Showing Posts For omphin.1752:

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


So RG dont like to blob? i seem to see alot of them running with SiN and RNV tonight on Viz border … as one unit… for the past 2 hours

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Well, I think we can all agree that Anet kittened up what was once (two weeks ago) a great server. The only thing left is to hope that this hype and kitten ends quickly as possible, we are all working towards it with all means possible.
And sorry to our enemies if we dissapoint them in battle these days, not really our fault. And have fun guys, cuz we really cant kitten me I even did the sPvP monthly couple of days ago…. can you imagine this kitten

Oh, and a request to VS and Deso, can you guys kittening stomp WvW as hard as you kittening can for this week, need you realy to sad some ppl back to where they came from. Dont forget to check the JPs

True, it was a stupid move to have SFR available for free transfers. Us guys on Deso can surely see the difference

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Go as far as we let you, and don´t mind the PvD comments you are going to see after

Are you in the habit of “letting us cap” 2 fully upgraded keeps in the space of 20 minutes? if so maybe change your tactic?

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Guilds queued, PuGies in! SFR zone had 1 supply camp and zone was queued I am not kidding. Ppl asked who was in the zone? The answer: noone! Only 7 ppl from Vcy managed to get in after queuing for 2 hours. No recognizable names in the zone.

What can I say, if this goes on, I guess SFR could be the next Blacktide, thank you very much ANET for making a T1 server which already had 30-60min queues in primetime free to transfer to. Did they seriously think ppl would transfer here for PvE or what? Now they are killing what was a great server, because the ppl who were here before can’t even get to play WvW.

A member of the biggest serverhopping guild crying about serverhoppers? Seems legit

I couldn’t have said it better myself

You know you've played WvW too long when...

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


… when you talk to work mates about combo fields even though they dont play gw2

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


I built a sandcastle in WATER one time…. hear me Roar!

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


RG never bandwagon they cause the number 1 server to reach the top before joining it
Iron should only run in groups of 20 to accommodate RG
Every guild should tell pugs to get lost if it puts them over the 20 player limit for RG
Everyone should stop playing WvW and play GvG cause thats what RG wants

…. no thanks we bought the game and will play it how we like. Its WvW get over it and stop trying to change it to suit yourselves

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


This patch is totally epic. Love the culling enjoyed taking down 80+ viz with 20 of us. We was kinda light tonight after no que issues so alot logged till tomorrow. kitten looking forward to it. Anet pulled it off very impressed now for the skill lag that still shows up at times.

One thing is clear now guilds who will have some balls. Since you do not need commander anymore to run as guild.

Ofc 20

Check theses screens pro lier? Yesterday you were the blob 80 vs the amazing blob pug : 22

And this morning again , sfr moove as 70+ on his homemap , as always ,you can’t do nothing when you are not more than 40.

You want to proof your balls? stop stick each other.

didn’t you know that guild only runs with one guardian and 5 necromancers with pets thats why it often looks like more when you take screenshots? >.<

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


It’s funny to see that

and read IRON people telling they are not a blobby guild.

The other half part is already inside with some other golems.

Saved as Background image, thanks

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Would be epic if Desolation got some guilds so we could knock Vizu into 3rd position.

And ? Just to knock Vizu into 3rd position?

It would be a start

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


I like to see vizunah getting night capped for a change. Some people on Deso would rather target SFR, I would be one of those that prefers to target Vizunah (all the time). Maybe at some point i may begin to feel SFR is getting too big for its boots and like Vizunah more but right now I am reminded of Vizunah’s bragging on their medals. I enjoy not seeing them come first. Would be epic if Desolation got some guilds so we could knock Vizu into 3rd position.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


got impressed by SIN on deso Border ,they won every battle vs IRON, i leached 350 kills and over badges

sIN and another guild [RNV] or somthing like that? btw, Verses a smaller Iron. We couldn’t get many of our guild members onto Deso border for the first few hours due to the queue. Sorry just had to correct you on that. Good fights though

(edited by omphin.1752)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


We (Deso) are not playing for points. So we have the luxury of helping decide what the outcome of this weeks match up will be. Do we attack Viz or SFR more? Old ego or new ego? hmm

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Great time for all tonight

Omphin ( Portaling Blobs since 2012 )

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Cheer up Vizunah, you will have a few more Roleplay Last Stands. I love to have some popcorn and watch SFR punish you especially when you call for more while linking images of your overall medals

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Here we are. The so-much feared moment has come : we are on the edge and I weigh one’s words!

