Hello fellow Tyrians!
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. [REQ] is one of the biggest (~500 members) and most active and fun guilds in Gandara. We’re a true PvX and social guild! We try to organize events each day which are loads of fun! What kind of events?..
- FotM nights
- Dungeon nights
- WvW events
- PvP tournements / Asuraball
- Deadly Darts and Quizzes
- Hide ’n Seek and Jumping Puzzle Galore
- Map Completion
- Guild Missions (two runs per week)
- Loads more!
New to the game? Or very experienced? We got it all and we welcome you all! Just join the fun with [REQ]!
Want to join? Contact me in-game (or any other officer) or leave a message at our forums: req.shivtr.com
So many choices;
How do we know?
So many places;
Where do we go?
What should I say?
What should I do?
Still, we’re together: me and you!
It’s not always right or wrong,
As long as your spirit’s strong.
It’s not always win or lose,
It’s the road you choose.
Let your journey begin with:
The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]
Find the more ‘serious post’ right here:
Or apply at: req.shivtr.com
Find a very cool and funny video of our last AsuraBall event right here:
This weeks events..
Monday: FotM night
Tuesday: Quizzz Night!
Wednesday: Map completion
Thursday: Arah expl. mode – revisited –
Friday: GMs – extra try –
Saturday: AsuraBall (2 PM CET)
Sunday: GM
All on one character I think.
This weeks events…
Monday: FotM
Tuesday: Wurm or TEQ
Wednesday: Map Completion
Thursday: Arah Explorable Mode (last week turned out to be story mode)
Friday: second run of GMs!
Saturday: WvW afternoon
Sunday: Guild Missions – primairy run!
Dont miss anything!? Join us!
I’m with the Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re one of the larger, more active guilds on Gandara. We’re a laid-back, social, fun community with players from all over the world, of all ages and many religions and we’re drama-free.
We’re a PvX guild (PvE,WvW and sPvP) and organize events daily. We’re always having a good time.
Although we promote using our website (req.shivtr.com) and TS3, we dont force you to use it. Enough of typing going on too.
If you want to be invited, send me a message in game or leave message at our website!
The options for guild(leader)s should be expanded. Thanks for this post. ArenaNet.. please listen?
We’re still recruiting some more players to join our ranks! We’re getting ready for the WvW season and running loooaads of dungeons lately! We’re also recruiting players who are new to Gandara, so dont be shy!
What we do this week?
Monday: FotM
Tuesday: TEQ/Wurm – Patch Night
Wednesday: Map Completion
Thursday: dungeon night
Friday: GMs
Saturday: WvW- afternoon & Quizzzzz Night!
Sunday: GMs!
Don’t want to miss out on all the fun? Then join [REQ]! Contact me or any of our officer. You can also leave a message at our forums!
(edited by nickelton.1924)
We recently got reinforcements in our officer team, introducing new events to REQ! What kind of events… We’ll be running organized guild runs of FotM from now on! Great for experienced and unexperienced FotM players!
Don’t want to miss anything? Then join now!
Hey Lil!
We thought of that! Look at it here (FAQ): http://moaproductions.shivtr.com/forum_threads/1663281
The more you share, the more money will be coming your way. The more you share, the more free events you can get. We’ll be sure to keep it fair and balanced!
The first events are shared and the feedback is in! [Hail] did enjoy the quizzes! Want to enjoy fun events aswell? Check out MOA PRODUCTIONS!!
The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] is a large PvX guild on Gandara with multiple females! Even some of them are PIMP (player in management position)
Want to know more about the guild, check out this post:
Maybe [REQ] is something for you! We’re a large PvX guild on Gandara:
Hello fellow Tyrians!
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. [REQ] is a large (~500 people, about 70+ people online each night) PvX guild on the Gandara server. Our members are active and social, ready to help and offer advice. We like to do dungeons, WvW and tPvP together. We’re welcoming all players; no matter your level in GW2 or other MMO experiences.
We try to organize a fun guild event each day! What kind of events?
- PvP tournements (sometimes with multiple guilds),
- Guild Missions (all missions unlocked, two runs per week),
- Quizzes, Deadly Darts, Hide ’n Seek, Races,
- Wurm or TEQ attempts,
- Dungeon/FotM nights,
- WvW nights
- Early Bird WvW
- Map exploration
- More!
Sometimes, we try to organize bigger and more special events. What kind of events? You can think of a game of Asura Ball or a large RP-event! Those are epic each and every time!
Are you interrested in joining the most epic guild on Gandara? A friendly, social (TS3 server is there too!) and active guild with fun events? Then contact me or any officer in-game, or leave a message at our forums:
Hope to hear from you soon!
