Showing Posts For themillwater.5846:

Hidden Ranger Pet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I am definitely trying this tomorrow.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I would like to be a student. I’m on the NA server, play a ranger/druid, been attempting to figure out as much as I can on my own by research and random stupid questions. Got a decent handle on the ranger (I think) but at a loss when it comes to the celestial avatar. I also need to work on dungeons so I don’t feel like I’m bumbling around.

Allies Aid

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Thank you very much.

Allies Aid

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Allies’ Aid — When you begin reviving an ally, you use search and rescue on them. Increase revive speed.

Do I have to have search and rescue equipped in my skill bar or will my pet just start helping me when I revive someone?

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I’d love an item that would un-soulbind equipment, making it account-bound until it gets soulbound again. I wouldn’t mind if it cost x silver/use similar to the salvage-o-matics.


LOVE this idea too!!!

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Key ring, or some other kind of item that stores all your keys and other similar map-specific items (shovels, crowbars, acid, machetes, etc). I’m DROWNING in these items and I’d pay good money to get them gathered up, easily transferred between alts and ideally eating up less bag space. It’s making me reluctant to switch between alts, which this game otherwise seems very encouraging of and keeps me from burning out.


Transmuting onto a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I plan on transmuting mine when I get it, I’m not going run around looking like im dropping skittles and firing my little ponies.

Who will be the villain in the 2nd expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


An Evil Pact, where the racial enemies team up because the bad guys “deserve a happy ending”. Your race will weigh on how your story goes. If you are silvari you do find Mayllak and his tree. His tree is more like the nightmare court (like mordermoth intended ) because it didn’t have the influence of ventari. I don’t know enough about the other races to make a stab at what theirs would be. Could lead up to fighting a dragon in the end.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


A permanent portal to friend stone, takes you to the location of a friend, costs 1-2 silver per use or a limit on daily use. Can not be used in jumping puzzles, dungeons and fractals. I would use this on a very regular basis.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: themillwater.5846


More nodes for your home instance, more things like the salvage-o-matic. Storage tab for PVP/WvW and fractal stuff (much like the material storage tab). Due to be a broke woman most of the time I’m not going to spend money on something that is strictly cosmetic. And not gemstone related but could you give us the ability to put labels on the different bank tab slots?

New 80 ranger...current state of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I have no problems kiting my target when using the smokescale. I send him in to pull aggro while I dance around poking them with arrows. The smoke field has saved my back loads of times. Pets do need improved, would be nice to see a bit more control over their other abilities. Many times I wish I could control the takedown.


in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Thank you, you guys made me breathe a sigh of relief.


in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I was looking up random things to craft. I had gotten the druid staff when I made my druid, but salvaged it when I got a better one. Did I screw myself on every getting ythe druid staff?

New 80 ranger...current state of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Half-noob ranger here… I mostly PvE and like to use the smokescale mainly. He can take a beating plus has a take down attack that helps with a break bar decently. The F2 creates a smoke combo field. The tiger is the other one I equip because of the the fury.

Chuka and Champawant spreadsheet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: themillwater.5846


You are awesome, thank you


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: themillwater.5846


That could be fun, I would be a Space Ranger with a pet named Mr. Roboto. I would have a bow made out of meteorite that shoots arrows made out of crystalized stardust. My space suit will be purple. My guild hall will be hollowed out mountain side located in the Delta quadrant.

Chuka and Champawant spreadsheet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: themillwater.5846


yeah, it’s a complete list (summary) of materials you can buy from TP…
The things which you can’t obtain by money, but by playing the game are not included.

Oh thank you very much! But it looks like even though I started the quest the final bow is going to be far out of my reach because of the globs of destabilized matter. On the bright side I’ll have more than enough time to get the rest of it saved.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I would probably spend gems to get a jetpack…

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I am because of rage monsters that will get their panties in a bunch if I don’t stand on one leg, hands at 10 and 12 while humming the ride of valkyries in D minor.