On the edge, because with the long anti-Vizunah campaign from Seafarer’s Rest, this server has endowed with a myriad of good guilds with a total timezone coverage, very hard to stand.

BUT WE ARE VIZUNAH, and unlike foes think, no we’re not 200 each night running around with joy and good humour: it’s a handful of resistant fighters (sometimes much more, we can talk about zerg when a lead shows up but it’s growing scarce) switching from a map to another very quickly allowing to hold points. But these guys are out of order right now, and that’s what I couldn’t make understand to our enemies.

SO, WE DECIDE WITHIN GRAND CROSS ALLIANCE TO DO A LAST STAND. Our battle of Thermopylae. Here we are. Her we kittening are! At the end of the line, so tired due to lack of sleep and the fights of the last months. But listen to me: or we give everything this week and you get yourself ingame as much as possible offpeak, or it’s the end. We fall to death! And if we fall just before the WvW patch, that will hurt very hard!


The Grand Cross commanders urges them to LEAD YOU every days and every nights non-stop during the whole coming week.

So HONOUR THEM and give everything you have for our LAST STAND!

Sacrx, read this : WE WILL FIGHT TO THE LAST, GOT IT?


Why promote Sacrx like hes the leader of SFR? He justs a travelling bandwagoner. And nice try with the RP post but Vizunah has already spoken this week on how they feel. You had at best 10 – 15 people at the times you would normally have 40 – 50, around the 6am mark. Vizunah is breaking cause SFR is just too strong for you. I wonder how long it takes for Jade Sea to see alot of new comers. but nice post Troma i like Role play

Claiming an unused Guild name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: omphin.1752


Is it possible to claim an unused Guild name? I have been trying to create a guild with the name “Omega Squad” and i have never seen a guild with that name on the server (desolation) so my question is. After a time if a guild becomes inactive or dead, can the name come up again for people like me to claim it?

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


IRON do you force your people to contest Garrison 24/7 ? what the hell… We always have scouts at that time, we don´t need garrison WP to defend our towers and you don´t even try Garrison! You are just being annoying come on… Let your people enjoy the game!

Actually people love your response and they volunteer to do the job. i’ll have to tell the guys you said thanks, lol

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Still you have the unpredictable behavior of guilds like RG, we don’t know how long they gonna stay on SFR, but when they drop SFR goes down to T2 straight. Servers are still not stable. And some servers like Jade are getting stronger. The good point for Deso is your motivation, you fight for your life like[/quote]

dont even get me started on that guild, lol. They would drop WvW if ever a GvG feature ever came out. They have no loyality to any server or respect for the people they fight with. Only ego for their own teamplay. back when i was on blacktide it was evident and nothing has changed since. And the bragging about their kill numbers on their signitures says it all

Desolation Recruitment, A Tier 1 Server

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Welcome to Afterlife, glad to have you guys joining us.

Still seeking more guilds to even the playing field in T1. Desolation server is an excellent choice. Steel Cerberus Alliance is growing and desolation proves to be as stable as ever.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


You are not the only server which switches frequently between T1 and T2.
Time will tell anyway

True, there will be elona reach and Jade sea to contend with for new guilds. As an EU server against national servers, i kinda fancy our chances to be the server getting more reinforcements but true, time will tell.

Truth be told I dont believe SFR will dominate Viz for long, i give it 4 maybe 5 weeks before some of the guilds experience burnout and you see viz creeping back up to top

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


…This situation where SFR has blind hatred for VS only helps the Deso community in the long run. If SFR manage to slay the giant Vizunah(keeping it in t2) its helps the Deso Community. If Vizunah rally after weeks of being trampled by SFR and again rise to the top, then SFR will likely get burnout and become the next blacktide.
Meanwhile Desolation rides on the back of the eagle. We win either way

Won’t be that easy to kick us of T1 for sure, as this is sure that SFR is a bipolar server which will sooner or later loose the non static guilds which make them strong currently. Yes you are right Deso is the winner in that current scheme, on the short term because elsewhere they would not be in T1, very motivated server but not strong enough for T1.

