Showing Posts For Wenissa.2967:
Dzagoblob sent an entire blob to deal with 4 people trying to take Cragtop tonight.
This is what RoF has to deal with lately and people have simply stopped playing WvW, or they’ve left the server.
Yeh seems like they’ve been picking up on the high tiers strategies, of bore every opponent to death or lag them out so they all quit. Can’t remember the last time I saw a 5 man roaming group or even numbered fight.
Kudos to the arborstone 10 man group I saw attempting a keep. Don’t think they got it but it was a breath of fresh air at least to see someone from another server try a non-blob solution.
Edit: P.s. Is it sad that I’m looking forward to vabbi and fow again cos at least there I get to engage in some pvp that isn’t either blob-wars or treb-wars.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
See I can’t understand the karma/wxp train mentality.
I mean what is the point, you take structures through pvd, you only fight npc’s, you gain ranks and masteries which you never use and if it’s loot your after dragons are far more loot friendly.
Just circling 3 wood towers pvd kill npc move on… rinse repeat. Half the time no rams go up cos its just faster to auto attack gates down with so many people.
It must be so dull, takes no skill (except 1 person saying go here and getting the blob together in the first palce) and it certainly isnt pvp.
In other words get out the keep and engage the enemy players, or try to take seomthign t3 thats worth actually fighting to destroy. In a nutshell have much more fun and don’t worry about dying so much.
DZ Lolblob.
Ogrewatch->Anza->Speldan->Mendons->Velolka, fail -> pangloss -> ogres. Rinse repeat x 3. Get wiped on the 3rd pangloss and run to take AS corner instead.
Come back 30 mins later: Ogrewatch->Anza->Mendons. Rinse repeat x 7 . 3 Trebs on keep, dead trebs in under 3mins, back to ogrewatch anza mendons with 60 people.
So many players against a poor defenceless wood gate. So much so that when we used a supply trap after pangloss so you had no sups you just autoattacked the gate down under ac fire.
Nice blobwork.
Just one question: Did you actually kill anyone during all that time or just npcs?
It’s done because it wins keeps and scores points for your server.
Just wanted to say that we don’t care so much for points. Otherwise, we would golemrush your keep every 2hrs like AM did to us last week.
We are not too much interested in the points game. If it happens due to the other servers’ lesser coverage, so be it. You won’t see us pushing things just for points though.
Just wondering what you do it for then? Cos if its not the points, and it certainly aint for fun (bearing in mind the part quoted converstaion is about auto attacking a gate down with a megablob lag fest), then what?
WXP and loot bags?
If you want loot so bad surely dragon bashing or dungeoneering would be better rewarded and if its WXP, whats the point cos all your doing is pressing 1 anyway and never using any of the masteries?
The only other thing I can think of is Badges of Honour?
Maybe it’s just me but I really don’t get the megablob mentality. I mean I get that it is reset and 130 players ish per server were on the map, but putting 100 of them at one gate surely if everyone wasnt after the poitns and was after some fun they would spread about just a little bit more, given that everyone knows it induces insane skill lag.
Drat I was supposed to be only reading this thread now
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
With time Rof you will learn when and why server blob and who keeps splitting even if is easier to blob.
We know why you blob, its not rocket science.
It’s mind numbingly dull though, when you have nothing but lag and no skill comes into play, when its faster to autoattack a gate to death than siege, we arn’t stupid, we understand why it’s done. It’s done because it wins keeps and scores points for your server. Doesn’t mean I like or find it fun in any way shape or form.
It’s why I can’t stand these higher tier matchups. It’s why I’m now off to PVE for the week and will just read the thread from here on in.
And I can’t understand how you put up with it every week, it is not fun in any way sitting there for 3 to 10 seconds wondering if your skill is gonna fire, knowing the only thing that matters is do we have more players than them with autoattack on.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
Well… that was dull.
I was defending our garri as best as possible and the smallest group that came knocking was 40, the largest, was well the entire population of one server.
The best moment, having our ne fully repaired gate auto attacked down with numbers only and not a siege machine in sight, whilst a wall next to it had 20% hp. I guesss building cats and knocking it down would take to long.
ROF BL was nothing but a lag fest. The first and only time I’ve ever had major skill lag in wvw. God I hate fighting these higher tiers.
