Showing Posts For nickelton.1924:

Looking for a new home on Gandara (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924



Maybe The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] is the guild for you! Check out my post about this guild right here:

Hope to hear from you soon!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Random Acts Of Kindness - 100g of prizes.

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Thank you for this epicness DVDF!!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


I wouldnt have bumped it before.. but a nice addition to the post:

Some REQ PvP:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Improvement to Guild(s or GMs)

in Suggestions

Posted by: nickelton.1924



As a Guild Leader from a big guild, I keep coming across the same issues each and every time. I will try to note them down as clearly as I can..

Easier administration
It’s my believe that a guild should have active, representing members. If a guild has no active players, or many players who are not representing.. then what does the guild do for the players and what do the players contribute to the guild? I’m currently working with a system which should keep my guild quite active and filled with people who are representing, but it would be much easier if you were able to see – like in GW1 – when the last time was when someone represented your guild. This would save me (and many leaders/officers with me) a lot of time, which we could spend on actually enjoying the game!

Guild Missions: The Quaggan Rush
The rush in Frostgorge Sounds comes across the Wurm-Champ, which is actually part of the “Frostgorge Train”. When guilds are doing the rush, it often happens that the champ needs to be killed. This messes up the train; the people on the train get sad and the rushers can not really do anything about it.. Maybe a slight change in the route of the Quaggan Rush can solve this ‘problem’, so people dont get in the way with the GMs.

Guild Halls, new buffs, new missions (to unlock)
My guild generates quite a lot of influence. But other than some buffs, what do we spend it on? Maybe it’s nice to raise the cap for the merits, and get some new Guild stuff going. A new kind of mission (or expend the excisting ones). Make a guild pick their own missions instead of assigning them for influence. Or add new buffs we can unlock.. Or.. GUILD HALLS. Give us a ‘private place’ to hang out, meet each other, etc. This is often requested and very much missed.

Thanks for reading

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello Tyrians!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It’s a large (~500 members) PvX guild located at the Gandara server. We’re welcoming everyone; no matter how experienced you are. Our philosophy is that all have/had to learn and that everyone has ‘a right’ to join a social, fun and active GW2 community!

We’re a PvX guild, which means we’re enjoying all aspects of the game. Dungeons, World Bosses, dungeon runs, World v World v World, sPvP and way more are part of our daily routine! But we also have – daily – organized guild events like:…

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements (like 1v1)
  • Map exploration events
  • Jumping Puzzle Galore
  • Quizzes and deadly darts,
  • Wacky races and Hide ’n Seek
  • Guild Missions (two runs per week, all missions unlocked)
  • Scavenger Hunts
  • And way more!

We recently did some Asuraball, a Quaggan Murder Event and an inter-guild 1v1 tournement! All were very big fun! For a video about the asuraball, click here:

Do you want to know more about The Requiem of the Dead [REQ], or do you want to join? You can contact me (or any officer) in-game, or leave a message at our forums: .



Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ] inter guild 1v1

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Just bumping this since it will be organized tonight! Looks like we can have a few ‘random’ people at the tournement.. so just leave a message and show us what you got!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ] inter guild 1v1

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello fellow Tyrians!

The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] (Gandara Server) is organizing an 1v1 tournement on 27th of december 2013, 7 PM GMT. Several guilds are invited to join the tournement, including the guilds [TAC], [TKT], [MoF] and [CriT].

When you’re in one of the guilds names above, you will have instant acces to the tournement. When you’re not, but still would like to join.. leave a message (reply) right here! If there are any open places, we might be able to get you in!

We’ll start of with a few small leagues, so everyone gets to fight a few fights. The winners of the leagues will continue to the knock-out phase of the tournement. There will be smaller prizes for the winners of the leagues and a big prize for the winner of the tournement.

