Showing Posts For humfrid.2615:

Bloodstone Visage display bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I have the same problem, plus even more annoyingly, for me the effects only show up properly on the hero panel, but not on the in game character model.

Here is a screenshot of my Asura necromancer to illustrate the problem.

The quality isn’t very good unfortunately but I think you can tell that the effect is visible on the hero panel, while on the in game model only the eyecolor has changed but in a much more subtle way.

Interestingly enough when i move my character close to a wall or other obstacle and turn the camera so I can see their face up close the effects whill appear suddenly.



in Living World

Posted by: humfrid.2615



Please let us re-read the entries.

(And yes, a special lore collection somewhere, either in the world or on your character panel, home instance… whatever… would be AWESOME to have)

Q: Reset Stats for Sparking Petrified Wood?

in Living World

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I just assumed that the new Sparking Petrified Wood ascended accessory with selectable stats would be resetable just like the blood ruby items. However the vendor does not sell a “reset item”.

Does anyone know if there is another way to reset them?

Update: Just found out that the Bloodstone Capacitor does NOT work on the new items from Ember Bay.

(edited by humfrid.2615)

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Aaaaaah, now I will never get that image out of my head again!!!

It seems that the disable player chatter option mutes the legends as well. But that is semi-optimal for my taste, as I like to hear my character say their combat lines and find them to be helpful indicators when in the thick of battle. (Like when I hear a party members “Retreat!” I know I can save my block, or things like that)

Can we have a disable legend chatter toggle? Pretty please!?

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I recently started playing Herald and I am for the most part enjoying it quite a bit, but there is one awfully annoying thing that sucks the fun right out of it: The grunting and screaming from the Glint and Jalis legends when you invoke them and/or use their skills. It’s horrible! And so loud! Please make it stop!

Is there anyway to disable that without muting dialogue altogether? (it appears to be tied to the dialogue volume, which i always have turned up relatively high, so I can follow the story and NPC dialogue)

I really wish there was a toggle option for this.

Order of the guilds in guild panel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Made a free account and added that to my storage bank for that.

Sneaky clever

Order of the guilds in guild panel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Thanks for the reply!

I feared as much, I always wanted to change the order so my first and primarily guild would be at the top but never found a way. Now I finally memorized the order, it suddenly changed – rollseyes

Ah well, first world problems…

Order of the guilds in guild panel

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Yesterday I got the error message “could not connect to guild server” and could no longer access my guild bank or any other guild related stuff. I tried to restart the game but the I couldn’t even log back in (“no connection to login server”). Today it seems to be working again, however I noticed that the order of the guilds in my guild panel (g1, g2, g3…) has changed.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the order back to what it was before?

Wedding Dress still clipping on female Asura

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Unlike some other issues the outift had, the clipping on the wedding dress headpiece on female Asura (headpiece clips through the ears and forehead clips through headpiece) has still not been fixed. Support has told me that I can expect this to be addressed about a month ago. Since it has been quite a while now, I was wondering if/when we can expect a fix for this? And yes, I can imagine with the launch of HoT there are other problems that have priority, but still I think for an outfit that cost 1000 gems, it’s not too much to ask that it be without any major flaws. I’ll be happy to wait a while longer, but I would like some sort of confirmation that this will be fixed eventually.

Here are examples of the problems:

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Despite the fact that I didn’t get any rewards I have to say I did get some enjoyment out of the event when I first played it. It felt nice ot have something new going on and made me realise how I missed the living story and how spoiled I am because I got used to the constant free content updates. I don’t really feel like complaining, because I got something for free, and even though that something was flawed, I had some fun with it and it was nice to have the living world feel a alive again. So thank you for that!

As for the constructive feedback:

  • Obviously, the fact that the rewards where bugged was a huge disappointment. Obviously that was not intended so there is really not much to say about that, other that to ask, if this could have been prevented if X had been done?
  • Since Dry Top and Silverwastes I would have thought that ANET has the whole big map event thing figured out. Those maps show how you can have “zergy” events that still require some coordination and reward group oriented play. But with the new events you are just trying to selfishly get your own event counter as high as possible to get more rewards. E.g. Why not have rewards scale according to the map wide event counter rather that encouraging what a guild mate of mine fittingly described as “tag and run” tactics?