Sorry to sound bitter, but there is a reason I liked wvw on ROF before these stupid new matchups.
<snip>So you capped our stuff who cares lol.
Right back at yah… see post by Undertaker for reference.
You mad bro? ^^ RoF rage so funny
Not in the slightest, we had great fun defending the borderlands.
I just thought your post hysterical due to the epic amount of fail you guys showed.
A +555 screenshot, bwhahahahahahahaaha.
And another nice “NC” night ending.
RoF nice fail trying to get your keep back with 10+ people vs max 4 RoS players xD
Nice fights last night tho.
Lol, that’s hysterical.
I was defending our borderland all night, with 4 players, vs 20+ ros.
ROF Bl, where you failed to cap anything but already broken bay and woodhaven (3rd time lucky I guess). My highlight, 2 defenders in dawns with 1 ac 1 cannon and you guys ran off. You went to go hit garrison south east gate, where 4 defenders made you run off, thanks to our fast wping from Dawns. All this preceeded by a garri watergate attempt, where 1 balista stopped the 25 in their tracks, destroying 3 superior rams 1 balista and making you run with tail between legs back to EB.
ROS Fail attempts in our BL, 2 hills, 3 dawns (4 if you include the oh look 2 defenders run past moment), 2 woodhaven, 3 garrison all vs 4 people. So yeh you beat back 1 half hearted attempt, well done.
Even more impressive is your screenshot, nice, the +555, those missing points, yeh that was rof borderland and a few camps for DZ. Congrats on the fail +695.
Am I supposed to end this sort of post with: “Thanks for the loot” ?
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
Our problem is the night… We have no commanders on at night, so we lose alot points then…
That’s not quite true with have 2 long termish ones, Evebrea and Umilato, and a few more new ones coming through. But you’re right, the problem is the late night/early morning once they log off and ROF goes down to about 15 – 25 players max across all maps. For me (New Zealand time) that’s the 3pm to 7pm shift.
Yea, it does seem like Ros is a bit mad at us.
Why would we be mad, VcY is a serious corporation, that is serious, that prides itself on seriousness. We never get mad, nor do our other servers corporations.
I’m sure the people spawn camping you are thankful of your donations towards their company’s that will be used to research and fund new projects.
Being serious doesn’t really exclude having emotions, a serious corporation should know that!
Good to see your corporation hasn’t lost its ego while being closed for a while I guess.We have stripped all emotions from our corporation, That’s how serious we are. Emotions are for the weak.
Quick call The Dr. , VcY have been taken over by Cybermen!
/hangs head in shame
Sorry couldn’t resist, y’know cos resistance is futile an’ all.
What I was sad to see is a d/d ele inside Sunny before gate went down in RoF BL. Let’s keep these things out of wvw shall we? No ressing through the door, and no glithcing inside towers/keeps pls.
That D/D ele was me. I was wielding a fiery greatsword and somehow got through the gate with skill number 3. Apparently that’s a well known glitch on that gate and since it was the first time I was using the FGS on that particular tower, I wasn’t aware of that.
If you watched closely, I went up the stairs and jumped off the wall into the open without damaging anyone, despite ppl attacking me (obv). I’m sorry for what happened, I didn’t know there was a glitch there and it was in no way intentional.
edit: or was it skill number 4….. dunno.
And the ele on the other side raining meteors on the gate was me. Thanks for the chat afterwards to clear things up. Apologies accepted.
What got me was that once you had come through and got out a mesmer did it too. So there were two people who glitched in, one of whom killed me and the other defending member cos we didnt fight back, we were typing in /t. (Edit: oh and if anyone thinks the mesmer ported the ele in , he didn’t as evidenced by the eles admission of greatsword glitch and jump out and the fact that they rammed the gate down to get in.)
I will reiterate what we discussed in /p for the benefit of all 3 servers:
If this happens to you, do the polite thing, go to the nearest stairs, go up to the wall and jump out. That tower is a known glitch and hasnt been rectified in 4+months.
So if it happens to you and you stay inside, you will end up getting reported as people will think you did it on purpose. If you jump back out, no harm no foul.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
To be honest, if you play nighttime on ROF, you’re perma-outmanned wherever you go, we have maybe 15 players through the night, with the occasional randoms. So basically we lose everything every night to a t6 server, simply cos of coverage. We do try to make you pay in blood and lotbags for each take for as long as possible though.
