOU pay for someday.

Why would you do that?

Because the content is worth paying for. I recognize that I didn’t ONLY pay for one singular feature when I got HoT.

That doesn’t answer the question I asked, but whatever. No, you didn’t pay for one singular feature, you paid for ALL OF IT. Which is precisely what you didn’t get.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If you’re arguing against those who hold that anet was wrong to choose to not deliver what they advertised, then you’re arguing in favor of anet not delivering what they advertise. You are, in essence, arguing in favor of anet not delivering what YOU pay for someday.

Why would you do that?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If your grocer charges you for a dozen eggs but only gives you eleven, then says he’s indefinitely suspending the selling of eggs because it’s better than he should use his chickens for chicken noodle soup, then refuses to even talk to you about it, much less offer any sort of compensation for the egg you didn’t get, would you continue to shop at his store? Would you recommend his store to your friends? Would you warn your friends about this grocer’s business practices?

If your grocer advertises a special of bogo cans of green beans, then tells you they can’t deliver them, they often do a couple things to try and make up for it: rain check for when it comes back (‘indefinitely postpone’), corn as a substitute (increased LW production), or refund. If you no longer trust the store, and hate their business practices, then you’re gunna wind up leaving in any case and not shop there again no matter what they do… so a refund is certainly acceptable: you walk away with your money back, and they don’t get it.


Why do you care more about anet than the customers who paid for something anet isn’t going to give them?

Nothing you can read there should give you the impression there is more care for customer than Anet. You’re just looking for an argument.

I think you read that backwards…

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If your grocer charges you for a dozen eggs but only gives you eleven, then says he’s indefinitely suspending the selling of eggs because it’s better than he should use his chickens for chicken noodle soup, then refuses to even talk to you about it, much less offer any sort of compensation for the egg you didn’t get, would you continue to shop at his store? Would you recommend his store to your friends? Would you warn your friends about this grocer’s business practices?

If your grocer advertises a special of bogo cans of green beans, then tells you they can’t deliver them, they often do a couple things to try and make up for it: rain check for when it comes back (‘indefinitely postpone’), corn as a substitute (increased LW production), or refund. If you no longer trust the store, and hate their business practices, then you’re gunna wind up leaving in any case and not shop there again no matter what they do… so a refund is certainly acceptable: you walk away with your money back, and they don’t get it.


Why do you care more about anet than the customers who paid for something anet isn’t going to give them?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If your grocer charges you for a dozen eggs but only gives you eleven, then says he’s indefinitely suspending the selling of eggs because it’s better than he should use his chickens for chicken noodle soup, then refuses to even talk to you about it, much less offer any sort of compensation for the egg you didn’t get, would you continue to shop at his store? Would you recommend his store to your friends? Would you warn your friends about this grocer’s business practices?

You can spin it, whitewash it, excuse it however you like, place your bet and your faith and your cash squarely on a couple of wiggle words, but that won’t change the fact that if you bought HoT, you didn’t get what you paid for.

Anet took your money, and didn’t deliver what they advertised.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


And, if you think they’re villains, why are you bothering hanging around in their forums after you’ve made your position clear time and again?

Perhaps because there are individuals among us who, for reasons known only to them, seem determined to whitewash (see also: obscure, obfuscate, hide) the fact that Anet took their customers’ money and then decided they didn’t have to deliver what those customers paid for. Among these individuals are those who exhibit a curious tendency to go to great lengths in their singular attempts to disparage the feelings of those who have come here to express their displeasure about not receiving what they paid for.

One would almost think these individuals were motivated by feelings of guilt, but such would surely be beyond the realm of reason.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


You come across to me as too angry to even consider what anyone else has to say contrary to your rage, but what the heck…

Anet cast themselves in the role of villain by making the decision to not deliver what was advertised, and what people paid for.

No, you cast them as a villain because you don’t agree with their decision. The world is full of a lot more grey areas than we’re taught there are as children.

Us vs Them anger may or may not help, but Us meekly accepting it tells Them they can do it to Us again whenever they feel like it.