I do a worry a bit that this was the frist time new players experienced an event update and it was not a very good impression. That’s a bit sad, because we know ANET can do much better. For all the hype that was created for the event, it was much more of a letdown than it would have been, if it was just another patch.

Well at least new players learned a valueable lesson: Don’t play the new content immediately after the patch hits – wait for the hotfix

Warhorn Audio Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I circumvented the problem by only using the Scientific Warhorn skin (which has it’s own sound effect) but nevertheless I support the general consenus: Please revert the change! The old sound was fine, the new one sounds like a digestive problem

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: humfrid.2615


A home for the elderly!

Do you ever feel like you are too old for this kitten? Well, welcome to the club.

The Grey [Grey] is a guild for players that are 30 years or older and are mainly looking for a comfy chair and relaxed, stress free gaming atmosphere. We like to think of the guild as our little online family and want to provide an environment where members can simply share the fun of playing the game with others, be it via joint activities, helping each other out, sharing the joy of newly found treasures or achievements or just random chit-chat about life, the universe and everything.

We try to give everyone as much freedom as possible and so, while we do like to do stuff together, we don’t have any mandatory guild activities or anything of that sort. We might not always take the most efficient approach, but we do get things done while having fun, be it dungeons, fractals, guild missions, quaggan jumping puzzle extravaganzas or snowmen beach parties…

We are a medium sized guild and we want to keep it that way, because we want everyone to still be able to know everyone else in the guild. Most of our current members live in the EU, but we accept players from all around the world. Most activity happens on European weeknights and on the weekends, but we try to make guild-wide events as accessible to everyone as possible.

What you can expect:

  • A medium sized guild, based on Piken Square (EU)
  • A friendly group of players, mainly focused on PvE, but also a little bit of WvW and PvP
  • People with interest in running dungeons and fractals in a casual, stress-free yet (semi-)efficient manner
  • Weekly guild gatherings with guild missions (mostly bounties and rushes, sometimes more)
  • All currently available guild upgrades
  • Guild Forums
  • Guild TeamSpeak
  • Good times \o/

What we are expecting:

  • Friendly players, age 30+, that are looking for a guild to call home, i.e. who want this to be their “main guild”
  • It’s fine to be a member in other guilds and represent those too, but we encourage our members to represent [Grey], when they can, so that they can participate in guild chat (the new chat features announed for HoT should make this easier)
  • It doesn’t matter if you are a battle scarred veteran or brand new to the game
  • Likewise, it doesn’t matter if you have incredibly honed skills or if you have trouble finding the way back out of your own home instance.
  • Good times \o/

If you are interested, and want to get to know us, come visit our forums at:


Wedding Outfit horrible Clipping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


From what I could see, the issues an sylvari have been fixed. However the problems on female Asura still persist. I hope this doesn’t mean they forgot about us little ones!

Asura Wedding Outfit Clipping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I feel your pain :\

See also here:

Support has ensured me that a fix is in the works, so I am waiting for that.

Wedding Outfit horrible Clipping

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


The clipping of the headpiece on Asura females is indeed very bad :\

Not every face option is affected but on many of them the forehead will clip through the headpiece on 2 large sections. Also characters with bigger ears will suffer from bad clipping problems as well.

Can we expect this to be looked at and fixed?

Here’s an example of the clipping on the forehead (and my character being miffed about it)


cutscenes are too quite

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615



Cutscene volume is way quieter than the rest of the dialogue and game sound and can barely be heard. Also subtitles please!

General Reaper Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: humfrid.2615


First impression: Playing Reaper is fun

However, it being fun doesn’t mean it’s also really good in comparison to other professions, and as many have mentioned already, indeed not all is well (no pun intended).