I imagine during primetime numbers are probably pretty close.
What is annoying however is not the numbers, nor the losing our stuff, they’ve been fun fights, its the taking it back and some players buying sodding merchants each time so we cantt re-upgrade them and then having to defend wooden walls all night long. It’s why we’ve not been trying to hold the bl through the night after the first flip and have been flipping keeps in other bls.
So to whoever it is that is buying all the useless upgrades every kitten time we take a keep, I have only one thing to say: SOD OFF.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
Just wanted to say I had a blast fighting a thief and guard from Vabbi in their borderlands by the north bay minotaurs. My staff ele joined a ROF necro who was 1 v 2 ing with you after that pesky thief decided to hit me, making it 2 on 2.
Awesome fun fight that lasted a good long while, and omg that gaurd can keep himself alive. Best fight I had so far this matchup. Well played the two of you. No doubt I’ll be solo roaming or small grouping most of this week as usual. Hope to run into you both again.
Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?
There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.
Are you going to do anything to remedy the discrepancies in how fast you gain ranks and badges between the tiers? From my experience how much you earn in WvW is directly proportional to what tier you play in. This didn’t bother me so much earlier due to the higher quality of game play, but now that infusions and ascended gear are added into the mix I can’t help but feel a bit left behind playing on a lower tier server where you are not in a position to fight 60-70 enemies on every map 24/7.
This is my question also.
I play night time tier 7/8 in the EU and we rarely see 30 opposing players to our 15 max crew on one map. Normally spread across maps we probably have 45 total per three servers (135 ish players). Thus gaining badges and wxp is a lot slower than when I used to play same tier day time, where you hit up the 60 man zergs occasionally and have 30 -40 man opponents are common on each map per server.
I mean it’s kinda crazy that the best source of wxp at that time of night is flipping quaggans in the borderlands.
Oh ROS you are so funny, from last weeks matchup thread:
I don’t want to start a flame war but just want to put out a suggestion… feel free to say, ‘no’ but I just want to assess what people’s feelings on other servers are…
Do you want rid of RoS? So that you can get back to a more balanced even match up? Or are you happy to have us around dominating the tier for large periods of time?
If you want rid of us… would you be prepared to take a small break from WvW and time your tick to keep you in the tier but basically let RoS tick a minimum of +500 for a week to help push us that little extra to move up and out of the tier?"
Public alliance declarations ROS 1 : Dz 0 : GH 0
Hows that tier domination going for you
I guess all that practise pvding at night to win hasnt helped you learn defence yet? Those screenshots make for mighty depressing reading on home borderland defence.
According the to the why t4 and below thread: I thought us low tiers had no organisational skills and couldnt command zerg/blobs, so how could they ever organise an alliance? :P
On a more serious note: As to an alliance I very much doubt it, its just the DZ tactics. We’ve played them a lot and it just comes down to them being a highly opportunistic server. They see easy targets, recently flipped keeps, a pressured map etc and jump in there to take easy points. Ends up looking like an alliance when its just sensible play, because the third party gets double teamed and as you are already occupied the DZ forces get an easier ride. It’s why we attack their bl to make them go on the defensive and take that ride away from them. Surely you can recognise this from last week and as to GH you gave them so much flak last time you played them its hardly surprising they’ve gone for you hard, which makes it hardly surprising DZ took that opportunity to hit you to.
Lol at higher teir = better skill and more hardcore players.
There are good and bad and awesome players in all teirs.
Current EU drama is all teh high tier servers jumping on ROS.
Current mathcup ROS ROF DZ.
DZ and ROF have been in ping pong with t8 /t7 alongside GH for a month
Current ranking gains: ROS -11.9, DZ -9, ROF +17.
Sure score wise ROS are winning but not by anywhere near what they should be, given their new high tier awesomely organised transfers, that are better than us scrub t7/8 players & guilds. No offence meant to the guys on ROS, cos they do have great organisation and palyers, I just think the OP hasn’t got a clue about t4 and below.
As to 60 vs 60 we had that at stonemist in t7 just last night, so the whole you never get that in lower tiers is just a bold face load of bunkum. Its not as common but its available every week.