More information? Check out our website: .
Want to join [REQ]? Then contact me in-game, or leave a message at our forums:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


The Crooked Quaggans are done, but you can still join the sPvP (1v1) tourny if you join [REQ] now!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Bump bump bump bump

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


I’ll just bump it again

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Asura Ball!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Click here for a link to a video about the REQ asuraball:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello Tyrians!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It’s a large (~500 people), active, fun and social guild on the Gandara server. We’re accepting both new and experienced players. Everyone has/had to learn, right? WvW (smaller groups), dungeon runs, world bosses, living story and all that kind of stuff is part of our daily routine. But other than that, we try to organize an event every day! What kind of events?..

  • WvW Nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Guild Missions (all unlocked, twice a week)
  • Quizzes, deadly darts
  • Hide and Seek, Tonic Races
  • Jumping Puzzle Galore
  • And LOADS more!

[REQ] is turning 1 year old this December, so we’re celebrating with loads of bigger and new events! We already did a Scavenger Hunt and Asura Ball, but more is coming up! Upcoming saturday we got an event called The Crooked Quaggans and the week after there will be an inter-guild 1v1 tournement!

With all these festivities coming up still.. this is the time to join! Don’t wait too long, or you’ll miss out on it!

Do you want to join? Or do you want to have more information? Then check out our website: or contact me in-game!



Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Looking for Guild..

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


What server do you play on? I’m with one of the most wicked guilds in Gandara; The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. If you want to know more, you can always contact me in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Ciao and good luck!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

LF Big, Active Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924



I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re located in Gandara and got 500 people from all around the world! The events we organize are mostly based on the UK/European timezones though.. Well.. If you want to know more; !

Ciao and good luck!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Random Acts Of Kindness - 100g of prizes.

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


First of all I want to thank [DVDF] for this awesome event! It really fits into this kind of a year. Also I think being able and willing to give away this kind of prizes to strangers is something to be respected! Anyway, for my nominees… There are two people who popped onto my mind straight away..

The first one is Dauphin Ranique (Mercury Ranique.2170). He is an officer in my guild and he helped out big time! He really kept the 500 people in [REQ] happy by organizing all kinds of events each and everyday in a period I was away. But that’s not all! Ranique is a bit of the Good Guy.. He is always around to help people with their dungeons (ranging from explaining SE p1 to doing Arah p4 with them), he makes portals for people at JPs and vistas (not only for guildies!) without charge, he will always try to help someone with the personal storyline or the difficult dynamic events and he’s always around to give the best advice he can offer! Also, helping people with their 100% map completion and helping new players on its way.. that’s his thing!

The other person who pops into my mind is Loreenax (Magilerax.8015). Loreenax actually paid – with all the money she had – for the server transfer of my brother. She didnt know my brother at that time, nor did she really know me. She’s just straight from the heart a person who mainly cares for others, and sometimes forgets herself. Not only did she help my brother, but also several other people (with upgrading their armor or just running around with them, leveling together). Also, she is just a lovely personallity!

I hope you will take these persons into consideration for one of those prices, because I think they deserve to get something back.. I must however say.. their got some fierce “competition” (isn’t really the word I’m looking for, but English isnt my native language) from the other nominees!



Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re a large (~500 people) PvX guild. We’re social, active and fun guild located at the Gandara server. [REQ] is welcoming every kind of player; new to GW2 or MMO’s? That’s not a problem, everyone has/had to learn! But are you experienced? You’d be very welcome too and you won’t get bored at [REQ]! We’re doing dungeons, WvW, sPvP, world-bosses and more each and every day!

Next to the ‘random’, daily routine, we try to organize a guild event each and every day! What kind of events?..

  • sPvP tournements,
  • WvW events,
  • Map completion,
  • Guild Missions (all unlocked, two runs a week),
  • Quizzes or Deadly Darts,
  • Jumping Puzzle Galore,
  • Tonic races or Hide and Seek,
  • Way more!

Are you interrested in joining? Leave a message at our forums:! You can also contact me in-game of course!

Cya around!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Asura Ball!

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello fellow Tyrians!

Just wanted to inform you about the second REQ celebration event! Why a celebration event? Because The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] just turned 1 year old! Oke, so.. we first did a Scavenger Hunt, and at December 14th we’ll have a wicked tournement of Asura Ball!