My first impressions (from a PvE point of view) after a few hours of running around and enjoying the female asura voice artists renditions of the shouts ^^ :

Reaper Shroud: Very cool (again, no pun…) and nicely implemented, except for skill 2. ATM it seems it doesn’t stop at a target. I think it should either do that, or be like warrior GS whirlwind attack and also be an evade (I’d actually prefer the latter)

Greatsword: Too slow and sluggish for what it does. IMO it needs to do more damage and be at least a little bit faster. The auto attack chain feels like slow motion and while Gravedigger looks and feels awesome it’s just to much of a wind up for the damage it does IMO.

Shouts: I like them more than I thought I would. “Your soul is mine” is a nice heal and life force gain (especially now that consume condition is pretty bad – HINT, HINT! – please undo the changes…). I like “You’re all weaklings” because it’s finally a stun breaker on a decent cooldown. I was disappointed to see “Rise” hadn’t changed and still just summons jagged horrors. “Suffer” and “Nothing can save you” seem ok.

Overall: Reaper Shroud is looking pretty good, skills 2 needs a loot at. Greatsword needs a rework and be faster and/or deal more damage. Shouts are decent but Rise needs a rework.

Light Adaptation option turns on by it self.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Same thing here, very irritating.

I can switch it off but it will be reeanabled when I change maps, even though it is unchecked in the menu, just like the OP describes. So when I switch maps I have to check it (which does nothing) and then uncheck it again (which will disable it, but only until the next change of zones).

When I log in after starting the game it is always checked and active.

All Light Adaption seems to do is make everything brighter, which looks weird, especially at night. Everything is too bright and washed out. That’s how I noticed it at first, because I thought there was something wrong with my monitor…

I just want it OFF for good, please!

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


The second update fixed almost everything for me. Achievements, skills, traits, all back to normal.

However, on my main character – and only on that character (it was the one I first logged in after the initial patch, the one I logged out with when the second update went live and the one I logged in with after the update) I experience the following minor issue:

Whenever I log in with that character and whenever I switch zones while logged in, the exclamation mark on the hero panel symbol in the top left menu bar reappears. It goes away again when I open the hero panel and go to the Training section – where I have everything at 100% – but it reappears as soon as I switch maps or relog.

Nothing major, but somewhat annoying still.

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


The reported issues – LS Season 2 locked, Achievement progress seemingly lost on all collections, Training panel showing everything as not yet trained but no Hero Points refund given, etc – affect only the characters I logged in with recently. On characters I haven’t logged in for the last couple of days I see the achievement as they should be and also they don’t suffer from the skills/traits bug on the Training panel.

So to my layman’s eyes it seems like it’s more of an issue of data being incorrectly displayed when logged in on some characters, and not of data being lost.

Hope that helps narrowing the issue down.

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Like Manguzone wrote, after checking some of my characters that I hadn’t played recently, it seems that the bug affects only some characters – apparently the ones most recently played. I can see all my achievements from the non affected characters and while they had an exclamation mark on the Training rider of the Hero Panel, they didn’t have anything showing up as untrained.

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Same here… :\

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Addendum/Correction: My currently equipped specializations in the Build panel work and so do all of the skills – even though they show up as not yet unlocked in the Training panel. However the specializations that I don’t have currently equipped show up as “not yet trained” in the Build panel

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Actually – at least for me – everything is still unlocked (I can use all the skills and traits) BUT in the Hero Panel under Training it looks as if everything was locked and I needed to relearn it. Weird.

I also lost all of my collection achievement data.

Revert the Consume Condition changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I have to agree with the OP. As much as some of the changes, especially the to blood magic, look very interesting, making Consume Condition a corruption skill might make sense thematically but in terms of actual gameplay this is a HORRIBLE decision.

PLEASE reconsider this and just leave it uncategorised just like you did with shelter for guardians.

Item Preview Bugs w/ Outfits & Weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


There are currently 2 somewhat irritating issues with item preview:

1. Whenever you preview something while wearing an outfit, the headgear of the outfit will also be displayed, even when you have it turned off. (When not wearing an outfit, your head gear will not be shown in preview, so it must have something to do with outfits specifically). This can be annoying and I could not find a way to work around it so far.

