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Yeah, I’ve seen these before too. From what I’ve seen I have a theory on it. Whenever anyone get’s a green or better from an enemy everyone else who got loot from him see’s the chest. I haven’t seen it enough to prove it but that’s my guess.
Unfortunately I don’t think this can be correct. I’ve gotten the chest with bone in it a number of times in Orr, but I’m not farming or grouping. I just pop in to do a few events and random mobs for my daily then head back to a different toon.
At least you can sort of help track/kill thieves with longbow 2, well, as long as people follow the arrow stream. That and guard-breaking siege is as glamourous as it gets.
Yup, somewhat lackluster.
You guys act like we arn’t mobile ourselves, that we dont call in support. That your the only ones who can organise. Every fight in our bordeland I was in bar one this evening and we were outgunned 2 : 1 minimum.
You simply cannot hold +500 points by moving equal numbers of troops around. It was +500 arounf 2am and now at 3:30 its still +500. It’s been up and down a little from that, but you simply cannot do that with equal numbers.
It has also been mentioned that our numbers are the same while having at least double our numbers everywhere = not the same
Yup they got the same numbers as us but got to +500 ppt by being more mobile… shakes head and wonders why they bother with the equality pretence.
Adding my voice to the broken pets issue.
My wolf in WvW is horibbly unreliable. Sometimes his fear casts, mostly it doesnt. It always takes a min of 5 attempts to get it to queue up and by the time he gets to the guy I want feared, he’s dead from aoe, the target has moved, the target has died or he just misses.
My fern wolf on the other hand only ever works after all the enemy are dead. using him in a fight is not worth the button press.
I’ve tried some of the other pets and they are also hit and miss, so basically in WvW I don’t really pay much attention to what the pets off doing. When one dies bring out the next, once they are both dead my play changes not at all.
That said my shark is awesome as is my armourfish.
I wish this was the case with the land pets.
So why did we put the bags at your feet rather than just dumping the items into your inventory? Part of the answer is that it was the smallest possible change that could work (programmers like stuff like that). We already had the bag spawning system so we could just reuse it. Another part of the answer is that picking up loot can be a bit like unwrapping a present and we didn’t want to ruin the unwrapping for everybody. Finally, if we just start putting loot into player inventory then we need to deal with a bunch of edge cases and at the time we had more pressing issues to work on. For example, when your inventory fills up items you receive go into inventory overflow and your character becomes encumbered.
We have tossed around some ideas for ways to improve the system but it’s relatively low priority so nobody is actively working on it right now.
You could always auto put a WVW Bag (aka a modified Miner’s Bag or other such loot bag) into the players inventory. They could/should stack to 250 and can then be opened at leisure. Thus only needing lets say four slots of inv space for a 1000 loot bags to be stored for a long war session.
This provides auto-loot without losing the “like unwrapping a present” feeling.
For extreme cases keep the loot bag on the floor system you have at present as backup for a filled inventory.
If there is a problem of loot level for killing low level players in the wvw then have WVW8 Bag for 80’s, WVW7 Bag for 70-79 and so on. Thus requiring a few more open spots in inventory but at present you need a ton of space and a fast as lightning ‘F’ key anyway, so 7 or 8 slots open instead of 30+ to me seems like a good compromise.
RoF commanders have got to get better a handing out specific jobs, like staying behind to defend against the inevitable “take back try” by the bad guys. …
What I’m saying is, the Zerg is not a defensive move. It’s great for wrecking enemy points, but it doesn’t help us to keep what we already own.
This has always been the ROF problem. We are great on offense but our long term defence is shaky. I think we just have some timeslots that are too empty where we cant hold out.
// reset night borderland yak runner and camp defender
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Wenissa.2967
same here
ring o fire
I have been getting this for the last 3 days constantly. I have tried the solutions to no avail and so have put my networkdiag below: