A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Hahaha – yeah, exactly like that….
Whatever makes you feel better.
Addendum, sorry – I missed your post:
He is complaining about people who have nothing better to do than spend all day on the same arrow cart taking potshots at the roamers who happen to be passing by. […] and actually PLAY the game. So what’s the point?
I can’t give you a representative answer for some of my server fellows, and I am about to agree with you that this is stupid. We got many untrained players who like a safe harbour (fortification + siege) or zergs, so maybe those were some of them, but not the ones I pointed out. They’d only shoot if there is any real danger. Short conclusion: Yes, this is pointless. A bit more in detail: There are many ways for players to have fun in WvW. Some like to zergs everything down, others like sieges, some like skirmishes, some do GvG for a living, etc.
Most of our guild and I like to have nice fights on the open fields or when trying to claim structures or supply camps. Sometimes we are defending. We’ve got several smaller and medium (guild) groups which have a similar play style, some are even up for structured GvG (i.e. dedicated spot, best-of-n competition, etc) – If you are into that kind of thing, you may ask the EoW guys. If you like to fight in other spots than mills, then we’ll probably meet sometimes this week. It’s just so stupid to claim Kodashians would always zerg or hide, to the point it gets frustrating as it lessens the respect for some players of the opposing sides.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
(edited by maeggle.6021)
Your “quotation marks” are “funny”.
The overwelming sense of elitism is mildly amusing;
I think we are on the same boat here. I did not want to imply any sense of elitism, as I agree with you that the number games are mostly won by superior coverage and Z-mode-zerging. My statement was directed at critizising players for watching keeps and towers – We got some players who are very dedicated about fortifying structures so they can withstand some serious sieges. That’s their way of having fun in WvW. It sounded as if Daendur was complaining about not being presented with points on the silver plate. If he also tried to imply that we would only hide behind ACs, I’d like to redirect to my previous answers to Kaleygh.
Oh, also, [WdR], up for some GvG? there are many guilds on Gandara and FSP that would happily meet you in the field for a fight; consider it a challenge.
We don’t do structured GvG, but we are happy about every decent encounter on the fields. I haven’t finished our raid plan for this week, but today we’ll try to be on Kodash BL and jump BLs every once in a while if there’s nothing to do there. Not sure how many we are able to field tonight, since it’s summer time, but I guess we’ll be 8 to 12 with an additional <5 running somewhere else. If I recognize your guild tag, I may give you a /wave.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
@maeggle – were you roaming in pve ? lol
I hope you don’t expect any genuine reaction, cause you just act like some kitten with a huge case of cognitive dissonance. Won’t argue with that cause it makes no sense to me.
Had some great fights in home border yesterday thanks for the loot bags kodash
Krotty the thief|FSP
Let me guess: you were able to farm some noobies and are really proud of that. Well, have fun with their drops while we have fun with your “awesome” groups of thieves, long bow rangers and ocassionaly some fotm-fear-necro. Had some giggles – though being outnumbered – outplaying several of your groups on Gandara BL in ruins and in front of your spawn’s main gate yesterday.
Kodash sleeping on arrow carts … it’s disgusting.
You pass near a tower and it starts an arrows’ rain… everytime, everywhere.
How can they control the ACs if they’re sleeping? Anyways… What you saw is sth called sentineling a structure. Do you really expect to get stuff for free? Be clever about sieging, but please don’t moan about things that are common tasks in “higher tiers”.
you are just a pain in the kitten .
Guess, those players did what they aimed for, then.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
You stay in your towers hugging your precious ac`s and only come out when you have a blob.
Yeah, you caught me in the act right there… m(
Its quite obvious that you only care about points since you run from most fights and just try to defend what you have.
nod sarcastically If one is on the short straw of the number games, this is the common statement one is giving out every once in a while. Pretend that most of our (guild) groups do not exist. Whatever makes you feel less bad about presenting a not-so-great performance.
Saying that you have small groups roaming is just a blatant lie.
Saying we don’t is a lie or just a remark of stupidity. I play on Kodash since head start, and you have yet to give prove to me all the blood-lusting players and groups never existed.
