To anyone with Low FPS Drops, Stuttering FPS, or thinking they need to Overclock
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Screenshot or it didn’t happen. Join the <colour>briar zerg and take a screenshot of taking down the gate.
3 monitors means nothing. I get the same FPS with 1 monitor and at 1280×720 on that particular scene.
GTX600 users should disable turbo too:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Sandy’s and Ivy’s in the 4.7-5.2GHz aren’t a “special case”, they’re some of the strongest CPUs on the market. If it helps us, it will help everyone.
That would never work in this game. Lion’s Arch is a CPU bottleneck that’s always changing based on number of players. For that to work the exact same number of players doing the exact same things would have to be happening.
My system has really bad frame-rate drops and stuttering just moving the camera around. I already have shadows to high like suggested. Certain locations also drop my frame-rate for no particular reason (no heavy player numbers). No amount of overclocking has helped me with this. I’ve officially given up, I’m taking a break at this point and hope Arena Net decides to investigate some of these issues. Tons of people with 600 series cards are having issues (690gtx here).
I had 1 and zero player characters in my screenshots, so no, it’s not just the number of characters. Something else about it lowers the FPS that much.
I’ve noticed shadows on Ultra give the camera lag, despite running well running forward.
Assumptions are always a bad thing.
However if you think that your new computer needs to be overclocked to get more FPS when a 5 year old PC can run it on the bare minimum pretty OK then I think you have something wrong with your hardware.
I mean seriously some of you people are just all about the kittens.
1) I just replied in your other thread about how much of a difference overclocking makes. 3.2GHz and again at 4.7Ghz.
2) Look up the definition of “minimum” and “recommended” in the dictionary. If you convince yourself that GW2 having no recommended specs means that minimum == recommended, your comprehension needs some work.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Lion’s Arch at stock 3.2GHz – 28 FPS
Lion’s Arch oc’d to 4.7GHz – 40 FPS
(framerate in far top-right)
@Varna: go to Lion’s Arch, find a spot where you get 30-40FPS and remember that number, move forward a little to reset the camera behind you, alt-F4, change your multi to something noticeable (like stock 32x), go back in and without moving look at your FPS now. It will be about 33% less (equal to how much you lost in clockspeed).
Set it back at 47x and it’ll be back at where it used to be.
@Home Style: run it with 1 thread. Not 8.
@Eincrou: same thing. Change your encoding setting to use 1.
See how it’s 12% now?
GW2 is a very single-threaded application. Look at more detailed usage in something like ProcessExplorer.
(edited by deltaconnected.4058)
Also note that Overclocking is pretty pointless, there is about 0 reasons to do it and many people seem to think that it’s required for gaming when it’s not.
Sounds like someone bought a laptop or non-OC’able sandy/ivy CPU.
GW2 is a very single-threaded program that likes raw MHz. Overclocking gives it those MHz, and therefore lets it give you more FPS.
TL;DR: Asus is cutting cost on the power brick (can’t supply enough amperage). G__ laptop owners are SOL on this.
Long answer: every gaming notebook Trashsus put out since the G51 has an amp limit in the BIOS that would send the PROCHOT# signal when the system pulls too much power. To prove this, look at your CPU multiplier get locked to it’s lowest when you run furmark and prime95 at the same time (not interested in temps).
Although this is one of the suggested uses of this MSR, it also relies on every single other device on the bus to not use THERMTRIP# until absolutely necessary and not on a hunch (shoddy BIOS coding says hi). PROCHOT (the MSR that controls CPU thermal throttling), in conjunction with THERMTRIP#, will shutdown or restart your PC depending on what the BIOS is programmed to do.
If any of you G73 owners want to try, download MSRTool, in the box next to MSR Number type in “0×1AD” and Read. Paste the number that you get under “EAX” here (will look something like 0×39393939).
Overclocking will help, but read up about it first. There’s a lot more factors than a core speed and memory speed slider in nvidia system tools.
