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Worst thing that's been said to you in PvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


“GG, Staff Bunker Ele OP. Go play a real class and not some FOTM faceroll build”

Seriously. Seriously.

What. I just kinda stared at it.

LOL woooooow.

PvP only

PvP changes ? :)

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


A pilot of an airplane travels from New York to Chicago – a distance of 800 miles. The airplane travels at 200 m.p.h. and makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot’s name?

PvP only

The Engineer's Guide to Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Good post! I just went back to playing my turret build (in pvp no less) and it still definitely needs some buff love, but it’s getting there.

PvP only

Is Joining "Glory Farm" Servers Bannable?

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


No, it shouldn’t be. It is there system that is failing. If they had a big enough problem with it then they should have fixed it by now (if it was important enough it would have been).

No, I do not condone the practice. No, I do not partake in this kitten nonsense, but see above.

The easiest/best way to gain glory should have never been in hotjoin anyway. It needs to be and should have always been tourny play – and by that I mean a significant margin.

So right. Couldn’t be said better.

PvP only

Khalifa's PVP D/D Necro Build [Updated]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


We really need a updated thread with all the current, good sPvP builds. I was considering starting one. I hate searching google for the updated builds. The build thread on here is badly outdated. Not to mention all the builds are done by 1 guy who has awfully long tutorial videos that could easily be shortened with a link to the build. Who got time for that?

As far as finding builds goes, I’ve had a lot of success with searching Youtube instead of Google. Be sure to search within a week/month.

Also, a big thank you for all who put their videos online. Makes life easier for us who have very limited ammounts of time.

PvP only

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Dear OP,
Here’s a hint: it starts with an “S” and rhymes with “tunbreak”. Use them. I don’t even play a warrior usually and don’t find that fighting them is that big of a deal.

PvP only

The Evan Lesh Fan Club Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I once targeted Evan and all my skill descriptions read “It’s not in your best interest”

PvP only

pvp balanced

in Warrior

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’ve been trying to find the “solution” to fighting warriors and I’ve noticed that, at least for me, it’s the massive regen I have problems with rather than the stunlock. Against the stunlock rotation, if I’m on a light armored character and I mess up once, then I’m dead…and I feel like this is the way it should be for the most part and this is also something that will be easier countered once the para sigil is fixed. When I’m rolling on most medium armored characters, I find it a bit easier.

The best success I’ve had against warriors in general so far has been on my burst engineer (static discharge with lots of vuln stacking). The CC and huge ammounts of vuln and ability to kite if I wanted to melt most warriors in short order. A nice thing about my SD burst is I don’t have to worry about where the camera is to get it off. I’m sure there are other, more condi based builds that do better (as long as they can dish out condis as fast as the war can get rid of them), but I’m sick of condis and don’t play any condi build anymore if I can help it lol.

PvP only

WHY dont you Spvp ?

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


All I do is sPvP and some things that I’d like are…

1. Rewards/Achievement points
2. More ways to earn gold
3. More game modes
4. More tournament worthy (team que) maps

The “lack” of builds doesn’t bother me because there are viable team comps/builds out there that are great and not considered to be in the meta. It’ll take a popular guild using a non-condi meta in a featured tournament to make this popular though. It doesn’t bother me that there are some builds great for WvW that don’t work in sPvP. It’s the nature of a game that has three over-arching game modes (sPvP, WvW, PvE).

PvP only

A DPS Guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’ve just started messing around with Guardian and I’m trying out the DPS builds first before I try my hand at bunkering. Kasama, it looks like your build has the most potential, however I can’t seem to get it down the way I want to (even with your breakdown of it in your post). Do you have any gameplay videos I could look at?

Also, anyone else have spvp videos for other dps guardian builds handy?

