Showing Posts For etsmith.9025:
I wasnt trying to sound elite or anything and i apologize if it came out that way. I dont mind ppl who transfer to lower tier servers to make a difference or to start out in a smaller community thats what CDS did, my problem is with the players from YB and GoM who seem to have no server pride and would rather jump ship to the winning server then stick around and work to make the server better.
We came from SBI because we got tried for week after week HoDvSBIvJQ or HoDvSBIvET then if we went down to t2 ET and JQ just steamed rolled them. wasnt very fun in our minds, so we looked into lower tier servers and deicded SoR looked like a good place to settle down and make a name for CDS, and i personally made more friends here then in SBI and we now have a TS3 server that a JQ guild donated that ppl actually use, the SBI TS3 was dead :/
There are still a group of players that will fight and capture what we can. Unfortunately we just neeed more help on certain hours.
As previously mentioned the main alliance was available on friday night but most did not log in sat. or sun
I do not mean to take away from their victory but the fact remains we were simply overpowered.Can it not be argued then, that SoR had been defeated Friday night by YB’s main alliance, while our main alliances had been offline? This argument will only run itself in circles. Who’s to say that you won’t field your main alliance the next two days while ours take a break? Circles, sir, circles.
I dont think so. I dont think I saw the buff on any of your players friday night that would show them to be outmanned. I would also believe you had a que time as did Yaks. That means there should have been 150 players on each map from each team. I would conjecture since I was not logged in at the time that when SoR took over all the borderlands , all players had the outmanned buff which is essentially worthless
You can talk circles but the results are the same. Your server was able to field more players at critical time frames.
In all honesty, having experienced WvW guilds come to any new server may not always be advantageous. Who’s to say that the incoming guilds will instantly become cohesive to the strategic synergies of the server? Some guilds may even prove hurtful to the servers they transfer to (ie. fair weather players). It just so happens that SoR’s newly acquired experienced WvW guilds fit perfectly with our tenacity and hunger to be the best that we can be. We lucked out in that department, but that does not mean that we have not earned our lead. We fought like the rest of you.
“You can never blame your enemies for doing what your enemies will predictably do; you can only blame yourself for what you’ve given to your enemies. If you’ve given them absolutely nothing, guess what they’re going to be able to do? Nothing.”
— Lawrence O’Donnell
I don’t believe the guilds really effected the game skill wise. SoR had some really good players in the last matchup. The influx of guilds gave them dominate numbers at the time frames when Yaks has the least amount of players. I would even go so far to suggest that when the majority of maps where taken, SoR was still running around with 20+ people in raids on every map, while yaks probably had 1 maybe 2 teams of 10 to 15 trying to defend against multiple teams of 20. As previously mentioned the main alliance was available on friday n ight but most did not log in sat. or sun
I do not mean to take away from their victory but the fact remains we were simply overpowered.
2000 gems. would about $25.00 worth of gems.
Who or better yet where are these posts that show Yaks Bend talking smack? As with most servers we all have our trolls and bad eggs. Ii simple stated and will stand by what I said earlier. Last game we were on even footing and the scores proved that. It was a very close game. SoR has played a good game, however, you receivded help in the form of an influx of experienced decent sized WvW oriented guilds. While this has given you a huge advantage, the teamwork you have shown is impressive. If you wiish to break it down to time factors when the prime time crew is working, alot of those maps turn red. If we had the after hours support you guys do we would be able to hold them. Your server trying to brag about that type of a win is akin to a pro sports team bragging about beating a boy scouts troop at a sporting event. Mara has shown alot of class. You would do good to emulate her and grow as a person.
kohai. your in a game with only 1 team. GoM and Yaks Bend have nearly 0 paticipation.
Bunny be proud of your server, be proud of your guild. I would not suggest being arrogant since your winning a very lopsided battle. Your guild was a transfer granted for different reasons but a transfer nonetheless.
winning what? the solo match? congrats
SoR you’ve changed!
A shame, because last weeks match up was amazing fun, I’d love to do it like that again & again & again. But free transfers being in effect, rapid balance shifts like this will inevitably happen.