I’ve seen no one in this thread “meekly accept” anything. I’ve seen people trying to maturely and reasonably discuss why such a decision was made. I’ve seen people raging and threatening legal action. I’ve seen people utilize their agency and let people know what they are going to do in response. I’ve seen a lot of people just venting their frustrations. Are you just saying that anyone who doesn’t agree with your position is “meekly accepting” what happened? /rhetorical

They can do what’s in their legal bounds to do whenever they feel like. If you disagree what those legal bounds are, go talk to a lawyer. If you don’t accept their decisions, go play another game. You have the freedom to not play the game if you don’t like decisions the company makes… exercise it if you want… you can’t directly control the company, and you can’t directly control the other players, but you CAN set the example for yourself and live up to your ideals. Vote with your wallet.

Don’t try to make this the customers’ fault. This is on anet. No one else.

I never claimed the decision of ANet ceasing work on legendary weapons the fault of the customer. Unreasonable demands and non-constructive rage in response to this decision is the fault of the customer. Anger is expected, but reason needs to win out.


Regardless of how you perceive my posts, the fact of the matter remains: anet took money for something they decided to not deliver.

Is it not so?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Villainizing ANet for this decision may help some people to justify their rage/anger/hatred over the decision… but it also keeps those same people from seeing other parts of the picture and come to a reasoned decision about what they wish to do in response. Us vs Them anger helps no one.


Anet cast themselves in the role of villain by making the decision to not deliver what was advertised, and what people paid for.

Us vs Them anger may or may not help, but Us meekly accepting it tells Them they can do it to Us again whenever they feel like it.

Don’t try to make this the customers’ fault. This is on anet. No one else.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I see the circular arguments are still going strong in this thread with the same 5-6 people shouting down anyone who has a different opinion to them. ANet are not going to change there minds folks.

Probably not. I just want people to understand that by accepting this, by excusing this, by condoning this, they are showing anet, and any other company that may be watching, that they won’t mind if this sort of thing happens again. I want them to understand that if it happens again, it will be nobody’s fault but their own, because they will have already given it their stamp of approval. Right here and now.

Regardless, the fact remains, and no amount of prevarication or obfuscation will change it: anet took money for something they decided they didn’t have to deliver.

I happen to think that decision was not only wrong, but unethical, and that anet should be held accountable, and that anet should either reverse that decision and deliver what was advertised or offer some other form of compensation to those that bought the unfinished product, and if they won’t do either of those things, then I have to wonder: why should anyone trust them ever again?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


A full refund across the board is unreasonable.

Why? And why should those affected by anet’s decision to not deliver what was paid for care about what you think is unreasonable, or even what anet may think is unreasonable?

Was anet taking people’s money for something not delivered a reasonable thing for them to do?

If a refund or other form of monetary compensation is not possible, then what about the actual delivery of the content advertised? Do you find this unreasonable as well?

Is letting anet (or any company) do this to their customers — and get away with it — the only reasonable thing to be done?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Some players are not pleased. The majority of players will never own a legendary.

Irrelevant. Anet took money for something they advertised and didn’t deliver. Do you want that to become a habit?

On the other hand there are things we got which were not advertised (not specifically now with HoT but with core game as well). It is tricky to start to count things because if one want compensation for unreleased promised things, then we should pay a compensation for released unpromised things.
I think this will just put Anet to their previous behavior of being secretive about what they’ll release with next expansion and only talk about ready-to-ship things.
But let’s just be honest for a second, if HoT would have only set 1 precursor crafting advertised, who wouldn’t have bought the expansion just because “no new legendary”? People having decided to buy the expansion just because of the new weapons must be far less numerous than the amount of posters in this thread. It doesn’t cancel their bad advertisement, but it is certainly not the sole reason for spending money on HoT.
They could just have emphasized the crafting feature and say “oh and by the way we have 4 new legendaries included, have fun… maybe later there will be more but for now we don’t talk about it”.
Basically we never feel robbed or betrayed for things we don’t know we could have had… so expect a long time of no promises and just discoveries of what they have decided to ship….

Interesting, but still irrelevant. Anet took money for things they specifically advertised but have now decided to not deliver. If you don’t feel ‘robbed or betrayed’ now, how will you feel if they do it again? Especially considering that your current acceptance of such behavior is an open invitation for it to happen again.

People: do you want this to become standard operating procedure?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Some players are not pleased. The majority of players will never own a legendary.

