Showing Posts For ceg.2587:

a bit embarassing but important!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi! so i was playing my lvl 80 engineer in the cursed shores and i try a lot to get to the arah dungeon waypoint… the problem is that the mobs there are in some big numbers and the most far i have ever managed to get too is the narthex… please thin out the mobs!

Pirate Ship Battles and Housing

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


awsome idea! there could also be dragon battles on board-the dragon tries to wreck the ship-you blast him with cannons!

mystic stone and precursors

in Crafting

Posted by: ceg.2587


if i will combine 3 exotic 80 with a mystic stone-will there be a better chance for a precursor?

the great collapse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ceg.2587


I guess not. The Great Collapse is what’s left of the Canthan District. I guess, as long as ANet doesn’t bring Cantha back into the game, we should not expect anything to see there.


the great collapse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ceg.2587


will anet add content involving the great collapse and whats inside it?
could be great…

the commander

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


so, i am considering about getting a commander license but first i want to know-what is the actual porpuose of the commander and how can i be a good one?

precursor drop rate question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


what precursor has the highest drop rate and where?

should i play also guild wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


should i play guild wars 1 as well as guild wars 2?

wvw keeps getting stuck

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


when in zerg the game gets stuck a lot… what should i do?

ranger or thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


thanks everyone! you really helped me decide-thief

ranger or thief?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


hello people,
i am thinking if to start a new thief or a ranger?
the reason i want a ranger is because i wnt to find juveniles-is it that fun?

tips for wvw combat

in WvW

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi all,
i am playing guild wars 2 for a while but i feel that im pretty weak in wvw…
can someone teach me some helpful tips?

chili peppers in bulk?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


is there any karma vendor who sells chili peppers?

maximizing wvw preformance

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi all!
i really like playing wvw but when playing withh a lot of players and battling against a lot of enemies, my computer is a lot slower.
what can i do about this?

currency question

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ceg.2587


what was the lowest price for 100 diamonds ever?

earth is useless?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi everyone! i feel like earth magic is not helping me alot…anyone got advice on when-and how to use it?

need help!

in Crafting

Posted by: ceg.2587


is it masterwork?

need help!

in Crafting

Posted by: ceg.2587


what is the fastest way to craft masterworks?
i have a lvl 25 armorsmith, lvl 25 tailor, lvl 25 jewler and lvl 175 chef.
im trying to complete the march achievment!

For those who Roleplay:

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


well said Locke. i totally agree.

race options

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


i think a race shouldnt be unique only by story and some skills…ad some options and abilities avalible only to certain characters-making them a lot more unique.

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: ceg.2587


tengu-as shown above.
quaggans-they are great!
largos-i liked the idea…

who is sayeh al-rajihd?

in Lore

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi guys. earlier i did a story quest in straits of devastation called the temple of the forgotten god. there was a winged human-like creature fighting beside me-fulfilling an oath to trahearne. what race is it anyway?

why does everyone hate trahearne?

in Lore

Posted by: ceg.2587


i really dont get it, WHY does everyone hate him anyway?

looking for lvling advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


i do think i have an answer. i started doing the story quests and discovering the map by doing that! now i am lvl 76 after 1 hour.

looking for lvling advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


CoF path 1.
each run takes 5-20 minutes and gives you about 1 level.

thanks but im not in to dungeons so much now…

looking for lvling advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


Do you craft? If you’re amenable to doing that, crafting can give quite a lot of exp, especially if you have the materials for doing a whole bunch at once. I have characters I don’t play often who have gained 5 levels or so just crafting stuff for my other characters to use.

i love crafting but for now im a chef and i cant find good mats all over the world…

looking for lvling advice

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ceg.2587


hi, im lvl 74 and i want to get to 80 fast now. i have some of the map to explore but i prefer something more fast and active.

retribution too hard

in Personal Story

Posted by: ceg.2587


my engineer is already lvl 69 and i want to complete the lvl 59 story chapter-but every time i try when i try taking the courtyard, the veteran risen acolytes kill me instantly with all their minions! i tried again, and tried to find them first so they wont summon too much minions but i couldnt find them and then-death by 50 minions…what too do?