However, it isnt as much fun to be honest, stupid lag. We do have plenty of 30 vs 30 , 10 vs 30, 20 vs 40 etc on the lower tiers, just you also get plenty of 1 v1 , 5 v5 , 3 v5, 10 v 15 and so on. Best of both worlds if you ask me. Though we don’t get much over 60 vs 60 ever, except the ol’ 40 v 60 v 40 in sm lord room.
Higher tiers just sound horrid from what I’ve heard. Lag, queues, zerg v zerg only blah blah blah.
My server has been engaged in a 3 hour long struggle to capture Durios. Not Hills, not Garrison, Durios. The reason is that the other server stacked it to the gills with arrow carts. You can’t get NEAR the kitten. Even building catapults doesn’t work because of the range on the AC’s. Crazy. The worst part is that a downed wall used to mean victory. Not any more. We broke that wall THREE times and each time our zerg was wiped trying to enter the tower because of all the AC’s raining death down from the walls. Even porting in doesn’t work because you’re still in AC range. Then the enemy zerg lazily wanders over when they’re good and ready and clears all the trebs we built at umber. They yawn and saunter off. Rinse, repeat for 3 freaking hours. And we’re the lower-pop server. See, if Anet wanted to help low-pop severs, they failed miserably. SM does NOT EVER FLIP. One server holds it for the whole week. See, the bigger servers can grab and hold now without fear of any retaliation. If Anet doesnt fix this soon I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stay with this game. VERY frustrating.
So you have their supply line umber. So they have to run supply from outside. You can treb from umber like you said you did. So you can treb their acs away.
Now the fact that they lazily destroyed your trebs but didnt flip umber? Means they didnt have the numbers to oust you. So you rebuild a treb and destroy their acs. It also means that they must have been running supply in from elsewhere, so stop them, once you accomplish that no more rebuilt walls, no more rebuilt acs inside and you waltz on in.
We had a similar battle in my tier. I was defending. We had 2 ac 2 balissta left that the umber trebs couldnt hit and were outnumbered 2 to 1. the trebs had destroyed maybe 4 acs. We sallied a few times to destroy trebs, they rebuilt them. Eventually we ran out of supply, having to run it from SM and so we stopped wall repairs. They attacked and died to our acs and ballies. Then one bright spark on the opposing team, stealthed in and started taking down acs. He got both before we got him, thieves can be like that and then he came back and did it again, took him a few attempts to get my ballista cos I kept point blank spreadshotting him. He was just one player. Had a few of them coordinated all our siege would have been gone on the first attempt. As it was he solod all the siege down with a few repeat attempts, whist the rest stopped us resuppying. Had we had more siege it certainly would have been more difficult for him, but not impposible. Incidentally thieves have been asking for a wvw role, tada there it is.
They took the tower. It took them a fair while longer than before the update, but before the update the tower would have been lost in 3mins flat.
I noticed a big decrease in WvW players. Now only in prime you can get decent kills. It is a bit empty now outside of it.
And @Jackie you are 100% right and this is the reason I am mad about the ACs.
The arrowcarts having nothing to do with that.
Your current matchup does.
ROF never had night numbers, so from last week to this week, you were always going to see a mass drop in numbers out of prime time. Same for DZ, they have more nighttimers than us, but nowhere near the new ROS, since the mass transfers you got.
Blame the stupidity of the all pile on ROS bandwagon for your lack of targets, not the arrowcarts.
Now on topic: so far in EU t7 the changes to acs have made it so that you can actually defend a lopsided battle keep/tower outside of primetime (think 5 vs 30). The few large defences I’ve been in since the change, to be honest the balisstas played a bigger part than the acs.
The few large offensives, we just took down the nme acs leaving them with just courtyard ones are only good for taking down rams and blocking breached walls , unless you are zoom hacking or window pov glitching (which dont seem to happen often in low tiers thankfully). Both of which are easily countered, either with a catapult or two, or dodge rolling through the breach, with stability. At which point the acs are useless cos you get right on top of them. Hence my point about the balisstas playing a larger role than the acs.
Just my 2c from a lowbie server: destroy wall acs with your own, your eles, your cats or trebs, the inner courtyard ones arnt an issues, except for when pov is abused, and that is a seperate issue that needs fixing.
Oh and before " that makes rams useless" no it doesn’t. It just means use them for your initial push before the defenders realise your target, or use them for your final push once siege and supply are destroyed / used up.