We roamed the whole weekend and the only guild groups we met were from Gandara.
I roamed alone, duo, in small groups, with 10 to 15 guild mates and also sometimes ran with the zergs and most groups I or we met were other groups of us… ;(
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
I wish Kodash would run in smaller groups, my bags are getting full all the time.
The usual blah-blah about every single server community (except for Vizu and Elona on weekends) running only as clustered cluster-kittens except the one the moaner is playing on. If you are really not able to find any decent numbered encounter against Kodashian players, you sure are blinded by your egomania…
Solo-wise and concerning small encounters (5vs5+) I am still a bit disappointed about the lack of quality. Yesterday on EB was a joke – I could solo groups of up to 4 jumping at me, and stomp all of them which even Elona did not offer. Later on different borderlands it got better but still no challenge…
Well, you have some decent guild groups on FSV, some of which we met when running with our guild group later and today. I guess yours wasn’t one of them since you would’ve had many chances to get to learn many of our small(ish/er) groups, giving you some tough encounters. Oh well…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Some friends and I were doing some testing with whirl combos. Our setup was as follows: One staff ele for the 100% projectile finisher on earth auto attack and a guardian with mace-2 (light field) and greatsword-2 (whirl finisher) in one team and a thief with shortbow-4 for the poison condition in the other team (empty sPvP arena).
The thief stacked poison on the ele and the guardian. We let the poison field vanish, no condition-removes traited or slotted. Then i put the light field down and finished it with the GS-2 whirl finisher. The thief was out of range, the UI showed the combo effect “cleansing bolt” multiple times, but neither me nor my team mate, who’s been hit by a visible bolt, got the poison condition removed. Some tries later the thief wakitten by the whirl and a condition was removed from me, but the ele standing right next to me still was poisoned. This is somewhat strange, but might be intended?
We then switched to projectile finishers: Poison was stacked on is. I put down the light field again , and the ele targetted his “Stoning” on the enemy thief through it. I saw the “Remove condition” visual from his combos, but no condition was removed from any of us. After some trys with other conditions like bleeding, still no success. We tried again, this time with me standing in front of the enemy and in line with the projectile. We guessed it could remove a condition from allies pierced by the projectile, but several attempts did not show any effect.
There was no effect for the Light field + Projectile finisher other than the visual indicator for the player laying down the field and the player finishing it. If this should be no bug, please clarify how this combo is intended to work, as we could not get it to have any of the effects described in the Wiki (besides the UI notification).
Thanks in advance!
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
You can keep your points, just please give us some opportunities to play the game the way we want to play, as well. Your players are so bored, owning every objective on foreign borderlands, they even take any opportunity to zerg-stomp small groups which aren’t interested in attacking your score donators but look for even fights out in the open.
My… so much fun and challenge in that…
Will spend the week getting some nice small scale with Desos and Elonians interested in such things, i guess; and less with trying to have some mid-scale fun with my guildees, since there is no fun in having no evened encounter at any time.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
The funny thing is…they were right..
They weren’t. Kodash offers a place for everybody’s style of play. If one does not agree, you still have lots of players sharing your opinion. Getting kitten, then just leave without either trying to solve one’s issues or just ignoring them, is the easiest and most unfun way out.
This does not apply to everyone who left the server, as some of them were pretty reasoned about it, but putting the shame on single players or guilds who could’ve been easily ignored (if you don’t agree and don’t want to talk with them), is just a kittenpiece of soap novel drama queenery.
I’ve had many nice situations and experiences with Buka. They show a great quality in gameplay, are almost always helpful, do sneaks and raid-supportive distractions and are pretty nice guys if you don’t fool them.
As for the match up: Thanks to the Desos and some Elonians for the nice duels at the Deso spawn on Kodash BL during the night! Some Elonians were pretty cool and offered some great challenging fights (thank you, guys!), while others are really just kitten in their heads; either running away like cowards whenever they get low on HP, or trying to steamroll with superior numbers. Simply poor play style, and embarrassing when you still have to cover in sAC range to catch a straw…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
(edited by maeggle.6021)
Personally I think 10 or below is just WAY too small. WvW is about large scale battles not roaming groups. I think you are playing the wrong game mode.
