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ETA on a fix for the broken personal story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Hi! I’ve been away from GW2 for a while. I’ve been wanting to come back, but from what I can tell, the personal story is still broken even though it’s been almost three months since the patch that broke it came out.

Chapters have been deleted for no reason, others have had good content cut from them, and the order of certain events has been changed in a way that causes a lot of story inconsistencies.

I don’t get why the personal story has been hacked up in this manner. I know a lot of people play these sorts of games and don’t give one whit about their plot, but I like to get immersed in the lore of the RPGs I play. It’s hard to do when so little care has been taken to preserve the main storyline of the game.

Thanks for reading.

Please reconsider removing content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


You… don’t read a lot of the stuff that’s been going on, do you?

All the living story for Season 2, and everything going forward with Living Story, is permanent content. You can access it all through your story journal, any time.

For Season 1 content, they’re looking into having it added in the future, but there are problems preventing them from implementing it right now. In the same token, they’ve discussed doing the same with the Personal Story, but that’s something they haven’t even really started discussing internally yet.

As for the Feature Pack, that’s something different entirely. They removed some content, yes, but it was only in the starter zones. Everything past that has remained untouched. (Aside from a potentially missing couple of story quests in the Orr areas, but it’s really up in the air as to whether that’s actually removed or not.)

Hi! Yes, I have read that about the story journal. That’s why I mentioned it in my second sentence. How about you, how much do you read? :P

I haven’t read anywhere that they’re planning on adding back in the removed personal story parts. Can you link me?


Please reconsider removing content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564



So one of the things that kept me from getting more involved in GW2 earlier in its lifespan was the temporary nature of the Living Story content. I had always been mystified about Arenanet’s decision to rely on temporary content to keep people interested in the game, so I was really excited to hear that they would be adding a feature that would allow you to replay the living story on your own time! It got me back into the game.

However, with this latest ‘feature pack’, content that I thought was going to be permanent has been removed. Entire swaths of the personal story have been obliterated, creating weird plot holes and inconsistencies. Heart quests have been shuffled around, simplified in order to prevent new player ‘confusion’, often to the point of removing a lot of flavor from the game. A lot of non-essential NPC gossip and dialogue is mysteriously missing now too.

Now I find myself once again hesitant to play because I’ve missed out on so much, and because I really don’t want to invest a lot of time in a character in order to reach a certain part of the game when it could just be removed on a whim by Arenanet. I like a lot about GW2 but there are so many other games where the creators don’t remove content – they only add to it. If some of their older content is not as good as the newer stuff, they might set it off to one side and more heavily promote the newer stuff, but they don’t nuke it out of the game. I wish GW2 was more like that.

Thanks for listening.

Still looking for the right class for me!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Hi! I bought GW2 at launch. I’ve tried getting into it 3-4 times every few months since then, but no class has ‘clicked’ with me yet.

I’m looking for a class that can solo well and is fun to do map completion with, while also being desired at endgame for dungeon runs or whatever it is that people do at endgame here.

I have played a warrior to about 30, a guardian to about 25, ranger and engineer to about 20. Warrior had too many “instant win” buttons but was still my favorite due to ease of soloing. I liked Guardian too but I just find paladin-ish classes conceptually boring. Engineer is conceptually really interesting to me, but I felt so incredibly underpowered, and it was frustrating having to try five times as hard to do things other classes could do easily. And though I can’t quite put my finger on it, Ranger was really dull.

I guess I could go with Warrior again, but I was wondering if there are any other classes that fit my criteria – fun to map complete with but also desired in endgame. Thanks!

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’ve been seeing those banner ads too.

“Free DLC every two weeks!”

Technically true, I guess, but most games keep their DLC after it’s added to the game. Imagine if the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim was only available for a month.

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thats the price of having a dynamic evolving story. everything comes with a price…

In other MMOs content remains but it feels gimmicky..

NPC: Please go kill the bandits that are preventing the supply caravans from getting to town before everyone starves…

You go kill a bunch of bandits which all respawn a few seconds after you kill them.
you go back.

