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Classes without a lot of ground-targeted AoE?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thank you all for the suggestions!

Thinking about rolling an engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I love the concept behind engineers, but all the negativity surrounding the class is a bit off-putting.

How are engineers at solo PvE? I plan on doing some dungeons and PvP, but most of my time is going to be spent doing events and hearts.

I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on how to develop my engineer so that I’m not too weak. Thanks!

Classes without a lot of ground-targeted AoE?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


My tailbone is injured so I’m going to be stuck in bed for a few months. I’ve set up my 360 controller to work with Guild Wars 2 (using xpadder) and it’s working pretty well for my warrior. However, my favorite class is engineer but it requires a lot of AoE ground targeting which is really bad on a controller.

What’s another good class that doesn’t require a lot of ground-targeting? Thanks!

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’m not a big fan of the new dailies.

I was able to complete the old dailies within 30 minutes of simply playing the game normally, but today I had to go out of my way to finish my dailies, and it took me an hour and a half.

It just sort of seems to go against the spirit of GW2. The previous dailies were just kind of fun bonuses that you would pick up during the course of normal play, but these just feel like some annoying to-do list.

Reviving downed allies and killing enemies is all fine, but I hate how I’m now expected to craft and run around looking for veteran mobs.

My least favorite new daily is the dodging one. I’m an older guy and my twitch reflexes aren’t as good as they used to be. I barely take any damage anyway, by kiting enemies, but the new daily won’t give credit for kiting or anything besides foolishly standing still and then dodging at the last possible moment.


How to do the new 'daily dodger'?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’m finding it really annoying thus far. I played for an hour tonight and only got two dodges to register.

I barely take any damage anyway as a rifle warrior, but even when I intentionally stand in front of a mob and then dodge away right before I’d get hit, it doesn’t work.

Apparently the words ‘evade’ or ‘dodge’ are supposed to appear after a successful dodge, but I don’t know what the game considers a successful dodge.

I would think a successful dodge would be a dodge that succeeds in evading an attack, but the achievement seems to be pickier than that! Anyone have any advice?

To the NonGW1 players who liked the ST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Alternatively, they could just play GW2. Seems half the music in this game is from GW1!

Any tips for getting onto Tarnished Coast?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’d like to get onto the Tarnished Coast server before I have to open up my pocketbook to do so.

However, it’s always Full! I guess because it’s so popular. I’ve heard it’s the most active PvE server.

Has anyone seen its population at anything other than Full recently? At what time of day was it?

I was up at 2:30 AM last night and it was Full (along with four other servers.)

So I went to bed and checked again this morning at 7:00 AM and it was still full. Plus like seven other servers. Which was mind-boggling. I was expecting servers to be their emptiest around dawn.

Anyway, I’m on Jade Quarry right now which is alright but I have yet to find a group for any group events. And I’ve run across maybe a dozen. People don’t seem to want to do them and I guess I’m not good enough to solo them yet.

Whats the point of guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


First of all, Guild wars 1 was made for PvP only and thats why is called guild wars

I know this isn’t what the topic is about, but Guild Wars 1 wasn’t made for PvP only. There is an absolute ton of PvE content in the first Guild Wars.

i want to be evil

in Lore

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I think the problem with ‘evil’ factions in MMOs is that they lead to imbalance.

City of Villains had this problem. Everyone wanted to play in the City of Heroes.

Everquest 2 also had some issues with the evil side going underrepresented until they pulled a WoW and turned the evil guys into ‘misunderstood, brutish guys who aren’t all that bad’.

Resetting Heart Quests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Unfortunately, people like you and me who enjoy reading all the well-written dialogue and lore in this game are out of luck. You’re always going to miss a ton of stuff no matter what you do. I used to try and avoid doing events near renown hearts so that I could experience the quest fully, but then I started missing events that never showed up again.

I wish there was an option in the menu that made it so that you had to go back to the heart NPC to complete the quest, that way you could do as much stuff as you wanted.

I bet most people don’t care, though. So I doubt Anet is going to cater to us. It seems to me like lore is a bit of an afterthought in this game. Not that it’s bad. It’s an enjoyable afterthought. But it seems like most people couldn’t give a kitten about what all the different Skritt in this cave have to say.

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I think a lot of people in this thread are missing the point. A number of you are referring to [Group Events] being too hard to solo. They aren’t supposed to be done alone, that’s why they are called [Group Events].

The point is the events that are not labeled as a [Group Event] being nigh impossible to solo. Those are the ones that Jeffrey Vaughn is referring to.

