Showing Posts For WilnerGW.3275:

Can Anet Nerf us?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Power ranger or necro?
Probably not a power ranger – any decent heal themselves in stealth. Thus necro?
Use LoS.
Other classes not even using interruptible healing skills or do it in stealth too (mesmer). Even guardian Litany of wrath is non interraptible now (cast time reduced from 3/4 to 1/4).

Yep, this is in an ideal cenario. But in team fights sometimes u alrdy used ur CDs to stay alive or cant use LOS due ur actual position, then u try to heal urself…LOL 15 secs CD in ur face. This is totally game-changing

Yes im power ranger, but u cant forget that good mesmers use Illusionary Wave to interrupt, no matter if ur in stealth or not, using LOS or not.

Ever consider the possibility that getting your heal interrupted is simply the result of your poor play being punished? If you’re not considering the fact that you’ll need a way to protect your heal cast, then you’re playing poorly and deserve to be punished for it. Learn to consider that strategy when you enter a fight, play smart to counter it, and you’ll be rewarded by a successful heal.

Thats weird cuz my ‘poor play’ doesnt punish me against anothers professions. Of course i get trouble with thiefs chasing me simetimes, but tbh i can deal with it most of times. But, against mesmers… lol

Your poor play absolutely punishes you against any other profession that attempts to interrupt heals. The key is that mesmers punish you more. Want to know why?

Because interrupts and associated punishing effects are one of the main themes that Anet has consistently attempted to work into mesmer.

You just don’t like being punished for playing poorly. That’s ok, nobody likes being punished. Complaining about being punished for poor play is simply foolish though.

Nah against other profesions its like 50/50 or who makes more/less mistakes. Its not all about the heal interrupt, tbh this happens very rarely. I didnt mean the insta kills like this

So ok, i am a bad player, thats fine. But its still a unbalanced game if a bad player only get trouble with mesmers, dont you think? Bad players like me should get f****d by all professions. Or maybe all other’s profession’s players are just bad as me.

Can Anet Nerf us?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Power ranger or necro?
Probably not a power ranger – any decent heal themselves in stealth. Thus necro?
Use LoS.
Other classes not even using interruptible healing skills or do it in stealth too (mesmer). Even guardian Litany of wrath is non interraptible now (cast time reduced from 3/4 to 1/4).

Yep, this is in an ideal cenario. But in team fights sometimes u alrdy used ur CDs to stay alive or cant use LOS due ur actual position, then u try to heal urself…LOL 15 secs CD in ur face. This is totally game-changing

Yes im power ranger, but u cant forget that good mesmers use Illusionary Wave to interrupt, no matter if ur in stealth or not, using LOS or not.

Ever consider the possibility that getting your heal interrupted is simply the result of your poor play being punished? If you’re not considering the fact that you’ll need a way to protect your heal cast, then you’re playing poorly and deserve to be punished for it. Learn to consider that strategy when you enter a fight, play smart to counter it, and you’ll be rewarded by a successful heal.

Thats weird cuz my ‘poor play’ doesnt punish me against anothers professions. Of course i get trouble with thiefs chasing me simetimes, but tbh i can deal with it most of times.

That’s weird because even prepatch Mesmer punished poor play… Huh nothing’s changed I guess.

Mesmers pre-patch were like thief is now, at least for me. Kinda harder than other professions, but could deal with it.

Can Anet Nerf us?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Power ranger or necro?
Probably not a power ranger – any decent heal themselves in stealth. Thus necro?
Use LoS.
Other classes not even using interruptible healing skills or do it in stealth too (mesmer). Even guardian Litany of wrath is non interraptible now (cast time reduced from 3/4 to 1/4).

Yep, this is in an ideal cenario. But in team fights sometimes u alrdy used ur CDs to stay alive or cant use LOS due ur actual position, then u try to heal urself…LOL 15 secs CD in ur face. This is totally game-changing

Yes im power ranger, but u cant forget that good mesmers use Illusionary Wave to interrupt, no matter if ur in stealth or not, using LOS or not.

Ever consider the possibility that getting your heal interrupted is simply the result of your poor play being punished? If you’re not considering the fact that you’ll need a way to protect your heal cast, then you’re playing poorly and deserve to be punished for it. Learn to consider that strategy when you enter a fight, play smart to counter it, and you’ll be rewarded by a successful heal.

