Want really for sure where to put this one. I fed the cat in the new fractal what was listed on the wiki and it is still mewing at me “expectanly” . Is it bugged out is there an item not listed?
Attempting this devil of a puzzle again. I’ve used Dulfy’s guide before. Was just wondering if there were any other guides that were as good or better?
It’s probably because you updated and they didn’t
Wouldn’t show for me at all, please I need my home goodies
Everything with it is just fine, just finished it on lvl 25. Now just waiting on my fractal buddies to get on to go for 100
I wonder if we’ll run into some type of undead city. Sylvari are dragon minions broke free from Mordremoth. They have their own city and society. So why couldn’t the undead minions of Zhaitan have the same thing now? They are free if the dragon’s influence, unless he really isn’t dead.
The dude in the white fancy outfit, who is he? I don’t recognize Mr. Sparklepants.
I saw a while back sometime had put up a piece on what is the easiest/cheapest route to get a full set of accessories and back piece. I can’t seem to find it again. Please help, I want to hurry up and finish out my viper’s set. Thank you in advance.
Just tried to do an unranked match with some friends. Three of us were on a ranger, when the third ranger went to click accept it wouldn’t let him. When did this change? Is it going to be only for the duration of the ranked matches? Is it supposed to be only for ranked?
I don’t have a lot of spare money so I don’t buy keys because they have tomes of knowledge and transmutation charges in there. I have close to 250 tomes just sitting in my bank, I have absolutely no need for them. If they removed those two things and replaced them with something else I would probably buy keys more often.
I know you can go back and harvest the Orchids you plant. Is this once a day per account? If you miss a day is it just gone or does another one grow? I have a friend that said she thinks that happens.
If they are worried about the economy make it to where you have to make a “legendary sigil” to get the ability. Instead of mats it takes so many if certain types of sigils. Sigils still sell and we can have what we want.
Thank you guys!
I’ve been trying to find a raiding group/guilds that runs raids roughly 4p.m.-8p.m. central time (utc -06) with a larger time frame on the weekends and a couple of nights during the week. I have minor experience, with a few kills, running a full ascended magi druid. Working on getting a scepter/war horn ele set up, but still have much practice to do on it. About every time I look in the lfg all there I can find is either roles I don’t have or they want more experience than I have. I really want to be able to run raids more often. Anyone know of any groups/guilds?
No I didn’t and now I feel like a boob for not reading good enough.
I went to go change the stats of some ascended armor I got from boxes to the Thackeray’s stats. I made the insignia, had it in my inventory, but when I went to the mystic forge it wouldn’t pick up the insignia. Is it not possible or is this a bug?
I just got the bass guitar and I have been trying to find Thunder kiss 65. Anyone know where I can find it?
Thank you very much
My daughter has her own account, but no cell phone. Can I set up text message authentication for her account using my phone even though I already have my phone linked to my account? Does it create any problems?
I’m only a couple of cars away from having them all. It’s a real giggle to see them in my home instance. I plan on taking my mini-me around to get them all for her home instance too. It would be really fun to have other animals that you could collect up, ferrets would be my vote. They could hide stuff all over your home instance.
I often have the bug of the vine line for skill 4 showing up for a few seconds when trying to do skill 5. The need to have a target thing for 1 is a bit annoying in some cases.
I just loved the whole story! As far as the attachment thing could just really be a thing that the commander is exhausted and has a lot to deal with. I am super curious where the whole story going to go next. And yes I agree, THERE NEEDS TO BE A PLUSHIE! ANET YOU MUST GIVE US A PLUSHIE!!!! THE PEOPLE DEMAND A PLUSHIE!!!
I didn’t even think about the cost of having to buy the WOW expansions in addition to the monthly fee. That makes me appreciate the way they do things even more. Otherwise I more than likely would not play with having to pay $160 for the time we’ve had HoT. Sheesh, maybe I should buy gems a little more often. I’ve already saved a load of money with the way they do things. Wonder what shines i could get…
If I remember right WOW is around $15/month. That means we would only get 3 1/3 months of play for the price of the $50 expansion. Gem store purchases are nice, but I’ve never seen where they are needed to play the game. Just pretties and convenience. Which you can still get by trading gold into gems. I will buy the next expansion without feeling like I’ve been cheated because all the previous ones were included. Because I got to log on every day month after month to play and visit with friends without worrying if I have the money for this month’s subscription. I don’t feel I deserve a discount for the times I spent real money on gems for the same reason. It’s either the way it is now or monthly subscription fees. Even if it was $10 a month that would be $120/ year compared to $50 for what is soon to be a years worth of play. Things are fine the way they are.
Yes please fix it.