I think it’s still worth discussing group events, since they never get done anymore. It’s a waste of content for them to be in the game yet never completed. I’m on the most populated server there is, and I know of Champion mobs that have been up and undefeated for upwards of a month.

Anet should turn these group events into regular events. If a writhing mob of ten players should ever turn up to one of these events, turn the difficulty back up. As they stand now, no one does them because the rewards aren’t any good and people can get their exp/karma much more efficiently by ignoring them in favor of regular events and hearts.

Item to trigger/teleport to dynamic events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


This is kind of a weird one that most people will scratch their heads at, but here goes anyway!

I like content in MMOs, even when there’s not really any incentive to doing it. I just like seeing as much of the game world and the events happening within it as possible.

However, there are some dynamic events that sound really cool that I have yet to see. There’s one in Metrica Province that I’ve spent maybe three hours waiting for to no avail. I want to experience these events!

So I am here to suggest two possible solutions that would satisfy crazy OCD people like me.

1) Add an item that a player can use to trigger events. It’d be up to Anet as to how it works. Maybe it gives the player a list of events in their current explorable area, or maybe just in a radius around them. Maybe it’d only be usable once a day. Maybe they’d be consumables purchased with lots of in-game currency or gems. Certainly there need to be limits, you can’t have everyone triggering events constantly, but I think it’d be a nice option to have.

2) Another option I would enjoy is the ability to teleport directly to an event every once in a while. Again, it would be limited by a cooldown or a non-trivial price in gold or gems. You’d be able to see a list of dynamic events in the zone and ‘bookmark’ one. When it starts up, you can choose to teleport there (perhaps only if they are in the same explorable area).

It goes without saying, but dynamic events don’t need to change in any other way. They will still happen randomly as they do now. All these two options do is give players the means to occasionally induce and/or ‘reserve their place’ at dynamic events of their choosing.

Dynamic events are content, and giving players more power over starting and/or being present at events might give Anet the ability to do more achievements based on dynamic events. Maybe have a dynamic event completion component to map completion. I’m pretty sure there are players who are bored right now that might be able to squeeze a couple dozen more hours out of the game if they were able to achieve 100% completion of every dynamic event in the game.

Thanks for your time!

Races, hitboxes and reach

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


But the Greatswords look so much bigger on a giant norn/charr than say, a tiny asura! I’ll take your word for it, but it feels like you’d notice if your asura was swinging and hitting things three feet away…

I do notice when my Asura is swinging and hitting things three feet away!

I chalk it up to aerodynamics.

Focus on one character or several alts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Hey, everyone! I’m just getting into GW2 and I was wondering whether there was any sort of big advantage to ‘doing everything’ (all 100% map completion, all achievements, etc) on a single character, or if it works just as well to parcel content out to a stable of characters.

I hope you don’t mind if I use WoW as an example. Now that WoW has account-wide achievements, mounts, battle-pets, heirlooms, and so forth, you can play a variety of characters that all contribute to a shared ‘pool’ of achievements and resources. Five years ago, if you liked getting achievements and collecting cool stuff, you usually had only one character who did that since it was really time-consuming. You didn’t really get much in the way of rewards if you did 25% of the game on Character A, 50% on Character B, and the last 25% on Character C.

I hope you get my meaning here.

I ask because other MMOs have sort of conditioned me into having one singular “do everything” character because a single level capped character that has ‘done everything’ is going to be much richer and get cooler rewards than four level capped characters who each experienced a smaller slice of the game.


What can I do about a CPU bottleneck? :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I have a pretty old CPU – a first-generation Phenom X4 at 2.4GHz. So far it’s been able to handle everything I’ve thrown at it – the WoW expansion, The Secret World, Skyrim, Sleeping Dogs, and a bunch of other releases from within the last year. All maxed! My video card is a Radeon HD 7770.

But GW2 seems to be absolutely trashing it. I get maybe 5 FPS higher on minimum settings than I do at maximum. The game is actually playable most of the time, though I haven’t tried PvP yet. However, in graphically intensive areas – like dense forest – I can go down to 18 FPS or so. I can deal with 24 FPS and above, but anything below that and the gameplay suffers due to the choppiness.

What can I do about this? I don’t think I’m going to upgrade just for one game, and unfortunately my CPU can’t be overclocked. I’m closing all other processes – even explorer.exe – to see if I can eke out an extra frame or two, but it’s still too low! Is there some sort of INI tweak I can make? Is Arenanet working on making the game a bit less CPU dependent? Sometimes it seems like my CPU is taking a huge beating in pretty empty areas where it can’t possibly have very much to calculate.


(edited by Treadstone.2564)