Showing Posts For milton.1796:

Why can some Thieves kill my level 80 instantly?

in Thief

Posted by: milton.1796


They are meant to be a burst class, bad armour, high damage.
If they nerf the damage what do thiefs have left?
Useless stealth utility skills and no damage.

Invisible players in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I agree, it’s gamebreaking for a thief to.
I usually go around solo scouting places and attacking dolyaks and then all of a sudden I have like 10+ people on me out of no where and I’m dead before I can even evade or hit stealth.

retaliation needs internal cooldown on the person it deals damage to

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


Start using Siege Weapons.

They’ve fixed that now.

Take out Repair in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


No thanks… Repair should stay infact it should be buffed.

Dolyak escort events working yet?

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


XP was removed and you can thank the botters for it.

Oh, and Anet is too lazy to remove the botters, so the rest of lose out.

Pathetic really.

Is that why they caused an outrage a few weeks ago when people got banned en masse and then people QQ’ed?

Need some penalty to using siege weapons.

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


^That post, the simple solution to siege weapons bombarding you is by sending a few people to go and destroy it.

REAL WvW rewards please!

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I think it should reward players with a class/race skin with no special effects other than changing your gear into something epic looking.

Piken Square roleplayers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


Here is some proof of it happening, they block you as well if you ask them to leave and make space for players who will do something for the battle.

As you can see Stonemist was under siege and we was losing Durious and yet they stood there roleplaying.

Eventually we lost both of these places and they still stood there, eventually causing more roleplay.

Piken Square roleplayers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


They stand in the starting zone just talking in character.
Sometimes you see the walking around the zone talking, but most often they stand in a keep,talking while its under siege and don’t do anything.

Piken Square roleplayers in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I haven’t seen any rule about roleplayers on servers yet but its becoming quite an issue in WvW on Piken Square, they often enter WvW in a large group and start roleplaying then when a pvp guild wants to join they cant due to the borderlands being full by people effectively doing nothing for the game.

I don’t hate roleplayers but its getting fraustrating when you can’t play with your pvp friends because someone who is at the starting zone doing nothing and just talking and wasting a slot…

Arena net is this working as it should?