Asura Ball gets more and more a thing in GW, I believe there even is an “Official Asura Ball league”. Want to know what Asura Ball is and what rules we use? Check out this post at the REQ-website:

Want to join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]? Then leave a message at our forums: or contact me in-game. Be quick and you can still join the Asura Ball tournement! But if you’re too late for that, don’t worry.. We got more events coming!

Do you want to organize Asura Ball aswell, but do you need more information.. You can contact me in-game or go to:

Hope to have given you all a nice idea for more guild events..

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ], which is a guild at the Gandara server. We got about 500 active, social and fun members ranging from players who are 100% new to MMO’s to players with 10k+ achievement points! Basicly everyone is welcome in [REQ]!

The main group of people comes from the UK/European mainland, but we got people from all over the world. We try to organize events each and every day at different times, so people will always have a chance to participate. What kind of events?…

  • WvW-events
  • sPvP tournements (inter-guild)
  • Deadly Darts, Quizzes, Hide and Seek,
  • Map exploration,
  • Jumping Puzzle Galore!
  • Guild Missions (all unlocked)
  • Loads more!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]! In December we’re celebrating our anniversary with multiple large events. We already did a Scavenger Hunt, but more is on it’s way! Asura Ball, an inter-guild sPvP tournement, The Crooked Quaggans and more!

Interrested in joining? Or want to have more information? Check out our website: , or contact me in-game!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ] Scavenger Hunt

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] is a large guild on the Gandara server. In december the guild turns 1 year old, so we’re celebrating. Today (3/12/13) we got our first REQ Celebration Event, which is a SCAVENGER HUNT!

How does it work? At our website we will publish a list of targets. These targets can be in-game and/or out-game. The participants will have to make screenshots of these targets and upload them to our forums. People are sometimes going to have to do something before they can score points.. One might have to do a dungeon run or participate in WvW… Or they might have to download TS and log in to our TS server or visit the official GW2 forums.

The Scavenger Hunt lasts for 12 hours and the one with the most points, wins a nice big prize!

Do you want to join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on its future events? Leave a message at our forums ( or contact me in-game. Do you like the event and want to have more information for your own guild? You’re always free to contact me aswell!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

LF newbie friendly, family feel guild, Any EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re located at the Gandara server. We’re one of the larger and more active guilds (~500 members, daily events ranging from quizzes to WvW, to 1v1 tournements to guild missions and more!) on the server, but we managed to keep the ‘family-feeling’ too. I recently heard someone say: “I’ve only been in REQ for about three days, but I’m already feeling like I’m part of the furniture..” Most our members are located in the UK/European mainland, but we got players from all over the world.

If you want to know more or want to be invited.. leave a message at our forums ( or contact me in-game!!

Hope to hear from you soon.

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!.

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something extremely wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!
Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Cya around!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!.

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something extremely wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!

Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Cya around!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something extremely wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!

Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Cya around!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Lf a casual guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Aye! [REQ] is great

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Now is the time!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something extremely wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!

Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Cya around!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

PUG Commander needing a place to shine...

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey, check out The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on Gandara. WvW becomes more and more a thing in our guild and a nice commander is always welcome! For more information check out our website ( or contact me in-game.

Hope to hear from ya,


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] this is the time to join!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello all!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with ~500 members located on the Gandara server. Currently we’re refreshing the inactive players (who are a minority) for new, active, fun players! Your experience (or level) with MMO’s or GW2 doesn’t matter; if you’re looking to have some fun you’re welcome to join our ranks! Our current members will be there to advise you, or help you on your most dificult quests. Also we can teach you sPvP, WvW or dungeons; there is always something going on in REQ!

Besides the random things all players come up with, we’re also organizing events. We do this basicly every day, and sometimes even multiple times a day! What kind of events you ask? Well..