I curse you in game (as your zerg dances upon my lifeless corpse) because you cost me so much silver in repairs the last few days, but I do wish you guys well as you climb the tiers, hopefully you get a worthy challenge next week. I’m hoping Yak’s can go toe to toe with NSP again next match up because last week was great, if things have stayed the same as last week there we are well balanced adversaries.
I don’t blame the guilds from the top tier who saw how much fun YB/SoR/NSP had last week & thought to themselves… DO WANT! And transferred over. If I was stuck in the stagnation and drama of the top tier I probably would have moved too TBH. A shame for us all that it didn’t work out to be another week of the intense close fighting you guys had probably anticipated.
Yak’s does appear to be a bit low on the morale front now – many of our commanders seem a little rattled, as do the troops. But as has been previously posted, there’s the hope that this trouncing will serve to drive us all to play smarter. As for me, I’m fighting nekkid this week, the repair costs of continually being crushed has destroyed my (already unhealthy) budget, I need all my silvers for siege. Near naked Charr – it’s not a good look – but on the upside there’s always the chance that the shock & revulsion the sight provokes in the enemy might just give me some psychological edge. XD
Anyway, it’s not an even match up now, by any stretch, but I’m sure we can all eke some good fights out of it regardless. Perhaps Yak’s might even find some inner steely resolve and push back? One can hope.
I myself was hoping for another match like last week. It is very apparent how server transfers can effect the outcome of the game. Yaks Bend lost alot of it oceanic plauers which opened huge slots of time where we can no longer hold what we capture. SoR on the other hand has received some very good guilds from other servers that obviously tipped the balance of power severly. Its all about the numbers and cooperation. Now they are paying a price with very high ques and very little benefit. No fights equal no kharma, badges or personal rewards. Next week may bring a different game altogether.
i applaud munki’s post. while I meant what I have said earlier I will clarify a bit. I take nothing away from SoR’s game play. They did what any competent server did and take advantage of the opportunties OUR server has handed them. Their guilds have worked togther and played a skillful game. Their game play has been offensive while we are being reactionary. I never said they didn’t deserve the lead. In fact I applaud their guild leaders and commanders for taking advatange of our shortcomings and executing their plan. They have worked together as a united front while we still play as fractured teams.
At least your commanders are staying busy. I entered last night and our commanders that had logged in . turned off their icons. reason? and I quote
“Why?, it won’t do any good”
last week was an awesome game. it was a fight every step and enjoyable to all yaks bend players that participated in our alliance.
the few dedicated players will continue to fight during prime time. So for a couple of hours a day you will meet heavy resistance.
As for the rest of the day you will have to endure your long ques to log into barren wastelands..
elthurian. the point being .. sending 5 to that supply was a stretch as it was.
we had very limited actively participating players. our “larger” force was too busy engaging your “larger force” at nearly 3 or 4:1 odds and that is a very conservative estimate.
You just stated you had 3 separate raids working on objectives in 1 borderland. We had 1 raid that had between half to 3/4 of the people working ALL objectives concurrently. Building, recapturing, defending and running supplies. The term zerg actually applies in my opinion. You also stated you had 20 man raids that you were using as “patrols” We had -0- patrols. The groups you saw hitting your patrols were either individuals not working toward objectives with the main force, or a response team sent from the main force thus weakening it even further.
I never said you were one big zerg with fair weather guilds. Someone else named your transfers that. Had we been able to organize larger or for that matter multiple smaller raid groups we certainly would have. We were able to accomplish that task friday night but unfortunately not able to on the following 2 days.
I have been in WvW most of the day today with 0 que and the most we were able to field in an organized manner in EB was 2 squads of 15 and multiple little pug groups that may or may not have listened at any given time. BUT we were able to secure and hold our 1/3 of the map for the majority of the day until the commanders logged off and the groups splintered. Once again your numbers over whelmed them.
Not to take anything away from SoR’s determination, but this game doesn’t reflect an honest effort by Yak’s Bend to win. While SoR has been able to zerg the maps it becomes a question of sheer numbers.
