Showing Posts For TitaniumDog.3054:
The rewards are good but with the constant changing of classes for the rewards it’s really a case of useless at most trades, master of none for me.
I generally only WvW or PvE so can’t spare a lot of time for PvP. I used to main a necro in PvP, but it’s been quite a while since a necro win daily reward came up and after playing thief, guardian, engineer, blah blah, i can’t really play necro well anymore.
I’m really just spamming games until I get on a team that will carry me to a win. No point even looking at builds unless it’s a copycat as, well why bother it’s a different class the next day and the day after that.
(edited by TitaniumDog.3054)
Or the quick option is to start from the i7-4790k base system.
Depends on your budget.
(edited by TitaniumDog.3054)
I’m not familiar with ibuypower but I’d check to see what brand of PSU they used before automatically replacing it. It looks like they use branded ones though. It should be on your invoice, the brand.
Hope 1080 on a 32" will be okay. For a monitor you’re (usually) sitting a bit closer than a TV so you might notice it’s a bit grainy. I have a 27" monitor with 2560×1440 resolution. It’s personal preference though.
I have a Samsung 840 1TB SSD on mine which I upgraded last year. I got the larger size mainly as I expect it to last and be useful for decades.
Your PC should be able to play anything currently around. Not sure about on absolute max settings though, but just try it. TBH if you’re happy with the way it runs, that’s all that matters.
That 1TB SSD must’ve cost a lot.
Hopefully it won’t look grainy on a 32". Maybe I should go to 28" of that’s the case
The 1TB SSD cost around $420 at the time, last year. The advantage of building a system yourself is you can pick up the components from different sellers when they have sales on.
I think you’ll be fine with the 32", depends on how you set it up and personal preference. Other people use 32" and 1080 and are happy with it. Just try it and see.
You’ll probably be upgrading to a new PC in 6-10 years time anyway so this’ll be a good experience to see what you’d like for next time.
I’m not familiar with ibuypower but I’d check to see what brand of PSU they used before automatically replacing it. It looks like they use branded ones though. It should be on your invoice, the brand.
Hope 1080 on a 32" will be okay. For a monitor you’re (usually) sitting a bit closer than a TV so you might notice it’s a bit grainy. I have a 27" monitor with 2560×1440 resolution. It’s personal preference though.
I have a Samsung 840 1TB SSD on mine which I upgraded last year. I got the larger size mainly as I expect it to last and be useful for decades.
Your PC should be able to play anything currently around. Not sure about on absolute max settings though, but just try it. TBH if you’re happy with the way it runs, that’s all that matters.
Could be DR. Try switching characters or going to a different map. That happened to me and I changed to an alt. I haven’t tried again on the char that wasn’t getting anymore chests as it’s parked in a different location atm.
So what is hotjoin and how does it work. Ppl ingame say you are meant to use it as practice but when ever I press “play now” I just go into some kind of spectator mode watching another character of a different class play.
I’d be curious to see if it has any impact on items where the player would get more money selling to the merchant rather than the tp once all of the fees are taken out e.g thick leather though at 1c difference it may not matter to most players.
FA in GW1 was amazingly fun but it was quite competitive so very frustrating if you were against a good group or your team sucked. It’s not surprising it’s empty now as competitive minded players would have moved onto the latest thing.
The different builds you could run through there were pretty amazing. I always laughed whenever a 55hp monk showed up and I used to 1-shot them with vamp gaze.
Loved the turtle’s goon squad too.
The fight when you got through to the architect could be pretty intense, especially with monks on the kurzick side. It’s hard to see them trying to import the FA arena into GW2 unless they let players get more healing skills for saving the architect, and let’s not talk about trying to have a high HP sponge boss….
1) Adding more grass counts as a new map. Maybe more flowers and trees if one wants to be picky.
2) Make a mirror image of the current maps or simply turn them upside down.
3) Periodically bring back the lake.
I did put in a buy order for Rodgorts but then cancelled it after having a look at the cost of crafting the legendary which is at least 1500g
If I’m going to have to spend over a thousand gold on the legendary I figured I may as well get one I can use regularly, which is “only” a “few” hundred more. 90g is probably good for an investment to flip when the price goes higher, though not so sure about deciding to actually make the legendary, though that’s just me.
ok found the answer in the wiki with the command line options
With the sale on I bought another account and was wondering about the best way to set things up.
I like that it remembers your username and password but when I tried copying my existing GW2 folder to GW2a, running gw2.exe from GW2 picked up the username and password of my second account after I launched GW2 from folder GW2a. Is there any way to have one version that remembers account 1 and another that remembers account 2?
I don’t have any plans to run two instances of gw2 at once but is this easily done?
Is there any use for level 39 – level 60 rares? I have a fair number of them clogging up space and it seems the only use for them is to sell them on the tp. Level 60 rare swords seem to be going for 50s+ which I find strange.
Isn’t it mainly cause the bear is so darn cute? It also makes a nice growling noise. I think
it’s a shame you can’t train your pet to be a tank or damage dealer like in GW1.
Personally I’m waiting for the day when they allow you to dye to customise your pet. Every so often I feel like swapping out to the bear cause it’s a friendly and cuddly.