NPC: thanks for saving the town, we owe you our lives here is 10 gold

you take his money while trying to remember his name so something is left when he starves next week since the bandits are still blockading the trade route like before with the same numbers

That stuff is still in Guild Wars 2. The bandits who are attacking the supply caravans are still around, and it’s an event, so it happens every 30 minutes.

In Gw2 the living story was perfect in terms of story progression. Molten alliance invaded norn and charr lands… we fought them, beat them back… Now Invasions have been permanently stopped. Cragstead was invaded, we managed to beat the molten alliance from there but the town was left in ruins. Refugees went to Southsun where they built a few outposts and infrastructure. That didnt work out then they moved to cragstead and now they’re rebuilding it. How can you keep all of that in the game?

How do you keep all that in the game? Phasing.

In the latest expansions for both World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online, you help build up towns and fortresses. When you first arrive, you’re met with a run-down town or just an empty patch of land. As you help the people there, the walls come up, the damage is fixed, guards arrive to defend the town, and new shops open for business.

Every player gets to see the story. No one arrives to find the town already built and the epic final quest where you defeat the dragon menacing the town removed entirely from the game.

The technology already exists to tailor the game world to each player’s place in the story. The living story isn’t revolutionary nor does it advance the genre. It’s quite the opposite – an antiquated brute-force approach to storytelling that advances the story for everyone regardless of whether they’re around to experience it or not.

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


The Living Story is the reason I haven’t returned to Guild Wars 2 myself. I check the forums every month or so, to see if they’ve fixed their mistakes with the Living Story, so that’s why I’m here today.

I’m not the sort of person who skips through quest text and only cares about mashing number keys until I get shinier loot. I care about the world, the lore, and the characters.

Unfortunately, Guild Wars 2’s story right now is broken. Once you make it through the content that was in at launch, there’s a whole bunch of plot that is missing because Arenanet removed it from the game. Other MMOs might have a temporary, non-seasonal event once every couple of years to celebrate an expansion launch or something. Guild Wars 2 seems to have those twice a month!

I would much rather play an MMO or offline game whose storyline is intact. Maybe the Living Story means “hooray, new fun times twice a month!” to some people. But to me, the Living Story is just a bunch of wiki articles that I’m not interested in reading.

One year later, still can't get into GW2! :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I bought GW2 last August, but I’ve only really played it for maybe three weeks out of that whole year. I stuck with The Old Republic for longer than that! How alarming. By all accounts, GW2 is a better game in nearly every way, and yet GW2 has yet to really grab me.

On paper, GW2 should be an easy winner for me! The world is beautifully handcrafted, the lore (while not the most engaging) at least has plenty of personality. Character animations are great. There’s a ton of content and environments to explore and battle in.

Yet I get this weird feeling while playing it. For some reason, questing in GW2 feels like grinding dailies in other MMOs. I’m not sure why. But I get that same sense of “ticking the boxes” in GW2 that I get from doing the same batch of dailies for the 20th time in other games.

The profs and races of GW2 never really grabbed me, either. In other MMOs, I felt like my class abilities all played off each other in unique ways. In GW2, I’ve always felt like my current weapon had one or two good skills and the rest just seemed to be way too situational to be of much use. As for the races, I love the personality behind Asura and Charr, but their armor is so shrunk/stretched to fit them that it looks awful. Sylvari are just leafy humans. So in the end I’m left with Humans and Big Humans (Norn). :|

Here are the profs I’ve tried:
Warrior (to 30): This is probably my favorite, mainly because it lets me mix things up. If I want to do the best DPS, I had to pull out my Greatsword, but oftentimes I would intentionally lower my damage just for the chance to play as something else.

Guardian (to 25): I loved being able to heal people, but aside from healing during events, fighting as a Guardian was a major yawn.

Engineer (to 20): This was the first prof I tried because I liked the prof’s theme (bombs, guns!) the best. However, I soon found out that it takes five times the effort to play an Engineer well than it takes to play the other prof. I kept dying to mobs, only to witness another player of a different prof come by and kill it five times faster, and finish with plenty of health. This frustrated me. Are Engineers any more balanced these days?

