Showing Posts For kitsuneKyo.6824:

Ranger Traits 2.0 - suggestions/discussion

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


brilliant. i really love your ideas. and also a lot of the ideas in the comments.
specifically the one stating “spirits should only get damaged when directly targeted”
maybe something similar could be applied to pets.
like they receive 50% less damage from all aoe/cleave damage. (maybe this would be a survival trait)

changes like this would definitely get me back into the game.

Ascalonion Catacombs Path 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Should be fixed asap and not with a “future update”

totally agreed, since it is gamebreaking that has been reported again and again with no response…

but since they are not exactly breaking speedrecords with “bugfixing” the (for ages) broken pve content i’m incredibly happy that we got a response at all.^^

Ascalonion Catacombs Path 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Thanks for the report, there’s a bug where male medium armor users (only) are losing their utilities during the ghost transformation, it will be fixed in a future update.

thank you for finally replying on this issue. glad that this get sorted out soon.

thanks jeffrey.

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Issue affecting all male medium armor will be fixed in a future update. See the dev reply in another thread

Patience, my friend, and thanks Jeffrey for the update!

OMG thank you so much for posting this. finally a response.
KUDOS to arenanet to replying.

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


just happened again. still no fix for this gamebreaking bug!

Game Latency

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


My game lags very badly. Especially in Dungeons i get 4 second delays.

When playing BF3 or Dota2 I have a perfect ping with no lags or whatsoever.

Please see the windows resmon screenshot enclosed.
Pingtest Result

are there any news on this topic yet from developer side?



in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


cant express how healthy reworking the defiant mechanic would be for the game. this would allow more coordinated teamplay and class distribution than just DPS all-teh-way!

defiant is just the greatest BS ever introduced to any game.

swapping it to a 20 second duration buff (1 stack only) that doesnt get removed by shooting useless cc at the boss would do the trick I’d say.

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


oh i was just doing the same thing. gathering thousand links of players complaining that this is happening to them.^^

but yeaaaah. no need to fix it right? not that anyone would ever do AC anyway.

i keep being more and more disappointed.
pve content is so broken at the moment that i will just switch to tPvP again. seems like anet at least cares about pvp balance.

Unplayable lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


same here. submitted a few tickets but nowhere is an official statement

Fix AC again or just bring old AC back

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


while I have do disagree with the OP completely there is still something utterly wrong with AC.

*it really needs to be more forgiving for learning players *

one of my various examples here is “The Patriarch”!

I gathered newer players, mostly lvl 35 with decent gear, and explained them everything and told myself “you’ll get them through ac, for whatever cost”

they did well through the most of the stuff and learned quicky. but when it came to the last part they very quickly lost interest and were frustrated.

i have to say they were doing their best. our guardian tried to kite the boss with his scepter while me and the others loaded the traps.

the problem was that the patriarch’s autoattack cleave has a way to high range, cripples AND does way too much damage. a poorly designed encounter so to say. when you expect one player to kite this thing and 4 others to load up traps you cant expect the kiting player to have constant vigor + dodge EVERY attack or get destroyed completely

if it’s planned or not: AC is the first explorable dungeon new players will ever experience.
these new players have to learn to dodge. when you tear them apart whenever they make a little mistake it just frustrates them and they quickly get tired of the game. you cant expect learning players to instantly know how to dodge every attack or otherwise oneshot them. thus AC, as lowest explo dungeon has to be adjusted to be more forgiving.

Lower the damage of the bossattacks drastically and make environmental stuff like traps or other things way more demanding. i love how you redesigned the AC encounters but having them almost oneshot everyone is just stupid.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


They should have made SM solo instances tied to the personal story rather than crafted “intro” dungeons to that are sometimes longer/harder than some explorable paths itself.

This is a really great idea.

Make “Story Mode” solo-able, but also twiddle it so that it teaches the mechanics that will be seen in “Explorable Mode.”

You can even give the NPCs dialogue that explains what the bosses are doing and how to best counter it, since they are there anyways!

best thing EVER. since the telegraphs are bad anyway on most bosses

Fix the Guild Wars 2 (Un)Holy Trinity!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


I think you, Kaboose, should make a whole thread on how you’d redesign the unshakable mechanic. I really liked your approach in the video.

Having the Defiant stacks decrease in time would really bring more control to the dungeons.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


i’d really like a DEV commenting on if they are aware of this

Hahaha, Next joke.

Anet are well known for totally ignoring any posts regarding Lag or Skill Delay – Or bugs they can’t fix.