  • WvW nights
  • sPvP tournements
  • Map exploration
  • Quizzes, races, jumping puzzle events, or deadly darts,
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

We’re not only [REQ]. We’re more! The Requiem of the Dead is part of a group of guilds working together. This group of guilds has to goal to create some wicked events! What do we do.. we got a weekly Alliance WvW event. But every now and then, we pull of something wicked!

NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN [REQ]. In December our guild will turn 1 year old and we won’t let our birthday pass by without anyone noticing! We’re organizing a lot of HUGE, FUN events. Be part of [REQ] and be able to join our anniversery!

Want to know more? Or are you ready to become a true REQian? Let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums: .

Cya around!


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer? All kinds of events like…:

  • WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
  • sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
  • Random events like
    - Quizzes
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping Puzzle Races
    - Loads more!
  • Living story achievement farms
  • Map exploration
  • Champs/Materials farms
  • Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Casual player looking for Guild on Gandara

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey there Night Lord!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It’s a large, social, active and fun guild on the Gandara server. Our members range from totally new to the game to very experienced. We’re a PvX guild, which means we’re active in PvE, sPvP and WvW!

If you’d like to join, or if you want more information, catch me in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Hope to see you soon!

With kind regards,


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer? All kinds of events like…:
WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
Random events like
- Quizzes
- Deadly Darts
- Jumping Puzzle Races
- Loads more!
Living story achievement farms
Map exploration
Champs/Materials farms
Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there people!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a guild with about 500 people which is located at the Gandara-server. We’re a fun, active and social guild. We accept new, returning and experienced players. We’re always here to help you out and give advise, or just party up and have some fun. With a wide variaty of players, there will always be people around you want to play with! We always got some people doing the patches, WvW, sPvP, world-bosses and normal PvE! So whatever you like, we got it!

Next to the ‘normal’ things, we organize events each day! What kind of events?..
- WvW-nights,
- sPvP tournements
- Fun events like quizzes or races,
- Map exploration events,
- Jumping Puzzle events,
- Guild Missions (all missions unlocked)

We work together with several large guilds on the Gandara server, like TAC and TKT. Together we try to organize BIG and FUN events every once in a while (Pink Day LA #2013 was organized by REQ, TAC and TKT).

Interrested? Contact me in-game or leave a message at our forums:


Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Pink Day in La 2013

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Pink Day is almost here!!

  1. Exited!

(Did I do the #-thing right? haha)

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer? All kinds of events like…:

  • WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
  • sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
  • Random events like
    - Quizzes
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping Puzzle Races
    - Loads more!
  • Living story achievement farms
  • Map exploration
  • Champs/Materials farms
    Guild Missions (twice per week, all missions unlocked)

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Pink Day in La 2013

in In-game Events

Posted by: nickelton.1924


The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] is supporting this event! We’re asking all our members to dye our armor pink and we may help TKT and TAC with organizing the LA Pink Day in Gandara!

Keep up the good work and raise some more awareness!!

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer? All kinds of events like…:

  • WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
  • sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
  • Random events like
    - Quizzes
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping Puzzle Races
    - Loads more!
  • Living story achievement farms
  • Map exploration
  • Champs/Materials farms
  • Guild Missions twice per week! (all missions unlocked)

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[Idea] Changes to Guild Puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: nickelton.1924


I have not yet met other guilds at challenges, but with a bounty or a rush; all help is welcome. Players got time to complete the mission anyway and you dont have to pay much attention to the other guilds.

I can also see benefits to open-world-puzzles, but there is no way ‘escaping’ from other guilds. You can not activate the mission in another server for example (due to influence is world-bound?). When 50-100 people (from several guilds) are doing 1 puzzle, the people who are less skilled in jumping will get stuck and fail. While, if you do it with a ‘organized’ guild run, you can wait untill all (or atleast most) of your guild members reach a ‘checkpoint’.

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[Idea] Changes to Guild Puzzles

in Suggestions

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello readers of this topic,

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. Don’t worry, this ain’t going to be an recruitment topic, but I need to give some information about my guild. My guild is located on the Gandara server and has about 500 members. We enjoy playing together. Guild Missions are a perfect way to connect and get some team-building going.

