Showing Posts For milton.1796:

Another stupid RNG event?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: milton.1796


It’s only a one time use skin as well….
Why such bad RNG…

Another stupid RNG event?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: milton.1796


I just did mad king says and did everything right I only did a emote when he said “Mad King says” and the event finished and it said success and I got a achievement and opened the chest and there was only candy inside and no mask whilst 2 players said they got a mask…

Whats the deal with the RNG only events now?

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


What have we learnt?
Even when SFR is losing by their own fault they still blame the system!

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I wish there was a auto kick to INSTANTLY remove pve players from WvW.
Or even better instantly remove them from WvW and DELETE their account so pvper don’t have to be plagued with them.

(edited by milton.1796)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Bob easy up, everyone know already, that SFR will lose league, no one likes you as a scam and trash server srly. Stop flaming over this forum. tooshee pookan

Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth, saved me the effort!

Why you roleplayers are so angry? Some cool kid stole your lunch money again?

Sounds like you could take some advice from Pinhead.

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Bob easy up, everyone know already, that SFR will lose league, no one likes you as a scam and trash server srly. Stop flaming over this forum. tooshee pookan

Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth, saved me the effort!

More like Trahearnes Story....

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


Trahearne at his usual again.
Don’t worry I’ll fight every battle for you while you call yourself a “Marshal”.

He even had like 7 or so minions he summoned around him.

Then read the chat in the second picture.

“If that “one” is Trahearne" etc.

So basically they are saying the battles can only be won because of Trahearne… pfftt.


(edited by milton.1796)

Piken/Augury/Baruch [11/10]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Getting bored of the gate exploit AR, first you did it on eternal now on piken borderland, going to camp your guy there all night.


GW2 was not about RNG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


The game is too alike to world of warcraft now..
I hate it..
Everytime I kill a boss all I get is blues which sell for 80c while friends always get exotics and ascendeds.

Condition Catastrophe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


I think the people with the highest damage per tick should have priority in the conditions on a boss with the players who have less damage per tick have their condition damage done instantly every time it SHOULD tick.

Mask of the Night doesn't look Halloween

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: milton.1796


So many entitled kids here…

I think it looks great, maybe only adults think it looks good because we know the sources it comes from and can appreciate it?

Not everything has to be all flashy and overdramatic.


Classes need some planetside 1 perks

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


If anyone has played Planetside 1 you’d know about the different skills you could unlock like hacking a base and disabling the radar, overloading the generator and other shenanigans.

How about for around 50 skill points and say 10 badges thieves can unlock a key which lets you open a keep gate and let your teammates inside without needing to destroy the gate but only usable once per day across a entire players characters and of course give a warning to nearby characters saying something like “A shady character has been spotted by the gates meddling with it.” and having a cast time until it fully unlocks the gate from the inside.

Or say inflicting a poison into the enemies food supplies which weakens the guards and makes them do 50% less damage?

Or say a mesmer could attach some crazy warp magic to a mortar and ground areas which it impacts creates a random portal which if the enemy is on when it happens it teleports them to a random place on the map away from the battle to break up blobs with a 2 min cooldown or something.

WvW has a lot of potential but I feel like ArenaNet has already gave up on WvW…

They could add loads of crazy class abilities and remove some of the usual guardian/warrior or gtfo.

(edited by milton.1796)

Stealth Disruptor Trap

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


Lol. Stealth traps. It’s cute that anet thought those would affect thieves.

Yeah I really don’t see how it would help against them. Those traps seem to be 100% useless

They aren’t useless when placed in areas which players regularly go through or near guards.

I love seeing thiefs triggering them when a mob runs past and he turns into a loot bag.

Piken/Augury/Baruch [11/10]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


In a minute he’ll break and will be unable to hold back the urge to hack and he’ll respawn and just fly into the keep and portal everyone inside.

More like Trahearnes Story....

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


To sum Trahearne up would be like this.

You are Anakin or Luke and suddenly C3P0 comes along and takes control, he runs off at the first sight of combat, you always have to save him, he does nothing and then at the end he is the one who is praised.

I didn’t feel like I was praised at the end…

Is the Bloody Prince a vampire?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: milton.1796


Vampires exist in GW but not the western kind.

Not enough skills!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


This game was for a different audience sadly…
I dont think the old devs made anything here either.