The first night we were able to get representation into a centralized mumble server and organize a good portion of players into fighting squads. Our strategy was sound and obviously gave us a quick advantage.
Unfortunately once the “alliance” all went to bed, we have not been able to field an effective fighting force of more than 15 to 20 at any given time. The players who have been que’ing are not joining any of the “team” servers in favor of their individual guild servers. This makes it extremely difficult to organize effective defense and offensive strikes.
The server has very precious few qualified effective commanders. They are only able to play during very limited times during the day. When the commanders are on the field people respond and we are able to not only capture but meet your teams and stop them. Once they log off it becomes instead of One team server with have multiple 2, 3 or 5 man teams runner around doing puzzles, map completions, farming, killing NPC’s. Once the call is made to defend, or rebuilt, repair or recapture it is met with trolling , yelling , cussing and fighting, or simply “Why” they are just going to attack it again. Once the commanders log off we lose any and all progress to your overwhelming numbers.
During most of our major engagements your team had multiple teams of 20+ taking all supplies, attacking multiple locations and obviously working in concert with each other. Our team on the other hand had at any given time 20 maybe 30 at best were trying to defend, build, recapture, push offenses, upgrade and supply our areas. With the kind of player numbers you guys have been able to field we are severely overwhelmed. We send 5 people to recapture a supply since that is all we can spare and they are met by a team of 20. There is no way we or anyone is going to be able to hold large portions of maps when very few are defending, building, repairing, buying seige and running supplies. Most of the siege you have seen in the game has been bought by the same guilds, people and players. It wasn’t many players laying 1 or 2 pieces to help here and there. It was 10 or so laying multiple pieces to attack and defend. Others just entered the game joined a zerg and tried to run around and try to cap everything without fortifying and defending.
If we had been able to have a continued alliance pushing as hard everyday that we did on friday night you would have seen a different outcome. You have quoted Sun Tzu. One of his quotes fits the situation perfectly.
“The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself”.
This is not meant to detract from your efforts, however, SoR didn’t “win” this game. Yak’s Bend lost the game. Combine that fact with it seems GoM has basically given up allowing you to focus your entire teams efforts into defeating the few willing to put up a fight. No matter how hard an opponent fights, being outnumbered on so many maps at once makes it impossible to face the onslaught. Once you gained the lead even the “fair weather” players stopped playing. Even a tiger won’t step in an ant bed twice knowingly.
(edited by etsmith.9025)
the attack was started before we knew about the orb. once i saw the timer pop up i went to verify but the major force was already committed.
hmm trying to make sure no one interferes with your orb. and you kill me .. awesome … sportsmanship at its finest
As a side note .. should anything like that happen again, and you see yaks bend chasing
WITH your group and not attacking. don’t kill him he is probably me or someone from our battle group trying to report/screen shot. Now if they are attacking you and trying to stop you from stopping the hacker.. pop him
This person was not associated with any attack that was being planned by the main force. The attack was preplanned. I immediately headed to the orb carrier ( and was promptly killed) by your group as i was trying to report and get screen shots to submit. The entire battle group that was actually trying to pull a plan together was shouting at the guy to drop it and return it.
His name was XXXX with the accent ^ over the O. please report
Edit: removed name. but still reporting
(edited by etsmith.9025)
i am from yak’s bend .. we just had someone from our server hack the orb in yaks bend borderland .. we have gotten screen shots and are reporting .. sor come get the orb
You will still have a vacuum. If they perceive The game to be “lost” , they will stop playing WvW in favor of dungeons and events.
Most equate “fun” with winning. If they aren’t winning, they aren’t having fun and will find another avenue to enjoy the game. For instance farming the. gold necessary to buy the gems to transfer.
And you think stopping them will accomplish what?
they will eithe
A: stop playing WvW altogether o
B:spend the gems to move.