Ranger (to 15): This was the last profession I tried. I was bored pretty much from the start, half-heartedly flinging arrows at enemies. There just wasn’t any umph.

I’m wondering if I should try another profession, or give warrior or engineer another go.

I look at videos of GW2 and see screenshots of beautiful locations I want to have adventures in, but I just can’t get into the game, and I can’t figure out why. This post is composed of my best guesses.

I don’t know if anyone can do anything for me. I hope so. I just want to know if anyone else had trouble getting into the game. Do I need to play it another way? Have I just not found the profession for me? Maybe GW2 just isn’t for me? ;_;

Upscaling player levels - Where's the limit?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


My ranger is level 20ish and he can’t do much in Southsun. Even scaled up, he gets absolutely destroyed by most mobs.

Please make molten facility available again!

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


The Molten Alliance is defeated and their weapon facilities are destroyed.
They are not coming back for the foreseeable future.

I wasn’t able to log in during the twelve days this dungeon was in the game.

They should un-defeat themselves and rebuild their weapon facilities.

Have i missed the Flame and Frost content?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


In a way, it is permanent content if you think of it as permanently fresh content.

I prefer to think of it as content that is now gone forever, which is what it is.

Flame & Frost never again?

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


scratches head Was getting the F&F achievement the only thing you wanted to do?

Unlikely. Rather, he might feel like I do about temporary content with unique rewards and achievements tied to them.

Unless Anet changes their mind, those Flame and Frost achievements will be stuck at 0 in his Achievement list. Forever.

I know that when I play other MMOs, showing up late to the party is a huge turn-off, especially when the evidence that you missed out is always popping up in front of you, whether it be from other players with unique stuff or a permanently blank spot in the achievements menu. Other games have temporary non-holiday events too, but not as many one right after the other as GW2.

I’m pretty bummed about all the vanishing content myself but I’m going to keep leveling up just so that I don’t miss anymore.

9 months later, I still can't choose a class!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thanks for all the advice, everyone!

I decided to try out a Mesmer, and I like it so far, but I’m not in love with it.

I really like the look and feel of the class, and having clones of me popping up all the time is really cool.

I’ve already died a few times, though, but I was expecting that since everyone talks about how challenging it is to get to 30/40 on a Mesmer. I definitely plan on sticking with it longer!

I’m unclear on how clones and shattering work, though. What dictates when a clone disappears on its own? I keep trying to build to 3 clones but they keep vanishing before I can get all the way there.

9 months later, I still can't choose a class!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I have yet to get higher than level 30. I just can’t settle on a profession! Sorry, had to put class in the topic title to get it to fit.

Every time I try to get back into GW2, I start a new profession but usually I just lose interest. Nothing has really GRABBED me.

What I’ve tried so far

I first tried Warrior, but there wasn’t much variety in the gameplay, even while carrying around a weapon of each usable type. Plus 100 Blades was too good not to spam.

Then I tried Engineer, which had a ton of variety! But the damage was so pitiful. Every battle was a life or death coin toss, a single add meant certain doom, and mobs that took my warrior a few seconds to defeat would take up half a minute of my Engineer’s time. It felt like I had started playing on the game’s hardest difficulty setting.

Then I tried Guardian, who was alright and really helpful with his buffs and stuff, but I didn’t like the class’s aesthetics (never was into Paladins/Holy characters) and he was a Charr – who I really like in concept, but the way armor looks on them is so bleurgh.

So now I’m trying to figure out which of the remaining five professions I want to play.

What I want is a prof that can…

1) Solo well. I don’t need to be able to solo champions, but I don’t want to have to ask for help with Skill Challenges two levels below me, like I had to do with my Engineer.

2) Do great single-target damage. I’m not a fan of laying down AoEs. I like focusing on one dude, dropping him, moving onto the second dude, drop him, and so forth.

3) But I also want him to be able to take a little bit of a beating. I don’t have the fastest reflexes in the world, so I’d rather not play a profession that can be dead before you realize what even happened.

