Showing Posts For rhayan.9580:
Ok nvm… Btw china has 1.4 billion people, while the world has around 6b few years ago… just saying
They did open chinese server recently so its not completely impossible, also SEA have 600+ million people and online gaming has been growing since 2003
I have been playing guild wars 2 for 18 months now, i enjoy wvw the most. I have invited several of my freinds to the game but most of them didn’t stay long because of severe LAG… I myself have adopted to game lag, been using double dodge all the time because its impossible for me to accurately dodge on time. On Resource Manager, gw2 latency shows 300-400mms while standing alone on spawn. When running/fighting it shoots up to 500-700mms. There are weeks after patch that lag makes the game unplayable for me, and i needed to wait for the next patch and hope that the game will be playable by then, in a year i think 2 month’s is unplayable
So im just wondering if ANET is considering having SEA server, i know we have a large population of SEA players on gw2, but based on my experience, i have invited 10 people but only 1 stayed because of severe lag.
For more info about HoD visit
HoD needs more people, still have plenty of room for any timezone NA, OCX, SEA etc..
need more people/guilds, still have plenty of room for any timezone
(edited by rhayan.9580)
Were far from being a bandwagon, we only won 5 out of 16 match this past 4 months and prior to that we lost 6 months straight. We started to grow slowly last December because we got our first win. We gained a couple of guild since then but most of HoD are used to being outnumbered, server pride exists in HoD.
T3 would surely wash away our fairweathers, but our chance of fixing T3 is a bit higher than before. A HoD-DH-SoS matchup would lock SoS in T3, which is a good start. Also SBI and NSP rating is close enough to give DH and HoD occasional vacation in t4
Edit. right SoS is not gaining high glicko from NSP and SBI, if HoD/DH drain glicko from SoS while NSP/SBI can continue to prevent them from gaining glicko, fixing T3 should be a lot closer.
(edited by rhayan.9580)
Bump, come join us in our fight for T3
Need more people for T3, fairweathers are strongly advice not to come
It amuses me that you haven’t even finished your first week in T3, and this thread is already this deep. IoJ and NSP dealt with what you’re facing for 3 and a half months.
Its HoD 2nd week on T3, and prior to that, we did experience 6 months beatdown just 3 months ago, can’t blame TS if he don’t want to go back to having one sided matchup again
(edited by rhayan.9580)
Adjust the mechanics and make wvw an endgame, where we can only get super cool looking skins at par with legendary, maybe by then most server will have queues and people would stop bandwagoning on a winning server but instead they would choose to transfer to server with less population to avoid long queues
Bump, need more people for tier 3
Bump.. Need more people for t3, YB matchup should be temporary
Not easy to suck glicko from SOS, they would use tons of trebs for several hours if they cant take our stuff by force, NSP being dead most of the day makes it a lot harder
(edited by rhayan.9580)
If your looking for a solid server on t3 – t5, HoD is a good choice, our server only got 3 map queues on reset night, so we have plenty of room for growth on any timezone.
DH Sea crew would surely enjoy farming SOS Sea pug blob, they die very easily and they keep on comming back
My normal latency on wvw is from 220-700,
220 – 250 just standing
300 – 400 running
350 – 700 on fight (10 vs 10)
just want to ask other people from SEA, on what is the normal latency on Gw2 in if anyone got suggestion on reducing it
I think FA is a good choice for you since they have more people on OCX than any server on t3 and below.
Also HoD right now is far from being a bandwagon server, during season 2 people went to HoD because of free transfer, then HoD imploded after season 2. For 6 Months, we were completely beaten and outnumbered, but our CORE guilds and players never gave up till we finally recruit enough people to get our first win in 6 months. Most people on HoD right now have proven their loyalty. We have a friendly and casual atmosphere on wvw which i think the reason were able to recover, unlike other server which completely imploded in just 2 to 3 months of defeat.