GW2’s main thread is the bottleneck on the software end. It’s simply impossible to ‘split’ a thread over 2 or more CPUs because of how logic circuits work (I explained this in detail in another other FPS thread).
Basically, 4 physical cores = 4×100% of power, and not 400% as task manager reports it. Since you have an i7 with Hyperthreading, that gives it 8 logical cores (which is assumed to be 800%). No thread on your system will ever be shown as using more than 12% according to process explorer. The higher your raw MHz, the higher your FPS will get.
(late edit: ‘process explorer’ in the second part, task manager doesn’t show threads.)
(edited by deltaconnected.4058)
@elocke and @Rocklynn: no one’s going to even try to help you if you don’t post the details in the BSOD. In particular the STOP code, subcodes (in brackets if there are any), and related driver (not always). You can find these in windows’ event log or by writing them down on a piece of paper next time it happens.
0×124 is almost always caused by hardware, and in the rare case drivers. Graphics, sound, network, chipset, ACPI from the manufacturer if they have it, and maybe upgrading the BIOS.
That is not how work a minimum requeriments, the people that buy a PC game dont have to see the forum game to see if is true or not that the game will run in his system, they will check the requeriments in the box and they will buy it . But many people will buy the game with a system over the requreimenst and will be unplayable at the lowest graphic.
Minimum: The least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required.
Recommended: Put forward with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role.
^ From google.
The specs GW2 listed make zero promises on how well it will run, what settings it will run at, and if you will be happy with how it runs. If you skewed this definition to convince yourself that your piece of garbage PC can play the game, that’s your own fault.
I still remember, "if you play at GW1 in high with good fps, you will play GW2 in medium without no issues ".
End-products axe things from the design phase all the time. What ever happened to the companion system? What about Borderland 2’s TXAA? What if I said I’d give you $20 for free but never did?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
CPU bottleneck. Even that i7.
What’s the bluescreen code? 0x__? What are the subcodes (if there are any)? Does it mention any driver.sys that caused it?
There’s a different bluescreen for every imaginble fault that can happen.
Eg. STOP 0×0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0×0000000000004, 0xFFFFF880051FAD68, 0xFFFFF880051FASC0)
(edited by deltaconnected.4058)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
All those colours…
1 last thing. Delete all traces of GW2. Folder in prog files, folder in my documents. Install CCleaner, tools → uninstall → delete the GW entry.
Restart, re-dl the GW installer from the account thing, and pray for the best.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
I don’t even know if this one’s possible, but try in safemode
Ah lol. Not bad
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
That’s good. Just wanna make sure that you’re still running it as admin as well (go to c → prog files → guild wars 2, gw2.exe has “run this program as administrator” checked off).
If that doesn’t work, disable UAC.
After that, the last thing I can think of for now is admin + XP SP3 compatibility.
Funny how a cpu that exceeds minimum game requirements is being called “not remotely decent”…
IMO, if a system meets the minimum requirements, it should at least be playable. On low settings maybe, but playable.
Pentium dual-core and Core 2 Duo are not the same. One meets the minimum, one falls short.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Not quite :p Take out that GW2.
From within telnet, >open 6112
You’ll either get something like
Microsoft Telnet> open 6112
Connecting To…Connection to host lost.
Microsoft Telnet> open 6112
Connecting To…Could not open connection to the host, on port 6112
: Connect failed
The first one’s the one you want to see.
^Link to results. Curious to see what kind of beast ur hiding in there to hit 10.5k
For someone claiming to be a tech and knowing about programming, OP seems to know nothing about concurrency. Take a look at GW2 in ProcessExplorer. There’s 1 thread there that fits Easypeasy’s ‘main’ module, which uses several times more cycles than any other.
Let’s assume a perfect architecture where there’s 1 level of shared, infinite, and instantly accessible cache available to an infinite number of cores. Let’s also assume that the only thing running is that main thread. Our computer isn’t Zeus either, it can’t read ahead and know what the outcome will or should be (Turing machine). How do we split it to run on more than 1 core? The answer is we can’t.