WvW is what you make out of it. It’s a sandbox with a small set of fixed rules (3 factions, 4 maps, limited amount of players per map, some recognizable objectives, that is), the rest is up to the players playing the game.
Ideal would be 3 guilds of 20-25 players on each BL.
This is what you’d like, I hope you don’t expect everybody complying with that.
I find it ridiculous constantly running circles with more than 5 to capture supply camps (though sometimes doing the same when supplies are needed), cause this can also be done by a single player or a small group; Enabling a larger force to focus on bigger objectives or wreak havoc while small groups do some more versatile stuff. Open field battles are awesome, ofc – but there is more in WvW to some people than putting mass-CC down, spamming conditions and condition removes, in hopes no ally misses the stability buff while another one recieves it twice.
I sincerely hope we don’t meet the Golden Horde guild blob anytime soon again. Good group builds, well coordinated, but I really don’t like the current guardian-necro-warrior-meta, especially when getting kittened by 35+ of em.
Small-scale-wise this match up was pretty weak (applies to both skill and behaviour). Being forced in a duel, then getting ambushed by the enemy’s guildees was as common as /laughing when retreating from such situations or /dance and jumping on corpses after steamrolling smaller groups, especially from Pikeneers.
This thread alone contains many samples of poor sportsmanship and lopsidedness, just like on the borderlands this week.
Some guilds have earned my respect for their great fighting spirit (even when outnumbered) and game play (tactical and skill-wise), though. I’m a total sucker at tags and names, but i think one of them were [WoB] or sth like that from PS. They engaged with ~15 and without other guild groups for backup, even when outnumbered and fought well with what they got.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Look on this guys. I hope you enjoy.
I like how you outnumber the enemy groups in every scene
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
That is one loooooong post maeggle
Yeah, I have to work on that
There’s a lot of GvG going on around there this evening so it might not be the best place to find those fights you’re after, particularly if you want them lag free!
Thanks for giving me a hint. This is fine, too – Might also watch your fights, then! Maybe I can pick up some enemy pick-ups in the area meanwhile.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Yesterday evening was somehow not satisfying to me. At first we were looking for some fights on SFR Borderlands, running with ~15 to 17 guys and girls. I had major skill lag and rubber banding issues whenever just a single enemy was on screen and I personally had problems with buffs, debuffs and non-visible but constant damage input (no retaliation, confusion or any condition icon on screen) in most fights. Most of our supporter player suffered from such inconveniences, thus our group was going down pretty quick in most engagements. I’m sorry for the groups we would’ve liked to put a nice fight against. Hopefully next time we won’t be able to lay the blame on network infrastructure and the like.
After a break I joined WvW again on Kodash Borderlands to solo-roam. Baruch hit our 1/3 of the map pretty hard then, we having the outmanned buff and not a single ally rallying on my lamp when I turned it on while capping some supply camps. I then roamed the area between the western tower, garrison and bay, encountering some lone Baruchis and sometimes groups of 2, 3 or 4. Unfortunately most of them ran away, hid in supply camps after they engaged me first on the open fields. I had some decent fights nonetheless. What was frustrating, was the constant reinforcements when fighting guys of BuLL (not sure if the caps are correct). If I see your mates waiting for the outcome of a duel I try to be polite and do not stomp you, if you engage me 3+ vs 1 I will try my best to waste 10 minutes of your precious time by running circles with you. You seriously should’ve joined your train, as that would’ve yielded you the rewards of two towers and a fortress. And as always: It is impolite to jump or dance on corpses, but it was my fault dying to you, anyway.