4) And I would also like a lot of options in how I play. I’m not sure if there’s a profession like this, but for example – one day I can play as a direct damage sort of guy, then the next I can focus on DoTs, and then the day after that I can specialize in debuffs, and perhaps the day after that I might even be able to dabble in a little AoE if the mood takes me. That’s just an example. I just want to be able to mix things up with my playing style when all the wandering around and doing events starts to run together into one big zergy mudslide.

I know there might not be a profession that fits all these criteria…

But I’d like to get the closest I can. I’d even be willing to give the three professions I’ve already tried a second look, if someone can make a good case for it.

Thanks for your time! Sorry for being so fickle.

I thought Living Story was for all levels?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I missed out on Flame and Frost so I decided to hop in to Secret of Southsun even though I’m only in my 20s.

I am getting absolutely wrecked by the mobs even though I’m scaled up to level 80.

My repair bills are getting to be really high and it’s super annoying to die during an event and not be able to return because the waypoint is contested.

Sure, I guess I could leave the area and go level, but I don’t know when Arenanet is planning to remove this content from the game like they did with Flame and Frost.

For all I know, all this could disappear tomorrow.

Is there some sort of buff or something that I’m missing?

Any videos of the Flame and Frost event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564



I just started Secret of Southsun and it’s full of references to Flame and Frost, which Anet removed from the game before I had a chance to experience.

Does anyone know of a good video that shows the whole Flame and Frost storyline, so I can catch up? I’d rather not just read a synopsis.

I’m searching on Youtube but all the videos I’ve found so far have some dude chattering over all the sounds and dialogue.

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Just because you missed out on an event in the past is no reason to deprive yourself of experiencing events in the future. I didn’t get to go to the Superbowl this year but would definitely go if I could next year.

Nothing in the past content is required for experiencing future content. Yes, you can feel sorry you missed something, just like you would if you missed a great concert or event in real life – but that shouldn’t stop you from looking forward to the next great concert or event that you can go to.

But concerts and football games don’t have storylines to them. This game does.

Imagine if you missed four or five episodes of a TV show that you’re really into, and you want to catch up, but they have been destroyed forever. They’ll never be re-aired or released on video. Wow.

Or imagine a series of fantasy novels in which you have a limited amount of time to read the latest chapter before all copies spontaneously burn to ashes.

“I started reading Game of Thrones, and the first four books were great, but the fifth book doesn’t exist anymore. They’ve moved on to the sixth one. The fifth book was only around for two weeks. It was temporary.”

(edited by Treadstone.2564)

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


If i call in sick to work and they give a day bonus that day, I am not going to be upset because we don’t a bonus everyday. Just a fact of life somethings you will miss, if you don’t have the time to be there.

But this isn’t real life. This is a video game. And GW2 is not trying to be a real-lfie simulator.

Your example about raiding players has nothing to do with temporary content.

For instance, I missed out on defeating the final boss in one of WoW’s expansions.

But when I returned a year later, he was still there! He wasn’t removed, and I was able to enjoy the raid and the boss fight.

No one has given me a single good reason why temporary dungeons and quests are a good thing, and why their removal from the game is a good thing.

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Please give some sort of ‘flashback’ option to those of us who missed out on these events. I can’t get into a game that plays keep-away with its content. I’d much rather return to a game that introduces new stories, lore, and adventures and then KEEPS them in the game.

I’d rather not. That means the patch sizes would just keep getting bigger. You want a way to not miss content? Easy. Play the game. Other than the one off mega karka thing previously (which was super short) all the other content actually sticks around for a number of days/weeks giving you ample time to participate.

Having fresh content keeps regular players interested, and plot wise makes more sense. Why would you raid a Molten Alliance facility that’s already been exploded, and destroyed years after the Molten Alliance was already crushed?

Long story short ANet makes the game for people that play the game, not for people who don’t play the game. Pretty logical when you think about it.

Sorry, I still don’t see the logic behind it.

If a piece of permanent content is added, regular players can play it all they want, and so can irregular players.

