Showing Posts For ceg.2587:
there were many requests on secondary proffesion and proffesion changers. those are great ideas but if to say the truth, secondary proffesions make people unbalanced and proffesion changer NPCs will just wont be worth it-because you will always change your proffesion to something else and not make new characters! so guild wars 2 should have this feature-but in the gem store for a high price!
please fix 2 things that i noticed while playing the story:
1. in the battle to retake claw island when you need to take over the courtyard, there are 2 veteran risen acolytes, i didnt noticed them at first and by the time i got to them there were about 50 risen which swarmed me and the whole army, killing us pretty fast! when i tried again, i tried to confront one of them but i got swarmed again. also, every time i killed some risen they spawned 3 more! please weaken the risens they summon and limit the minions they can summon.
2. there needs to be a return to checkpoint button when your still alive, restarting to the checkpoint put everithing back to where they were.
thats all,
3. when the pale tree shows you the future at orr there are risen chicken who explode! anyone want roast chicken?
in guild wars 2, there are moments that made me laugh, think or realize thing. there are a lot of paradoxes and weird stuff this is the place to share them.
1. on the priory story mission in LA red alert when the golems rise to attack you they say this:
“all guest will be welcomed and summarly vaporized”
“have a nice die” thanks! nobody told me your enemy can be so friendly! one word: quaggans their one of the best things guild wars 2 has to offer!
plz add more!
in wvw, players can buy blueprints from order representives based on the order they joined. the seige weapons and hireable guards will have different tactical pros and cons.
for example: the durmand priory can build acidic rams, arcane deployable cannons and hire elementles. the vigil could have arrow towers, battle suits and hire a champion and the order of whispers can have smoke bomb catapults, traps and hire spies.
this may be a little to fantasy but those are just examples.
another quick one…whenever someone gets a reply to his topic or question-he get a notification. plus you have a page with all of your threads and your favorite topics and discussions
ill make it short…when someone types /dance he can write a international hit from a prompted list aand dance a custome dance for that song! can be cool for videos in praticular!
doom is a starter guild meant for everyone at any lvl. this guild is based on helping other players from the guild on pve, wvw, pvp and dungeons.
server: fissure of woe
time: europe
to join contact kartgher via in game
so i was swimming in the sewers of lion’s arch, then i saw a hole leading to an underground underwater chamber with tons of shipwrecks. i looked for some place or passage to lead to a jumping puzzle but i couldnt find. did i miss something? or is this just a cool place?
(edited by ceg.2587)
what if there would be a sync between lets say the ele earth branch and the eng inventions which could result a earth plated turrers and fire branch will result more power to flamethrower and flamethrower turret when fire syncs with explosions it can make explosives cause burning damage.
so what if Anet can just decide on a secondary proffesion that balances the first proffesion! for example: a necro which will be balanced by a warrior making him a warmancer(thought it would be a cool name) wich will be able to send minions(less powerful) while assisting with melee combat, or even tanking! i really need this!
what is the best way to contribute to world vs. world without getting blown up by a big group of players? the main problem is that you cant try to capture keeps and camps, and that I (for example) am not so powerful against a bunch of veterans(at least not yet…).
thats not what i meant… i meant that if im lvl 80 and i go to a lvl 70 zone. plus, it would be great that if you are in a zone which is 10 lvls less than yours, only veteran to bosses will attack you automaticlly.
i think i should a certain advantage against enemies when i am lvled down to effective lvl, why do i have to get beaten by a mob every time i try to kill a big number of enemies in the same time? the dynamic lvl system is awsome but it would be great to have a little advantage…
i think a profession changer is an amazing idea! it’s great because if you have a lvl 15 engineer character like i do and for some reason whant to change it to another profession temporarly (in my case a mesmer) you can for a small fee instead of making a whole new character on a different story becuase in my case, i love the engineer in some aspects and the mesmer in some aspects and i love my personal story which i don’t whant to repeat in a different character. but i think there can only be 1 change slot… please make this feature possible!