Try making another post that you are unable to buy gems, You will be amazed how fast you get a response

thats a little bit close-minded to say.
I think they are working really hard, they only have their priorities off sometimes.

the only thing why I’m kitten ed is that they keep dashing out living story content and totally seem to ignore the already existing and bugged like crap content. :/

you’re acting like they were moneygrabbing apes like frogster. XD

btt: I tried it again yesterday: In the background I set a constant ping to to check if my network has severe lags sometimes.

Then I took my Engi and just ran around in the open World, doing some Eventchains etc.
-> No Lags – CMD Ping constant @ 30ms

Afterwards I joined my Guild in Arah and a few CoF runs
-> Severe Lags, Got ported around like crazy. CMD Ping constant @ 30ms

I bet my non-existing legendaries that this is a dungeon server issue!

CoF tokens from TA

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


lulz. never seen this. maybe there is something utterly wrong with the loottables again?
because why should you get cof tokens from ta? makes no sense. neither rp-wise, nor gameplay wise

DR issues. Come on already and fix this.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


not to mention that DR is a huge PITA, but it usually only kicks after 20min or so. I think you just have a reeeeeeeeally horrible RNG.

you and me both brother^^

Dodge Rolling after most recent patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


thanks for opening up a thread on this. i was already wondering if my G600 keybinds are going insane^^

more or less good to know that it’s a client issue and i hope they will resolve it ASAP

Possible Ecto Bug 5 28 13

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


i experienced the same. some time ago I got a lot more ectos from my rares.
I use the highest salvaging kit from the gemshop and from the last 10 rares I salvaged, I only got 2 Ectos. This keeps happening for a few weeks now if i recall correctly

Lupicus AOE Indicators Phase 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


thanks for the responses. it’s not like the phase is incredibly hard that way, it was just annoying as hell when you already save your vigor + swiftness to get out of the circles and then still get damage.

A.) Mesmer Feedback didnt work for us anymore. I might have gotten very little damage but the still fills the room with aoe (and they DO damage – so they werent reflected) our timing is dead on. we’ve done this several times before and now it doesnt seem to work anymore
B.) thats a nice thing to know actually.

Lupicus AOE Indicators Phase 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


ok let me revise: he fills the f*** room AND they bounce anyway? -.-’
gj anet @ patching stuff to annoyance. for gods sake.

thanks for the quick answer though

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


i’ll bump this until it’s fixed^^

Lupicus AOE Indicators Phase 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


is it to be considered as “working as intended” when I’m standing 2 meters away from ANY AOE field and still eat the whole damage?

or has it something to do with the crazy lags in dungeons a few of my guildies experience lately

any idea's to get more FPS ? :\

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Rightclick your Gw2 shortcut -> Compatibility -> Disable Visual Effects and Desktop blah blah (dont know how it’s called on an english win7 client)

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


really? i only keep having it on my engi. thats weird. i thought it had something to do with the kits. :/

yep. we saw it as hardmode as well but at the first moment we were extremely kitten ed that this still is a thing.
it also happened a few months ago and i have already reported it back then.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


now in AC explo and ZG explo two of my guildmembers had ~3sec lags as well! i’d really like a DEV commenting on if they are aware of this

AC Exp-p3 - ghost transform locks all utils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Happens all the time on engineer.
we were two engineers in grp and both had this bug again
Submitted my 8th ticket about this crap.

Not fixable with relog or client restart.
cant properly finish the dungeon since you dont even have a healskill.

please know that this bug is gamebreaking.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Since the last update I lag like crazy. (from AUT)
have 100mbps connection and constant ~30ms ping @ while gw2 is lagging. same problem with no firewall or antivir software up.

Sunday, 26 May
(GMT + 0:00)

Protect Me vs Endure Pain

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Protect me… 60s CD, 6s duration, can be traited to a 48s CD.

Endure Pain 90s CD, 4s duration, can be traited to activate at 25% health (can’t find the ICD).

If you tell me, it looks like Protect Me is a better option… Oh yeah, then we can also take SoS for ANOTHER 6s immunity, so tell me, how is this in a worse scenario?

PS: If you run a pig you can get Elixir of Heroes which is ANOTHER 6s invuln (the tooltip is wrong, surprised?), granted it’s RNG (33% chance) but still, that’s kittening 18s of invuln you can have in a fight, yet you’re saying warriors are better off…. do you even play?

for that invuln you’d have to cripple your dmg output permanently. protect me just redirects the dmg to the pet (one of your main dmg sources), and to trait all that stuff you’d have to leave out the real usefull traits to deal significant damage.

and pig ability? most useless bs ever since the 90% “shinies” are totally underpowered and when trying to pick them up a warrior would burst the crap out of you while you are stuck in the “pickup animation”.

on the other hand a warrior would just spec full kitten CoF burstmode, switch in one utility. no need to switch any trait and hit like a truck while being invulnerable and not having to fear that he kills one of his damage sources (pet).