2. Previewed weapons will always appear in “human size”, so e.g. they will looks overly large on an Asura. You can work around that by swapping weapons, but it would still be nice if that was fixed. The same thing also happens when you open your hero panel and it also happens with back items.

What is wrong with changes to Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: humfrid.2615


My impressions:


Similar to what others have already stated, this specialisation in it’s new version is one of my biggest issues with the necro changes as well.

Power necro (in PvE) would usually go 5 into curses for the fury, the warhorn trait and the damage multiplier per condition.

Now the damage multiplier trait has been nerfed and only gives extra precision and the whole traitline has been made into something that wants to appeal to condi necros but still has 2 important power build traits in there.

Suggestion: Either move the warhorn trait and preferably also the fury minor trait somewhere else, or remodel curses to give it at least one power build option in the grandmaster slot and please give us back the damage multiplier in the grandmaster minor.


I know most people don’t play this ATM anyway, probably because health siphoning is far from being truly effective, but I still liked to play “vampire necro” just for fun. Some of the changes here are nice, but the grandmaster minor change – much like in curses – is sucking the fun right out of this specialisation. Right now you get +120 power if your health is above the threshold, which suits the build nicely. You can use the mini heals from siphoning to keep your health up and as long as you do so you get more power to inflict extra damge due to the trait, and it also helps to keep your Scholar Rune damage multplier. In the new system you get extra healing power when you drop below the threshold. Life siphon traits currently don’t benefit from healing power, because the healing either doesn’t scale or scales by pitiful amounts. 300 extra healing power gives you 1-2 points per tick, which is bascially nothing. So unless they change the scaling this trait will be useless and the additional power will be sorely missed. :\

Suggestion: Please keep the old grandmaster minor trait! And please take a look at siphoning and make it scale with power and healing power in a way that makes it more viable.

Is there still hope…?

From what we have seen so far, the future still looks pretty grim. But if the greatsword skills offer a melee cleave option, if necros get shouts that give them access to group buffs like stability, fury, might, vigor…, if we get at least one decent blast finisher, possibly even a fire field, if we get some kind of damage mitigation, be it vigor, evades, blocks or immunities, then necro could become yet become awesome in PvE. That’s a lot of ifs though, but hey, hope dies last. I would do the happy dance for days and weeks if the new specialisation brings us at least some of that stuff ;-)

[AMA Feedback] Ground Targeting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615


That doesn’t really apply to this. This is about retaining an option we’ve already had for close to 3 years. There is no “bad” option, or even the need to implement a new option. We’re asking for an existing option to be placed somewhere else, instead of being removed completely.


I just would like to be able to use those skills like I can use them now and not be forced into the ground target approach. I seems to me that this change was meant well (no pun intended this time) but not thought through completly.

[AMA Feedback] Ground Targeting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615


This is possible already.

In the options menu is an option to change how ground targeting works. You can have it cast the moment you activate the skill (fast), or cast when you release the skill button (fast w/ indicator), or cast when you press the skill again (default).

Change this to one of the “fast” options.

To activate your well or wall, click the skill.

The skill will immediately cast at your feet.

many people who want to be fast dont click on skills. the idea is moving your mouse to a specified position takes more time than just pressing a button.

Exactly. I use my mouse for movement and my keys for skills, so while the skill clicking workaround would work in theory, it wouldn’t really help with the problem.

There’s a simple solution, just like many combat-related stuff in Options panel, add an option to automatically cast ground-targeted skills centered on the player.

I thought about that too and while it would work for me for the most part, it I think would introduce new problems. E.g. if it affects all ground targeted skills, it would also affect your staff skills on necro and that would be awkward, as in all likelihood, your are using that staff because you are in a ranged fight. That’s why I though adding skill categories to the targeting option would be a good idea.

[AMA Feedback] Ground Targeting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615


The Problem: mandatory ground targeting = not good

So Necromancer Wells and Guardian Consecration skills get ground targeting built into the skills with the new specialisation system. I am sure that this change was meant well and considered a free improvement for those skills.