Irrelevant. Anet took money for something they advertised and didn’t deliver. Do you want that to become a habit?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Should they be willing to give partial refunds, the big dilemma is how does ANet distinguish between those who bought HoT primarilly for the legendaries and those who’d just want a partial refund ‘cause it’s being handed out?

Why even ask such a question? Why people bought HoT is irrelevant.

What is relevant and what cannot be denied is this: Anet took money for something they advertised and didn’t deliver. Therefore, any refund given should be given to everyone who bought HoT, because everyone who bought HoT didn’t get what anet told them they would get for their money.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Right … making a mistake, recognizing a bad business decision and stopping low-value development now equates to immaturity.

The bad business decision was taking people’s money and then deciding not to give them what they paid for. Whether or not it’s immature is irrelevant; it most certainly is unethical.

Do you not agree? Will you give them money in the future, knowing that you might not get what you paid for?

I don’t see how it’s unethical at all and I don’t agree. Anet intended to deliver that content and even attempted to do so in good faith. It’s just not working out for them.

Will you give them money in the future, knowing, as you do, that if whatever you’ve paid for ‘just isn’t working out for them’ to deliver, not only will you not get whatever it is, but they will also keep your money?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Right … making a mistake, recognizing a bad business decision and stopping low-value development now equates to immaturity.

The bad business decision was taking people’s money and then deciding not to give them what they paid for. Whether or not it’s immature is irrelevant; it most certainly is unethical.

Do you not agree? Will you give them money in the future, knowing that you might not get what you paid for?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


You know, if refunds, full or partial, are out of the question, they could come back and say,

“Dear valued customers,

“We’ve reviewed and renewed our commitment to giving you, the paying customer — the very foundation of our continued existence — what you paid for. We value your patronage, and hope that you will continue to purchase our future exciting projects in good faith, without any lingering fears or doubts as to our ability — or intent — to deliver them in full. To that end, work has recommenced on the remaining legendary weapons. We will complete this endeavor before moving on to future projects.

“Thank you for your patience and support.”

How about that?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I don’t know how they’d go about doing that, but here’s hoping for you.

Nay, hope not for me. Hope instead for everyone who bought HoT and wound up paying for anet’s mistake.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Sure, we can request a refund for HoT, but it’s not actually possible to return and get a refund for the expansion.

If not a full refund, then some other form of compensation. Say, $50 in gems. Or a code for 50% off the next over-priced ‘expansion’.

There should be some form of recompense. Something besides a few figurative wrist slaps on the forums. Otherwise, why should they care? They got away with it last time, right? Why not again?

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


What the hell could you possibly say to some of these people? lol

How about “Sorry, here’s your money back.”

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


OR … you’re just not giving a team of experienced, educated people who have significant interest in making GW2 successful the benefit of the doubt that they just MIGHT have a clue what they are doing!

Benefit of the doubt. Hmm. There’s no doubt they took people’s money for things they’ve subsequently decided it’s okay to not deliver, and that they are now focusing on new things which they will want us to buy in the future.

Clue: hell, no.

The table is a fable.

Getting the expansion but pricing?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


That said. The expansion isn’t worth 50$ so far.

Your opinion only. I paid $100 for the ultimate edition and have not been disappointed at all. I do not regret the $100 for it. So again it is your opinion, stop trying to push your opinion as the only correct version.

At any price, you’re not getting what you paid for.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I think if anet (and Mr. O’Brien) really wanted to make this right, they’d give everyone who bought HoT a full refund, no ifs ands or buts, without taking anything back, and furthermore they’d give HoT to everyone else, free.

I also think it would be good for Mr. O’Brien (and anet) if he hand delivered the refunds in person, so that he could meet the people who trusted anet (and him) to deliver what was advertised (and what they paid for), so that he could look them in the eye as he apologized for doing them wrong, and perhaps at long last finally understand that they are people, and not metrics, or whales, or accounts, or $$$, or whatever other abstract nonsense term he/anet might employ in reference to them.

I don’t think either of those things will happen.

The table is a fable.

Bog Otter's take on Legendary Suspension.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


It doesn’t matter or not if Anet has the numbers. What matters are the numbers Anet gave us which is 16 new legendaries hidden behind another important number which was 50 dollars minimum U.S. currency for the expansion.