If a piece of temporary content is added, regular players can play it for as long as the developers want them to, and it is removed whether or not they’ve played as much of it as they wanted to. Irregular players miss out.

There is no logic to be found in why Arenanet has chosen the second scenario.

New content does keep players interested, but permanent new content is ALWAYS better than temporary new content, unless it’s garbage content that didn’t deserve to be in the game to begin with.

How much content has been removed from GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Can anyone post a list of content that has been removed from the game?

I know the Flame and Frost quests are gone, and the dungeon tied to them, but is there anything else that’s been taken out?

How much content has been removed from GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I bought GW2 at launch, but I never really got into it because it chugged on my hardware. I recently upgraded and now it runs beautifully, but I just learned something that has made me reconsider returning.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of patched-in content since launch has been up for only a limited time and then removed from the game. Apparently this is called the “Living Story”, because it adds ‘life’ to the world, but all it’s done for me is bring death to my interest in the game.

I’m all for temporary holiday festivals that return every year, but entire dungeons and quest chains that are integral to advancing the story of Tyria being removed sits very poorly with me. I just aborted an attempt to get into RIFT because the developers are in the midst of cutting out half of the quests in the game, just so that players don’t have “an overwhelming amount” of choice in how they play the game. That’s ridiculous.

Please give some sort of ‘flashback’ option to those of us who missed out on these events. I can’t get into a game that plays keep-away with its plot development and added content. I’d much rather return to a game that introduces new stories, lore, and adventures and then KEEPS them in the game.

I've missed out on too many things.

in Living World

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I bought GW2 at launch, but I never really got into it because it chugged on my hardware. I recently upgraded and now it runs beautifully, but I just learned something that has made me reconsider returning.

From what I can tell, the vast majority of patched-in content since launch has been up for only a limited time and then removed from the game. Apparently this is called the “Living Story”, because it adds ‘life’ to the world, but all it’s done for me is bring death to my interest in the game.

I’m all for temporary holiday festivals that return every year, but entire dungeons and quest chains that are integral to advancing the story of Tyria being removed sits very poorly with me. I just aborted an attempt to get into RIFT because the developers are in the midst of cutting out half of the quests in the game, just so that players don’t have “an overwhelming amount” of choice in how they play the game. That’s ridiculous.

Please give some sort of ‘flashback’ option to those of us who missed out on these events. I can’t get into a game that plays keep-away with its content. I’d much rather return to a game that introduces new stories, lore, and adventures and then KEEPS them in the game.

(edited by Treadstone.2564)

GW2 makes other MMO's very dated

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I love how GW2 advances the MMO genre but I can’t fully commit to it because I do not care one iota about the game’s story. It did a very poor job of getting me to care about the world or any of its characters.

Thankfully there’s no sub fee so I can stay subscribed to WoW!

Why are classes so hit-and-miss?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I tried playing Engineer because the concept behind the class seemed really cool.

But I was disappointed at how weak they were.

I rerolled Guardian and I’m having much more fun now.

I feel like an epic hero, and not the fragile underdog.

Experiencing the World

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


WoW definitely has more of a focus on lore than Guild Wars 2.

GW2 seems to have been designed with the sort of people who don’t care about lore in mind.

No quest dialogue boxes to skip through. You can just run to the circles on your map, kill mobs and interact with objects within the circle until you’re told the Heart quest has been completed or the event is over, and move on to the next circled area on your map. Repeat until you hit level 80.

The good thing about GW2 is that it has no sub fee, so I can play both WoW and GW2 at once. WoW is where I go for engaging stories and teamwork, whereas GW2 for me is where I go when I feel like zerging around a map doing events and observing the chaos.

You are now ArenaNet's lead designer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’d do whatever is necessary to bring the professions into balance – whether that be hiring more people to help with balancing profession or improving the performance of those who are already tasked with that job.

Everything else about the game is, at the very least, passable. Except for the horrible balance issues that exist almost NINE months after launch!

Every MMO has balance issues, especially at launch, but I’ve never seen one with such egregious disparity between character classes.