Thats weird cuz my ‘poor play’ doesnt punish me against anothers professions. Of course i get trouble with thiefs chasing me simetimes, but tbh i can deal with it most of times. But, against mesmers… lol

Not saying im a PRO PLAYER MOTHERF**R BAD A*S ranger or something(it´s quite the opposite actually tbh), just saying that against another professions its so much easier to deal with.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Can Anet Nerf us?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Power ranger or necro?
Probably not a power ranger – any decent heal themselves in stealth. Thus necro?
Use LoS.
Other classes not even using interruptible healing skills or do it in stealth too (mesmer). Even guardian Litany of wrath is non interraptible now (cast time reduced from 3/4 to 1/4).

Yep, this is in an ideal cenario. But in team fights sometimes u alrdy used ur CDs to stay alive or cant use LOS due ur actual position, then u try to heal urself…LOL 15 secs CD in ur face. This is totally game-changing

Yes im power ranger, but u cant forget that good mesmers use Illusionary Wave to interrupt, no matter if ur in stealth or not, using LOS or not.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Can Anet Nerf us?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


You cant even heal urself against mesmers, unless u want a free interrupt and a 15secs CD on ur heal. The last 3 PVP matchs i played it was a HELL. IDK what anet will buff, but its just unplayable atm.

I was Thief, now I am Mezmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


No one sees me comin, dunno what you’re talking about.
And I never hit for just 9k.
I 9k backstab, then heartseeker, then they are dead. If they happened to see me start my approach, and I played the approach right, they don’t even have any evades left because they spent them trying to dodge me.

Hmm i cant really say the reason, but i dont ussualy have problems with thiefs after patch. Before patch i was used to get so much more difficulty with thiefs. I know they have powerful bursts with backstabs, but acctually i can counter it. I can lose or win, depends on thief skill, but at least for me(power ranger) i dont really feel likes thiefs are unbalanced.

I have so much more hard times with mesmers bursts now, and it looks like its harder to kill them due the lots of reflects/invul/stealth.

I was Thief, now I am Mezmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


People saying that another professions can deal high bursts too..Tbh every single match i play after patch when i hear the Power lock sound… theres some1’s life’s going to near zero. Either enemys(the mesmer is on my team) or allies(mesmer is my enemy).

Maybe another professions burst can be powerful as mesmer burst, but looks like mesmer burst are easier to setup(?) and more game changing. I dont know how to play mesmer thats why i put a “?” on easier to setup. At least is what looks like. Again, its my opinion not the absolute truth.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Support Guard . . just why did this happen?

in Guardian

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


I guess he was meant to say months lol you guys got it just stop trolling ;p

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


This is why there’s no point discussing or staying on this topic, you’re just a raging ranger who acts like a child. Good luck on your nerf quest but it won’t stop you getting destroyed till you start checking your surroundings.

Its the 1st time i got “destroyed” 1v1 this way on WvW.

I was arguing with education all the time. Its a game after all, so really no need for rage. Or even pots like Tongku.5326 did(THIS is a child).

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx

Then care to welcome our opinions by showing the original video where you drop your pants faffing around for a few seconds not checking out your surroundings?

I would open a “wvw tips” topic if i wanted to discuss that dont u think?

Not saying im a WvW master and dont need some improvements

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


1st Watch it
(its a fast video like 12 secs)

2nd: Its clear to me thats this is a broken game right now. Enjoy.

Disclaimer 1: Im not full zerker i run some Knights(power precision toughness) armors and amulets/rings. I was running Signet of Stone(180 passive toughess) plus toughness utility food

Disclaimer 2: It were only 1 mesmer atacking me, i checked damage logs. You can notice i checked damage logs right after the stomp, i couldnt believe in what i just saw.

16k HP …… claiming to be not squishy, cuz some knights …. LOL !!!!

LOL !!!!!!!!


Just LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You so get what you deserve for runing a stupid build.

ty for the love <3

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


If you want to complain that zerker ranger sucks in WvW roaming, take it to the ranger forum, perhaps? (N.B. JOY makes extensive use of zerker rangers in WvW havoc. But running solo you are very vulnerable to CC spam, thief-style burst, or condi overload.)