Stealth Disruptor Trap

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I place them in open places like bay, its a good way to ruin the day of the gankers hiding inside your areas.

More like Trahearnes Story....

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


Then look back at personal story, there is none of that.

Old republic had personal story which worked quite well.

More like Trahearnes Story....

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


The personal story is good until he gets involved….
It was all fun and then he comes along and it goes from YOUR story to his….

This is the only thing he’s good for.


(edited by milton.1796)

Dead player name tag color

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


Why not just have enemies vanish and automatically revive at the nearest waypoint in WvW once they die?

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


talk talk talk milton. Too chicken to come at the windmill.

Speak for yourself, the WvW threads are dominated by SFR useless information.

It’s like walking down the street with someone you don’t like who thinks you are friends with you constantly trying to talk to you.

We don’t care about your pointless information, you die, you wipe and then you whine and when you whine its never your fault its always “lol they blobbed” you are the biggest EU server blobbing is the LAST thing you should be blaming a wipe on, hell you even steal guilds from other servers and now your unemployed leader is trying to get Americans to help even more.

When you still have 40+ online in WvW at 4am.

Piken is second place yeah sure but we have less guilds compared to SFR and we don’t have a army of unemployed people playing 24/7 to watch all borderlands.

(edited by milton.1796)

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


So far this is what I got from reading through again;
SFR calls blob: 4
Piken calls blob: 6
Elona calls blob: 1

Individual counters, by my judgement it looks like piken are most eager to call blobs, sfr with nice average and elona suprisingly calm this matchup thread. Then again, I didn’t check the german forums

Well SFR thinks 20 players is a blob but 40 players is not a blob.


Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


It’s always cute when SFR has a thousand reasons as to why they wipe but the reason of “Maybe we are just baddies?” never once goes into their skulls.

Keep making excuses for your failures you’ll never learn.

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


40+ SFR just got pwned on Piken borderland by 20 piken players in a open field.
They fully wiped and then 10 more came and we wiped them.

Thanks for the loot! Got three exotics!

That will go to my low level alts!


Seafarer's Rest Is Recruiting (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: milton.1796


Wemil is unemployed.

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Wolfheart.1938 got told. LOL
Remember guys SFR NEVER BLOBS its only Piken am I right?
When we do finally scrape enough players up to fight your blob you all bloody log off until 4/5am GMT and then log back on with 40+ people to reset all the maps so that you only have to fight less than 10 players.

I remember Xerkulle saying on TS that SFR or Wemil told him he needs like 60 people to wipe you and he replied “Only 20 will do” LOL.

SFR doesn’t blob remember.

(edited by milton.1796)

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


lol piken has people throwing rams on you after they kill you 5 to 1

GG talk about manners

they got what they deserved you guys should farm more glory, seems like shark rank isn’t enough

If you was actually good you wouldn’t have died.

Would You Fight To Reclaim Ascalon?

in Human

Posted by: milton.1796


The Charr would make the humans almost extinct again…

Please new Leaf Armor Sets...

in Living World

Posted by: milton.1796


I’d like to agree that more sylvari armor would be a great, but a part of me hopes for an armorset that is a fusion of plant-matter and steel… Sort of have the plantlike molding itself onto the platemail. Would be neat imo.

Yeah they will add that….
On the gem store for like 800 gems.

Ridiculous male faces

in Human

Posted by: milton.1796


And people always think I’m weird for playing only female characters.
Every time I see the human male faces in this game it further reinforces my point.

Will you ever get your legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


Legendary weapons are ugly and I presume anyone who has them has a bit too much time on their hands and cares too much about material worth.

Most expensive one is currently 3002g and if you convert that into real money that’s probably over £500.

I think I rather spend the time getting £500+ in real life and spending it there not in a computer game and prattling around as if I’m gods gift just because I have a ugly legendary.

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


God how I miss GW2 release…No blobs just people actually doing pvp.
And tower fights which you could actually defend from the enemy…
Now its 2 superior rams up and GG defenders cant do anything because if you go on the wall you get instant gibbed by the blob attacking.

Look at the minimap in these pictures.. fights everywhere and not a blob in sight.


Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


SFR and Elona constantly blobbing no good fights I think I’m not going to bother fighting in this reset.
If you touch a sentry or tag a supply camp 2 minutes later 40 man blobs turn up just to kill 1 person.