Switching to EB in hopes of solving the constant skill queue and lag issues even when no heavy engagement was going on (delayed execution of skills like updraft and magnetic grasp, anyone, or am I the only one suffering from 0.5 to 2 seconds delays and non-abort-able skill casts?), I was not amused of my server’s bad performance at this time. Completed my tower-claiming-daily and helped flipping some camps, having some nice fights between Wildcreek, Klovan and SM. Sorry for the one thief who was downed by some of my guildees, not knowing they were interrupting the fight. What was rather amusing, was a fight against some guys of BooM (again, not sure if the caps are correct) near Anzalia. Engage with 5, 3 running away shortly after when they ate some heavy numbers from my cotting-throwing ele (do not go glassy in WvW if you can’t play it!), leaving a thief and necro. I haven’t seen such bad gameplay in a while…
Summary of this week from my point of view: skill lags which might be on my side only (having FttB and no issues when using any other web services this seems rather unlikely), hard hitting but fair Baruch guilds, not so many engagements with SFR guild groups this week, some decent small scale against Baruchis, two nice fight against seafarers, some trolling, fighting outmanned many times, as well as corpse-jumping and -dancing Baruchis (why do you do this? I really want to understand). Had fun, was frustrated, got some adds to my kill counter – Everything as usual, but somehow refreshing and motivating, though.
Maybe we can have a small fight club tonight on SFR Borderlands near the mills? I try to be there after 10 pm (utc+2). Would be nice to see some classes besides thieves and HGH engineers, too. I’d be glad if some seafarers joined the fun (anyone from KoA, maybe?)
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Actually what he said is true. Yesterday i did a 2vs1 with engi and elem from BB.
So you confirm you had a duel against 2 Baruchis, who did not run away.
the ele came with 7 more friends.
Did they identify as belonging to the same guild / group? I try to imagine how this would’ve worked: “Hey guys, we are losing 2vs1 to this super awesome Seafarer guy. Can you stop doing whatever you’re doing right now to prevent me getting stomped?”
I think, this is what actually happened… duh
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
That’s why most of your guys are individually bellow average, because you can only fight your enemy with a superior number or in guild versus pug (at night, no guild on the others servers) and then fear the 1vs1.
I cannot confirm such mentality for the better part of Baruchis I’ve encountered on the fields. Your statement – from my PoV – may be applied to most Seafarers, though.
The guys from BB seem to be berserkers (not gear- but mindset-wise), never avoiding fights. It might seem stupid sometimes, but they keep pushing, they don’t give up, and they even fight when all their armor is broken. I quite like the spirit they show. It is something that make them stand out and makes them quite likeable as an opponent force.
I don’t like night capping either, but I wouldn’t like to limit someone else’s game experience just because he or she has a different schedule or lives in a different time zone. As a player of a server which survived a 21/7 outmanned-buff situation for several months now, I politely ask you to stop complaining. Have fun when you got time playing the game, try to get better at defending when outmanned if you wish, acknowledge differences in play style and mind-sets.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
What is it about Baruchis always jumping and dancing on corpses after they finally got one down with 4+ after 3 minutes of chasing around? … I would expect such behaviour from PUs but not from guild members of sIN or NUKE (happened three times during the current matchup and several times during the previous match ups against BB).
Duels against lone Baruchis were always fair so far, and partly very demanding – they usually do not end in any form of dancing and jumping, whatsoever.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
You will never be prepared to do any GvG if you will not hop in on the train and lose once or twice to learn.
Just let us figure it out ourselves. We like to learn from open field encounters, not some clean room environments. You might think our approach is not optimal, but we do it this way for some reasons. Though it might not sound like that from my previous statements, we quite like the risk of getting sandwiched as it adds another layer of complexity and maneuvering.
Problem is that both kodash and visunah are saying that they have constant roaming groups on each border. We’re constantly scouting and jumping maps to catch those groups and we have failed so far with few exceptions. Do we have that bad luck ?
Yup, you might have missed many of them since our groups usually stick to a border per evening.
bring it on. Stop hiding behind “you run more than us and we don’t fight”
We’ve never done that, we just turn on harakiri mode when outmanned. Ask the KoA guys, they should know our spirit.
we run 5 man roaming groups for our channels. I rarely see small scale from the two servers. We did see some while raiding though.
Mh, we’ve bad luck and bad timing then, as we experienced the same. I’ve seen several 5-to-10-packs of Vizu, but less often from SFR. You can usually find our small-scalers either gimping in the ruins, raiding supply camps or chasing respawners when there is no demanding fight around. Some of them also run into your zergs’ or guild groups’ backlines and snipe some interesting-looking targets.