So far I’ve died to 1 set of acs and that was cos I suicided on my ele to destroy them.
Do the new acs make things harder ? YES, sure.
Do the new acs make it impossible to take a structure? NOPE, not at all.
My favourite one recently that had me giggling for ages:
Durios had been trebbed for ages from umber, walls had been down for ages, finally our 1 ac and 2 ballista were destroyed. The nme rush in and up the stairs and bunch up to get ready to spam might finishers and rush into our lord room to flatten the few remaining defenders.
Seeing the incoming stack about to get prepared, I popped stability then my ele tornado and ran through them. All I could see was people flying off the wall some out of the tower, some into the tower, some staying put.
Having broken them up the rest of our defenders rushed the stack at the top of the stairs and walloped them, then they got the ones in the center of the tower and the guys running back in from outside got royally punted back to spawn.
Somehow I survived it, 5%hp or so left after my kamikaze “charge!!!!”
That’s the dz playstyle, let the major server do the work then ninja the downgraded keeps. It’s what they are doing to us in ROF matchup with ROS at the moment and its what they did to us when we were DZ ROF GH. They are very opportunist.
They do some of their own offensives but mostly the go for the easy scores. Works for them, keeps their ranking up and lets then flip a lot of stuff they couldnt take otherwise.
Well his family friends tried to plunder our lands so it was only fair to repay the favour
@alkalone and ilesyt
I was there in that attack. We took a t3 south bl tower with siegerzaor. Big woop. That takes ten people and no defensive response team. We killed two players from ROS by the flag on the way to the tower and the one player inside the tower once the gate fell.
At that time we had just repelled ROS from Anza three times (2 rams, 1 cat, 1 more cat) then repelled ROS from Mendons ( 1cat ) , and decided to use the lull while they regrouped to push ROS bl to buy us some time to do the repairs in EB. It didn’t work. We took that tower (172 supply in it, not 550, for those who can read a screenshot) and in the process DZ took ogrewatch and hit us at velolka and we lost anza and mendon to ROS. We all had roughly equal numbers at the time, give or take 5 players on either side.
So we then regrouped and retook our stuff in EB.
Nightcapping, lol, from ROF who are known for having virtually no night team. Krosan, nail on the head you have hit.
I tought Dogged March(or whatever the new trait name) it was supposed to reduce the power of cripple/chilled by 30% ,not their duration.
-New trait: Dogged March. Replaces Turtle’s Defense. Reduces cripple, immobilize, and chill durations by 33%, and gives a small amount of regeneration when hit by these conditions.
Its the regen part that worries me more. I mean if you put a mud trap down or a spike trap down on a ranger, that pulses every 1 or 2 seconds thats a lot of free regen with no benefit from the trap for example.
Or go with the aforemention chill on crit from food. 1 sec chill given from food reduced to next to nothign and a free regen on the warrior.
I’m still undecided on that part cos the info is so scarce, no idea how big a regen it will be or what/if it’s ICD will be.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
I think ROF are taking it easy atm as they dont want to return to this tier and i dont blame them. ROF have more guilds and numbers than WSR in general so that is the only possible reason i can think of as to why they are not doing as well.
From the ROF perspective, this week we had a really rough reset. No idea what happened cos the new reset time is about 5am for me so I was late to the party. As such points wise we got off to a slow start and have been building ever since.
However, I think that whether we stay in t8 or GH drop to t8 or we both stay put is going to come right down to the wire this week. Yesterday when I opened MOS we were moving up, today we are staying put, but there is only a point or so in it.
Personally I would like another DZ-GH-ROF mathcup because we seem pretty balanced but that isn’t going to happen for a while. Currently the t8 match is a lot of fun with good fights in my playhours, not sure about prime time.
Ranger Traps are good traited, not traited they’re not that great.
When not traited for them, they seem more like they’re for helping out with kiting. Spike Trap? Immobilize that sucker. Muddy Terrain? Cripple it. Frost Trap? Chill it.
In terms of straight up damage, the traps are useless unless traited for. In terms of just effects that can be useful for kiting, they’re pretty good regardless.
And after the update if you do that to a warrior, you give them a free hp boost!