BUMP! Yes, yes, I know.. but more people should know about it and use it!
If you want to give your guild a boost? Or if you don’t mind spreading your awesome events through other guilds/servers.. you should check out MOA Productions! It’s a guild-event-sharing-platform!
Hey there,
If you want to give your guild a boost, you might want to check out MOA Productions! It’s a guild-event-sharing-website. Maybe it can help you (or you might be able to help others!). There are quizzes, forum challanges, map completion events, RP-events and way more! Just check it out:
Heya [BAD]. Are you interrested in sharing love between guilds or would you like to introduce (new) guild events to your guild?..
You should check out this guild-event-sharing-platform: moaproductions.shivtr.com
NEW on MOA Productions! – The Quaggan Journey. A epic RP-ish event about four fun Quaggans rushing through Tyria!
NEW on MOA Productions: The Quaggan Journey- event!
“New”: Map Exploration Nights! Know about it and let your guild join!
This will be about the last time I bump this topic, before I make a newer one. This one isnt really up to date, though there are no lies or anything ^^
If you’re interrested, just leave a message at our forums!
Share your events and help us grow! Spread the word!
BUMP!! Help us grow! Spread the word, share some events, order the ones on the website… spread the love!
Here is a picture of some of the buffs we’re currently running (and we got plenty of times with this amount of buffs)! If you want to join, leave a message at our forums:
You should check out MOA Productions: moaproductions.shivtr.com! It’s a guild event sharing website! It might help you along the way! Hope it helps and good luck!
Hey Alex!
You should check out MOA Productions: moaproductions.shivtr.com .
It’s a guild-event-sharing-website. You might get some ideas or premade guild events from it! Hope it helps and good luck with your guild!
More and more events are added, ordering events became easier.. and the first event you order can be a free one! Check it out at:
Need a few ideas for fun events? Want to give your guild a boost? Try out this website:
It’s a guild-event-sharing-platform!
Hello fellow guild leaders, officers and other Tyrians!
My guildies and I recently came up with a “new” (I havent heard of it before) idea. What are we talking about? MOA Productions! What is it, you ask?.. MOA Productions is a guild-event-sharing-platform. If you got three minutes to spare, please read this post, because it might change the way you run your guild! Oke, here it goes..
Sharing events
My guild organizes guild events on a daily basis. We like to do a “Pub-Quiz” every once in a while. Organizing a quiz requires some effort to organize, because you got to get a series of questions and answers ready. When we used the quiz once, we never use it again. BAM, all the effort.. gone. MOA Productions will change this! With MOA Productions my guild will share many fun events with the rest of the GW2 community! Do you want to organize a quiz, but do you not want to go through all the trouble? Just grab a pre-made event from MOA Productions!
Or maybe you got a nice event which you’d like to share with the world? Then share it through MOA Productions! The more guilds will use this website, the more events we can offer, the easier it becomes to organize fun guild events with minimal effort!
What kind of events do you offer?
I already said there are quizzes, but there is way more on MOA Productions! We also got roleplaying events, PvP tournement set-ups, Forum Challenges, TEQ/Wurm attempts, (selling) dungeon runs and many more FUN EVENTS! We’re still in the early phases of this project.. so adding new things frequently and we’re looking for more feedback!
Who can use this website?
Any guild on GW2 (but maybe also guilds on other MMOs) can use this website and order events. The events are locked, so you will have to place an order. This is to prevent “normal members” finding out things they shouldnt know (like the answers to quiz-questions).
How can you help?
Make an account at http://moaproductions.shivtr.com/users/sign_up , spread the word, share your events, order some events and give feedback!
Thanks for your time. I hope you will help me build MOA Productions and I hope you can use the content of the website!
In addition to what CalamityO.2890 is saying, I want to give you all another tip. This isn’t only a great tip for new guilds, but it’s also great for many bigger guilds. What am I talking about? MOA Productions is a guild-event-sharing-platform! Are you busy recruiting and dont you got the time to keep putting guild events togheter, you might want to grab one of the events MOA Productions offers. And if you got great events you want to share? You can share them through MOA Productions!
Click the link below to visit the website of MOA Productions:
If you need ideas for guild events, give a quick visit to this website:
Hope it helps and good luck with your guild!
I spoke to about 25 guilds now and they all seemed rather interrested by this new website/idea! We need more people to use it, so if you like the idea:
- Please sign-up @ moaproductions.shivtr.com
- Share events or order them
- Let your friends and other guild leaders know about this!