If you haven’t seen MMOs with this kind of poor balance, you haven’t looked. Frost mage anyone?

What about frost mages?

People in WoW whine a lot about raid DPS, but every class can at least solo through leveling content and contribute to heroics in a meaningful way.

There is no class in WoW that is so weak and unbalanced that they require ten times the effort needed to play any other class just to be ho-hum decent.

You are now ArenaNet's lead designer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’d do whatever is necessary to bring the professions into balance – whether that be hiring more people to help with balancing profession or improving the performance of those who are already tasked with that job.

Everything else about the game is, at the very least, passable. Except for the horrible balance issues that exist almost NINE months after launch!

Every MMO has balance issues, especially at launch, but I’ve never seen one with such egregious disparity between character classes.

I look for a reason

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Now I have been enjoying this game, from the second I started playing and I still am. I am however left with a reason for why I spend hours farming for gear getting my character ready.. which brings me to the main question..

what am I getting ready for?

Now before people start getting worked up about a cry out for end game content, or a WoW concept of doing things… I am merely curious

You weren’t getting ready for anything. You were playing a video game!

Dailies and their reset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I don’t really see a problem with the daily reset time. If you play for two hours and the reset always occurs in between, that means you have two hours to do your daily in. That’s plenty of time.

Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I could never get into The Secret World.

There wasn’t enough XP, so I was always like a full level below the missions I was doing. The missions took far too long, enemies were packed too close together, and they took forever to kill.

I alt+F4’d halfway through a mission to kill some water monsters, some of which were two levels above me, over by Kingsmouth town. Deleted the game off my SSD to make room for Guild Wars 2.

I liked the setting and character development systems but I won’t be going back until they adjust the combat to take a reasonable amount of time.

Guild Wars 2 and WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I still play WoW because I find that Azeroth is a much better-realized place than Tyria. I also prefer WoW’s questing structure, which makes it feel like I’m on a grand adventure that’s going somewhere, instead of stumbling around into event after event like in Guild Wars 2.

As for April Fool’s, Blizzard did hilarious April Fool’s jokes for eight years in a row. This year they ran out of ideas.

WoW’s lore is a lot more complex than Guild Wars 2’s, probably because it has lore stretching back to 1994, so something like Super Adventure Box would stick out like a sore thumb in Azeroth.

And the blind bulldozer runs again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Patch Notes for 4/9/2013

Norn characters were having trouble fitting through some doors in Lion’s Arch.

Norn character creation has been disabled.

All Norn player characters are now Human.

Just to clarify - Mapchat spam?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I’m no expert, but it sounds like it’s not one person spamming the chat, but rather a variety of people all doing it independently and of their own volition.

Of course, if the method to win the giveaway is to send the text ‘123456789’ over and over and over again, then those who spam that phrase ARE spamming.

But if it’s just a guy saying “guess my age” and a dozen people take two or three guesses each, I don’t think they can be accused of all being spammers.

Guard is so powerful compared to Engy! :O

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


And I was leveling with the flamethrower and bomb kit.

The bomb kit worked best for me but I found it underwhelming in terms of fun factor. Everyone else gets to use awesome spells and weapons and wave their hands around, and all I do is bend over repeatedly to put a bomb by the enemy’s ankles. Big Old Bomb was fun though.

Flamethrower looked cool but I kept running into situations where I’d be facing the enemy I want to hit but my character has the flamethrower angled down toward the ground, and when I attacked I’d just miss with every tick.

For a profession with guns and grenades and bombs in a mainly fantasy setting, I had been hoping engineers would hit appropriately hard, but it sounds like unless I get the perfect blend of stats and skills and put in much more effort than is required for most of the other professions, it’s not gonna be the profession for me. :X

Guard is so powerful compared to Engy! :O

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


You didnt even go further than metrica (!) but you already think you can know how bad engineer is???^^
go level him up to 80 play him for 1 month at lvl 80 at least and LEARN the class with full traits!