Until I upgraded to a larger monitor a month ago I had pretty much the same setup, (pentinum Dual 3.4GHz, HD7700), except with 8GB of Ram. It ran fine on the lower settings.
I don’t think mine was the same type of error. I have a backup copy of the .dat and .exe that I was able to fall back on.
I moved the non-working copy to another location, but that one seems to be working now so it may have been a different issue for me.
Ok, lucky I had a spare copy. That one works so my current files must have gotten corrupted.
Whenever I start up GW2.exe it comes up with an error box with this error,plus other stuff. Running it with -repair doesn’t help. Will I need to delete it and redownload everything? Got it during WvW.
—> Crash <—
Assertion: curr->defArray0.fieldType == MP_MSGID
File: ..\..\..\Services\Msg\MsgChannel.cpp(120)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 4232
BaseAddr: 010B0000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 36321
When: 2014-07-20T13:00:21Z
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:00
Flags: 0
There is a way that is being used/abused currently that allows a player to avoid being stomped and avoid leaving a bag. I downed an ele a few days back and they used vapor form to try to get away. After I caught up to him and was prepared to stomp he disappeared leaving no baggie, no xp tick, nothing. He just vanished. I at first chalked it up to me missing something but when I met up and downed the same ele again later the exact same thing happened. He just disappeared leaving nothing behind. So either the alt f4 penalty is no longer working or something new is being used/absused.
That was something that was a problem a while back, but then they fixed it, but I noticed quite a while ago you could do it again. It’s great for PvE. If downed, just go form, log off, log on and voila, alive and full health. Don’t play ele much and had forgotten about that.
They may have been queued for a PvP match and it might have popped up for them during the fight. Not sure if that pops a bag for you though.
The simple solution is to just email everyone 1000 tickets and enable the rewards vendor. Problem solved. Everyone gets a reward and we can all just move on.
Its all up to what HoD wants to do.
HoD wants to take a break this week, good luck to IoJ and YB. The Unstopable Force [the Shocking IoJ] and the Unmovable Object [siege turtle YB].
On a side note, SBI is currently doing exceedingly well against FA in a surprising turn of events.
FA may have decided to take the week off as well. I saw one of their guilds zerging away in the pavillion
What happened to the other 2 servers that got free transfers. Can’t remember which ones they were.
NA tiers will never become more balanced unless A.Net go down the easy route and balance by creating as many stacked servers as possible via free transfers to selected servers. They can’t do anything else.
A good example of this is HOD. Were A.Net monitoring the numbers transferring to HOD and seeing that they were creating a stacked server that would easily stomp any other server? If not then real balance isn’t possible as that requires data. If they were monitoring then were they able to properly analyse the numbers to be able to recognise a stacked server was being created? If they were able to, then they decided to do nothing, creating a bit of a farce for top spot of Season 2 (which they probably didn’t care about anyway as it was a breather for the China release).
Either way, you can see that balance short of all stacked servers ain’t gonna happen cause it’s not in A.Net’s DNA.
YB still has a chance to come outright 2nd if they win this week. At the moment they have taken almost all of HOD Bl and it looks like they might be spawn camping them.
HoD isn’t tanking anything this week, they are getting double teamed.
HOD have enough coverage to take on any two servers in Silver League at the same time (excepts Yaks) and easily trounce them both (if they wanted to).
(edited by TitaniumDog.3054)
With the health back to full that happened to me once. The mesmer hit viel o 15% health with conditions on him tn after a few seconds I saw him behind me on 75% and regening really fast. He was in range so I hit him but he wad about 100% by then. I just assumed he wasregisteted as out of combat somehow and the health regen you get had started.
There’s always K-Train in EOTM. The ppl on the victim server can go there as they’ve lost hope and the two buddy servers don’t need as many ppl on the BL so they can safely choo choo all night long with a nice win under their belt.
Yeah we’re getting 2 v 1ed right now, and that kinda sucks… Our morale got lower than before… :l
Are you still on the server that the sig on your previous messages states you were on, or did you move to the server that shalt not be named, hoping to be on the winning side?
Still on the same server… I’m not planning on leaving… I’m not really whining, I just want to get this off of my chest… :PP
I think I’m on the same server as you and if you look at the points we will get for 3rd,1st,3rd,1st until the end of season 2 we will do ok.
I was thinking the other day that a levy on all player loot should go into a WvW fund for upgrades. WvW gives bonuses to PvE, so PvE should give back. A 40% levy would be nice, and WvW is a massive gold sink when things start flipping.
The other thing is that after the “tournament” I think it’s unlikely HOD will move up into T2 the way Glicko/scoring works currently so Hod will be spending months smashing the opposition servers.
It might be better to transfer to HOD now while it only costs 1000 gems, or wait until the next round of free transfers and jump to the most likely next big thing.
For the people sitting in towers/keeps how about adding a resource patch upgrade path e.g vege/herb patch which refreshes every 10min or so. Someone sitting in the tower might then get the awesome income of 6s-12s/hour. I don’t really know why the WvW economy is such a concern. Look at the rewards in EOTM, there are resource nodes in abundance there and the rewards are much, much better e.g I got 24 badges for taking a tower. Plus there are no big gold sinks in EOTM.
