I find it works great in kofh but isn’t nearly as useful as either soldier’s or zerker amy in tpvp unless your playing on going to far or holding home.
North America needs a ranger and Ovi.5473 is one of the few rangers left that plays at a competitive level no matter what the meta calls for. He has played in the Soac tourney and has more tourney games won than most people have games played. As one of the best rangers to still be actively playing he deserves to have a spot on the ballet.
Gambling Dueling Server that will be streamed and the rules are posted at
Official Gambling Dueling Server
(edited by Thunderbird.4298)
This is almighty crysis and i have been using LB GS in light of the upcoming patch.
This is Almighty Crysis and I am also very sick of people complaining about being stunned to death and blaming the game and not the extreme skill the warrior MIGHT just have….
10 IV
30 III VIII XI heal sig, bulls charge/stab/stomp/kick, frenzy, zerker stance, signet of rage (lyssa runes)/banner (Divinity)/rampage(Melandru runes… 10 trait under defense changed to II)
Aetherized… Hammer (Paralyzation), Mace (Paralyzation), Mace (Energy)
Also I blew my frenzy by mistake in the first video, I would of had him the second he jumped on henge…
I am proud of my build and I must say it takes more skill than most will admit. Been playing nothing but warrior since the first beta and mained hammer knocked down warrior in guild wars 1 even.
Hi this is Crysis the warrior in the video and yep I’m running mace mace hammer in light of the next patch’s change to stun duration. I believe it might even be stronger with the change to staggering blow.