I don’t really do the carrot on the stick thing anymore. x_x

My first game was FFXI where you were forced to group and kill crabs for hours and hours on end. I kept playing because people said it got better. It never did!

Then in WoW my first character was a paladin, back when paladins were supremely boring, but I stuck it through because people said it got better. It never did, not even at the cap. I switched classes to warrior, which was fun from the get-go, and remained fun for over five years.

Since then I’ve had a policy of playing only what is fun from the get-go, or at least becomes fun within the first couple of hours, and I have yet to regret it!

I like the concept behind engineer but I can’t wait that long for it to stop being frustrating! I’m not really interested in becoming a gaming master, all I want to do is have some fun exploring and adventuring, and Engineer wasn’t making that possible for me.

Guard is so powerful compared to Engy! :O

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I just recently started playing the game and my first choice was an engineer. I liked the concept of the class and decided to try it even though people called it underpowered.

However, before I had even cleared Metrica Province, I had died countless times and I had to wait around near skill challenges and veteran enemies until another player came along so I could overcome them. It seemed like I was near-death and desperately pulling out all the stops constantly.

Frustrated, I decided to play Guardian. The paladin-ishness of the class isn’t thematically what I wanted, but I heard it was a very solo-friendly class, so I gave it a shot. What a cakewalk!

With the engineer, I felt like my attacks were little more than a plink-plink-plink, with little hints of poison and bleeding sprinkled lightly around.

With the guardian, my attacks are like SMASH-SMASH-SMASH! And every single attack heals me, and most heal people around me, and others buff me or shield me in addition to healing. I have not died yet.

And when I’m downed as a guardian, I can put a healing sigil on the ground and keep myself alive almost indefinitely! Whereas as an engineer, all I could do was throw junk. Then, one second before dying, the cooldown on a pushback ability would end and I’d be able to send enemies flying off. But before I could take advantage of the newfound distance to plink away at my enemies for a while with my handfuls of junk, I’d die. How silly!

Is there something I’m missing about the engineer? Is it supposed to be a hard mode class for really good players? Or is it really unbalanced? The game’s been out for a long while. I can understand a few bugs still remaining from launch, but for engineer to remain so terribly weak for so long after launch just seems strange to me, having played other MMOs where balance issues are addressed more quickly.

In the meantime, I’ll be playing my Guardian! It feels so great to play, and for the first time, I feel like Tyria is my oyster – instead of feeling like I’m the little fish in a big, scary sea.

(edited by Treadstone.2564)

Not finding enough leather. :(

in Crafting

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thanks for the help, all!

I actually switched out leatherworker for jeweler an hour ago and I’m already past where I was in leatherworking. xD

Not finding enough leather. :(

in Crafting

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Hi! I just started up a character with huntsman and leatherworking. My huntsman…ing is leagues ahead of my leather working because ore and wood are in good supply. I just can’t find enough leather.

How do I get leather without having to grind? If that’s my only option then I’d rather just switch to another crafting skill with more plentiful ingredients.

Hexane Regrade jumping puzzle is bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Hi. Just gave up on this jumping puzzle after an hour of trying to defeat the bugs so I could focus on the actual content.

Bug #1 – Half the time, when falling, instead of returning you to the beginning the game puts you about a mile in the air and lets you fall down onto some normally inaccessible mountains a couple waypoints north of where you enter the puzzle.

Bug #2 – The attunement buff drops off randomly for no reason.

Which skills to pick up while leveling?

in Engineer

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thanks so much, guys. :]

Which skills to pick up while leveling?

in Engineer

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Thanks for the input, guys!

What about turrets? Are those any good for solo leveling?

Which skills to pick up while leveling?

in Engineer

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I just started an Engineer and I’m having a good time, but I’m not sure what skills to pick up as I level.

I definitely plan on getting all the kits, because more kits equals more options, but I don’t know what gadgets are worth getting or if turrets are useful at all – I hear a lot of complaining about them.

I don’t plan on doing much PvP, and I’m going to spend 95% of my time doing solo PvE. Thanks!

Jumping the Shark

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Nah, this is nothing like ‘jumping the shark’.

