Showing Posts For milton.1796:

[PS]Piken/[ER]Elona/[JS]Jade Sea [20/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Piken did well long before DVG here got here.
Stop looking for excuses for your menial performance.

Will we ever be able to buy race changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


Blizzard once said WoW wouldn’t be able to do it but look at the game now, you can race/gender and even faction change now.

[PS]Piken/[ER]Elona/[JS]Jade Sea [20/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Well how can you not play for points anymore? You are forced to zerg.

I used to enjoy little tower defence fights with a small group attacking with one or two people inside the tower holding the line.

The gear difference is too much now.

Tiachren voice actor?

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


Am I right in believing his voice actor is Liam O’Brien the voice actor of Illidan in WoW?

Norn Space Marine Armor.

in Norn

Posted by: milton.1796


[PS]Piken/[ER]Elona/[JS]Jade Sea [20/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Last time we fought SFR we had their little lapdogs Elona constantly pestering us with blobs so we had to fight two fronts constantly.

And then at offpeak we didn’t have much people whilst they still had blobs.

Will we ever be able to buy race changes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


When I first joined the game I picked a Norn Mesmer because I thought it went well in my head and I enjoyed playing it but now fast forward to level 80 I really dislike it…
At the games launch I had no idea what the high tier gear would look and it really doesn’t fit on a female Norn.

I’d buy a race change in a instant if it became available I don’t wish to make a new character as I’ve invested so much in this character..

Does anyone feel the same way?

[PS]Piken/[ER]Elona/[JS]Jade Sea [20/9]

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


What happened to Elona and Jade Sea?
I remember two match ups ago Elona was blobbing constantly and blobbing Piken constantly while Piken was trying to fight Vizuna blobs.

Who gave up on the reptile already?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


I gave up on it because I’m constantly on overflow no matter how early I join the map.
Tried a organised guild run….and everyone was placed inside different overflows as soon as the fight started.

Tequatl Purgatory

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


WVW players know what to do on this boss its the pve players who don’t know what to do.

People who only do WvW know what RED CIRCLES mean but pvers just seem to stand in it and then sit there until they die and then beg for ressurections whilst wvw players run back to the boss.

WvW players also know the dodge ability as well I never see pvers using it.

Please allow guild only instances.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


So then organised people can have their own chance at killing the boss without random players throwing your guild into overflow and scattering everyone in your guild and then wiping constantly because random players don’t care about tactics…

That way guilds can progress on the boss and find out what they are doing wrong and perfect the tactics and kill him.

It’s not fun organizing only to have random players ruin it all IE: stealing turrets from experienced people and basically being dead weights and begging for revives when they die from standing in poison.

Norn female is too pretty. Yeah, you read it right !

in Norn

Posted by: milton.1796


Am I tall enough?


Congratulations Piken Square.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


The super laser only fires when he is 50% hp and below I believe..
To keep it from being faceroll.

Congratulations Piken Square.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


We got him to around 70% but then everyone died and refused to go to the nearest waypoint and run back.

Time it takes to rez = 15 seconds

Time to run back = 1 minute

It is YOU who failed to rez, no one should be running back.

Time wasted when no scrubs get downed by sitting in poison = 0 seconds

Yeah this.

Congratulations Piken Square.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


We got him to around 70% but then everyone died and refused to go to the nearest waypoint and run back.

Time it takes to rez = 15 seconds

Time to run back = 1 minute

It is YOU who failed to rez, no one should be running back.

I’m talking about the people who was FULLY dead not the downed people.
You cant run around and then spend 20 seconds reviving someone in a middle of AOE.

Congratulations Piken Square.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


We got him to around 70% but then everyone died and refused to go to the nearest waypoint and run back.

Congratulations Piken Square.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


We are the first server to lose against Tequatl!
Failed the event 2 minutes ago because everyone was sitting in the AOE and afk people on the turrets not removing his buff.

Greatsword are awesome for Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: milton.1796


Except when I criticise it I’m on about PvE, I never said it was bad in other formats.

Except you do.

I'll show you scary...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


I wonder if any old gamer remembers this theme.
If you heard this you’ve probably either gone up the tower for the first time or died again and restarted at checkpoint.

Piken(PS)/Augury(AR)/Vizunah(VZ) 9/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Good fights today on Piken, VS blob losing their T3 hills to us.
We broke the gates then stomped their blob into the ground and captured it.

(edited by milton.1796)

Piken(PS)/Augury(AR)/Vizunah(VZ) 9/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


So one blob only server, anyone got intel on AR? Another blob server or?

The LFG system, finally

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


Hell, WoW has a fantastic LFG system and has done for years
(and yes that is the only thing I genuinely like about WoW)

And it only happened at the end of the 2nd expansion. I quit wow because of what the lfg did to the community, but thankfully gw2s isn’t an auto group finder / teleport into dungeons.