Thanks for the support so far! New additions to the site are made almost daily!
Hello fellow Tyrians!
Let me introduce you to MOA Productions (moaproductions.shivtr.com). It is a Guild-Event-Sharing-Platform! Using this website frequently can have serious benefits for all guilds (and their leaders/officers), although I can see the “normal” members liking the website too.
Why a guild-event-sharing-platform? This is a question I got asked many times, but there is a very good reason to it. I’m the guild leader of The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server. Lets say I organize a quiz for my guild, which is good fun. After we finished this guild event, we basicly never use it again. With MOA Productions you get a chance to pass forward this fun event of yours, so many more people can benefit from its epicness!
Who makes the events? Anyone can create an account to the website of MOA Productions and add their events (free to take or maybe you can ask a few silvers for the time you put in putting the event together). When many guilds do this across all of Tyria, it should all save us loads of preparation time and it might give us new ideas for guild events!
What kinds of events? MOA Productions is still at its early phases. When more people use it, more and more events will be there. This means more and more epicness in your guild. However, there are a few things already there to get:
- Quizzes
- RP event ideas
- PvP (1v1) set-ups
- Rent a PvP Arena
- Organize raids (Tequatl, Wurm)
- Forum Challanges
- And more!
The website is all about sharing some love between guilds. I hope you all get the idea and want to help to make this happen. Below would be the link to the website of MOA productions:
(edited by nickelton.1924)
Hey Neoheart,
we already spoke and you’re invited to REQ Hope you enjoy your stay!
Want to be the next person to join REQ? Contact me in-game or leave a message at our forums! req.shivtr.com
We’re getting bigger and bigger peaks! ..
Be quick to join before we run out of space :p
This weekend [REQ] got some great news…
The guild [KoD] decided to stop and all active players joined our ranks! Which means: more active players to play with, more people who can help you out and bigger events!
Don’t miss out on anything!! join [REQ] today!
Don’t know what server you’re playing on?… But if you want to join the coolest guild at Gandara… You should join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. For more information you can check out my post on the forums:
Ciao and have a nice day!
Maybe The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] is the guild for you! We’re a large, active, fun, social, laid-back, PvX guild on the Gandara server! Want to know more? Check out my post ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/REQ-Gandara-Join-this-mighty-guild-25/first#post3589866 ) or contact me in-game!
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server. We’re a fun, active, social guild. I’d say we’re casual, but we try to organize something daily. This includes WvW evenings (or early bird WvW) and PvP tournements, but also guild missions (twice a week most of the times), dungeon nights, map exploration, deadly darts, pub quizzes or some roleplaying events!
For more information: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/REQ-Gandara-Join-this-mighty-guild-25/first#post3589866
Just a picture of some of the participants of the fun 1v1 tournement REQ organized yesterday. Also, thanks TKT for joining! Don’t want to miss out on any future REQ events…. ? Join!
Are you on Gandara? Then there is only one thing to say…: The Requiem of the Dead [REQ].
I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server. It’s a very social and laid-back guild. We do dungeon runs, WvW, sPvP and the “normal” PvE all the time. But next to those, we got daily guild events (like quizzes, map exploration, jumping puzzle galore, races, deadly darts, asuraball, or 1v1 tournements!). Also, we got all guild missions unlocked and we try to do 2 runs a week
If you want to know more.. contact me in-game, leave a message at out forums or check out this post of mine:
I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server! It’s the most wicked place you can be in! Want to know more? Check out this post of mine:
My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re one of the most fun, active and cool guilds on the Gandara server. Next to the (daily) dungeons runs, WvW groups, sPvP teams and the normal PVE things, we got an organized guild event each day!
Everyone is welcome; our philosophy is that everybody has/had to learn. The fact you’re new to the game doesn’t matter a bit!
Want to know more? Contact me in-game, or check out my post:
On the Gandara server.. the most epic guild in the whole game… The Requiem of the Dead [REQ].
Check out my post on the forums: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/REQ-Gandara-Join-this-mighty-guild-25/first#post3476887
Hey there!
Maybe you would like to join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It’s a large guild located at the Gandara server and (unlike your previous experiences) we do all kinds of things! Dungeons (including fractals), WvW, sPvP and the ‘normal PvE’ are things we do each and every day. But next to that, we’re trying to organize guild events every day!
What kind of events? WvW-nights, 1v1 tournements, Deadly Darts, Quizzes, Jumping Puzzle Galore, Guild Missions and more… Like AsuraBall:
Want to join, or want to know more? Leave a message at our forums (req.shivtr.com) or contact me in-game!