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Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: humfrid.2615


The wallet is a wonderful idea and I very much look forward to having all my tokens stashed away somewhere where they aren’t occupying bank slots.

That being said, I share some of the concerns that have been raised here about not being able to deposit money away to your bank any more.

I really hope that it will be possible to either keep depositing money ot the bank in the game or implement some other kind of safety measure with the new wallet, like e.g. the ability to divide your gold up in “spending money” that you can use to buy things with all your characters and “money in the vault” that cannot be accessed normally and has to be converted to “spending money” before you can use it at vendors or the trading post.

(On a less important note, I liked the fact that I could designate money to specific characters and would be happy to still be able to do that in the future, but in the end, I guess I could live without that.)

Asura Heavy Helmet Clipping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I second this request. I was looking forward to the “Bear Helm” so much, but the clipping bug ruined it for me. It’s even worse when your Asura has a larger than average head size.

On that topic, there are quite a few helmets in the game with similar issues. Some helmets will, as soon as you ready your weapons, show what looks a bit like “ear stumps” clipping through them. I.e. it’s not even the fully rendered ears but some weird looking accumulation of pixels. This happens e.g. on the heavy “banded” helmet and on the heavy “pit fighter” helmet.

And then of course there are the many, many helmets where the ears will simply clip through the helm. This includes new amazing looking new helms form the Bazaar of the Four Winds as well as the Hellfire Helmet which is a bloody shame. As someone who plays mostly Asura characters finding a helm that doesn’t have any graphic issues can be a real challenge.

I kept my bear helmet in the bank in the hope that maybe someday it will be fixed…

I think both Asura helmets (ear problems) as well as Charr helmets (horn and ear problems) and leg armour (tail problems) could benefit hugely from a thorough review by the graphics team in reagard to clipping issues.

Spontaneous Target Switching

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Same here. Not sure when it first started exactly, but I noticed it for the first time rather recently. Sometimes the auto attack just switches to another target, often a friendly one, e..g. a party member in a dungeon group.

Cannot connect to log in server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Same here, kicked out during loading screen, now unable to get back in.
Error Code 42:6:3:2158 alternating with Error Code 26:11:5:506
Piken Square Server (EU)

Color blind gamer: Issues seeing red circles

in Suggestions

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I would suggest simply putting a dark outline around the red circles, making them easier to see for everyone (colorblind included). Also, perhaps a cross down the middle would help us see the circles when they appear on tiny platforms (Hello again Fractal harpies! We meet again!).

Actually, a darker outline would not help the red/green colour blind (speaking as one of them). Like the OP said, the shade of red they currently use is very hard to see on dark surfaces. On light surfaces however it is usually not that hard, snow being the easiest.

But I am thinking, that maybe a lighter outline would indeed help. My own preferred solution would be, if we could chose the colour as well, which doesn’t sound that hard to implement (from my theorist’s persective, that is).

Color blind gamer: Issues seeing red circles

in Suggestions

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I am red/green colour blind myself and the red circle problem is indeed extremely annoying. On a dark background they are practically invisible for me.

Pleeeease give us a colour blind option, ArenaNet!

Lockdown banners

in Warrior

Posted by: humfrid.2615


This seems to be a problem that’s becoming more and more frequently mentioned. Accidentally picking up banners, banner stealing, etc. I cannot express enough rage when I see someone pinch my banner to give themselves swiftness as they go back for more supply.

Solution: Lockdown banners. No one but the warrior who summoned it should have the option to pick it up.

I can’t go and move an engineer’s turret, I can’t move sylvari seed constructs, why can they move my banner? It is a tool that is placed on the battlefield to achieve optimum coverage, for other people to have the ability to run off with it is nothing short of absurd.

Don’t know if total lockdown is really the way to go, but I would love to limit the ability to pick them up to party members or guild members, or anything else that would put an end to the annoyance of people purposefully taking banners away to annoy other player’s, which sadly happens more often than I would have thought… sigh

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Same here, i.e. error code 42:6:3:2060 (Europe, Piken Square)

Accessibilty option for the color blind

in Suggestions

Posted by: humfrid.2615


+1 to the above.

I’m (red-green) colour blind myself and the red circles are almost impossible for me to see most of the time. Even when someone points them out to me, there are situations, when I just can’t see them at all, like e.g. the red circle symbols for the traps in the level 30 dungeon.

For colour blind people like me, the problem often manifests itself when the brightness level of 2 colours is very similar. E.g. dark red circles on a dark dungeon floor. I don’t know if its possible to take the colour of the floor into account when determinating the colour of the warning circles. If it is, then the solution suggested by eroombob would be great, i.e. make the circles brighter on dark floors and darker on light floors. Otherwise, maybe it would be possible to let the player choose the colour of the circles in the option menu, so colour blind people could choose a more appropriate one.

If this could be solved, I would be extremely thankful!