PvP only

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


All I do is pvp so I tried the original pvp build but ended up switching I for IV and X for IX in Marksmanship. I felt like you really need a stunbreak or you’ll get locked and bursted down if you happen to get caught up in the mix so I switched Signet of Stone for Signet of Renewal. Several second imunity to physical dmg for a stunbreak and full/passive condi remover? I’ll take that. The result was a very, very fun build that is actually viable. As with pretty much all builds, timing is everything. Knowing your opponent is, as the OP said, very important. Also, knowing whether to use GS3 as a gap-closer or as a tool to get away is vital.

PvP only

A Ranger Guide - Power Build -

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’m really interested in these builds for sPvP and I’m going to try it out when I get home. I’m sick of my spirit ranger.

PvP only

This bug is.. ummm... halp?

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


kitten , wish I had that problem lol

PvP only

Engi Builds for tpvp and spvp ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’ve been using this for a while:

Rotation: rifle 4 (so they don’t dodge roll out of…), rifle 2, Analyze, Surprise Shot, Grenade Barrage

Pros: an easy and quick 18+ stacks of vulnerability, some CC, perma vigor and swiftness, excellent fury uptime, some survivability through Med Kit, good sustained dmg and team support through ’nades aoe
Cons: squishy as hell, very prone to conditions, prone to CC, and little room for error

PvP only

(edited by Zorgog.3908)

Are engineers too "balanced" for pvp?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


To OP: not sure why you’d chose sPvP over tPvP (not knocking it, just don’t understand the draw to something non-competitive other than to test a build). But anyway, when making a build you kind of have to chose a role. You can’t have it all; no profession can (maybe necro right now?). Do you want to be a bunker, dps, cc or sustained dmg? But if you want to just roll around in sPvP by yourself you could always go HGH condi nades and use your mad range as your “deffense”, going in for the kill when they get about half health. There are several builds for rolling around by yourself and I’m sure you’ve gotten some good advice so far. Send me a pm if you have any engi questions that haven’t gotten answered and I’ll try to help!

PvP only

R35 Engi LFT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Looking for a serious team that’s hopefully involved in Mist League and SOAC tournies. My usual hours are Moutain Time early afternoon or late night depending on the day. Prime time is usually a problem for me unless you’re on the west coast and are on rather late.

My main is Engi (all specs) but have some experience on bunker/burst Ele s/d or d/d

PvP only

Looking for a yoda

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


You guys arguing about completely subjective stuff in a thread where someone is just asking for help? Sorry, just funny.

Anyway, message me in game if you like and I’ll help if I can

PvP only

Make me love shields. What am I missing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Honestly I think shield shines the most in spvp where you can knock back enemies for a res or for point capping. For WvW its use is situational like bomb kit, and is mostly effective when you have enemy running up the steps as you’re trying to cap a keep (or any other choke point situation like that). Also, what Genesis and Linguistically said.

PvP only

I'm an Engineer because...

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I love my engi so much that I haven’t even been able to bring myself to lvl another character lol. Sad but true. Sure i’ve mastered a few other classes for pvp, but engi is my mainstay. I can do almost anything all the other classes do and sometimes better so what’s the point?

PvP only

Why do you hate Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


To the OP: if it makes you feel any better, I ran with a group of 4 warriors (a few lb specs, a hammer and gs)and a guardian. We wrecked shop.

PvP only

Stun+Mind Wrack+Blurred Frenzy

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I play a longbow sword/shield warrior specifically as anti-mesmer and it’s been very effective so far. If you get in trouble or see a set-up coming, leap away or invuln/block then leap. Be sure to have auto targetting turned off and don’t have an enemy selected. Not sure what class you play but perhaps this’ll give you some ideas.

PvP only

NA Team LF a 5th:

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Hi there! I’m an r30 engi/warrior/ele (main engi but willing to learn more classes) looking for a dedicated team. I’ve been looking around for others on my server (SBI) that love spvp as much as I do, however finding an actual team that is dedicated to it has been very difficult. Being in the military gives me weird gaming time but I’ll send you a /w when I log in.

PvP only

[WvW] Engi in outnumbered situations? NP!

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Vid 1 working for me now. Again very nice. Shoulda died like 100 times lol. Vid 3 won’t work for iPad so gotta wait on that one.