Deso will reap the benefits in many ways not just short term. And you really think we are not strong enough to be in T1? why do you think we keep arriving back here and staying. Deso has a strong backbone and only needs a little more enforcing to be able to win a match in T1. In fact it is a more secure server than SFR which still has to prove it can outlast Vizunah resolve

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Heres alittle something for you guys to think on.

This situation where SFR has blind hatred for VS only helps the Deso community in the long run. If SFR manage to slay the giant Vizunah(keeping it in t2) its helps the Deso Community. If Vizunah rally after weeks of being trampled by SFR and again rise to the top, then SFR will likely get burnout and become the next blacktide.
Meanwhile Desolation rides on the back of the eagle. We win either way

Desolation Recruitment, A Tier 1 Server

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Bump for this. With the influx of guilds to other top servers, we in Desolation would like to add to our numbers too. I’m sure the other servers would agree that Desolation is an excellent base that just needs some more forces to be able to match the top two servers

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: omphin.1752


Gratz to SFR, nice to see someone new on top. Hopefully you will be able to maintain the pace unlike several servers before you. Respect to Vizunah for great team play and organisation. I hope we in deso can attract some new WvW guilds to bring future match ups ever closer between the 3 servers.

Desolation Recruitment, A Tier 1 Server

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Welcome VoTF, good to have you with us

Desolation Recruitment, A Tier 1 Server

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


We desperately need guilds for the time period between 4am and 10 am GMT daily which could save us up to 10k points per day.

[DkR] Dark Reavers (Desolation EU) Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: omphin.1752


Looking for mature players 18+
We run Event farming on saturday afternoons.
spvp mon 7pm – 11pm
WvW on Tue 7pm – 11pm
WvW on Wed at 6am – 11am and 7pm -11pm
spvp thur 7pm – 11pm
WvW friday 7pm – 11pm


in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


If Desolation seriously want to beat Vizunah, then player will have to be prepaired to wake up early, 6am and go battle. Too many are fighting to get into WvW at reset and popular times. You server needs you to get up early and theres plenty of talk about this on Desolation Forums

Each guild needs to push a morning team and organise better. Viz are only able to counter Deso in the morning cause they have more numbers at that time. Guild leaders need to realise this and promote early morning raids on their own websites.

We already saw the trouble Iron cause for Vizu last weekend when they logged on early. More guilds need to follow.

Although I agree with this, I think there are a lot of adults that play this game with erm Jobs so we will im afraid on Deso always be strong after work. This is proven out I believe repeatedly during prime time.

There are plently of people not working 9 – 5. I myself work odd hours. Sometimes 1:30pm till 11pm. Even at that I have repeatly got up at 6am at least once a week. if people did so even one morning a week you would see a massive change.


in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


If Desolation seriously want to beat Vizunah, then player will have to be prepaired to wake up early, 6am and go battle. Too many are fighting to get into WvW at reset and popular times. You server needs you to get up early and theres plenty of talk about this on Desolation Forums

Each guild needs to push a morning team and organise better. Viz are only able to counter Deso in the morning cause they have more numbers at that time. Guild leaders need to realise this and promote early morning raids on their own websites.

We already saw the trouble Iron cause for Vizu last weekend when they logged on early. More guilds need to follow.

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


I personally didnt believe how rampant the arrow cart exploits were until the last 2 weeks. Then i saw viz using them over and over and lol, dont get me started on the exploiting of trebs on safezones.

Border Hopping

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


amazing that the majority of people responding didnt read the OP correctly. Having the outmanned buff would exclude you from the waiting time.

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


While I don’t agree with all the mudslinging going on in this thread it just doesn’t feel right to me that it needs such dedication to be competitive. This morning’s ticks were just wrong, not because we’re losing but because they don’t reflect anything but who can squeeze more time out of their lives to spend in WvW. Which in my opinion is not what a game should be about, competitive or not.