Never said that if u read better youll notice that i said zerker pew pew rangers are in a very good state atm ;p

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Besides, I don’t like having discussions with people that go back and re-edit their stuff to remove the bits where they messed up.

Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


See the difference in burst between a zerker mesmer and a zerker ranger? The dmg is over the top on shatter mesmer in wvw and pvp at the moment and comes with an amazing set of viable survivability which is precisely why everyone is running fotm mesmer right now, specifically inspiration mantra shatter builds.

They probally know that they just want us discuting about anything else like “u should look behind” to shift the focus of discussion about it .

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Every good shatter mesmer knows power rangers are easy food in WvW , you’re very bad if you’re dying to a power ranger in WvW so the argument and comparison is really just dumb..


Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Umm, you deleted the first version of the video, which includes you mousing over his food (which is where that Precision buff screenshot also came from).

So, /shrug.

Yeah ppl were talking so much more about “wvw l2p” than the burst itself. but yes the other mesmer were probally a zerker mesmer too

Well I’d love to recheck the video but it’s no longer there.

I’m pretty sure rangers got a lot of survivability in their RF from 1200 range build, I know I did especially with SoS, lightening reflexes, entangle, traited survival skills and GS.

Edit: Oh you even have quickening zephyr to burst people down in 1s from max range, how cute that you’re QQing.

hm thats weird i just check the video and its avaliable. Anyways Ranger DO have some great survability too! im not saying it dont. And the patch were very good to us compared to other professions!(imo).

Im just saying mesmers can do more damage and have even more survability /desingages. At price of a few less range.


(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Damage is high across the board, but none of the classes have near as much survivability or readily available spike damage COUPLED with that same survivability

His rapid fire actually didn’t do much at all as it only capped at 2,400 damage (i think that’s half of ONE mind wrack right now? Yep ). Just pointing that out to the guys saying he was bursting him down before getting +1’d

Everybody saying things like killshot warrior could kill you fast forget the difference in survivability between a 1shot thief build , 1shot killshot warrior build , completely full zerker warrior with 1hundred blades vs a shatter mesmer right now.

Those analysis were perfect! Maybe i didnt made myself clear till now: The problem is not only the DAMAGE itself. Its how mesmers do insane damage with GREAT survivability/desingages.

Finally some coherent and weighted analysis, and not some “L2P noob”

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


This thread is funny. OP says that this burst is insane, but in the video that he provided he was doing the same thing to the other mesmer from 1200 range.

Yes i was doing insane damage to the other mesmer but as you can notice my burst took so much more time on the 1st mesmer than the 2nd mesmer burst took on me. Plus i droped her HP from like 80% to only 20%, while my HP dropped from 100% to 0%.

And yes its just another QQ topic never said its not ;p

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Oh look, a ranger complaining b/c he can’t just press 1+2 to win…how disappointing. I’m sure everyone agrees that a build that presses 1+2 has to beat all other builds……..
Also at :07s any good player would have instantly dodge rolled once they saw that clone appear next to them. So don’t complain b/c you weren’t good enough to react to that, then call a build broke.
Also, play with your FoV further out, woulda helped you there.

Like some1 else said: “I suppose it was a sarcasm… I hope it was.”

Plus rangers are so insta win(1+2) that u see alot of rangers in World Tournament Series: zero. Now, after the patch, every team has AT LEAST one interrupt mesmer. You can check by youself

Against other profession, if the enemy is a skilled player i can tell u guys its like 50/50, depends on who makes the 1st mistake. Against a SKILLED mesmer, no matter what i do, its like 10/90. Theres will always be a stealth to save her kitten or even a mirror effect(projectile reflect) that cancels my buurst(otherwise i kill myself). Not to say Rapid Fire doesnt work due to insta interrupt

Questions for power pew pew rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Ah, yeah, looking at it again, that is what has happened. Makes no difference though, really, one Mesmer or another.

Yep, thats the point. No1 should bee able to do that damage.

Lets supose i survived the mesmer burst…how would i defeat her? Mesmer caan stack up to 10 secs to projectile reflect, plus shater invulnerability skill plus lots of stealth.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


You are also very unlucky though. All five hits are crit, with 55% crit chance that zerker mesmer has it is only 0.55^5= 5% chance that every hit results in a crit.