Wvw has a time limit. Its 1 week
the graphics issue will eventually be dealt with
dont concentrate on badge gear. use dungeon and crafted with similar stat
have a group intercept their rezzers. umm use tactic
as for seige, what do you expect, build it out in the open. really??
would you leave your expensive car, unlocked, overnight in the roughest neighborhood in town?
theu all ran out. your graphics got overloaded and only rendered one enemy
computer caught up. you. got mobbed
no its not a glitch. its a know graphics rendering issue. see all posts regarding invisible enemies.
out of all of the hacking posts , I have seen 1 set of pictures that showed a yaks bend player using z axis hack. Look to your own and clean your own house before pointing fingers at another.
gates used hacks in their last game rotation. orbs stolen left and right. Was surprising to see all 3 orbs taken from the other teams and “appearing” in gates keeps in all 3 maps within a 2 minute time period without taking the keeps holding them.
It is not possible, people have tried and it’s not happening. There seem to be a bunch of reasons.
Lag, no population to play with (unless there’s a mass transfer), friends/guildies not interested in transferring, … If it was that easy it would’ve happened already.
What I fail to see is why the population can’t be balanced out? If server A has only 20 people in then server B & C can’t have more then 20 people in. Issue fixed. Populations will spread out unless they just want to sit in queue.
Thisw would not work. Here again you are given am opportunity yo exploit. huge pvp servers can get their GM’s totgether, create a godmode pvp team and control how many are able to enter against them.
ok so they scale points
server A fields 6 pvp guilds per map and take everything. Once majority of maps are held, a prearranged amount of players leave before scoring only to return after scoring calculates. Since their team during that time had outnumbered buff, your score calculated at scale points while theirs at 100%
the opportunity for exploit are unlimited. As with the orb stealing exploit that should never happen, entire servers will generate ways to turn that type of system to their advantage.
what most aren’t realizing is effecting the scoring eventually will become a double edged sword. at some point YOUR server will be the “nightcappers” and will have limited returns on your scoring.
Actually We cant agree. At some point you are going to be matched to a server where YOU are in prime time, however to another server its offpeak. Are you gonna be happy with your efforts counting half as much? during your prime, you will be gaining points at a disadvantage while the other team will gain full points during their prime
does this sound like a reasonable tradeoff?
They are corrrect. Any type of quickness/haste/speed buff that I have seen effects capture. I was surprised while playing my ranger and popping quickness on capturing opponent.
This actually is a good suggestion. Giving the overwhelming team a huge stat buff is just asking for a lopsided game. Having a magic finder buff isnt helping being outnumbered 5 to 1.
don’t hit them head on. Supplies are most important. get them to split their forces into managable groups. Hit their supply lines randomly , also harrass their tower doors feigning an attack. Once they start to respond, move away and start somewhere else. put enough crosses on their map they will split zerg to defend. Wipe out smaller groups as you move.
sure they can add friendlly fire. but i suspect your melee gonna be mad once your own catapults, ballistas or trebs kill them.a few times. They could probably adjust the LOS damage but then would have to address ’LOS on all aoe abilities from players. You would no longer be able to cast AOE from the ground to the top of battlements to protect your team
think a bit before posting a suggestion that can easily backfiire.
the orb last night was taken legitimately. the orb in post was taken this morning.
looking at guild list for Yaks bend, i seee no guild by that name listed. did you right click the target and report? arena can then trace back to that character
It is a neat idea, however as with AV people will just ignore it.(except hardcore players) and nothing would get upgraded. you already have players taking resources out of upgrading towers slowing them down.
the wrong question is being asked. the real question i
Why are you in a PVP game trying to do PVE content
the puzzle is a PVP bonus. people camping it has a pvp solution. If you want to complete it. take a group.
Once they move more forces north to protect their holdings start aggressively taking southern resources. Keep up the random assaults on their northern supply and hopefully the rest of your team has been able to push out of spawn and will help in recovering your areas. Now one of the biggest issues I have noticed, is once you are able to reclaim the keep in front of your spawn, once again the “zerg” takes over and runs off to try and expand too fast. Resist the temptation. Reinforce your nearby supplies, upgrade and reinforce your keep. Once you establish a good base then try to move to adjacent areas. During this process KEEP THE ATTACK ON NORTH SUPPLY GOING, this is crucial to starve their towers and keep their forces split. You can also send a small strike force into the lake to keep the power nodes flipped to your favor. The random storm lightning will help take out siege equipment on top of the other towers and you have a chance to strike and destroy the Altar of power holding the orb and resetting the orb.