I’m thinking that the point gains should reflect the amount of people on maps (this is alrealdy implemented in a way in the Outmanned buff, extra xp fk yeah) to promote actual gameplay instead of this wierd meta thing with populations.

That said, grats to VS for winning through better points play.

That definently would be way better plus it would mean we wouldnt be facing alot of the same servers each week. and there wouldnt be the pressure to have people up all hours 24/7. The only reason we lose to Viz is because they have more coverage, that had clearly been proven.

[DkR] Dark Reavers (Desolation EU) Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: omphin.1752


Leader: Darkademic
GW2Guilds Page:
Active Members: ~200
Founded: 1999
Location: EU (UK based)
Server: Desolation
Voice Comms: Mumble

Established in 1999, we are UK based guild playing on the EU server Desolation. We focus on PvP (both WvW and SPvP) without neglecting PvE, and strive to maintain a tightly-knit community atmosphere.

We’ve been active in WvW since the first beta weekend and have built a strong core membership of experienced PvPers.

We’re also in the process of strengthening out SPvP-focused membership and so we are looking for players who seek to regularly compete in paid tournaments with a view toward reaching the monthly ones. Ideally new recruits will have good knowledge of every aspect of SPvP and will be available to practice with their teams for at least seven hours a week if not more.

Although we aim to be highly skilled and thrive on competition, our priorities are enjoyment and a strong sense of community and friendship, and this will not change.

We preferably want members aged 18 and older (the average age of the current membership is 26), and want members who can play competitively without taking the game deadly seriously, as we don’t think you have to do so to be successful.

Many of those who join [DkR] are considered members for life, and will always be welcome to participate in the clan even after a long absence.

Places are limited, and we are selective about who we allow to join as we absolutely do not want a zerg guild full of anonymous randoms.

Head over to our website for more information or to apply.



Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Whats going on with Vizunah? some guilds taking a break this week?

Desolation Recruitment, A Tier 1 Server

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


6 Days left to make your minds up guys. Take it from me as new to the server, Desolation is a fantastic server and well worth the investment. In more ways than one, spvp, pve and most of all WvW.

A big thanks from [DkR] guild to the rest of the community on Desolation who gave us a very warm welcome.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Most of the AS guys are on Jade Sea. Please do not make statements when you don’t have a clue

Most? so how many guilds did u actually get this week from Arborstone? Cause it does show

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Quote: Im curious to see how SFR will fare during week-nights without PRX, will deso have a chance there?

Nope, unless you got 40+ zerg running around at 4-10am, which is what gets VS a cushion for when the rest of the players get on. With PRX around that advantage was negated and VS lost. Now they are gone I expect VS’s nightcrew to get them the win this week during the week unless we get some other group in to cover that period.

So [PRX] = [RUIN] ?

PRX did to SFR what Ruin did to Desolation? Jump on a Train destined for a stop and once they reach the destination get bored and leave game/server. Where did PRX go? and what guilds from arbor moved to Vizunah? And dont deny it

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Please Anet, try to implement this trebuchet if only to test how it would fare Vs the regular trebuchet

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


so i just spent my first evening in a while on SFR borderlands where Desolation was getting double teamed all night by Viz and SFR, For the entire 6 hours i played. So much for the alligations from Vizu of SFR and Deso having some kind of alliance.

Had good fun though, pity we were low in numbers.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


XAOC is a hacking guild from hacktide. Discredited whatever you did. Prolly hacked in T1 also.

You fail at trolling

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Well it seems like SFR are going the same way of Blacktide slowly but surely. Having alot of guilds saying " we are taking a break?" Burnout happens to alot of servers that reach T1. I would have hoped that SFR could dominate Vizunah for longer than Blacktide did when it reached T1 but seems SFR is already in decline. I wonder how long they will be able to stay in T1. It amazes me that Vizunah havent experienced burnout like other servers, perhaps they gain alot of new french people from lower tiers which helps to keep them on top. Regardless im sure they have a fantastic community, probably very active server voice coms etc. I only hope SFR hold it together and dont go in decline like Blacktide.