SFR is currently under full un-blob project ( except EB ) and we will succeed.
Good luck with that. Kodash has a different player base; not so many big guilds anymore, but many “new” wvw-players, even more small scale groups and soloers, some tactical players (as in chess, not like clubbing our heads while using CC and combo fields), fewer guilds of 15 to 25. It is nigh impossible to create a 25-guildees-environment like you have on SFR, and it’s certainly not our goal.
I’m sorry you could not enjoy the match as it was sometimes quite surprising, funny and at times complex as well. We do things differently and try to give every format of play style a chance. Trying to enforce some synthetic play style just would wreak even more havoc on Kodakitten would’ve helped if there were more guilds like yours, broadening the spectrum of play styles on SFR.
We’ve challenged both servers to play on any level you want. We said we will match your numbers everytime. We said that you can train new commanders on our trials and we can learn from eachother but nope.
As stated above, we take different approaches. We don’t play for your amusement but ours. We get stuff done the way we think is the right way for us. You don’t have to agree with that. Making it sound like a allegation doesn’t help your point.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
but I guess your guilds do not want to GvG or schedule any roaming fights.
We don’t do GvG atm cause we aren’t prepared for that (you know there are different rules and concepts in organized GvG matches). We care about nice fights on the open fields, though.
We’ve streamed killing your zergs with 21 people.
WdR does not run in zergs during our prime time but in groups of at most 25. What we did on monday and tuesday, though, was some well coordinated tactical gameplay with several guilds and small groups involved.
Saturday was a bit (filler to avoid killing kittens) chaotic since we did a public training to get people in shape and to motivate them to join or form WvW guilds. A lot of our folks joined, so we ended up bigger than expected. We tried to give you some nice fights, nonetheless.
Wednesday we ran with 13 to 17 and had some nice fights against Vizu and SFR, specially [FRY]. CoN was only aknowledged as a major PitA, constantly “joining” our fights against even-numbers of SFR. Same thing happened previous week, when you (just to name one example) constantly crashed our get-togethers with [iddq].
give me a guild that want to fight on an equal ground. We will match your numbers.
Bots, BdaS, EoW, WdR – Might have forgotten one or two. Then we have some awesome small scalers (i.e. not more than 2 full groups), which obviously isn’t what you are looking for. (Why not, if I may ask?) I can tell you that most of them won’t run dedicated GvGs as they are also involved in tactical WvW (field strategies, ambushes, sneaks, fortifications, siege), but will be some nice opponents if you catch them on the fields.
Sure CoN always runs with 50+ because we’re afraid of your 10 man guilds.
Don’t exaggerate. You said some days / weeks ago, you run with 30 to 40 at prime (which matches my experience with CoN). You could’ve done us the favor (since you asked us to give you some fights of ~25vs25) and could’ve run smaller groups (<20) at times, as well.
If your guilds prefer to blob instead of roam then it’s a shame.
It’s not a shame if someone does not share your attitude. WvW is an open world PvP sandbox. Everybody can do the things he or she or it wants to do, and you may agree with that or not. I certainly agree with you that blobbing is no fun for neither of us, and I know that there are certain guilds / clusters and players on our side who favour 50+ zombies running in circles. The things you criticized can be applied to SFR as well. Your PoV is pretty biased and does not acknowledge the guilds and groups on our side who share your general attitude. It also amplifies your biased recognition, as you obviously neither want to see your numbers at times, nor ours… We obviously cannot change the whole server community, but declassifying us as a whole is pretty short-sighted.
Stop pretending to have “hardcore” “wvw focused” “guilds” because I can’t see any.
I couldn’t disagree with you more, but well… Wouldn’t change anything to list some and tell you their stories, since groups of 10 to 20 is obviously not enough for you to compete with.
we have 6 guys recording everything we do for the whole week.
Nice, then you may revisit some scenes in which you interrupted our fights.
Maybe you will pressure your guild to do more small scale fights.