PvP only

[WvW] Engi in outnumbered situations? NP!

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Vid 1 playback error. Vid 2 was a lot of fun to watch! Great music too and good editing. Power to the engis!

PvP only

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


IGN: Zorgog
Main Profession: Engineer
Alternate Professions: Warrior, Elementalist
Account name: Zorgog.3908
Practice Availablity: MST 7-11pm (not the whole time, but somewhere in that time frame for a few hours)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 27
Level of Desire: Casual and Active Tournament Play
NA or EU: NA

PvP only

Ranger on Spirit watch

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


60% of the time, I kill rangers all the time!

Seriously though, they don’t seem all that op to me as a runner. Yeah they’re fast but if i’m close I can usually catch up. I’ve had some pretty good success st at running with my warrior. Stability, sword leap bull rush. I don’t see people comparing about that.

PvP only

Post Patch Longbow Primary Build Concept

in Warrior

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I fell in love with longbow for spvp. Burns hit like a freight train and most people are really not expecting it. Killed countless gs warriors and mesmers are my playthings. I’m not completely happy with s/s for my wpn swap, but I do love the mobility of it and the bleeds hit pretty kitten hard till they get cleansed. If anyone hadn’t played around with longbow, I greatly encourage it. Plus the fire field does wonders for the team

PvP only

Browser crash when posting from phone

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


So every time I hit “post” on my Android smartphone, the browser closes. Any known fix? Is there a mobile version of the forum I’m not aware of? This is the o only forum I’ve been on where I’ve seen this problem. Ty in advance!

PvP only

No Longer Rank 1

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Good job dude. Let the haters hate. +1 positivity lol. Now to work back on my drop to 21%

PvP only

Epic Weapon exclusion

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Well if you keep it in line with the theme of some legendaries, the grenades could blow up showering the enemy with rainbows, flowers, and cute Asuran babies!

PvP only

Please replace the 1 skill in rifle.

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’d kind of like to see a shotgun as a separate weapon. Keep the rife for long range and get rid of the short range weapon powers. Add a shotgun, move the short/medium range skills to that and perhaps add a few new short range skills that would compliment a power based build.

PvP only

New mechanic! Leaver = 2 hour penalty.

in PvP

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’ve been seeing more and more people leave if things go wrong. Heck, people have been leaving on just a bad initial push. I’d like something to be done, however a two hour ban seems a little extreme.

PvP only

Tpvp Turret Engineer (videos)

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


You know, I think about that every time I use Healing Turret (where APT is at it’s best). I think I’ll shift some stuff around and see if I like it in WvW. I didn’t take it originally because the radius on APT was so horrible (has this been fixed?)

PvP only

Tpvp Turret Engineer (videos)

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Hey all. Long time reader, first time poster. Just wanted to post my WvW and tPvP turret builds and see what the OP thought of them. They’re pretty similar but no condition damage – uses Rifle. I wish I had some gameplay videos to post since a lot of fights are just hilarious. I’m having a ton of fun with turrets. Haven’t lost a 1v1 yet (honestly who care though?), won most 2v1’s.

WvW version;ToAA1CtoMyYkwIrROjkGNG4MA
tPvP version;ToAA1CtoMyYkwIrROjkGNG4MA

PvP only

Behold, the Vampire Juggernaut

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Lol looks like there is some truth to that “grumpy engineer” thread lol. Seems like a fun build although i’m kinda turned off to FT these days. I’ll have to try it out sometime.

PvP only

Naked / Useless illusions in Tournaments.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Just when I thought I could play my Mesmer again! So frustrating!! Like someone else said, thank you for the hard work, devs, but please please fix this soon.

PvP only

Naked, useless illusions in tourneys?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


Anyone else notice this? It’s kind of hard to watch their behavior in the middle of a fight, but sometimes my illusions appear nude and just stand there in tourneys.

PvP only

Is Bomb Kit viable in PvP and WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zorgog.3908


I’d like to see a spec with elixir gun for spvp. Last time I tried it, it was horrible lol

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