Besides, you didn’t get interrupt or stun or immbo. It is indeed very hard to avoid but only if you paid attention.

As I suggested, you need protective ward for roaming. It completely negates the first burst from mesmer or thief. That attack in vid would do hilariously low damage.

Yep the Nature Magic master trait helps alot. But i cant give up the Quick Draw on WvW.(2x Swoop and 2x Hunters shoot are AMAZING to desingage ganks and zergs. With this trrait i have crazy mobility. just cant dont take it on open WvW)

Anyways even thiefs(that should be mesmers natural counter) are QQing about mesmer after patch, so its clear that something is wrong.(And yes im QQing hehe ;p)

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Theifs and warriors have insane burst too, but not as mesmer burst. Plus, about the warrior, its SO MUCH HARDER for a warrior to set up a burst with 100 lb than for a mesmer.

Thiefs and warriors are are OK imo atm. Im not trying to defend thief/warrior cuz ive never playe them(i only play ranged builds). I just have to admit they arent not OP atm;

It wouldn’t have mattered what class it was, whether it be fresh air ele, killshot warrior, mediguard, mesmer, thief, SD engy or necro, you weren’t looking behind you so you never saw it coming.

If you were looking behind you, you’d have seen the mesmer either stealth or throw the mirror blade and could have dodged it. You weren’t so you didn’t see the tells and got killed because of it and I guarantee all other classes except maybe ranger could have burst you down that fast.

Ive playing like 5 hours/day after patch and another professions cant kill me that fast. Ive been playing against all builds and professions. Except S/F Eles, this 1 i didnt fight that much, maybe they can kill that fast too. But not to mention they dont have stealth and are so much more vulnerable than a mesmer(imo ofc).

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Paranoia is crucial in WvW roaming. If you’re not constantly checking your surroundings, or placing your back to the right walls, this is going to happen. It’s always been this way.

Well i know. The weird part is that i never got killed that fast by any other profession. Even Backstab thiefs takes more time to kill me.

The burst is basically the same as pre-patch. The only things that changed are:
- 1 Bounce on Mirror Blade (~2k damage)
- Overall damage increase

Im not sure about the build before path, but i think the meta GS zerker build didnt take the power block trait. Im i right? This trait made very harder to avoid burst. Plus if a mesmer interrupts your healing skill…good luck

I know every1 got acess to new traits lol im just saying its OP atm.

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


That burst was not instant. After the first Mirror Blade bounce he could reacted if he paid attention. But yes, burst damage across the board is higher now.

“The problem is you not the burst”.

I wouldnt expect another answer from a mesmer youtube streamer.

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


1) I run full zerk on my ranger except for one soldiers backpack and one celestial accessory and I have 200HP more than you, so you must probably be practically full berserker.

2) I ran into the same insane damage before on my necro but thankfully I saw the mesmer going into invis before engaging so I was prepared and well my shroud saved me.

Im not full zerker i run some Knight stats. It gives toughness bonus not Vitaility man…

Well u might avoid a mesmer burst ina duel or something like that.. or even if u see her going stealth. But in my situation i coudnt do anything. Btw if it were a warrior im sure i could do something, i would have SO MUCH MORE time to react. trust me i fight warriors alot of times.

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Not really related to the topic, but that burst was kinda easy to avoid.

There was no way he could avoid that. Granted, he could have used his camera better, but there was no way he could react from 16k to 300 hp instantly lol.


Coulda been a frenzy killshot or frenzy 100b warrior too and they’d have downed you as fast.

Thief steal into backstab and heart seeker with the quickness when attacking from behind trait, would take the same time and instagib you.

Theifs and warriors have insane burst too, but not as mesmer burst. Plus, about the warrior, its SO MUCH HARDER for a warrior to set up a burst with 100 lb than for a mesmer.

Thiefs and warriors are are OK imo atm. Im not trying to defend thief/warrior cuz ive never playe them(i only play ranged builds). I just have to admit they arent not OP atm;

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Not really related to the topic, but that burst was kinda easy to avoid.

Sure. I was focusing any1 else and she came from STEALTH with like 4m from me. Very easy to avoid.