Ascalonian Catacombs is too hard now I think

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ceg.2587


i got to say: as a lvl 63 eng at my time i ran ac story mode(yeah, kinda late i know…) and with 4 other lvl 80s we ran it. it was my first dungeon, and it was amazing how every ascalonian ghost at the start took us 5 minutes to defeat… maybe were not as good, but we were all pretty awsome doing a mass of combos-but still-5 minutes!

elementlists need to have greatswords!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


i will be honest here, i feel that eles are super weak up close. the ele needs to have a greatsword that floats near him and attacks melee based on the attunment!
seriously, its a most have!

warrior tank weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: ceg.2587


sorry guys, i found what suits me best. axe-due to its high damage and stability and a shield-due to its defense and stun. plus i craft armor with +vitality

tips on kiting for the new thief

in Thief

Posted by: ceg.2587


i dont have any, i mean always moving, rolling, striking,moving.

tips on kiting for the new thief

in Thief

Posted by: ceg.2587


hey, im a new thief, and for now im interested in d/d i feel my kiting isnt good enough…anyone got suggestions?

warrior tank weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: ceg.2587


Mace due to its perma-Weakness and block.

wait but what about aoe? its kind off important for tanks…and what about off hand?

warrior tank weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: ceg.2587


hey guys, i want my warrior to be a tank, but i dont know wich weapons are the best…
for now i am using a greatsword.

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


logged in! fissure of woe is up! thx anet!

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


What if Zhaitan is taking over the servers?

Eeeek! Creepy…

no, he couldnt log in…

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


still not working
fissure of woe

Something needs to be done.

in Engineer

Posted by: ceg.2587


look at the array of weapons compared to the warrior:

warrior: main hand:axe, mace, sword.
off hand:axe,mace,sword,shield,warhorn.
two hands:greatsword, hammer, bow, rifle.
aquatic:harpoon gun, trident.

engineer:main hand:pistol
off hand:pistol, shield.
two hands:rifle.
aquatic:harpoon gun.
the engineer has kits, but i dont use them.

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


not for me. well it will take some time i guess

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


error code-42:6:3:2158

the tactical potential of WvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


dear anet,
when i first looked at wvwvw i told myself: “wow! finally an MMO that uses tactics!”
wvwvw is great and has some good tactics in it, but it lacks something-the feeling of war.
sure, war in his case can be hell but how about hiding and ambushes? you should also put some debis around and make players use their enviroment to gain an advantage. the hight should matter. there should be dark places to light by torch. create event like roadblocks and add allies other than quaggans. plus- horses can be nice. if anyone has more suggestions, post them! so we can wvwvw a hell of a tactical battlefield.

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


i played and jumped a waypoint, guess your right

Log in issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ceg.2587


me too. whats up?

A look at Engineer, and what to do.

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


Weapon Selection

The engineers as you know have the most limited weapon arsenal to choose from. Yes, kits exist, but kits are ABILITIES, and should be treated as abilities, not weapons. Expand the engineers’ arsenal a bit. For example, Hammers, Maces, or Swords.
Giving Engineers some melee capability would give ALOT more use to the Tool and Flamethrower kits, helping to make them a viable pick again. It would also open a WIDE range of new builds. Some abilities you may have overlooked earlier.

now that you mention it-i would like a melee weapon. it could make me serve as tank even. plus-weapon swapping is not avalible to the engineer, making him tacticly a lot less proficent

Frustrated PvE'er in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


but i guess i would be unflagged most of the time… one of the things i love is to wander around doing nothing and then seeing a gigantic zerg of my team and join them

Frustrated PvE'er in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


actually, thats a great idea!

engineer requests and ideas

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


first of all, anet, i know i posted a fair amount of suggestions. dont get me wrong, the game is amazing and i love it, i was just very excited to see a suggestion forum, something new for me, and started offering ideas i thought were good.
so here the thing. im a lvl 67 or so engineer, this is one of the only character i felt good with, and i tried ele, mesmer, thief and guardian. and im very enjoying him.
i just noticed that he dosent have a weapon swap option-this might be because of his range of kits, but still, for someone who uses turrets on ground i would be happy to be able to swap, plus-there arent a lot of choices…
second: i just LOVE the turrets! i didnt see any flaw in them but i still have a suggestion:
for every race the turret will have a different design-but same attributes. could be super cool!
thank you anet!

What do you want as the next profession?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ceg.2587


shape-shifter. i know the norn have elite skills like that but it would be super cool to have a class which can change its form. turning in to a ball of lightning, a ghost or even a monster. it would be great to have another proffesion of mass confusion.

who is the Future Personal nemesis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ceg.2587


someone who lives in the cave full of shipwrecks beneath the sewers-perfect villians hideout.