Besides Anet already knew long before HoT the numbers of people with legendaries and decided to do this anyway. Now that HoT hasn’t had the reception they thought now they are rushing another expac at the expense of promised HoT features.

Exactly. Anet is doing what they think is best for the good of the game, not the good of what is likely a very small percentage of the player base. It’s a business decision. They have as much responsibility to the majority than the do to any minority, no matter what was printed on the box.

But isn’t that what they’ve been doing all along — starting with ascended gear back in November of 2012 and on through to the NPE and the trait system revamp(s) and now this mess with HoT — doing what they think is best for the good of the game?

Isn’t their ‘doing what they think is best for the good of the game’ the very thing that has brought us to this latest mess in a long line of messes?

I can’t help but think that they may be in need of some new thinkers.

The table is a fable.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


this is not about us shipping half an expansion pack.


Yes, it is. Especially considering the price.

I don’t care about legendaries. I don’t want more ‘Living World’ nonsense.

I want a NEW CAMPAIGN. I want an Arenanet that can put out huge chunks of content like that, in a relatively short amount of time, like in the days of the original Guild Wars.

Too bad for me, I guess.

The table is a fable.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


So, what the hell do people expect, a solar system to explore?

For an ‘expansion’ that costs almost as much as the game cost at launch, I expect almost as much content as the game had at launch.

The table is a fable.

Post your first screenshot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Here’s my first GW2 screenshot, featuring my oldest GW2 character, a thief, created on 09/01/2012 right around 11:30 PM. This one was also my first 80, and my first to reach 100% world completion, but since accomplishing those things I’ve not played her much, and the thief is one of two professions I don’t have two of on my main account.


The table is a fable.

Any MMOs similar to GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I’ll add my recommendations for TSW and Guild Wars. Great concepts, great game play, great settings.

The table is a fable.

Why do all the mentors die?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If GW2 had actual tanks, and these hypothetical tanks had taunt abilities, and the mentors were all tanks…


There were more than enough risen outside to pose a serious threat to anyone (unprotected by plot armor) trying to get to the docks. Fortunately, all we had to do was trot casually by them, and ‘get to the clippah!’ The mentors could have trotted by them, as well. As for the risen inside, if the gate proved to be an impediment, they could have just run up the steps and jumped off the walls in their hot pursuit, it’s not like they cared if they lived or died or landed on their heads or stepped on each others toes.

As for the dragon, well… it could fly. Walls, gates, whatever = meh. Three mentors? One good fear would send them all running off the nearest cliff.

Mentor sacrifice = melodramatic nonsense. All survivors, mentors and whoever, should have made a mad dash for the miracle ship, which miraculously hadn’t been destroyed by either the risen outside the fort, or the dragon, and which, once we were safely on board, sailed away unhindered by any risen ships, which miraculously never bothered to surround the island but kept on that one side for reasons which make no sense whatsoever, so they couldn’t even hurl stuff at us with those wacky dragon finger catapult thingees. Tremendous tactical error on the part of whoever planned that assault. He or she should have been court-martialed afterward.

Maybe that’s what saved us: there were no military tacticians in Tyria for Zhaitan to assimilate. So his forces just bumbled along, same as us, and we just happened to get lucky.

Yeah, and Zhaitan should’ve just sent a flight of dragons north and steamrolled Lion’s Arch and Kryta.

That’d make for a fun story!

I agree. That would have lent itself well to the notion that humans were on the way out — because it would be true! And for everyone else, a clear signal: no time for such trivial pursuits as cow catapulting — Zhaitan is invading, and there are at least five more Elder Dragons just as bad as him out there somewhere! They’re not fiddle-farting around waiting for everyone to talk about maybe joining forces…. if we can all get along, and stuff.

Cause you know, I actually did think about that for a fanfic setting once. I basically came up with if Tequatl attacked DR, it couldn’t do much to stop him. BC would have the best chance because of all the cannons and tanks.

That would be the only acceptable excuse for what happened to the Cantha district.

The amount of Risen on the way to the boat was not as bad as all the rising swarming into the courtyard (which the gate halted their advance briefly, which was all that was needed).