Here here, I played before the LFG was added and LFG killed the server community because you’d learn who was a dedicated tank, healer etc and you’d ask people politely if they’d like to make a group and often it was done within 10 minutes of organizing with the LFG you can spend an hour waiting and nothing..

And it gets better the people you usually get stuck with from LFG are usually illiterate non polite goons who go into rage mode so easily.

Would kill to have this for my charr

in Suggestions

Posted by: milton.1796


Imagine how much it hurts their back standing up like a human for a long time…

The Skinless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


Voice in the Trailer?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: milton.1796


The narrator for the Tequatl trailer is Julie Nathanson.

Knew it.

2010: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – voice

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


SFR wont last long when they have to fight a server with equal numbers I can already foresee them coming third in every match up soon.

Servers with only a numerical advantage never last long against servers with equal numbers as they get used to having easy wins without the enemy being able to mount offensives.

(edited by milton.1796)

Downstate should be removed from SPvP.

in PvP

Posted by: milton.1796


Killing someone 5+ times isn’t fun especially when the downed can use stealth/knockbacks and other abilities.

There is nothing more annoying than trying to finish off a downed guardian or a thief…

I usually just dps them down now instead of using the finisher BUT even then that takes too long to kill someone who is downed in that time someone can revive them.

(edited by milton.1796)

wtb clones/phantasms indicator

in PvP

Posted by: milton.1796


Mesmers would be useless then if the enemy can see what they are….
OP just a thief wanting his 1 button spam easier to kill a mesmer?

Downstate should be removed from SPvP.

in PvP

Posted by: milton.1796


Why? Because not every class has a RELIABLE way to stop people from reviving people on the ground in a downed state I came out of a 2v1 in my mesmer I downed one guy and the guardian kept trying to revive his teammate and he popped stability and GG I couldn’t prevent him from reviving the friendly and they both continued attacking me again.

Eventually teammates came and helped and I downed the guardian this time, great job right? NOPE the thief downed someone and then the guardian got up again through rally and it all repeated…

It’s just a broken system that should be kept in WvW and PVE.

Anyone else had issues with it?

I think if you “die” it should put you on the ground like when you die and make it so it takes around 20 seconds to revive someone and make it so damage stops the channeling.

Tybalt the best character?

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


Yeah but I don’t really like her, Tybalt is just perfect.

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796



gonna enjoy elona vs piken banging on each other the last few hours.

and im gunny hunt some elona:) piken have provided better battles so gonna focus getting them king of the hill second place:)

if any piken here playing 06:00-11:00 whisper me and I will open some elona towers keeps just for you to take:)

I think you’ll find that most of Piken have gone off to do something more interesting.
Most boring match-up ever.

If ya’ll excuse me, Iv’e got a wall I think I’ll go and stare at for a few hours until reset.

We did, not much you can do when you can only get 30 people max whilst you fight two unskilled zerg servers with 60+ people blobs online at all hours.
Hell even early hours of the morning with the outnumbered buff they still had 50+ people.

I just didn’t bother playing it because I don’t want to give skillblobs free exp instead I spent time better by levelling my neglected crafting, bring on the reset when perhaps we don’t only fight blob servers.

Tequatl Rising: possible lore?

in Lore

Posted by: milton.1796


Zhaitan is not dead he is PRESUMED dead…
Big difference.

Tybalt the best character?

in Personal Story

Posted by: milton.1796


I’ve done all of the personal stories on most of the races and when I came across Tybalt I instantly liked him.

Who else thinks he is the best character?

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Conclusion, you think you are the skilled server.

Of course Piken think its a skilled server. Wtf are we supposed to think when equal sized forces flee before us, refusing to do battle? That we stink? Look, that may be the case but it still inflate our self-esteem to legendary heights.

Just suport that with numbers. I know why you are so full of yourselfs losing so badly like this week. You are geting some points in BL’s.

SFR is doing a miracle this week, geting this result with our numbers, but thas internal afairs to discuss bettewn us.

A leave just a message here. People that want to play against Vabbi should live SFR, or move to Vabbi.

Stop making rubbish up to make it look like you are winning by “skill” and superior tactics.

THIS is the only reason you are winning, that and ER is helping you because alone you and elona can’t beat piken.


Reasons you did not choose a Charr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


I made a charr but then I deleted it.

I always got tunnel visioned in pvp most likely because I was a bigger target than everything else like the Tauren in WoW…

Went back to something smaller and pvp was suddenly fun again.

Need gearing up advice and making money.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


So I’ve played pretty much since release with a lot of long breaks in between the last time I logged in before last week was TWELVE MONTHS ago and a LOT has changed since then in regards to making money etc.