Usually when a show ‘jumps the shark’, it involves the main characters doing something so ridiculous or outlandish that it just feels stupid.

Super Adventure Box is so far removed from the world of Guild Wars 2 that it constitutes more of a ‘it was all a dream’ episode, which can be as silly as they want since they don’t really affect the world of the television show outside of that one dream episode.

How to turn off 8 bit music?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I can’t listen to this for 30 days. How can I revert my game to play the normal character screen music?

iirc, there is a way to log into the game in less than 30 days.

I’ve seen my friend log out of one character and then onto another in less than 10 seconds.

If you hone your reflexes, you can be a login master.

Is there anything I can do to improve my FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Can’t overclock CPU on this motherboard, unfortunately.

Openinng music is playing in MIDI format?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Tomorrow is April Fool’s Day.

Is there anything I can do to improve my FPS?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I can’t seem to get above 30 FPS, and sometimes I fall into the teens, which I consider unplayable.

My CPU is a Phenom II X4 945 (3.0 GHz) per core. My GPU is a Radeon HD 7700.

I’ve done the core parking thing, downloaded Razer Game Booster so I can easily kill every unnecessary process running, and put the game on an SSD. It seems like the game isn’t optimized very well for my CPU, because when I put everything on max settings and then change to the minimum settings, I only gain five FPS or so.

Switching to another CPU is not an expense I can justify for the sake of a single game. Everything else runs flawlessly. I bought GW2 last August and I check in every couple of months to see if Arenanet has optimized their game more, but it doesn’t seem like they have. Since switching hardware to compensate for the lack of optimization isn’t an option, are there any sort of tweak programs or config edits that will give me a bit of a boost?


Can't decide! Human or Charr for Guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I have so many questions!

Who looks better in heavy armor?
Who has the best story overall?
Whose story works better with the Guardian class?
If I go Charr, which Legion has the best storyline?
Which backstory would be best if I go human?
Do racials matter at all to a Guardian?
Is it just me or did Cookie Crisp taste better before cereals started going all whole wheat?

Augh! I can't decide between Asura and Charr!

in Warrior

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


I even made a list of pros and cons for each! And I still can’t decide. Please keep in mind the pros and cons are my personal opinion and may not reflect your superior opinion.

Pros: Amusing storyline/voice/animations, better at jumping puzzles, least common race on my server, easier to identify with (I’m looking to get into RP and I am more of an Asura than a Charr personality-wise)
Cons: Too small to make out much detail on gear, warrior is kind of a weird fit with the race

Pros: Epic storyline/voice/animations, equipment a lot more visible than on an Asura, awesome four-legged run
Cons: Armor models are sometimes stretched out in weird ways to fit the Charr body, awkward camera for jumping puzzles, a lot more common on my server than Asura (Charr warriors are very common), the brashness/warmongering nature of the Charr rubs me the wrong way a bit

After all that and I still can’t decide. I like the Asura personality/lore/story better but part of being a heavy armor class is showing off awesome metal armor and huge weapons, so the Charr would seem to be the race for me, but then I hate how a lot of their armor is stretched to fit in weird ways and I can’t relate to their brusque personalities, so then I’m back to Asura, but then I get some tiny little shoulder pads with a single thin needle sticking out of them, so I check to see what they look like on a Charr, and it turns out the needle is actually supposed to be five bloody spikes, and aaaaarrgggghhhhh.

If anyone has any advice, please share it with me. If I still can’t decide, I’ll just flip a coin or something and live with the regrets I’ll know I’ll have regardless of which I settle on.

World transfers are too expensive.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Treadstone.2564


Though I sympathize with you, you and your friends had a couple of options that you just didn’t take.

1. You could have transferred over while it was still free.
2. Your friends, who allegedly want to play with you, could have picked your server instead of some other one

Now your only options are to pay for the transfer or save up the gold.

Maybe you can get your friends to pitch in. Have everyone put in five bucks so that you can play with them. If they rolled on a different server and won’t help you afford the transfer, maybe they’re not such great friends.