Which was, as I mentioned, a tactical error on the part of whoever devised the assault on Claw Island. They could have had the entire island surrounded before showing themselves. That’s what I would have done, and I’m just a danged MMO player. Any escape from Claw Island should have been a matter of slipping away as quietly as possible. Now, if the mentors just HAD to die, it should have been while doing something meaningful, instead of suicidal. Like, say…

Mentor: Well, poop. It’s all over unless… hey, you! Kid. Get these wounded guys to that little fishing boat we saw back there, and prepare to weigh anchor. No heroics!

Us: But beloved mentor, aren’t you coming with us?

Mentor: Not yet. I have a plan. You go on now, I’ll join you shortly.

/e surreptitiously winks at Trahearne

Us: Heck, no! I’m coming with you, beloved mentor!

Mentor: Shut up and do what I say. /e mentor glare

Us: Okay, but then we’re coming back for you!

Mentor: kitten kids.

/e dramatic cutscene showing mentor & soldiers fighting their way to the signal beacon thingee, which we see light up just as we reach the ship.

Trahearne: He did it! That crazy son of a bleep did it!

Us: You knew? You walking talking rutabaga! I’m going back for my beloved mentor!

Trahearne: Nope. You’re needed in LA.

/e bonk on the head

Results: mentor = dead/actual big kitten hero whose noble and selfless sacrifice actually accomplished something. Us = no longer the raw recruit, but seasoned by battle and terrible loss, ready to fill our beloved mentor’s shoes.

IIRC, as SOON as your ship lands the Risen are already attacking LA/about to and you have to rush to the defense immediately.

Us (sad but in awe of our mentor’s heroic endeavors) to risen in LA: Hello. I am so and so. You killed my mentor. Prepare to die.

The table is a fable.

Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.

Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.

You’re being over-dramatic. Of course missing a deadline would be worse! Anet has no obligation to give a deadline. Well, had: they better give one relatively soon, since some people already purchased HoT.

Nope, not being dramatic at all. Missing a deadline? Sure, it would be worse if they didn’t tell us they were going to miss it until, ya know, after the fact. Before, though — ‘Hey, guys, we tried, but we’re not gonna make it! Here’s our projected new release date. If we miss this one, you can point at us and laugh, and we’ll all have a grand old time.’

The table is a fable.

Why do all the mentors die?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


If GW2 had actual tanks, and these hypothetical tanks had taunt abilities, and the mentors were all tanks…


There were more than enough risen outside to pose a serious threat to anyone (unprotected by plot armor) trying to get to the docks. Fortunately, all we had to do was trot casually by them, and ‘get to the clippah!’ The mentors could have trotted by them, as well. As for the risen inside, if the gate proved to be an impediment, they could have just run up the steps and jumped off the walls in their hot pursuit, it’s not like they cared if they lived or died or landed on their heads or stepped on each others toes.

As for the dragon, well… it could fly. Walls, gates, whatever = meh. Three mentors? One good fear would send them all running off the nearest cliff.

Mentor sacrifice = melodramatic nonsense. All survivors, mentors and whoever, should have made a mad dash for the miracle ship, which miraculously hadn’t been destroyed by either the risen outside the fort, or the dragon, and which, once we were safely on board, sailed away unhindered by any risen ships, which miraculously never bothered to surround the island but kept on that one side for reasons which make no sense whatsoever, so they couldn’t even hurl stuff at us with those wacky dragon finger catapult thingees. Tremendous tactical error on the part of whoever planned that assault. He or she should have been court-martialed afterward.

Maybe that’s what saved us: there were no military tacticians in Tyria for Zhaitan to assimilate. So his forces just bumbled along, same as us, and we just happened to get lucky.

The table is a fable.

Guild Wars 2 HoT Release Date? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Anet doesn’t like to disappoint fans and if they announce it and have to push it back they would like to avoid that.

Anet’s reticence on such matters is far more disappointing and damaging than missing a deadline would ever be. Obviously, whoever is calling the shots doesn’t care.

The table is a fable.

Captain Gnashblade, our living story sham

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Ellen ‘Boom Boom’ Kiel just likes to watch things burn. Gnashblade was the right choice. The logical choice. I suspect the ballot boxes were rigged.