I totally missed the direct damage part, thank you.
I thought it was generated through heals, but when I was reading a build on meta battle it said to use Whirling Defense for a strong cleave and Astral Force generation. How does that work? Here is a link to the build I was reading.
Smokescale-The Jerk
Tiger-Mother kitten (it is seriously kitten)
Bristleback- Fluffy
I can imagine this for a future elite spec (Bunny Thumper???
), but otherwise, it is too special to be on core-Ranger.
I WANT A BUNNY THUMPER!!!!! Maybe make it where it could take the place of the F2 skill when near a downed enemy? When you use it it puts your F2 skill cool down and maybe add 5 seconds or so to it?
game client will not get to log-in screen
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: themillwater.5846
Hey all, still using Centurylink, in the Denver Colorado area. Game is working just fine for me still after changing my DNS servers to Google’s.
This article shows how to do it if you are unsure how to set your DNS manually. After you set your DNS I recommend flushing DNS cache and renewing your IP connection. This can all be done through a command prompt.
Easiest way to run a command prompt is go to your start button and type cmd. Windows will pull up Command Prompt. Right click it and run as administrator. (You don’t need quotation marks for commands) First command to type is “ipconfig /release”, then type “ipconfig /flushdns” and lastly type “ipconfig /renew”. Once Windows renews your connection, you can check that you are using the manually input DNS servers, by typing “ipconfig /all”. Look for DNS servers and make sure it’s the choice you put in. Close your command prompt window and try running GW2 normally.
I can’t guarantee it will work for you, but it does for me. I was able to raid and fractal last night and am still logging in today with no issues now.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This worked perfectly for me. I can play again!!! And it was super easy for this computer idiot. Thank you again.
game client will not get to log-in screen
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: themillwater.5846
I’ve given up trying to log in until I can get a hold of my brother (I am not smart about the computer at all) or I see someone say it’s been fixed.
Arena net has responded see the above thread
Thank you for posting this, I hadn’t seen it.
I’m getting a tad cranky because we have no responses at all from anyone except “it’s not us”. Would be nice to at least hear something to the effect of " we are working on it" from someone.
Still getting the same exact thing. I’m a computer idiot so I guess I get to sit back and twiddle my kitten thumbs on my night off till it gets fixed.
Missouri and century link here too. I’ve been having the same problem on both computers. I’ve reset my modem even though everything else net wise has been working fine. I noticed it starting at 6 p.m. yesterday. Tried this morning and still the same thing. I’m starting to twitch thinking about my time gated stuff I’ve missed out on.
I would like to see the ability to learn new skills with the current weapons. I would like to be able to whack someone with a staff on the druid. Pistol whip someone with the pistol, smack them with the butt of the rifle, etc. Could make it take a skill points, make it a special type of skill point, make it take an experience track that only fills when you are fighting with that weapon, something. Then after you get it you get to select your weapon skills like you do your other skills.
I’ve seen people mention rally botting. What is it? Is it using a cheat or what?
Sweet, thank you everyone. Time to go play around
I’ve never played a necro before and I’m going to give it a shot. Ive done a bit of reading on them but was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of some good guides and/or give me some pointers. .
This is the link to it, says a chak pops up out of your body when you die. Can’t find any vids of the death animation and I would really like to see it.
(NA) Isle of Janthir
I have all the nodes for my home instance that you can get through achievements, map vendors, laurels and the gem store. It gives me a bit of extra goodies and I can take my friends in there so they can get extra goodies too. I have really been wanting the home nodes that you get through the black lion chests. Been working on saving up gold so I can to get them. I really want a decked out home instance to take people through and because i think it would be nifty. I’m not asking for the nodes themselves, just some gold to help out. Thank you in advance
(I now have a snow truffle node )
(edited by themillwater.5846)
Q about logging right into guild halls
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: themillwater.5846
Would be very nice if we could log right into the guild hall. There’s times I want to start off in the guild hall for various reasons.
That would be nice to have. Many times I have wanted them to hurry up and kill me so I could way point.
What is /gg? Sorry for the noober question.
Thank you very much. I am in NA and what does TTS stand for? I’m still half a noob on a lot of abbreviations.
OK, thank you. .
Your welcome
Salvage equipment you aren’t going to use. Anything green and lower. Sell the green runes and sigils to the merchant (they usually are a pain to sell on the trading post and you really don’t get much more more than a vendor). If you have a guild you could donate items to the guild bank. Make an extra character to store items (you won’t be able to store items soul bound to another character on it) Buy 18/20 slot bags off the trader as you can. Save up gold to convert into gems to get extra bag slots on your character or extra slots on your account bank.