Name 3 "easy" improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Automatic trebuchets, see link below.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


So to Recap:

These New Trebuchets would have about 50 casts on it (number can be altered). For this trebuchet it might cost more supply, prehaps 120. You aim the treb where you want it to fire, it has 50 casts so try to get it right first time if you can. Then you hit the auto cast button and leave the trebuchet and an NPC takes over the shooting for you, where you had the treb aimed and with the force/distance from your last cast. The NPC is just a visual and cannot be pulled interupted from doing its job

Only the person that placed the Trebuchet can alter its aim and power, but everyone can add supply to increase the charges. Perhaps 10 supply would add 5 charges/casts. Alternatively this treb can be used like a normal trebuchet if desired, which would be benefitial if opponents are trying to place siege to take out these trebs.

Regardless of if you keep the types of trebuchets currently in the game while also having these new trebuchets it would free people up from not having to sit pressing 2 all the time. Maybe the casts would be slower or faster thats up to Anet to balance out. Any ideas on how to improve this idea are welcome.

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Only problem I’m seeing is people glitching the AI system.
For example a Mesmer pulling a trebuchet npc a certain way resulting in the npc not being able to walk back, negating the system.

Other than thing I think its fine, as lnng as regular siege doesn’t get this feature.

The NPC would be part of the trebuchet, just a visual explanation as to why this trebuchet fires itself. I also like the other suggestion that you can add more supply to add more charges to the trebuchet and top it up

NPC Trebuchets

in Suggestions

Posted by: omphin.1752


Truth be told that man for man being on a treb is the most efficient way to make progress for your WvW team. The problem is its way too boring. Who wants to sit in the same spot pressing 2 for ages? Not I, yet i do it cause its the best way to help my team.

What I suggest is this. Create a new type of Trebuchet with about 50 casts on it (number can be altered). for this trebuchet it might cost more supply, prehaps 120. You aim the treb where you want it to fire, it has 50 casts so try to get it right asap. Then you hit the auto cast button and leave the trebuchet and an NPC takes over the shooting for you, where you had the treb aimed and with the force/distance from your last cast.

Regardless of if you keep the types of trebuchets currently in the game while also having these new trebuchets it would free people up from not having to sit pressing 2 all the time. Maybe the casts would be slower or faster thats up to Anet to balance out. Any ideas on how to improve this idea are welcome.

[Old] Desolation vs Blacktide vs Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Looks like a BT guild came over to Desolation for a week…

Erm , who would that be ? not seen any

[DKR] Dark Reavers. Been on EB most the evening. From what I can gather, they’ve just ‘come along’ to have a nosey.

Doesn’t sound legit, to me. I’m open to a counter opinion.

DkR are staying on Blacktide, if you have seen anyone from DkR on desolation its someone thats probably just checking out the pve scene then making a stop off in WvW

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


12/01/13 The tide will return in full strength? Updates for guilds recruiting will follow soon

Project Blacktide - Pan Continental Alliance Looking for US and EU Guilds

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


So the tide manages to stay in tier 1, are we waiting for it to leave Tier 1 before we recruit more?

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Congrats to SFR on this weeks win. However, I would like to see how long you stay in tier 1. you are currently facing worn out servers, many guilds and people are not playing GW2 atm due to burn out. If you manage to avoid the burnout phase and keep strong then and only then will you prove yourselves, like Vizunah and Arborstone and unlike Blacktide. I’m hoping people will return to Blacktide in the future so you can experience what we had, but its looking unlikely.

A real match up would be if all 3 servers were fighting with ALL the WvW people on each server. I forsee a similar thing happening to SFR which happened to Blacktide. Maybe im wrong but give it 4-5 weeks and we will see. The first signs of burnout are when several guilds " take a week long break". For your sakes try to avoid doing so, at least all at the one time.

While it is good to see a new server rising to the top im wondering if GW2 will become a flavour of the month server win. You win for a few weeks, burn out and then a new server shows up to take the win and the cycle continues. Time will tell.