However, we do not really like the guild puzzles. And this is not because we don’t like jumping, or think the whole idea is bad. No not at all, we love the contect.. however.. there are some things which ruin the fun.

Change guild puzzles to guild-only-instances
Currently, the puzzles are open world events. Everyone can join the event, which means more people participating, which will speed up the puzzle. However, in a higher populated server like Gandara, [REQ] isn’t the only guild doing guild missions twice per week. And with only three different puzzles, the change is big guild get the same puzzles at the same time.

Today it happened that [KoI] was doing the puzzle when [REQ] arrived. The Ministery of Friendship [MoF] (another large ganadaran guild) was already waiting for the timer to finish. Then the [Wolf] guild showed up.
[MoF] activated the mission and the [Wolf] guys joined the run. This means the doors were opened quicker, due to two guilds running the puzzle. In the end, not all people were able to finish. Doors closes again and both members of [Wolf] and [MoF] stayed behind.

[REQ] kept waiting at the start. But while we waited, yet another large guild arrived: Above the Law [AtL]. The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] activated the puzzle, [AtL] joined.. what happened next? There was NO coörporation in my guild, people were left behind, doors closed when people arrived and people just kept rushing. Maybe it went the same for [AtL].

Anyway, to cut things short: could you please make Guild Puzzles instances, where only representing members of a guild can join? So that we can do the puzzles as we like in our guild? So we can make sure everyone can finish and we dont have to rush it all, but actually enjoy the puzzle.. ?

And also.. could you please leave the doors open once they were opened, so the slower people can catch up at the end of the puzzle?

I’ve discussed this in-game with [MoF] aswell.. and they agreed the open-world-idea of guild puzzles ruin the fun. We want it changed. Would you/your guild see it changed too? Please post it here and maybe Arenanet will notice and go like.. “That’s not a bad idea” of “that is a bad idea, but thanks for the input” :p

With kind regards,
About 1000 players on the Gandara server

[REQ] and [MoF]

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[Idea] Changes to Guild Puzzles

in Guild Missions

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello readers of this topic,

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. Don’t worry, this ain’t going to be an recruitment topic, but I need to give some information about my guild. My guild is located on the Gandara server and has about 500 members. We enjoy playing together. Guild Missions are a perfect way to connect and get some team-building going.

However, we do not really like the guild puzzles. And this is not because we don’t like jumping, or think the whole idea is bad. No not at all, we love the contect.. however.. there are some things which ruin the fun.

Change guild puzzles to guild-only-instances
Currently, the puzzles are open world events. Everyone can join the event, which means more people participating, which will speed up the puzzle. However, in a higher populated server like Gandara, [REQ] isn’t the only guild doing guild missions twice per week. And with only three different puzzles, the change is big guild get the same puzzles at the same time.
Today it happened that [KoI] was doing the puzzle when [REQ] arrived. The Ministery of Friendship [MoF] (another large ganadaran guild) was already waiting for the timer to finish. Then the [Wolf] guild showed up.

[MoF] activated the mission and the [Wolf] guys joined the run. This means the doors were opened quicker, due to two guilds running the puzzle. In the end, not all people were able to finish. Doors closes again and both members of [Wolf] and [MoF] stayed behind.

[REQ] kept waiting at the start. But while we waited, yet another large guild arrived: Above the Law [AtL]. The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] activated the puzzle, [AtL] joined.. what happened next? There was NO coörporation in my guild, people were left behind, doors closed when people arrived and people just kept rushing. Maybe it went the same for [AtL].

Anyway, to cut things short: could you please make Guild Puzzles instances, where only representing members of a guild can join? So that we can do the puzzles as we like in our guild? So we can make sure everyone can finish and we dont have to rush it all, but actually enjoy the puzzle.. ?

And also.. could you please leave the doors open once they were opened, so the slower people can catch up at the end of the puzzle?