The table is a fable.

Why do all the mentors die?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Even so, what purpose did their self-sacrifice serve? There were risen already on the other side of the gate, between us and the ship (which, if the risen had had any kind of actual leadership, should have been secured or destroyed). Why make a big melodramatic stand at the gate, when all they had to do was shut the gate (like it really mattered) then run, run, run, and live to fight another day?

I’ve covered this before — wrote an alternate scenario — because this one makes no sense.

The table is a fable.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270



The table is a fable.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I spent 99.99 plus tax today for the Heart of Thorns expansion and I have spent thousands of dollars on Gems from day one until now and do not regret a moment of it. I enjoy this game so much and has brought me and family together for quality game time together. I wish people would try and think about the purchase as a way of supporting the company and brand rather then focusing on what the rest of the genre is doing or has done. I am just pointing out that it is a matter of perspective and how much you really want to support the brand. I think in the long run including the core game as part of the Heart of Thorns is going to save many head aches for the company and the players.

I showed my support when I bought the original Guild Wars and each subsequent campaign and the expansion TWICE, along with extra characters slots and other things.

I showed my continuing support when I bought GW2, and gems (for character slots), and then a second GW2 account. But after all the stuff and nonsense Anet has put us through since GW2’s launch, like the non-seasonal temporary content vanishware that was LS1, the first trait system redesign, and the NPE, among other things, I’m not feeling inclined to be supportive any more.

The table is a fable.

Why do all the mentors die?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


It’s all for naught anyway, the risen are already on the other side of the silly gate. We could have just shut the kitten thing, and then our mentors could have made a run with it along with the rest of us. But, no-o-o-o-o-o-o.

The table is a fable.

Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Given that they threw humans a small bone with the Ascension rituals redux, I’d bet they continue to throw out bigger and bigger bones if the playerbase whines enough about that.

that last sentence sound weird. :/

Future Guardian Elite spec: Bonethrower; uses a dagger (boning knife) and can summon the skeletons of the unrighteous, which serve as minions. Or maybe bonewhiner. I can’t decide, both are so good.

The table is a fable.

Why do all the mentors die?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Because melodrama.

The table is a fable.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Eins, zwei, one, two, drei, vier!

Hey! Dragonhunter!
Watch it now, watch it!
Here it comes, here it comes!
Watch it now, he get ya!

Mattie told Hattie
About a thing she saw
Had been stepped on
By a dragon’s paw
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Yeah, that’s right
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter

Hattie told Mattie
“Come on, we should go
‘Cause he’s out huntin’ dragons
With a danged old bow.”
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter

Watch it now, watch it, watch it, watch it!
Aeeee! Hey! Hunt, hunt, hunt!

Mattie told Hattie
“Here’s what I will do:
If you pre-order HoT
I’m gonna laugh at you!”
Dragonhunterrrrr! Dragonhunter
Dragonhunter, dragonhunter, dragonhunter

Watch it now, watch it, here it comes!
You got it, you got it!

The table is a fable.

(edited by Tachenon.5270)

About these specializations...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I see talk about how little we’re allegedly getting with HoT, but I feel we’re getting more than meets the eye.

Large, shapeshifting, artifically-intelligent golems, maybe?

The table is a fable.

Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Not to mention all the other potential uses of waypoint technology: from garbage disposal, sewage solutions, construction, heck — terraforming — to advanced medical treatments, military applications, and more. This is game changing stuff here. We are witnessing the birth of a genuine technological revolution. All that’s needed is someone with some imagination to start applying this tech creatively, proactively, and more importantly, of course, profitably.

The table is a fable.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


See what HoT is doing it rewriting the way the game is played, in everything from specializations to masteries.

In other words, once again they’re wasting time and resources trying to reinvent the wheel (square didn’t work, so why not try triangular) when all we (that is, everybody but a couple of people here) really want are more roads to travel, more places we’ve never been to, and more stuff to do when we get there.

To heck — heck, I say — with rewriting the kitten game. Again.

The table is a fable.

Can the Community Team Refrain from Politics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I figure it’s none of my business who loves who or who marries who. I just want some of my GW2 characters to have a kitten pony. Why is that so wrong? Why? Where is it written, thou shalt not rideth upon a mount, yea, especially should that mount increase thy speed in travel, lest ye game be mistaken for WoW?

