Showing Posts For kitsuneKyo.6824:

arah story mode

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


happened to me as well this minute. such things just NEED to be fixed ASAP for gods sake. whole group just wasted a lot of time for nothing. -.-

Any News on the Ranger Pet being Fixed

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


that are some wonderful news. i cant wait to play my ranger.D
thank you

Please patch this

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


autoattack = true; would be more like it. X’D
sorry had to. haha.

yeah i’m sure they will fix these issues with the next hotfix.
if it is still bugged after the fix we can complain.

possible way to fix spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Spirits are just a complete waste. Giving them lower health and making them take less/no aoe damage is about as bad as what they are now. They can’t survive anything ever. But maybe I’m wrong..

that would be the reason why i’d like them to be immune to all cleave and aoe damage.

this way the enemy would have to intentionally target and kill them. and they would not die instantly to the massive amount of cleave and aoe damage in dungeons.

Remove Pets and give us Animal Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


i love this idea
why didnt i think about that. this is just amazing.
that would make the ranger so much more awesome.D


possible way to fix spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


why dont you make spirits immune to cleave and aoe effects and lower the initial hp.

that way they would be viable in dungeons again. they would survive much longer and not every single trashmob would kill it in an instant.
in pvp a player could easily target a spirit and two/threeshot it to get rid of it if he so desires.

this would require more tactics on the enemies side.

currently all you need to do to get rid of a rangers spirits is just…well NOTHING AT ALL because a lot of weapons already have a (larger or smaller) cleave effect and will instakill the spirit anyway without even thinking about it.

the buffs are not that awesome anyway so why picking a spirit as utility when 1.) the buffs suck, 2.) they are dead in one millisecond

Community's Voice: Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


what bothers me about dungeons is NOT the grinding itself. its more that there is nearly no real teamplay involved. everyone is mostly just dpsing and maybe buffing on CD.
i would really kill for a massive combofield and healspecs buff.

ever wondered why nearly noone is using +heal gear? – yes its because its just plain useless. heals targetting others (by combofields) should be waaaaaaaaaaay more powerfull.

and yes i also agree on the fact that some content is just plain timesink without any other purpose. (the lost shore event was full of timesink stuff like spawning 23947823 times the same waves of mobs -.-’)

<3 let this game evolve!

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


it makes me so incredibly happy to see that you are listening to the community that much. unfortunately i’m not in my flat this weekend and cant test this. but what i’ve seen from screenshots in this thread it is an excellent improvement.

I would really like a slider for adjustment and increase the max FOV just a little bit. i think this draws you way more into the game. its all about framing.

thank you so much

Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Let’s hope some day your ranger will com back to you.

haha thanks a lot. but i already came back yesterday evening.
i love my little asura ranger way too much to let some minor flaws break my love.

its not about how strong your class is, but more about how you like playing it I think.

but still: pet in pvp really cant get any attacks to the enemy since everyone is moving all the time and the pet just “runs – stops – runs – stops” without hitting once. :/
but WHEN it hits. omg. prepare yourself^^

Pets cannot attack while moving and take too much aoe damage.

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


yea thats the point why i stopped playing my ranger for now.

currently i’m running a beastmaster/precision build with excessive use of quickening zephyr. my hits really suck and dont hurt much but I’m heavily relying on my pet damage. (its doing 10 times more autohitdmg than me)

problem is: when i’m at my enemy and switch pet (for trait: quickening zephyr) i have 2 seconds where I and my pet hit twice as fast.
but since my pet needs about 2 seconds to attack my target (even with F1 directly after switching) my pet is unable to use the buff. because it just runs around like akitten

same goes for pvp. my pet is doing nearly no damage when my enemy is just walking. it always stops and tries to autohit while my enemy is a few feet away again. (though i always try have swiftness on me and my pet)

i really feel like its punishing me for playing ranger as its supposed to be played…with his pet.

- Pets take less AOE Damage (since they cant dodge out of fields that quick and have to run all the way back to you with F3)
- Obviously the AI on the pet has to improve. for example: when you switch pet in fight, the pet you switched to automatically attacks your target and does not stand around waiting.
- Spirits should have health comparable to shamans totems (wow). so they should not drop instantly with only one AOE. maybe exclude them from aoe but make them 2 or 3-hit so people have to really switch target to get rid of them and not just drop some AOE and your spirit build is completely useless just like it is right now.
- longbow is slow and the damage is just a joke that weapon just makes no fun at all.