and thus I know we can not directly compare warrior utilities with ranger utilities you have to admit that for example the spirit buffs are WAY to kittenty to even consider using them. not even considering that every tiny aoe attack of any foe will instakill them. oh…and right. they cant be moved unless you waste a huge chunk of your traits on a badly designed tree.

yeay! ^__^

Grenades Autohit

in Engineer

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


No. Never. There is so much utility to having this be ground targeted. This is a high skill high reward kit. The devs will never make this happen because it’s a bad idea. Just practice. Also, how the hell does your hand hurt doing this? It’s pushing keys! God forbid you have to write an essay in your life time.

might be that I’ve written more diplomas and essays than you ever will…

what i was saying is that it interferes with usual movement mechanics like holding RMB to change directions, turning your view etc.

and having to stretch my finger to the 1-Key all the time while still holding other buttons to move properly is annoying after some time.

Protect Me vs Endure Pain

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Often you can’t really compare skills straight up like that though because they are just a part of a bigger picture and the sum is what needs to be somewhat balanced not each individual skill, there are cases where this doesn’t apply though like spirits vs banners for example there is no reason one of them should be so much more vulnerable while giving lesser buffs.

exactly! especially the banners on my warrior give way better buffs and still are way more flexible and cant die.

Beastmaster's Might

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


thats the point. i dont want stat addition like 70 points to toughness or BS like that.
these things are so incredibly useless that it makes no difference if you even have traits or not. and that saddens me.

Grenades Autohit

in Engineer

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


its not thakittens not easy to use. the problem i have is that it is completely hindering any form of dynamic gameplay. proper movement + aiming the nades is a drag.

and when i said my arms start to hurt i wasn’t joking. why give such a fun kit souch a bad usability.

If you could change one thing...

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


only option at the moment is a complete redesign. no numberchanges will be able to make playing a ranger enjoyable.

although i always keep trying to have fun with it.

Grenades Autohit

in Engineer

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


why is it that the grenadekit autoattack is so nice to use underwater but on ground it is giving me a typewriter’s cramp.

make the autoattack on ground a usual “target skill” as well. just like underwater.
or you’ll get my doctors bills. :P

and I am not kidding. after 3 dungeons my hand is hurting like crazy. :’(

Why no one run dungeons in GW

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Best way to gear up is via karma

For trash builds, sure.

Learn to play the game.

he has a point. nearly ALL karma stat combinations are completely worthless for PvE and you’d cripple your group completely if you’d be running with one of the karma sets.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


…7 months later after the ANET post: nothing changed. Still noone is giving the slightest f*** about story modes. really gj. oh and i love how wonderful AC explo introduces explo modes to newer players. why not punch them in the face in the first place so they’ll never wanna try explo again?

[iR] RANGER Redesign

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


really love the ideas in this thread. i am very thankful that anet stated that there is something utterly broken with this class. and i hope they are already working on a ranger overhaul.
i dont believe that simple changes to certain skills is going to do the job since 90% of the traits and utilities are not fun at all

not mentioning that longbow is the most useless weapon in the whole game.

Beastmaster's Might

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


there are so many traits in this game that really dont impact your playstyle at all. i want more stuff that really changes certain abilities or that really have effect.

Protect Me vs Endure Pain

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Protect me!
Endure Pain

Comparing these two, protect me is incredibly bad.
For only 2 Seconds more duration you might kill your pet, which is cutting off a huge part of your overall damage while the warriors do not have to sacrifice ANY of their damage while using their skill pendant (which is a stunbreaker in addition).


there are so many skills doing nearly the same thing on multiple professions and in most cases the rangers version is total crap. :/

Bossfights: Telegraphs

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824



One of the main combat elements in guildwars 2 is dodging and positioning.
Very often you / the group has to react to the Boss telegraphing attacks.
Telegraphing is a Boss telling you what attack he is about to do.
In Guild Wars 2 the Bosses only have certain animations.

The further you get into the game, and the more players are facing a boss you’ll see that due to all these crazy animations (not that they arent beautiful) very often you will not be able to tell if the enemy is moving at all

Flashy right?

Think of the Warriors Greatsword Skill 3 Whirl.
Ok now take this green indicator that shows where your attack is going, color it red and give it to Champions’ / Bosses’ charge attacks.
Do the same thing with Cleaves and AOE blasts.

This would make the dungeons way more based on reaction and eliminate these frustrating deathblows you’ll get just because all the glow-/flasheffects are covering your foe.

Being dependent on seeing little animations on tiny bosses leads to this huge burstfest we’re seeing currently.

Gimme your thoughts on this!