Chuka and Champawant spreadsheet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Is this for the completed bow? I’ve been looking for one so I can start on the materials.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Cursed Shore, Southsun and Frostgorge me the best results. But even then it wasn’t that many. I have resorted to save gold and buy them.

Short Bow?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Been looking at and trying all the build links posted. Some of them i didnt quite have everything for so been having to improvise a bit. That led to me playing around with it some more. I tried this today

Now I was doing PvE have no clue how or if it will work PVP or WvW or if it worth a hoot at all. I would do the spike trap followed by the poison trap, it caused the binding roots to pop up, then I used the damage glyph, hit the 3 skill on the short bow started kiting firing the short bow. Used the smokescale X skill, followed by short bow 4 and 5. Then went back in when the traps recharged.

I don’t have my armor listed because I’m on my tablet on break right now and gw2efficiency’s api is down right now. I do remember the condition damage is the main one on all but the helm, accessories are condition damage, armor runes are 5 nightmare and one sunless.

How did I do?

Short Bow?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Short Bow?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


the short bows attack pattern is generaly Burst Bleeds+poision volly vs Grouped foes.

it works great when combined with Traps (even if not trated because of the rapid Projecile speeds the AA gives)

don’t use Bristleback with SB you may think its better because of the bleeds but again a person will be running 2x sources of bleeding and 2x range sources with 1 CC concussion shot and little escape kitten 3 isn’t a repostion but a evade skill as to that you’ll need a Sword+dagger as a second weapon set not S+T as that still offers little escape.

this set up for pvp
the idea of this set up is to Evade while applying HARD poison damage and bleeds are only the top up condition.

the tiger is to provide team fury and 100% fury uptime + a leap to apply the poison damage , ontop of that the Nature magic line will buff up the pet through Transfered boons from teammates while you provide it with plenty of Protection through heal as ones+protect me’s and counts as a vigour source 12seconds of vigour from LR +> heal as one before the duration ends tops up a extra 3seconds of vigour.

the sigil choices are for increased Bleed bursts with geomancy and flank bleeds using SB, the sword sigil of speed is to increase its application rather than mass stacks as Sword now hits much more than before it also applies the most direct poison damage as both are combined with evades (damage while surviving/evading then Sword 2 back f2 the pig pick up your item feathers ect use that to stealth and plant the vipers nest for a Large poison damage > into a consussion shot)

people won’t see the trap or you but if they react too quickly and leap you while you leap back on sword 2 they will fly into the trap taking 9+poison master stacks after all poison applications it can reach 14 poisons and a average of 12-14 bleeds after weapon swaps.

the main point of this build is to force weapon swaps and rotate between Volly shots and sword+dagger evades mixing in Poison fields while escaping rather than using Poison field + sword because using SB AA + poison field does the most damage application and protection through Applied weakness.

meaning you are always fighting at 900yards anyway .

Sotp is simply your Burst / Dive skill if you need to deal increased damage quick or escape / hold your ground while you perform the evade poison chains (not being forces away from a target greatly helps with application)

Striders defence the Reason for this is Pure Projecile survival 50% of projeciles are Destoryed and this skill alone saves you a lot of damage, it is easier to aim for Evade gaps with ranged weapons this prevents that and decreases Sword 2,3 cooldowns in addition to dagger dagger off hand + quick draw it allows consistant Evading .

you need to consistantly applying poison rather than bleeds focus the bleeds are a top up which happen through normal rotations , make sure to flank AA when kiting alone and Sword AA flanking on a escape followed by a foe leaping at you into the poison field i mentioned dagger 4 > Sword AA then evade as required .

the down side to this build is odd , it works better when the foe is highly Aggressive or needs to hit you constantly which only powers rune of thorns increasing your condi damage bursts of poison making the pet stronger plus poison master stronger.

its cons vs foes that " test the waters and wait for the largest portion of the poison application" it reduces the overall damage by a large chunk but i wouldn’t worry too much as you can keep evading and the longer the fight the more Thorn stacks you gain.