Assume at one point in the thread, you get the following consecutive statements:
1) y = y + x
2) y = y + z
In a linear sequence, the answer is easy. All we’re doing is adding x and z to y. But if we split this up onto two cores, the second statement will be using an old value of y. What we end up getting will be y+x OR y+z (depending on whether x or z was smaller bitwise), neither of which is the expected result. The only way this works is if those are ran in series, and they’ll only be ran in series if the thread is assigned to a single core at any given point in time.
Don’t get this confused with Intel/AMD’s own internal scheduler. It will move the thread from core to core hundreds or thousands of times a second to lessen the load on single core. Less load, less VA, less leakage, less power consumption, less heat.
TL;DR: Four cores doesn’t mean 400% power. It means 4×100%.
AMD won’t let you install old over new, so you have to uninstall before using the alternate ones.
I guess you could try to disable AA again as per the sticky, after that I’m out of ideas.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
I followed Genezilla’s advice and updated my system BIOS, using the program @Bios for Gigabyte motherboards. Played for quite a bit tonight and I haven’t had this error occur once, fingers crossed it stays that way.
Now to just fix all these other stupid errors I’m encountering and I might be able to finally play Gw2 in peace XD.
Thanks, Genezilla! Glad someone is carrying the slack of ANet.
Maybe I haven’t had enough sleep, because I can’t figure out how not keeping your system updated is ANet’s fault.
No. It keeps it at it’s highest multiplier 100% of the time. Google is your friend.
Could be overheating, QPI or multiplier set wrong in BIOS, drivers. Any number of reasons.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Lion’s Arch. The cave part is interesting, that’s why I suggested trying it outside as well, near the trading post or bank. Or another cave.
Can someone help me please ?
Look my score and my PC. How can i get crap score like that with this high end config ?
Intel Core i7-860 Processor
Processor clock
1714 MHz <- that
Set it to CPU, log in, look at your fps but don’t move, exit game, set it to GPU, log in, compare fps. Should be noticing 0 difference.
The only problem in disabling SpeedStep is a few extra cents on your monthly power bill…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
If you’re getting about 30ish (at worst) outside, all’s good. Not a system on the planet that can run a populated LA over 60 at the moment.
‘Newest’ official AMD drivers i see are older than GW2 (july… srs?) so it might be worth a shot installing the unofficial ones.
Had it happen a few times before (WvW, shatterer, and Kol). So far so good after lowering sound quality a notch under best.
“repair” is worth a try.
Even though you say it’s not overheating, you haven’t given any temperatures. Download GPU-z, make sure “Continue refereshing…” and “Log to file” are checked (save it to desktop or something), and start playing GW2. When the screen goes black, push your restart button. Over 95c = still have cooling problems.
No issues here.
P13713 3DMarks
Graphics Score
Physics Score
Combined Score
In particular ambient occlusion. None of the nvidia drivers have it working yet. I’m running tri-sli 580’s (306.23) and haven’t seen this happen once.
That 90c is ok at 100% load, but if not, look into better case ventillation.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Try this for me. Open up a command prompt as admin and type in
pkgmgr /iu:“TelnetClient” <- this installs telnet for all windows flavours after xp
telnet 6112 <- opens a connection to the gw2 update server (I think that’s the one…)
A black screen is good, a “connection failed” is bad. This rules out not being able to connect to GW2 at all. Hit ctrl+c a couple times to close it.
Processor Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz, 2600 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
Truth is, that’s not decent. At all. It was decent 4 and a half years ago, and based on what I’ve been reading, the framerate you get seems about right.
The GW2 minimum requirements being too low is a different story.
Disable c-states incl. C1E + speedstep. Almost positive this is a hardware problem. I’ll also bet that the 0×124 error in eventvwr.msc doesn’t list anything more helpful than whea_uncorrectable_error.