Don’t worry. FA will come first in Bronze league in Season 3.
Compared to what they were ticking earlier, +60 is actually pretty good for FA…
Not really surprised. At one point last week Hod were ticking 695 and the others 0,0. Even though the opposition may not have been great, still need pretty large coverage over all 4 BL to do that.
It’s a bit hard to know where FA will end up. Someone posted a list of guilds that had left FA and I was a bit surprised as at one of the ones had operated during OCX. It kind of makes me look forward to Megaservers and any changes for WvW.
It’d be interesting to see if for Season 3, they make Gold League 9 servers instead of 6. Matchups between DB, HOD, MAG, FA and SBI (?) would be really interesting.
During the early morning, maybe like from 4-8 eastern time, not sure exactly when, FA’s part of EB was blue (Yaks Bend), while FA’s home borderland was completely Red (Henge of Denravi) while HoD’s BL was completely red and YB’s BL was completely Blue; as well as their respective corners of EB. So they aren’t touching each other but are both touching FA. Double team.
I don’t deny it’s part of the game and is a good tactic when 1v1 is a tough situation, but it is indeed happening, or at least was in that point in time.
FA’s part of EB never got completely blue. During another one of HOD’s attacks on FA keep, YB swooped in and briefly took Klovan, Golanta and Jerr. FA keep on EB is still WP’ed. It wasn’t really double teaming, more opportunistic caps.
No double team so far. YB just turtled during ocx and hod went for fa. We actually hit HOD more, as they have higher pop and easier targets.
Very true. If you look at the map on mos.millenium, fa and hod are all red, while YB is blue. Don’t really know what YB is like during OCX but HOD looks to be fielding 2-3 40 man zergs at this time plus a fair chunk of roamers and what not.
Some nice features but I do feel a bit let down, mainly because some of these things were in GW 1 and should have been there at release imo, e.g free trait reset. It feels like a bit of a catchup build, or “hey! let’s copy some things off this game GW 1. Anyone played it?”
Really hope they decide to release an expansion pack.
Heirloom merchant back for a day or two
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054
I was telling people in LA to turn in the belongings. I turned all mine in, then after the event noticed I had an Ultimate Bag to open. Now I have 5 hierlooms and 14 Found Belongings hogging bank space. I guess a vendor return for a period would be nice……
BTW, are they or are they not bringing back the cypher boxes? That was another one that seems to have followed their policy of not giving a straight answer to……….
The lockboxes are back. I saw someone post something in passing a few hours ago. Apparently they slipped them in,in a patch a while back and didn’t put it in the patch notes. I was checking the notes as the Community Co-ordinator said they would be in there. gg. Did anyone start a thread about that?
Now got 100+ cyphers to turn in.
And no, grinding 10 million scraps of silk does not count.
Funny you should mention that as with the release of the ascended gear I’ve pretty much stopped WvW and have started to park my chars at spots to farm wood and ore, though at some point I expect I’ll not be able to keep up with the game and just move on.
It’s pretty insane. I’m not really sure what to do with this game now. I have one of each profession but just to equip them all in one set of ascended would take a minimum 220 odd days just from the time gating but I’m all out of silk now and there is no way I can afford to buy materials from the tp so it’s hard to know how long the whole process will take.
It’s certainly deviating quite far from GW1.
The range on axe, sceptre and staff should be reduced by half, but damage increased by 2%. This would synergise well with the necro’s mobility.
Guess now it’ll take even longer and longer than you thought to make that gear right?
After work, logged in and after I picked up some items from the BLTC the gold appeared for pickup. Not sure if it was because there were several hundred items queued earlier to pick up or what, but got it all back in the end.
I had about 97 buy orders on the BLTC but decided to remove them all and just went to the items I’m buying screen and clicked on remove for all of the items and got no gold back. Pretty much lost all of my gold.
Has that happened to anyone else?
It may depend on the server you’re playing against I guess. Facing lower tier servers they can be pretty bad and it’s easy to win 1 vs 1, but for the higher tier servers it can be a bit different.
In the current round I’m seeing a lot more roaming mesmers around and not so many thieves, though both are usually too much for me to handle. The stealth abilities on both are a real pain.
Is Scarlet there in story mode? I did it yesterday and there was no Scarlet anywhere even though I was expecting her to show up.
The Fractal was pretty dull imo.
W2 Zone 2: Worst experience in game ever
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: TitaniumDog.3054
Yeah it’s long (w2z2). I actually got stuck inside some terrain near the near end so have to redo the whole thing again…… though I might wait for the next patch that fixes up more bugs……
I just finished exploring Brisban WildLand and got no reward. It’s strange as I got a reward for Cursed Shore so might be situational. It may have been because I had too many chests queued up. I cleared them all but nothing…….. Maybe I should have done it before completing exploration.
That may have been the problem. I completed another area on the same char (just cleaning up bits and pieces) and got the reward chest.
(edited by TitaniumDog.3054)