What’s the best way to gear up once I get my alt to level 80 (I got bored of my first 80) and whats the best way to have a sustainable gold income? I’ve still got 29 gold but its rapidly going down.


Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I’m seriously getting tired of Pikens “Only play when we are winning attitude”

When we play properly and have no lag we dominate you.
But you’ve realised that and now just zerg to lag us so we cannot dominate you so you just use sheer numbers with lag and hackers.

I love taking my low level alts into WvW and spend the evening farming the SFR/ER bads with my alts whilst you are good geared level 80s.

Loot everywhere.

(edited by Moderator)

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Skill lag and rubber-banding up to several seconds is making it impossible to play this week.
It’s the sheer size of the SFR and ER blobs. Everything’s fine until you enter a combat area and then you can ‘feel’ the lag kick-in.

I think most of Piken have decided to skip this week, we only seem to have a handful of players on at any one time.
Not helped by the fact that at least two of our more popular pug commanders have taken the week off. There are people running around with tags up I’ve never heard of and without naming names, some of them are kitten useless. (not all, I hasten to add)

Oh, and yes. I was there in Garrison this morning. Whoever was using the zoom hack to destroy all our siege must be pretty proud of himself. 30+ against a half-dozen and you still need to cheat?

Yeah its pretty impossible to play, it’s always fun seeing 60+ SFR attacking a lone sentry and having your abilities lag from half way across the map.

Piken isn’t bothering to fight this time because there is too much lag, enjoy lagging each other to death and crying when you die.

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


SFR and ER seems to be a match from heaven that should marry each other.
Bad players on both them servers!

Props to that good geared gladiator thief who got owned by my level 20 warrior!

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Good thing SFR players are bad then.
Nothing to worry about carry on.

Whats the lowest computer specs to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


My friend is looking to play the game and her computer is pretty outdated I was wondering if anyone here has a old computer and tell me your specs and the fps you get average in game?

I had a old computer when this game was released last year and on low graphics I usually had 15/30 fps average but since then the game has been optimised so I don’t know how it runs now on a 2gb ram system with a CPU processor speed of 2.0 GHz.

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Three 30+ man zergs on Garrison and Piken wins still.

GG go back to blob ganking 1 person SFR please.

Piken/SFR/Elona (LAGFEST #2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


And SFR still has not l2p.
Still can’t fight people of equal numbers but rely on using a zerg to kill single players whilst spamming “/laugh” like real pros.

Piken / Seafarer's / Vizunah

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Good job Piken for taking spot number two!

Piken / Seafarer's / Vizunah

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


Yep, that’s what happens when you don’t listen to your commander and you try to FFA thinking you are Rambo

Yeah except this was on a map which wasnt my own borderland so you have the nice big open ganking place where they like to lurk waiting.

Piken / Seafarer's / Vizunah

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


I just got killed by 10+ VS on my own rofl.
They pretty much blew every cooldown just to kill me.
Kinda sad really when they only fight battles in which they have 10000% advantage.

Piken / Seafarer's / Vizunah

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


VS why do you run from Piken constantly?
We had a zerg yesterday to counter your zergs (Was two of you) and our commander lead us to you and he said on TS “Why are they running?” you outnumbered us yet you still run?

We wanted a fight and 50% of the time you all ran then the MoS guild came across us and again you outnumbered us but you saw us and ran away and then decided to sit on the island and do nothing while we killed you without you fighting back?

Props to those who fought and died we died a lot also but it was fun despite the insane lag map wide.

Piken / Seafarer's / Vizunah

in Match-ups

Posted by: milton.1796


People really need to stop migrating to VS just because its “winning” you have numbers and that’s it, no skill just utter numbers.

40 man zergs against 10 people? lel.

You do like running off when you have to fight a proper raid though.

Is the gem store down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milton.1796


I managed to buy gems over an hour ago and then tried to buy more and suddenly my card started not working and the gem store keeps saying something like “Gem store is unavailable right now.”

Necromancer WvW tips.

in Necromancer

Posted by: milton.1796


I’ve got a level 80 Thief and I’m experienced in WvW on that character but I felt like a change and started levelling my Necromancer who is now level 20.

I’ve spent all of my talent points on the tree which increases my condition damage so far and for my item bonuses I’ve chosen power.

What sort of rotation should I do on players? I’ve got the ability to use targeted wells so I find the biggest group of enemies and I wait a few seconds and after dropping my staff abilities on them before using my well abilities like well of suffering etc.

Does any experienced necromancer have any WvW tips?

I’m good with awareness and even though I’m low leveled I very rarely die now unless I’m being careless in WvW.

It would be great I got the game on release last year but I’ve been on and off the game so my knowledge is pretty menial right now.

(edited by milton.1796)