We do small scale almost every night. Small scale, i.e. 1 to 10 per my own definition. No pressure required, my guildees and I already do that successfully.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
no roaming guilds
Go get yourself some new glasses, then…
and A lot of blobs
You should really take care of that and unblob your community, eh?
I really hope you guys will change sometime in the future.
I really wish you wouldn’t take yourself too serious with your 30+-peeps-meatball, constantly crashing even-numbered fights (15 to 25 vs equal numbers) between some of your other guilds and ours.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
I think they should implement keep taking in PVE and give Karma
and wxpfor it.
They’ve already done that. It’s called “temple farming”.
Maybe the event scaling system is too tough for Vizombies and they got frustrated getting wiped by Corrupted Lyssa… So now they are looking for asylum in our WvW towers and keeps instead, maybe?
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
We will match your numbers
… even if there is already an even numbered encounter between one group and another …
We (some folks from [WdR] and [evil]) had some nice fights against Vizu blobs and SFR guilds and guild blobs today on Vizu borderlands.
Special appreciation goes to [FRY] who ran with ~15 and wiped the floor with us (also 17 at first, later 13). Our meelees didn’t know how to deal with your necros’ plague forms and the constant blinds. You don’t run the usual heavies-meta – I saw many mesmer curtains, ele static fields and necro plagues, which made us guessing and meta-countering after each fight. We had some ideas, but unfortunately most of us have to get up early tomorrow (well, today…), so we could not try out some of them. Anyhow: nice fights and kudos for not joining the wvw-meta club. (we try the same with different approaches, hope we will be able to compete with you someday)
ECL – The Movie – Zombiehunt out now!
Nice PUG-Zerg bashing (I honestly smiled when you rofl-stomped AofT). Your fighting is nice, but I think your lead could do better in guestimating the enemy’s routes and plans. The final scene could have been avoided easily by using the southern or northern stairs or by using a decoy and a mesmer portal / veil if that wouldn’t have worked.
I like the current match up when it comes to field fights. If you want to farm badges, you try to lure the Vizombies out of their fortifications or solo-stomp them; if you want to have nice fights you can roam the map or look for SFR guilds.
There is one thing I don’t like about SFR, though: Many of you cry about blobbing and how bad it is. On the other hand I see many guild raids or joined raids of 40+, which is even worse as there is no effective counter other than getting the train in the face or to “blob” ourselves (which is, as far as I was involved, done by joining forces with 1 or 2 other guilds + 1 independent roaming guild), as most of our guilds have 20 (more often much less) on the fields.
Also I’m quite frustrated of the solo-qualities of most of your guildees. I know there are some who shine, but I’ve encountered so many SFR guards with shields and staff, and they only throw symbols and their auto attacks onto me – wtf? (just as an example. also applies to other classes and builds)
Food for thought: The game is built around more than skill 1, 2 and 6. If you’d get your players in shape, you would become even more successful in bashing your opponents.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
great, you finished the temple karma train run with your zerg ?
Seems as if this would be the case, again. Currently they’re on their way to paint Kodash Borderlands in royal blue.
They also try to implement some tactics, running in three different squads right now. I’ve watched you getting steamrolled by a PU-squad of about 15 heavies, which is kinda funny since you had the same numbers running as a guild group.
btw: I’m running my mesmer solo for the first time, so some of you might already have roflstomped me once or twice when your buddies joined the fight. I cannot find a single SFR player who isn’t either running away or calling his friends to help them out – which is kinda sad, as most of them are either thieves or rangers (certainly no vital zerg assets, beside cluster bombs from thieves). I haven’t seen that many /laughs (I guess they don’t laugh about me playing bad, as I have outplayed most of them 1vs1) and other fancy emotes from players of well-known guilds before. I’m happy about nice fights and opportunities I can use to get to know Mesmer game-play better – reinforcements in duels have to be reckoned with; naughty emotes afterwards (which I received numerous times tonight), on the other hand, are no fun and don’t reflect sportsmanship.
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
oh dear…
(need more characters)
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
You INVI by far are the only guild that is trying to move apart from the blobs in this matchup. Now that KoA left Kodash. Wish more guilds would be like you.