HOWEVER, unlike longer duration, reduced cooldown, longer range, etc. ground targeting is not always and objectively better than having the skill targeted at the player’s location.

Yes it can be useful to have the option to place my wells/walls/whatnots somewhere where I am not currently standing. But it also makes the skills slower to cast and more fiddly and prone to mistakes. Placing the target takes time. And in a game where tons of visual effects are commonplace it can be hard to see where you are targeting the skill. And if you are unlucky the game will decide that the part of the ground you wanted to target is not eligible an the skill won’t be cast at all.

In most cases, when I need my well of blood I want it to appear right where I am standing and right now! If I want well of power for the stun break, I am already in a bad spot and I do not want to fiddle with the targeting, I want my stability and my stun break as fast as possible. Likewise, while a ground targeted wall has it’s uses (though in PVE it’s mostly for argueably somewhat questionable strategies when fighting Lupi ;-)), more often than not, if you excuse my terrible punning for a moment: I want it wall and I want it now!

The Solution: let us opt out

So PLEASE give us a choice in this and let us decide for ourselves how we want the targeting to work. It doesn’t necessarily have to be through traits. My idea for an easy soultion would be to add more options to the options menu in regard to ground targeting. E.g. let us chose between ground targeted or player targeted for all affected skill groups (currently only Consecrations and Wells come to mind, but maybe I forgot something).


Ground targeting for skills like Wells or Consecrations is not always better. Please implement a way for us to chose whether we want it or not, be it through traits or through the options menu or any other way you see fit.

Thank you!

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: humfrid.2615


How will existing characters be converted to the new system?

I would very much hope that existing level 80 characters will automatically have access to all core specialisations and all skills (except for the new elite specilation skills). Am I right?

Specialisations Primer - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I’ll be sorely disappointed if the necromancer got all those shouts.

I was thinking quite the opposite. I love Necromancer, but it’s definitely lacking group support, so a set of shouts with things like AoE stability, might, fury, conditon cleanses, or similar stuff, together with a hopefully melee cleaving Greatsword and (dare I hope) possibly even a decent blast finisher and/or fire field could do wonders in terms of getting rid of the “Necromancers are bad in dungeons” stigma.

Specialisations Primer - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Siloing Traits
From the blog post it looked as though adept traits could only be placed in adept slots, master in master slots, and grandmaster in grandmaster slots. On a couple of characters I have the current equivalent of putting an adept in my adept slot, another adept in my master slot, and a grandmaster in my grandmaster slot; will this be possible under the new system?

That’s a very good question and I do hope that you will be able to use lower tier traits in higher tier slots. Otherwise this will be far too limiting. I am already a bit worried about only being able to use three traitlines at the same time, but if the trait choices themselves get further limitations, that would take a lot of creativiy and fun out of buildcrafting.

Ground-Targeting Wells
Please, I beg of you, do not make this obligatory.

I am in the same boat here, I don’t like the ground targetting trait because in the heat of combat with tons of effects going off and my screen half filled with fire, lightining, twilight swinging norns and charr etc… I find the targeting symbol hard to see and often place them in the wrong spot by accident. Also when ground targeting, especially when not in wide open terrain, it’s sometimes easy to accidently place the target on a spot on the floor that is not viable for targetting, while if you use the default target on self, you can just use it anywhere and it will automatically place the well where you stand. Please give us the option to choose! Either through traits or through the option menu or in any other feasible way, I don’t mind how but I would be very unhappy if was forced to ground target wells for Necromancers, or Walls for Guardians, etc… :\

(edited by humfrid.2615)

Leave Party Bug Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I have the same issue – game crashing instantly when I click “leave party”. Switching to simple party UI did NOT fix the issue for me.

The problem first surfaced today and happened 4 out of 5 times so far, once inside Ascalonian Catacombs, 3 times in Bloodtide Coast before the TT wurm event. After the wurm event was over I tried again in Bloodtide coast and that time I didn’t crash.

Character Talking Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


P.S.: The problem has been introduced with yesterday’s patch and today’s update didn’t fix it.

