Is it a good thing that there is no defence against condition damage besides cleansing and duration decreasing runes and traits?
Is it a good thing that there is no defence against physical damage beside protection and toughness?
Oh, there are more defensive options? Work against conditions too …
Personally i prefer 6/2/6/0/0 or 6/0/2/6/0 when playing power lb build, but i know x/x/6/6/x builds work very well too with lb, especially vs condibuilds and in outnumbered fights. The survability is great even with full zerk gear and the damage is still decent.
6/6/x builds are usually only good for ganking and killing noobs (and because there are lots of noobs in wvw it can work well too).
There is already a penalty for a dead pet (you can’t use it and pet-related skills/traits like EB or SoR don’t work) and an anti-pet-trap exists too (called “zerg”).
I use sword/dagger + shortbow (condibuild) or longbow (hybrid) on my trapper.
Bows offer nice ranged pressure and the sword is mainly for defense and mobility.
I would never roam in WvW without sword or greatsword, because mobility is quite important, if you want to survive.
in spvp, doing those would mean coming off the point you are trying to claim, which means he is winning while you try to run him down.
basically he can defend a point while taking minimal risk from a long range.this what i mean about wvw being different, its not about dueling the ranger its about how do you achieve objectives
If you just stand there on a point, while a glassy lb ranger is shooting at you, you were also died pre-patch. (I’ve killed many people only with lb autoattack just because they didn’t want to leave a point – before the patch – and I also died several times because I tried to stay on-point, when it would have been better to leave it.) And as long as the ranger ist not standing on the point he can’t cap or defend it. Lb ranger is usually pretty bad at fighting on-point.
(edited by UmbraNoctis.1907)
Reflect works well against LB Rangers.
Works well vs some other classes/builds too …
If you waste your (activ) cleanse on some harmless condis its like doging an autoattack and then get hit by an eviscerate or something similar because there was no endurance left. Of course it can suck, if you only have passive condi remove and the enemy times his “burst” well.
Therefore I would prefer more active condi remove instead of passive abilities (and maybe more control over which condis are removed), but more condi remove in general (and/or less condi “spam”) is not necessary.
(edited by UmbraNoctis.1907)