Plus i was chanelling a skill(rapid fire), then her interrupt mantra applied immobilize on me.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Questions for power pew pew rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Check this video then tell me if you can beat burst mesmer as ranger.(its a fast video like 15 secs only)

Disclaimer 1: Im not full zerker i run some Knights(power precision toughness) armors and amulets/rings. I was running Signet of Stone(180 passive toughess) plus toughness utility food
Disclaimer 2: It were only 1 mesmer atacking me, i checked damage logs.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Just another mesmer burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


1st Watch it
(its a fast video like 12 secs)

2nd: Its clear to me thats this is a broken game right now. Enjoy.

Disclaimer 1: Im not full zerker i run some Knights(power precision toughness) armors and amulets/rings. I was running Signet of Stone(180 passive toughess) plus toughness utility food

Disclaimer 2: It were only 1 mesmer atacking me, i checked damage logs. You can notice i checked damage logs right after the stomp, i couldnt believe in what i just saw.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Pets stats...Wont we do anything

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Do we need to shout to get a simple fix on our kittening pets stats ?


Hahaha good one ;p
But i still think the Effectiveneness is too high atm, i would say something like 0,0000000000000000001%

Pets stats...Wont we do anything

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys, i created a thread about pets stats, that are still not updated:

Then the 7 July patch came and… its still not updated!!

Do we need to shout to get a simple fix on our kittening pets stats ?

Pets stats are not updated!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275



An update patch to fix bugs and its still not fixed!!

Devs pls pay attention to ranger pets! stats are NOT UPDATED!

Questions for power pew pew rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


For those saying its easy to kill mesmer with rangers.. i have a very skilled friend mesmer. Can i watch any of you dueling her? then we will just meet in a 1v1 SPVP arena.

You guys will see thats not that simple. Just let me know if any of you are avaliable.

thx all!

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Pets stats are not updated!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hi Devs;

The 23 July update note says:

“All ranger pets now gain an additional 150 power, vitality, toughness, and precision at level 80.”

But it didnt get this additional stats till now. Just to say an example, check the Juvenile Wolf pet. Check its stats on Wiki Now check my atachement. Its the same stats.

Pls fix it, thx.


(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Grenade Barrage bug. (vid related)

in Engineer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


I got insta killed alot of times on WvW/SPVP by engineer granade. If its not a bug its just a broken trait.Not even thief or mesmers bursts can down my HP that fast. Thats rlly scary

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Questions for power pew pew rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Thanks all for answers!

How about food and utility food for WvW? Whats the best option?

Another question for pew pew’s: After the update, have u ever won a 1v1 againt a mesmer? either condi or power;

Its…impossible. So many reflect, stealth uptime and bust damage/condis. They need to nerf those reflect otherwise we will be mesmer food.

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

HOT and Precursors

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Yeah i already read that. but it doesnt give information about prices, of course cuz its market speculation.

HOT and Precursors

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys.

Ive heard that you will get precursors with collections in gw2 HOT; So, that means their price will go down?

I have gold to buy a Twilight, but i dont know if i shoud get it now or if i should wait for the expansion.

What do you guys think? does any1 have any information?


Questions for power pew pew rangers

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys; thats a opinion topic.

Im play the power pew pew LB build, and i have a few doubts and wanna know whats YOUR choises for my doubts. I play 80% of time WvW solo roam and 20% of time with zerg. So here it goes:

-Whats ur 3rd trait line? I mean, i guess eveery1 chooses Markmanship and wildness survival, so whats the 3rd line u choose, and why? Ive testing Nature Magic, Beastmastery and skirmishing, and boths are amazing;

- 2nd weapon set. Do you play LB/GS or LB/sword-x ? and why? I cant choose it too lol boths are good ;p

thx all for opinions

BeastMastery: Finally viable

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


I’ve noticed my pets are dying a lot faster too. Though I have a feeling that’s a result of the insane burning stacks flying around everywhere that our pets have no way of handling and that we can’t even see.

It’d be nice if we could see the conditions on our pets.