BdaS, Bots, Buka, FB, FORT, Kegl, NSG, WdR, why – just to name a few. You might have run into some of them with your 30 guildees + adds…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
we losed hills in home map against a vizunah normal zerg, … i mean kodash blob, yeh i know you were only 20?
I see, you met the apres-temple-events-farm-train, which is done every once in a while. Sorry, but I don’t feel sympathy for you guys beeing outmanned right now. One of your guys put an emphasis on what great opportunity we (the three servers) would have to “unblob” this bracket entirely – and most of the time I see either your guild groups joining forces with your PUs, or simply outman our small groups of at most 15 to 25 per raid by countering with at least 35 to 40. I have respect for most of your guilds, you are really good at what you do, and there are some even matches. On the other hand it is just so effin ridiculous, crying about an enemies’ rush when your players do the exactly same thing on a regular basis.
not like in kodash lot of “pugs-that-runs-everywhere-and-only-good-at-reseting-t3-when-no-one-is-in-opposite”
This statement is hilarious! I mean… Hahahaha, get your facts straight!
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Nice try to get Bay in SR, kodash my friends
Some of you hate me now ;(
Huh? Sorry, I did not recognize your name tag in the stream of red labels, specifically – Please tell us the story of your heroism…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
Most of the time it was just CoN in hills tbh and even when the random zerg came I’m pretty sure Kodash still had more at least at the start anyway. Had fun fights though
You should turn your head every once in a while to see your co-players.
When we started our siege against the T3 hills keep you had around 30 to 40 (educated guess). I’ve seen some VOLTs, BG, BOOM and CoNs then, but many had guild tags I did not recognize. A few minutes later we received message of CoN entering north (I’ve counted 25?). Your first attempt at rushing toward our safe spot – despite joined forces with another group of around 20 (?) – wasn’t successful and we could wipe you with about 25 to 30. In a similar situation some time later you acted clever and waited, when we should have been pushing and did not; and in the end wiped us from the battlement.
Meantime one of our guilds took your western spawn tower and had fun with you and some other Seafarers. All the while your hills keep was defended by at least 30 more guys and girls – At times you were clearly outnumbering us, as we had (at most) around 25 on the battlement and something like 15 clustered in the outer ring. Most of the time we were (including PUs) less than you.
When we finally opened the inner ring you defended like some mad men (Kudos! Also: Kodash-style… We didn’t disable your port once in meh) and finally wiped us. We had problems resupplying, and in the end we could not break your choke defense (stacked AE and so many ACs and ballistas… did not feel good when we finally pushed over the bridge).
Though we did not capture the keep, we had a lot of fun and got some goodies from your corpses – Unfortunately most of us had to quit at ~10 pm… We might take revenge sometime soon…
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.
(edited by maeggle.6021)
Good players on SFR side, didn’t had the pleasure to meet Kodash yet!
We get rofl-stomped by a huge SFR blob whenever we try to hold our spawn tower or get a go at Hills – you might have seen them as you ran away from them some hours ago west of our tower
I really liked fighting SFR guilds last week! (confession: we did not blob intentionally in the situations mentioned in the previous’ week’s thread, but had many random sandwich situations cause of lack of open map space… you, too, caught us with 2x 30+ guys many times )
But today it is just kinda “frustrating” (like in: I’d have more fun if I wasn’t just capturing objectives for karma and then throw it away) to have the outmanned buff for hours and get karma-trained by blobs of both Desolation and Seafarers. I’d really like to see some smaller groups as it would be much more fun fighting (for us) than getting run over, over and over, or just wait for the lord’s buff to vanish to recapture some camps, our tower and hills with PvDoor.
Reset night on Kodash Borderlands was pretty relaxed, though. Home border is 2 factions pushing north, most of the time. It seemed as if both Deso and SFR didn’t really care about that paradigm, but instead there were orange swords in the ruins most of the time.
Gives me a warm, fuzzy glimpse of hope that we’ll have much small- and mid-scale raid-fun in the open fields between all three servers during the week
A landing you can walk away from just wasn’t fast enough.