Now these are only suggestions and I am sure there are other and in some cases better tactics that can be employed. You can even hide a Mesmer or 2 in those towers so when they flip, you can easily take a small force in to recapture and put more pressure on the opposing team.
Now eventually the invading team will send teams back to guard those areas which should reduce the amount of people attacking your spawn. If you see roving teams/individuals trying to fall back to reinforce, take them out and send them to spawn. If you have enough people with you then take out a tower, again do not defend they will overwhelm it. Once they have engaged that tower (either east or west) Move to the OTHER tower and assault it. Keep guards spread around and if they see a force moving to overwhelm you then LEAVE. Move to a different location, move back to the original tactic of hitting those supply camps.
Another tactic that works well (if you have a smaller team) is to HIDE and kill off the Dolyaks as they leave the camps. Do NOT kill the sentries as this will alert the opposing force to your location. Watch the map once the dolyak leaves the supply, wait until it reaches about half way then jump it. Here again they will have to start pulling players to escort the supplies splitting their forces even more. The more ground they own, the more ground they have to try and protect, the more spread out their forces will be. This tactic works well if you do NOT kill the sentries. You can easily “starve” a keep or tower since most will be actively upgrading or creating siege and using up their supplies. They will see their sentries and most will not investigate why suddenly they have no supplies.
Once the group drops out the back door, everyone usually reverts back to “zerg” and then caps the supply! Now they own the supply! BUT you have now alerted the invading force that you have moved into that area and they will send a huge overwhelming force to put you right back at spawn. The obvious answer would be to run past the supply (ignore it) and head straight into the lake.
Now you have a small force that is free of spawn what do you do? Now you get to cause issues for your opposing team. Move your way north, try to bypass any sentry and supply (except Dolyaks always kill the Dolyaks). Once North, it’s time to play guerilla style. Start taking every supply line and sentry NORTH of the map it is even better if you can time it when the score is calculated so you remove the score from the invading army tally and add it to your own. If you have enough players place 3 teams at the various supply nodes and wait until 5 to 6 minutes before score tally. At the same time take ALL the supply camps at once. Stay mobile do NOT try to set up defenses because you will be over whelmed. Move in a huge circle and keep taking those camps. Try not to be predictable. You don’t want them to meet you at one of the camps with a huge force and send you to spawn. Maybe even move south through the water and take a southern camp to keep them guessing.
I have read a lot of qq posts on the forums over the past few weeks complaining about server imbalances, night capping, and the bonus’s. There has not been a lot of “beneficial” posts regarding WvW. I am hoping this post will allow other players to think outside the box a bit on tactics.
Now taken from other posts, and observing game play during the beta games and live,most are aware the “zerg” is the favored tactic. Take an overwhelming force and just muscle your way into various locations and move on. Now this tactic works great with the majority of tunnel vision players but does not work all the time and has drawbacks. First of all most “zergs” do not plant defenses. They swarm a location and move on leaving it primarily helpless.
Now the issue I am seeing is most players keep trying to play zerg even when they do not have enough players to compete with an overwhelming force. I am hoping players will offer different tactics in this post to help players improve their games and make more challenging matches.
First order of business is to get players out of the spawn. As with most overwhelmed games, players will most likely be in a situation of “spawn camped”. Now as most know, the spawn areas have 3 exits. The issue I read most often on the forums and by observing servers in the game is most CHARGE STRAIGHT OUT OF SPAWN RIGHT INTO THE INVADING ARMY. Bad Bad idea. Gather as many players ( 10+ players preferred) exit through one of the side exits.
so if you tie seige to supplies. how are going to attack keeps, towers? tie it to the supplies players carry? or just carry a supply camp with you?
not sure about other borderlands. but yaks bend has lost its orb not once but twice to glitchs/hacks/exploits however you describe. after the loss of orb again last night after yet aanother login disconnect to find it gone from our intact keep, most figure why play?