“Dogged March replaces turtle defense -33% duration of movement conditions and when struck by any of those conditions you gain some regeneration on a cd no specifics”
We are currently working on making rewards for play outside of killing and capping more rewarding, but it is complicated. Giving people WXP for doing things is a very high likelihood.
Thanks, thats my biggest gripe with WXP. I repair a wall, I build a mortar, I run supply etc . I get nothing. I go with the zerg and wxp out the wazoo.
Enjoyed last night trying to take Overlook. RoF put up a great resistance and we were forced to back away. We lost alot of people by that point but it was a good/challenging fight
That was the most fun I’ve had in wvw in a long time. There were 4 of us from ROF to start with and about 10 by the end. Totally outmanned and expecting the keep to cave in we nevertheless stuck it out and in the end the fight just went on and on and on till the server reset warning came up.
Seriously though I think you tried everything to get in and came sooo close at one point. The 5 golems was part bad timing, part awesome warning from one of our lot. Sorry to say I couldnt resist shooting them as we’d just repaired the cannons Did you manage to save the one coming up from the watergate? That was the only one I wasn’t sure got destroyed.
Thanks to you guys from GH bringing and sticking to the fight and not just hopping into our BL and pvd ing it death. Shame DZ took that advantage, but to be expected and they pulled out a nice lead because of it. Wouldn’t have missed that keep defence for that though. Like I said awesome fun fight. Thanks from the little asura ele who rebuilt the back outer door
Thought this was interesting…
Traits: +Damage with full Endurance
- Ranger: 10 Trait Points – Steady Focus - Damage increases by 10% when endurance is full.
- Elementalist: 25 Trait Points, Enduring Damage - Damage increases by 10% when endurance is full.
- Engineer: 25 Trait Points, Enduring Damage - Damage increases by 10% when endurance is full.
Does the ranger version affect the pet? I would guess not because the pet doesnt dodge and would therefore have no need of an endurance stat and thus no way to determine if it is full and thus no benefit.
If so you still work out better than the other two mentioned classes, but you could look at it as a 6% dmg increase when endurance is full. (Using the commonly quoted 60/40 ranger/pet damage split)
Maybe you should have thought about it before you were doing exactly this to RoF all last week ^^ [KLuka] I’m pretty sure many of us are really annoyed at Dzag after all your backstabs, and that’s why our peolpe pay you some visits.
Exactly. However from what I’ve seen it’s more a case of defend our own stuff and only once its all red go get other stuff. The fact that DZ bl is all green isnt our fault as you invade our BL whilst yours is almost all green.
It does however make sense for us to get whatever blue there is there, if you consider the ranking table. I mean look at the current mos ranking and, whats this? Rof going up 1 place, dz going down 1 place if the current score trend holds. We have finally moved into 2nd and look like holding it as the score gap is now growing and because of that our overall position in the EU table is going up again, 2 weeks after it last went up by one place.
Slow and steady gains being made by ROF. Smart play if you ask me.
Doesn’t matter if they focus on second, even if they make like they did last week, which was only just, then they lose more ranking than we do. At present if the scores hold they lose 3 times the ranking we do and Drakkar go up 6 places and we get yet another new server to fight next week.
This seems like fun to me. Sure we end up toe to toe with mainly DZ but over the next few weeks/months we get a different server to play every week. So tough fights, no stale matchups, and 2nd to play for.
As to DL, that’s hysterical putting up screenies of a complete map takeover.
ROF Borderland was all red 3 hours after reset. The only borderland to be so. The only borderland that didn’t have its garrison or hills capped, and only went green because we went to bed. Did I mention we got SM within the first hour also?
I guess what I’m trying to say is erm… grats I guess.
Will you people shut up about culling? It’s not a factor in the vast majority of thief encounters unless that thief is also in a very large group. The thief who’s destroying you 1v1 near the supply camp isn’t subject to culling, you can’t see him because of Cloak and Dagger.
This is not true, easily seen as a ranger because as soon as you exit stealth my pet takes off to eat you. You render 1 vs 1 in wvwvw in approx 2secs after the pet charges. My machine is not low end and I usually run 115fps without the 60fps limiter.. So culling does affect w3 even in small scale scenarios. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Culling limits the number of characters reported to your client. In your scenario that limit is zero, which is silly.
It may be silly, doesnt stop it from being true.