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Then I guess your mesmer sweep wasn’t good enough I can pretty much stay invisible on my mesmer for a long time you forget scepter and focus has a 3 second stealth, three abilities have a stealth on the action bar and if I remember one of the traits has a stealth.

Which is a long time for a mesmer to be stealthed.

Maybe you killed one inside and he didn’t release and a thief stayed inside with permy stealth traits and then revived him when you wasn’t looking?

Not saying hacks don’t exist but I know how tricky mesmers can be when they want to as I play one.

Elona reach/Piken square/Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


So after 2am Piken had like 4 people in the borderland and couldn’t do anything whilst ER/SFR still had blobs so I spent the time doing this.

First waving behind your blob on a wall trying to get your attention.

And then spending 2 hours talking to a cute looking asura.


Who else only gets bad loot?

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


*Hands up in the air *

Spikes, I get a bunch of spikes. I get greens too from the GL box. But Raid versus raid, human players killed give me spikes. Could crush half dozen earthshakered and 1,1,1,1,1 my way through there zerg, dmg flying incoming and outgoing.

Reward is either me paying 2-3 silver for repair bill (in the event we lost), or me picking up about 4-6 spikes and a badge or two.

That just about sums it up for me.
I get loads of bags and I’m like “i’m feeling lucky!” and every bag is filled with 1 badge and spikes……..
I’m constantly emptying my bags from the spikes.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


That is all.

Piken had around 20/30 players max tonight and we consistently wiped you.

Blobbadons came to a paper bay with 60 people and we had 20 and wiped you as you entered with AC’s and then straight after Blobbars hold came in with 30+ and wiped again to the arrow carts inside bay.

And the top picture was around 60+ Blobbadons vs around 8 piken at north camp with help from their gunnar allies blobs which alone had around 20+.

Thanks for the loot bags at bay! They never stopped coming I didn’t even get to go through them all before they despawned there was that many bags!


(edited by milton.1796)

"Master of Ruins"

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I preferred the old lake…
Ruins are too clumsy and clustered to be fun.

Who else only gets bad loot?

in WvW

Posted by: milton.1796


I’ve got 67% passive magic find and a lot more if I use boosters and food but something always repeats itself.

I can get loot bags from an entire dead raid and usually all I find (I’m level 80) is trash items which sell to a vendor for like 3 copper which is like thorns etc.

While the rest of my guild gets exotics constantly and mostly ascended items…

Does this happen to anyone else it feels like magic find doesn’t even work I barely ever get greens and blues.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I wondered what happened this was on Piken square borderland around 10 minutes before the servers went off and we had to install the patch.

Piken, Vs Abbadons Vs Gunnars Vs Gandara? LOL


[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

When did you bandwagon on to Piken? Before last week Piken lost 5 matchups in a row.

Been on Piken since release.

Next question.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Great play GH and Abaddon and dont worry , Piken will be farmed as usual like they been farmed 1 week before and they will be farmed after this ! Anet just kittened up as usual with the game random stuff !

“Get farmed as usual”

In your fantasy world we didn’t get to rank3 by being farmed.

Sounds like you are angry.

(edited by milton.1796)

Alone in the Guild Bugg.... Again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: milton.1796


Glad I found this thread I had level 2 in pretty much everything and a guild stash, emblem and guild armorer.
I levelled my guild alone since release without any help from other players and I’m gutted to see everything has vanished :/

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I usually the last one to complain but this is far from being an even match. PS bein able to deploy a regular blob 24/7 on almost every map, really killed the morale of my server.

Actually that’s one blob teleporting between maps.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I’m enjoying the match up.
Piken has Gunnars and Abaddons on farm so we can all go around levelling alts with birthday bonuses and get free loot bags everywhere from you.

Teq Weapon boxes/Ascended rarity.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


I heard that he only drops 3 ascended boxes so 3 people out of your entire zerg gets the ascended items.

Seems legit because I only ever see 3 people each time in a guild raid on him getting ascended each time.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen.

[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Get the stupid GvG out of WvW and stop wasting slots.

stop wasting GvG slots

And look what your precious GvG has got you.

Last spot in current matchmaking and rank 14 in leader boards.

Stop ruining it for the people on your server who want to actually do WvW properly not some stupid 20v20 arena tournament.


[PS]Piken/[AM]Ababbon's/[GH]Gunnar [27/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Get the stupid GvG out of WvW and stop wasting slots.