Showing Posts For TitaniumDog.3054:

Wasted my money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


It’s threads like this that make me think people should spend more time in RL and less time on the internet.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


It would be interesting to see if the more stacked servers could rig the rating. By mostly attacking one server they could force the rating of one server down and another one up. Just to keep things interesting.

Solution to oversupply of Mini Risen Knight

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


How come they jumped in price. They we only 15s before the patch and look to be rising?

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


I’m inclined to think free transfers will only make the larger servers even larger. Now that matchups will always be random/unstable, if you want to be on a winning or competitive server then best to improve the odds by shifting to a large server. From now on whatever server you’re on there will be both competitive matchups and blowouts so better to be on the team stomping rather than the one being stomped.

Super Greatsword skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


The other thing is how many players who don’t have the super skin have enough gold to buy one? To me 30g is quite a bit and there are lot of other things I’d rather spend gold on. But then again I don’t farm so I don’t have that much gold.

These mismatches are a major worry for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


Indeed, but we’re not comparing #1 of tier 1 vs #1 of tier 2, we are comparing #3 in tier 1 vs #1 of tier 2, is that gap really that substantial? If there is a gap, it is because the tiers have been so isolated apart from each other for so long. This would help bridge the gaps

Example, I have noticed that different tiers have different strategies and tactics. When they are faced against each other, the loser is forced to adapt the tactics of the winner, or at least a counter. If Tarnished Coast were to come to tier 1 for a week only to finish 3rd, then they will go back to tier 2 as a more experienced server compared to when they left, and if TC start using these tactics against their tier 2 opponents, the other tier 2 servers will have no choice but to also adapt to those tactics and the information will spread! When TC go back to tier 1 a 2nd time, they will be a better server than compared to when they first saw tier 1.

Also, FIFA teams have different skill levels that is correct, but the skill of the players correlates to how much money the club has. The objective of a newly promoted team in football is to stay afloat in their new tier, and the objective of a demoted team is to get back up to the tier they came from. Which is no different to the aim of every WvW server.

I think the winning strategy here is, transfer servers.

Still it’ll be a novelty for the smaller servers. There’s nothing quite like being one of 3 defenders watch a 50man zerg drop 3 superior rams for a tower and think “Why did they bother?”.

Are you kidding me?

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


did u really expect a different outcome ? ppl whined for months wanting random match up well u got them . now we r all gonna have kitten matches from time to time killing wvw

all anet had to do was winner move up losers down and everyone woulda been happy

But the guy that came up with glicko has a PhD! Didn’t you see the resume they linked? He has a bunch of fancy numbers which explain how awesome his system is. There’s no way that couldn’t possibly be applied to a format that varies dramatically in participation over a 24/7 match with servers of different populations and competitiveness.

One up, one down wasn’t invented by the guy with a PhD.

Well it’ll probably take him a few months to collect data. Maybe he’ll recommend A.Net collect more data (say on server population). He’ll do some analysis, publish some papers and come up with a new formula or method in a few years.

Welcome to real world meets academia.

How is the Super Skin market functioning atm?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


One consideration is how rare the actual skin is. The tradeable version of the skin is rare but I suspect there may be many of the account bound skins floating around. I farmed 1 of each of the skins I wanted and did consider getting getting multiples for alts but didn’t have the space, and decided to leave some room for World 2,3, & 4 skins.

Near the start of SAB I saw five ppl standing together in LA with the GS skin and thought “meh”. If too many players are seen using the super skin it may take some of the gloss off them. Though I do think their price will go up when World 2 is announced due to the hype.

So what's the deal?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


Greatsword price just jumped from 39 gold to 64 in a day O_0

Nice. Both the GS and the shield are double what I paid for them, makes me feel better about my investment decision.

Yeah, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. There weren’t very many for sale and it wouldn’t have taken much for people with hundreds of gold to corner the market.

Existing Skins i Discontinued?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


Yes well, if you’re in the unfortunate position of being in green all of the time I would suggest you buy some stacks of flame ram blue prints then goto each tower and keep starting from the furtherest from your spawn point and build rams until there is no more supply in the towers or keeps.

This will have the added advantage of advancing one of your WvW achievements so you get two benefits from the one activity. If you do this regularly enough then you should get to blue keep one week. I would also recommend building the rams on the same wall as the gate until there is no more space for any more rams.

Remove WvW from World Completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


You were around during free transfers so you should have transferred to another server for a week and completed it then. If you already have the gift of battle I’m surprised this didn’t occur to you. I transfered for a week to get 99% WvW map completion on my 4 level 10 alts, and there were many other people there also doing map completion at the same time.

I would suggest paying the gem cost to transfer over to a server like Kanieng or another server set to dominate their tier. Sure it costs a bit of gold but only a fraction of what it costs to get a legendary.

Badge of (jumping) honor

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


I got my 500 badges by doing the 3 BL JP each day on my char (ele) which seem to be less camped. You just need a good running/stealth build and an appropriate run to each puzzle. (At the time I didn’t realise JP completion wasn’t account bound).

Also the other BL JP have given me rares on occasion, the outmanned buff helps (perhaps). Just extra incentive.

I’m hoping the new token system in Feb will allow badges to be bought using tokens, and things like using supply to repair and build siege can earn tokens/badges, but more tiers would need to be introduced for this. War isn’t just about fighting, it’s also about the logistics, and that would be a great role for a PvE’er like me, if there’s a reason to do it.

Slaying potions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


I was wondering if slaying potions do anything. I tried a weak potion of centaur slaying, +3% damage vs centaurs, +10 experience. per kill Definitely not getting 10 extra experience on my lvl 9 ranger each kill.

Is it working differently than I’m expecting?

Penalty for DC'ing?

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


What I don’t understand is why are people so obsessed with getting a puny, often-than-not useless white salvage (OK, maybe a badge or two once in a while). When I see players disappear, I just call it my win and move on.

How else are ppl meant to pay for armor repairs. Sure the good players will rarely die or earn enough without thinking about it, but maybe for the average casual player, WvWvW is 50% accounting and checking your gold balance, and 50% playing. Costs do mount up if you’re just mucking around so it’s good to either have a budget in WvWvW, adopt a play style that minimises penalties or ensure rewards are being given for playing (i.e alt-f4 loot).

Penalty for DC'ing?

in WvW

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


Personally I think A.Net are obsessed with goldsinks and farming hence the penalty though as other people have said elsewhere that’s what MMO’s are, farming and grinding, buy another game for the story or fun.

I’m a chronic alt-f4’er though as I only play 1/2-1hour WWW a night mainly on JP I doubt if anyone really cares unless you’re camping the jp. As a casual player my thought is why not use the carrot rather than the stick to stop alt-f4 by
1) rewarding the kill on dc
2) removing repair costs
3) giving players 1c for being killed.

This could encourage more (casual) players into www as well as stop alt-f4ing.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054


I think it’s just A.Net catering for the different types of players from the casuals up to the hardcore 14hour a day grinders. Even GW1 was like this imo. You just gotta know when to pull back and not go for everything, as not everything in the game is going to be achievable for a certain percentage of people (I won’t say the 47%). Sure the grinders will get more stuff but hey, if that’s what you wanna do…..