0×124 is, 99.9% of the time, CPU instability. Lower your overclock or up your vcore.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
memtest is also a good idea. No need to run it for hours on end, if there’s a problem it’ll be very obvious in the first couple minutes. Overheating will throttle the card and/or CPU, giving drastically worse framerates long before you get a black screen (GPU / PCI) or complete shut off (CPU / ACPI).
I literally just downloaded the latest Realtek Audio driver today. I downloaded the latest Nvidia Geforce drivers yesterday. As for the rest, I checked for updates in Device Manager and all said they had the latest drivers.
99 times out of 100 the drivers on windows update are older than what the manufacturer has. If 2.70 realtek’s didn’t work, disable it in BIOS.
That being said, my CPU was running close to 100c at max speeds! Funnily enough, after I updated my mobo bios, it runs at max 75C on full load – which I am happy with for the time being.
Your rig has some serious cooling/ventilation issues if software can get your temps that high. If your heatsink isn’t getting hot, probably means the paste dried up and cracked (remove, scrape off old layer, reapply, etc.). If it is, add more fans or crank up the A/C. Some sandy and ivy boards also like to turn on automatic OC’ing, namely asus, so make sure its not setting your vcore too high either.
You’re right that CPUs overheating is commonly followed with a force shut down to prevent it from frying your components. But oddly enough, I’ve found that the game’s engine is somehow unpredictable and unstable that in certain zones/instances it may push the CPUs usage way too much, which is why various issues occur.
Better CPU usage is what everyone wants. If your rig can’t handle the extra heat, upgrade your cooling. Not a game issue.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Hard locks like that are almost always caused by old drivers, hardware instability, or software in combination with anti-cheat programs (eg. Afterburner and PunkBuster, but GW2 doesn’t use it)
1) update realtek since I remember it used to have issues. → High Definition Audio Codecs → R2.70 for your OS
2) if that doesn’t work, disable it in device manager and play with no sound for a day or two
3) uninstall (not disable) any anti-virus program you have
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
Unfortunately, no. The people with “good” FPS are either lying or taking a screenshot outside of the larger fights.
Only K-series CPU’s can be overclocked (SB i5 2500k/i7 2600k or IB i5 3570k/i7 3770k), and it’s not something I’d recommend. But in the state the game’s in now, to run LA smoothly (min 60), my 2500k would need to go up to 7.5GHz. Not gonna happen on this CPU and probably not on anything that comes out in the next couple years.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: deltaconnected.4058
In wvw I get 15-25 FPS with gtx 680 and i5 2500k stock. So yeah, it requires a good CPU at least.
Every MHz counts. LA at 3.2GHz and again at 4.7GHz. 50% higher clocks = 50% better min fps (afterburner and hwinfo64 in the top right). $30 well spent imo.
I got good coolermaster cooler, should i boot into bios and overclock mine to 4ghz?
Can’t change the multi on a non-k CPU, and bclk will work on some boards but not others. 103-105MHz tends to be the safe limit if it does work.
Now for my Rant, I’m honestly tired of people complaining about there computer’s low FPS when they are on low-end trash “Pre-builts” PCs or "Gaming laptop,’’ Thinking they can max the game (They are trying to make the game playable, not so everyone can max it, duh).
My hero.
What does this have to do with fps in the game?
GPUs have several power profiles, eg 150MHz, 400MHz, and 800MHz. 150 for desktop idling, 400 for video acceleration/cuda/gpgpu, and 800 for gaming.
Some AMD HD6000 devices lock it to 400 if flash (or media players with DXVA) are running, even in the background. Haven’t seen this happen on nVidia or HD7000 yet.
Unfortunatley no, it is not that simple.
I have a 3.6GHz i7 CPU and its not remotely close to being maxxed out either in computation or data transfer speed.
The issue is clearly the game and possibly also the drivers.
Every CPU core isn’t maxed because of how threads work. Look at GW2.exe in something like ProcessExplorer and notice that one does 10-100x more than any other. While most programs can be split into many threads, a single thread can’t be running on more than one core at a time (aka concurrency). Any improvement is gonna have to come from ANet and ANet only.
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