I’ve discussed this in-game with [MoF] aswell.. and they agreed the open-world-idea of guild puzzles ruin the fun. We want it changed. Would you/your guild see it changed too? Please post it here and maybe Arenanet will notice and go like.. “That’s not a bad idea” of “that is a bad idea, but thanks for the input” :p

With kind regards,
[REQ] and [MoF]

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

(edited by nickelton.1924)

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer?

  • WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
  • sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
  • Random events like
    - Quizzes
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping Puzzle Races
    - Loads more!
  • Living story achievement farms
  • Map exploration
  • Champs/Materials farms
  • Guild Missions twice per week!

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. This is a large (~500 members) PvX guild located on the Gandara server. We’ve got a social, laid-back and fun community which is welcoming to all kinds of players. Are you new to GW2 or even to MMO’s in general? No problem, we all have or had to learn the game. But are you experienced? Or do you want to have some nice events with players like you? Don’t wait any longer and join the Requiem of the Dead so you can join the fun!

What do we have to offer?

  • WvW nights (with multiple guilds like REQ, TAC and TKT)
  • sPvP events (either in guild or inter-guilds!)
  • Random events like
    - Quizzes
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping Puzzle Races
    - Loads more!
  • Living story achievement farms
  • Map exploration
  • Champs/Materials farms
  • Guild Missions twice per week!

Interrested in joining? Try to catch me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums: !

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Gandaran looking for semicore PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey Zorby,

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We’re a laid back guild with daily events. We’ve unlocked all guild missions and got runs twice per week. Also, we got WvW nights, sPvP tournements and map exploration events, random fun events and we run dungeons on a daily basis.

[REQ] has ~500 members. I know you mentioned not wanting to be a part of a guild in which nobody knows each other… [REQ] is not that kind of guild. It’s very easy to make friends here and you will start recognizing people quite quickly. We’re very friendly, welcoming and helpful and we’re constantly enjoying the content together.

Want to know more? Contact me in game, or leave a message at our forums: .

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

Gandara - Casual Guild ?

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hey There!

My name is Nick and I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. We got 500 members, TS3, daily events and everyone is welcome; no matter your experience, level or so on. Our philosophy is that everyone has/had to learn, so in [REQ] you’ll find both (semi-)hardcore players, but also players who are new to GW2 or MMO’s in general.

We organize daily events to which everyone is welcome (doesn’t matter wheter you’re good at it or not, FUN is what matters mostly) like:

- WvW night
- Dungeon / map exploration events
- Quizzes, deadly darts or a JP race,
- sPvP tournements
- And we recently unlocked all guild missions (do runs twice per week)

Want to join the social, welcoming, mighty community of [REQ], let me know in-game or leave a message at our forums:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players, but we’re always looking for active players. Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Join this mighty guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players. You might say it is full now, but we’re currently refreshing the last few inactive and non-representing players out of the guild. By doing this, we got more spots for active players! Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~

[REQ, Gandara] Large PvX guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: nickelton.1924


Hello there!

I’m with The Requiem of the Dead [REQ]. It is a guild with about 500 players. You might say it is full now, but we’re currently the last few inactive and non-representing players out of the guild. By doing this, we got more spots for active players! Are you an active player and would you like a social, active and fun community? Then join The Requiem of the Dead [REQ] on the Gandara server!

What does [REQ] have to offer?

  • Events each day like
    - WvW nights,
    - Map exploration,
    - sPvP tournements (in our private server),
    - Orr farming,
    - Guild Missions (twice a week),
    - Quizzes,
    - Hide and Seek
    - Deadly Darts
    - Jumping puzzle farming/races
    - Loads of other random events.
  • Daily (randomly put together) WvW and dungeon groups
  • We got very experienced players who will give you all the advise/help you need
  • We also got players who are new to GW2, which you may level with
  • A fun, talkative, welcoming community
  • TS3

Interrested? Contact me or any other leader in-game, or leave a message at our forums/website:

Officer in the Requiem of the Dead [REQ] ~