I have tested it numberous times, so much so I’ve started telling people to follow the pet when trying to find a thief.
Will you people shut up about culling? It’s not a factor in the vast majority of thief encounters unless that thief is also in a very large group. The thief who’s destroying you 1v1 near the supply camp isn’t subject to culling, you can’t see him because of Cloak and Dagger.
This is not true, easily seen as a ranger because as soon as you exit stealth my pet takes off to eat you. You render 1 vs 1 in wvwvw in approx 2secs after the pet charges. My machine is not low end and I usually run 115fps without the 60fps limiter.. So culling does affect w3 even in small scale scenarios. Sorry to burst your bubble.
However since that last change to stealth agro tables which allows me to see this, I can at least target my pet and hit attack and hit you, even unrendered, because of the way targetting and attack tracking works through a pet.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
The thing is, this plan does not work out in DZ’s favour.
They are losing more ranking than us. Until the other day when rof let it go and DZ / ROF score were almost equal, dz was losing a lot of ranking and rof were gaining. If they continue with their current easy pickings only strategy then this will continue to happen. If ROF respond with the obvious hit DZ hard strategy and only concentrate on beating them I think DZ will find it tough to hold their ranking.
As it is, was fun fighting this week, have enjoyed the matchup and some entertaining sieges both in offense and defense.
Fun times on rof bl this evening
Awesome job whichever team of ours stole Stonemist for so long.
And nice work by our ROF border defense to help propel us into second place.
Hope we can hold onto it!
Just on a note on playing try to find the mesmer…
Since the last patch put your pet on the mesmer with F1, then even if he clones, invis’s or whatever the pet will still stay on him, because of the new npc stealth agro behaviour. So follow your pet
What would be really nice is if there was an assist pet function, so you could fire on your pets current target.
Currently if your pet tags a mob, and you target your pet you will hit the tagged mob. However, if your pet tags a mob, you shoot a differnt target then target to fire through your pet you will still fire on your previoud target not the pets target… er if you follow.
Anyway back on topic… I would like a perma stow button, but mainly just for jp’s.
The ranger just doesnt have the burst or survivability compared to a mesmer. Stealths and all that just confuse the enemy too much and givbes the mesmer alot of free time to get his deadly combos off.
Thing about the recent patch, stealth doesn’t confuse the pet.
Thus if you have someone stealthing against you, you follow the pet, and don’t end up confused.
Also as the phantasms are cast against the player not the pet, most likely, the pet won’t chase them either because the mesmer will still be higher on their agro chart, because the ranger will have sent it after them.
But yes the mesmer should still win.
(edited by Wenissa.2967)
Except we have a major patch focused at WvW with a potentially game changing culling fix coming in a few weeks. Strange to complain about WvW attention when we are getting just that in development/testing right now.
Didn’t they say that last month?
Why yes they did then put it back a month…
One of the reasons why the Ranger and pet are built the way that they are, is because if we gave the ranger all the power, then the pet would have to be useless and vestigial, or everyone would claim rangers are OP.
…Personally I tend to do well keeping a pet non-hostile until the zergs actually clash – then switching him to hostile and managing his target. Otherwise when I try to shoot some arrows at somebody,
Firstly, thank you for all your time in this thread.
I agree with your first part,
I disagree with your second part.
I mainly wvwvw.
Hence I am going to slightly digress from the thread topic.
Your quote is basically saying if you want to wvw you have to wait until your zerg commits full scale into the other before you use your class mechanic whilst suffering a 40% dps loss. No other classs suffers in not being able to use their class mechanic during wvw like this. You are futher saying that you have to run in wvwvw with specific class traits, and utility slots. I don’t want signet of stone and the sharing trait, I want a trap trait and a 3rd trap.
Which leads me back to a slight rewrite of your opening statement:
For me the pet is a useless and vestigal, because its dead most of the time or stuck inside or outside a tower doing 70 dmg to a gate and rangers are considered UnderPowered for wvwvw.
I don’t run BM, I run as a bow/axe-horn & trap user. Yeah I’ve got an odd build, it works for me, even though the dmg output is horrible.
We are supposed to be given optional playstyles, spirits, power pet, archer, trap … but in wvwvw, we are being told now: be useless or run full bm with specific utilites. And even if you do your still useless inside or outside a tower siege.