Character Talking Problem

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I am experiencing this character talking issue as well and it is extremely irritating. My female Asura Guardian constantly utters other races/professions’ dialogue. Please fix this, it’s driving me crazy (even crazier than usual)!

[Suggestion] Color Blind Mode (merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Thanks for giving this some attention Gaile!

There have been threads about the issues for colour blind people pretty much since launch, especially in regard to the red circles for AoE attacks. On that topic I wanted to mention that the newer versions of the red circle are not ideal but MUCH better than the old thin red line circles.

HOWEVER, the old thin red circles are still in use in some parts of the game like e.g. the guild rushes, which means that I always need a guildie playing guidance dog for me, when I want to complete one of those. Presumably looking into that and changing those remaining old versions of the circles should not be too much of a problem?

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Thank you Gaile for posting and thereby giving some more attention to this thread and thank you to everyone else who joined in.

Today was the day of the funeral and while none of us could be there in person we managed to get into contact with the family, who are mostly non-gamers, and they were very grateful and greatly appreciated how playing together online can form actual friendships. And so in a way, despite the fact that it’s such a sad situation, it feels that a little bit of good came out of it.

I really like all the ideas about player memorials in the game, though I can understand that those ideas don’t come without problems/difficulties for ANET in practice. Yet, maybe there is some kind of way to include something in the open world, or – as suggested by Stormwolf – the guild halls, where maybe it’s easier to implement.

All the best to all of you

In memory of Cyclenurse

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, I hope no offence will be taken.

Today we learned that one of the friendliest, most generous, lovely and kind players of this (or any other) game has sadly passed away.

Cyclenurse was a member of our guild The Grey on Piken Square (and previously also on Tarnished Coast), a guild spefically created for older gamers looking for a friendly group to play the game with. She referred to us as her “Grey Family” and while most of us only ever knew her through playing GW2, she was the kind of person you would not hesitate calling a true friend, even though you never actually met her in “the real world” – the kind of person who made the lives of all the people that had the pleasure of spending time with her a little bit brighter.

She was one of the sweetest, nicest, most loveable human beings I have ever had the chance to interact with. She was a nurse IRL and a true caretaker at heart, always putting the needs of others above her own, always looking out for everyone, especially the “little guy”. She wouldn’t have it if someone was treated badly by others. She would gladly give anything just to put a smile on someone else’s face. She was that person you know you could always count on, no matter what. The person you wouldn’t know anything bad to say about even if you wanted to. The person for whom you wished only the best of things.

It’s still hard to believe that we shall never be able to hear her voice again, never be able to share the fun of Quaggan beach parties and costume brawl dance extravaganzas with her, never again be able to guess what she meant when she was typing messages in the middle of combat in her own little original orthography, she referred to as “Cyclese”.

She made a lasting impression on all of us and we will remember her always.

Because someone like Cycle was bound to have had made an impression on people outside our guild, I thought this might be a chance to reach out to those people, even if the probability that they will read this post here might be rather small. If you knew Cyclenurse and/or know people that knew her that aren’t members of The Grey, please let them know.

Attached is a picture of one of her main characters “Sky Sailor”, floating through the Eternal Alchemy. I remember that she replayed that whole chapter just so she could take this screenshot. It made her very happy and that’s how I will try to keep her alive in my mind. Happy, friendly, funny, kind and one of a kind.

Thank you all for bearing with me


Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I personally haven’t tested the new player experience myself, so I don’t have an opinion on it yet (what a weird conept, I know ;-)).

Just wanted to thank Colin and Matthew for the information updates!

I am looking forward to trying out the new system, once the bugs are fixed (and also to finding out what the improvements for players with mulitple alts will be in the future).

Ossuary of Unquiet Dead bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Progress hindering bugs are always annyoing, but knowing that they are being investigated and getting updates on the progession of things makes the waiting much easier. So thank you Rubi for posting the updates, these things are highly appreciated!