We are strong on weekend because we have a lot of PvX guild, on reset night were able to queue 3 maps, and have a decent zerg on 4th map. I think our pvx guilds only raid 2 to 3x per week, but if their is a good reason for the server to push, we could rely on them to constantly show up
Most Filipino’s i know already left the game.
Sa HoD nga pala ako,
You can try visiting
I am also a player from (SEA), If you want to learn more about wvw, whisper me in-game, i spend 95% of my time on wvw.
Getting half of the zerg to ts is very difficult, also their are shortage of commanders on my server, and half of them dont have mic
Ts is still very useful though…
I pugmand a lot and its very difficult to cummunicate with pugs during combat, i was hoping if i could keybind F5 to message like, “stack, regroup on tag”, or " attack, push on tag", it would definitely help commanders
Megaserver made it more difficult for WvW guild to recruit new members from PVE.
showing player’s wvw Server on PVE would definitely help
i cant stay connected for more than 10mins on wvw…
If WvW is dead, the community killed it, not anet.
How can there be different outcomes and new fights each week when every server is tier locked because we, as a community, have stacked servers so much.Anet charging $35+ per transfer is what causes stacking. If they didn’t charge for transfers or were much more reasonable about the cost of it, then you’d see guilds and people moving around a lot more.
Interesting comment. Do you think that free transfers would reduce stacking? That things would just naturally even out over time?
I’m genuinely interested in this topic and would like to get some insight into it from our players’ perspective. (For clarity, I’m not on the WvW Team; y;’all know that. I just found the theory interesting.)
With Megaserver in place, the current transfer needs to be updated
Here is what i suggest
Performance Variable = 100 less for each month without win
T1 = 1800 – PV
T2 = 1700 – PV
T3 = 1600 – PV
T4 = 1500 – PV
T5 = 1400 – PV
T6 = 1300 – PV
T7 = 1200 – PV
T8 = 1100 – PV
I think it’s better to just adjust the transfer cost depending on performance..
Medium(500) High (1000) Very High(1800)
To :
12 Match/3 months No win (500)
4 Match/1 month No win (1000)
Win (1800)
Also, rating should adjust 2x faster
(edited by rhayan.9580)
Massive skill lag (delays then sometimes fast motion catch ups) and rubber banding.
I’m having the same problem constantly since the patch.. even when there are only 3-10 people on the map.. im playing from South East Asia.. Please reverse the changes.. WVW is becoming unplayable for me
I think having in game forum would allow players to be more connected, since megaserver was implemented, it has become more difficult for wvw and pve players to communicate with each other
3 days after buying a tag I use at least 100+ sup rams, 50 sup acs, 10 omegas etc.. On the third day I got my first precursor (Carcharias sold for 190g).
i think the problem is that a lot of people on teamspeak are unable to control themselves and are frequently cursing others and uses offensive words, this might change gw2 ESRB rating from Teen to Mature/Adult
Im also from the philippines,
Using Resource Monitor, my latency on guildwars 2 was 220-350ms, which is supposed to be good since I’m playing from South East Asia. But when I get near a zerg, I feel like im playing on 600ms++ even though my speed is still at 220-350ms.
What kind of issue are you specifically having that could be related to lag?
-Skill lag, rubber-banding, DC
What server are you on?
-Henge of Denravi
Has there ever been a time when you or a friend are experiencing lag, while others in your party are not?
Has there ever been a time where one party in a map is experiencing lag, while other parties in that same map are not?
Do you experience the lag at very specific times?
For example, when 1 zerg is facing another zerg.
If so, can you estimate how many players are in each zerg?
-Cant get near zerg this week.
Other info:
Feb (estimate)
-2 weeks good connection
-2 weeks skill lag and rubber banding
-1st week experiencing skill lag but still ok
-2nd week connection was good
-3rd week skill lag and rubber banding, can’t fight decently during zerg fight 25vs25
-4th week get dc or 1 min lag every time I get near Zerg fight
-I play from South East Asia
-My connection during the previous season was a lot better than today