UI: path/storymode completed with character?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


it really is annoying to not know what path you have already done with what character.
especially when it comes to story modes.

with 6 alts I’m never really certain with what character I am able to open up explorable mode.

can we please have just a character specific Achievement that shows if the story has been done on this character? (even if it is with 0 achievement points)

thanks and have a nice day

See all events on map

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


if there are “roleplay-based” concerns, this would be an explanation: word of mouth! and the farmers and inhabitants of tyria are spamming the leaders of all factions with mail-birds that are being forwarded to you.


See all events on map

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


when the API was introduced I was really glad arenanet gave the community some more access to the game’s data.

the first major thing that used the API data was making me think a bit…it was drumroll an event timer.

see? the majority of the players want to see what events to go for (or port to).

in queensdale people are posting waypoints and events to gather people and I really enjoy that kind of event farming. on the other hand i HATE standing on some spots just to wait for some event to spawn. although i’d like to participate in the event itself

now with the API the community has given the data to see all currently running events. but in order to use that we have to use/code (web)apps or other third party stuff.

when you already give us the information, why not just showing events on the ingame map itself. wherever you are at the moment.

worldwide maybe just the “chest-events” like dragons etc.
and on your current map, every event currently running.

what do you think? do you like switching back and forth between browser and game?

No Rage Against the War Machine Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


Did the dungeon today but did not get the achievement. please have a look at this. dont want to be running this over and over. (even if its beautiful :P )

AC Path 1, can I thin the gravelings?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


though i am with all of you when it comes to organized group play I’d still like to see a reduced amount of gravelings spawning.
in certain group setups you dont have the object damage to do this event properly.

Redesigning the Ranger. ?_?

in Ranger

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


i really enjoyed reading thorugh your wall of text and hope that arenanet gives you a chance to work with them. your proposal for changing the ranger is great i think

what i am missing most is, just like you pointed out, the connection to the pet. this fellow should be my best friend, my guardian, my soulmate and i just didnt ever get this feeling in the game when leveling my two rangers (yes i have two)

Can DE farming last atleast 1hr b4 DR hits

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


they have to get rid of this crazy DR.
not hurting the bots all that much but frustrating for all legit-players.

what if i WANT to farm DEs for 3 hours straight with my guild because it is fun?

AC Explo Path 3 - Warmaster Grast

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


first of all: i love the new AC. it has become the most fun dungeon in the game for me and my guildies. (arah is boooooring)

But there are some things you need to fix:

- Grasts attack animation is TOO kitten HIGH. :P

in the last fight you are dependent on Grasts aoe shield bubble and you definitely need to switch his weapon to something faster. he is loading his third hammer strike for so long that he doesnt cast the shield sometimes.

would be nice if the boss still knocks back grast so you have to buff him stability etc to get him to cast the shield but seeing that stupid guy loading his hammer swing while all of you die without having the chance to do anything is just frustrating.

PS: less spiders @ spiderqueen plx. thats just annoying and has nothing to do with skill, timing or anything similar.


in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


I’m really glad that Arenanet already sees that there is something utterly wrong with the token/currency system and I guess they are already on it.

I also support having an own tab (wallet) with currencies since you always need to stack dungeon tokens if you want to get Armor. (300 tokens for one piece)

Leave the Dungeon Tokens as they are. (Item ID, Icon Style, Droprate, Max Stack Amount, Accountwide)
But make them useable, just like Karma Potions and handle Dungeon Currencies like Karma.
That way you would fill up your inventory/bank with them if you want to save them for future alts.
But if you farm for that very character you could just spend them to increase the Token amount on that char without having the possibility to get them back.

your thoughts?

Pve and pvp should be a personal choice

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


have fun getting lvl 15 gear from the shadow behemoth chest my friend.^^

and if you do not feel strong in lowie areas as lvl 80 it might be because your ARE NOT STRONG. if you have exotic gear (or even with rare gear) you pretty much roflstomp through every huge mob-wave that comes at you.

Switchable Trait- and Armorsets (Gemshop)

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitsuneKyo.6824


this might already have been suggested many times but still, the community will bring it up until it is implemented so please get used to that. :P <3

I would love to see before mentioned functionality.
Switchable Trait- and Armorsets

Here are my reasons:

In dungeons I am always switching traits and Gearsets for certain encounters or even on different group setups. Always setting up traits and clicking around in your inventory to change all your armor is very annoying and time consuming.

So i’d like to see the possibility to save certain Trait combinations to save and switch them on the fly. Same goes for Equipped Armor.
for the armorsets: just like switching from usual armor to town clothes.

Put this into the Gem Store and people will throw money right through your office windows, I guarantee.

Sending you lots of love and hopefully a crazy amount of income,