Rooting with entangle or using a druids ancient seeds is counter active to this build you want people to over stretch or over reach and immobolising them or slowing them down too much Hard CC lowers the flanking chances which lowers chances of doing the evade chain+ SB AA>volly damage(vollying from the sides deals significantly more damage after a petswap+weapon swap.

the poison volly chain follows this pattern.

start defensive with the saimoth drop the f2 as a bait item save for around 20seconds or untill you LR back to it as a safe zone , if plasma go hard pressure and damage hard use the over reaching foe and force yourself into the flank then do this

Volly 5 poisons 5-8bleeds)petswap(2-4 poisons leap f2 +7 bleeds from critspet skill 4)> AA twice > SB 3 or LR (if needed) > crippling shot > weapon swap +viper nest > evade chain sword 3> sword 2 leap back in> dagger 4>sword 2 or 3 (due to quickdraw recharge) > swap SB repeat.

this chain combo provides 12-14 poisons on average plus those 12 average but consistant bleeds though the bulk of the damage is comming from pet buffed+poisons , using Concussion shot vs Ranged foes only and AA prevents free casting while you send the pet in with F2 leap+poison, if you want to gap close do the saimoth combo and use feathers or plasma attack chain.

its all about skillfully kiting using both weapon sets , though SB alone as a main weapon isn’t worth the effort .

also if you do try this build and find Dagger not your style swap for Sword+axe and change off-hand training for Shared Anguish or refined toxins for a top up damage on Path of scars attack (first attack after swap provides great Line CC and applies poison 3 stacks after a pet swap too)

saimoth optional though i do say use it just because of the plasma item and Fortifying bond>heal as one is too strong to pass up.

as you can tell running a SB build is highly complex and not as simple as just using LB+staff or LB+gs it required much more skill to pull and land attacks which are not rapid or spammable (like Quickdraw mauls ect) the lb+ gs or staff builds are way more flexible in choices of Utility and enough for any pet choice too as they have enough inbuilt defences to repostion and stay at range , so using a bristleback is more viable as compaired to being in near melee range where a Feline / wolf/ pig /drake would be more beneficial to the SB build.

Thank you very very much for the detailed explanation, I will be giving this a go when I get home!

Short Bow?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Thank you very much everyone, gives me a lot to think about. I started using the short bow because I was having issues with getting rushed/swarmed and the damage of the longbow going down because of the lesser range thing. Point blank shot helped a bit but the cool down took to long for my tastes. Barrage was giving me issues because of the way you had to stand still and then the buggers would run out of the arrow fall. I tried a sword, greatsword, axe, dagger, I sucked.

Tried the short bow and I did fairly good with it. I did put 5 runes of the nightmare and 1 rune of the sunless on my armor to help with the condition damage. I’m still playing around with the other stuff but do try and lean for more condition damage. I love the smokescale and mainly go with the bristleback for the second one. I do a lot of kiting when attacking, constantly circling most of the time. I still use a longbow for when they are a distance from me but switch when they get closer.

Short Bow?

in Ranger

Posted by: themillwater.5846


When the new legendary short bow was announced I read a fair amount saying it sucked for rangers, but was good for theif. I mainly use a short bow as a ranger and was just wondering if anyone could explain the resoning for people not liking it for a ranger. Please keep in mind I’m half a noob.

[Myth] Mythological PvX/NA/SBI

in Looking for...

Posted by: themillwater.5846


I’m on Isle of Janthir, any chance I could join? Been playing a few months solo, but still consider myself a noob. I don’t know the terminology, never played an online game like this. I just know I like to go kill stuff and have fun playing.

Looking for help on Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: themillwater.5846


Been playing for a few months and I’m wanting to get into a guild. But here’s my problem, I’ve never played an online game like this. I don’t know a lot of the terminology, don’t exactly know how to go about getting a good group. And the times I have tried I either didn’t get a response or got booted from a group. I know I’m not going to be a good fit for every group and don’t expect everyone to want me. I’m just starting to get a tad frustrated with trying to find someone that would be willing to explain and work with this noob.