Yeah, thats the point. All professions got alot more of damage and condi application, but our pets got…150 attributes adjust(and its not applied yet btw)? Our pets need a way to cleanse their condition, otherwise they will die very fast. With a dead pet, we lose like 30% of our efficiency as ranger. Just a question, does Wilderness Knolowdge trait remove conditions from pets? It doesnt give pets the fury, so i imagine it doest remove conditions…

So, our pets are designed to die to condi builds in like 10-15 secs in a 1v1 and 4-10 secs in a team fights. Nice

BeastMastery: Finally viable

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


I’ve noticed my pets are dying a lot faster too. Though I have a feeling that’s a result of the insane burning stacks flying around everywhere that our pets have no way of handling and that we can’t even see.

It’d be nice if we could see the conditions on our pets.

Yeah, thats the point. All professions got alot more of damage and condi application, but our pets got…150 attributes adjust(and its not applied yet btw)? Our pets need a way to cleanse their condition, otherwise they will die very fast. With a dead pet, we lose like 30% of our efficiency as ranger. Just a question, does Wilderness Knolowdge trait remove conditions from pets? It doesnt give pets the fury, so i imagine it doest remove conditions…

BeastMastery: Finally viable

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Use a bird. Radius is no longer an issue.

Dont think double bird is a good option for this. I could use the chill bird, its fine.

But the others bind:
one has bleeding(not good for power) and other has blind(the trait alrdy applys blind)…

So we still have a problem xD
Plus i love dogs, their CCs are amazing

BeastMastery: Finally viable

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


bears don’t die. literally. if you need a pet alive to cast Beastly Warden, just slot at least one bear.

I run double dog for the fear/imob. Plus the ‘Beastly Warden’ have the pathetic radius(240), so i run Zephyrs speed instead.

And come on, we shouldnt need to be a bearbow to have a pet alive in a 1v1 fight…

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

BeastMastery: Finally viable

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Thanks ANET;

Finally we have 5 vaible traits line now. Just some sugestions:

-Our pet is still weak(i know theres a bug, cuz our pets didnt get the 150 extra stats as it should get, but i hope they fix it soon).However, they are still weak. My pets die alot, even when i am in 1v1 duels, even with 15sec cooldown on pet swap. So, IMO, but should get extra stats, at least defensive stats(toughness, vitality). Their atacks(Power, precision, feorcity) are OK.

- The adptet’s beastmastery traits arent good for a power ranger.
1 – ‘Resounding Timbre’ is only viable for those who run shouts skills.
2 – ‘Companions might’ looks to be better for condi builds.
3 – ‘Go for the eyes’ this looks the best for power builds. But the blind’s radius (240) is just PATHETIC. Unless you are 1v1ng an NPC, this skill is useless for duels. I got the skill idea, the blind would be very usefull for us, but with this radius, its useless. The pet toughness adjust(350) is fine.

What you guys think?

Worst profession to duel as Pew Pew ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


And what state you guys think the glass bow build is on 1v1 duels?

Are we in a bad state at all? Or a good state?

Will HOT make we better for duels?

Worst profession to duel as Pew Pew ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys;

Thats a personal question for personal opinions.

What profession/build do you get more difficultty to kill 1v1 when u running the power build with LB/X?

My votes: DPS Guardians and some skilled mesmers.

How about you?

Pet active skill(f2) and chill

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


So, no1 else have seen this bug?

Its kittening annoying playing with it. No solutions?

Rangers autokicked from PvE Groups

in Ranger

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


I quited being ignored and autokicked. I love playing rangers in SPVP and WvW, but its rlly frustating trying to join dungeon groups with rangers.

I just made a staff conjurer elementalist build and gg.Now i play this way:

pvp/wvw → ranger
pve → ele

(edited by WilnerGW.3275)

Condi Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


Hey guys, ty for answers!

Well im playing just hot joins, then ill assume the rage messages are just from players trying to kill me and that got mad when they dont. I play only hotjoin, so the problem is not the team presenc on points or something else. Ppl just dont like to fight a pu condi mesmer, thats it.

About the chase ability, i play scepter/torch and i prefer sword/pistol instead staff anyways i was trying celestial amulet with those weapons, and thats fine too

Condi Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: WilnerGW.3275


No. People who don’t play PU condi never get those messages.
You get them for a number of reasons but mostly because of what Jurica said “Condi mesmer in PvP is not good simply”.

But thats weird, cuz and the most situations when i get this message is when i kill some1 in a hot join, then the rage begins. I am used to get those messages as a condi ranger too, but not as much im getting now with the mesmer ;p