The table is a fable.

Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


This reminds me of the story ‘Reunion’ by Arthur C. Clarke.

The table is a fable.

Lore concerns with the new Lions Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I was just sitting here thinking, this could be the way to defeat the dragons. Lure them into mass mover waypoint traps, and send them… I dunno, out into spaaaace!

Or just destabilize the annular containment beam and let their atoms fly and be free.

Or, store them in some sort of waypoint matrix pattern holding device (see the ‘Relics’ episode of ST:TNG in which Scotty stores himself in a transporter pattern buffer until he’s rematerialized and rescued 75 years later).

Waypoint Technology — Pointing the Way to the Future!

The table is a fable.

Lore concerns with the new Lions Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Entrance to LA from Icegate Waypoint in Genndaran Fields doesn’t exist.

Whoa, now that you mentioned it.
They not only closed it off, they just palced a new mountain there, as if it never existed.
To top it off they put a full grown tree there.

I’ll tell you how they moved mountains: waypoint technology, adapted for the task at hand! Creative and ingenious waypoint technicians set up a network of specialized mass moving waypoint units around, under, and inside the mountain, and when everything was ready, POOF! I imagine it’s not too dissimilar to the procedure used by demolition experts when they rig a building to collapse, only the waypoint guys aren’t demolishing, but moving stuff.

Full grown tree? Pfft. With enough mass moving waypoint units, they could plant the Pale Tree her own dang self smack dab in the middle of LA!

The table is a fable.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


So dragonhunter is really good at killing dragons?
So If i choose to be that on my guardian and I am in Arah I will be the best at killing Zhaitan?

No, no better at killing them, but when it comes to hunting them, your guardian will be unsurpassed. A dramatization:

Dragonhunter: There was a dragon here. Recently.

Ranger: Oh, my gosh. How do you know?

Dragonhunter: Well, first there’s this 20’ wide footprint we’re standing in, and then there’s that thing that looks like a giant pancake smothered in cherry syrup.

Ranger: Oh, yeah, what is that?

Dragonhunter: That’s Jethro Bowstring, one of my dragonhunter brethren. I saw him not an hour ago in LA looking for a public restroom. A most skilled and resourceful fellow.

Ranger: Amazing!

Dragonhunter: Yes, quite. Given the freshness of Jethro’s remains, the dragon may still be in the vicinity. Shall we proceed?

Ranger: You go on ahead, I’m going to waypoint back to LA. I, ah, think my pet needs to be spayed and/or neutered.

Dragonhunter: Oh, is that why it keeps humping my leg.

(Nearby sound of trees snapping like, ah, you know, twigs, or whatever.)

Ranger: Sure! Bye, now! Happy hunting!


Dragon (landing): ROAR! (Translation: Be vewwy, vewwy quiet! I’m hunting dwagonhuntews!)

Dragonhunter: Wait up, friend Ranger! I just remembered, I need to be spayed and/or neutered, too!

The table is a fable.

Speculation: Don't let ele spec be warhorn!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Most warhorns are huge bulky things with clunky designs to differentiate one wide-flared curved cone from another.

It would be cool if eles could have like these 10’ long (human scale) warhorns , you know, that go ROOOO, and can also be used as, like, polearms, and then after each battle they could run around dispensing herbal cough drops. That would be cool.

The table is a fable.

Which parts of the lore annoy or depress you?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270



There’s something in the water!

That wasn’t there 250 years ago. Could something in the environment cause such radical changes in skin tone of the general populace in such a relatively short time? Besides magic, that is…

Danged magic, gets in everything.

The table is a fable.

Lore concerns with the new Lions Arch

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I can’t find any entrance to the sewers either. Seems they did away with them entirely. Also, I haven’t spotted any manholes or outlets in LA. Does the new LA even have a sewage system, because there are no signs of any. How does LA dispose of its waste?

Brought to you by the ingenious designers of Waypoint Technology: Flushpoint Toilets!

Flushway Model MT-1N2 — elegant but affordable, in a variety of colors!

The table is a fable.

(edited by Tachenon.5270)