Oh, and I could complete the instance yesterday without any issues, yay! \o/

Daily chest without karma, XP or laurel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Addendum: Today’s chest (20th April 2014) was not bugged and included a laurel, XP and karma.

Now I wonder if there a way to get the laurel from yesterday? Should I submit a support ticket?

Daily chest without karma, XP or laurel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


This might be tied to the other achievement bugs ( though it is somewhat different, as I was able to complete my achievements and I did receive my chest for it, but the chest had some things missing.

To be more precise: I just completed my daily achievements for 19th April 2014 and the chest did only include 5 silver an essence of luck and a mystic coin.

The usual drop of liquid karma was missing from the chest and also I received no XP and worst of all no Laurel

Not sure if it makes any difference but I finished my last daily in PvP and opened the chest in the Heart of the Mists.

Screenshot is attached for reference.


Where is Bloomanoo and Peneloopee?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Ah finally found them. Just east of the apple orchard with the spiders right near the entrance to Lion’s Arch (not the apple orchard further north with pirates or the completely different but looks the same apple orchard with the bats).

They didn’t have anything to say in the 5-6 mins I was there so I got bored and went to kill people in WvW. I’ve heard they do have a conversation that repeats every so often but I have little patience unfortunately.

Ah thanks, now I found them too!

They did indeed have some idle dialogue. It goes like this:

Peneloopee: “Is nowhere safe?”
Bloomanoo: “No! The way is hard, but Quaggans are tough!”
P: “The jungle is alive with evil.”
B: “Keep walking”
(Note: They are saying this even though they are not in the jungle and not walking)
P: “You are a great adventurer Bloomanoo, but Quaggan’s feet hurt.”
B: “Boo.”
P: “EeeeeEEEeeee!”
(Note: The last bit from Peneloopee seems to only come up every couple of repeats – I think every third time – and after this she runs away, he follows her and then after a little while they walk back)

(edited by humfrid.2615)

Where is Bloomanoo and Peneloopee?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Been looking for them myself ever since the patch – so far no luck. Foo! :\

Black Lion Trading Post Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I have a similar problem. First happend shortly after the current living story patch (Origins of Madness). After playing a while the game will crash when I try to buy/sell items on the trading post. It happened to me at least once every day since the patch, though never right away after starting the game, but always after a considerable amount of playtime.

I blame Scarlet. ;)

Seriously though, it is a bit annoying and hopefully will be fixed soon…

Character Portrait Display Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Thanks you, StinVec. Just took a look at your (awesome) thread, and I guess you could be right, this could be the same thing as the reported eyes bulging issue.

Just one thing that is odd, I am 99.9% certain that the issue is very recent, i.e. was not present a week ago. On the other hand, I could not find any screenshots I made recently that would confirm my suspicion, so I could be wrong.

Character Portrait Display Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Today I noticed that the Character Portrait that you see on the character selection screen suddenly looked different and did not display my character’s facial features accurately.

I am attaching a (slightly enlarged and thus pixely) comparison of the portrait as it should look (from an older screenshot) and how it looks now. You can see that the mouth section looks weirdly different.

I also attaced a screenshot of a preview with the total makeover kit, where you can see that the prortraits on the right have the same issue and don’t look like the character looks on the left.

I have noticed this bug on all of my female Ausura characters the most, but it affects other races as well.


Black Lion Trading

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I’ve had basically the same issue (see here:

Didn’t try to buy anything afterwards. Hopefully this will get sorted out soon.

Trading Post - Items not received

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Today I place orders for 5 items of a set of armour on the Trading Post. One of those items now shows up as having been bought by me (it is on the “Items I’ve Bought” list and no longer on the “Items I’m Buying” list) but I never received it.

I placed the order together with 4 others. 2 of them went through with no problems. Then I took a break and logged out. When I logged back in I had one item available for pickup but only one last item in the “Buying list”. The fifth item is listed in the “Items I’ve Bought” list but wasn’t deliverd.

I wanted to write a support ticket but when I try to go to the support site Firefox tells me that the site isn’t trustworthy because the security certificate has expired. (error code: sec_error_expired_certificate).

Please Help!