This is where my frustration comes from. Not dungeons I don’t really do them.
I would love to use my pet more in wvw but he just dies before I can get his f2 to fire. Wolves are a great example for a front line zerg breaker… send wolf in f2 howl for fear, cause choas, get back out. Trouble is the pet just never gets the howl off so I should spec signet of stone and the trait I don’t want. I don’t.
Currently, zerg breaking for me is the following:
Run in, with dodge rolls for evade / protection procs, drop entangle (this gives me all boons due to armour), 3 traps, nme panics, leg it, hit wolf f2 and hope it fires to cover my escape.
Mostly I survive, mostly the wolf is dead before I get to the nme, mostly the nme panics, mostly my teammates use the confusion caused to kill off those players who couldn’t escape entangles roots whilst the rest of the nme backpedal. Mostly I do this because no one wants to be first cos you are likely to die, but if one person commits more will and you can easily rout the opposition. I play low tier so the zergs are 20 – 30 players mostly.
For tower sieges, I place frost & spike traps to prevent nme players getting back in the tower to reinfoce defences, I use LB 4 and axe 3 to slow them further, I use wolf to fear them from the door, I use poison trap to reduce their heals to give us maximum opportunity to stop them making them gate. The wolf rarely ever gets his fear to hit or his leap or anything really but hey at least he tries assuming wall defenders and their aoe havnt already killed him.
This shows that obviously we can play with different builds and have use but and its a big BUT: I’m doing all this with no help from the class mechanic, so I lose 40% dmg on incoming players, I lose my F2 special, and this makes wvwvw far harder than it should be compared to other professions.
The only time I find the pet useful: fighting thieves (since latest patch) because he reacts before culling renders the thief. This lets me know where the invisible person is. He never actually hits the person but hey he provides me with targetting co-ordinates. Incidentally that lets me time culling on my computer to approx 2.5 seconds. Pet takes off you see the black destealth swirl , wait 2.5 secs, thief renders, you target and try to do some dmg in the 0.5secs remaining on reveal debuff
I could go on with more and more examples of wvwvw zerg play, 1v1’s, small group fights and so on where the pet is entirely useless and my class mechanic is a hinderance rather than power up its supposed to be.
Instead I would like to reiterate what some others have already said: please make f2 fire instantly, please up the protection the pet has against aoe in some form be it dodge aegis passive dmg reduction or other solution, please let us res/rally dead pets somehow.
Sorry for the ramble: its just so awesome and unprecedented to have a real life dev in our section of the forums!
Sorry for the lack of suggested fixes, but there are already plenty of excellent ideas in this thread.
Thank you again for remaingin with us.
In GW2 Chuck Norris plays a cliff
/im ever so sorry
Gotta say, last night’s reset was the best in ages, so much so that when I decided to go to bed, I actually logged off 3 hours later!
Had blast on all the maps. Hope this keeps up all week.
Oooo free raffle!
Count me in!
aaaand the thread got closed
by a mod
because apparently we should do it in the ranger subforum WHICH WOULD MAKE SENSE IF ANYONE CAME IN THE FORUM
mod said that he will remind the devs of the rangerthats the only good news we get (if you call that good) and it wasnt even a red that closed it. it was a mod
Hey that’s the best news we’ve gotten from anyone in ArenaNet for months, don’t knock it!
Isn’t it the only news we’ve gotten for months?
I just wanted to say, that I’m disgusted with actions of 2 Arborstone mesmers, who were glitching into our towers/keeps yesterday evening.
First I had a report about getting into Redlake tower through walls.
Totally agree, this is the first time I have seen repeated blatant hacking in GW2. You see the occasional exploit / hack here or there but never this consistantly. They got soundly thrashed but kept at it repeatedly. What was the final count 1 bay , 4 tower attempts? Thankfully they were useless and beat twice 1 vs 4 and 1 vs 5. And why yes, I and the tower Lord did destroy them
Wow, just wow, the overall patch changes, just no idea…
How they can call this balancing ? Just …
/sad face
ok mine just got fixed, yay!
playing on eu, ring of fire, from the uk, getting this error
add me to the list also
Had fun in arbor bl this afternoon, stuck between arbor on one side BT on the other, trying to hold our tower, after the afternoon long siege of bay.
Good times, thanks to all.